Religion Notes
Religion Notes
Religion Notes
Religious Fundamentalism
- Is the unwavering belief in the infallibility and superiority of religious
teaching. It is the belief of a community in the absolute authority of the
sacred text in its specific religion or faith. (Altemeyer and Hunsberger,
1992, 2004).
- from the Latin word, Fides which means faith.
-defined as exclusive or basic reliance upon faith alone, accompanied
by a consequent disparagement of reason and utilized especially in the pursuit
of philosophical or religious truth.
a fideist is someone who urges reliance on faith rather than reason,
in matters of philosophical and religious.
-Alvin Platinga (Reformed Epistemologist) –
Everything is studied from God’s perspective.
2. Yes. Religion is absorbed by philosophy.
Philosophical Religion/Rationalism
- the position that reason has precedence over other ways of acquiring
knowledge or, more strongly, that it is the unique to knowledge. (For
Educational Purposes Only).
-Auguste Comte-
Everything is studied from the perspective of reason.
A. Philosophy- doctrine. Naturalism- everything is material
Religion-Salvation - “Suprema Lex salus animalum”
-It is more on event
B. (Origin) Philosophy- wonder, curiosity= desire to know
Religion- desire to be saved, communion with God.
C. (Method) Philosophy- general experience + natural reason
Religion- experience of the Divine
D. (Certainty) Philosophy- Logical- everything is clear; no room for doubt
Religion- ambiguity, darkness, mystery- leap of faith
E. (Language) Philosophy- concepts, definition
Religion- symbol
F. Sociologically Philosophy- Experts- teachers, professors, doctors
Religion- Saints
Real things which can never be experienced Real things which can be experienced
o God exists but He would be noumenal
1. Similarities- Ethics- absolute
Religion- (Ethos) it has also Ethics; beliefs/doctrines= way of life.
2. Differences- End/Role of Ethics: make us more human
End/Role of Religion: make us more divine
Max Scheler
- The goal of ethics is the perfection of man. (To act as human beings not
beasts). The role of ethics is to make us more human.
Why is God not considered as a mother?
Similarity- Transcendence
B. -Art- How?
-Religion- What?
D. Magic and Religion
“Hocus Focus” from the Latin words, “Hoc est Corpus Meum” This is My
Magic- An attempt to submit one’s power to mysterious forces.
1. Attitude of Man
Magic- control over mysterious forces
Religion- loss of control: we are here to do the will of God
2. In Relation to Society
Magic- Personal
Religion- Communal or Community
3. Instrument
Magic- Uses word and rituals to make something happen (to
effectuate something
Religion- Uses words and rituals to please God
4. Purpose
Magic- to earn (money)
Religion- to worship God
Real Definition
Religion is essentially the right ordination of man to God.
Ordination from the Latin word “Ordinatio” which means order.
Right Ordination means it entails relationship which is not only Ontological,
but must be personal therefore, a matter of choice. It must also be conscious.
Since there is no Pure RE, then there must be a culture, ethnic group, religious tradition.
III. The Essential Dimensions of the Divine and the Religious Attitudes
A. Real
B. Transcendent
- Aside from being real, God is also experienced as something b
eyond our knowledge, our capacity to comprehend. We cannot totally
grasp something infinite with our finite capacity.
C. Mysterious
-God is radically mysterious in His existence, essence, nature, and
- In fact, it is God who wants to reveal Himself to us because we
cannot bare His experience. We will explode. Let’s examine the fact of
death experience, it difficult for us to bare. How much more with our
experience of God?
-Therefore, God is incomprehensible yet, knowable (apprehensible)
since we can know certain things about Him.
D. Personal Dimension
- We are like God, but He is not like us; Our likeness of Him is just a
semblance. That’s precisely why we pray because God is not a
concept. He is person. “No one prays to a concept”.
The real purpose of the study of the spiritual life is not to produce scholars but to form
holy Christians.
The Philosophy of Religion is like a response of man to God’s revelation. In
philosophy, we study God in our own perspective, from our own experience (subjective).
While in Theology, we study God as we can know Him (objective).
- Our approach to this course is phenomenological which means back to the
things themselves. The motto of Phenomenologists is analysis and
descriptive. Analysis of experience/living experience.
Many of the great religious traditions were founded on the inspiration of people who
had experiences of revelation so profound that they appeared to their contemporaries to have
particular spiritual insight and authority. They taught what had been revealed to them and
during their lifetime attracted followers. After their deaths, movements sprang up, of people
emulating them and following their examples and teachings. Many religious traditions came
into being in this way and have continued over the centuries. Here are a few experiences,
which led to the founding of four major religious movements.
1. Siddhartha Gautama, who is thought to have lived in the sixth or fifth century BCE, was a
North Indian prince with a wife and child. In what became known as the Great Renunciation,
he left palace and family to seek to understand the meaning of life, suffering and death. After
much fruitless searching and years of extreme ascetic practice he sat down under a tree,
which later became known as the Bodhi Tree, vowing to remain until he gained
Enlightenment. Once he felt that he had indeed understood the true nature of reality, he began
to teach the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path and became known as the
Buddha, the Awakened One. He taught for about forty years and Buddhists follow his
teachings, whether in the Mahayana, Theravada or Vajrayana schools.
2. Moses who is thought to have lived in the twelfth century BCE, was reputed to have had an
experience of seeing God face to face and of communicating directly with God on Mount
Sinai. He was transformed into someone whom his peers could hardly look at, so brightly did
he reflect the majesty of God. After this experience, by working miraculous signs he was able
to persuade Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt, where they had spent years
enslaved. He subsequently led them out of captivity towards the Promised Land. In
Deuteronomy it is recorded how on Mount Sinai he received the Law from God, which is
summed up in the Ten Commandments. He is regarded as the founder of Judaism while also
being revered by Christians and in Islam as Musa, who conversed with God.
3. Jesus was born in Palestine around 6 BCE and lived in close communication with God,
whom he called ‘Abba’ which is a familiar term for father. After his baptism by John the
Baptist Jesus preached the coming of the Kingdom of God, told parables and performed
healing and other miracles. He travelled around Palestine with his twelve disciples,
preaching and healing, his ministry lasting for about three years before he arrived in
Jerusalem. There he was arrested and crucified. Scripture tells us that after his death there
were appearances to his followers, who became convinced that he had been raised from the
dead. They began to worship Jesus as the risen Messiah, Christ, the Son of God. As they
spread the word and the movement grew away from Judaism, the Christian Church was
4. Muhammad was about forty years old in 610 CE when he began having visions which
were so powerful that he feared for his sanity. He was instructed by the Angel Gabriel to
recite (Qur’an means ‘recite’). It is said that he then received and taught the Qur’an, which
was only later written down. He taught for twelve years in Mecca, before moving to Medina,
where he founded the religion of Islam, which means ‘submission’ (to the will of Allah).
Some years later, he returned to Mecca, conquering the city and establishing it as the main
site of pilgrimage.