Selenium Dengan Microwave
Selenium Dengan Microwave
Selenium Dengan Microwave
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Av. Gral. Paz 1499, B1650KNA-San Martín, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Vol. 23(4), July/August 2002
TABLE IV performed at high temperatures
Graphite Furnace Temperature Program (90–100ºC) since the redox
Parameter Drying Pyrolysis Atomi-- Con- equilibrium is temperature-
Step 1 Step 2 zation ditioning dependent (11). To convert Se(VI)
to Se(IV) for maximum efficiency in
Temperature (°C) 110 130 1100 2150 2400 the generation of SeH2, the digested
Ramp time (s) 1 15 10 0 1 samples were heated at 95ºC for 15
min in (1+1) HCl solution.
Hold time (s) 30 30 20 5 2
The effect of tetrahydroborate
Ar flow rate (mL min-1) 250 250 250 0 (read) 250 (III) concentration on the Se
response was also examined.
Optimal Se signals were achieved
with 3% (w/v) NaBH4. For
concentrations higher than 3.5%,
the sensitivity decreased slightly.
The optimized chemical and
physical hydride generation
parameters are listed in Table II.
The generation of SeH2 is very
fast and is estimated to take place
in less than 10 ms (12). The
generation conditions were
optimized taking special
consideration of the kinetics of
the reaction since Se is normally
reduced faster than the interfering
transition metals. A rapid separation
of the gaseous products was also
taken into account.
Three typical transition metals
present in dietary supplements
were tested in order to evaluate if
the Se signal is affected in their
presence when optimized
Fig. 1. Interference study. conditions are used to generate the
Se hydride. The concentrations of
Cu, Mn, and Zn listed on the labels
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION increases with higher power. The of brands A and C were 1 mg, 5 mg,
addition of peroxide to the nitric and 20 mg, respectively. The labels
Selection of Digestion Reagents acid was necessary to increase the of brand B listed 2 mg Cu, 2.5 mg
The selection of the type and oxidation efficiency. Mn, and 15 mg Zn.
amount of acid concentration and
MW operating parameters is HG-AAS vs. ETAAS to Determine All solutions analyzed contained
important for the successful Se in Dietary Supplements 60 µg L-1 of Se and the results are
dissolution of the samples. Nitric the average of three measurements.
Owing to the high oxidation
acid was used due to its excellent The amounts of Cu, Mn, and Zn
potential of acid mixtures, most
dissolving capabilities. Preliminary added represent 30, 70, and 100% of
parts of the selenium species are
studies demonstrated that a the content of each metal in the
probably converted into selenate.
maximum power last-stage was dietary supplements according to
A pre-reduction step for converting
beneficial for better digestion label claims. The maximum
the selenium species into Se(IV) is
(9,10). This is attributed to the concentration of the metals in the
necessary in all HG procedures
fact that the rate of the digestion final solution were 6 µg mL-1 Cu;
because only Se(IV) is capable of
reaction of acid decomposition and 30 µg mL-1 Mn, and 120 µg mL-1 Zn.
generating the Se hydride. This
oxidation power of the acids Figure 1 shows that the interference
reduction step should be
Vol. 23(4), July/August 2002
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1-A Vitamins-minerals-aminoacids 20 20.0±0.9 2. E. J. Underwood, Trace elements in
human and animal nutrition,
2-A Vitamins-minerals-aminoacids 20 21.1±0.8 Academic Press, New York (1971).
3-A Vitamins-minerals-aminoacids 20 22.1±0.9 3. J. L. Gómez-Ariza, J. A. Pozas, I.
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5-A Vitamins-minerals-aminoacids 20 17.9±0.7 4. O. Wada, N. Kurihara, and N.
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1-B Nutritional supplement 25 81.1±3.3 6. L. Fishbein, Metals and their
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3-B Nutritional supplement 25 35.0±1.1 7. A. M. Fang and K. W. Kizer, West J.
4-B Nutritional supplement 25 27.8±1.0 Med. 153, 160 (1990).
8. C. B´Hymer and J. A. Caruso, J. Anal.
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1-C Se-enriched yeast 20 29.5±1.3 9. P. Smichowski, L. Valiente, and M.
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3-C Se-enriched yeast 20 10.0±0.5 10. J. Marrero, S. Farías, and P.
Smichowski, Quim. Anal. 20, 13
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