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Automatic Labeling Machine and Method

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,232,540

Southwell et al. 45) Date of Patent: Aug. 3, 1993
54) AUTOMATIC LABELING MACHINE AND 4,381,21 i 8/1983 Nechay ............................... 156/361
METHOD 4,392,913 7/1983 Baumli..... ... 156/584
4,452,659 6/1984 Geurtsen ............................. 156/361
(75) Inventors: Paul R. Southwell; Walter C. Miller, 4,612,079 9/1986 Ostrow ............ 156/542 X
Jr., both of North Wilkesboro; 4,676,859 6/1987 Cleary, Jr. et al. ................. 156/361
Harold A. McKew, Jr., Moravian 4,685,982 8/1987 Kucheck .......... 156/361 X
Falls, all of N.C. 4,944,827 7/1990 Lilly ......... ... 156/384
5,032,211 6/199 Shinno ..... ... 156/361
(73) Assignee: thaca Industries, Inc., Wilkesboro, 5,106,448 4/1992 Freeman ...... ... 156/361
N.C. 5,112,429 5/1992 Costas ............................. 156/361 X
21 Appl. No.: 767,213 Primary Examiner-David A. Simmons
22 Fied: Sep. 30, 1991 Assistant Examiner-Charles Rainwater
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Olive & Olive
(51) Int. Cli................................................ B65C 1/00
52) U.S. C. .................................... 156/361; 156/384; (57) ABSTRACT
156/542; 156/584; 221/71 A labeling machine is provided for the automatic trans
(58) Field of Search ............... 156/541, 542, 361,584, fer of labels with a pressure sensitive adhesive from a
156/384; 221/71, 73 release backing to the surface of a package containing a
(56) References Cited product or to the surface of a product (hereinafter re
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ferred to as the "product'. The labeling machine com
prises a product transport system, a label transport sys
2,920,780 1/1960 Hauschild ....................... 156/542 X tem and a label transfer system. The product transport
3,428,509 2/1969 Messmer ......................... 156/542 X system moves the product into a labeling position. The
3,436,294 4/1969 Marano ........................... 156/361 X
3,450,590 6/1969 Mers ............................... 156/361 X label transport system moves labels which are on a
3,970,506 7/1976 Kwan .............................. 156/542 X backing from a supply reel, through a label stripper to
4,082,595 4/1978 Slater .............................. 156/361 X separate the labels from the backing, and the backing
4,188,252 2/1980 Brown ................................. 156/361 continues to a takeup reel. The label transfer system
4,214,937 7/1980 Geurtsen et al. ................... 156/36 picks up the labels stripped by the label stripper on a
4,255,218 3/1981 Stageberg.......... . 156/361 X vacuum platen and applies the labels to the products
4,255,220 3/1981 Kucheck et al. .................... 156/285
4,270,968 6/1981 Dudzik et al. ...................... 156/36 being so identified.
4,349,405 9/1982 Dudzik ................................ 156/358
4,367,118 1/1983 Karp .................................... 156/497 9 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Aug. 3, 1993 Sheet 1 of 5 5,232,540









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U.S. Patent Aug. 3, 1993 Sheet 5 of 5 5,232,540
A further objective of the present invention is to
AUTOMATIC LABELING MACHINE AND provide a labeling machine which will place a label on
METHOD a package in a variety of positions and orientations
according to the design of the package.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION An additional objective of the present invention is to
This invention relates to the field of labeling ma provide a labeling machine which will adapt to and
chines, and more particularly to machines for the auto handle various sized labels.
matic transfer of pressure sensitive adhesive coated A still further objective of the present invention is to
labels to packages containing products or directly to the provide a labeling machine which will control the feed
products. 10 ing of the labels to the product package in a simple and
effective manner.
BACKGROUND OF THE PRIOR ART The specific objectives mentioned above and others
Identification of a product by the application of a as will occur to the person skilled in the art will become
printed label on the product itself or on the package in 15 apparent as the disclosure following is read.
which the product is contained is an important part of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
marketing and of providing information to the pur
chaser. The label must be informative and it may be The invention disclosed relates to an automatic label
decorative to add to the appeal of the package. Among ing machine and method for use in placing a variety of
the most popular and versatile types of labels in use 20 labels on a variety of different sized and shaped pack
today are those which use a pressure sensitive adhesive ages in a manufacturing environment. The machine
and which are typically supplied to the manufacturer of described incorporates a series of switches on the pack
the product on a release coated backing film from aged product conveyor to sense the approach of the
which the label may be stripped readily. packages, interpose a positioning gate, and actuate a
In some instances a sales package may be preprinted 25 label transport system. The label is moved forward
with the required information, but there are many cases through a unique label stripper with its release backing
in which preprinting is not practical. The addition of a until the driving mechanism is stopped by a signal from
label makes the packaging and identifying process more a photosensitive switch. The label is next picked up by
flexible and allows the use of a single type of bag or box a vacuum platen and applied to the surface of the pack
for a number of different products, thereby reducing the 30 age containing the product held at the gate. At the point
manufacturer's investment in packaging materials. of application, the vacuum, which is generated by a
One particular example of the need for flexibility is in Venturi tube, is reversed to a blast of positive pressure
the textile field where a variety of sizes or styles of to ensure proper adhesion of the label to the package.
garments, i.e. shirts, underwear, etc. are packaged in While described in reference to labeling packages
plastic bags which must be labeled differently for con 35 containing products, it is to be recognized that the auto
sumer information, store inventory information, and matic labeling machine and method of the invention
pricing. It is often practical to use the same type bag to may also be used for applying labels directly to the
hold different kinds of garments. The applying of differ surfaces of products.
ent labels to bags of the same type and which contain BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
different products allows the required flexibility.
In addition to the needed flexibility of being able to FIG. 1 is a flow chart which relates switch actions to
put different labels on the same type bag, there is also a machine actions in the method of labeling and operation
need to apply labels on different types of bags which of the labeling machine of the invention.
contain different types of product. Thus, if the same FIG. 2 is a schematic elevation view of the labeling
manufacturer were to package socks in a small bag and 45 machine illustrating the principal operative components
pajamas in a large bag, machine flexibility as to the of the invention which are typically supported by a
position, orientation and size of both package and label frame, not shown.
is also useful. The ability to variably orient the bag and FIG. 3 is a perspective depiction of a series of pres
the label in relation to each other makes design and sure sensitive labels as supplied on a typical release
customization simpler and possibly more effective. 50 backing strip and illustrated passing between a light
In the prior art, U.S. Pat. No. 4,270,968 for "LABEL source and photosensitive switch positioned for use.
LING DEVICE’, U.S. Pat. No. 4,392,913 for “LA FIG. 4 is an enlarged detail elevation drawing of the
BELLING APPARATUS', and U.S. Pat. No. label stripping device of the invention dispensing a label
4,676,859 for "LABELING APPARATUS' describe and the vacuum platen positioned to receive said label.
machines for labeling and relate to some aspects of the 55 FIG. 5 is an enlarged perspective view of the label
problem being addressed and are included herein by stripping device with a label projected therefrom.
reference. While each of these patents teaches an aspect FIG. 6A is a schematic drawing of the label stripping
of handling and applying a label to a package containing device adjusted to dispense the labels in an upwardly
a product, the present invention provides a novel ma angled orientation.
chine and method for labeling automatically with sev FIG. 6B is a schematic drawing of the label stripping
eral unique features. device adjusted to dispense the labels in a level orienta
It is an objective of the present invention to provide tion.
a labeling machine which will control and position the FIG. 6C is a schematic drawing of the label stripping
product package to which the label is to be applied. device adjusted to dispense the labels in a downwardly
Another objective of the present invention is to pro 65 angled orientation.
vide a machine that will reliably and automatically FIG. 7A is a sectional elevation drawing of the Ven
apply a label to a variety of different sized and shaped turi tube with an open solenoid valve so as to function
packages. to create a vacuum at a vacuum location.
FIG. 7B is a sectional elevation drawing of the Ven When the package to be labeled is in labeling position
turi tube with a closed solenoid valve so as to function against gate 16, switch 14 senses the product package
to transmit a positive pressure at the prior vacuum loca PR in step B and signals the label applicator 20 which is
tion. holding the label by vacuum. The label applicator 20
FIG. 8 is a bottom plan view of the vacuum label descends by action of a linearly actuatable pneumatic
pickup platen. cylinder.
FIG. 9 is a schematic plan drawing of the three way Once platen 75 with the label is in close proximity to
adjustable mounting apparatus of the labeling machine. the product package, the vacuum which has been hold
FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of the electrical com ing the label is no longer needed. When switch 14
ponents used in the labeling machine system. 10 caused the label applicator 20 to descend, it also started
FIG. 11 is an exploded perspective view of the vac timer T2 to run for a cycle of 0.5 seconds. In step C
uum label pickup platen. timer T2 concludes its 0.5 second period and causes the
direction of air flow through platen 75 to change from
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED vacuum to pressure. This causes a rapid blast of air to
EMBODIMENT 15 exit platen 75 and positively release the label from
In the flow chart which relates switch actions with platen 75 and onto the product. Reversing vacuum to
corresponding machine actions as shown in FIG. 1 the pressure at platen 75 augments the primary mechanical
sequence of operations of the labeling machine (illus force applying the label to the product package, thus
trated in FIG. 2) of the present invention is outlined. A overcoming the tendency of the label to remain on
label may be applied by the labeling machine of the 20 platen 75.
invention to either a box or a bag containing a product At the same time as timer T2 activates the air flow
or to a product surface directly. The object to be la reversal from vacuum to pressure, it also causes the
beled, for example a plastic bag containing a shirt, is stroke of the label applicator 20 to reverse and return
brought to the labeling machine by a mechanical con the platen 75 to the top position. Product position gate
veyor or a gravity conveyor chute which conforms 25 16 is also reversed so as to open and allow the product
fairly closely to the width dimension of the object. package PR, now having been labeled, to pass.
The sequence of operations described below as In FIG. 2, conveyor 10, which may be a gravity
shown in FIG. 1 is conducted by the labeling machine chute or a driven conveyor, is configured with adjust
illustrated schematically in FIG. 2. The overall operat able side plates so as to conform to the width of the
ing system of the labeling machine of FIG. 2 may be 30 product package PR. The width of conveyor 10 is ad
thought of as involving three interrelated systems justed so as to be sufficient to allow the product pack
which are actuated according to the series of controls age PR to freely pass but close enough to the width of
briefly outlined above. One system is the product pack the product package PR to restrict significant lateral
age PR conveyor system. A second system involves the movement. The bed of conveyor 10 may be of any
movement of label L and backing B. A third system
35 appropriate design, including rollers or air cushion fric
transfers label L from backing B to the product package tion relief. Conveyor 10 conveys the product package
PR. PR into a position to be labeled by the machine. Posi
tioned adjacent conveyor 10 are product package ap
In step A of the flow chart of FIG. 1, switch 12 senses proach switch 12, product package positioning gate 16
the product package approaching the labeling position and product package position switch 14.
on the conveyor which action initiates the complete Conveyor 10 is illustrated in the preferred embodi
machine sequence. Switch 12 sends a signal to a product ment as a gravity chute mounted at an angle to the
package positioning gate solenoid valve 16a which acts horizontal sufficient to allow product package PR to
to close gate 16 which is adapted to stop the product move smoothly to the appropriate position below the
package in a known location. Gate 16 is activated by the 45 labelling machine to receive a label in a specified loca
signal to block the path of the product package in a tion. In other embodiments, such as a driven belt con
labeling position below a label applicator 20. Simulta veyor, conveyor 10 may be mounted horizontally. In
neously, switch 12 also actuates electrical clutch either configuration switch 12, which acts to sense the
CL/BR and vacuum initiating timer T. Clutch CL/BR approach of product package PR, is located adjacent
couples a drive to a label advancing roller 60 so as to 50 conveyor 10 a distance from the desired labeling loca
cause one label in a series of labels on a release backing tion greater than the length of product package PR.
to be advanced. The timer T1 operates and after a preset Product package positioning gate 16 is mounted adja
interval of time connects a vacuum source to platen 75 cent conveyor 10 in a location so that, when closed, it
of the label applicator 20. The preset time interval is will stop the forward movement of product package PR
established in the example as 0.2 seconds to allow the 55 in the desired labeling location. Product package switch
label being advanced by the drive the time needed to 14 is located adjacent conveyor 10 in a position to sense
arrive at the label applicator platen 75. When timer Tl the presence of product package PR in the desired la
acts to connect the vacuum source to the platen 75, the beling position.
suction created picks up the label and holds it by the In operation, product package PR travels along con
non-adhesive side, leaving the adhesive side exposed veyor 10 in the direction of the arrow. As product
and facing toward the package containing the product. package PR actuates product package approach switch
The forward motion of labels and backing which was 12, switch 12 transmits a signal to solenoid valve 16a
initiated by switch 12 in step A continues until stopped which conducts pressurized air so as to close gate 16.
by photosensitive switch 56 in step D as discussed in Position gate 16 is configured as a plurality of parallel
greater detail below. The signal generated by photo 65 rigid bars attached to a pneumatic cylinder and is
switch 56 deactivates the clutch CL/BR and simulta mounted perpendicular to the plane of conveyor 10.
neously activates a brake portion, stopping label mo Gate 16 when closed acts to block the travel of product
tion. package PR on conveyor 10, thus stopping each prod
5 6
uct package PR in a known position for repeatable, in light transmissibility of the two alternating substrates
accurate label placement thereupon. When product results in differing amounts of light passing through.
package PR moves into position adjacent gate 16 for Photosensitive switch 56, which receives and responds
label application, product package position switch 14 to light beam 55 from light source 54, will therefore
closes. The signal generated by position switch 14 acti detect the end of each label L and generate a signal. The
vates label applicator cylinder 20 by means of solenoid signal generated will actuate the brake portion of
valve 20a and moves platen 75 downwardly to bring clutch/brake CL/BR and stop the movement of back
label L with its adhesive side facing product package ing B and labels L. In the preferred embodiment, light
PR into contact with product package PR so as to ad source 54 is fiber optic unit lR23PMRA and photosensi
here to the surface thereof. Switches 12, 14 may be of a 10 tive switch 56 is sensor OSBFV, both connected to
physical contact, photosensitive, or other style to detect power block OPBT2, all items supplied by Banner Elec
the package or product to be labeled. tronics. Other types of signal generation and signal
The labels which are correct for use in the machine sensing capable of detecting label movement may be
and method disclosed herein are coated on a first side employed, such as electrical capacitance or light reflec
with a pressure sensitive adhesive and laminated onto a 15 tion.
flexible backing sheet. Next the label material is printed A heater 58 (FIG. 2) is located between idlers 50, 52
on a second side and die cut to size, still adhered to the and adjacent the path of backing B in close proximity
release backing. Die cutting will create an open space thereto so as to warm the adhesive layer of label L. By
between labels and space all labels uniformly separated so warming the adhesive, label L will release more
on the backing sheet. The space used in the preferred 20 easily from backing B and subsequently adhere more
embodiment between adjacent labels is 0.125 inch (3.175 firmly to the product package PR when applied thereto
mm). The composition of the adhesive and the backing and cooled. In the preferred embodiment heater 58 is an
release coating, as is known in the manufacture of la electric resistance type heater which operates continu
bels, are such that the adhesive coated label may be ously and has variable power input so as to enable regu
easily removed from the backing but it will stick firmly 25 lation of the temperature achieved and thus the effect
to other types of surface, particularly the product or on the label adhesive.
package being labeled. The laminated labels and back After changing direction around idler 52, backing B
ing are then wound into a roll for mounting on the next travels to and through label stripper 40 where each
machine supply reel. label L is removed from backing B. Label stripper 40 is
Labels L with backing B are transported from supply 30 shown in enlarged detail in FIGS. 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C.
reel 64 through the machine. Supply reel 64 is driven by FIG. 5 shows label stripper 40 in perspective view as
the tension on backing B as backing B is pulled forward label L is being stripped and projected off backing strip
by intermittently driven roller 60 in conjunction with B. Backing B is being pulled under tension in the direc
idler 62. Roller 60 is driven through clutch/brake set tion of the arrow and passes under control bar 44 and
CL/BR as discussed below. Reel 64 is equipped with a 35 approaches stripper bar 46. Backing B sharply reverses
braking device (not shown) to prevent overspin and to its direction of travel over the small radius of bar 46 as
maintain tension on backing strip B. The tension on it passes around bar 46 while label L, due to its stiffness,
backing B is desirable in order to properly strip label L. continues moving forward in a straight line. Stripping
from backing B and to keep backing B in a straight line label L from backing B by making a change in direction
between each pair of consecutive devices in its path around a small radius has been made easier and more
through the labeling machine as will be further dis reliable by first warming the adhesive of label L by
cussed. Backing B travels from supply reel 64 over idler heater 58 as described above. As will be shown below,
50 so that the segment of backing B beyond idler 50 is label L is now in position to be temporarily picked up
maintained in constant alignment regardless of the then by platen 75 (FIG. 4).
current diameter of the supply quantity of backing B 45 Label stripper 40 may be adjusted in its angular orien
and labels L on reel 64. Takeup reel 66, driven by a slip tation to accommodate and properly strip various sizes
clutch, winds up backing B from which labels L have and configurations of label. As illustrated in FIG. 5,
been stripped. stripper 40 is mounted on shafts 48a, 48b which may be
After backing B and labels L pass idler 50, their path centrally positioned as shown in the preferred embodi
intersects a line between light source 54 and photosensi 50 ment or eccentrically positioned with respect to side
tive switch 56 which devices are axially aligned with plates 42. Shafts 48a, 48b are fixedly connected to the
each other. Photosensitive switch 56 is adjustable in its outward facing surfaces of each side plate 42 and are
degree of light sensitivity in a range at least sufficient so axially aligned with each other. Control bar 44 and
that the amount of light from light source 54 which stripper bar 46 are substantially parallel to each other
passes through backing B alone will actuate switch 56 55 and fixedly mounted to and between side plates 42. Bars
but the amount of light which passes through backing B 44, 46 are separated from each other by a distance at
plus label L is insufficient to so actuate. least sufficient to allow label L and backing B to pass
FIG. 3 is a perspective representation of a series of therebetween. In the preferred embodiment, stripping
labels L on backing B with light source 54 and photo bar 46 is 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) in diameter and control
sensitive switch 56 operative thereupon. As it is illus 60 bar 44 is 0.1875 inch (4.7625 mm) in diameter. The
trated, there is a gap separating each adjacent pair of center lines of bars 44, 46 are separated by 0.500 inch
labels L on backing B which gap creates a differential in (12.7mm). Whereas the preferred embodiment employs
light transmissibility which the photosensitive detection a pair of smooth surfaced, rigid, round bars, other cross
apparatus can sense and to which it can react. As back sectional shapes may be used if desired. A support bear
ing strip B moves in the direction of the arrow and 65 ing (not shown) supports the outer end of shaft 48b. A
passes light beam 55 emitted by light source 54, the split block locking clamp 49, which is tightened by
beam alternatingly impinges plain backing B and the thumbscrew 49a, supports the end of shaft 48a. By re
combination of backing B plus label L. The difference leasing locking clamp 49 so shaft 48a may be rotated,
7 8
the relative positions of bars 44, 46 are adjusted as is When label L is moved downward into label applying
depicted in FIGS. 6A, 6B, 6C. An alternate configura contact with the product package PR by label applica
tion wherein shafts 48a, 48b and stripper bar 46 are tor pneumatic cylinder 20, Venturi solenoid valve 80a
coaxial will function adequately to strip and position closes outlet 84 as seen in FIG. 7B. This valve closing
labels L with precision. The rotating of stripper 40 and causes the pressurized air Pi entering inlet 82 to be
repositioning of bars 44, 46 allows for precise adjust rapidly forced out through outlet 86. This air runs
ment of the projecting angle of label L as it separates through tube 88 replacing vacuum suction to platen 75
from backing B. This obtains a fine control of the posi and blowing label L off platen 75.
tion of label L on platen 75 and subsequently on each A further detail of the face of platen 75 is shown in
product package PR. As will be understood by those 10 FIGS. 8, 11, a bottom plan view and exploded assembly
skilled in the art, the ability to adjust the relative angle of platen 75. The vacuum which holds label L onto
between label L and platen 75 is useful to adjust for platen 75 is conducted to the surface through a series of
accurate positioning of labels of different sizes and dif small holes 77 in face plate 70. In the preferred embodi
ferent degrees of stiffness. As will be seen by compari ment, air passage holes 77 are configured as two seg
son of FIGS. 6A, 6B, 6C the degree of adjusting label 15 ments, an inner rectangle 70a and an outer "L' shaped
stripping angle is substantial and reliable. segment 70b. Ducts in channel plate 72 direct vacuum
FIG. 4 illustrates that label L parts from backing B suction to segments 70a, 70b separately, with the duct to
and is immediately taken up by the vacuum suction "L' shaped segment 70b able to be closed by valve 78.
applied by tube 88 through platen 75. It is important By this means, the vacuum may be applied to both
when loading the machine with labels to orient the label 20 segments 70a, 70b or to only the smaller rectangular
supply roll so that the printed side of labels L will be segment 70a, allowing for an adjustment of the opera
closest to platen 75 and the adhesive side of label L is tive size of the vacuum surface to accommodate labels
facing toward product package PR for adhesion L of different sizes. In alternate embodiments, other
thereto. Platen 75 is fixedly mounted to the free end of numbers of groups of holes 77 may be configured hav
rod 22 of cylinder 20. 25 ing some or all of these groups controlled by shutoff
Returning to FIG. 2, after backing B has passed strip valves.
per 40 and label L has been transferred to platen 75, FIG. 11 illustrates the inner workings of platen 75 by
backing B continues toward mating rollers 60, 62 which an exploded view. Platen 75 is comprised of three sub
are the sole means of tension and drive for the backing stantially flat plates of substantially similar external
through the machine to that point. Roller 60 is driven 30 dimensions, face plate 70, channel plate 72 and connect
intermittently by a motor through electrically operated ing plate 74. Plates 70, 72, 74 are assembled by means of
clutch/brake set CL/BR. Roller 62 is an idler which screws 71 which pass through holes 73a, 73b, 73c at
presses against driven roller 60 so as to clamp and posi each corner of the three plates with the holes 73a in face
tively control backing B. When the brake is applied and plate 70 being internally threaded to match the thread
the clutch is simultaneously released, rollers 60, 62 stop 35 of screws 71. Plates 70, 72, 74 are assembled with inter
rotating and backing B stops moving. The braking de spersed gasket material or compound (not shown) to
vice connected to supply reel 64 stops reel 64 from prevent air leaks.
further rotation once roller 60 stops pulling backing B. Connecting plate 74 is fixedly attached to piston rod
Takeup roll 66, which functions to collect the stripped 22 of cylinder 20. Also attached in pneumatic communi
backing, is somewhat smaller in diameter than supply cation through plate 74 are connecting tubes 76, 79
roller 64 due to the fact that backing B alone requires which are commonly connected to tube 88. Tube 79 is
less volume to store after labels L have been removed. supplied from tube 88 through valve 78 which valve is
Takeup roller 66 will preferably be continuously urged operative to shut off the connection to tube 88.
to rotate by means of a slip clutch (not shown) connec Channel plate 72 has two holes formed therethrough,
tion so that roll 66 will maintain constant tension on 45 rectangular hole 72a and "L' shaped hole 72b, which
backing B and wind up backing B when rolls 60, 62 holes are similarly sized and shaped to segments 70a,
move backing B forward. When rollers 60, 62 are 70b of holes 77 through face plate 70. Thus, tube 76 is
stopped, roller 66 will be still and the slip clutch will positioned in connecting plate 74 so that when plates 70,
continue to rotate. In construction of the labeling ma 72, 74 are pressed together in assembly, vacuum or air
chine of the invention, the drive for roller 60 and takeup 50 from tube 76 will flow through hole 74a in connecting
roll 66 may be derived from the same motor source and plate 74 and through hole 72a in channel plate 72 and
transmitted by chains, gears, etc. to the respective segment 70a of holes 77 in face plate 70. Similarly, tube
clutch/brake or slip drive unit or the like. 79 is positioned in connecting plate 74 so that when
The vacuum for holding labels L to platen 75 is gen plates 70, 72,74 are assembled, vacuum or air from tube
erated by Venturi tube 80 and transmitted by tube 88 as 55 79 will flow through hole 74b in connecting plate 74 and
shown in detail in FIGS. 7A,7B.. The major function of through hole 72b in channel plate 72 and through seg
Venturi tube 80 is the conventional operation of estab ment 70b of holes 77 in face plate 70. When valve 78 is
lishing a moderate vacuum by the use of a pressurized shut by appropriate control, not shown, vacuum or air
air flow as shown in FIG. 7A. By infusing pressurized will be supplied only to tube 76, hole 74a, hole 72a, and
air Pi into inlet 82 and out of outlet 84 as Po, an increase segment 70a, thus reducing the operative size of the face
in diameters within the tube from inlet 82 to outlet 84 of platen 75.
will cause a vacuum V to occur at the point that the As described above, the labeling machine of the pres
internal diameter increases, which vacuum is transmit ent invention has substantial capability to adjust to ac
ted to vacuum inlet 86. Inlet 86 is connected to platen 75 commodate labels of different size and different paper
by tube 88 and the vacuum V thus created is transmitted 65 stiffness. The use of labels of a shape other than rectan
to platen 75 to hold label L. In this way, a manufactur gular may be handled by using a portion of platen 75 as
ing facility that has a supply of pressurized air can sim described and illustrated or by using a platen of similar
ply create a moderate vacuum. concept but dissimilar physical configuration. As an
example, a round label may be used with the present Counter Cl may be any device to restrict actuation of
platen if it covers enough of the platen holes 77, or it backing B so only a single label L is advanced each
may be better accommodated with a platen having a cycle.
round pattern of holes. When product package PR stops at the labeling posi
Further, it may be required to place a label onto a tion adjacent gate 16, product package PR is sensed by
package or product in a different orientation or loca switch 14 which closes, energizing label applicator
tion. If, for example, the primary labeling location were cylinder 20 by solenoid valve 20a and timer T2 through
the lower left hand corner of the package or the prod normally closed switch 32. Solenoid 20a causes appli
uct, one may have to place the label in the upper right cator 20 to descend. Timer T2 runs through its cycle
hand corner. Alternatively, if the label were required to 10 and when completed closes switch 15 which actuates
be rotated 90' or 180', other means of adjustability are relay R. Relay R opens normally closed switches 32,
needed. The entire labeling machine of the invention is 32". As seen above, switch 32 will open to open gate 16
mounted on location adjusting units as shown in FIG. 9. through solenoid 16a and reverse vacuum to pressure
The labeling machine is mounted on turntable 90 which by solenoid 80a. Switch 32' will cause label applicator
is able to be rotated and locked in increments of 90'. 15
Other degrees of angular adjustability could be adapted, 20 to be raised by action of solenoid 20a.
as well. The labeling machine is placed on turntable 90 The electrical actions described here, in practical
so label applicator 20 is radially beyond the periphery of application are augmented by relays to affect the ma
turntable 90 and can descend to apply labels to product chine actions needed. Alternatively, the electrical sys
package PR without interference as may be needed in 20 tem may be manifest in a fixed or programmable logic
any orientation. A representative placement for the circuit. Such description is here omitted to concentrate
labeling machine is indicated by the location of applica on principles.
tor 20, shown in dashed lines, as will allow labels to be Whereas the major components and their operative
applied to a package product below the mounting appa relationships were described herein in schematic form,
ratus. 25 it is to be understood that the actual machine is con
Turntable 90 is supported on linear traverse nuts 92 structed about a frame which serves to support and to
which travel along lead screws 94 when screws 94 are contain the various devices.
rotated. Lead screws 94 are actuated by a common Having disclosed the present invention by means of a
drive (not shown) so as to impart motion to both nuts 92 preferred embodiment, it is to be understood by those
simultaneously, causing turntable 90 with the labeling 30 skilled in art that other possible variations may be devel
machine to move along a path parallel to screws 94. The oped. The example used herein is, therefore, not to be
ends of each lead screw 94 are mounted into cross construed as a limitation of the principles and the scope
blocks 98 which have low friction bearings adapted to of the invention.
hold screws 94 and allow them to rotate freely. In holes We claim:
perpendicular to the bearings of blocks 98 are internal 35 1. A labeling machine for the automatic transfer to
lead threads which match the threads of transverse lead the surface of a package containing a product or to the
screws 96. Screws 96 are similarly commonly driven. surface of a product (said package and product being
Thus, it is seen that rotation of screws 96 moves the hereinafter referred to as the "product”) of a pressure
labeling machine mounted on turntable 90 in a "X" sensitive adhesive coated label forming one of a series of
linear direction, rotation of screws 94 moves the ma such labels releasably secured in spaced apart positions
chine in a 'Y' linear direction and rotation of turntable on a light transmitting flexible release backing, said
90 moves the machine angularly. Therefore, the objec labeling machine comprising:
tives of label placement versatility are accomplished. (a) a supply reel adapted for having mounted thereon
Actuation of the turntable or lead screws by pairs is a roll of continuous length release backing with
done according to the preferred embodiment by means 45 spaced apart pressure sensitive adhesive coated
of crank arms, each shaft having a locking ability. Alter labels laminated thereto;
nate means, such as a motorized screw drive may like (b) a takeup reel adapted for reeling onto said takeup
wise be employed. reel said continuous length of release backing after
FIG. 10 portrays the electrical control circuit for the said labels have been stripped therefrom, said re
machine functions described. The illustrated circuit 50 lease backing normally extending along a defined
enables a voltage source on the left side to be connected path between said supply and takeup reels;
to ground on the right side when all the switches in a (c) a label stripping device coated in said path be
connecting horizontal line are closed. Switch 12 (which tween said supply and takeup reels and adapted for
senses the approach of product package PR) closes to stripping each successive label from said release
actuate product package position gate solenoid valve 55 backing during passage through said stripping de
16a and vacuum timer T1 through normally closed vice and for positioning each such stripped label so
switch 32. Valve 16a closes product package position that the plane of said stripped label is angularly
gate 16 and vacuum is actuated at the completion of the variable with respect to the plane of said defined
cycle of timer T1 by solenoid valve 80a actuating Ven path immediately prior to said backing contacting
turi tube 80. Switch 12 also activates counter Cl and the 60 said stripping device so as to place said label in a
clutch part of the clutch/brake set CL/BR through first position overlying a labeling position for the
normally closed photo switch 56. Alternate initiation of product to be labelled, said label stripping device
label advancement, such as label applicator 20 returning comprising:
to its top position, may be employed. When counter Cl (i) a pair of substantially parallel equal-length strip
goes from zero to one and photo switch 56 senses the 65 ping bars each having a first and a second end;
end of label L, switch 56 opens, signifying the passing of (ii) a pair of substantially parallel side plates
a single label, and reverses clutch/brake CL/BR from mounted to said first and second end respec
clutch function to brake function, stopping label L. tively of said stripping bars and rotatably adjust
11 12
able to position said stripped label accurately in prises a driving shaft and an electrically actuated
said first position; and clutch/brake unit.
(iii) releasable clamping means capable of allowing 7. The labeling machine as claimed in claim 6 further
the rotational adjustment and the locking of said comprising a heater mounted adjacent the path of travel
side plates and stripping bars in the adjusted 5 of said labels and backing in a location intermediate said
position; supply reel and said label stripping means and adapted
(d) a label applicator device having a platen with a to warn the adhesive layer of said labels.
substantially flat bottom surface and apertures 8. A labeling machine for the automatic transfer to
formed in said platen communicating with said the surface of a package containing a product or to the
bottom surface, having means to selectively apply a O surface of a product (said package and product being
vacuum or positive air pressure to said apertures hereinafter referred to as the "product”) of a pressure
and having means to raise and lower said platen, sensitive adhesive coated label forming one of a series of
said platen being operative when vacuum is applied such labels releasably secured in spaced apart positions
to grasp said stripped label from said label stripping on a light transmitting flexible release backing, said
device at said first position, and when said platen is 5 labeling machine comprising;
lowered to a second position contacting the prod (a) a supply reel adapted for having mounted thereon
uct in said labeling position to apply positive air a roll of continuous length release backing with
pressure through said apertures to adhere the spaced apart pressure sensitive adhesive coated
stripped label to the product; labels laminated thereto;
(e) means to stop the product in said labeling position 20 (b) a takeup reel adapted for reeling onto said takeup
below the platen in coordination with stripping and reel said continuous length of release backing after
placement of said label in said first position; said labels have been stripped therefrom, said re
(f) means to advance the release backing having said lease backing normally extending along a defined
pressure sensitive adhesive coated labels laminated path between said supply and takeup reels;
thereon; and 25 a label stripping device located in said path between
(g) means to stop the advance of said backing and said supply and takeup reels and adapted for strip
labels responsive to a signal generated by a sensing ping each successive label from said release back
device operative to sense the advance of each said ing during passage through said stripping device
label. and for positioning each such stripped label so that
2. The labeling machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein 30 the plane of said stripped label is angularly variable
said platen is configured with said apertures arranged in with respect to the plane of said defined path imme
segments, said means to selectively apply said vacuum diately prior to said backing contacting said strip
or pressure being separately connected to each of said ping device so as to place said label in a first posi
segments and one or more of said segments of apertures tion overlying a labeling position for the product to
having valve means enabling said vacuum or pressure to 35 be labelled, said label stripping device comprising:
be selectively disconnected therefrom. (i) means to sharply reverse the direction of said
3. The labeling machine as claimed in claim 2 wherein release backing; and
said means to selectively apply a vacuum or pressure to (ii) means to alter the angular orientation of said
said apertures comprises: backing reversing means with respect to said
(a) a Venturi tube having an air inlet port, an air 40 defined path so as to control the position of said
outlet port and a vacuum port and with a source of label relative to said first position;
pressurized air connected to said inlet port and (d) a label applicator device having a platen with a
further having said vacuum port connected such substantially flat bottom surface and apertures
that a vacuum is generated at the vacuum port formed in said platen communicating with said
when said pressurized air is connected to the air 45 bottom surface, having means to selectively apply a
inlet port; and vacuum or positive air pressure to said apertures
(b) a solenoid valve operative when energized to and having means to raise and lower said platen,
close said outlet port to cause said pressurized air said platen being operative when vacuum is applied
to be forced out of said vacuum port as a pressure to grasp said stripped label from said label stripping
exhaust. 50 device at said first position, and when said platen is
4. The labeling machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein lowered to a second position contacting the prod
said sensing device operative to sense the advance of uct in said labeling position to apply positive air
each label comprises: pressure through said apertures to adhere the
(a) light source means positioned to direct a beam of stripped label to the product;
light at and through said release backing and series 55 (e) means to stop the product in said labeling position
of spaced apart labels laminated thereon; below the platen in coordination with stripping and
(b) photosensitive switch means axially aligned with placement of said label in said first position;
said light source means and capable of reacting to (f) means to advance the release backing having said
reception of the beam of light by actuating an elec pressure sensitive adhesive coated labels laminated
tric circuit; and thereon; and
(c) sensitivity adjustment means capable of adjusting (g) means to stop the advance of said backing and
the photosensitive switch so that it will react to labels responsive to a signal generated by a sensing
differing levels of light received. device operative to sense the advance of each said
5. The labeling machine as claimed in claim 4 further label.
comprising a slip clutch driving means adapted and 65 9. A labeling machine for the automatic transfer of a
connected to apply rotational force to said takeup reel. label having a pressure sensitive adhesive from a trans
6. The labeling machine as claimed in claim 5 in lucent release backing to a package containing a prod
which said means to advance said release backing com uct or to the surface of a product (said package and
product being hereinafter referred to as the "product”), tive to apply said label to a product in a labeling
said machine comprising: location, said label applicator comprising:
(a) a machine frame; (i) linearly actuatable motivating means adapted to
(b) a supply reel operative to support thereon a roll of move between a label receiving position and a
labels and release backing on which aid labels are 5 label applying position; and
laminated in spaced apart relation, said reel being (ii) a platen adapted to hold a label thereto by vac
rotatably assembled to said machine frame; uum means and mounted to said motivating
(c) a takeup reel operative to receive and store said means;
backing after said labels have been removed there (h) a product conveyor adapted to transport said
from, said takeup reel being rotatably assembled to 10 product from a supply location to said labeling
said machine frame, said backing normally extend location, said conveyor positioned between said
ing along a defined path between said supply and supply location and said labeling location;
takeup reels; (i) a product stopping gate mounted on said conveyor
(d) first driving means connected to sa to urge said and adapted to intercept the travel of said product
takeup reel to rotate and to maintain tension on said 15 on said conveyor at said labeling location;
(e) a label stripping device assembled to said frame (j) a product approach sensing switch positioned and
intermediate said supply reel and said takeup reel operative to sense said product as said product is
along said defined path and adapted to strip said approaching said labeling location and operative to
labels from said backing, said label stripping device 20 actuate said product stopping gate;
comprising: (k) a product position sensing switch positioned and
(i) a pair of substantially parallel equal-length strip operative to sense said product when said product
ping bars each having a first and a second end; is in said labeling location and operative to actuate
(ii) a pair of substantially parallel side plates said label applicator;
mounted to said first and second end respec 25 (l) a label sensing switch positioned and operative to
tively of said stripping bars and rotatably adjust sense each said label advanced by said second driv
able to position said stripped label accurately in ing means and to stop said second driving means in
said first position on said platen; and response to sensing said label;
(iii) releasable clamping means capable of allowing (m) a first electrical timer connected and operative to
the rotational adjustment and the locking of said 30 control the time interval of downward travel of
side plates and stripping bars in the adjusted said linearly actuatable motivating means of said
position; label applicator and in response to the termination
(f) second driving means operative to intermittently of said time interval to then initiate upward travel
move said backing and labels, said second driving thereof;
means assembled to said frame along said defined 35 (n) means capable of creating a vacuum, said means
path intermediate said label stripping device and being pneumatically attached to and operative to
said takeup reel; create said vacuum at said label holding platen; and
(g) a label applicator mounted to said frame adjacent (o) a second electrical timer connected and operative
said label stripping means adapted to hold each said to delay the application of. said. vacuum.
label stripped by said stripping means and opera . . .




PATENT NO. : 5,232,540
DATED : August 3, 1993
INVENTOR(S) : Paul R. Southwell, Walter C. Miller, Jr., Harold A. McKew, Jr.
It is certified that error appears in the above-indentified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below:
Column 10, line 52, correct "coated" to read -located.--.
Column 12, line 25, insert -(c)-- before "a label".
Column 13, line 14, correct "to sa" to read -so as--.

Signed and Sealed this

Twenty-ninth Day of March, 1994


Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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