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Description about myself........................................................................................1

Unit 1: Lifestyles (20)..............................................................................................1
Unit 2: Competitions (10)........................................................................................2
Unit 3: Transports (12)...........................................................................................3
Unit 4: Challenges (15)............................................................................................4
Unit 5: The environment (10).................................................................................5
Unit 6: Stages in life (14).........................................................................................6

Description about myself

Good morning, teacher. My name is Trân, and I’m studying Information Security in the
IT department. Currently, I’m a Freshman (1st year) and will become Sophomore (2nd
year) in the next semester.

Unit 1: Lifestyles (20)

1. Tell me one activity that is good for both mental and physical health
 In my opinion it will be volunteer, cause you can do exercise through walking
enjoy everything around, between it make us feel help someone who needs help
2. How often do you take a nap in the afternoon?
 If I was oversleep last night, it will be 2 – 3 hours.
3. Are you usually sleepy in the middle of the day?
 Yes, of course, cause I am often feel drowsy (buồn ngủ, thờ thẫn)
4. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
 If I don’t have any exams or deadlines, it will be 7 – 9 hours. Otherwise it will be
4 – 6 hours.
5. Do you like chatting on social media?
 I prefer having conversations in person rather than chatting online, especially if the
topic is important.
6. Do you ever feel stressed at work or school?
 Yes, of course, it has happened very often when I have final exams at school.
7. Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?
 Yes of course, it always from books of security which belong to my specialization.
8. How often do you check your emails?
 3 times a week
9. Which things make you feel happy?
 I enjoy studying new things, wearing makeup to feel more beautiful and spend
time with my boyfriend.
10. What kind of regular exercise do you do?
 Walking, cause it’s good for heart and I can enjoy the air while I’m walking in the
street or anywhere. I love it.
11. How often are you late for class?
 Sometimes, cause the traffic jam in Ho Chi Minh City can be slow due to narrow
roads and bad weather conditions.
12. How often do you check your phone for messages?
 Always, approximately every 10 – 15 minutes
13. How often do you go on holiday/ travel?
 If I have time and money, I will travel 3 – 4 times a year.
14. How often are you stressed at university?
 2 – 3 months, cause in the university it has so many deadlines and exams.
15. How often do you play board games?
 I often play board games 1 – 2 times a month, like monopoly, or werewolf
16. How do you usually spend your free time?
 I’m usually spend my free time to study new things which belongs to my
specialization, or cooking for my boyfriend.
17. Are you playing a sport these days?
 Sometimes, cause I’m full of week for studying. When I’m free, badminton is a
good choice.
18. Do you like eating out in restaurants? Why/ Why not?
 I don’t really enjoy eating out in restaurants, cause it can be expensive and doesn’t
full for my stomach. Instrad, I prefer choose eating at food street for cheap and
often more delicious.
19. Where do you normally go on holiday?
 I love the air, the architectures and sea foods in Vung Tau City for my holidays.
20. Where do you plan to go on holiday this year?
 I love the air, the architectures and the cold weather in Da Lat, so it will be the
next place to visit for my holiday.

Unit 2: Competitions (10)

1. Are you a competitive person?
 Yes I am, cause I can study new things from join the competitions
2. Do you always like winning?
 Not really, be the winner is awesome, but after all I can studying new things and
have some experienced
3. Do you prefer being a spectator or a player?
 I prefer being a player rather than a spectator, because as a player I can enjoy the
activity and experience of the competition, but as a spectator, I am just watching it
without join the match
4. What sports do you like doing?
 It’s badminton, cause it good for physical and mental health
5. What sports don’t you like watching on TV?
 Maybe it’s boxing, it makes me feel so violence and hurt too through the screen
6. Which famous sports personality would you like to change places with?
 I think I wanna change places with Linol Messi, who is talented, rich and smart, if
I change places with him, maybe I will be rich for a week
7. Do you support a sports team?
 Yes, I do support a sports team, but it’s a small one that my boyfriend is a part of.
I enjoy showing support for him and his teammates, and it’s great way to feel
connected to a community
8. Do you ever disagree with a referee’s decision during a game?
 Yes of course, sometimes referee will be unfair to the other team, make the
spectator feel angry.
9. What sports trophy would you like to win?
 Of course it is a badminton trophy, it’s will be the symbol for my gain, and also
my pride too.
10. Do you find it easy to learn the rules of new games / activities?
 Not at all, but if I stick with it, I can can achieve it.

Unit 3: Transports (12)

1. What’s the best way to get around your town or city?
 I think motorbike is the best way, cause I can feel the wind on my face, see the
beautiful architecture, and the people around me.
2. Is there a traditional method of transport where you come from?
 Yes, it is bus, which is a popular traditional transport, it’s cheap, convenient and
useful for everyone
3. How often do you use public transport?
 Sometimes, I use it for go to school if my boyfriend is unable to pick me up
4. Is there a lot of traffic where you live?
 Yes, of course, very often, cause I live in Ho Chi Minh City, which is the biggest
city and most populous city in Vietnam.
5. What’s the best way of travelling long distances?
 I think it’s air plane, cause it’s faster, easier and convenient to travel between
difference countries in one day
6. Is there a metro where you live or where you come from?
 Yes, of course. There are so many metro systems in my city, but one of them is
particularly large and well-stocked with supplies.
7. What’s your worst travelling experience?
 During our hike, it rained all day, which left us feeling tired and disoriented (mất
phương hướng)
8. Have you ever been on a long boat trip?
 No, I haven’t been on a long boat trip because I get seasick and experience
9. Would you like to have an electric car?
 Yes, I’d love to have an electric car because it would be save fuels and be better
for the environment.
10. Do you have to travel to work or school in the rush hour?
 Yes, I do, it was an exhilarating (hồ hởi) experience. I drove as fast as I could to
make it school on time, and thankfully, I arrived safely.
11. What is the fastest means of transportation?
 It is air plane, which is the fastest way to travel long distances and also the safest
in the world.
12. What is the safest means of transportation?
 It is air plane, which is the fastest way to travel long distances and also the safest
in the world.

Unit 4: Challenges (15)

1. Do you like taking risks?
 No, I don’t, because it can lead to negative consequences (hậu quả) such as
financial loss, health issues, and even endangering one’s life.
2. Are you a decisive person?
 Yes, I am, because I think ahead can anticipate (đoán trước, lường trước) the
negative consequences before taking action.
3. Why do some people find it difficult to make decisions?
 In my opinion, it takes a lot of time to think things through
4. Would you like to go on some kind of expedition (thám hiểm)?
 Yes, I’d love to, because I can learn new skills, and gain a greater understanding
of the world.
5. What kind of person makes a good expedition leader?
 In my opinion, a good expedition leader should be intelligent, experience,
knowledge and well-prepared too.
6. Have you ever been climbing?
 No, I haven’t been climbing before, because of my poor physical health. However,
if there is an event or occasion I would be interested in participating.
7. What do you prefer – mountains or the sea?
 I prefer mountains more, because I have Thalassophobia (chứng sợ nước biển) /
because I’m afraid of the deep sea
8. How good a survivor do you think you would be?
 In my opinion, a survivor should be intelligent, knowledge and certain soft skills
in order to protect themselves and survive.
9. Where were you born?
 I was born from Da Nang city, which is well-known as the city of bridges and
peaceful atmosphere in Vietnam
10. Where did you grow up?
 I grew up in Da Nang city, which is well-known as the city of bridges and
peaceful atmosphere in Vietnam
11. When did you learn to ride a bike?
 When I was 10 years old, my dad encouraged me to learn how to ride a bike.
Although I fell and hurt myself a few times, it created happy memories between
me and my dad
12. Where did you go on holiday last year?
 I went to Vung Tau City with my boyfriend and his friend, and it was a great
experience to explore a new place with beautiful architecture and and a stunning
blue sea.
13. Have you ever broken a bone?
 No, I haven’t broken a bone before. But if it were happend to me, it would be
difficult to go outside for the next 3 – 4 months
14. Have you ever had a job?
 Yes, I have had a job before, it was a small job helping my teacher text editing.
15. Have you ever had an accident?
 Yes, I have been in an accident before. When I was young, I was hit by a
motorbike. Fortunately, I wasn’t seriously hurt.

Unit 5: The environment (10)

1. How much recycling do you and your family do?
 We often recycle from small things like rubbish, plastic,…
2. What kinds of things do you regularly recycle?
 I often recycle rubbish, plastic to plant trees
3. Do you use plastic water bottles more than once?
 Sometimes, if it isn’t good for heath, I will throw it away
4. What can we do to raise people’s awareness of environmental problems?
 In my opinion, the first step should be education, followed by public campaigns,
and then social media to extend the knowledge to everyone
5. Do you ever order things online or by telephone?
 Yes I do, I order things very frequently because it allows me to compare prices
easily. Another reason I choose it because it is more convenient and saves me the
hassle of going outside to buy things.
6. Do you have any problems with online orders?
 Yes I do, online shopping has a lot of ricks, example like: the supplies isn’t same
at online, and also have so many scams on it.
7. What percentage of your friends go online everyday?
 Approximately 60 – 80%
8. How many people in your country have computers in their homes?
 I don’t have exact figures, but a large of percentage of people in my country have
computers in their homes, especially as technology and economy continue to
9. How much paper do you throw away?
 I think approximately 5 – 8 pieces of paper every 3 – 4 months, but I try to recycle
or give away any paper that still useful information or study materials on it to
someone who may need it.
10. Do you use reusable bags?
 Yes I do, because they are an environmentally-friendly alternative to disposable
plastic bags, which can take a long time to decompose and harm wildlife

Unit 6: Stages in life (14)

1. What stage of life would you say you are in at the moment?
 I am in the early stages of my career.
2. What plans do you have for your next holiday?
 I want to visit Vung Tau again, I love the architecture in there
3. What are you doing this weekend?
 I will study Data Structure and improve my English for TOEIC test too
4. What’s the best celebration you’ve been to?
 In my opinion, weddings are the best celebrations because they are a sacred
(thiêng liêng) union that connects two people together forever.
5. Describe a special or traditional celebration in your country.
 In my country, the Hung King’s Festival is a special celebration, that takes place
over 10 days starting on April 20th. During this festival, people from all over the
country come to Hung King’s Temple to honor their ancestors, and pray for good
fortune and prosperity. (thịnh vượng).
6. Do you like dressing up in costumes or masks?
 Yes I do, because I can express my creavity or individuality in a fun unique way.
7. At what age can you drive a car or get married in your country?
 In my country, the legal age for marriage is 18 years old for females and 20 years
old for males. However, the legal age to drive a car is 18 years old for both males
and females.
8. When do you think children become adults?
 In law is 18 years old. However some people may consider someone an adult
when they finish their education, start working or become financially independent.
9. Have you ever had a life-changing experience?
 Yes I have, I have had a life-changing experience when I went to Ho Chi Minh
City to study. It was great to see a new place, and I had so many emotions for this
10. How does your family celebrate birthdays?
 My family doesn’t celebrate birthdays, because they don’t consider it necessary
11. What do you do on New Year’s Day?
 On New Year’s Day, I spend time with family and friends in Da Nang City.
12. Do you think it is a good idea for people to take a career/ study break to travel
for 6 months?
 In my opinion, if they were stress or burn-out too much, this break can provide an
opportunity for them to relax, heal mentally, and gain new experiences.
13. If you could travel for 6 months, where would you go and why?
 I don’t think I’ll stay in one place for long because the more I travel, the more
amazing experiences I’ll have.
14. What do you and your friends do on Valentine’s Day?
 If I’m still single, my friend and I will make time to hangout and chat outside until
late in the evening. But if I’m in a relationship, I will spend time with them

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