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McClellands Social Motivations

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Motivational Analysis Quiz

Each of the following consists of three related statements. Mark the statement
that most closely describes your preference, most of the time. There are no right
or wrong answers.

1. __x_ a. When doing a job, I prefer to have specific goals.

___ b. I prefer to work alone and am eager to be my own boss.
___ c. I seem to be uncomfortable when forced to work alone.

2. ___ a. I go out of my way to make friends with new people.

___ b. I enjoy a good debate.
_x__ c. After starting a task, I am not comfortable until it is complete

3. ___ a. I enjoy offering advice to others.

___ b. I prefer to work in a group.
_x_ c. I get satisfaction from seeing tangible results from my wor

4. ___ a. I work best when there is some challenge involved.

_x__ b. I would rather give direction than take direction from someone els
___ c. I am sensitive to others – especially when they are mad.

5. __x_ a. I like being able to influence decisions.

___ b. I accept responsibility eagerly.
___ c. I try to get personally involved with my superiors.

6. __x_ a. I place importance on my reputation or position.

___ b. I have a desire to out‐perform others.
___ c. I am concerned with being liked and accepted.

7. ___ a. I enjoy and seek warm, friendly relationships.

___ b. I attempt complete involvement in a project.
_x__ c. I want my ideas to predominate.

8. ___ a. I desire unique accomplishments.

___ b. It concerns me when I am being separated from others.
_x__ c. I have a desire to influence others.

9. ___ a. I think about consoling and helping others.

___ b. I am verbally fluent and persuasive.
_x__ c. I am restless and innovative.

10. _x__ a. I set goals and think about how to attain them.
___ b. I think about ways to change people.
___ c. I think a lot about my feelings and the feelings of others.
Motivational Analysis Key
For each question, mark your answer in the space provided. For example, if your
answer to #1 was “b”, put a mark on the line titled “influence”. Then total the
number of marks for each of the three categories.

1. _1_ a. achievement 6. _1_ a. power/influence

__ b. power/influence ___ b. achievement
___ c. affiliation ___ c. affiliation

2. ___ a. affiliation 7. ___a. affiliation

___ b. power/influence ___b. achievement
_1_ c. achievement _1_c. power/influence

3. ___ a. power/influence 8. ___ a. achievement

___ b. affiliation ___ b. affiliation
_1_ c. achievement _1_ c. power/influence

4. ___ a. achievement 9. ___ a. affiliation

_1_ b. power/influence ___ b. power/influence
___ c. affiliation _1_ c. achievement

5. _1_ a. power/influence 10. _1_ a. achievement

___ b. achievement ___ b. power/influence
___ c. affiliation ___ c. affiliation

Scoring: (use your highest score to determine your primary motivation)


{ Achiever
circle one

I am primarily a(n) Affiliator


[Volunteer Management Training Series, Points of Light Foundation; adapted from Mackenzie, Marilyn and Gail Moore. The Volunteer Development Toolbox. 1993.]
McClelland’s Social Motivators
Motivation is at the heart of successful volunteer leadership.

3 Primary Motivators

t Achievement
• Desire for excellence
• Want to do a good job
• Want to advance
• Desire feedback
• Need a sense of accomplishment

t Affiliation
• Like to be popular
• Like to be well thought of
• Dislike being alone in work or play
• Like to help others
• Enjoy and want interaction • Desire harmony

t Power/Influence
• Likes to lead
• Enjoys giving advice
• Enjoys job status
• Like to have their ideas carried out
• Likes influencing an important project

Understand them. Incorporate them into your:

> Recruitment
> Placement
> Management
> Recognition
The Achiever What They Think About:
Achieving goals
Solving problems
Strong performance
How can they do things better?

Strengths: At Their BE
• Well organized They May Display
• Innovative Empowering Behavior:
• Good planners
• Set goals and organize efforts
• Problem solvers
• Measure progress fairly
• Strong initiative
• Share responsibility and authority
• Take personal responsibility
• Clearly communicate vision
• Entrepreneurship
• Want input for greater improvement
Struggles: • Share credit
• Understand it takes satisfied people
• Delegation to others - may not want to give up to achieve success
personal involvement with the task
At Their WO
• Management (interested in doing well, not in
influencing others to do well)
• Process (can be impatient) They May Display
• Valuing relationships and team
• Sensitivity to feelings/needs of others.
Dictatorial Behavior:
• Tend to expect those they work with to also be • Must do things their way
results-driven • Repress innovation or new ideas
• Perfectionism • Block changes
• Calculated risk taking - since they seek to • Are rigid, inflexible
excel, they avoid both low-risk and high-risk

Recognition Ideas Best Types of Roles:

l Give them information about their work or about t Fundraising t Professional tasks
past projects. t Administration t Board of Directors
l Give additional training. t Training t Entrepreneurship
l Give more challenging tasks. t Financial t Leadership of small
l Recognition timing should be based on check- t Data gathering task-oriented groups
points or records.
l Allow for opportunities to give input in goal-related
Qualities of Good Assignment Types:
l Communicate agenda prior to meetings.  Specific outcome targets
l Introduce to new people in terms of proudest  Provides a new challenge
accomplishments. 4 NOT high level executives in large organizations
l Involve in decisions that affect them.
l Color-code name badges to honor time spent in
agency. Needs:
l Give tangible awards which emphasize specific
accomplishments, with "Best" or "Most" phrasing. j Rapid Feedback (don't like to fail)
l Awardees should be selected by co-workers. j Challenges and opportunities to improve oneself
j High standards, unique accomplishments
j Deadlines
Still Not Sure if Your Volunteer is an j Responsibility
“Achiever”? j Checklists
A Possible Clue: j Like to work alone or with other high achievers
He/she has an elaborately organized Palm Pilot!
The Affiliator What They Think About:
Interpersonal relationships
Feelings (theirs and others)
How they can help

Strengths: At Their BE
• Good barometer of climate They May Display
• Team players Caring Leader Behavior:
• Sensitivity
• Good listeners • Build teams to accomplish goals
• Persuaders • Can articulate goals in people terms
• Are sensitive to people's feelings
• Understand that people must see progress
toward goals in order to feel successful
Struggles: and good about themselves

At Their WO
• Over-sensitive
• Dealing with conflict
• Not sensitive to time They May Display
• Need a great deal of affirmation
• Can over-react
Pollyanna Behavior:
• Being alone or with strangers • Will sacrifice goals and outcomes to keep
• Difficulty with being objective other people happy
• Non assertive, dependent • Pay too much attention to socialization
• May show favoritism • Get side-tracked in people's personal lives
• Confuse personal and professional bound-
• Lose their way en route to goals

Recognition Ideas Best Types of Roles:

l Give them information about how cooperative or t Direct client services t Leading teams or
helpful they are. t Public relations support groups
l Recognition should be given at a group event, in t Customer service t Roles providing opportu-
presence of peers, family, etc. t Support activities nities to socialize
l Recognition should have a personal touch. Should t Planning/giving t Roles which offer group
be given by the organization, and voted by peers. recognition to others involvement
l Allow opportunities for socialization on the job;
l Share organizational needs on a personal level; Qualities of Good Assignment Types:
l Take time out for coffee; attend a community event  Team or people-oriented activities
as a group  Relationship building activities
l Publish recognition on a bulletin board
l Smile
4 NOT Management

j To help and be needed
j To be with friendly people
j To feel included and liked by a larger group
j To be supervised by a "leader-friend"
Still Not Sure if Your Volunteer is an “Affiliator”? j Personal recognition
j Opportunities to express feelings
A Possible Clue:
He/she has the biggest list of email
addresses, phone numbers and addresses
The Power/Influencer What They Think About:
Impact, influence and status
What’s in it for me?
Empowering others

What They Think About: At Their BE
• Impact, influence others to further
larger goals, such as those of an
They May Use Power in an
organization. (institutional power) Institutional Manner:
• What's in it for me? Keeping the • Exercise power for benefit of others to attain
power I have. (personal power) group goals
• Leadership, prestige and job • Inspire others to action
status (institutional & personal
• Create confidence in others - help them
achieve group goals
• Empowering others
• Demonstrate clear vision for all to follow
• Finding ways to influence powerful people
• Understand that success results from people
empowered to achieve success
At Their WO
• Door openers
• Strategic thinkers
• Fundraising from individuals They May Use Power in a
• Teachers / trainers Personal Manner:
• Work through hierarchy
• Management • Make groups dependent and submissive
• Exert personal dominance
Struggles: • Use personal power and authority (autocrat)
• Need prestige supplies (biggest desk, nicest
• Dominating
office, newest car)
• Argumentative and outspoken
• Hang on to information (information is power)
• Possibly intimidating to Affiliators
• Use people to get their own way

Recognition Ideas Best Types of Roles:

l Give promotion or job title t Middle and high level t Fundraising
l Give greater access to authority or information. management, decision t Political action
l Include commendation from "big name" in recogni- making t Speaker, trainer
tion t Advocacy (ability to be t Media representative
l Announce recognition to community at large persuasive) t Board Chair (or chair of
l Recognition decision should be made by organiza- t Policy making powerful task force or
tion's leadership. committee)
l Offer broad-based recognition that is noticed by
people in authority Qualities of Good Assignment Types:
l Write a story in newsletter telling of impact on peo-  Opportunity to use influence
ple  Ability to share expertise
l Give notes from supervisors, administration and
4 NOT direct client service - not using influence
community leaders appreciating impact on better-
ment of mankind
l Name an ongoing program or site after them Needs:
l Make time to listen to their ideas j Position of leadership and influence
l Tape their speeches j Public recognition
j Prestige and job status

Still Not Sure if Your Volunteer is a “Power/Influencer”?

A Possible Clue:
He/she has an impressive recognition plaque wall!

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