Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: A Study
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: A Study
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: A Study
Abstract: The frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks have both greatly increased during the past few
decades. Therefore, developing a cyber-resilient strategy is of utmost significance. In the event of a cyberattack,
traditional security measures are insufficient to prevent data leaks. Cybercriminals have mastered the use of
cutting-edge methods and powerful tools to hack, attack, and breach data. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology
has been applied to the creation of intelligent models for securing systems against attackers. AI technologies can
quickly advance to meet complicated problems, making them useful as fundamental cybersecurity tools. AI-based
solutions can offer effective and potent cyber defence capabilities to identify malware attacks, network intrusions,
phishing, spam emails, and data breaches, and to notify security incidents when they happen. In this essay, we
examine the role of AI in cybersecurity and analyse the pertinent literature in terms of its advantages.
Keywords: Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cyberattack, cyber defence.
An attack launched from one or more computers against other computers or networks is referred to as a cyberattack.
The purpose of a cyberattack is to either disable the target computer, shut down the services, or access the data on the
target computer1. The frequency and severity of cyberattacks have significantly increased since the first Denial-of-
Service (DoS) assault in 1988. Indeed, maintaining cybersecurity has grown to be one of the most difficult challenges
in the field of computer technology, and it is anticipated that cyberattacks will continue to get more sophisticated and
numerous. One of the most serious challenges in cyberspace today is cybersecurity. Cybersecurity refers to the set of
activities and measures, both technical and non-technical, intended to protect the 'real geography' of cyberspace as well
as devices, software, and the information they contain communicated, from all possible threats2.
Traditional cybersecurity techniques rely on static control of security equipment and operate in reaction to an attack.
Security systems, for instance, keep an eye on nodes in the event of network intrusion attacks by a predetermined set of
criteria. These procedures hold off until they receive word that an attack has happened. However, the conventional
strategy is no longer effective given the rising number of cyberattacks. The Equifax attack in 2017, which exposed the
data of up to 143 million consumers, is one illustration of the inadequacies of conventional cybersecurity
techniques3.Furthermore, because attackers often conceal their activity and launch attacks before software developers
are aware of vulnerabilities due to emerging threat strategies like Advanced Persistent Threats (APT’s) and zero-day
attacks, it takes some time to fix the susceptible systems. Corporate security, national security, law enforcement, and
the intelligence community are all impacted by a lack of adequate cybersecurity capabilities4.
Government and private computer systems have been attacked by hackers who took advantage of security system flaws
and malfunctions as well as weaknesses in IT infrastructure. Therefore, the classic passive defence strategies are no
longer adequate. The only way to secure data in the uncertain climate of today, when cyberattacks occur often and are
continuously changing, is by utilising aggressive cyber methods. Therefore, the new strategy must stop attacks before
they start rather than wait to receive information after attacks have already taken place 5.The only way to secure data in
the uncertain climate of today, when cyberattacks occur often and are continuously changing, is by utilising aggressive
cyber methods. Therefore, the new strategy must stop attacks before they start rather than wait to receive information
after attacks have already taken place. To provide the best solutions for cyber environments and strengthen cybersecurity
capabilities against cyber-attacks, this research examines the necessity for the evolution of cybersecurity strategies.
The expense of preventing threats rises due to the high cost of hiring specialists. The development and application of
algorithms to identify those dangers likewise involves a significant amount of time, money, and effort. Utilising AI-
based techniques is one remedy for those problems. AI is capable of quickly, correctly, and efficiently analysing massive
amounts of data. An AI-based system can predict future assaults that will be similar to those that have already occurred
by using threat history, even if the patterns of those attacks vary. These factors make AI applicable in cyberspace. AI
can handle vast data, find new and significant changes in attacks, and continuously improve its security system's
response to threats.6
AI does, however, have certain drawbacks. For example, an AI-based system requires a sizeable amount of data, and
processing this volume of data demands a lot of time and resources. Frequent false alarms are also a problem for end
users, and delaying any necessary responses reduces efficiency. The AI-based system can also be attacked via
adversarial inputs, data poisoning, and model theft. Recent research has shown how AI methods can be used to
recognise, thwart, and address cyberattacks.
Three categories best describe the most prevalent categories of cyberattacks:
Software exploitation and malware identification
Every software has flaws, and some of those flaws can be used to an attacker's advantage by the attacker who
is aware of the flaw to attack the underlying software program. Buffer overflow, integer overflow, SQL
injection, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery are a few common software vulnerabilities. Certain
flaws are found and corrected. The ideal situation would have been if software developers had identified and
repaired every vulnerability throughout the design and development phase, but this is exceedingly challenging
given the high cost of software development and the urgency to get products to market. Therefore, identifying
and resolving issues is a constant process. Going line by line through the code to correct software defects is a
laborious operation, but computers are capable of doing it if they are taught what the vulnerabilities look like.
It seems possible that AI could complete these duties. Malicious software can be classified as viruses, worms,
and Trojan horses. Malware attacks can have a significant impact on politics and the economy, so it's important
to stop them and mitigate the damage they inflict. Therefore, there have been numerous studies about
implementing AI technology.
A deep learning architecture was constructed using a different method to identify sophisticated malware. The
subject of the current malware detection study was mobile malware7. To recognise malware, a deep
convolutional neural network was used. To recognise malware, the authors defined a brand-new machine-
learning method called rotation forest.8
Denial of Service (DoS) is one of the most frequent attacks that happen when authorised users are prevented
from accessing data, devices, or other network resources as a result of a fraudster's activity. The authors
suggested a system that uses distributed artificial neural networks with an anomaly-based approach and a
signature-based approach.9
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) guards against anomalous occurrences, violations, and immediate dangers in
a computer system. AI-based technologies are suitable for creating IDS because of their adaptability, quick
computations, and easy learning. AI-based algorithms seek to reduce false alarms by optimising features and
strengthening classifiers. To develop a model for IDS, the authors merged a support vector machine and a
tweaked version of k-means. The authors presented a reinforcement learning strategy based on fuzziness for
IDS. To improve the performance, they combined supervised learning with unlabelled sample datasets. Another
strategy predicts network traffic for a specified period by using evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy logic for
network intrusion detection.10
The goal of a phishing attack is to steal user identity. Examples of phishing attempts include dictionary and
brute-force assaults. A phishing detection system called phishing email detection system made use of
reinforcement learning and customised neural networks. Feng et al. used a neural network in conjunction with
the Monte Carlo method and a risk-reduction strategy to detect phishing websites.11
Spam detection refers to the uninvited bulk email. Spam emails could contain incorrect information, which
raises security concerns. Spam emails can be filtered using AI-based algorithms. To filter spam emails, this
system integrated the support vector machine with a naive Bayes algorithm. AI can be used to analyse data for
attack detection and retaliation in a variety of cyberspace areas. AI may also automate operations, which enables
security experts to swiftly identify cyberattacks using semi-automated systems. AI techniques can spot dangers
and stop attacks before they happen. This is typically done by using a model that examines large datasets of
cybersecurity events and spots patterns of hostile behaviour. Indicators of Compromise (IoC) that have been
recorded and previously monitored data are often included in the model, which is used to track, detect, and
instantly react to threats. As a result, if comparable behaviours are found, the models are used to automatically
identify them. IOC datasets are used by Machine Language (ML) classification algorithms to recognise the
various behaviours of malware in datasets and categorise them. Additionally, behavioral-based analysis
examines the behaviour of hundreds of malware using machine language clustering and classification
techniques. Security analysts and other automated systems can also profit greatly. For instance, ML algorithms
can train to recognise such assaults automatically utilising historical datasets that include specific occurrences
of WannaCry ransomware attacks12.
Network risk scoring is a quantitative measure that assigns risk rankings to various network segments. Based
on the risk scores, this method is used to rank the importance of cybersecurity resources. By examining historical
cybersecurity records, AI can automate this process by identifying the parts of networks that are more exposed
to or participating in particular sorts of attacks.
AI can automate routine procedures carried out by security analysts during security operations. Analysing
reports on previous actions produced by security analysts can be used to automate processes and successfully
identify and counteract specific assaults. This information is used by AI algorithms to create a model that may
later be used to find related online actions. With this concept, AI algorithms react to assaults devoid of human
interpretation. It can be challenging to fully automate the security process at times. In this scenario, AI can be
integrated into the cybersecurity workflow, allowing system analysts and computers to work together to
complete tasks.
Virus identification, network intrusion detection, and phishing and spam detection are the key goals of AI-based
cybersecurity algorithms. Numerous studies have combined various AI techniques, such as Machine learning (ML) or
Deep Learning (DL) techniques with bio-inspired computation, or various learning techniques, such as supervised
learning and reinforcement learning. Such mixtures produce excellent outcomes. Even though AI will inevitably play a
part in resolving cyberspace challenges, several issues surrounding AI trust and AI-based threats and attacks should still
be taken seriously.
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