CS8711-CC Lab Finish
CS8711-CC Lab Finish
CS8711-CC Lab Finish
: 1
Install Virtualbox / VMware Workstation with different flavours of linux or
windows OS on top of windows7 or 8.
To Install Virtualbox / VMware Workstation with different flavours of linux or windows
OS on top of windows7 or 8.
6. Then installation was completed..the show virtual box icon on desktop screen….
Steps to import Open nebula sandbox:
1. Open Virtual box
2. File import Appliance
3. Browse OpenNebula-Sandbox-5.0.ova file
4. Then go to setting, select Usb and choose USB 1.1
5. Then Start the Open Nebula
6. Login using username: root, password:opennebula
Steps to create Virtual Machine through opennebula
1. Open Browser, type localhost:9869
2. Login using username: oneadmin, password: opennebula
3. Click on instances, select VMs then follow the steps to create Virtaul machine
a. Expand the + symbol
b. Select user oneadmin
c. Then enter the VM name,no.of instance, cpu.
d. Then click on create button.
e. Repeat the steps the C,D for creating more than one VMs.
There are various applications of cloud computing in today’s network world. Many search engines and
social websites are using the concept of cloud computing like www.amazon.com, hotmail.com, facebook.com,
linkedln.com etc. the advantages of cloud computing in context to scalability is like reduced risk , low cost
testing ,ability to segment the customer base and auto-scaling based on application load.
Thus the procedure to run the virtual machine of different configuration.
Install a C compiler in the virtual machine created using virtual box and
execute Simple Programs
To Install a C compiler in the virtual machine created using virtual box and
execute Simple Programs`
Simply running all programs in grid environment.
To Install Google App Engine. Create hello world app and other simple web
applications using python/java.
Figure – Deselect the “Google Web ToolKit“, and link your GAE Java SDK via the “configure
SDK” link.
Click finished, Google Plugin for Eclipse will generate a sample project automatically.
3. Hello World
Review the generated project directory.
Nothing special, a standard Java web project structure.
...Java source code...
...other configuration...
...JSPs, images, data files...
...app configuration...
...JARs for libraries...
...compiled classes...
The extra is this file “appengine-web.xml“, Google App Engine need this to run and deploy the
File : appengine-web.xml
4. Run it local
Right click on the project and run as “Web Application“.
Eclipse console :
INFO: The server is running at http://localhost:8888/
30 Mac 2012 11:13:01 PM com.google.appengine.tools.development.DevAppServerImpl start
INFO: The admin console is running at http://localhost:8888/_ah/admin
Access URL http://localhost:8888/, see output
and also the hello world servlet – http://localhost:8888/helloworld
In this demonstration, I created an application ID, named “mkyong123”, and put it in app
engine web.xml.
File : appengine-web.xml
To deploy, see following steps:
Figure 1.2 – Sign in with your Google account and click on the Deploy button.
Figure 1.3 – If everything is fine, the hello world web application will be deployed to this URL –
To Simulate a cloud scenario using CloudSim and run a scheduling algorithm
that is not present in CloudSim.
CloudSimExample1 finished!
To Use GAE launcher to launch the web applications.
MakingyourFirst Application
Paste http://localhost:8080 into your browser and you should see your
application as follows:
output with a GET request.
Dealing With Errors
With two files to edit, there are two general categories of errors that you may
encounter. If youmake a mistake onthe app.yamlfile, the App Engine willnotstart
and your launcher will show a yellow icon near your application:
To get more detail on what is going wrong, take a look at the log for the application:
In this instance – the mistake is mis--‐ indenting the last line in the app.yaml (line 8).
Ifyoumake asyntaxerror in the index.pyfile, a Pythontrace backerrorwillappear in
The error you need to see is likely to be the last few lines of the output – in this
case I made a Python syntax error on line one of our one--‐ line application.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_trace
When you make a mistake in the app.yaml file – you must the fix the mistake
and attempt to start the application again.
If you make a mistake in a file like index.py, you can simply fix the file and
press refresh in your browser – there is no need to restart the server.
To Find a procedure to transfer the files from one virtual machine
to another virtual machine.
1. You can copy few (or more) lines with copy & paste mechanism.
For this you need to share clipboard between host OS and guest OS, installing
Guest Addition on both the virtual machines (probably setting bidirectional
and restarting them). You copy from guest OS in the clipboard that is shared
with the host OS.
Then you paste from the host OS to the second guest OS.
2. You can enable drag and drop too with the same method (Click on the
machine, settings, general, advanced, drag and drop: set to bidirectional )
3. You can have common Shared Folders on both virtual machines and
use one of the directory shared as buffer to copy.
Installing Guest Additions you have the possibility to set Shared Folders too.
As you put a file in a shared folder from host OS or from guest OS, is
immediately visible to the other. (Keep in mind that can arise some problems
for date/time of the files when there are different clock settings on the
different virtual machines).
If you use the same folder shared on more machines you can exchange files
directly copying them in this folder.
4. You can use usual method to copy files between 2 different computer with
client-server application. (e.g. scp with sshd active for linux, winscp... you
can get some info about SSH servers e.g. here)
You need an active server (sshd) on the receiving machine and a client on
the sending machine. Of course you need to have the authorization setted
(via password or, better, via an automatic authentication method).
Note: many Linux/Ubuntu distribution install sshd by default: you can see if
it is running with pgrep sshd from a shell. You can install with sudo apt-get
install openssh-server.
5. You can mount part of the file system of a virtual machine via NFS or
SSHFS on the other, or you can share file and directory with Samba.
You may find interesting the article Sharing files between guest and
host without VirtualBox shared folders with detailed step by step
You should remember that you are dialling with a little network of machines
with different operative systems, and in particular:
Each virtual machine has its own operative system running on and acts
as a physical machine.
Each virtual machine is an instance of a program owned by an user in the
hosting operative system and should undergo the restrictions of the user in the
hosting OS.
E.g Let we say that Hastur and Meow are users of the hosting machine, but
they did not allow each other to see their directories (no read/write/execute
authorization). When each of them run a virtual machine, for the hosting OS
those virtual machine are two normal programs owned by Hastur and Meow
and cannot see the private directory of the other user. This is a restriction due
to the hosting OS. It's easy to overcame it: it's enough to give authorization to
read/write/execute to a directory or to chose a different directory in which both
users can read/write/execute.
Windows likes mouse and Linux fingers. :-)
I mean I suggest you to enable Drag & drop to be cosy with the Windows
machines and the Shared folders or to be cosy with Linux.
When you will need to be fast with Linux you will feel the need of ssh-keygen and
to Generate once SSH Keys to copy files on/from a remote machine without writing
password anymore. In this way it functions bash auto-completion remotely too!
1. Open Browser, type localhost:9869
2. Login using username: oneadmin, password: opennebula
3. Then follow the steps to migrate VMs
a. Click on infrastructure
b. Select clusters and enter the cluster name
c. Then select host tab, and select all host
d. Then select Vnets tab, and select all vnet
e. Then select datastores tab, and select all datastores
f. And then choose host under infrastructure tab
g. Click on + symbol to add new host, name the host then click on create.
4. on instances, select VMs to migrate then follow the stpes
a. Click on 8th icon ,the drop down list display
b. Select migrate on that ,the popup window display
c. On that select the target host to migrate then click on migrate.
Before migration
After Migration:
Easily migrate your virtual machine from one pc to another.
Thus the file transfer between VM was successfully completed…..
Find a procedure to launch virtual machine using trystack (Online
Openstack Demo Version)
To Find a procedure to launch virtual machine using trystack.
TryStack.org Homepage
I assume that you already join to the Facebook Group and login to the dashboard.
After you log in to the TryStack, you will see the Compute Dashboard like:
OpenStack Compute Dashboard
Overview: What we will do?
In this post, I will show you how to run an OpenStack instance. The instance will
be accessible through the internet (have a public IP address). The final topology
will like:
Network topology
As you see from the image above, the instance will be connected to a local
network and the local network will be connected to internet.
Now, we will create an instance. The instance is a virtual machine in the cloud,
like AWS EC2. You need the instance to connect to the network that we just
created in the previous step.
1. Go to Compute > Instances and then click Launch Instance.
2. In Details tab,
1. Fill Instance Name, for example Ubuntu 1.
2. Select Flavor, for example m1.medium.
3. Fill Instance Count with 1.
4. Select Instance Boot Source with Boot from Image.
5. Select Image Name with Ubuntu 14.04 amd64 (243.7 MB) if you want install Ubuntu
14.04 in your virtual machine.
3. In Access & Security tab,
1. Click [+] button of Key Pair to import key pair. This key pair is a public and
private key that we will use to connect to the instance from our machine.
2. In Import Key Pair dialog,
1. Fill Key Pair Name with your machine name (for example Edward-Key).
2. Fill Public Key with your SSH public key (usually is in
~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub). See description in Import Key Pair dialog box for
more information. If you are using Windows, you can use Puttygen
to generate key pair.
3. Click Import key pair.
3. In Security Groups, mark/check default.
4. In Networking tab,
1. In Selected Networks, select network that have been created in Step 1, for example
5. Click Launch.
6. If you want to create multiple instances, you can repeat step 1-5. I created one
more instance with instance name Ubuntu 2.
Step 3: Create Router
I guess you already know what router is. In the step 1, we created our network,
but it is isolated. It doesn’t connect to the internet. To make our network has an
internet connection, we need a router that running as the gateway to the internet.
1. Go to Network > Routers and then click Create Router.
2. Fill Router Name for example router1 and then click Create router.
3. Click on your router name link, for example router1, Router Details page.
4. Click Set Gateway button in upper right:
1. Select External networks with external.
2. Then OK.
5. Click Add Interface button.
1. Select Subnet with the network that you have been created in Step 1.
2. Click Add interface.
6. Go to Network > Network Topology. You will see the network topology. In the
example, there are two network, i.e. external and internal, those are bridged by a
router. There are
instances those are joined to internal network.
Thus the openstack demo worked successfully.
EX NO.:8
Install Hadoop single node cluster and run simple
applications like wordcount.
To Install Hadoop single node cluster and run simple
applications like wordcount.
Install Hadoop
Step 1: Click here to download the Java 8 Package. Save this file in your home
5: Add the Hadoop and Java paths in the bash file (.bashrc). Open. bashrc
Command: vi .bashrc
For applying all these changes to the current Terminal, execute the source command.
Command: source .bashrc
To make sure that Java and Hadoop have been properly installed on your system and can be
accessed through the Terminal, execute the java -version and hadoop version commands.
Command: cd hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/
Command: ls
All the Hadoop configuration files are located in hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop directory as you can
see in the snapshot below:
core-site.xml informs Hadoop daemon where NameNode runs in the cluster. It contains
configuration settings of Hadoop core such as I/O settings that are common to HDFS &
Command: vi core-site.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
3 <configuration>
4 <property>
5 <name>fs.default.name</name>
6 </property>
7 </configuration>
Step 8: Edit hdfs-site.xml and edit the property mentioned below inside
configuration tag:
Command: vi hdfs-site.xml
Fig: Hadoop Installation – Configuring hdfs-site.xml
2 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
4 <property>
5 <name>dfs.replication</name>
6 <value>1</value>
7 </property>
8 <name>dfs.permission</name>
9 <value>false</value>
10 </property>
Step 9: Edit the mapred-site.xml file and edit the property mentioned below
inside configuration tag:
In some cases, mapred-site.xml file is not available. So, we have to create the mapred- site.xml
file using mapred-site.xml template.
Command: vi mapred-site.xml.
Step 10: Edit yarn-site.xml and edit the property mentioned below inside
configuration tag:
Command: vi yarn-site.xml
Step 11: Edit hadoop-env.sh and add the Java Path as mentioned below:
<?xml version="1.0">
3 <configuration>
4 <property>
5 <name>yarn.nodemanager.aux-services</name>
6 </property>
7 <property>
8 <name>yarn.nodemanager.auxservices.mapreduce.shuffle.class</
1 </property>
hadoop-env.sh contains the environment variables that are used in the script to run Hadoop
like Java home path, etc.
Command: vi hadoop–env.sh
Command: cd
Command: cd hadoop-2.7.3
This formats the HDFS via NameNode. This command is only executed for the first time.
Formatting the file system means initializing the directory specified by the dfs.name.dir
Never format, up and running Hadoop filesystem. You will lose all your data stored in the
Step 13: Once the NameNode is formatted, go to hadoop-2.7.3/sbin directory and start all the daemons.
Command: cd hadoop-2.7.3/sbin
Either you can start all daemons with a single command or do it individually.
Command: ./start-all.sh
The NameNode is the centerpiece of an HDFS file system. It keeps the directory tree of all files
stored in the HDFS and tracks all the file stored across the cluster.
Start DataNode:
On startup, a DataNode connects to the Namenode and it responds to the requests from
the Namenode for different operations.
Start ResourceManager:
ResourceManager is the master that arbitrates all the available cluster resources and
thus helps in managing the distributed applications running on the YARN system.
Its work is to manage each NodeManagers and the each application’s
Start NodeManager:
The NodeManager in each machine framework is the agent which is responsible for
managing containers, monitoring their resource usage and reporting the same to the
Start JobHistoryServer:
JobHistoryServer is responsible for servicing all job history related requests from client.
Step 14: To check that all the Hadoop services are up and running, run the below
Command: jps
Thus the Hadoop one cluster was installed and simple applications executed