Es Reviewer
Es Reviewer
Es Reviewer
- Interconnected with the atmosphere, 4.) Salt Weathering - Salts in rocks expand
hydrosphere and biosphere and it includes due to thermal action, hydration, and
the processes of weathering, erosion, crystallization.
transportation and deposition.
Chemical Weathering - due to solution,
Weathering - is the action of elements of carbonation, hydration, or
weather and climate over earth material. oxidation/reduction.
(III) water pressure controlled by wetting 3.) Hydration - This process causes fatigue
and drying cycles. in the rocks and may lead to their
Types of Physical/chemical weathering
- Minerals take up water and expand; this
1.) Unloading and Expansion - Create expansion causes an increase in the
large, smooth rounded domes called volume of the material itself or rock.
exfoliation domes.
4.) Oxidation and Reduction - In this
- Removal of overlying rock load because of process of oxidation, rock breakdown
continued erosion causes vertical pressure occurs due to the disturbance caused by the
release. addition of oxygen.
2.) Temperature Changes and Expansion - - When oxidized minerals are placed in an
With rising in temperature, every mineral environment where oxygen is absent,
expands and pushes against its neighbor reduction takes place.
and as the temperature falls, a
corresponding contraction takes place.
Biological Weathering - caused by several Erosion by Ice - can erode the land. In frigid
biological activities like growth or areas and mountaintops, glaciers move
movements of organisms. slowly downhill and across the land.
Mass Wasting - defined as the down slope Erosion by Gravity - gravity pulls any bits
movement of rock and regolith near the down the side of a hill or mountain.
Earth's surface mainly due to the force of
gravity. Deposition - consequence of erosion.
Slope Failures - a sudden failure of the Water Deposition - where a river meets the
slope resulting in transport of debris ocean is called the mouth of the river. Soil
downhill by sliding, rolling, falling, or carried by a river is deposited at the mouth
slumping. and new land is formed.
● Slumps - downward rotation of rock or
regolith occurs along a concave-upward Wind Deposition - Sand dunes are large
curved surface. deposits of sand dropped when the wind
stops blowing.
Sediment Flows - occur when sufficient
force is applied to rocks and regolith that Ice Deposition - When glaciers melt, they
they begin to flow down slope. drop or deposit the rocks they were
● Slurry (Wet) Flows - are sediment flows carrying.
that contain between about 20 and 40%
water. Water saturated flows.
● Granular (Dry) Flows - are sediment ENDOGENIC PROCESSES
flows that contain between 0 and 20%
water. Not saturated with water flows. Endogenic Processes - Processes driven by
energy and forces deep within the Earth.
Erosion and Deposition
Vulcanism - Eruption of molten rock,
Erosion - involves the breakdown and pyroclastic fragments, or hot water and
transport of rock materials. steam.
● Vulcan: Roman God of Fire and the
Types of Erosion Forge
Pangea - Came from the Greek word that Angular Unconformity - younger sediments
means “all land” or “entire Earth” rest upon the eroded surface of tilted or
● Once a “supercontinent” folded older rocks showing an angular
● Proposed by Alfred Wegener relationship.
● “The Origin of Continents and
Oceans” Nonconformity - developed between
younger sedimentary rocks and older
Evidences of a Supercontinent plutonic igneous or massive metamorphic
rocks that had been exposed to erosion.
(I) Continental edges
(II) Similar fossils Disconformity - layers of sediments are
(III) Rock structures uplifted without folding, but are exposed to
(IV) Climate weathering and erosion, producing irregular
surface or boundary with the
EARTH’S HISTORY newly-deposited layers.
Hadean Eon - “Hades” the Greek god of the Devonian Period - Age of Fishes
underworld. ● 2 nd mass extinction
● 4.5 to 4 billion years ago - No ● Amphibians started to live on land
evidence of life
● No evidence of life Carboniferous Period - Mainly tropical
Archean Eon - Began 4 billion years ago ● Earliest reptiles appear
● Abundance in oxygen ● Formation of the supercontinent
● First prokaryotes are found Pangaea
● Presence of anaerobic prokaryotes
Permian Period - Appearance of beetles
Proterozoic Eon - “Earlier life” and gymnosperms
● 2.5 billion years old to 541 million ● The Great Dying
years old ● Diversity in reptiles
● Appearance of soft-bodied ● Metamorphosis in insects happened
invertebrates ● First seed ferns appeared