Ai Research Paper
Ai Research Paper
Ai Research Paper
College Comp
The Effects of Artificial Intelligence
Although people are scared of the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in the future,
many are hopeful for the implementation of AI in the future. AI is both helping and hurting many
fields of work by slowly replacing jobs previously held by humans while also increasing
efficiency and cost-effectiveness. AI robots do not need a salary or benefits. AI is also a very
useful tool in the stock markets and scientific research that can help many people tremendously.
It is often said that AI will “cause a “significant” drop in employment opportunities for
plastic making, and manufacturing of electronics…”(Einola 1). Manufacturing jobs are one of
the jobs that have been significantly impacted by the implementation of AI. While AI has made
products smoother, it has also led to a loss in jobs worked by humans. With the automation of
simple tasks, many common roles in the line of production have been replaced by machines that
use artificial intelligence, thus the loss of jobs. The implementation of AI has significantly
transformed customer service jobs as well. Introducing chatbots and virtual customer service
bots to handle simple customer questions and support moderate requests has changed the online
customer service experience. Although a 2019 study reported that “86% of customers prefer
humans to chatbots for interactional service”(, AI has improved response times and enabled 24/7
customer support for many companies. While AI has made it faster and easier to receive support,
it has yet again impacted the amount of human employment in businesses. Another line of work
that has been impacted by AI implementation is the pharmaceutical industry. AI has
revolutionized several aspects of drug discovery, research, and production. AI technologies have
enhanced the process of finding potential drugs and predicting patient response to many
revolutionizing the standard approach to identifying and developing potential drugs. By using
algorithms, AI can quickly analyze datasets and predict how molecules will interact, significantly
improving the time the initial stages of the drug discovery process take. AI tools can quickly sort
through candidates of drugs and sift out the ones with the highest possibility to work and be
successful, while also illuminating any trial and error costs adopted from testing. Scientists are
then able to take the most viable candidates for drugs and test, research, and discover them
deeper to pick the absolute perfect candidate. Furthermore, AI has significantly shaped
healthcare even more, by enabling more accurate predictions of patient responses to various
treatments. By using very similar algorithms that it uses in the sorting of drug candidates, AI can
look at patient data, medical history, genetic abnormalities, and treatment outcomes, to identify
patterns that often lead to different responses to various treatments. The AI can then also sort the
treatments for specific patients leading to little to no trial or error in finding the right treatment
While AI may be more time efficient, are these AI robots more economically efficient
than humans? The economic impact of job loss from AI implementation is another large impact
AI has had on work life. While some businesses and lines of work may experience few
disruptions others may experience “significant economic and social losses globally”(Song 1) but
the long-term economic effects for companies can include increased income and cost savings due
to not needing to pay human employees or deal with work-related injuries and other problems.
This may lead to income inequality due to many low-income families having “traditional”(Song
1) jobs that are slowly being replaced by AI. In return, this may create more highly skilled jobs
therefore giving the average worker more opportunities to become a higher value, higher paid
Another way that AI can help economically is by predicting some stock moves. AI can
analyze extremely large quantities of historical financial data much like it does when analyzing
data for potential drugs and treatments, trends in markets, and various other signs to identify
patterns that humans may not see. By recognizing correlations in the data, AI can make
predictions about potential stock movements based on the history of the stock and market
conditions. Big banks and companies “are beginning to use it to automate some jobs”(Hajric et al
1). AI can also assess the risk by providing insights into potential market changes and
recognizing possible risks. By analyzing historical data once again, AI can help investors
develop strategies to reduce risk while trading. AI tools can also assist in organizing the
portfolios of investors to reduce trade risk even more by suggesting strategies to use, and making
risk-adjusted investment decisions. By analyzing factors such as risk, goals, and market
conditions, AI can suggest portfolio tweaks that will be able to maximize return and minimize
the risks associated with stock trading. Another popular way to use AI in Wall Street is the“stock
picker” You can enter a prompt into the AI tool and it will automatically find the best fit stock to
the prompt you entered. For example you can enter the prompt “"best growth stocks"”(Guberti 1)
and the tool will suggest stocks that are the best for growth over time.
AI is used more regularly in some countries than others, but ultimately it is the “space
race of our time”(Fatima et al 1). Many countries such as “France, Germany, New Zealand, and
the United States”(Fatima et al 1 ) recognize that they play a massive role in the development of
AI in their country and are doing their best to help with implementation. On the other hand there
is a rising hesitation with the implementation of AI in some countries. This hesitation stems from
the idea that AI will “surpass human intelligence and ultimately become autonomous” (Pesen 1).
This means that AI will be able to make decisions for itself without any human input leading to
various concerns that have surfaced in light of its very quick development. One key reason for
this is the worry of the potential impact of AI on employment like mentioned previously.
safeguard their workforce and ensure a smooth transition to a more automated future. Some other
concerns relating to AI is the issue of privacy. What are chatbots doing with our data once sent?
These curiosities have prompted a need for regulations and outlines to control the responsible use
of AI. By taking a slow approach, these countries are trying to balance the benefits of AI with the
manufacturing plants, or simpler chat bots like the ones found on your computer or phone, there
are other more complex ways AI is assisting us. In the realm of scientific discovery, artificial
intelligence has emerged as an extremely useful tool, revolutionizing the way researchers
approach some more complex problems and analyze data. AI is also “mining archival materials
to understand the human impact of the Industrial Revolution” (Clark et al 1). Not only can AI
mine materials, it can also predict “protein structures with DeepMind’s AlphaFold”(Clark et al).
AI uses machine learning algorithms to accelerate research and simplify and read data.
re-shape several aspects of our lives, from healthcare to finance and manufacturing. Its enormous
potential is obvious in the efficiency and precision it yields to complex tasks, enabling
breakthroughs in fields such as medicine, and scientific research. However, this widely used
artificial intelligence also raises some red flags regarding data privacy, and the eviction of jobs.
robust regulations and outlines that promote the responsible and inclusive deployment of AI
technologies. By slowly implementing AI's capabilities while still addressing its associated
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10.3390/en16166092. Disponível em:
=ehost-live. Acesso em: 20 out. 2023.
HAJRIC, V.; GREIFELD, K. How AI Is Being Used to Help Explain Stock Moves., [s. l.],
p. N.PAG, 2023. Disponível em:
=ehost-live. Acesso em: 26 out. 2023.
CLARK, E.; KHOSROWI, D. Decentring the discoverer: how AI helps us rethink scientific discovery.
Synthese, [s. l.], v. 200, n. 6, p. 1–18, 2022. DOI 10.1007/s11229-022-03902-9. Disponível em:
=ehost-live. Acesso em: 26 out. 2023.