Notes in Local Government of The Philippines
Notes in Local Government of The Philippines
Notes in Local Government of The Philippines
P – eople
E – mergency power to the President
T – arrif
A – dministrative bodies
L – ocal Government Units
Province Barangays
Municipalities Cities
Police Power
Eminent Domain
Local Government – a political subdivision of a nation or state which is constituted by law and has substantial control of
local affairs with officials elected or otherwise locally selected.
It is important to have a local government to regulate local affairs in the locality or area of jurisdiction rather than by
central authority.
History of Local Government in the Philippines
Pre-colonial: Datu and Council of Elders
city-states (no higher government)
Spanish Period: King Philip II of Spain and Governor-General
Barangays = Barrios
Datu = Cabeza de Barangay
No legislative, because laws were made in Spain, only cascaded in PH
“Cortez”- acts as legislative department
First PH republic: independent “de facto” government (illegitimacy) not in accordance with the law
3 governments considered “de facto”: 1. De facto proper (Corazon administration)
2. Government of paramount force
3. Independent government
Legal creation/incorporation
Corporate name (e.g. City of Cebu)
3 KINDS: 1. Public corporations
Classifications of Public corporations:
a. Municipal corporations – charter, assist civil government; object is public, incidents are private.
Dual Nature and Functions of Municipal corporations:
1. Governmental (public/private) functions
2. Proprietary (private, patrimonial, corporate) functions
b. Quasi- corporation – are created by the state for a limited purpose; private of nature, incidents are public.
Test to determine Public/Private Corporations:
1. The purpose of its creation
2. The relationship of the corporation to the state
Ministral Government Functions
National or Central
Decentralization – dispersal of authority and responsibility and the allocation of powers and functions from the center or
top level of government to the basic levels, from the central government to the regional bodies or special purpose or
authority, or from the national to the sub-national levels of government.
Forms: Decentralization, Devolution, and Privatization
Deconcentration: administrative decentralization (e.g., regional to field office)
Barangay Barangay