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Globalization of Markets and Its Impact On Domestic Institutions

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Indiana Journal of Global Legal

Volume 1
Issue 1 The Globalization of Law, Politics, and Article 5
Markets: New Perspectives on Domestic Law

Fall 1993

Globalization of Markets and Its Impact on Domestic Institutions

S. Tamer Cavusgil
Michigan State University

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Cavusgil, S. Tamer (1993) "Globalization of Markets and Its Impact on Domestic Institutions," Indiana
Journal of Global Legal Studies: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 5.
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Globalization of Markets and Its Impact
on Domestic Institutions

Globalization of markets is one of the most fascinating developments of

this century. Its impact on economic transactions, processes, institutions,
and players is dramatic and wide ranging. It challenges established norms
and behavior and requires different mindsets. Yet, it creates opportunities
for the well prepared participants who can be proactive and visionary.'
Globalization of markets involves the growing interdependency among
the economies of the world; multinational nature of sourcing, manufacturing,
trading, and investment activities; increasing frequency of cross-border
transactions and financing; and heightened intensisy of competition among
a larger number of players.2 This phenomenon has been fueled by advances
in communication and transportation technologies, the spread of economic
growth and wealth around the world, the loosening of barriers to trade, and
the formation of regional economic blocs.3 Development of new
technologies and the proliferation of new products also contributes to the
globalization of markets. Simply consider the following industries which
came into existence only in the last decade: medical imaging,
biotechnology, composite materials, robotics, and process innovations.
Gaining momentum since the end of World War II, the globalization of
markets has led to the formation of irreversible economic linkages among
countries. It has also shifted the focus away from the nation-state, and more
toward industry and the individual enterprise.

* Professor of Marketing and International Business and Executive Director, International

Business Centers, Michigan State University. For Correspondence, S. Tamer Cavusgil, International
Business Centers, 6 Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1022,
Phone:(517)353-4336, FAX:(517)336-1009.
1. See, e.g., Theodore Levitt, The Globalization of Markets, Harv. Bus. Rev., May-June 1983,
2. Thomas Hout et al., How Global Companies Win Out, Harv. Bus. Rev., Sept.-Oct. 1982, at
98; COMPETITION IN GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, supra note 1, at 18.
3. Arnoldo C. Hax, Building the Firm of the Future, SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW, Spring
1989, at 75; Levitt, supra note 1, at 93.

Globalization of markets is best reflected in the "internationalization" of

business transactions. This means that one or more aspects of economic
activity carries an international character. One of the parties to the
transaction may be a foreign partner; the transaction may involve a foreign
currency; financing may involve foreign lenders; technology may originate
from a foreign partner; and so on.
It is possible to identify at least five dimensions or facets of the
globalization of markets. First is the fluid nature of manufacturing and
sourcing activities. Today, business activity flows freely to places best
equipped to perform it most economically and efficiently.4 This is
especially apparent in the case of the service industry. Many U.S. customers
may not recognize that when they phone their software company, the
consultant who responds at the other end of the line may be an employee
in Dublin, Ireland. Similarly, a hotel reservationist may be responding from
Jamaica and an insurance claim processor from the Philippines.
Second, competition for customers and markets has intensified
significantly as a result of globalization. 5 Whereas only a handful of
multinational companies dominated international trade a couple of decades
ago, today companies from all parts of the world are participating in
worldwide business. Companies from practically every nation are jockeying
for positions in various industries.
Third, the types of international business transactions have proliferated.
In the past, much of international business activity was in the form of
export-import and foreign direct investment. Today, transactions are varied
and more complex: contract manufacturing, franchise operations,
countertrade, turnkey construction, technology transfers, international
strategic alliances, and more.
Fourth, technology spreads freely and rapidly between markets and
players. Technological leadership does not provide a monopolistic
advantage for very long. Companies must capitalize on their discoveries
quickly, before others match them.
Fifth, borrowing-financing activity has become worldwide as well.
Businesses finance their growth and expansion through international capital

4. See THUROW, supra note I, at 27-66.

5. See COMPETITION IN GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, supra note 1, at 1-11; THUROW, supra note 1.

markets. As such, they are able to take advantage of varying interest rates
and currency markets by tapping a wide variety of funding sources.
The implications of the increasingly global nature of market transactions
are many. In a fundamental sense, it makes the distinction between
domestic and international redundant and superficial. It threatens those
players that confine themselves to a narrow set of opportunities and it
rewards those that can envision and operate in a larger space. 6 Those
enterprises that learn to operate in a more complex, uncertain environment
are more likely to succeed.
As transactions gain international character, they have a drastic impact
on firm performance and industry structure. On one hand, global linkages
may shorten product life cycles, create intense price pressures, displace
manufacturing, outdate technology or design, or simply cause sales and
profitability declines. On the other hand, global exchange may lead to new
growth opportunities, new sources of know-how and production inputs, new
product ideas, or partnerships which cause synergy and new sources of
competitive advantage. Entire industries, if caught unprepared, can be lost
to competitors due to the realities of global competition. In the United
States, we have all observed the decline of industries such as steel, textiles,
shoes, tires, and electronics. Many other lesser-known industries have faced
near extinction: musical instruments, motorcycles, and outboard engines, to
name a few.7
Globalization raises many practical issues and concerns for the
individual business enterprise. What sorts of guidelines and input should
guide product design? How desirable are knowledge-sharing agreements?
Joint development of technology and know-how? What are ideal features
of international business partners? How should management monitor
competitive activity? How can competitive advantages be created and
sustained? What degree of attachment is optimal to alternative sourcing and
production locations around the world? Management has to grapple with
these and many other similar questions on an ongoing basis. In most

6. See Hax, supra note 3, at 75-77.

7. See generallyTHUROW, supra note 1, at 153-201 (arguing that the United States must increase
investment in education, research and development, and capital investment if it ever hopes to regain these

industries, this is not a matter of choice but of necessity. No one line of

business or industry is totally immune from international competition. In
truly global industries, competition is among a relatively few dominant
companies around the world. Examples are earth-moving equipment, auto-
mobiles, pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, tires, telecommunications,
and medical equipment.
In addition to implying a different nature of economic transactions and
a diverse set of players, globalization of markets causes the individual firm
to understand and operate within a more complex political, legal-regulatory,
and cultural framework. While the transactions are fundamentally the same,
the context is quite different, and often, overwhelming for managers. To
operate successfully in less familiar environments, managers must develop
a sufficient understanding of the government sector, regulatory framework,
and the cultural idiosyncracies of the markets where they wish to do
business. Although there are strong forces toward standardization or
"homogenization" of customer segments across different countries, the
political, legal, and social environments exhibit significant variations. Not
only will the manager need to develop knowledge of such country-to-
country differences, but must also understand the interplay among such
The remainder of this essay is organized as follows. First, fundamental
shifts in international business operations emerging from globalization are
highlighted, and the implications of these trends for the legal profession are
described. Next, the discussion turns to the impact of globalization on
domestic institutions. Several major influences are offered. Third, a dual
challenge for the legal community is identified: (a) strategic and integrative
contributions of legal professionals to management practice; and (b) the need
to prepare well-rounded, contemporary managers by the educational
community. Finally, those legal issues in international business operations
which require legal expertise are outlined.




A. From Nation State to Individual Enterprise

As global economic linkages intensify, the focus of attention among

researchers and public policy makers has shifted from trade relationships
among nations to activities of the individual enterprise. This reflects a
pragmatic desire to enhance firm performance in international markets more
than abandoned interests in national trade and investment flows. It results
from an intellectual curiosity to better understand and impact successful firm
Such a shift in orientation requires greater attention from the legal
professionals of the structure, strategy, and operations of the individual firm.
Globalization challenges the legal professional to contribute to the global
competitiveness of the individual enterprise through a better understanding
of the business strategy-performance relationship. It also calls for greater
input on the part of legal professionals in formulating strategic directions for
the enterprise.

B. From Nation-Based Advantages to Firm-Based Competencies and


In today's global competition, critical sources of competitive advantage

are often firm specific.' ° These include such factors as the quality of
management and leadership, ability to innovate and commercialize new
products, ability to pinpoint and respond to emerging opportunities, and
ability to organize monetary and human resources." While country-
specific advantages such as factor endowments or trade infrastructure are
still important, their impact appears to be relatively more uniform across

9. See generally PORTER, supra note 8 (discussing the effect of global competition on corporate
strategy). For a detailed study of the interaction between corporate structures and business success, see
THORELLI, ED. 1977) (debating the role of environment on corporate strategy and structure).
10. See generally Jay Barney, Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage, 17 J.
MANAGEMENT 99, 99-103 (examining the link between firm resources and sustained competitive
11. PORTER, supra note 8, at 278.

different countries. Also, it has become more difficult for public policy
makers to formulate industrial or trade policies which impact all industries
similarly. The same policy measure may have a differential impact on
companies from different industries. These new realities of competition
imply that legal professionals must develop a comprehensive understanding
of firm assets and competencies. These include "soft" factors such as
information management, technology, and intellectual property. The legal
profession will be under growing pressure to value, promote, and protect
intangible assets such as customer franchise, know-how, creativity, and
corporate culture.

C. From Anchored Operations to Flexible Operations

A great advantage of multinational operations is the flexibility the firm

gains in terms of sourcing and manufacturing. In the extreme case of the
"stateless" organization, there is no "home market" to pledge allegiance. 3
The firm is free to market, produce, and source wherever it wishes,
responding to low-cost, low-tax, and favorable infrastructure environments.
Such flexibility allows it to better respond to opportunities and variations
among national markets. This mode of international operations confounds
the issue of territory and jurisdiction for international trade lawyers. It
implies that they will need new definitions of legal jurisdiction. It also
challenges them to design organizational and legal entities that are optimal
under a broadened set of environmental variables.

D. From Transactions to Relationships

The focus of management attention is rapidly moving away from an

emphasis on transactions to relationships among firms. 4 Management has

14. See, e.g., Hakan Hakanssan & Jan Johanson, Industrial Functionsof Business Relationships,
5 ADVANCES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 13 (Jai Press, Ltd., 1993); Jan Johanson & Lars Hallen,
International Business Relationships and Industrial Networks, in 3 ADVANCES IN INTERNATIONAL
MARKETING xiii (Jai Press Ltd., 1989).

discovered that consummating transactions is a relatively simple task which

can be mastered. However, successful transactions do not necessarily lead
to lasting relationships among business partners. The interface between
international business partners (e.g., buyer-seller, manufacturer-distributor,
franchisor-franchisee, licensor-licensee) should be carefully nurtured and
maintained. Relationships may take a long time to stablish in international
business. Once established, however, they can be very fruitful. Legal
agreements and contracts are not sufficient in maintaining harmonious and
fruitful relationships among business partners. If they would like to remain
central to international business operations, legal professionals will need to
be sensitive to relationship building. Loose arrangements among companies,
such as international strategic alliances, will be another challenge. Often,
these will be non-equity based forms of collaboration, and will not involve
new legal entities. Even then, legal professionals will need to be involved
in the monitoring of these partnerships to ensure smooth relationships. In
the case of international strategic alliances, legal arrangements among the
partners are likely to be project based. A sensitive issue that will arise is
the ownership of the fruits of collaboration (i.e., patents, know-how, and
other types of intellectual property).

E. From Competition to Cooperation

While free markets always implied competition among firms, today there
are good reasons for companies to collaborate. 5 Motivations to cooperate
include the high risks and high costs associated with international business
ventures. By pooling resources, companies can create synergistic alliances
for research and development, design, manufacturing, or marketing. 6 Joint
efforts are sometimes urged by host governments. Newer forms of
collaboration, in contrast to traditional joint ventures, do not involve equity
investments by partners. Rather, partnerships are project based and for
limited terms. Companies from often distant parts of the world form

16. Kathryn Rudie Harrigan, Strategic Alliances: Their New Role in Global Competition, 22
COLUM. J. WORLD Bus., at 67-69 (1987).

strategic alliances to accomplish specific goals, such as development of new

technology, cross-licensing, or joint marketing. Successful international
companies thrive on the basis of networks of collaborators. Relationships
established with foreign agents/distributors, licensees/franchisees, support
service providers, and the like, add strength to international operations. In
the age of collaboration, the legal profession needs to shift its attention to
the formation and maintenance of partnerships. It needs to assume a
proactive role in defining the parameters of successful collaboration. How
should these ventures be structured? How should disclosure of proprietary
knowledge be protected? What should be done by the partners to prevent
conflicts and divorce?

F. From Market Diversity to Market Homogenization

There are strong indicators that, at least in the Triad regions (North
America, Western Europe, and Japan), a convergence of lifestyles, consumer
preferences, and media habits is underway. 17 Segments of consumers
exhibit remarkable similarities across national markets. Homogenization of
markets appears to be especially strong in more conspicuous consumer
products. It is facilitated by increasing standards of living, transnational
media, and stepped up multinational company activity.
Market homogenization opens up new opportunities for firms in terms
of product standardization, economies of scale in manufacturing, and
simultaneous market entry. For the legal profession, it implies a more
favorable environment for harmonization of product standards, advertising
regulations, and legal processes. This is one area where legal professionals
can be proactive, promoting greater harmonization of trade and contract
laws. Indeed, diverse and complex legal environments are a major deterrent
to international business. As trade and investment activities become more
important in a country, government tends to proliferate the regulations.
These relate to import laws, local content requirements, product approval
procedures, labeling regulations, price controls, and a multitude of other
issues. With integration of markets, the opportunity arises to simplify and

17. See, e.g., OHMAE, supra note 1.


rationalize the regulatory environment in an attempt to reduce the cost of

doing business across national boundaries.

G. From Multilateral to Bilateral Trade Relationships

A key macro-level trend of the past two decades has been the
establishment of bilateral arrangements in trade. Countries have resorted to
two party negotiations in order to resolve trade interests. This does not
mean an abandonment of the multilateral General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT) process. Rather, it results from governments' desires to
quickly resolve trade issues which they consider specific to a bilateral
relationship. A firther departure from the GATT norms is, of course, the
formation of regional economic blocs. Economic unions such as the
European Community"8 or the North American Free Trade Area19
represent special arrangements which meet the interests of only the member
nations. Bilateral relationships may, in fact, enhance the chances of
resolution in international trade conflicts. They may also enable trade
lawyers to be more effective in resolving conflicts.


No industry has escaped the impact of globalization. Some have been

hit hard, for example; automobiles, chemicals, electronics, steel, textiles, and
tires. Others, such as food and beverages, paper, pharmaceuticals, and
industrial machinery and equipment, have fared better. An ongoing
restructuring was put in motion as a result of the globalization of markets.
Downsizing, consolidation, and reconfiguration are common terms used to
describe the current state of affairs in all industries.
At the firm level, managers have come to recognize that constant
productivity improvement is the only durable solution to remaining
economically viable. Those companies that operate in global industries find
that they must achieve "world class" status. This implies that they must

18. The European Community includes France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium,
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and Greece.
19. The North American Free Trade Area includes Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

benchmark against the best of their competition, wherever they are located.
Benchmarking refers to the process of identifying, learning, and
implementing the best practices of world class organizations.2" Practices
in various areas of company activity are targeted: order filling, customer
service, manufacturing processes, and human resource management.
Managers study the best practices of leading companies, not necessarily
those in the same line of business, and then try to implement them in their
own organizations. There are now consortia of firms who agree to facilitate
benchmarking studies at each other's facilities.
The new realities of the global marketplace have prompted business
organizations to be constantly in search of enhanced productivity and new
sources of competitive advantage. Such efforts to critically examine one's
capabilities can be classified into several thrusts, discussed below.

A. Managing the Value Adding Activities

A useful way of critically examining a company's strengths and

weaknesses is to focus on its value chain.2 ' A company's value chain is
an interdependent system or network of activities, connected by linkages.
Figure 1 illustrates one way of depicting a company's value-adding
activities. Major functions/processes which add value to company offerings
include technology development, product design, manufacturing, marketing,
distribution, and sales. Each incorporates several sub-functions. For
example, the manufacturing area implies choices with respect to such things
as capacity, location, procurement of inputs, and integration. Managers are
required to look at each critical value-adding activity and ask two
fundamental questions: (1) Is this a function where we have core
competence (i.e., a sustainable advantage vis-a-vis competitors); and (2) if
not, should we externalize the function (i.e., farm it out or contract it out)
if an external organization can perform it more economically than we can?
This process of soul-searching has led companies to alter their traditional

20. See, e.g., Otis Port & Geoffrey Smith, Beg, Borrow and Benchmark, Bus. WK., Nov. 30,
1992, at 74; Jeremy Main, How to Steal the Best Ideas Around, FORTUNE, Oct. 19, 1992, at 102-06.
21. Michael E. Porter, in Competition in Global Industries: A Conceptual Framework, IN
COMPETITION IN GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, supra note 1, at 15, 20-22.

activities in fundamental ways. Activities are rearranged and reconfigured

in search of greater value for customers, but not always in a smooth and
painless manner.

Figure 1: Firm's Value Chain

Technology -* Product Design -* Manufacturing -* Marketing/ -. Logistics -. Customer --
Sales Service
Key Issues:
* Source Function Integration Prices Channels Warranty
* Sophistication Physical Technology Advertising Integration Speed
* Patents characteristics Raw materials Promotion . Inventory Captive/
* Product/process Aesthetics Capacity Sales Force Warehousing independent
choices Quality Location Package Transport Prices
Procurement Brand

B. Total Quality Management

Not unrelated to the desire to streamline and increase the efficiency of

value-adding processes is the attempt to enhance product-service appeal.
Total quality management (TQM) refers to a management philosophy which
emphasizes customer service and employee teamwork to improve product
service." While some consider it a trendy management tool, it is a strong
force driving companies toward ever higher standards of product-service
quality. There are indications that law firms are also adopting TQM
principles. Among other things, law firms are attempting to improve the
accuracy, timing, and format of bills, and are urging lawyers to manage their
time better.

C. Innovation and Time to Market

Another type of race in today's business organizations refers to the

ongoing process of product and process innovations in order to create or
sustain competitive advantages. Firms attempt new discoveries in order to
respond to: (a) new technologies; (b) shifting buyer needs; (c) new industry
segments; (d) changing input costs; and (e) new government regulations. In

22. The Cracks in Quality, ECONOMIST, April 18, 1992, at 67-68; TQM Finds a Natural Home
in Environmental Management, 39 Bus. INT'L 397 (1991).

addition to the capacity to innovate, the speed with which these innovations
can be converted to tangible products/services, and then commercialized, can
be a great competitive advantage. Globalization of markets mandates
efficiency not only in the process of creative discoveries, but also in the
process of taking the product to market. "Early mover" advantages2 3 are
especially important in technology-intensive industries.

D. Networks and Alliances

A fundamental consequence of globalization of markets is the need to

establish productive partnerships with other organizations at home and
abroad. The costs, complexities, and risks associated with business ventures
drive companies toward collaboration with partners. Partners may include
overseas distributors or agents, contract manufacturers, trading companies,
freight forwarders, and even competitors. Partnerships are established to
seek synergy in all value-adding activities including manufacturing, research
and development, and marketing.


In the age of globalization, perhaps the most important contribution the

legal profession can make is to assist managers in the achievement of
sustainable competitive advantage. As those who guide a business enterprise
search for sources of competitive advantage, their efforts can be facilitated
greatly by legal professionals. It is best if legal and management
professionals can work as a team in avoiding and resolving conflict. These
professionals bring different perspectives to decision-making-suitable
decisions can be achieved with joint decision-making. Each business
enterprise will need to formulate creative mechanisms to enable a team
approach to decision-making.
The role that can be fulfilled by legal professionals is both strategic and
integrative. The strategic contribution will be guidance in shaping the
future courses of action for the enterprise. How should the firm be

23. Roger A. Kerin et al., First Mover Advantage: A Synthesis, Conceptual Framework, and
Research Propositions, J. MARKETING, Oct. 1992, at 33-52.

interacting with its external partners (e.g., suppliers, buyers, competitors, and
regulators)? How should it position itself within its industry? How should
it choose its target markets? What new sources of competitive advantage
should it pursue? How should it configure its global procurement,
manufacturing, and marketing operations, and coordinate them? These are
areas where legal professionals could provide input to guide company
The integrative contribution arises because of the need to blend
traditional managerial functions with legal perspectives and expertise.
Today's managerial problems are multifaceted, requiring a multiplicity of
expertise. The challenge then is to formulate solutions which result from a
creative marriage of managerial and legal perspectives. In practical terms,
it implies teamwork, interdisciplinary problem solving, and cross-cutting
management style. In philosophical terms, it means that legal expertise
should no longer be treated as a "specialty," to be tapped occasionally, and
maybe even as a last resort. Rather, it should be integrated into the
mainstream activities of the enterprise. This view of the business enterprise
attempts to benefit from both managerial and legal considerations in
strategic decisions; it abandons the current practice of isolating the legal
professional in the organization.
Time will tell whether the new business organization will rise up to
these challenges. If legal professionals can successfully assume the strategic
and integrative roles in the business organization, they will be considered
proactive, progressive players. Most importantly, they will be able to make
a substantial positive contribution to the competitiveness of their enterprises.


Perhaps the most fundamental lesson from the globalization of markets

is that the education and skills of the work force and managers will end up
being the dominant competitive weapon. The new breed of managers will
be well-rounded individuals who are willing to experiment and not be
obsessed by the management process. They need to develop an appreciation
for multiple perspectives and tap a diverse set of expertise in resolving
business problems.

To create this new breed of managers, the higher education system

needs to consider the benefits of integrated, interdisciplinary education.
Business schools should no longer produce logistics or accounting
specialists. Language departments should no longer train just linguists.
Schools of international relations should no longer produce comparative
government experts. Rather, we need graduates blessed with a broad-based
foundation of knowledge and skills in a variety of disciplines.
In other words, the educational community should gear up to meet the
challenge for the profession articulated above-the strategic and integrative
contributions to management of business enterprises. In the short-term this
may imply greater appreciation of legal perspectives for business students,
and greater appreciation of management perspectives for commercial law
students. More drastic reorganizations are needed for longer-term solutions,
however. We may see innovative, exemplary programs which effectively
blend management, legal, and other expertise.


Participation in cross-border transactions poses some unique legal

concerns for companies. The legal profession will need to pay continued
attention to these management issues. These issues are outlined below.

A. Legal Agreements and Conflict Resolution in InternationalBusiness


Firms continue to grapple with the issue of how they should formalize
relationships with their international partners. How should sales, distributor-
licensing contracts be structured? How detailed should they be? What are
the mechanisms for satisfactory conflict resolution?

B. Intellectual Property Protection

This perennial problem is a concern for most technology-intensive firms.

International partners continue to have their own interpretations of the rights
and obligations associated with technology transfer. Practical mechanisms
for ensuring protection are absent.

C. Standards and Product Liability

Legal systems for product liability exhibit great variations from country
to country. However, as far as process standards are concerned, the ISO
90004 guidelines appear to move companies toward more uniform systems.
Simplification and harmonization of legal processes will be a high priority
for international trade lawyers. Harmonization is needed in the areas of
technical, health and safety standards, inspection and approval procedures,
labeling and packaging regulations, advertising regulations, and product
liability regulations.

D. OrganizationalFormsfor InternationalOperations

Firms also require guidance in setting up foreign operations that are

consistent with legal and tax objectives. Multinational operations necessitate
production, sourcing, and marketing activities in multiple markets.
Coordination of business activities in diverse environments becomes a real
task. Legal professionals can be helpful in identifying locations and legal
arrangements that would minimize tax and other obligations for the
multinational company.

E. Transfer Pricing

Valuation of intra-corporate transfers to achieve tax and- strategic

objectives continues to be a problem for most multinational corporations. 5
The prices at which units of the same company sell to each other have a far-
reaching effect on the company's success because they influence everything
from foreign subsidiary performance to executive compensation to tax
obligations. Transfer prices continue to be monitored by host governments.
Accounting standards which are in conflict with local regulations will be
subject to close scrutiny.

24. ISO refers to International Standards Organization's quality standards series.

25. See, e.g., S. Tamer Cavusgil, Pricing for Global Markets, in MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR
GLOBAL GROWTH AND COMPETITIVENESS 57, 66-70 (Bus. Int'l Corp, 1990).

F. Gray Market Channels

Distribution of products by unauthorized channels is an ongoing concern

for multinationals.26 Wherever significant price variations exist between
countries, sometimes exacerbated by exchange rate fluctuations, gray market
brokers establish parallel distribution channels. A constant source of friction
between authorized and unauthorized distributors, gray marketing activity
has always been challenged in the courts-with no consistent ruling. While
the 1988 Supreme Court decision in K-mart Corp. v. Cartier,Inc., et al.
permitted continued gray market imports, companies will continue to
challenge this issue in the future.

G. Dumping

Unfair pricing of imports has been a common dilemma for firms that
compete with foreign suppliers in the domestic markets. As before,
determination of what is a reasonable price is a substantial challenge. The
legal profession will continue to be involved in dumping suits initiated by
domestic manufacturers. Effectiveness of such appeals will depend upon
their ability to generate convincing evidence of deliberate underpricing.

H. InternationalBusiness Ethics

For many years the U.S. business community has argued that the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) creates a competitive disadvantage
in international operations. While different administrations have pursued so
called violations with varying vigor, the FCPA is still a concern for U.S.
business executives. The principal problem arises from the vagueness of the
original legislation. The FCPA failed to define bribery in precise terms and
also overlooked the difference between voluntary payments and extortion.
Since its enactment in 1977, many aspects of the FCPA require clarification.

26. See e.g., S. Tamer Cavusgil & Ed Sikora, How Multinationals Can Counter Gray Market
Imports, COLUM. J. WORLD BUS., Winter 1988, at 75-85; K-mart Corp. v. Cartier, Inc., et al., 486 U.S.
281 (1988).

. Environmental Impact

Multinational companies will be under tremendous scrutiny for the

potentially damaging impact to their host country environments. Creative
strategies are needed in this area in order to avoid such problems. Host
countries, environmental, and citizens groups have become extremely vocal
in recent years about the harmful impact of business activity on the
environment. In Germany, for example, strict regulations have been
introduced for recycling. Unlike the United States, the burden of recycling
packages, containers, and shipping materials has been placed on the
manufacturer and the distributor-not the consumer.


The legal profession must be prepared to advise companies on these and

similar challenges. There is a larger role for legal professionals to play than
just responding to the problems of business executives. What can be done
by the legal profession to proactively prepare U.S. firms to be better global
competitors? How can firms be helped in their quest for competitive
advantage? What legal-regulatory reforms are necessary? How can legal
perspectives be integrated into the decision-making processes of managers?
These and similar questions beg immediate attention from international trade
law professionals.

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