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Journal of General Microbiology ( I 974), 80, 29 I -299

Printed in Gseat Britain

The Survival of Peptococcus pre'votii in Relation to the

Adenylate Energy Charge
By M. D. M O N T A G U E " A N D E. A. D A W E S
Department of Biochemistry, University of Hull,
Kingston-upon-Hull, HU6 7R X

(Receiwd 23 July 1973)

Starvation of Peptococcus pre'votii caused extensive loss of RNA which pro-
duced a large flux of adenine nucleotides. The adenylate energy charge remained
essentially constant over the period of rapid decline of RNA but then fell when
the residual RNA was being degraded more slowly. Loss of viability became more
rapid when the adenylate energy charge fell below 0.4 to 0.5.

The adenylate energy charge is a useful concept introduced by Atkinson (1968) to enable
the energetic state of a biological system to be expressed quantitatively. It is defined as
[ATP] + 0-5[ADP]
and thus depends on the individual concentrations of ATP, ADP and AMP. Chapman,
Fall & Atkinson (1971) have demonstrated that in Esclzerichia coli an adenylate energy
charge of 0.5 or less is incompatible with high viability. We have investigated the changes
in adenylate energy charge during starvation of the anaerobe Peptococcus pre'votii, an organ-
ism that ferments purines and a limited number of amino acids while having an extremely
limited ability to attack carbohydrates (Whiteley, 1957). Work in this laboratory (un-
published) has shown that the only amino acids fermented appreciably by P. pre'votii are
serine and threonine which are thus major energy-yielding substrates. Serine is metabolized
by dearnination to pyruvate, thioclastic fission of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, COz and He, and
conversion of acetyl-CoA to acetate, via acetyl phosphate, with the generation of one mole
of ATP.
Gi-owtlr of o r g a n t h . Peptococcus pre'votii, ATCC 14952, was grown at 37 "cin still culture
in medium containing (g/l): KH,P04, 25; NaCl, 5; Difco 'Bactopeptone', 20; Difco yeast
extract, 10;and sodium thioglycollate, I. The pH was adjusted to 7.2 with NaOH. Bacteria
were grown in either I 1 flasks (small scale) or 101 aspirators (large scale). Fully grown
cultures yielded approx. 50 pg dry organisms/ml but the yield and characteristics of growth
varied slightly, apparently according to the batch of yeast extract used for preparing the
medium. The initial exponential period was followed by a long period of slow, arithmetic
growth. It was the extent of this latter phase of growth which varied according to the batch
of yeast extract.
The organism was maintained by subculturing 250ml liquid cultures every 2 to 3 days.
* Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia.
292 M. D. M O N T A G U E A N D E. A . D A W E S
The organism was preserved as stab cultures in solid medium composed of growth medium
supplemented with 15 g Oxoid no. I Agar/l.
Starvation of organisms. Bacteria were harvested late in the period of arithmetic growth
and just before the onset of stationary phase. They were washed with 67 mM-KNa phosphate
buffer, pH 6.8, and then resuspended in the same buffer at approx. 0.8 mg dry wt,"ml.The
suspension was placed in a starvation vessel comprising a round, glass flask (I 1) having
facilities for gassing the suspension and for introducing and withdrawing solutions
aseptically (Dawes & Holms, 1958). For small-scale starvation experiments a three-necked
round flask (150ml) was used, one neck carrying a tube for gassing the suspension. All
operations were carried out under anaerobic conditions and with aseptic precautions. All
glassware was treated with hot 10% nitric acid and washed with distilled water, The buffer
solutions were made up with double glass-distilled water.
In large-scale starvation experiments, 10 1 of culture were harvested at 24 ooog on a Sorvall
RC2-B centrifuge fitted with a Szent-Gyorgyi & Blum type KSB-R continuous flow system
(Ivan Sorvall Inc., Norwalk, Connecticut, U.S.A.). About 3 h elapsed from the start of
harvesting until it became possible to remove the first sample of starving organisms from
the starvation vessel. In small-scale experiments, up to I 1 of culture was harvested at
5000g in an M.S.E. Mistral 6 L centrifuge (M.S.E. Ltd, Crawley, Sussex). The harvesting
and washing procedure occupied I h and was performed as near as possible to 37 'C, but
it proved more difficult to achieve this in the large-scale experiments.
Starvation was carried out at 37 "C.The starvation vessel was shaken gently on a flask
shaker (Griffin & George Ltd, P.O. Box 1 1 , Ledson Road, Manchester) and a slow stream
of wet, sterile, oxygen-free nitrogen was passed through the suspension. Small samples
(up to 10ml) were removed through a port closed with a Suba Seal (Freeman & Co. Ltd,
Barnsley, Yorkshire) using sterile needles and syringes. Larger samples were removed via
a tap at the bottom of the vessel.
Determination of viability. The slide-culture method of Postgate, Crumpton & Hunter
(19611, modified for use with anaerobic bacteria (Dawes & Large, I970), was used except
that the culture was not sealed with a coverslip and all manipulations were performed under
a stream of sterile, oxygen-free nitrogen.
Measurement of ATP, A D P , and A M P . ATP in bacterial extracts was measured by the
firefly luminescence method using a high-gain photomultiplier tube as described by Dawes
& Large (1970) except that the output of the photomultiplier tube was measured by a Smith
' Servoscribe' linear chart recorder (Smith Industries Ltd, Wembley, Middlesex).
ADP and AMP in extracts were determined as ATP after enzymic conversion of each
to ATP (Johnson, Hardnian, Broadus & Sutherland, 1970).
Bacterial extracts were prepared by pipetting samples of bacterial suspension into sul-
phuric acid (to give a final concentration of 0.3 M). After 10 min a predetermined volume
of M-NaOH was added to pH 7.3. Denatured material was removed by centrifuging and the
extracts were stored frozen. The extracts were assayed for adenine nucleotides within 48 h
of preparation. Correction was made for adenine nucleotides in the supernatants of samples
taken simultaneously, and immediately centrifuged; it was negligible up to 12 h starvation
and quite small thereafter. Because of the high ionic strength of the neutralized extracts,
which decreases the light output in the luminescent reaction, the solutions i%erediluted
tenfold with water before determination of the adenine nucleotides. The method of internal
standards was used to determine the ATP in the extracts.
Protein and R N A estimation. Bacteria were harvested from starving suspensions by cen tri-
fuging, and RNA and protein determined by the methods of Herbert, Phipps & Strange (1971).
Adenylate energy charge of P. pre'votii 293

5 10 15
Time from start of harvesting (h)
Fig. I . Changes in protein (O),RNA (0), total adenine nucleotides (A) and adenylate energy
charge ( 0 )during starvation of Peptococcus pre'vofii (large-scale experiment). Bacteria from a 101
culture were harvested, washed and starved at 0.84mg dry wtirnl (total volume, 450 ml). Samples
(9 nil) of the suspension were taken at intervaIs for determination of adenine nucleotides. Protein
and R N A estimations were made on 15 ml and zo ml samples respectively of the starving

Serine and ammonia determinations. Serine was determined by the ninhydrin method of
Yemm & Cocking ( I 955). With serine-supplemented suspensions of the organism, the
ammonia produced by metabolism of the amino acid interfered and a correction was
applied. Ammonia was determined by nesslerization.

Adenine nucleotides and adenylate energy charge during
starvation of Peptococcus pre'votii
Changes in the levels of ATP, ADP, AMP, bacterial protein and R N A were measured in
a large-scale experiment and the adenylate energy charge was derived (Fig. I). The initial
increase in total adenylate at 5 h was reflected by increases in the three individual nucleotide
concentrations: thereafter all decreased as starvation continued. The typical microbial
storage materials, namely glycogen, polyphosphate and poly-/3-hydroxybutyrate (Dawes
& Senior, 1g73), were not detected. It is clear that R N A is the only endogenous substrate
used substantially during starvation and that the small decline in protein is not significant
as an energy source. These results were highly reproducible and all similar experiments
demonstrated the large flux in adenine nucleotides corresponding to a period of rapid
breakdown of RNA. The adenine nucleotides are presumably formed by the successive
action of polynucleotide phosphorylase and adenylate kinase, both of which have been
detected readily in normal and in starving cultures of P. pre'votii (J. G. Morton, unpublished).
294 M. D. M O N T A G U E A N D E. A. D A W E S

Table I,Intracellular levels of adenine nucleotides in starving

Pep tococcus prkvotii (small-scale experiment)
Bacteria from 8ooml of culture were harvested, washed and starved at 1-06 mg dry wtfml
(volume, 40 ml). Samples (3 ml) of the suspension were taken at intervals for determination of
adenine nucleotides.
Time from
start of Adenine nucleotides (nmol/ml suspension) Adenylate
harvesting I
-' energy
(h) ATP ADP AMP Total charge
I 5.76 2'21 0.43 8-40 0.82
1'5 I '94 0.55 0.14 2.63 0.85
2.25 I '30 0.52 0.26 2.08 0-75
3 I .82 0.46 1'21 3'49 0'59
4 2-39 I '92 1 '59 5-90 0-57
6 2'33 I -64 1.37 5'34 0-59
9'5 I .30 1 -04 I .04 3.38 0.54

We have not investigated the levels of ribonucleases in this organism but it is possible that
these enzymes, if present, would cause a contribution to the pool of AMP if they are of the
appropriate specificity.
The events which occur in the 3 h period after harvesting starts and before sampling of
starving bacteria commences are clearly of interest. The organisms do not all enter starva-
tion simultaneously but do so continuously as they are removed from the culture medium
over the 90 min required for harvesting. Hence there will be a wide range of physiological
states represented when sampling begins.
In some experiments small samples (up to 200 ml) of culture were harvested and washed
rapidly, independent of the bulk of the culture which was still being harvested. Protein and
RNA estimations on these rapidly harvested bacteria showed that very little decline in either
polymer would have occurred over the 3 h required for harvesting and washing the bulk of
the bacteria, i.e. the degradation of R N A shown in Fig. I had just started when the first
sample was taken.
This conclusion is supported by small-scale starvation experiments. The quantity of
organisms involved in such experiments did not permit a continuous assay of RNA, but
the changes in levels of adenine nucleotides could be measured readily. Also, since the time
required for harvesting and washing is about I h, these changes could be measured during
very early starvation. The results from such an experiment (Table I ) were, as nith the
large-scale experiments, quite reproducible. There was a rapid drop in total adenine nucleo-
tides during early starvation. We assume this was due to the fermentation of the purine
moiety after dephosphorylation of AMP and, as AMP was removed, the equilibrium poten-
tiated by adenylate kinase provided a continual source of AMP. This drop was followed by
a very steep increase in the total adenine nucleotides which, from the experience of the
large-scale experiment, we attribute to the degradation of RNA. Finally, the level of total
adenine nucleotides fell as purines were fermented and supplies were not replenished fast
enough by the decay of RNA, which occurred at a much lower rate as starvation proceeded.
The flux in adenine nucleotides occurred at approximately the same time, relative to the
start of harvesting, with both the large-scale and small-scale experiments. However, there
is one discrepancy between the two types of experiment. The adenylate energy charge over
the period of rapid decay of RNA was approximately constant at just below 0.5 in the large-
scale experiments, whereas in the small-scale experiments the value, although almost con-
Adenylate energy charge of P. pre'votii 295



-4- -"-c
I I I I I 1
0 4 8 I' 16 20 24
Timc from \lLtt-t of hanesting ( h )

Fig. 2. Loss of viability in starving Peptococcus pve'votii in large-scale (open symbols)

and small-scale (closed symbols) experiments.

stant, was nearly 0-1unit higher. We can offer no explanation for this difference but it may
be related to the fact that it was simpler to harvest and wash bacteria at or near 37 "C in the
small-scale experiment than it was in the large-scale experiment. In the latter case the tem-
peratures at which the washed bacteria were added to the starvation vessel may sometimes
have been as low as 27 "C.
Despite the higher energy charge in the small-scale experiment there was no obvious dif-
ference in the decline in viability between large-scale and small-scale experiments (Fig. 2).
Apart from one large-scale experiment (symbol, 0)both types of experiment show a decline
in viability followed by a more rapid decline after about 10 h starvation. (In this single
experiment the 'peak' of ATP production was not so marked and was more spread than in
the typical experiments.) Chapman et al. ( I 97 I ) have indicated the critical nature of the value
of 0.5 for the adenylate energy charge in Escherichia coli and possibly in other bacteria.
The change in rate of loss of viability found in our experiments coincides with the attainment
of a very low value for the level of ATP (about one-hundredth of the value for growing
bacteria) and consequently a strong tendency for the energy charge to fall below 0.5. Thus
although our results cannot distinguish whether it is the fall in ATP levels or the lower
adenylate energy charge which might be responsible for the increased loss in viability after
10h starvation, the results are not incompatible with the hypothesis of Chapman et al.
(1 97 1).
Energy of maintenancc-,and starving Peptococcus pre'votii
The concept of energy of maintenance (Dawes & Ribbons, 1964) suggests that there is
a specific rate of consumption of ATP during starvation to provide energy for essential pro-
cesses and reactions. If the rate of regeneration of ATP is high then a pool of ATP will be
established. When the endogenous substrates available for ATP regeneration become

Fig. 3 . Stimulation of ATP levels in starving Peptococcus pre'votii by serine. Bacteria from a 10 1
culture were harvested, washed and suspended in buffer (450 ml) at a concentration of 0.70 mg/ml.
The suspension was distributed equally between three starvation flasks. Soon afterwards, samples
(9 ml) were removed alternately from two flasks for estimation of ATP. A solution of serine in
phosphate buffer (to give a final concentration of 10 mM) was added to one of the two flasks and
sampling of both flasks continued. The following day, serine (final concentration, 1 0m M ) was
added to the third flask and samples (9 ml) for ATP estimation were taken before and after the
addition. (A) Serine added 3 h 30 min after harvesting started (O), and no serine added (0).
(B) Serine added 27 h after harvesting started.

exhausted, or nearly so, the rate of consumption of ATP is limited by the rate of ATP
regeneration and the ATP pool will be very smalI. As a consequence the ADP and AMP
pools become large relative to the ATP pool. This happened after 10to 12 h starvation of
Peptococcus pre'votii under our conditions, when the ATP levels became too low to be
measured accurately by our methods. The situation is a little complicated by the fact that
purines are fermented by P. pre'votii, so that the total quantity of adenine nucleotides was
being depleted continuously although the fermentation did lead, of course, to regeneration
of ATP.
We have therefore studied the ability of starving Peptococcus prkvotii to regenerate ATP
when supplied with a suitable energy source. Serine (10mM) produced an immediate and
large increase of ATP when added to organisms starved for about 3 h (Fig. 3). A much
smaller response was given by organisms starved for 27 h and which had zero viability
at that time. Nevertheless, ATP production occurred and although the actual amount
detected after addition of serine at 27 h was low by comparison with the levels of ATP
generated by serine during early starvation, there may be several reasons for this:
I . After lengthy starvation the permeability characteristics of the bacterial membrane
may have altered so that the organisms were less able to take up serine. Assay of serine in
the suspending medium supports this view, e.g. in one such experiment the rates of serine
disappearance after starvation for I h and for 22 h 44 min were, respectively, 22-2 and
1.1 pmollmg dry wt/h.
2. The levels of ADP and AMP are lower after prolonged starvation than during early
starvation (this was true of the experiment of Fig. I), and this may restrict the rate of
regeneration of ATP.
3. The ATP-regenerating pathways may become impaired during starvation. We have
checked this possibility by assaying the enzymes serine dehydratase, thioclastic enzyme,
Adenylate energy charge of P. pre‘votii 297

Fig. 4. Changes in RNA, viability and adenylate energy charge in starving Peptococcus prdvotii
supplemented with serine. RNA estimations (0, 0 ) were made on 20 ml samples of the starving
suspensions used in the experiments described in Table 2 . Viabilities (0,m) were also determined.
Adenylate energy charges (A, A) are calculated from Table 2 . Open symbols: control bacteria;
closed symbols : serine-supplemented bacteria. The RNA contents at the time of first sampling
were 93 and 86 ,ug/ml suspension respectively for control and serine-supplemented bacteria (12.9%
of the dry bacterial weight in each case).

phosphotransacetylase and acetate kinase (C. M. Bentley, unpublished) and, of these, only
serine dehydratase lost activity (about 40 ”/) over 24 h starvation.
We conclude that Peptococcus p&otii organisms starved for a long period are capable of
regenerating some ATP and that the loss of viability observed when the bacteria starve is
not necessarily due to failure of the ATP-regenerating system. If the energy of maintenance
concept is valid, then death is due to failure of essential processes caused by an inability to
regenerate ATP at a fast enough rate when the endogenous fuel (purines) is depleted.
One feature of our results is puzzling, namely the quantity of ATP produced in response
to serine during early starvation. At the time serine is added to the suspension the total of
adenine nucleotides is 3 to 5 nmol/mg dry weight of bacteria (Fig. I , Table I). After addition
of serine the ATP concentration alone is over ~ o n m o l / m g(Fig. 3). Since it is extremely
unlikely that adenine nucleotides are synthesized de novo in the short time in which the
ATP levels rise, the results suggest that there may be a store of polyadenylic acid or an
adenylate-rich portion of RNA which is broken down in response to a stimulation of ATP
298 M. D. M O N T A G U E A N D E. A. D A W E S

Table 2. Eflect of serine on levels of adenine nucleotides in

starving Peptococcus prPvotii
Bacteria from a 10 1 culture were harvested: half were washed with 67 mwphosphate buffer,
pH 6.8, and half with similar buffer containing serine (20 mM). The washed organisms were re-
suspended in fresh quantities (225 ml) of the wash buffers and the suspensions placed in separate
starvation flasks, serine-supplemented bacteria at 0.67 and control bacteria at 0-72mg dry wt/ml.
Samples (3 ml) were withdrawn at intervals for estimation of adenine nucleotides.
Adenine nucleotides (nmol/mg dry wt)
Serine I

Time from concen- Control organisms Serine-supplemented organisms

start of tration ,- A
> I
harvesting (mM) ATP ADP AMP ATP ADP AMP
2 h 50 min 15-75 0-33 0.73 0.29 6.60 0'73
4 h 30 min 0.50 I -78 1.78 2.20 I 3.20 0.73
3'63 I.r4
6h 0 2.53 2.42 2.65 5.26 3-01 I -70
8 h25 min o 2.47 0.85 2.30 4'29 1-15 2.02
I I h 20 niin 0 I -04 0.34 1.13 3'35 I~26 I .41
16h 0 0.06 0.47 0.36 J .80 2'0 I I '73

production. Polyadenylic acid has not been isolated from natural sources although recent
work (Ohasa & Tsugita, 1972; Ohasa, Tsugita & Mii, 1972) has demonstrated the presence
of polyadenylate synthetase in Esclierichiu coli which is capable of polymerizing ATP in
the absence of primer. Adenylate-rich sequences at the 3'-terminus of messenger RNAs in
mammalian systems are well documented (Edmonds, Vaughan & Nakazato, 1971; Darnell,
Wall & Tushinski, 1971; Lee, Mendecki & Brawerman, 1971) and are probably universal
in eukaryotic messenger RNA.
A consequence of the conclusion that death of Peptococcus pre'votii during starvation is
due to depletion of energy reserves would be that loss of viability should be delayed if the
bacteria are supplied with an exogenous energy supply during early starvation. Alternatively,
the presence of an external energy supply may not affect the utilization of the endogenous
energy source and loss of viability may not be delayed if excess ATP is 'run to waste'. We
have investigated these possibilities by allowing the initial stages of starvation to occur in
the presence of serine, which should maintain the adenylate energy charge at a high value.
Table 2 and Fig. 4 show the results of such an experiment in which 101 of culture were
harvested and the organisms divided into two batches which were then washed and starved
separately. With one batch the washing and starvation were performed in the presence of
20 mwserine and, in this case, the adenylate energy charge was maintained initially but
then fell as the serine was utilized completely. After an initial lag the RNA was degraded
but at a slower rate than in the unsupplemented organisms. There is thus some evidence that
RNA degradation is controlled by adenylate energy charge. However, kinetic factors are
possibly of considerable importance in any control mechanism. Our normal procedure for
starving bacteria favours RNA breakdown, since at the beginning of starvation the extra-
cellular phosphate ion concentration is high and the ADP concentration low. With serine-
supplemented organisms the ADP concentration was higher than with unsupplemented
bacteria and RNA breakdown should have been less favoured with serine-supplemented
organisms. Fig. 3 shows this to be so. We cannot apportion the contribution of adenylate
energy charge and kinetic factors to the control of RNA breakdown as, to our knowledge,
no work has been published on the controls governing the activity of polynucleotide phos-
phorylase and we do not know the effect of adenylate energy charge on this enzyme.
Thus loss of viability in starving Peptococcus pre'votii can be delayed by supplying the
Adenylate energy charge of P. pre‘votii 299
bacteria with an energy source, and this supports the conclusion that death of this organism
is a result of the depletion of its energy reserves.

This work was carried out during the sabbatical leave of M. D. M. from the University of
Sydney. We are grateful for the skilled assistance of Mrs C. M. Bentley in the large-scale
starvation experiments.
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