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Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference

B. Feng, G. Pedrielli, Y. Peng, S. Shashaani, E. Song, C.G. Corlu, L.H. Lee, E.P. Chew, T. Roeder, and
P. Lendermann, eds.



Raghu Pasupathy Dashi I. Singham

Department of Statistics Operations Research Department

Purdue University Naval Postgraduate School
West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA Monterey, CA 93943, USA

Yingchieh Yeh

Institute of Industrial Management

National Central University
Taoyuan, TAIWAN

The ability to use sample data to generate confidence regions on quantiles is of recent interest. In particular,
developing confidence regions for multiple quantile values provides deeper information about the distribution
of underlying output data that may exhibit serial dependence. This paper presents a cancellation method
that employs overlapping batch quantile estimators to generate confidence regions. Our main theorem
characterizes the weak limit of the statistic used in constructing such confidence regions, showing in
particular that the derived weak limit deviates from the classical multivariate Student’s t and the normal
distributions depending on the number of batches and the extent of their overlap. We present limited
numerical results comparing the effect of fully overlapping versus non-overlapping batches to explore the
tradeoff between coverage probability, confidence region volume, and computational effort.

Quantiles widely serve as key summary measures of random variables describing the functioning of a
system of interest, e.g., the completion time of a construction project, wait time experienced in a vehicular
traffic system, or the payouts from an insurance portfolio. Quantiles are almost always estimated using
output data generated from the system (or a simulation model of the system), making confidence bounds
on quantiles of natural interest since they quantify the “uncertainty” associated with the estimated quantile.
Due to their obvious utility, we say no more on motivating quantile confidence sets — see Dong and
Nakayama (2020) and references therein for further discussion. We emphasize that the “data” X1 , X2 , . . .
come from a time series and can exhibit serial correlation. And, while variance reduction methods can be
used as in Chu and Nakayama (2012), Nakayama (2014), Dong and Nakayama (2020) and the numerous
other references therein, we do not employ these methods here.
This paper develops what is identified in existing literature as cancellation methods to calculate
confidence regions on a steady state quantile vector. Motivated by corresponding success in the steady state
mean context, the statistic that we consider here (in the service of confidence region construction) is formed
from overlapping batches of data. Our main result characterizes the weak limit of such an overlapping batch
statistic, in particular demonstrating its dependence on the asymptotic batch size and the extent of batch
overlap, and its deviation from the classical Student’s t and normal random variables. Limited numerical
experience that we present re-affirms the advantages of using large overlapping batches.

978-1-6654-7661-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 25

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

In Section 2, we present the key problem of determining confidence regions for multiple quantiles.
Section 3 reviews related literature. Section 4 presents the main theorem and approach for deriving
confidence regions using overlapping batches, and Section 5 concludes with numerical results.


(i) N refers to the set {1, 2, . . . , } of natural numbers. (ii) IA (x) is the indicator variable taking the value
1 if x ∈ A and 0 otherwise. Also, depending on the context, we write I(A) where I(A) = 1 if the event
A is true and 0 otherwise. (iii) Id refers to the d × d identity matrix and Md+ to the space of symmetric
positive-definite matrices. We write A j and Bi, j to refer to the j-th element of the vector A and the √ (i, j)-th
element of the matrix B, respectively. (iv) For √ a d√× d symmetric positive-definite matrix A, A refers
to a d × d positive definite matrix that satisfies A A = A. It√is known that√a d√× d matrix A is positive
definite if and only if there exists a positive definite matrix A such that A A = A. (iv) ∥x∥ p , p ≥ 1
refers to the L p norm ∑dj=1 |x j | p of the vector x ∈ Rd . We use the special notation ∥x∥ to refer to
the L2 norm. (v) For a d × d matrix B, |B| refers to its determinant. (vi) N(0, Id ) denotes the standard
normal random vector in d dimensions, and χν2 refers to the chi-square random vector with ν degrees of
wp1 p
freedom. (vii) For a random sequence {Xn , n ≥ 1}, we write Xn → X for almost sure convergence, Xn → X
for convergence in probability, and Xn → X for convergence in distribution (or weak convergence). (viii)
σ (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ) refers to the σ -algebra formed by the random variables X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn . (ix) Let B(ξ , δ )
be a ball centered at ξ with radius δ . (x) For random variables Xi from a stationary stochastic process,
let f denote the (marginal) probability density function and F the cumulative distribution function (cdf)
of Xi . Additionally, define F ′ (x) = f (x) and F ′′ (x) to be the first and second derivatives of the cdf. The
empirical cdf Fn and the sample quantile estimator Qn are constructed from X j , j = 1, 2, . . . , n as follows:
Fn (x) := ∑ I(−∞,x] (X j ), x ∈ R;
n j=1

Fn−1 (ηi ) := min{x : Fn (x) ≥ ηi }, ηi ∈ [0, 1];

and the sectioning estimator of the η-quantile is

Qn (η) = (Fn−1 (η1 ), Fn−1 (η2 ), . . . , Fn−1 (ηd )). (1)

In the treatment that follows, we slightly abuse notation and use the same notation (for η) irrespective of
whether η is a scalar or a vector. This should cause no confusion since the dimension of η will be clear
from the context. Finally, we define φ -mixing (Ethier and Kurtz 2009, pp. 59) which represents the type
of dependence considered in this paper.
Definition 1 For a strictly stationary stochastic process {Xn , n ≥ 1}, denote

A1n := σ (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ); An∞ := σ (Xn , Xn+1 , . . . , ),

and n o
φn := sup |P(A | B) − P(B)| : A ∈ A1k , B ∈ Ak+n

, P(B) > 0 .

The process {Xn , n ≥ 1} is said to be φ -mixing if φn → 0 as n → ∞.

Next, we define the confidence region problem. Let {Xn , n ≥ 1} be a real-valued discrete-time stationary
stochastic process, and let

ξ := (ξ1 , ξ2 , . . . , ξd ); ξi := inf{x : F(x) ≥ ηi }, 0 < η1 < η2 · · · < ηd < 1

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

denote a vector of quantiles associated with F. We seek a method to construct a (1 − α)-confidence region
on ξ , that is, given α ∈ (0, 1), we seek an ellipsoid Cn ⊂ Rd constructed from the initial segment of data
{X j , 1 ≤ j ≤ n} such that P(ξ ∈ / Cn ) → α as n → ∞.
Also, observe that we have assumed {Xn , n ≥ 1} is a real-valued process. More generally, one might
assume that {Xn , n ≥ 1} is an S-valued stationary process, θk : S → R, k = 1, 2, . . . , d are functionals such
that F = (F1 , F2 , . . . , Fd ) is the distribution function associated with (θ1 (X1 ), θ2 (X1 ), . . . , θd (X1 )) ∈ Rd , and
the quantiles are
ξ j := inf{x ∈ R : Fj (x) ≥ η j }.
The confidence set construction problem is then that of finding a region
n o
Cn := y ∈ Rd : ∥An (y − Qn (η))∥ p ≤ Rn , p ≥ 1 (2)
satisfying, for fixed α ∈ (0, 1),
lim P(ξ ∈ Cn ) = 1 − α,
Qn (η) ∈ Rd , Rn ∈ R, An ∈ Md+ and Qn (η), Rn , An ∈ σ (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ).
Different choices of An and p in (2) correspond to different shapes of the confidence region. In this paper,
we focus on the case where p = 2 and An is a symmetric positive-definite matrix, resulting in elliptical
confidence regions.

If the sequence {X j , j ≥ 1} is φ -mixing (see Definition 1), F(ξi ) = ηi , F ′ (ξi ) > 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ d, and ∃κ > 0
and δ > 0 such that |F ′′ (x)| ≤ κ for x ∈ ∪B(ξi , δ ), then it follows, e.g., using Theorem 2, that for
η = (η1 , η2 , . . . , ηd ) ∈ (0, 1)d ,
√ −1/2 d min(ηi , η j ) − ηi η j
nΣ (Qn (η) − ξ ) → N(0, I); Σi, j = . (3)
F ′ (ξi )F ′ (ξ j )
Virtually all existing techniques for constructing confidence regions on quantiles directly or indirectly
exploit a central limit theorem (CLT) such as (3). Thus, a useful way of categorizing existing methods
for constructing quantile confidence regions is based on how the CLT in (3) is exploited, giving rise to
consistent and cancellation methods.

3.1 Consistent Methods

Consistent methods construct a consistent estimator Σn of the variance constant Σ in (3) implying that a
simple application of Slutsky’s theorem (Serfling 2009) allows us to construct the valid (1 − α) elliptical
confidence region  
p −1 2
d 2
y∈R :n Σn (Qn (η) − y) ≤ χd,1−α ,
where χd,1−α := min{x : P(χd2 ≤ x) ≥ 1 − α} is the (1 − α) critical value of the the chi-square distribution
with d degrees of freedom. While such an approach is attractive due to its simplicity, as Glynn (1996)
and Chu and Nakayama (2012) note, constructing a consistent estimator (an estimator Σn satisfying Σn → Σ)
is a challenge since it entails consistently estimating the density F ′ (ξi ), 1 ≤ i ≤ d, and further exacerbated
since F ′ (ξ ) appears in the denominator of Σn causing its variance to diverge as ηi → 1. This challenge
has led to various methods aimed specifically at consistent estimation of Σ in the service of constructing
confidence regions. For instance, see Chu and Nakayama (2012) for consistent finite-difference estimators
of the reciprocal of the density, and the large literature dedicated to the question of estimating the density
or its reciprocal. Lei et al. (2020) and Lei et al. (2022) are more recent examples that use a generalized
likelihood ratio estimator of the density to construct a consistent method.

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

3.2 Cancellation Type Methods

A crucial insight is that it is not necessary to consistently estimate Σ in order to construct a valid confidence
region on the quantile vector ξ . This fact is exploited by cancellation methods (Glynn and Iglehart 1985;
Glynn and Iglehart 1990) which explicitly or implicitly construct a process {Sn , n ≥ 1}, Sn ∈ Md+ such that
√ d √
( n(Qn (η) − ξ ), Sn2 ) → ( Σ N(0, Id ), Σ S2 ) as n → ∞, (4)
where S2 ∈ Md+ is a d × d symmetric positive definite random matrix whose distribution can be computed.
This implies, among other things, that S does not depend on the unknown quantities Σ and ξ . Under (4),
the continuous mapping theorem (Billingsley 1999) allows “cancelling” the unknown Σ:
√ q −1 √ √ −1 √
d d −1
( n Sn2 (Qn (η) − ξ ) →  Σ S2 Σ N(0, Id ) = S N(0, Id ),

giving rise to the asymptotically valid (1 − α) elliptical confidence set

 q −1 
2 2 2
y : n∥ Sn (Qn (η) − y)∥ ≤ t˜1−α , (6)

2 is the (1−α) quantile of ∥S−1 N(0, Id )∥2 such that t˜1−α

2 := min t : P(∥S−1 N(0, Id )∥2 ≤ t) ≥ 1 − α .

where t˜1−α
Of course, the choice of Sn2 is not unique and this constitutes both the challenge and the room for nov-
elty within cancellation methods. Also, in arriving at (6), while nothing has been assumed about the
independence between S and N(0, Id ), common choices of Sn will lead to their independence.
A first approach to using batching for quantile estimation for Markov chain output appears in Muñoz
(2010). Another application of the cancellation method to the construction of confidence regions for
quantiles appears in Calvin and Nakayama (2013), where the authors assume that the following functional
central limit theorem is in effect:
⌊nt⌋  d
√ Q⌊nt⌋ (η) − ξ ) → τη W (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, (FCLT)
where p
η(1 − η)
τη := ; ξ := inf{x ∈ R : F(x) ≥ η}; η ∈ (0, 1),
F ′ (ξ )
and the weak convergence is in D[0, 1] endowed with the Skorokhod metric. Calvin and Nakayama (2013)
argue that under (FCLT), it can be shown that
√  d
n (Qn (η) − ξ ) , ST Sn → (τη W (1), τη B) , (7)
where the standardized time series (Schruben 1983) {ST Sn , n ≥ 1} is defined as
ST Sn := √ Q⌊nt⌋ (η) − Qn (η) ∈ D[0, 1].
The importance of (7) is that it allows for construction of a functional of ST Sn that can then be used to
obtain an analogue of Sn in (4) toward constructing a confidence region using (5) and (6). For example,
when d = 1, Calvin and Nakayama (2013) argue, based on methods introduced in Alexopoulos et al. (2007)
for the steady-state mean context, that the weak limit S appearing in (5) is the chi-square random variable
with one degree of freedom (χ12 ) when Sn is chosen as the weighted area estimator (Goldsman et al. 1990)
of Σ:
1 n
j j
Sn := ∑ w ST Sn ,
n j=1 n n

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh
hR i
where the weighting function w : [0, 1] → R is twice differentiable and E 01 w(t)B(t) dt = 1. Calvin
and Nakayama (2013) also provide expressions for the weak limit S when the weighted area estimator is
constructed using nonoverlapping and overlapping batches. Alexopoulos et al. (2020) extend the work
of Calvin and Nakayama (2013) from i.i.d. data to dependent data relying on a geometric moment contraction
condition (GMC) (Wu 2005).
Prior to Calvin and Nakayama (2013), Alexopoulos et al. (2012) present an application of a technique
similar to cancellation (in the sense of not needing consistent estimation of the variance parameter)
toward the construction of a confidence interval on a quantile associated with the steady-state distribution
of a real-valued discrete time stochastic process. Specifically, the authors use a fixed number (b <
∞) of non-overlapping batches to construct the batch quantile estimators Q j,m (η) := Fj,m (η), Fj,m (x) =
m−1 ∑k=( j−1)m+1 I(−∞,x) (Xk ), j = 1, 2, . . . , b; m = n/b, and then crucially demonstrate under GMC (in lieu
of strong mixing) that as n → ∞,
√ d η(1 − η) ∑ℓ=∞ℓ=−∞ ρℓ
m (Q1,m (η) − ξ , Q2,m (η) − ξ , . . . , Qb,m (η) − ξ ) → N 0, Ib , (8)
f 2 (ξ )

where ρℓ = Corr(I(X1 ≤ ξ ), I(Xℓ+1 ≤ ξ )) is the lag-ℓ correlation associated with the process {I(X j ≤ ξ ), j ≥
1}. If Q̄n (η) = b−1 ∑bj=1 Q j,m (η) is the batching estimator and S̄n2 is the sample variance constructed from
√j,m , j = 1, 2, . . . , b, then under (8), the continuous mapping theorem (Billingsley 1999) assures us that
b(Q̄n − ξ )/S̄n converges weakly to the Student’s t random √ variable with b − 1 degrees of freedom,
yielding the (1 − α) confidence interval Q̄n ± tα/2,b−1 S̄n / b. Sequest (Alexopoulos et al. 2019) and
Sequem (Alexopoulos et al. 2017) incorporate notable implementation enhancements to the essential idea
introduced in Alexopoulos et al. (2012).
The idea presented in Alexopoulos et al. (2012) is of particular relevance to what we present here. In fact,
the main theorem that we present can be seen as replacing the batching estimator Q̄n used in Alexopoulos
et al. (2012) with the sectioning estimator Qn , and then generalizing along the following three directions:
(i) allowing any degree of batch overlap ranging from fully overlapping to non-overlapping; (ii) ξ ∈ Rd
implying that the confidence regions reside in an arbitrarily high but finite dimension; and (iii) number
of batches b can be finite or infinite depending on the extent of batch overlap. As our main theorem will
make clear, (i), (ii), and (iii) cause deviations from the classical Student’s t weak limit, and thereby the
nature of the constructed confidence region.

3.3 Bahadur Representations

In this subsection we summarize two strong approximation theorems that are crucially invoked when
proving the main results of this paper. Bahadur’s remarkable result, now known informally as the Bahadur
representation, presents an almost sure bound on the rate at which the error in the sample quantile decays
to zero as n → ∞, while Sen extends the results to φ -mixing random variables.
Theorem 1 (Bahadur Representation for i.i.d. data, see Bahadur (1966)) Suppose (i) F(ξ ) = η, (ii) F
is twice differentiable at ξ , (iii) F ′ (ξ ) > 0, and (iv) ∃κ < ∞ such that |F ′′ (x)| < κ for all x ∈ B(ξ , δ ) and
some δ > 0. Then

n { f (ξ )(Qn (η) − ξ ) − (η − Fn (ξ ))} = O(n−1/4 log n) a.s.
Theorem 2 (Bahadur Representation Under φ -Mixing, see Sen (1972)) Suppose {X j , 1 ≤ j ≤ n} is φ -mixing
with constants φ ( j) ≥ 0 satisfying 1 ≥ φ (1) ≥ φ (2) ≥ · · · ≥ 0, and ∑ φ 1/2 ( j) < ∞. Suppose F is absolutely
continuous in some neighborhood of ξ with a continuous density function f such that 0 < f (ξ ) < ∞.
Furthermore, suppose f ′ (x) = (d/dx) f (x) is positive and bounded in some neighborhood of ξ . Then,

n { f (ξ ) (Qn (η) − ξ ) − (η − Fn (ξ ))} = O(n−1/8 log n) a.s.

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

While Theorem 2 is our essential instrument to handle dependence, we could have equally used a
number of other Bahadur representations (Wu 2005) that have appeared recently.

An estimator Σn of the d × d asymptotic covariance matrix Σ appearing in (3) can be constructed using
overlapping batches of data as follows. Suppose we partition the data into possibly overlapping batches of
size mn and having initial observations offset by an amount dn . (See Figure 1 for a clear idea.) The i-th
batch consists of data X j , j = (i − 1)dn + 1, (i − 1)dn + 2, . . . , (i − 1)dn + mn where i = 1, 2, . . . , bn and the
number of batches bn = dn−1 (n − mn ) + 1. The empirical distribution from the ith batch is then
dn + 1 dn + mn
batch 2

batch 1 batch 3
1 mn 2dn + 1

Figure 1: The figure depicts partially overlapping batches. Batch 1 consists of observations X j , j =
1, 2, . . . , mn ; batch 2 consists of observations X j , j = dn + 1, dn + 2, . . . , dn + mn , and so on, with batch
i consisting X j , j = (i − 1)dn + 1, (i − 1)dn + 2, . . . , (i − 1)dn + mn . There are thus bn := dn−1 (n − mn ) + 1
batches in total, where n is the size of the dataset.

1 (i−1)dn +mn
Fi,mn (x) = ∑ I(−∞,x] (Xk ),
mn k=(i−1)d +1n

yielding the quantile estimators constructed from the various batches:

−1 −1 −1
Qi,mn := (Fi,mn
(η1 ), Fi,m n
(η2 ), . . . , Fi,mn
(ηd )), i = 1, 2, . . . , bn . (9)
The sectioning estimator in (1) and the batch quantiles in (9) together suggest the following natural estimator
Σmn of Σ:
1 mn bn
Σmn := ∑ (Q j,mn (η) − Qn (η))(Q j,mn (η) − Qn (η))T .
1 − (mn /n) bn j=1

The factor (1 − mn /n)−1 ensures that the estimator Σmn is asymptotically unbiased. Also define the
corresponding “Studentized random vector”
√ − 21
Tmn := n Σmn (Qn (η) − ξ ).

We are now ready to state the main result that characterizes the weak convergence behavior of the
matrix sequence {Σmn , n ≥ 1} and the vector sequence {Tmn , n ≥ 1}.
Theorem 3 (OB Limits χOB 2 (β , b) and T (β , b)) Suppose that the postulates of Theorem 2 hold and that

β := lim > 0; b := lim bn ∈ {2, 3, . . . , ∞}.
n n n

Define the “Brownian bridge” random vector

B(u, β ) := Wd (u + β ) −Wd (u) − βWd (1), u ∈ [0, 1 − β ], β ∈ (0, 1),

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

where {Wd (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1} is the d-dimensional standard Wiener process. Then the sequences {Σmn , n ≥
1}, {Tmn , n ≥ 1} satisfy
d √ √
2 (β , b) ΣT ; d−1
Σmn → Σ χOB Tmn → χOB (β , b)Wd (1) =: TOB (β , b), (11)
1 1 R 1−β
κ1 (β ,b) β (1−β ) 0 B(u, β )B(u, β )T du b=∞
χ2 OB (β , b) := 1 11 b T
κ1 (β ,b) β b ∑ j=1 B(c j , β )B(c j , β ) b ∈ N\{1},

2 (β , b) − 2 , and where κ (β , b) = (1 − β ).
c j = ( j − 1)(1 − β )/(b − 1), and χOB (β , b) := χOB 1

Proof Sketch. Recall Equation (10) and substitute β = mn /n. Since Σ is a variance matrix there exists
√ √ √ T
Σ such that Σ = Σ Σ and define
−1 n − mn n − mn
B̃ j,mn := mn Wd ( j − 1) + mn −Wd ( j − 1) , j = 1, 2, . . . , bn .
bn − 1 bn − 1
mn bn h √ √ √ √ i
(1 − β )Σmn = ∑ (Q j,mn (η) − Qn )(Q j,mn (η) − Qn )T − ( ΣB̃ j,mn − Σn−1Wd (n))( ΣB̃ j,mn − Σn−1Wd (n))T
bn j=1

√ bn  √  √ T !
√ T
1 √ mn √ mn
+ Σ× ∑ mn B̃ j,mn − n Wd (n) mn B̃ j,mn − Wd (n) × Σ =: En + Ln .
bn j=1 n
Using Theorem 2, we can show after lots of algebra that En → 0, and that Ln converges weakly to the
appropriate limit as bn → b = ∞. A similar calculation holds for the b < ∞ context.

4.1 Further Observations

A number of points related to Theorem 3 are salient.

(a) Notice that χOB2 (β , b) ∈ M + is a random matrix and T (β , b) := χ −1 (β , b)W (1) ∈ Rd is a random
vector. They should be seen as the χ 2 and Student’s t analogues for the context of constructing
confidence regions on objects other than the population mean.
(b) The matrix Σmn does not consistently estimate the covariance matrix Σ. This is due to the increased
variance stemming from the use of large batches as connoted by β > 0. It is in this sense that we
can “get away with” using large batches and not estimating the covariance matrix consistently. It
can be shown that if β = 0, that is, if mn /n → 0, then χOB 2 (β , b) degenerates to the identity matrix

and Σmn consistently estimates Σ.

(c) Depending on the values of the limiting batch size β and the limiting number of batches b, the
random vector TOB (β , b) can deviate quite significantly from the standard normal random vector or
the Student’s t random vector Tν . For this reason, it is generally not advisable to substitute TOB (β , b)
with standard normal or Student’s t critical values in an attempt at approximation. To facilitate
using TOB (β , b) as is, code that generates critical values for ∥TOB (β , b)∥ p , p ≥ 1 is available upon
(d) The form of the covariance estimator in (10) implies that O(d 2 ) elements of the covariance matrix
need to be estimated. As we show in a forthcoming paper, by “pushing” the underlying correlation
structure to the right-hand side, we can construct an statistic that needs to estimate only the diagonal
elements of the covariance matrix. In such a case, the weak limit on the right-hand side of (11)
will involve a two-parameter Gaussian process called the Kiefer process.

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

The section estimator Qn in Theorem 3 can be replaced by what has been called the batching estima-
tor (Nakayama 2014):
1 bn
Q̄n := ∑ Q j,mn (η).
bn j=1
The batching estimator Q̄n has a higher bias than the sectioning estimator Qn , and recent analysis by He
and Lam (2021) suggests sectioning estimators may have better coverage when there are a large number
of batches. The batching estimator and the batch quantiles in (9) together suggest the following alternative
to Σmn when estimating Σ:
1 mn
Σ̄mn :=
κ2 (β , b) bn ∑ (Q j,m (η) − Q̄n )(Q j,m (η) − Q̄n )T ,
n n

where κ2 (β , b) is the “bias correction” factor. A theorem analogous to Theorem 3 but with Q̄n replacing
Qn (η), and with Σ̄mn replacing Σmn , yields parallel results which will be discussed in a forthcoming paper.

4.2 The OB Confidence Ellipsoid

Theorem 3 can be directly used to construct an elliptical (1 − α) confidence region on ξ . To see this, note
that (11) implies
√ √ −1 d
q −1
2 (β , b) W (1).
n Σmn (Qn − ξ ) → χOB d (12)
Using the continuous mapping theorem (Billingsley 1999) on (12) with the mapping function g(x) = ∥x∥2 ,
we have
√ −1 2 d q −1 2
n Σmn (Qn − ξ ) → 2
χOB Wd (1) ,

yielding the (1 − α) elliptical confidence set

n √ √ −1 o
Cn := y ∈ Rd : n Σmn (Qn − y) ≤tOB,2,1−α

with root half-volumes of

1/d 1 1 π 1/2d
vol(Cn ) = √ 1/d tOB,2,1−α |Σmn | (13)
2 nΓ d
p −1
where tOB,2,1−α is the (1 − α) quantile of ∥TOB ∥ = 2
χOB Wd (1) . The values of (13) are reported in
the tables in Section 5.

This section presents the results of numerical experiments to explore the effects of increasing batch sizes
and the effect of overlapping batches. For sample size n, the batch size is mn = β n. For nonoverlapping
batches, the number of batches is bn = n/mn and the limiting number of batches as n → ∞ is b = β −1 . For
overlapping batches, we take the maximum level of overlap, so set dn = 1 and set bn = n(1 − β ) + 1. In this
case, the limiting number of batches as n → ∞ is b = ∞. We report the coverage of confidence intervals when
estimating a single quantile, as well as the size of the confidence interval regions when d ≥ 1. Note that
we use our same estimator for nonoverlapping batches as for overlapping batches (varying the parameter
dn to adjust the level of overlap). Future work will compare the effects of numerous other nonoverlapping
batch estimators in the literature that employ alternative cancellation or consistent estimation methods.

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

5.1 IID Exponential Data

We use i.i.d. values of the exponential distribution with rate 1 to test the performance of the overlapping
batch means method. Table 1 shows the results calculating a single quantile using both nonoverlapping and
overlapping batch means. We present the coverage and mean half-width estimate from 2000 independent
replications for each experiment, using (13) to calculate half-widths and root half-volumes.
Table 1: Independent data, d = 1: Coverage values for 95% confidence intervals with average half-widths
in parentheses for the quantile estimate for p = 0.99 of i.i.d. exponential data using 2000 independent
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10 β = 0.20
100 0.594 (0.764) 0.840 (1.297) 0.885 (1.586) 0.917 (2.084)
200 0.693 (0.661) 0.865 (1.008) 0.895 (1.197) 0.930 (1.577)
1,000 0.830 (0.415) 0.932 (0.598) 0.935 (0.669) 0.950 (0.797)
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10 β = 0.20
100 0.587 (0.758) 0.816 (1.244) 0.891 (1.501) 0.884 (1.770)
200 0.677 (0.658) 0.849 (0.968) 0.892 (1.113) 0.895 (1.342)
1,000 0.823 (0.414) 0.917 (0.572) 0.936 (0.640) 0.929 (0.697)

Table 1 shows that increasing the value of β yields greater coverage and greater halfwidths. Meanwhile,
the OLB approach has slightly worse coverage, but narrower half-widths. Using the same data length n,
overlapping batches with a larger β may deliver adequate coverage with smaller half-widths compared
to using NOLB methods. We observe that for small β = 0.01, the performance of nonoverlapping and
overlapping are similar, and the discrepancy increases with larger batches as the effect of the overlap
becomes greater.
Next, we explore simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple quantiles of i.i.d. data where a confidence
region is generated. Table 2 displays these results for the exponential distribution (with rate 1) for
simultaneous confidence intervals for pi = 0.01, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70, 0.99, with dimension d = 5. We use the
estimator Σmn as the estimate of the covariance matrix Σ and report the mean observed root half-volume
of the multidimensional confidence ellipsoid. Table 2 reveals that using overlapping batches appears to
reduce the volume of the confidence regions. Values marked N/A imply the batch size was not large enough
to generate a d-dimensional estimate. Larger confidence interval volumes for larger β may be related
to an observation in Corollary 4.16 of Glynn and Iglehart (1990), in which consistent estimators achieve
lower expected half-widths for the steady state mean than cancellation estimators such as standardized time
series.. We note some overcoverage for large batch sizes (large β when n is large and d > 1) when the
sample size n is not large enough, for example, in the NOLB results coverage is high when n = 1, 000 but
decreases towards nominal as n increases. The OLB results take much longer to compute so we cannot
see the convergence to nominal given computing limits.

5.2 Autoregressive Data

We simulate values of the AR(1) autoregressive process with lag 1 and coefficient α = 0.5. In this case, the
marginal distribution of the data series is N (0, σ 2 /(1 − α 2 )) where σ 2 is the variance of the noise terms
and is set to 1 in our experiments. Table 3 displays the results for confidence intervals calculated for a
single quantile of 0.90. As before, we observe narrower confidence interval half-widths for OLB resulting
from the greater number of batches. Coverage improves as the batch size increases and as n increases.

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

Table 2: Independent data, d = 5: Coverage values for 95% confidence intervals with mean root half-volumes
in parentheses for the joint quantile estimate for pi = 0.01, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70, 0.99 of i.i.d. exponential data
using 2000 independent replications.
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10
100 N/A 0.799 (0.287) 0.915 (0.383)
200 N/A 0.876 (0.189) 0.951 (0.272)
1,000 0.795 (0.073) 0.956 (0.082) 0.967 (0.112)
10,000 0.954 (0.022) 0.956 (0.025) 0.961 (0.035)
100,000 0.950 (0.007) 0.951 (0.008) 0.957 (0.011)
1,000,000 0.949 (0.002) 0.947 (0.002) 0.952 (0.003)
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10
100 N/A 0.814 (0.275) 0.897 (0.286)
200 N/A 0.861 (0.178) 0.924 (0.199)
1,000 0.828 (0.072) 0.960 (0.077) 0.968 (0.082)
10,000 0.952 (0.021) 0.956 (0.023) 0.966 (0.025)

Table 3: Dependent data, d = 1: Coverage values for 95% confidence intervals with mean half-widths in
parentheses for the joint quantile estimate for p = 0.90 with AR(1) data using 2000 independent replications.
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10 β = 0.20
100 0.830 (0.370) 0.893 (0.458) 0.918 (0.519) 0.937 (0.663)
200 0.875 (0.289) 0.899 (0.342) 0.930 (0.395) 0.938 (0.488)
1,000 0.905 (0.145) 0.952 (0.173) 0.943 (0.189) 0.959 (0.225)
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10 β = 0.20
100 0.820 (0.369) 0.898 (0.443) 0.920 (0.493) 0.939 (0.573)
200 0.877 (0.291) 0.898 (0.331) 0.929 (0.375) 0.935 (0.428)
1,000 0.919 (0.146) 0.941 (0.168) 0.953 (0.180) 0.955 (0.194)

Table 4 shows results for d = 3 where the goal is to estimate simultaneously the 0.90, 0.95, and 0.99
quantiles for AR(1) dependent data. We observe higher sample sizes are needed for higher dimensional
settings to achieve adequate coverage. While the overlapping approach with large batch sizes appear to
achieve better coverage with smaller sample sizes, we note the computation time is much higher than for
nonoverlapping interval estimation.

The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees of this paper, who suggested many comments that greatly
improved the content and presentation of this work. The first author thanks the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA and the Operations Research Department, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA for the hospitality during his sabbatical visit in 2021–2022.

Pasupathy, Singham, and Yeh

Table 4: Dependent data, d = 3: Coverage values for 95% confidence intervals with mean half-volumes in
parentheses for the joint quantile estimate for p = 0.90, 0.95, 0.99 with AR(1) data using 2000 independent
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10
500 N/A 0.834 (0.242) 0.948 (0.330)
1,000 0.501 (0.114) 0.927 (0.195) 0.946 (0.238)
2,000 0.664 (0.095) 0.928 (0.141) 0.956 (0.175)
4,000 0.832 (0.081) 0.943 (0.104) 0.958 (0.126)
n β = 0.01 β = 0.05 β = 0.10
500 N/A 0.812 (0.232) 0.940 (0.288)
1,000 0.470 (0.114) 0.925 (0.187) 0.949 (0.207)
2,000 0.672 (0.095) 0.932 (0.135) 0.947 (0.152)
4,000 0.851 (0.080) 0.946 (0.100) 0.965 (0.110)

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RAGHU PASUPATHY is Professor of Statistics at Purdue University. His current research interests lie broadly in general
simulation methodology, statistical computation (especially optimization) and statistical inference. He has been actively involved
with the Winter Simulation Conference for the past 15 years. Raghu Pasupathy’s email address is pasupath@purdue.edu, and
his web page https://web.ics.purdue.edu/∼pasupath contains links to papers, software codes, and other material.

DASHI I. SINGHAM is a Research Associate Professor in the Operations Research Department at the Naval Postgraduate School.
She obtained her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering & Operations Research from the University of California at Berkeley and her
B.S.E. in Operations Research and Financial Engineering from Princeton University. Her email address is dsingham@nps.edu,
and her website is https://faculty.nps.edu/dsingham/.

YINGCHIEH YEH is an Associate Professor in Institute of Industrial Management at National Central University, Taiwan.
He received his Ph.D. from the School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University. His primary research interests
include simulation output analysis, applied probability and statistics, and applied operations research. His email address is


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