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Lab No.6: Measurement of Properties of A Directional Coupler

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Measurement of Properties of a Directional Coupler

 Know the definitions of coupling coefficient and directivity as applied to a directional


 Have measured the coupling coefficient and directivity of the microstrip directional coupler.
Supplied in the MS3000 Micro strip Trainer.

 Appreciate the bandwidth limits over which the directional coupler operates.

 Know application of the directional coupler in microwave measurements and system.


A directional coupler consists essentially of a pair of coupled transmission lines designed so a
specific fraction of the power flowing in one line in a given direction is coupled to the other line; to
propagate only in one direction but not in the other. The directional coupling properties and
definitions of coupling and directivity may be explained with reference to fig . In (a) microwave
power incident at port 1 is second line to emerge at port 3. Ideally zero power emerges at port 4.
The coupling is directional.
Transmission properties of directional coupler
The coupling coefficient of the directional coupler is defined as:
c = P3/P1
Assuming all ports is matched. Coupling is usually expressed in decibels, dB, and i.e.
Coupling = 10 log10 P3/P1
e.g.; if c = 0.1, a –10dB coupler, the coupled power at port 3 is,
P3 = c P1 = 0.1 P1
If c = 0.01, a – 20dB coupler, P3 = 0.01 P1

In the reverse direction, see Fig. 5.3.1(b), power incident at port 2 is transmitted to port 1 with
directional coupling this time to port 4. Ideally no power is coupled to port 3.

As a measure of the directional coupling properties, the term directivity is used. It is defined as the
ratio of the power to the decoupled port to the power at the coupled port:
Directivity, d =P4/ P3 in fig 5.3.1 (a)
Directivity is usually quoted in dB,
Directivity in dB = 10 log 10 P4/ P3 dB

Good quality directional couplers have directivities ranging from 0.01 (-20dB) to 0.0001 (-40 dB).

Directional couplers find important application in microwave measurements, power monitoring and
leveling, signal combiners … etc. Fig shows three typical uses.
(a) A small amount of the source power is coupled to the power meter terminating the forward
coupled branch of the coupler. The power meter reading thus gives a direct measure of the source
power suitably scaled down by the coupling coefficient of directional coupler (typically -20dB or -
30dB down on the main power).

(b) shows a simple measurement of reflection coefficient/return loss. The power reflected at the input
to the device under test is measured by the power meter at port 4.

(c) Shows a power leveling application. A small fraction of the sweeper’s power output is coupled to
port 3, detected by the crystal detector and the resulting voltage fed back to control, via a voltage
controlled attenuator network, the power output of the sweeper, so it remains leveled (constant) with

MS-3000 Directional Coupler

The directional coupler to be investigated, unit DC shown in fig , is an edge coupled Microstrip
coupler designed for S-band operation centered on 2.7GHz and to work in the standard 50 ohm
system. Edge coupled types are suitable for relatively weak coupling application, typically in the
coupling coefficient range 0.03 (-15dB) to 0.001 (-30dB).
The important design parameters are the coupling length L and the separation s between the two
coupled lines. At the mid-band design frequency L should be approximately one quarter of a guide
wavelength, L = ¼λg. The separation s determines the coupling coefficient. The smaller the value of
the tighter the coupling.
Assignment 6.1
To investigate the directional properties of a Directional Coupler


1- Measured P1 using the circuit of (a). Note the PAD is acting as isolator for the VCO microwave
source with low loss transmission from port 1 to port 2.The procedure for setting up the VCO to
given frequency and using the detector and digital voltmeter for power measurement is described
in Lab 3.

2- Measured the coupled power P3 using circuit (b). Note ports 2 and 4 of the directional coupler
are terminated in matched loads. The crystal detector also presents a very good match at port 3.

3- Measured the power P4 to the decoupled port using circuit (c) with ports 2 and 3 terminated in 50
ohm matched loads.
4- Finally measured the transmission through-put power, P2, using (d) with ports 3 and 4 each
terminated 50 ohms.

5- So as to investigate the directional coupler performance over the band of frequencies took
measurements at 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25 and 3.5GHz and used a copy of Table reproduced at the end
of this assignment, to tabulate the results.

P1 = incident power at port 1

P2 = through-put transmission power to port 2
P3 = power coupled to port 3
P4 = power to decoupled port 4
With ports 2, 3 and 4 matched, i.e. terminated in 50 Ω.
Then, Coupling = P3/P1 or 10log10 P3/P1 dB
Directivity = P4/P3 or 10log10 P4/P3 dB
Insertion loss = P2/P1 or 10log10 P2/P1 dB


Activity Name 

Group No. 

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CL PLO Domain +
No. Criteria Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell)
O Taxonomy

1 4 1 P3 Apply Procedural Knowledge to perform the activity

2 6 10 A3 Effectively document performed activities

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