FIGURES ............................................................................................................. 3
Safety Terms and Symbols ............................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 General Description ............................................................................................ 5
2 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7
3 THEORY OF OPERATION ........................................................................... 8
3.1 Data Transmission .............................................................................................. 8
3.2 Ground Fault Measurement and Location Factor ............................................... 8
3.3 Calculations......................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Alarm Outputs ..................................................................................................... 9
3.4.1 Earth Fault Alarms .......................................................................................9
3.4.2 Malfunction Alarm.....................................................................................10
3.5 Analog Outputs ................................................................................................. 10
4 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................... 11
4.1 Transmitter Mounting ....................................................................................... 11
4.2 Pickup Assembly Mounting .............................................................................. 12
4.3 Receiver Installation ......................................................................................... 16
4.3.1 Connections................................................................................................17
4.4 RS232 Interface Use ......................................................................................... 17
5 SYSTEM OPERATION ............................................................................... 18
5.1 Getting Started .................................................................................................. 18
5.2 EFREMview Demonstration Software .......................................................... 23
5.2.1 Main Panel Displays ..................................................................................23
5.2.2 Main Panel Command Buttons and Controls.............................................25
5.2.3 EFREM Setup ............................................................................................25
6 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................ 27
6.1 On Board LEDs................................................................................................. 27
6.2 EFREM Status Code Definitions ...................................................................... 27
6.3 EFREMview Status Codes ............................................................................ 28
7 APPENDIX .................................................................................................. 30
7.1 EFREM Data Output Format ............................................................................ 30
7.1.1 RS232 Serial Data ......................................................................................34
7.1.2 Network Data .............................................................................................35
7.2 EFREM Command Input Format...................................................................... 36
7.3 Systems with multiple Ethernet IP addresses ................................................... 38
Terms and symbols in this manual and accompanying hardware. The following
terms and symbols may appear in this manual and accompanying hardware.
DANGER indicates an injury hazard immediately accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates an injury hazard not immediately accessible as you read the
AC (Alternating Current)
AC Neutral
Earth ground
DC (Direct Current)
AC and DC
1.1 Introduction
This manual describes the field Earth Fault Resistance Monitor (EFREM), Models AT80002,
AT80015, AT80021, AT80024, AT80029 and AT80032 designed and manufactured by
Accumetrics Associates, Inc. for use with large turbine driven synchronous generators. This
system monitors the electrical resistance of the field insulation system and detects the
occurrence of ground faults between the generator field circuit and rotor ground. The EFREM is
designed to operate on generators with brushless exciters and employs wireless techniques to
transmit measurement data from a rotating transmitter to an adjacent pickup coil which is
connected by a coaxial cable to the Receiver Unit. (Refer to manual supplements that address
the variations between the different model numbers; attached at the end of this manual.)
1.2 Scope
This manual covers a description, installation, operation, and maintenance of the Earth Fault
Resistance Monitor.
Receiver Assembly is not receiving a valid signal from the transmitter unit or integrity checks
fail, a Malfunction Alarm output is activated.
The quantitative earth fault results are also transmitted from the Receiver Assembly over an
Ethernet connection to the user’s computer. A demonstration PC program is provided that
displays the measurement results and generates a trend plot of the earth fault resistance.
The EFREM is designed to operate on generators with brushless exciters where there is no
direct electrical connection from the rotating exciter circuit and non-rotating electronics. As a
consequence EFREM employs short range wireless technology to communicate between the
rotor mounted transmitter and the non-rotating receiver. This technology also transmits
electrical power to operate the transmitter.
Rotor Generator
Vx Excitation
K Vx
Field Voltage
RF pow er
Pulse Insulation induction
Generator Current
Measurement BNC
J4 J5
RF Alarms and
Pow er malfunction
AC Pow er RS232
We define the Location Factor, K as a parameter that can vary from 0 to 100%. The normal
voltage potential at the fault location relative to the negative field excitation terminal is K*Vx
where Vx is the Excitation voltage. In other words, the Location Factor is 0% when the fault is
at the negative terminal and 100% when it is at the positive terminal.
3.3 Calculations
A simple measurement of the current flowing into the ground terminal of the Transmitter Module
does not directly provide enough information to determine the fault resistance because the
driving potential for this current is the potential at the fault location, K*Vx, and K is not known.
This problem is overcome by injecting a pulse voltage between the EFREM ground terminal and
the negative field terminal. The current flow responds to this pulse in a manner that allows the
actual resistance as well as the value of K to be determined.
The Transmitter Module samples the current waveform as well as the field voltage and performs
high resolution, high speed analog to digital conversions. The resulting digital data is modulated
on a radio frequency carrier and passed through the rotary transformer coils for transmission to
the receiver unit.
The computation of resistance is repeated on a cycle of 1.24 second duration. However, after
every three cycles, computation is paused for one cycle to perform system calibrations. Thus
the raw computations are updated three times each 4.95 seconds. To minimize the chances of
data scatter, these computational results may be averaged. The system allows the user to
configure the number of computation cycles to average before reporting results. The
adjustment range of this number varies from one to 364. This corresponds to averaging times
up to 10 minutes.
Table 1
CAUTION: This Earth Fault System contains delicate electronic components that must
be protected from excessive shock and prolonged exposure to water, oil, or other
chemical contaminants. All electrical connections should be well protected from
electrostatic discharge (ESD) by using protective wrist straps during installation. During
operation, exposure to ESD may cause temporary disruption to output signals.
Upon receipt of the equipment, the components of the Earth Fault System should be examined
for obvious indications of shipping damage. Check for loosely mounted components, broken or
damaged components or other visual evidence of deficiency.
CAUTION: Hi-pot testing of the field winding can damage the telemetry unit if not done
properly. The three electrical connections should be disconnected before the entire
rotor field with the telemetry system is hi-pot tested.
Transmitter Mounting
Bolts (M6), Flat and
Lock Washers
connections (M5)
NOTE: This length is critical to proper operation. Do not shorten; coil-up any excess
length. Consult the factory if additional cable length is required.
The length of this cable is important in power transfer to the pickup assembly. An arbitrary
length should not be added. If more length is needed, an additional 17.1 meter (56ft) long cable
may be added (for total of 24.4 meters). The 50Ω coaxial cable is Belden RG58/U, part number
8240, with a nominal Velocity of Propagation of 66%.
Mounting of the stationary Pickup Assembly should be done with consideration for the rotor’s
axial motion relative to the stationary Pickup Assembly during operation. The EFREM will
operate properly over an axial motion range of 25.4mm from operating position X shown in
Figure 5. This figure shows the Pickup Assembly in its centered position, but initial mounting
may not be optimum in this position. Users must establish the direction and magnitude of axial
motion during operation.
NOTE: Great care must be taken to avoid a mounting configuration that could result in
mechanical interference between rotating and stationary components causing damage to
equipment and personnel.
[Before running wires to receiver enclosures that do not have knockout holes or a gland plate
provided, it is necessary to remove the internal base plate from the enclosure along with its
associated electronics. Once the base plate is removed, appropriate conduit termination holes
may be punched in the box and it may be mounted as required.]
Referring to Figure 7; AC power may be connected to power connector J8. User output
connections may also be made to terminal blocks as defined in the connection table (Table 2).
Connect the BNC cable from the Pickup Assembly to J4.
4.3.1 Connections
Table 2
Connector Pin Description
J4 Not Applicable BNC Cable Connection
3NO Malfunction Relay, normally open contact (Open
on Malfunction)
3NC Malfunction Relay, normally closed contact
3COM Malfunction Relay, common contact
2NO Alarm 2 Relay, normally open contact (Closed on
J5 2NC Alarm 2 Relay, normally closed contact
2COM Alarm 2 Relay, common contact
1NO Alarm 1 Relay, normally open contact (Closed on
1NC Alarm 1 Relay, normally closed contact
1COM Alarm 1 Relay, common contact
RJ-45 Not Applicable Ethernet Connection
2 RS232 TXE
J7 3 RS232 RXE
5 Ground
1 AC Line
J8 2 AC Neutral
3 Earth Ground
1 A1 Out, analog output #1
J10 2 A2 Out, analog output #2
3 AGND, analog ground
A Nylon P-clamp is provided to strain relieve the Ethernet cable and avoid putting excessive
stress on the RJ-45 connector. Remove its mounting screw and place the cable through the P-
clamp. Insure the microprocessor (Ethernet connector) is fully seated by pressing on it.
The EFREM is designed to be used in a number of different ways. It can be employed in a
stand-alone manner as a simple Earth Fault Monitor with only Alarm Relay outputs. It is
supplied with default alarm settings of 2K and 100K with minimum averaging and dwell
settings. Users may wish to change these settings, which can be easily done using the RS232
or network (Ethernet) connections and the EFREMview software provided with the system.
In most cases, users will want to have a connection to a computer system while the EFREM is
in operation to display and possibly log the earth fault parameters at all times. Accumetrics has
provided its demonstration software, EFREMview, for this purpose. It is expected that many
users will want to use EFREM’s network connection to interface with their existing generator
condition-monitoring computer.
The operation section of the manual is written on the basis that the user will initially employ
EFREMview. For users who wish to develop their own custom computer interface with
EFREM, required information is provided in the Appendix. Accumetrics can also develop
custom display and archiving software applications as required by users.
Now click the Init Network button near the lower right corner of the panel. This makes a
network connection to EFREMview. You will see the Online indicator illuminate, and the IP
address of your computer appears below the indicator. Now click the button showing Network
Data & Setup near the upper right corner of the Resistance Graph to turn it back to COM1 Data
& Setup. At this point your panel should look something like this Figure 9.
Next set the EFREM to communicate with your PC. Connect the serial cable supplied with the
system from the COM1 connector of your computer to the EFREM COM connector. A fixed
Access Code prevents casual viewers from changing settings. The Access Code is tesla!
(with the exclamation point). Enter this access code in the Access Code opening on the bottom
right corner.
Click the Setup button near the lower right corner of the EFREMview panel. You will see the
Setup Panel appear so your screen looks something like this Figure 10.
You only need to be concerned with three items of the screen. They are all Network Settings.
The two buttons at the top of the lower half of the screen should be depressed so they say Use
Network and Automatic IP (DHCP) respectively. Since Automatic DHCP is to be used for
EFREM addressing, none of the 4 addresses and mask labeled EFREM are used and their
contents don’t matter. These controls are all dimmed when Automatic IP (DHCP) is
depressed. The Acquisition IP Address on the lower left is the address the EFREM will search
for and connect to when it is turned on. This allows it to accept commands and send its data.
For this example, you want the address of your computer. This address is shown as
EFREMview Host IP on the lower left side of the EFREMview panel. (If your computer has
more than one network interface or you want to use a simple crossover cable interface to the
EFREM, the situation is a little more complicated. See Appendix 7.3 on page 38.) Enter this
address as the Acquisition IP Address and click Set EFREM TCP/IP. Now Close the Setup
panel and turn off the EFREM receiver. Connect the network cable to the EFREM and turn it
back on. Depress the COM1 Data & Setup button so it says Network Data & Setup. In a few
seconds you should see the Connected indicator illuminate and the address of the EFREM
obtained automatically (from DHCP) will appear as Client IP. Now you can remove the serial
cable and use the network connection for data and commands. Note that for a real setup, you
have to be sure the address of the computer you connect to does not change so it needs to
have a static IP setup; or if it uses DHCP, the server must be set to give it a permanent lease on
its address so it never changes. This does not apply to the address of the EFREM that can
change freely each time the system is turned on without ill effects.
The top right half of the panel is the status and settings of the malfunction and alarm relays as
reported by the EFREM in the most recent data set. Note that the Malfunction relay is asserted
immediately upon detection of malfunction. If a large number of EF Averages is set, up to ten
minutes may elapse before the fact is reported by the EFREM in an averaged data set. Note
also that if the communication from the EFREM receiver to the PC is interrupted, relay operation
may go on normally without the relay states ever being reported to the PC. If you want frequent
reports of relay status, use a small setting of Number of Averages in EF Measurement. The
relay status is also displayed immediately on LEDs at the receiver (see Section 6.1–On Board
The center of the panel shows a graph of the most recent 500 averaged Earth Fault resistance
points as reported by the EFREM. This can vary in duration from 13.75 minutes to 5000
minutes (83 hours) depending on the setting of number of averages. When 500 points have
been graphed, each new point pushes the graph one point to the left so the oldest point is lost.
Below the graph are two boxes showing the status and IP address of the Host Computer
running EFREMview and of the EFREM receiver.
seconds if you exceed this value and the Try These Settings and OK, Set EFREM buttons are
dimmed to prevent the settings from being used. You can reduce either the Number of
Averages in EF Measurements or the number of Dwell Resistance Measurements to get a
smaller number of Dwell Seconds.
Try These Settings takes the settings and programs the EFREM temporarily so the original
settings are restored by cycling the EFREM power. OK, Set EFREM changes the settings so
they are retained after cycling the EFREM power.
Table 3
D11 Unused
D10 Unused
D9 Unused
D8 Unused
D7 Data OK, Malfunction Clear
4000 Field voltage so low Fault Location is not calculated. Low limit is 1.0V excitation. Under
very unusual conditions the field voltage may be reported over 1.0V with a status 4000
because an individual check of field voltage is made in each half of the calculation. If
Status 4000 occurs during an Earth Fault average, Fault Location is not calculated for
the whole Earth Fault average time. The EFREM reports the Location Factor as 222.2 in
this case.
3000 Combination of Earth Fault Resistance too high and Field Voltage too low prevents
calculating a value for Fault Location. This is not in any way a defect in either the
EFREM or the generator and it does not reflect any uncertainty in the Earth Fault
Resistance value used for the alarms. Earth Fault resistance measurements in the
MegOhm range are generally the result of the distributed leakage over the entire length
of the field winding and therefore the location factor is meaningless. If Status 3000
occurs during an Earth Fault average, Fault Location is not calculated for the whole
Earth Fault average time. The EFREM reports the Location Factor as 222.2 in this case.
2500 Earth Fault Resistance too high to calculate accurately. This also prevents calculation of
Fault Location which is reported as the no-data value of 222.2. This code should not be
observed below a 20 Megohm Earth Fault Resistance.
500 Earth Fault Measurement average with malfunction part or all of average time.
Add to the above 500 code to indicate conditions at the time data are output and alarms are
1 Full data set not obtained
2 Low Power (normally seen as code 503 adding the conditions) the induced power to the
rotating part of the EFREM is low.
Other codes in the 500 to 1000 range should be reported to Accumetrics engineering personnel
to aid in troubleshooting. It is normal to cycle through a few codes on a transient basis coming
out of malfunction. Only codes seen for a period of time are considered significant.
It is always worth checking for Pickup Assembly misalignment or cable problems if you see
codes in this class.
0 Everything is normal. There are no status issues to report.
The next Figure 14 shows the same Standard Input/Output panel enlarged to be more legible.
It is easy to identify most of the data items by comparing with the EFREMview main panel.
The “Got 74 bytes:” part of the blocks is added by the TCP/IP read function. The part that starts
EFREM is the actual characters sent by the EFREM. Note that in this case the network has
sent the individual blocks but it has no obligation to do so as long as it delivers all the bytes in
the right order eventually. Your software should not assume it will do this but should maintain
the location by looking for the “EFREM” bytes that start each block. Also note that things like
the blocking of the data are determined by negotiation between the EFREM, the network, and
the receiving computer so one EFREM may give different blocking results used on different
The three item lines are:
EFREM Version Config Threshold1 Threshhold2 Dwell1 Dwell2 EFAveragesSet Sequence CR LF
transmitted value to see if a byte or bytes may have changed during transmission. If
TCP/IP is used there is much stronger error checking already used than the BCC
provides. This makes the BCC unnecessary using TCP/IP and a lowercase z is always
used in this position. The algorithm details follow.
The Block Check Code is a byte calculated by an exclusive-or and rotate algorithm.
Calculate on all characters of block up starting with the first byte of EFREM and going up
to and including the LF before the BCC itself
Start with BCC= 0
Exclusive or each character with current BCC and rotate the bits one place left
Your software should accept the Port 5654 connection request from the EFREM and read and
process the data blocks as they are sent. That is pretty much all there is to it.
The reader will recognize the first set of commands as the alarm commands and the second set
as the network commands. The arguments have the following rules:
Table 4
Command Argument Description
Example: In the following example Alarm 1 values are reset and the address of the Acquisition
Computer is reset. It is understood that each line ends with CR LF and that CR means one CR
byte and that LF means one LF byte.