D8202 Apm
D8202 Apm
D8202 Apm
CE 40-801, Rev 4
5) First Segment Take-off Gross Climb Gradient - One eng. Inoperative - Flap 0° 12
6) Second Segment Take-off Gross Climb Gradient - One eng. Inoperative - Flap 0°. 13
9) Final Segment Take-off Gross Climb Gradient – One eng. Inoperative – Flap 0° 16
10) Take-off Run required - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0° 17
11) Take-off Distance Required - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0° - 18
12) Accelerate –Stop distance required- Zero Wind, Zero Runway slope – Flap 0°. 19
15) Net take-off Flight Path – Radius of Steady 15° Banked Turn 22
16) Maximum Permissible Landing Weight (WAT Limit) Landing Flap 15°, 23
17) Approach Gross Climb Gradient – One Eng, Inoperative – Flap 5°. 24
18) Balked Landing Gross Climb Gradient – Both Eng, Operating. – Flap 15°. 25
20) Brake Energy in Accelerate-Stop - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0°. 27
This supplement contains data for operation above pressure altitudes of 10,000 ft ASL.
The information and data contained in this document supplements the information contained in the basic
Approved Flight Manual for the DHC - 8 Model 202 aircraft. For limitations, procedures and performance
information not contained in this document refer to the Approved Flight Manual or other applicable
Approved Flight Manual Supplements.
This Supplement must be attached to the Approved Flight Manual for the aircraft with the subject design
change incorporated.
The information in Section 2 of AFM and the Supplement Compatibility Table in Sub Section 1.5 of the
approved AFM are applicable with addition of the following:
(b) Night VMC – minimum ceiling 2,000 feet above airport elevation within 25 NM
– minimum visibility 10 NM
– EGPWS must be operational
(d) IMC Arrivals – airport ceiling 500 feet above Final Approach Fix (FAF) altitude for the
approach being flown
– minimum visibility 10 NM
– airport must be insight at the FAF
– EGPWS must be operational
2.5 This supplement is not compatible with the following supplements in AFM section 1.5:
(i) Supplement 22- Noise Abatement Procedures -Take-off with 1150 Propeller RPM
(j) Supplement 23- Noise Abatement Procedures (Landing with 1050 propeller RPM)
(l) Supplement 38- Noise Abatement Procedures(Takeoff with 1100 Propeller RPM)
(m) Supplement 39- Noise Abatement Procedures (Landing with 900 Propeller RPM)
(n) Supplement 48- Landing from 4.5 deg Approach and 35 ft Screen Height
Additional or future supplements should be reviewed to ensure compatibility with this Supplement.
2.6 In flight the pilot flying MUST be on Oxygen when the cabin altitude is above 10,000 feet.
In flight it is recommended that both pilots be on oxygen when the Cabin Altitude is above10,000 feet.
2.7 A 25 degree Bank must not be initiated prior to the Landing Gear indicating UP
The Emergency Procedures in the AFM section 3 are applicable.
(b) Cabin Altitude Manual Control rotary selector - fully Counter Clockwise
To minimize possible high ITT during the start, it is recommended that the CONDITION
LEVERS are not selected to START FEATHER until 20% or maximum stabilized NH
on the start is achieved.
The take-off rotation rate above 5000 ft is less rapid than required below 5000 ft to
achieve Take off performance.
After Cabin Altitude attains 10000 ft, adjust CABIN ALT to 8000 ft or desired CABIN ALT for the
enroute. CABIN PRESS caution light extinguished.
The cabin altitude will rise to 10000 ft and the CABIN PRESS caution light may illuminate
The rate knob may be used to facilitate cabin depressurization rate to 10000 ft
(a) CAB ALT rotary switch- May be used to maintain the cabin altitude at 0.5 psi
differential or lower for landing
When bleeds selected off the cabin altitude will rise to the actual aircraft altitude.
Bleeds should NOT be selected off above 14000 ft as the Passenger Oxygen System may
To decrease the touchdown rate of descent Power MAY be required in the landing flare.
The performance data in the AFM Section 5 and supplements are applicable with addition of the
following performance data:
4) Maximum Take-off Power Torque Setting (in flight), Bleed Off . Extrapolated
5) First Segment Take-off Gross Climb Gradient - One eng. Inoperative - Flap 0°. Extrapolated
6) Second Segment Take-off Gross Climb Gradient - One eng. Inoperative - Flap 0°. Extrapolated
7) Rotation Speeds Vr and Conversion of Vr and V1/Vr ratio to V1 – Flap 0°. Extrapolated
9) Final Segment Take-off Gross Climb Gradient – One eng. Inoperative – Flap 0°. Extrapolated
10) Take-off Run required - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0° Extrapolated
11) Take-off Distance Required - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0° - Extrapolated
12) Accelerate –Stop distance required- Zero Wind, Zero Runway slope – Flap 0°. Extrapolated
15) Net take-off Flight Path – Radius of Steady 15° Banked Turn. Extrapolated
16) Maximum Permissible Landing Weight (WAT Limit) Landing Flap 15°, Approach Flap 5°.
17) Approach Gross Climb Gradient – One Eng, Inoperative – Flap 5° .Extrapolated
18) Balked Landing Gross Climb Gradient – Both Eng, Operating. – Flap 15° .Extrapolated
20) Brake Energy in Accelerate-Stop - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0°. Extrapolated
4) Maximum Take-off Power Torque Setting (in flight), Bleed Off Extrapolated
10) Take-Off Run required – Zero Wind , Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0°
11) Take-off Distance Required - Zero Wind, Zero Runway Slope – Flap 0° -
11) Accelerate - Stop distance required - Zero wind, Zero Runway Slope
Flap 0°. Extrapolated
15) Net Take-off Flight Path – Radius of Steady 15° Banked Turn
16) Maximum Permissible Landing Weight (WAT Limit) Landing Flap 15°
Approach Flap 5° - Extrapolated
18) Balked Landing Gross Climb Gradient – Both Engines Operating – Flap
15° Extrapolated