Gravitation Test
Gravitation Test
Gravitation Test
(3) its angular momentum about the earth decreases (C) 1 / 5 (D) 5
(4) its period of revolution around the earth increases Q.18 A satellite can be in a geostationary orbit around
Correct options are – earth at a distance r from the centre. If the angular
(A) 1, 4 (B) 2, 3 velocity of earth about its axis doubles, a satellite can
(C) 1, 2, 3 (D) 1, 3 now be in a geostationary orbit around earth if its
Q.12 A spherical uniform planet is rotating about its axis. distance from the centre is–
The velocity of a point on its equator is V. Due to the r r
rotation of planet about its axis the acceleration due (A) (B)
to gravity g at equator is 1/2 of g at poles. The escape 2 2 2
velocity of a particle on the pole of planet in terms of r r
(C) (D)
V. (4)1/3
(A) Ve = 2V (B) Ve = V
Q.19 In side a hollow spherical shell –
(C) Ve = V/2 (D) Ve 3V (A) everywhere gravitational potential is zero
Q.13 Let be the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation (B) everywhere gravitational field is zero
about its axis. Assume that the acceleration due to (C) everywhere gravitational potential is same
gravity on the earth’s surface has the same value at (D) everywhere gravitational field is same
the equator and the poles. An object weighed at the Q.20 The figure shows a planet in elliptical orbit around
equator gives the same reading as a reading taken at a the sun S. Where is the kinetic energy of the planet
depth d below earth’s surface at a pole (d << R). The maximum ?
value of d is –
2R 2 2R 2 P4 S P2
(A) (B)
g 2g
2 2 R 2 Rg (A) P1 (B) P2
(C) (D)
g g (C) P3 (D) P4
Q.14 The kinetic energy of a satellite in an orbit close to For Q.21-Q.25 :
the surface of the earth is E. What should be its The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL
kinetic energy so that it escapes from the VALUE.
gravitational field of the earth ? Q.21 A cavity of radius R/2 is made inside a solid sphere
(A) 2E (B) 2E of radius R. The centre of the cavity is located at a
(C) 2 2E (D) 4E distance R/2 from the centre of the sphere. The
Q.15 A point P lies on the axis of a fixed ring of mass M gravitational force on a particle of mass ‘m’ at a
and radius R, at a distance 2R from its centre O. A distance R/2 from the centre of the sphere on the line
small particle starts from P and reaches O under joining both the centres of sphere and cavity is
gravitational attraction only. Its speed at O will be – (3mg / X). Find the value of X.
(opposite to the centre of gravity)
2GM [Here g = GM/R², where M is the mass of the sphere]
(A) zero (B)
R Q.22 Two satellites have their masses in the ratio of 3 : 1.
2GM 2GM 1 The radii of their circular orbits are in the ratio of 1 :
(C) ( 5 1) (D) (1 ) 4. The ratio of total mechanical energy of A and B is
R R 5
X : 1. Find the value of X.
Q.16 Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform density Q. 23 A satellite of mass m, initially at rest on the earth, is
the acceleration due to gravity then choose the launched into a circular orbit at a height equal to the
correct option– radius of the earth. The minimum energy required is
(A) at a point outside the earth is inversely X
proportional to the square of its distance from the mgR . Find the value of X.
centre 4
(B) at a point outside the earth is inversely Q.24 A planet revolves about the sun is elliptical orbit. The
proportional to its distance from the centre dA
areal velocity of the planet is 4.0 × 1016 m2/s.
(C) at a point inside is proportional to its distance dt
from the centre. The least distance between planet and the sun is
(D) Both (A) and (C) 2 × 1012m. Then the maximum speed of the planet in
Q.17 If the radius of the earth be increased by a factor of 5, km/s is –
by what factor its density be changed to keep the Q.25 Two planets A and B have the same material density.
value of 'g' same – If the radius of A is twice that of B, then the ratio of
(A) 1/25 (B) 1/5 the escape velocity vA/vB is –