Airway Stent
Airway Stent
Airway Stent
OPINION Airway stent: what is new and what should
be discarded
Felix J.F. Herth and Ralf Eberhardt
Purpose of review
Patients with lung cancer often develop endobronchial disease, endobronchial tumor extension or airway
compression. Various nonmalignant diseases can also lead to severe central airway obstruction.
Since the early 1980s, technical advances of interventional bronchoscopic techniques have improved
symptom-free survival and quality of life for patients with lung cancer. Apart from other techniques, various
airway stents have been developed. Although interventional procedures are not definitive therapies, they
often relieve the strangling sensation produced by airway occlusion. There have been various new
developments and the authors review the available current literature on endobronchial stents
Recent findings
For patients with respiratory symptoms because of malignant airway obstruction, stent placement provides
symptom palliation and improved quality of life.
Various options for central airway obstruction are in development and will change our daily work. In
particular, coated stents have a large potential in minimizing stent complications.
central airway obstruction, interventional pulmonology, stent placement
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FIGURE 1. Metallic Y-shaped stent in place.
In a recently published review article Dutau et al. external airway splints. After the implanation, the
[20 ] presented the available literature on the use of infants did not have any life-threatening airway
biodegradable stents in animal and humans trials. problems and the long-term follow-up shows con-
The group summarized the main indication clearly tinued growth of the primary airways. Thus patient-
being a benign, symptomatic CAO with a need for specific three-dimensional printed device pro-
temporary rather than permanent stenting. The duction seems feasible. More data on such options
current literature provides case sampling rather than are certainly needed but may prove to be an exciting
evidence, but it seems that the use of such stents possibility for a patient-specific approach to the vari-
could circumvent long-term complications experi- able shapes and causes of CAO.
enced with regular stents. The literature also shows
that biodegradable stents are not without safety
issues. Toxicity of their degradation products and CONCLUSION
the degradation-related, premature failure of the Stents are an effective treatment for patients with
implant are reported issues. The majority of the CAO. After the implantation, most of the symptoms
stents are synthetic and the degradable polymers are rapidly improved. Based on the underlying dis-
are polyesters. It has to be shown that alternative ease, long-term complications are common, especi-
structures, such as polyanhydrides, polyphospha- ally in nonmalignant disease. Owing to the lack of
zenes, polyamides, polycarbonates, or magnesium, an ideal stent, further technical developments
may be able to compete with the polyesters in the are needed. The first generation of biodegradable
future. Prospective studies are desperately needed to stents is available, drug coated or delivering stents
answer open questions regarding these stents. are on the way to our armentarium and three-
Different groups are currently working on vari- dimensional printing of an optimized stent may
able types of coating of the stent [drug-eluting stents be the future. It would appear that in interventional
(DES)]. This aims to reduce the fibroblast growth, pulmonology, a personalized medicine approach is
resulting in a reduction of formation of granulation soon to be expected.
tissue. But, beside all technical improvement, there is a
Chinese researchers developed a paclitaxel- clear need for a quality-based definition of interven-
eluting tracheal stent with sustained and slow tional pulmonology/stent centers as well as for
paclitaxel release [21 ], which could inhibit the structured training programs.
formation of granulation tissue. They measured
the in-vitro paclitaxel dilution and were able to Acknowledgements
show that a coating proportion of 0.1% (w/v) pacli- None.
taxel and 2% (w/v) polylactic acid-coglycolic acid
resulted in paclitaxel released from the DES at thera- Financial support and sponsorship
peutic levels. The release of paclitaxel was sustained None.
in excess of 40 days. Coating seems therefore
possible and human trials have already started. Conflicts of interest
Kruklitis et al. [22 ] reported on the use of the
There are no conflicts of interest.
stent as a way to transport therapeutic agents to the
mucosa. They impregnated the stent with viral gene
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