ECON Lecture Notes
ECON Lecture Notes
ECON Lecture Notes
• money
century • energy
• and other resources to maximize our
The economic way of thinking well-being.
3. Marginal Analysis
In essence, before we choose a certain
alternative, we often ask ourselves if this will be
“beneficial or not” or “should we pursue this
action or not.” In the economic perspective,
these questions are also asked, but they are
also often answered in a unique way by using
an approach we call marginal analysis.
There are many ways to depict how
economists think, 1. Economics is a study of how society
1. Decision making during scarcity. manages its resources and is concerned with
2. Rational behavior the efficient and effective allocation of said
3. Marginal analysis resources.
2. The branches of economics are
1. Decision making during scarcity. microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Because of scarce resources decision
3. Opportunity cost is that the cost of
makers should decide what to have and what
something is what we forgo to get it.
to forgo. This is the reason why we hear an
economist say, “There is no such thing as free 4. Production possibilities frontier
lunch.” The idea is simple: You may get treated represents points at which an economy is most
to lunch by a person, so it is “free” for you, but efficient producing its goods and services.
it will be a cost to someone else. Up to the
5. Utility is to measure one’s pleasure,
extent that it could also affect the society.
happiness, or satisfaction.
Whenever people hear that the
price of oil in the world market will increase, EQUILIBRIUM
is a state in which opposing forces or SUPPLY- is the quantity of goods or services
influences are balanced. "The maintenance of sellers are willing and able to sell at different
social equilibrium" prices.
Is ability of a deformed material body to
return to its original shape and size when the
forces causing the deformation are removed. A
body with this ability is said to behave (or
respond) elastically.
Cross- price elasticity measures how
sensitive the demand of a product is over a
shift of a corresponding product price. Often, in
the market, some goods can relate to one
another. This may mean a product's price
increase or decrease can positively or
negatively affect the other product's demand.