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Karan Minor Project

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BME UG-3, B2
Roll No: 002111201238




INTRODUCTION: An analytical investigation on vibrations
and dynamic stability of helicopter rotor blades usually consists
of two phases (1) the derivation of the governing differential
equations to include para- • meters and variables considered
physically important, and (2) the formulation of solutions for the
equations derived and data interpretations. This paper deals with
the second phase of such an investigation . Due to the
slenderness of a helicopter rotor blades , its aerodynamic cross-
section and the requirements on the craft’s maneuverability,
there are a large number of interacting parameters and the
resulting differential • • equations are, as a rule, nonlinear ,
coupled in terms of field variables . In addition , the aerodynamic
forces, coriolis forces due to rotation of the blade are
nonconservative in nature and the effects due to structural
damping and various boundary conditions must be evaluated.
Considerable attention has been given recently to the derivation
of a • consistent set of nonlinear differential equations together
with aerodynamic forces. This fact is amply demonstrated by the
work of Friedman • and Tong [1] and that of Hodges and
Ormiston [2). In both references [1] and [2], brief reviews on
earlier work on helicopter blade equations can • be found. As for
obtaining solutions to these equation s, there does not appear to
exist a general and efficient method to deal with the difficulties
associated with nonhinearities , nonconservative forces,
coupling terms , various boundary conditions , damping effects
and periodic excitations. For example , Miller and Ellis [3], Ham
[4], and Friedman and Tong [1] have • obtained approximate
solution by including in their solution formulation only the lowest
modes of vibrations , Hodges ’ and Ormiston [2,5] employed the
Galerkin technique in their numerical examples. One of the
disadvantages of this approach is its inability to handle general
boundary conditions . Using the combined concept
of adjoint variable and Lagrange multipliers, variational
statements can be established for a wide range of linear prob- •
hems with nonconservative forces and very versatile boundary
conditions [6]. Thus a generalized Rayleigh-Ritz approximation
scheme can he established for the obtaining of solutions of these
otherwise difficult-to-solve problems. In conjunction with finite
element discretization , this approach has been amply
demonstrated in such applications as nonconservative stability,
damping effects and very general boundary conditions [7,8,9]. •
In the present study, the solution formulation is limited to the
blade vibration considering only the coupling of flapping and root
torsion. Although the • present method can conceivably be
extended for solutions of nonlinear problems , it is desirable first
to have a thorough understanding to solutions of linear problems.
For this purpose, one can go back two decades and use the
equations consistently derived by Houbolt and Brooks in 1956
[10]. The original set of equations was derived for elastic
distributed torsion . It can be adapted to model root torsion if
proper boundary conditions are • introduced. This is shown in
Sections 1 and 2. The physical justification for emphasizing root
torsion over the distributed torsion was due to the pitch control
link at the inboard end of the blade and was used by Miller and
Ellis [3] and again by Ham [4]. It should be clear that , in the
present formulation , to include distributed torsion is simply a
matter of increasing the number of degrees-of-freedom of the
discrete system. The basis of the solution formulation and the
technique of handling the coupling • Finally, the numerical results
obtained indicate that “flutter instability” can occur simply due to
the coupling effect considered without any aerodynamic loads
EQUATIUNS. As a first step to demonstrate the application of
the unconstrained variational - finite element formulation to
helicopter rotors, the vibration of a rotor blade considering the
coupling of flap and root torsion modes of motion is analysed
(Figure 1). For this purpose, the linear set of equations, derived
by Houbolt and Brooks [10], including the coupling flap and
distributed torsion is rewritten here:

where W = W (x,t) and • = $(x,t) denote the flapping deflection

and distributed torsion of the rotor blade respectively. A prime (‘)
denotes differentiation with respect to x, the coordinate along the
blade elastic axis and a dot (S), differentiation with respect to the
time t. Other symbols are defined in the following and are
consistent with the notation in the reference.
In reference [10] , a more general set of linear equations with
fully coupled flap, lag and distributed torsion modes of motion
were derived . The coupling terms have been shown to be due
to the noncoincidence of the elastic centre, centre of gravity and
tension centre, the centrifugal force and the built-in angle of twist.
For a rotor blade without the built-in twist angle, the lag mode of
motion is uncoupled from the general set of equations and the
remaining coupled equations are Eqs. (1) an4i (2) considered
here. Since only the “free vibration” of the rotor blade with a
coupling between flexural and root torsion is considered in this
paper, the terms due to aerodynamic forces are set to zero and
the torsional displacement is only a function of time and not a
function of x. Thus

In Eqs. (4) and (5), it is also assumed ’that the blade has constant
E, I and m throughout its length. To simplify solution formuations
as much as possible , Eqs. (4) and (5) will be transformed into
diniensionless forms and appropriate dimension l ess
parameters will be introduced . This process will also facilitate
parametric studies.
Where the constant c has a real time dimension and will be
defined later in Eqs . (12). Eqs. (4) and (5) become
features of the unconventional variational formulation are that all
the boundary conditions are natural boundary conditions and
that the set of the differential equations, together with all the
boundary conditions , is the direct consequence of a variational
statement and vice versa. The construction of such a variational
statement is simply a process of integration-by-parts from a
bilinear functional of the original differential equations multiplied
by the variation of the adjoint field variable , into some other
bilinear functional with lowest possible derivations of • both the
original field variable and the variations of the adjoint variable. •
With a proper choice of the generalized Lagrange multi pliers,
any physical meaningful boundary conditions consistent with the
physical meaning of the given differential equations themselves
can be resulted from the variational statement as natural
boundary conditions. This general process was treated
elsewhere [7] and will not be reported here. Presently, an
unconstrained • variational statement will be given which ]eads
to the original differential equations and a cet of a very general
boundary conditions.
Let us consider the variational statement .

where a star (*) denotes the adjoint variables and the variations
are totally unconstrained . The Lagrange multipliers k 1, k2 and
k3 are the spring constants, in dimensionless form , for deflection
, bending and torsion at the hub (x = 0) respectively. To show that
the unconstrained variational statement of Eqs. (20) le
Performing integration-by-parts , one arrives at

It is observed that the boundary conditions of Eqs. (24c) and

(24d) represent very general support conditions at the hub. The
special case k 1 = and k2 = 0 corresponds to a hinged blade
while the case k 1 = k2 = corresponds to a hinge less blade.
These two special cases are the only ones considered in the
literature. The boundary condition (24e) indicates a coupling
between the flexural motion w and root torsion at the hub due to
the centrifugal forces and the noncoincidence of the elastic axis
and the tension axis.
DISCRETIZATION. In this section , we shall briefly describe
the formulation of the matrix equation of the approximate solution
from the variational statement given in the previous section.
From Eqs. (21), one can write

It should be noted that Eq. (26) is a quite general equation .

Various types of approximate solutions can be obtained
depending on the choice of the coordinate functions. The
motivation of using the finite elemen~ discretizations , which
corresponds to the choice of a set of piecewise analytic
functions, is twofold: for the ease of extending this formulation to
problems of irregular geometry and for the adaptations to
general finite element computer systems.
In the present fo rmulation , however , only blades of uniform
crosssections will be considered and the elements are assumed
to be of . the same length. Thus, one ir:troduces a local (element)
coordinate ~ which re]a es to the global (~nti7e blade) coordinate
x such that
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Prior to the presentation
of the demonstrative numerical results, it will be worthwhile to
make some observations on the nondimensionalized differential
equations (15) and (16) and the boundary conditions (24).
a. For e = 0, the flapping motion w (x,t) and the root torsion 4,(t)
are essentially uncoupled. The eigenvalue solutions of w reduce
to that of — a rotating beam and agree well with the available da
ta of Boyce , DiPrima and Handelman [11]. The torsional
vibration frequency has only one eigenvalue solution and, if CA
= 0 also , it varies linearly with the rotor speed ~ as expected.
b. For e ≠ 0 and eA = 0, the motions are generally coupled . It is
observed that if e and 4, both change sign , the equation remains
unaltered . Thus , as far as eigenvalues are concerned , they
depend only on the absolute values of e. The solution of 4, for a
negative e, however, is 1800 Out of phase compared with the
one for a positive e of the same magnitude.
c. For e ≠ 0 and eA ≠ 0 the motions are generally coupled. It is
observed that if e, e~ and 4, all three change signs, the
governing equations remain unaltered.
Some demonstrative calculations will now be given*. The
eigenvalue A is generally a complex number. A =A R + i A I (44)
Prom equations (17) and (44), it is clear that the system is
unstable of divergence when A R is nonzero positive and A 1 =
0. When AR = 0, on the other hand , A 1 (LAMBDA) ** represents
the nondimensional frequency of vibration and it can then be
plotted against the nondimensional blade rotating speed 12
(OMEGA) , as shown in Figures 3 through 7. When X i s complex
, one of the square roots of A 2 must have nonzero positive real
part. The system is then unstable since A appears in the
equations only as A 2 . The value of A generally become complex
as the two branches of the frequency curve coalesce. The
“critical” speeds can be located in these figures by noting these
points of coalescence.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:My appreciation goes to Dr.
GOUTAM POHIT for reading the manuscript and for the
suggestions that helped clarify the contents. It's great to show
appreciation for the mentorship and assistance provided
throughout the project.

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