Karan Minor Project
Karan Minor Project
Karan Minor Project
BME UG-3, B2
Roll No: 002111201238
In Eqs. (4) and (5), it is also assumed ’that the blade has constant
E, I and m throughout its length. To simplify solution formuations
as much as possible , Eqs. (4) and (5) will be transformed into
diniensionless forms and appropriate dimension l ess
parameters will be introduced . This process will also facilitate
parametric studies.
Where the constant c has a real time dimension and will be
defined later in Eqs . (12). Eqs. (4) and (5) become
features of the unconventional variational formulation are that all
the boundary conditions are natural boundary conditions and
that the set of the differential equations, together with all the
boundary conditions , is the direct consequence of a variational
statement and vice versa. The construction of such a variational
statement is simply a process of integration-by-parts from a
bilinear functional of the original differential equations multiplied
by the variation of the adjoint field variable , into some other
bilinear functional with lowest possible derivations of • both the
original field variable and the variations of the adjoint variable. •
With a proper choice of the generalized Lagrange multi pliers,
any physical meaningful boundary conditions consistent with the
physical meaning of the given differential equations themselves
can be resulted from the variational statement as natural
boundary conditions. This general process was treated
elsewhere [7] and will not be reported here. Presently, an
unconstrained • variational statement will be given which ]eads
to the original differential equations and a cet of a very general
boundary conditions.
Let us consider the variational statement .
where a star (*) denotes the adjoint variables and the variations
are totally unconstrained . The Lagrange multipliers k 1, k2 and
k3 are the spring constants, in dimensionless form , for deflection
, bending and torsion at the hub (x = 0) respectively. To show that
the unconstrained variational statement of Eqs. (20) le
Performing integration-by-parts , one arrives at