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năm I avg dis năm 15

6 1.380 1.638 15 14
7 1.660 1.962 Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 1.978 2.053
8 1.775 2.127 Discount to Online Retailers 12% 13%
9 2.046 2.266 P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 7.0★ 7.5★
10 2.038 2.249 Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 88 85
11 2.272 2.235 Number of Models 4 4
12 2.095 2.282 Online Retailers 58 54
13 2.175 2.251 Website Displays ($000s) 3.55 3.65
14 2.053 2.242 Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 4.57 5.69
15 1.978 2.335 Retailer Recruitment ($ per unit) 150.95 153.73
Warranty Period (days) 180 360

Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 2.335 2.242

Discount to Online Retailers 10.5% 11.1%
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 7.2★ 7.5★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 82 81
Number of Models 3.8 3.8
Online Retailers 50 50
Website Displays ($000s) 3.335 3.19
Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 7.361 7.04
Retailer Recruitment ($ per unit) 192.19 148.02
Warranty Period (days) 324 324
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
2.175 2.095 2.272 2.038 2.046 1.775 1.66 1.38
15% 17% 16% 14% 16% 15% 15% 15%
7.5★ 7.5★ 8.0★ 7.4★ 6.8★ 6.3★ 5.5★ 5.1★
88 80 81 82 82 83 80 70
4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2
61 55 54 56 55 55 44 36
3.01 3.5 3.1 3.07 3.355 2.24 3 2
4 3.58 4.09 4.15 4.2 3.554 3.7 3
151.95 144.38 129.09 150.41 161.62 131.58 151.83 68.86
180 180 360 180 180 120 120 90

2.251 2.282 2.235 2.249 2.266 2.127 1.962 1.638
11.6% 12.5% 14.3% 14.3% 14.6% 15.2% 15.8% 14.1%
7.5★ 7.4★ 7.4★ 7.2★ 6.9★ 6.6★ 6.0★ 5.1★
81 81 82 81 79 79 77 70
3.9 3.9 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.1
53 56 55 54 54 52 44 36
3.159 3.213 3.002 3.069 3.255 3.241 3.063 2.36
6.342 5.669 5.16 4.799 4.505 4.6 3.963 3.111
154.22 149.80 165.47 170.17 183.98 159.46 162.41 149.02
306 306 288 270 246 204 156 147
Price (average
direct-sale to
$ P/Q Rating Brand
per unit) Reputation
(1 to 10 stars) Number(prior-year
of Online RetaWebsite Displays ($000s)
6 1.380 15% 5.1★ 70 2 36 2
7 1.660 15% 5.5★ 80 2 44 3
8 1.775 15% 6.3★ 83 2 55 2.24
9 2.046 16% 6.8★ 82 2 55 3.355
10 2.038 14% 7.4★ 82 2 56 3.07
11 2.272 16% 8.0★ 81 2 54 3.1
12 2.095 17% 7.5★ 80 4 55 3.5
13 2.175 15% 7.5★ 88 4 61 3.01
14 2.053 13% 7.5★ 85 4 54 3.65
15 1.978 12% 7.0★ 88 4 58 3.55
6 1.638 14.1% 5.1★ 70 2.1 36 2.36
7 1.962 15.8% 6.0★ 77 2.3 44 3.063
8 2.127 15.2% 6.6★ 79 2.8 52 3.241
9 2.266 14.6% 6.9★ 79 3.2 54 3.255
10 2.249 14.3% 7.2★ 81 3.5 54 3.069
11 2.235 14.3% 7.4★ 82 3.8 55 3.002
12 2.282 12.5% 7.4★ 81 3.9 56 3.213
13 2.251 11.6% 7.5★ 81 3.9 53 3.159
14 2.242 11.1% 7.5★ 81 3.8 50 3.19
15 2.335 10.5% 7.2★ 82 3.8 50 3.335
Search Engine
Warranty Period
($ per unit)
3 68.86 90
3.7 151.83 120
3.554 131.58 120
4.2 161.62 180
4.15 150.41 180
4.09 129.09 360
3.58 144.38 180
4 151.95 180
5.69 153.73 360
4.57 150.95 180

3.111 149.02 147

3.963 162.41 156
4.6 159.46 204
4.505 183.98 246
4.799 170.17 270
5.16 165.47 288
5.669 149.80 306
6.342 154.22 306
7.04 148.02 324
7.361 192.19 324
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1.36$ per unit) 1.5
Price (average direct-sale 1.677 1.872 2.024 2.06 1.982 2.021
Discount to 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 16% 14%
P/Q Rating (1 to 105.1★
stars) 5.5★ 6.3★ 6.8★ 7.4★ 8.0★ 7.5★ 7.5★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 80 83 82 82 81 80 88
Number of 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
Online Reta 18 23 40 34 40 38 31 46
Website Displays ($000s) 1.5 1.43 1.76 1.91 1.43 2.2 1.89
Search Engine Advertising 2.6
($000s) 2.5 2.67 2.99 2.09 2.39 2.27
Retailer Recruitment66.67($ per unit)
134.15 129.73 160.60 175.53 180.72 157.93 187.50
Warranty Period (days) 90 90 120 180 180 360 180 180

1.491 1.757 1.951 2.061 2.057 2.041 2.018 2.016

13.4% 14.0% 14.2% 13.4% 13.4% 13.9% 12.3% 11.2%
5.1★ 6.0★ 6.6★ 6.9★ 7.2★ 7.4★ 7.4★ 7.5★
70 77 79 79 81 82 81 81
2.1 2.3 2.8 3.2 3.5 3.8 3.9 3.9
18 23 32 34 35 35 38 34
815 1.247 1.816 1.994 1.954 1.938 1.92 1.867
1.135 1.677 2.328 2.723 2.87 3.074 3.5 3.902
154.20 175.67 172.08 213.86 201.18 213.69 231.72 203.75
96 126 138 168 168 198 198 198
14 15 Price (average
direct-sale to
$ P/Q Rating Brand
per unit) Reputation (prior-year ima
(1 to 10 stars)
1.94 1.893 6 1.360 15% 5.1★ 70
12% 12% 7 1.500 15% 5.5★ 80
7.5★ 7.0★ 8 1.677 15% 6.3★ 83
85 88 9 1.872 15% 6.8★ 82
4 4 10 2.024 15% 7.4★ 82
35 38 11 2.060 15% 8.0★ 81
1.23 970 12 1.982 16% 7.5★ 80
2.09 1.69 13 2.021 14% 7.5★ 88
143.26 171.17 14 1.940 12% 7.5★ 85
360 180 15 1.893 12% 7.0★ 88

1.965 1.942 avg

10.5% 10.0% 6 1.491 13.4% 5.1★ 70
7.5★ 7.2★ 7 1.757 14.0% 6.0★ 77
81 82 8 1.951 14.2% 6.6★ 79
3.8 3.8 9 2.061 13.4% 6.9★ 79
32 28 10 2.057 13.4% 7.2★ 81
1.866 1.886 11 2.041 13.9% 7.4★ 82
4.416 4.394 12 2.018 12.3% 7.4★ 81
191.89 180.05 13 2.016 11.2% 7.5★ 81
234 198 14 1.965 10.5% 7.5★ 81
15 1.942 10.0% 7.2★ 82
Number of Online RetaWebsite Displays
Warranty Period
($ per unit)
2 18 800 1.6 66.67 90
2 23 1.5 2.6 134.15 90
2 40 1.43 2.5 129.73 120
2 34 1.76 2.67 160.60 180
2 40 1.91 2.99 175.53 180
2 38 1.43 2.09 180.72 360
4 31 2.2 2.39 157.93 180
4 46 1.89 2.27 187.50 180
4 35 1.23 2.09 143.26 360
4 0 970 1.69 171.17 180

2.1 18 815 1.135 154.20 96
2.3 23 1.247 1.677 175.67 126
2.8 32 1.816 2.328 172.08 138
3.2 34 1.994 2.723 213.86 168
3.5 35 1.954 2.87 201.18 168
3.8 35 1.938 3.074 213.69 198
3.9 38 1.92 3.5 231.72 198
3.9 34 1.867 3.902 203.75 198
3.8 32 1.866 4.416 191.89 234
3.8 28 1.886 4.394 180.05 198

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