Mids 20 A
Mids 20 A
Mids 20 A
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• The total number of points is 100. There are 10 multiple choice questions worth 4 points each, and three written questions
worth 20 points each.
• For multiple answer questions, fill in the bubbles for ALL correct choices: there may be more than one correct choice,
but there is always at least one correct choice. NO partial credit on multiple answer questions: the set of all correct
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• For written questions, please write your full answer in the space provided and clearly label all subparts of each
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Q1. [40 pts] Multiple Answer
Fill in the bubbles for ALL correct choices: there may be more than one correct choice, but there is always at least one correct
choice. NO partial credit: the set of all correct answers must be checked.
(a) [4 pts] Let X be an m × n matrix. Which of the following are always equal to rank(X)?
A: rank(X T ) C: m − dimension(nullspace(X))
B: rank(X T X) D: dimension(rowspace(X))
(b) [4 pts] Which of the following types of square matrices can have negative eigenvalues?
Top left: A symmetric matrix can have negative eigenvalues, they just have to be real. Bottom left: u is a unit vector that
can be expressed as a linear combination of the standard vectors ni=1 ci ∗ ei where ci < 1. ( ni=1 ci ∗ ei )( ni=1 ci ∗ ei )T =
Pn Pn
( i=1 ci ∗ ei )( i=1 ci ∗ ei )T Top right: An orthogonal matrix has eigenvalues of 1 and -1. Bottom right: The gaussian of a PDF
is a concave function, thus the hessian must have negative eigenvalues.
(c) [4 pts] Choose the correct statement(s) about Support Vector Machines (SVMs).
A: if a finite set of training points from two classes is linearly separable, a hard-margin SVM will always find
a decision boundary correctly classifying every training point
B: if a finite set of training points from two classes is linearly separable, a soft-margin SVM will always find a
decision boundary correctly classifying every training point
C: every trained two-class hard-margin SVM model has at least one point of each class at a distance of exactly
1/kwk (the margin width) from the decision boundary
D: every trained two-class soft-margin SVM model has at least one point of each class at a distance of exactly
1/kwk (the margin width) from the decision boundary
(d) [4 pts] Suppose we perform least-squares linear regression, but we don’t assume that all weight vectors are equally
reasonable; instead, we use the maximum a posteriori method to impose a normally-distributed prior probability on the
weights. Then we are doing
As shown in Lecture 13, the Bayesian justification for ridge regression is derived by applying MAP to the posterior probability
with a Gaussian prior on the weights.
(e) [4 pts] Which of the following statements regarding ROC curves are true?
A: the ROC curve is monotonically increasing C: the ROC curve is concave
B: for a logistic regression classifier, the ROC D: if the ROC curve passes through (0, 1), the
curve’s horizontal axis is the posterior probability classifier is always correct (on the test data used to
used as a threshold for the decision rule make the ROC curve)
The axes of an ROC curve do not correspond to the ”knob” we’re turning when we plot the curve.
Since it’s increasing, the curve is a horizontal line at y=1. So, we have no false positives nor false negatives.
(f) [4 pts] One way to understand regularization is to ask which vectors minimize the regularization term. Consider the set
of unit vectors in the plane: {x ∈ R2 : kxk22 = 1}. Which of the following regularization terms are minimized solely by the
four unit vectors {(0, 1), (1, 0), (−1, 0), (0, −1)} and no other unit vector?
The first option is almost true by definition: these are the sparsest unit vectors. The second option follows Cauchy–
Schwartz. Intuitively, however, we know also that the `1 -norm promotes sparsity, so we should expect this to be true.
Finally, notice that kxk22 always equals 1 and that max(x1 , x2 ) is minimized when x1 = x2 , so both these options are
(g) [4 pts] Suppose we train a soft-margin SVM classifier on data with d-dimensional features and binary labels. Below we
have written four pairs of the form “modification → effect.” For which ones would a model trained on the modified data
always have the corresponding effect relative to the original model?
A: augment the data with polynomial features → optimal value of the objective function (on the training
points) decreases or stays the same
B: multiply each data point by a fixed invertible d × d matrix A; i.e., Xi ← AXi → all training points are
classified the same as before
C: multiply each data point by a fixed orthonormal d×d matrix U and add a fixed vector z ∈ Rd ; i.e., Xi ← UXi +z
→ all training points are classified the same as before.
D: normalize each feature so that its mean is 0 and variance is 1 → all training points are classified the same
as before
1) The original optimal values are possible in the modified setup, since we can use the original w on the original features and
set wi = 0 for all wi corresponding to the newly added features. Thus, the new optimum must be at least as good as the old one.
2) An invertible matrix could still send the data points to a transformed space in which the relative scale of different components
is very different from the original, for instance, affecting the optimization of the new w.
3) Multiplying by an orthogonal matrix is an isometry, meaning that it preserves the norm of all vectors, so the relative scale
stays the same. Adding z to every data point just shifts them. Concretely, take w0 = Uw and α0 = α − zT w0 to recover the
original optimum, since ||w0 || = ||Uw|| = ||w||.
4) Normalizing each feature changes the relative scale of different components; see 2).
(h) [4 pts] A real-valued n×n matrix P is called a projection matrix if P2 = P. Select all the true statements about eigenvalues
of P.
A: P can have an eigenvalue of 0 C: P can have an eigenvalue of −1
(i) [4 pts] Let X be a real-valued n × d matrix. Let Ω be a diagonal, real-valued n × n matrix whose diagonal entries are all
positive. Which of the following are true of the matrix product M = X T ΩX?
B: M could have eigenvalues equal to zero D: the eigenvalues of M are the values on the
diagonal of Ω
It therefore cannot have negative eigenvalues. It can have positive eigenvalues, or eigenvalues equal to 0 (for example, when
all entries of X are 0). Note that the eigenvalues are not necessarily the values along the diagonal of Ω. That would be the case
when the matrix X is orthogonal, but the matrix X isn’t even necessarily square.
(j) [4 pts] Which of the following regression methods always have just one unique optimum, regardless of the data?
Only ridge regression is guaranteed to converge to have a unique optimum as the regularization term makes the objective
function strictly convex. Other options may also have convex objectives, but there may be multiple points in weight space at
which the same loss value is obtained.
Q2. [20 pts] Gradient Descent
Let’s use gradient descent to solve the optimization problem of finding the value of x ∈ R2 that minimizes the objective function
" #
1 1 0
J(x) = xT Ax, A= .
2 0 2
(a) [7 pts] Let x(t) represent the value of x after t iterations of gradient descent from some arbitrary starting point x(0) . Write
the standard gradient descent update equation in the form x(t+1) ← f (x(t) ) (you tell us what the function f is) with a step
size of = 14 . Then manipulate it into the form x(t+1) = Bx(t) where B is a matrix (you tell us what B is). Show your work.
(b) [4 pts] The minimum of J(x) is at x∗ = 0, so we hope that our algorithm will converge: that is, limt→∞ x(t) = 0. Show that
for any starting point x(0) , your gradient descent algorithm converges to x∗ .
t t
Since B is diagonal, x0(t) = 43 x0(0) and x1(t) = 21 x1(0) . Therefore, limt→∞ x0(t) = 0 and limt→∞ x1(t) = 0.
(c) [3 pts] Suppose we change the step size to = 1. What is B? How does gradient descent behave with this step size?
" #
0 0
Now B = . So the component x0 is reduced to zero immediately, but the component x1 repeatedly flips its sign
0 −1
and never reaches the critical point.
(d) [3 pts] Suppose we replace A with another diagonal matrix with positive diagonal entries. What is the optimal step size
for fastest convergence, expressed in terms of the diagonal entries A11 and A22 ?
We achieve the fastest convergence by minimizing max{|1−A11 |, |1−A22 |}, which happens when 1−A11 = −(1−A22 ),
which implies that
= .
A11 + A22
(e) [3 pts] Your argument in part (b) can be adapted to prove convergence for any diagonal A with positive diagonal entries,
so long as we choose a suitably small step size as derived in part (d). Suppose we replace A with another matrix that
is symmetric and positive definite but not diagonal. Suppose we choose a suitably small step size . Without writing
any equations, give a mathematical explanation (in English) why your argument in part (b) applies here and gives us
confidence that gradient descent will converge to the minimum, even though A is not diagonal. Hint: One approach is to
change the coordinate system.
If we find the eigenvectors of A and change the coordinate system to one whose primary axes are the eigenvector direc-
tions, then once again we can express our minimization problem with a diagonal A in that new coordinate system. Then
the same arguments apply.
Q3. [20 pts] Gaussians and Linear Discriminant Analysis
Suppose that the training and test points for a class come from an anisotropic multivariate normal distribution N(µ, Σ), where
µ ∈ Rd and Σ ∈ Rd×d is symmetric and positive definite. Recall that (for x ∈ Rd ) its probability density function (PDF) is
1 1
f (x) = √ √ exp − (x − µ) Σ (x − µ) .
> −1
( 2π)d |Σ| 2
(a) [7 pts] In lecture, I claimed that if Σ is diagonal, you can write this PDF as a product of d univariate Gaussian PDFs, one
for each feature. What if Σ is not diagonal? Show that if you substitute Σ’s eigendecomposition for Σ, you can write the
PDF above as a product of d univariate Gaussian PDFs, one aligned with each eigenvector of Σ. For simplicity, please
set µ = 0 (prove it just for the mean-zero case).
√ √
Hints: Use the shorthand τ = 1/ ( 2π)d |Σ| . Write the eigendecomposition as a summation with one term per
eigenvalue/vector. The determinant |Σ| is the product of Σ’s eigenvalues (all d of them).
Let Σ’s eigendecomposition be Σ = VΛV > , where Λ is diagonal. Then Σ−1 = VΛ−1 V > = di=1 Λ1ii vi v>i where vi is the unit
eigenvector in column i of V, and
d d d
(x> vi )2
1 X !
1 X 1 > Y 1
f (x) = τ exp − x
> vi v x = τ exp −
> x vi vi x =
> √ exp − .
2 i=1
Λii i i=1
2Λii i=1 2πΛii 2Λii
(b) [2 pts] When you express the multivariate PDF as a product of univariate PDFs, what is the variance of the univariate
distribution along the direction of the ith eigenvector vi ?
Λii .
(c) [7 pts] Consider performing linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with two classes. Class C has the class-conditional
distribution N(µC , Σ), and class D has the class-conditional distribution N(µD , Σ). Note that they both have the same
covariance matrix but different means. Recall that we define a quadratic function
QC (x) = ln ( 2π)d fC (x) πC ,
where fC (x) is the PDF for class C and πC is the prior probability for class C. For class D, we define QD (x) likewise. For
simplicity, assume πC = πD = 12 .
Write down the LDA decision boundary as an equation in terms of QC (x) and QD (x). Then substitute the definition
above and show that the decision boundary has the form {x : w · x + α = 0} for some w ∈ Rd and α ∈ R. What is the
value of w?
The LDA decision boundary is QC (x) − QD (x) = 0. (More pedantically, it’s {x : QC (x) − QD (x) = 0}.)
1 1
QC (x) = − (x − µC )> Σ−1 (x − µC ) − ln |Σ| + ln πC .
2 2
1 1
QC (x) − QD (x) = − (x − µC ) Σ (x − µC ) + (x − µD )> Σ−1 (x − µD )
> −1
2 2
1 −1 1 > −1 1 1
= − x Σ x + µC Σ x − µC Σ µC + x Σ−1 x − µ>D Σ−1 x + µ>D Σ−1 µD
> −1
2 2 2 2
1 > −1
= (µC − µD ) Σ x − (µC Σ µC − µD Σ µD ).
> −1 > −1
w = Σ−1 (µC − µD ).
(d) [2 pts] What is the relationship between w and the decision boundary?
w is normal (orthogonal) to the decision boundary.
(e) [2 pts] Is w always an eigenvector of Σ? (That is, is it always true that w = ωvi for some scalar ω and unit eigenvector vi
of Σ?) Why or why not?
No. The means µC and µD are arbitrary, so w = Σ−1 (µC − µD ) does not have to be an eigenvector of Σ.
Q4. [20 pts] Double Regression
Let’s work out a two-way least-squares linear regression method. The input is n observations, recorded in two vectors s, t ∈ Rn .
The ith observation is the ordered pair (si , ti ). We’re going to view these data in two ways: (1) si is a sample point in one
dimension with label ti ; or (2) ti is a sample point in one dimension with label si . We will use least-squares linear regression to
(1) take a test point sT ∈ R and predict its label tT , with a hypothesis tˆ(sT ) = βsT , and (2) take a test point tT ∈ R and predict its
label sT , with a hypothesis ŝ(tT ) = γtT .
We do not use bias terms, so both regression functions will pass through the origin. Our optimization problems are
Xn Xn
Find β that minimizes (βsi − ti )2 Find γ that minimizes (γti − si )2
i=1 i=1
A natural question, which we will explore now, is whether both regressions find the same relationship between sT and tT .
(a) [7 pts] Derive a closed-form expression for the optimal regression coefficient β. Write your final answer in terms of
vector operations, not summations. Show all your work.
The squared error loss is convex, hence we find β by taking the derivative and setting it equal to zero.
n n
∂ X X s·t
0= (βsi − ti )2 = 2 si (βsi − ti ) = 2βksk2 − 2s · t =⇒ β = .
∂β i=1 i=1
(b) [2 pts] What is a closed-form expression for the optimal regression coefficient γ? (This follows from symmetry; you
don’t need to repeat the derivation, unless you want to.)
γ= .
(c) [4 pts] The hypotheses tT = βsT and sT = γtT represent the same equation if and only if βγ = 1. Prove that βγ ≤ 1 and
determine under what condition equality holds. Hint: remember the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality.
βγ = (s · t)2 /(ksk2 ktk2 ). By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, s · t ≤ ksk ktk, so it follows immediately that βγ ≤ 1. This
equality is tight only when s and t are parallel vectors; that is, s = ρt for some ρ ∈ R.
(d) [5 pts] We might want to compute these coefficients with `1 -regularization. For some regularization parameter λ > 0,
consider the optimization problem
Find β that minimizes λ|β| + (βsi − ti )2
In Homework 4, we analyzed this optimization problem and concluded that that there is at most one point where the
derivative is zero. If such a point exists, it is the minimum; otherwise, the minimum is at the discontinuity β = 0. For
simplicity, let’s consider only the case where the solution happens to be positive (β > 0).
Derive a closed-form expression for the optimal regression coefficient β in the case β > 0. Write your final answer in
terms of vector operations, not summations. Show all your work.
For β , 0,
n n
∂ X X
λ|β| + (βsi − ti ) = λ sign(β) + 2 si (βsi − ti ) = λ sign(β) + 2βksk2 − 2s · t.
∂β i=1 i=1
(e) [2 pts] What necessary and sufficient condition (inequality) should s, t, and λ satisfy to assure us that the optimal β
is indeed positive?
The expression for β above is positive if and only if 2s · t > λ.
Addendum (irrelevant to grading). Symmetrically, if there is a critical point β < 0, it satisfies
2s · t + λ
β= ,
but that expression is negative if and only if 2s · t < −λ.
When 2s · t ∈ [−λ, λ] (neither condition is satisfied), the minimum must lie at the only remaining critical point, zero. So
in all cases, we can write
2|s · t| − λ
( )
β = sign(s · t) max ,0 .