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Lab Assig 5

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School of Computer Science

COMP-2540 Data Structures and Algorithms – Winter 2023

Lab Assignment 5
Deadline: The assignment must be submitted in the lab section students are registered in, during
the week of November 27 - December 1, 2023 (15 minutes prior to the end of the lab)
Regulations: This assignment must be done individually. Any similarity found between your
code/answers and another student's, or a carbon-copy of an answer found in the web will be
considered plagiarism. You must implement your own binary search tree and its operations, and
not use the built in ones from the programming language you are using.
Objective: The aim of this assignment is to obtain hands on experience in implementing, testing
and understanding the binary search tree ADT and its operations.
1. [4 marks] Consider a binary search tree (BST). Assume that the keys are integers and no
value (objects) other than the key is stored in each node. By following the explanations and
examples given in class, design an algorithm in pseudo-code for operation remove(k).
2. [4 marks] Using your favorite programming language, implement the BST ADT in a linked
structure, along with the following operations: search, insert and remove.
3. [2 marks] Implement the InOrder traversal strategy discussed in class, which shows the keys
of the BST in increasing order.
[1 bonus mark] Following the InOrder traversal strategy, write a program (or a method) that
draws the BST and shows it on the screen (either console or GUI screen is acceptable).
4. [2 marks] Insert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in the tree (in that order). Show
all keys in the tree (for this and the following, use the InOrder traversal method you
implemented in #3).
5. [2 marks] Perform search(1) and search(15) 100,000 times and record the CPU time taken by
each of these.
6. [1 mark] Remove key 5. Show all keys in inorder traversal. Remove 15. Show all the keys in
inorder traversal. Remove 1. Show all the keys in inorder traversal. Insert key 2. Show all
keys in inorder traversal.
7. [2 marks] Create a new empty binary search tree. Insert 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13, 15, in that order. Show all keys of the tree in inorder traversal.
8. [1 mark] Perform search(1) and search(15) 100,000 times and record the CPU time taken by
each of these.
9. [1 mark] Compare the CPU times of #5 and #8, and explain how they are related to the best
and worst-case running times of the search operation.
10. [1 mark] Remove key 8 and show the keys of the resulting tree (again, in inorder traversal).
11. [1 bonus mark] Using an API of your favorite programming language, consider an
implementation the AVL tree or the Red-black tree. Generate an array A of n random 32-bit
integers. Insert all the keys in the AVL (or Red-black) tree, and in the BST. Do the same for
arrays of size n = 8, 16, 32, 64, …, 220. For each size, calculate the height of both trees (BST
and AVL/Red-black) and store them in a table.
Sort the array A in increasing order into array B. Repeat the same as above for sorted array B.
Comment on the heights you obtained for both trees (BST and AVL/Red-black) on both arrays
A and B, and compare them to the worst-case complexity of the search operation as discussed in
class. Hint: place the CPU times you obtained in a table or a plot.
Total marks: 20 (22 with bonus marks)
1. Your assignment must be submitted during the lab session in the section you are
registered. Any submission on or 15 minutes prior to the end of the lab session will not
be accepted and a zero mark will be given. Late assignments will be given a zero mark.
Submissions by email will not be accepted.
2. Provide the remove algorithm in pseudocode (e.g., written on paper or Word). Code in a
programming language like Java, C/C++ or any other language will not be accepted.
3. Run all BST operations as indicated in items #4 to #10.
4. Explain how your BST and its operations work. This will be asked when the lab
assignment is being submitted – marks will be deducted if not clear how your algorithms
and programs work.

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