Reliance Autoloan Care Insurance Policy - 2013-2014
Reliance Autoloan Care Insurance Policy - 2013-2014
Reliance Autoloan Care Insurance Policy - 2013-2014
General Insurance
Reliance Autoloan Care Insurance Policy
WHEREAS the Insured / Insured Person designated in the Schedule to this Reliance Autoloan Care
Insurance Policy having by a proposal and declaration together with any statement, report or other
document which shall be t he basis of the contract and shaii be deemed to be incor porated her ein, has
applied to Reliance General Insurance Company Limited (hereinafter called "the Company") fo r the
insurance hereinafter set forth and paid appropriate premium for the number of days stated in the
NOW THIS POLICY WITNESSETH that subject to the definitions, terms, conditions and exclusions
contained, endorsed or otherwise expressed herein, the Company shall compensate, indemnify, pay and/or
reimburse the Insured / Insured Person or his/her legal representatives, as the case may be, in respect of
insured events occurring during the period of insurance, in the manner and to the extent set forth in this
"Accident(al)" is a sudden, unfores ee n and involuntary e vent caused by external, visibl e
& violent means.
"Auto Loan EMI" means the equated monthly instalment payable by the Insured to the financial institution
for the auto loan.
"Illness" means a sickness or a disease or pathological condit ion leading to the impairment of normal
physiological function which manifests itself during the Policy Period and requires medical treatment.
"Injury" means accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused by
external, violent and visible and evident means which is verified and certified by a medical practitioner.
"Insurable/Insured event" means an event, loss or damage for which the Insured is entitled to benefit/s
under this Policy
"Insurer" means Company i.e., Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd.
"Insured Person/Insured" means the person specifically named as such in the Schedule, who has a
permanent place of residence in India and for whom the insurance is proposed and the appropriate
premium paid.
"Medical Practitioner" is a person who holds a valid registration from the Medical Council of any state or
Medical Council of India and is thereby entitled to practice medicine within its jurisdiction; and is acting
within the scope and jurisdiction of his license and should not be the policy holder/ insured or close family
member of the policyholder/ insured.
General Insurance
"Outstanding .Auto loan" me3ns the ;1mount outstanding on any given day to a financial instjtuliou of the
principal auto loan and interest thereon payable by the Insured.
"Permanent Total Disability" shall mean an injury which shall within twelve calendar months of its
occurrence be the sole and direct cause of the total and irrecoverable loss of:
• sight of both eyes, or of the actual loss by physical separation of two entire hands or two entire
feet, or of one entire hand and one entire foot, or of such loss of sight of one eye and such loss of
one entire hand or one entire foot,
• use of two hands or two feet, or of one hand and one foot, or of such loss of sight of one eye and
such loss of use of one hand or one foot.
"Policy" is the Company's contract of insurance with the policyholder providing cover as detailed in this
Policy Terms & conditions, the Proposal Form, Policy Schedule ,Endorsements, if any and Annexures, which
form part of the contract and must be read together.
"Policy period" means the period between the start date and the e nd date as specified in the Schedule or
the cancellation of this policy, whichever is earlier.
"Pre-existing disease" means any condition, illness or injury or related condition(s) for which the
Insured/Insured person had signs or symptoms and/or were diagnosed and/or received medical advice/
treatment, within 48 months prior to the first policy under which the Insured Person was covered with us.
"Schedule" means the document attached name so and to and the forming part of this Policy mentioning
the details of the Insured/ Insured Person/s, the Sum Insured, the period and the limits to which benefits
under the Policy are subject to..
"Sum Insured" means the sum as specified in the schedule, which sum represents the Company's maximum
liability for any or all claims under this Policy during the Policy period.
"Standard type of aircraft" means any aircraft duly licensed to carry passengers (for hire or otherwise) by
an appropriate authority irrespective of whether such an aircraft is privately owned o r chartered or
operated by a regular airline or whether such an aircraft has a single engine or multiengine.
Scope of Coverage
1. What is covered
This Section covers the Insured/Insured person up to the Sum Insured specified in the Schedule, against
default in payment of his / her auto loan EM!s on account of injury sustained during the Policy Period
r esulting in death or permanent total disablement, as the case may be, of the Insured within 12 (twelve)
calendar months of occurrence of such injury.
Additionally, this Section also provides for reimbursement, in the event of the dea th of the Insured /Insured
Person due to i njury o utside his/her home, of the expenses incurred for transportation of lnsu red's dead
ody to his/her place of residence subject to a maximum ofRs 2,500/- for the entir e Policy period.
In case of loans being under joint names of two persons, for each of the borrowers, the Sum Insured for the
purpose of claim under this Section, shall be 50% of the total Sum Insured opted by the Insured and
mentioned in the Schedule. Similarly in case of loans w ith more than two persons as joint borrowers, the
Sum Insured of the o utstanding loan amount will be divided amongst all of them in equal proportion of the
Sum Insured, subject otherwise to t erms conditions of the Policy.
The maximum liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the Sum Insured as mentioned in the
2. Basis of settlement
Subject to the Sum Insured specified in the Schedule, coverage under this Section shall be as follows:
% of Sum
Nature of Disablement
1. Death 100%
2. Total and irrecoverable loss of
i) Sight of both eyes or of the actual loss by physical separation of the two 100%
entire hands or two entire feet or one entire hand and one entire foot or of
such loss of sight of one eye and such loss of one entire hand or one entire foot
ii) Use of two hands or of two feet or of one hand and one foot or of such loss 100%
of sight of one eye and such loss of use of one hand or one foot.
For the purpose of items 2 i & ii above, physical separation of one e ntire hand shall mean
separation at or above wrist and/ or of the foot at or above ankle, respectively.
4. Permanent total and absolute disablement disabling the Insured from 100%
engaging in any employment or occupation of any description whatsoever.
The disablement/ death must occur w ithin one year of the accident.
The disablement must be confirmed and claimed for prior to the expiry of a period of 3 months since
occurrence of the disablement
The Sum Insured un der t his Section is limited to the a 1.1Lo luau amount availed of by the insured on the date
of the claim. plus interest to accrue thereon. Where the Policy is taken after payment of one or more EMis
of the auto loan, the Sum Insured shall be limited to the principal auto loan outstanding as on the date of
taking the Policy plus interest to accrue thereon. Pre-closure charges, if any, payable to the financia l
institution concerned due to foreclosure of the loan will also be covered under the Policy.
In the event the outstanding auto loan amount of the Insured, inclusive of interest, if any, as on the date of
diagnosis is less than the Sum Insured, the outstanding auto loan amount inclusive of interest, if any, as on
date of diagnosis will be paid to the financial institution concerned and the balance of the Sum Insured, if
any, will b e paid to the Insured or his/ her legal representatives, as the case may be.
General Insurance
General Insurance
plus interest to ~ccruc thereon. Prc-c1osure charges, if any, payable to the financial in!ititution concerned
due to foreclosure of the loan will also be covered under the Policy.
In the event the outstanding auto loan amount of the Insured, inclusive of interest, if any, as on the date of
diagnosis is less than the Sum Insured, the outstanding auto loan amount inclusive of interest, if any, as on
date of diagnosis will be paid to the financial institution concerned and the balance of the Sum Insured, if
any, will be paid to the Insured or his/ her legal representatives, as the case may be.
Cancer of specified severity
I. A malignant tumour characterized by the uncontrolled growth & spread of malignant cells with invasion
& destruction of normal tissues. This diagnosis must be supported by histological evidence of malignancy
& confirmed by a pathologist. The term cancer includes leukemia, lymphoma and sarcoma.
II. The following are excluded -
Tumors showing the malignant changes of carcinoma in situ & tumors which are
ii histologically described as pre-malignant or non invasive, including but not limited
iii to:Carcinoma in situ of breasts, Cervical dysplasia CI N-1, Cl N-2 & CIN-3.
iv Any skin cancer other than invasive malignant melanoma
v All tumors of the prostrate unless histologically classified as having a Gleason score greater
than 6 or having progressed to a t least clinical TNM classification T2NOMO
vi Papilary Micro-carcinoma of the thyroid less than 1 cm in diameter
vii Chronic lymphocyctic leukaemia less t han RAJ stage 3
viii Microcarcinoma of the bladder
ix All tumors in t he presence of HIV infection
Open chest Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
I. The actual undergoing of open heart chest surgery for the correction of one or more coronary arteries,
w hich is/are narrowed or blocked, by coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). The diagnosis must be supported
by a coronary angiography and the realization of surgery has to be confirmed by a specialist medical
II. The following are excluded:
- Angioplasty and/or any other intra-arterial procedures
- Any key-hole or laser surgery
Major Organ/ Bone Marrow Transplant
I. The actual undergoing of a transplant of:
(i). One of the following organs: heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, that resulted from irreversible end-
stage failure of the relevant organ, or
(ii) Human bone marrow using haematopoietic stem cell. The undergoing of a transplant has to be
~ - - - -~ - -
General Insurance
of his/ her auto loan IU"1ls due to loss of en1ployn1ent on account of:
a. Termination of the Insured from employment on account of closure of the firm / body corporate /
establishment wherein the Insured is employed, due to poor financia l health or any merger/acquisition
of the firm / body corporate / establishment leading to the termination, dismissal or retrenchment of
the Insured.
b. Termination or dismissal, lay off, temporary suspension or retrenchment of the Insured from the
employment imposed on him/her by the firm/ body corporate/ establishment in compliance with any
law relating to this employment for the time being in force or any directives by any Public Authority.
c. Any ,retirement scheme of compulsory nature if the firm / body corporate / establishment is closing
down one division and a minimum of 20 employees are availing the retirement scheme.
The Sum Insured under this Section is limited to 6 auto loan EMis or the outstanding auto loan amount,
whichever is lower, at the time of claim.
2. What i s not covered:
The Company shall not be liable under this Section for:
1. In the event of termination, dismissal, temporary suspension or retrenchment from employment of the
Insured which is being attributed to any dishonesty or fraud on the part of the Insured or his willful
violat ion of any rules of the employer or laws for the time being in force.
2. In connection with or in respect of:
a. Self employed persons
b. Any claim relating to unemployment in respect of a job which is casual, temporary, seasonal or
contractual in nature or any claim relating to an employee not on the direct rolls of the employer.
c. Unemployment at the time of inception of the period of insurance or arising within first three
months of inception of the period of Insurance.
3. Termination, dismissal, temporary suspension or retrenchment from employment of the Insured which
does not commence during the period of insurance.
4. Termination, dismissal, temporary suspension or retrenchment from employment of the Insured which
is less than a period of thirty (30) days at a stretch.
5. Termination, dismissal, temporary suspension or retrenchment from employment of the Insured which
is attributed to poor performance of the Insured.
6. Termination, dismissal, temporary suspension or retrenchment from employment of the Ins ured
where insured was aware of the circumstance leading to such termination, dismissal, temporary
suspension or retrenchment beforehand at the time proposing for this insurance.
7. Unemployment of the Insured that is purely voluntary.
8. Resignation, Superannuation, early retirement of the Insured.
Gen e ra l Insurance
3. Special Condition
Eligibility for claim under this Section:
• The Insured shall be out of his cur rent job on account of the reasons ment ioned herein above and
shall be out of any job at least for thirty days consecutively from the time of losing his/ her current
• The benefit under this Section will stop once he/ she gets another job.
Section D - Child Care Allowance
What is covered
This Section provides for payment of allowance to the dependant child(ren) of the Insured up to the limits
of the Sum Insured as specified in the Schedule, in the event of death or permanent total disablement of the
Insured, due to accidental injury for which there is a valid claim under Section A of this Policy.
The allowance will be payable to the dependant children of the Insured (limited to a maximum of two
children below the age of 21 years) towards their educational expenses, provided that the children are
pursuing their education at the time of claim under this Section.
The Sum Insured is subject to a limit of 2% of the outstanding auto loan at the commencement of this
All the exclusions applicable to Section A of this Policy above, shall apply to this Section also.
, Genera I Exclusions
Any default due to any event not provided under Sections A to C and E above shall be specifically excluded
from the cover granted by this Policy.
General Conditions
1. Duty of Disclosure
The Policy shall be void and all premium paid hereon shall be forfeited to the Company, in the event of
misreprese ntation, mis-description or non-disclosure of any material fact. In the event of untrue or
incorrect statements, misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of any material particulars
in the proposal form, personal statement, declaration and connected documents, or any material
information having been withheld, or a Claim being fraudulent or any fraudulent means or device being
used by the Policyholder/ Insured Person or any one acting on his/ their behalf to obtain a benefit
under t his Policy, the Compa ny may cancel this Policy at its sole discretion and the premium paid shall
be forfeited in its favor.
2. Observance of terms and conditions
The due observance and fu:fi llment of the Policy Tenns & Com.liliun:; and Endorsements of this Poiicy
in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Policyholder/ Insured Person,
shall be a condition precedent to any of the Company's liability to make any payment under this Policy.
3. Reas onable Care
The Policyholder/ Insured Person shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard the interests against any
Illness/ Injury that may give rise to a Claim.
4. Mate rial change
The Policyholder shall immediately notify the Company in writing of any material change in the risk
on account of change in occupation/ business at his own expense and the Company may adjust
the scope of cover and/ or premium, if necessary, accordingly
5. Records to be maintained
The Policyholder/ Insured Person shall keep an accurate record containing all relevant medical records
and shall allow the Company or its representative(s) to inspect such records. The Policyholder/
Insured Person shall furnish such information as the Company may require under this Policy at any
time during the Policy Period and up to three years after the policy expiration, or until final adjustment
(if any) and resolution of all Claims under this Policy.
6. No Constructive Notice
Any knowledge or information of any circumstance or condition in relation to the Policyholder/
Insured Person which is in possession of the Company and not specifically informed by the
Policyholder / Insured Person shall not be held to bind or prejudicially affect the Company
notwithstanding subsequent acceptance of any premium.
7. Complete discharge
Payment made by the Company to the Policyholder/ adult Insured Person or the Nominee of the
Policyholder or the legal representative of the Policyholder or to the Hospital, as the case may be,
of any Medical Expenses or compensation or benefit under the Policy shall in all cases be complete
and construe as an e ffectual discharge in favor of the Company.
8. Special Provisions
Any special provisions subject to which this Policy has been entered into and endorsed in the Policy or
in any separate instrument shall be deemed to be part of this Policy and shall have effect accordingly.
9. Electronic Transactions
The Policyholder/ Insured Person agrees to adhere to and comply with all such terms and conditions as
the Company may prescribe from time to time, and hereby agrees and confirms that all transactions
effected by or through facilities for conducting remote transactions including the Internet, World Wide
Web, electronic data interchange, call centers, t ele-service operations (whether voice, video, data or
The additional premium referred above shall be deducted from the net claim amount payable under
the Policy. This continuous cover to the full extent will be available notwithstanding any previous loss
for which the Company may have paid and irrespective of the fact whether the additional premium as
mentioned above has been actually paid or not following such loss. The intention of this condition is to
ensure continuity of the cover to the Insured subject only to the right of the Company for deduction
from the claim amount, when settled, of pro-rata premium to be calculated from the date of loss till
expiry of the Policy.
Notwithstanding what is stated above, the Sum Insured shall stand reduced by the amount of loss in
case the Insured immediately on occurrence of the loss exercises his option not to reinstate the sum
insured as above.
12. Subrogation
Subrogation shall mean the right of the Company to assume the rights of the Insured
Person/Policyholder to recover expenses paid out under the Policy that may be recovered from any
other source.
The Policyholder/ Insured Person shall at his own expense do or concur in doing or permit to be done
all such acts and things that may be necessary or reasonably required by the Company for the purpose
of enforcing and/or securing any civil or criminal rights and remedies or obtaining relief or indemnity
from any other party to which the Company is/or would become entitled upon the Company paying for
a Claim under this Policy, whether such acts or things shall be or become necessary or required before
or after its payment. Neither the Policyholder nor any Insured Person shall prejudice these subrogation
rights in any manner and shall at his own expense provide the Company w ith whatever assistance or
cooperation is required to enforce such rights. Any recovery the Company makes pursuant to this
clause shall first be applied to the amounts paid or payable by the Company under this Policy and any
costs and expenses incurred by the Company of effecting a recovery, where after the Company shall pay
any balance remaining to the Policyholder. This clause shall not apply to any Benefit offered on fixed
benefit basis.
13. Contribution
Contribution is essentially the right of the Company to call upon other Insurers liable to the same
Insured to share the costs of an indemnity claim on a rateable proportion of Sum Insured.
If at the time when any Claim arises under this Policy, there is any other insurance which covers (or
would have covered but for the existence of this Policy), the same Claim (in whole or in part), t hen the
Company shall not be liable to pay or contribute more than its ratable proportion of any Claim.
This clause shall not apply to any Benefit offered on fixed benefit basis.
This provision, however, shall not be applicable to benefits under Sections A & B of the Policy.
General Insurance
If a Claim is in any way found to be fraudulent, or if any false statement, or declaration is made or used
in support of such a Cla im, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by the Policyholder/ Insured
Person or anyone acting on his/ their behalf to obtain any benefit under this Policy, then this Policy
shall be void and all claims being processed shall be forfeited for all Insured Persons and all sums paid
under this Policy shall be repaid to the Company by the Policyholder/ all Insured Persons who shall be
jointly liable for such repayment.
15. Feature of Claims
If a claim is made and rejected and no Court action or suit is commenced within twelve months after
such rejection or, in case of arbitration taking place as provided therein, within twelve (12) calendar
months after the Arbitrator or Arbitrators have made their award, all benefits under this Policy shall be
16. Cancellation/ Termination
The Company may at any time, cancel this Policy, by giving 7 days notice in writing by Registered Post
Acknowledgment Due to the Insured at his / her last known address in which case t he Company shall
be liable to repay on demand a rateable proportion of the premium for the unexpired term from the
date of the cancellation. The Insured may a lso give 7 days notice in writing, to the Company, for the
cancellation of this Policy, in which case the Company shall from the date of receipt of notice cancel the
Policy and retain the premium for the period this Policy has been in force at the Company's short period
Table of Short Period Scales
Period of Risk Premium to be retained
(Not exceeding) (% of Premium amount)
1 year 50%
2 year 75%
3 year 100%
General Insurance
f. This policy shall not be renewed and the lnsured shall not be eligible for any new simiiar poiicy(es)
if a claim is paid or admitted under this Policy or if there no outstanding loan for which this Policy
was issued
g. If the customer desires to continue to avail of the Critical Illness insurance benefits then he will
have the option to migrate to a suitable Critical Illness policy of the Company as per the existing
guidelines and rates applicable for that Policy with continuity benefits provided such migration
happens within 30 days of expiry of this Policy
h. Policy shall be renewed, provided there is an outstanding loan subject to no claim.
21. Notices
Any notice, direction or instruction given under this Policy shall be in writing and de livered by hand,
post, or facsimile to -
• In case of the Insured, at the address specified in the Schedule.
• In case of the Company, to the Policy issuing office/ nearest office of the Company.
22. Portability
Portability means transfer by an individual health insurance policyholder (including family cover) of the
credit gained for pre-existing conditions and time bound exclusions if he/she chooses to switch from one
Insurer to another.
If t he Policyholder/ Insured Person renew with the Company, without break, any similar individual health
insurance policy from any insurance company registered with IRDA, then the Waiting Periods as defined in
exclusions shall be reduced by the number of years of continuous coverage under such health insurance
policy with the previous insurer(s).
The Company's total liability for payment of all claims in aggregate, incurred during the Policy Period, on
account of Portability shall not exceed Sum Insured Limit for Portability with a capping upto Applicable Sub-
limit for Portability for each Insured Person as defined in Policy Schedule
The Waiting Periods as defined in Section A.3(1) & Section B.2.(1)& (2) and shall be applicable individually
for each Insured Person and Claims shall be assessed accordingly.
General Insurance
under this Policy, subject only to a deduction of the expenses incurred by the Company on medical
examination and the stamp duty charges. In cases where the risk has already commenced when the
option of returning this Policy is exercised, within the free look period, by the Policyholder, the refund
of the premium paid will also be subject to a deduction for proportionate risk premium for the period
on mvf'r. Where only part of the risk (e.g. only accidental hospitalization risk) has commenced, such
proportionate risk premium shall be calculated as commensurate with the risk covered during such
This clause shall not be applicable on renewal of this Policy
24. Pre-policy Health Check up
The prospect whose medical test is conducted and for whom the company grants an insurance cover
under this policy and whose name specifically appears as Insured Person in the Schedule, the company
shall be liable to reimburse 50% of the cost of such medicals conducted at the Company's designated
25. Withdrawal/Revision/Modification of the Product
The Company reserves the right to withdraw, revise or modify this product /policy in the future.
The revision/modification may be in respect of Benefits, coverages, premiums, policy terms and
conditions &/or exclusions.
In the event of any such withdrawal of product the company will notify in advance to the policyholder
providing him the option to port to the specified existing health products of the company with
continuity benefit.
In the event of any revision or modification of the product/terms of policy/premium , the company will
notify the policyholder 3 months in advance of such changes.
26. Mid Tenn Enhancement
Mid term enhancement of Sum Insured or plans or scope of cover not permitted.
27. Payment of Interest
In the event of delay in settlement of claim beyond the period as specified by the Insurance Regulatory
& Development Authority of India (IRDA)the Company shall be liable to pay interest on demand as per
the rate as defined by !RDA
28. Customer Service
If at any time the Insured requires any clarification or assistance, the Insured can contact the Policy
issuing office of the Company. Alternatively the Insured may also contact our customer service desk at
1800-3009 or write to us a
ln respect of any disputes or difference which i"e,naiu unresoived and where the ciai m amount is not
more than Rs. 20 lakhs, the individual Insured can approach the Insurance Ombudsman set up at
different territorial locations for resolution. The details of the Insurance Ombudsman and their
jurisdiction is available in their websites
29. Communication
Any communication meant for the Company must be in writing and be delivered to its address shown
in the Policy Schedule. Any communication meant for the Policyholder will be sent by the Company to
his last known address or the address as shown in the Policy Schedule.
All notifications and declarations for the Company must be in writing and sent to the address specified
in the Policy Schedule. Agents are not authorized to receive notices and declarations on the Company's
Notice and instructions will be deemed served 10 days after posting or immediately upon receipt in
the case of hand delivery, facsimile or e-mail.
3 0. Overriding effect of Policy Schedule
In case of any inconsistency in the terms and conditions in this Policy vis-a-vis the information
contained in the Policy Schedule, the information contained in the Policy Schedule shall prevail.
31. Grievances
If the Policyholder has a grievance that the Policyholder wishes the Company to redress, the
Policyholder may contact the Company with the details of his grievance through:
Website :
e-mail :
Telephone : 1800-3009
Fax : +91-22-30479650
Post/Courier : Any branch office or the correspondence address, during normal business hours
If the Policyholder is not satisfied with the Company's redressal of the Policyholder's grievance through
one of the above methods, the Policyholder may contact the Company's Head of Customer Service at:
The Grievance Cell, Reliance General Insurance Company Limited
Address: Corrospondence Unit, C-42, Pawane, T.T.C, Industrial Area, M.I.D.C, Turbhe, Navi
Mumbai, Maharas htra, INDIA 400705
If the Policyholder is not satisfied with the Company's redressal of the Policyholder's grievance through
one of the above methods, the Policyholder may approach the nearest Ins urance Ombudsman for
resolution of the grieva nce. The contact details of Ombudsman offices are mentioned below :
Areas of Addresses of the Ombudsman Telephon
Jurisdiction Offices eNo. Fax No. E-mail ID
General Insurance
Gujarat and
Dadra & 2nd Floor, Shree JayshreeAmbica
Nagar Haveli Chambers, Nr. C U Shah College,
and Daman 5,Navyug Colony, Ashram Road, 079- 079- insombalhd@rediffm
jammu & S.C.O No.101,102 & 103, 2nd
Kashmir and Floor,Batra Building, Sector 17 D, 0172- 0172-
Tamil Nadu
and 044-
Pondicherry Fatima Akhtar Court , 4th Floor, 24333678,
Town and 453 (Old 312) AnnaSalai, 24333668, 044- insom bu d@md4.vsnl.
Karaikal Teynampet, CHENNAl-600 018 24335284 24333664
Rajasthan Asaf Ali Road, NEW DELHI-110 002 23239611 23230858
Karnataka 6-2-46, Yeturu Towers, Lane Opp.
and Yanam - a Saleem Function Palace, A C
part of Guards, Lakdi-Ka-Pool, 040- 040- insombud@hd2.vsnl.
Pondicherry HYDERABAD-500 004 55574325 23376599
West Bengal,
Bihar, Sikkim,
Jharkhand 033-
and Andaman Hindustan Bldg. Annexe, 4, C.R. 22124346 033-
and Nicobar Avenue, 4th Floor, Kolkata - 700 /2212433 22124341 insombudsmankolkat
Islands 072 9
Uttar Pradesh JeevanBhavan, Phase 2, 6th floor, 2201188,
and Nawal Kishore Road, Hazaratganj, 2231330, 0522- ioblko@sancharnet.i
Uttaranchal LUCKNOW-226001 2231331 2231310 n
3rd Floor, JeevanSevaAnnexe EPBX 022-
Maharashtra (above MTNL), S V Road, Santacruz 022- 26106052, ombudsman.i@hclinf
and Goa (W), Mumbai-400 054 26106889 26106980 inetcom
Mizoram, 0361-
Arunachal 2413525
Pradesh, EPBX
Nagaland and Aquarius Bhaskar Nagar, R G 0361- 0361-
Tripura Baruah Road, GUWAHATI 781 021 2415430 2414051
The details of Insurance Ombudsman are available on !RDA website on the website
of General Insurance Council :,the Company's website or from any of the Company's offices.
Address and contac"t number of Governing Body of Insurance Council -
Secretary General
Governing Body of Insurance Council
JeevanSevaAnnexe, 3rd Floor (Above MTNT)