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Coffee Logsitics - TOPS - Sept12

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Logistics for specialty coffee

Opportunity & Challenge

Case study: Viet Nam Ship Corp


1 The world coffee belt

2 Global coffee supply chain

3 VAS from T.O.P.S members

4 Discussion
(1) World coffee belt
Opportunity for T.O.P.S members
Countries T.O.P.S in producing T.O.P.S in consuming Countries
countries countries

Brazil Colless Young Australia Austria

India Divya Shipping & Clearing Cilogis NV Belgium
PT. Sunggong Logistics China Sea Marine France
Indonesia Trans World Shipping Finland
Kenya Polestar logistics UMT United logistics
CES Cargo Express System
Seven Seas Shipping Germany
Malaysia PT. Sunggong Logistics EGL Holland
Nigeria CGMPS Express Ltd Express Trailer Italy
Express Group Malta
Transpacific Int’l. Consolidator UFS Lebanon
Philippine Georgia Shipping Jordan
Thailand Amazing Logistics Korea Hyonik Express
Viet Nam Ship Corp Intersped Portugal
Vietnam ISTAR Logistics
Polestar Africa Logistics
Uganda JNC Line (S) Pte Ltd Singapore

Halic International Transport Turkey

Bronel Ltd UK
Polestar International Shipping UAE
Challenges for T.O.P.S members
❖ Looking more marketing support from T.O.P.S members
❖ Attending Specialty Coffee’s event from SCA/CQI
❖ Tailor-made services for the niche market of specialty coffee
❖ Import/Export or customs formality services: smallholder coffee
farmer and small-batch roastery are not familiar to this formalities
and they really need our support!
❖ Covid has made logistics in harder position but where there is a
challenge there is an opportunity!
❖ There is an increasing trend by people who are passionate about
coffee, coffee lovers who seek new blends, new experiences with
specialty coffee as well as the brewing accessories.
❖ The challenge will be for Vietnam Shipping and T.O.P.S members
interested in this project to identify those coffee lovers, introduce
them to the farmers and organize the logistics of this trade.

▪ How blockchain is providing sustainable coffee - Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise
▪ Blockchain & Coffee beyond marketing and hype – Fantine
▪ https://www.visualcapitalist.com/worlds-top-coffee-producing-countries/
(2) Global coffee supply chain
❖Specialty coffee
▪ Quality is first: high price, SME (More customer, better profit
▪ Direct trade: compliance support, not just a normal logistics
▪ Transparency, traceability (Single origin)
▪ Specialty roastery, specialty coffee shop/restaurant (freight
negotiation is not strong, need 3rd LSP)
❖Commodity & commercial coffee
▪ Mass quantity
▪ Low price
▪ MNC trader
▪ Instance coffee, Caffeine extraction, big coffee
▪ Specialty Coffee Facts and Figures — Specialty Coffee Association (sca.coffee)
▪ Coffee Exports by Country 2021 Plus Average Coffee Prices (worldstopexports.com)
(3) VAS from T.O.P.S members
❖Scope of works
▪ Sourcing at the countries of producing for roastery: right green coffee
bean, right quality, right time, right delivery…
▪ All export procedure for farmer
▪ All import procedure for roastery
▪ Logistics (consolidation, warehousing, sea/air transport, last-mile
▪ Compliance management

❖Value-added services (sustainability)

▪ Directly connecting the farmer to the roastery: Support the farmer to
improve the profits margin and the roastery as well
▪ Cost saving thanks to the lean coffee supply chain : hub & spoke
▪ Customer satisfaction: inventory replenishment (avoid stockouts,
prevent overstocking, reducing shipping cost)
❖There is an increasing trend by people
who are passionate about coffee, coffee
lovers who seek new blends, new
experiences with specialty coffee as well
as the brewing accessories.
❖The challenge will be for Vietnam Shipping
and T.O.P.S members interested in this
project to identify those coffee lovers,
introduce them to the farmers and
organize the logistics of this trade.
Logistics for Specialty coffee

The integrated
coffee logistics

Coffee Logistics
services services

Thanks & ready further discussion!

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