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PW 6.0 SCTU User Guide

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iii Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide

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Site Configuration Transfer Utility (SCTU)

Overview 1
Notes About Clearance Code Transfers 1
Ten Steps 1
Prerequisites 2
Installation 2
Before Launching SCTU 2
Configuring Timeout Value 3
Launching SCTU 4
Log Folder 4
Connecting to Databases 4
Assigning Card to Company 5
Selecting Site(s) 6
Viewing Hardware Templates 7
Viewing Triggers & Procedures 8
Viewing Clearance Codes 8
Selecting Options 9
Viewing Event(s) 10
Copying Database 10

v Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide

After copying the database 11
Administrator Tasks 11

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Pro-Watch Site Configuration Transfer Utility (SCTU) is an executable program delivered
with the Pro-Watch product package to enable users to transfer Pro-Watch (PW) site hard-
ware and configuration settings from one server to another.
IMPORTANT: SCTU has to run only from the source server. SCTU will support only PW-5K
and PW-6K panels. All the channel-associated information like event procedures, triggers,
hardware templates, clearance codes will be moved with the site.
CAUTION! SCTU should be used only by users with administrative or “super user” privileges.
This is a powerful tool that can wipe out important information if not used correctly.


If a card exists on the source and destination, the clearance codes belonging to the card in
the source will also be copied to the destination provided that clearance code contains
logical devices from the site(s) being copied.
Some of the clearance codes a company has may be assigned to one site, S1, and the oth-
ers to another site, S2. Let’s assume that those clearance codes that are assigned to S1 are
moved with S1 at time T1. If at a later date, T2, the clearance codes that are assigned to S2
are moved with S2, those two subsets of clearance codes will be merged with the same com-

There are ten main steps to transfer Pro-Watch configurations from one site to another:

01. Satisfying the prerequisites

02. Launching SCTU

03. Connecting to databases

1 Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide

04. Selecting site(s)

05. Viewing hardware template(s)

06. Viewing triggers and procedures

07. Viewing clearance code(s)

08. Selecting Options

09. Viewing event(s)

10. Copying the site and configuration data

We will cover all these ten steps in this guide.

01. The database versions of both the source and destination must match.

02. The "SCTUScripts.sql" SQL script in the SCTU folder must be run successfully on
both the source and destination without any error or warning messages.

03. Users who log in will need to be a Pro-Watch user and will need permissions
assigned in Pro-Watch on the source and destination to run SCTU. Select the fol-
lowing path:

ProWatch > Database Configuration > Users > Edit User > Programs > Admin-
istration…Administrative Viewer > Add the SCTU function

No installation is necessary; the "SCTU.exe" executable can be run as a standalone
from the SCTU directory. However, the executable needs to be in the same folder as all
of the support files (DLLs, etc.).


Before launching the SCTU executable, make sure the function is granted for the user in

Honeywell International Inc. | Pro-Watch® 6.0 2

01. Launch Pro-Watch.

02. In the navigation panel, double-click the Database Configuration icon to display the
DB modules in the middle pane.

03. Double-click the Users icon to display all users. Double-click the appropriate user to
display its Edit Users screen

04. Select the Programs tab.

05. Under Administration > Administrative Viewer, click the Add Function command but-
ton. From the list select the “Site CTU Utility” and click to GRANT it.

06. Click OK to close the Edit Users screen.

Configuring Timeout Value

The “timeout” denotes the time (in seconds) the system takes to copy events before being
timed out in the database.
A timeout value of “0” (zero) denotes no timeout.
The users need to configure the timeout value before launching SCTU.
Follow these steps:

01. Go to the SCTU folder.

02. Find the file names “SCTU.exe”. Make sure this is a “CONFIG” type of file.

03. Right-click and select Open With > Notepad to open this text file.

04. Change the content of the file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="nlog" type="NLog.Config.ConfigSectionHandler, NLog"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5"/>
<appSettings >

3 Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide

<add key ="TimeOut" value ="0"/>

05. Save the file.

01. Stop Pro-Watch server both in the Source and Destination sites.

02. Open the SCTU directory in your Pro-Watch product DISK folder.

03. Double-click the SCTU application icon to launch it automatically.

A "Log" folder will be created in the SCTU directory when copying a site. If this folder
does not already exist, it will be created automatically. The logs for all site copies will be
located in this folder.

When you first launch SCTU, you’ll be looking at the following “Home screen”:

Honeywell International Inc. | Pro-Watch® 6.0 4

SCTU displays the Region Name fields dynamically if the source and destination serv-
ers are regional.

01. Enter the appropriate Database Server Name (or Instance Name) for both the
Source Server and the Destination Server.

NOTE: When you fill in the Database Server Name/Instance Name, the databases on
the server will auto-populate in the drop down.

02. From the respective drop-down lists, select an appropriate Database Name for
Source Server and the Destination Server.

03. Click Next to display the Select Site(s) screen.


If the existing card on the Destination server is assigned to the same company as the
Source server (Company match is done by GUID), then both the custom clearance codes
and the new clearance codes merged into the company will be assigned to the card.

5 Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide

If, however, the existing card on the Destination server is not assigned to the same com-
pany as the Source server, then only the custom clearance codes will be added to the
card. Clearance codes merged into the company will not be assigned to the card.


Select the site that you’d like to transfer and then click Next to display the Hardware
Templates screen.
Only Mercury sites can be copied.
Sites without any channels/panels will not be selectable.
If a site contains a mix of Mercury and Non-Mercury channels/panels, only the Mercury
channels/panels will be displayed.

Honeywell International Inc. | Pro-Watch® 6.0 6

If a site exists on the destination (Based on the Site ID), then it cannot be copied. An error
message will alert the user and the user will not be able to proceed to the next step without
deselecting the offending site.


The Hardware Templates screen will display the hardware templates of the logical devices
from the site(s) being copied. It displays a table with two columns:

l Template Name

l Match Type

Here are the descriptions and color codes of various match types:

Match Type Value

Match Type Description
If the hardware template (HT) does not
NEW BLUE exist on the Destination Server, the match
type will be "New.”
If the hardware template (HT) matches,
MATCH GREEN the match type will be "Match" and the HT
will not be copied.
If the hardware template (HT) matches
the GUID, but the device types within that
hardware template are different, then the
match type will be "Modified". The HT will
be copied, but will be assigned a new
BLACK GUID. The logical devices will now point
to this new HT. If the match type is "Modi-
fied," the suffix "Partial" will be appended
to the HT name. NOTE: The user can edit
and change the HT template name in this

Click Next to display the Trigger & Procedure screen.

7 Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide

If an event procedure/trigger references a logical device which is moved from the site(s),
it will be copied.
Logical devices from sites not being moved will be stripped out of the procedures. These
procedures will be marked with a suffix "…Partial".
Trigger & Procedure screen displays a table with three columns:

l Type

l Name. Click this field to edit the name.

l Match Type

Click Next to display the Clearance Code screen.

NOTE 1: Triggers will be copied to the destination only if the logical device of the trigger
is one of the logical devices of the copying site.
NOTE 2: Event procedures will get copied only if they are associated with a channel,
clearance code, or logical device of the copying site. Apart from those, the event pro-
cedures will not be moved to the destination site.


Clearance Code screen displays a list of clearance codes referencing sites that will be
The match type will either be "New" or "Merge".
If the clearance code (by matching GUID) exists on the destination, the logical devices
will be merged into the clearance code.
If the clearance code is modified (logical device stripped out), the suffix "Partial" will be
added to the clearance code.
The screen presents data in a table with two columns:

l Clearance Code Name.

l Match Type

Click Next to display the Event(s) screen.

Honeywell International Inc. | Pro-Watch® 6.0 8


Options screen displays the following eight check-boxes:

l Holiday* (Required) - Select to copy the panel holidays.

l Time Zone* (Required) - Select to copy the panel timezones.

l Point* (Required) - Select to copy the events.

l Clearance Code - Select to copy the clearance codes.

NOTE 1: If a card exists on the source and destination, the clearance codes belong-
ing to the card in the source will also be copied to the destination provided that clear-
ance code contains logical devices from the site(s) being copied.
NOTE 2: Some of the clearance codes a company has may be assigned to one site,
S1, and the others to another site, S2. Let’s assume that those clearance codes that
are assigned to S1 are moved with S1 at time T1. If at a later date, T2, the clearance
codes that are assigned to S2 are moved with S2, those two subsets of clearance
codes will be merged with the same company.

l Card Format - Select to copy the card formats.

l Company - Select to copy the companies. Selecting this will also select the Clear-
ance Codes check-box.

l Card - Select to copy the cards.

l Events - Select to copy the EV_LOG events.

* Fields not marked as “required” are optional.

Select options to be transferred by selecting their respective check-boxes.

9 Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User Guide


The “events” screen above is displayed only if the "Events" option is selected, as
described in "Selecting Options" on the previous page.

Note 2: Depending on the amount of ev_log data in the source and destination
databases, getting the events may take a significant amount of time. If this is the
case, the program has not crashed, but is merely querying for the total number of
events to be copied.

Event(s) screen displays a list all of the events in the destination, the source, and the
number of events from the site(s) being copied.
The screen presents data in a table with two columns:

l Event Description

l Records

The fields are self-explanatory.

Click Next to display the Options screen.

Click Finish to start the database from the Source to the Destination server.
WARNING! Once the copying starts, it cannot be stopped.

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After copying the database, the channel will be marked uninstalled and the user will need to
change the workstation for that site.
Administrator Tasks
The administrator needs to complete the following configuration tasks after successfully
moving the site:

01. Restart the Pro-Watch service to start receiving events.

02. Initialize the copied panel(s).

03. Download the System and Cards configuration to the panel(s).

04. Review the partially copied objects and manually configure them if required.

11 Pro-Watch® Site Configuration Transfer Utility User

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