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— defen Bfae, pees 1 ais mas " aoa, ped baer tooyese lf AIes ATaaerre S aeiaiirey fl bo atary te a L fase e Pay ot Wwe _eneesen | tense 1 ae ent Sepa aetA . efeg Voascsea fate ene edare o'efine fsoeyee A anf seer trenta 2 i (Weer Srey ae cat Fe, sfitetepe ¢ Gus cw-aae Ee A a eee La : > arom sfieny 0 to be one of the characteristics of later Mahayanic Buddhism, ~ * it is mot so in the case of the Buddhist Sahajiya cult, whieh was per-erninently an esoteric yoric achool, * [ Appendix ‘A'-Obgoure Religious Cults-Dr. §. B, Dasgupta ] sir sic aga tite Gieeree ary aces, wate a? ah sfeateraety ace eetite ere fat tere tore, pets ea erate Sets Cry a) BE, TeAETT wfioateay «2 Ee mune fie cow Bafasers aoe TER Te ROE, we sient ae crt agian Aifecde aya ctey Gertie oe fas we ace cura Frey ee, cI @ etardy ona Bf we) Wetrert awit ais ay wren ar ytefere flewey “aoe | en, Seaporbttonrars caper ane e tftitom : sna. crfaes Bertier acy aq ee eerhes) cirem cre ctica 1. seni] son Bea or aaatilce are, oe or Shei Bas mcafee FUME, BA Tee) Thee meni cereale ae, were aTeners Cain ( was TEMES TR) eras | RENT epee male err atare ai—otticy ae Siete ott eter atfecers eae ORE, CIT CURTIS tos Von Rice anes asics Tee met ea TEAS RLU 1 es x * =e Wotirory mreier orate Gam Meats ahem ab Spewe wan cata ane RE TaRelz nes stenstfitg, BIS ey SRN | Ct eTs| atce See Tah Fer, sae CRM aNat ogee sleet gafhapa | : om om, Stare cma, oirore conte canfcoafs ert ore vee, fee aersa gab a ware cn aia, Eeere aii af etry ida eri Baier eacey aieay, odes cre aren) Gabi ee te gore Sify Stes Tre etsy wa segheR et Shee aT ae; BAO CRIs Rerits aslo aia) contact tens coriige scr) Softer Ay sree we Atos errey aie wer ar) steer Fie aware ete e Peo serprize| cafes fie aa fee cea feat om cot) 9, Bafsae Ce afer ae wine, bits Cutt cae en aim. Bafece staifae Seas vafich, vie aifirelfee Regier 6 air) @/8, afore area, Biter ae || wo, Pevsrtnty ar sts, why, aaa Sef wee afer ae ehoer Sans ae Fe ie) fepedicns secete eB oeea cider apie ez) “A study of the poems of these mediaeval poets, particularly of the poems of Kabir, decidedly the most prominent figure of the middle age, will reveal that there isa clear line of continuity from the Buddhist /Sabajiya, poets to the mediaeval poets. But the difference between the earlier school and the mediaeval achools lies in the element of love and devation, which is cons- picuous hy its absence in the Buddhist Sshajiya School, This element of love. and. devotion was supplied profusely to the mediaeval schools by the different devotional movements as well aa by Sufi-ism, Though devotion may be recognised- ae etry fam Cafe nat Sate er srnety aured) “afin ae; a= wil erisl te afer cre a Eas | 2. AGES Spe A cares, Tae ay aS . CReREHfs wits we, afe-sice gels watre | sfaen op irs wre vf, wi vfs caf’ gapes 0 ' — serra (aI eters rey) TH aT Ba I Cord —sie, aie Bf cere eee ceria se arr ete fe COR Ott Fa cel mE al? Celie gfe sek fag ter eR a Ghee cote clam 1) ‘ ante “athens mate's wet CoN ea ATE | wise. eff (a= fp Page fiqeg=a9— aa 1 28 Ge — ATT ate .. afe = aT | HH Pa Ste {aS eS eciety ase a> cre | apesiars...( abet Pee Rcen mete am—orgeits ae we, we ene wel —crare =af, wh we=a1, 3a Fe=EeT, SET ated, oa ye—en aie et et PEP | of ge—afi-ateace are ery ifs, ey ofe—efr— Bee Bron weaSae, ant feet, aor fe>aH, sats fee ee 1 . SRG), TUE SPT see SIT TET ee EET Pee) aT (A) FS ze qiey farefe wit ee She ei | aca ster colt ea ea, 18 ad oT (earn Sb |) ope ny 5 Ke t pthc eorpen Saree Bere alent afew we es a8 cn ace He Te cee Tg, tee 3 eel Pc ar Aa CTE | CeRerrere’ atitg ws wary ats, ets ares ears | comer A. Sara ps gta ate, ceca att afc 7 AG eb SS ert Sa ATER STE aL fq AAT ECR on Em aACwT nye aan face aes Bean cote [ tate | © ope 6 Fra retcet— . cam fig cafe east, faq ofa spay fie, catia ae eT | * seag Fay afien ony, fe attire) fw Fey fern ee oF aie oF Tae SE TA | Se tae aa ats at r. aT ce ay ef aS vata ore Page a a IS ora 54 1 + aE ag a, al ce Sch aes arr | fet afar are flan cay Beater spa vaca (creAL Lore ate, Sefer ore, STF Sisson et; fhe ates Resta fate sel ce tte shire tea 1] Bars FO Oe EET ee Frege} — ats qafeihs a4 ep FROST Aa TSH Ia Laer cater, ta cacti, ees tor ea ( CHT) teat] TmagnTy BiqaFeaT ict a say AT AE AT Set ere atoater fehl ew manta shee ages editcrs “cdeoteane aut (334, aig Banfty tere Te} ator terre opie core Fist stevia) see Sere ATC, seaTE: (+ edetifins cre sar rps gumiene 8; Pent cotta fier m & we erie ate er oo : “aif ofp ofiote cae aia, Sieh ef 7s 7 SAE (str auth) wire OE wet za : € tao teat cee | 1 Bent cathe 1 whe ca aire Ree or Ts my AB TONY : artes wares gag Pe a, ' (wae ayaifen aa abe ay) fact ities, rsitee a Rite ce re, ws eet a ce ‘bral sae gfe are _ fer] ' ab aint Sara Tig ofa tae rs) mite mts Ar | : ait mie atte) aT f tay ae sate ene TT gy abe orien 1. etatcaet ) ag tm arate, faaieefer ae Sele 5 atone ats a states qenfee— Wane sy cr aratiey ane : : Sifianl aint sis CRT + Lo re er OPT Tae Btn Sra ‘ we aa FRE EAS coh © erp cate: ever con ses) Ware ATW aCe CaM Fata [Anthology Gf Nanak ( Amritsar Publication )'T: at eet to sates ct Fires ace Tam fe aafree I eee ae Leviton wee Sto Baia arts She er oat tH BatCHS He aces fie av OTT oy eR Sere cae TATE card fe cater ate cael Fi cates cate lan series 1— fare amt a af fim cei sere cere | ley pone ier ef Ret cw sta Steere fa ere eff fies on ves gt an cater afi Serco ws ae cores vp Prcee fe Pic cay ses s8araTeT | fier aay Real cele at Bor aie at tere ) a seca. ene Set st ~ Sas et efi eran Cae A Te eras aia ade a i Far ofe a opt $18 a ak Peak der ate aafe aie sfyerte few ae web ty AK A sw : C site atetent ] 9 Rese RENE ae E ; sift Fe ate Fraay cafe aa wer ate, eB - (omrcda ase pore afeaiee, te) 249 afie ceet ettate StF HCE, HE 1) ° A aa ere eae aes Teny crs Regs eer ay tate © SE RS ATS ART I | iPr ae a EHTS ' ca ait weet (Carer one 1 ee eben tee 1 [st 4 Bepwe IS, TEM Eres weet ee, TT. apts wre |] a AAS] as ae RR erate ee Safa TT aeEhS thet CH snfion x aafe tach afi afer Cadiafiarsaas) 7 CBee erfeme on aepr saa aes, sare eifene co aia rea ate] . bie crete sine fea on vie ash per Sefer | ang sbtort faa, ee ee EIT zeae FE a STE sere a, Bafa erate wer wom, pens tie aT Rae ATE MATT) TT EE] STS AT ARE ae alate cele wats Ora fev) fee cog were aIHieil az, CHEE eT GET We] OL He ae yp ac FS eT after apreeat omit Si wee wat ret e—aniias tl ore oT Sd sian af antuneigae sree ace Ge) fee sere ahae aa mage Seat sory ob ale ae eT L Shs OTA. ory ope Fey 4 era CHASTE CEH FAIL (oversee an Del wee es crgets cate Fife) IT ORE SE ’ ae 4 frat ae 4 ee fargo m8 cafe ere | “Lie or at ta ne a1, 34 fre afte seas Perse wa aces] . . mea : } we ase 9 ce 4 eit oo | aela oo ay Fea sagtay 0 ¥ a8 Strtort serpin erste Bene teary fee we ean te cote ree get ay ote, Sate ree Se Tern axicay aii 3, gee] Pee fier eeen | C cteta¥) (afrieegr tire —e ae ear fae ae) Tee aces Fiphh eeaicetny cele, Site we AT P| a — ean Ie ATR] AP) A | 938 eq ea ate 8 of Pte cane tee y (ame ohn ems, rr ache-aer 26, ter Pevecontfen ani amie? ; ae ereieg area etfs tea ae tee 1] a, 0 sean ee citi sient aie? aIeE Sofrcy aceficgan Bab ates cies nee reread ep reat a) aE RT eMC ateat Re art trTeTift asec tf 8 ; sas certales(s 9 Prete walt ze fer ren cure gett emethay aia qe bee arth) Scie word eat eoveprs cite fatitem aa) ct "aes eh wR OES ate ee yep eer ( aetesfiee (ae {en UC ec fried Se) ace seq on athe ate Fae 1] HE TS TY AE AS Se ae ret ‘ EN MTNET TE AB ty TS wats 0 (afi, we, ver aie, Seer are, fered ate) ak oe eter sere) tee ard ne] Car ort > cxotorey Safire ctw ere cd ce Bab veh Bye acai, ons SE SreMRanTs praia hPa a ze aLTaECe! Wat aT Sates fafecotererers rm ( ereirtay ere) \ be err fare 8 Csietr) «® gene afare nha cote apm Pia) serie, - eR ALARA om, TerCS OL ot COA ER REN TT A, ANE CO cy ea, aay cre co — sR Ceem FETE, saree Ce) ] ator wa aa Bap an! — 2efa co sick aoe tetcn, Tes wica FRA eter soa ies, feta om one, Site sah aft weve 0 OFT “ot chy weft Cera gerd, vay Ste aetea ae cotta shee atts, Ce Frefs eat og Ca aim gets, fH Prerin aite Seth eth ary tits, ag es Ty aT A sete eis) eae" cr acet tent 46 aha weal cafy seeped faeattey, ay arate Ta Caf cree 35) Ce seat, Sere ata ary ace afi fare stene SRor operate, wire ateate am fice CHIE aT Tere aE aft are ree iets, alata a Te sats stata, Stes ate |teT CaE, AT) SPER a ats tas fis wie ger aan Fee ae tert rey comers, Bye (ee) ortey ieee, cash qa ( ay ) are ter era, att Set Sirs tat) ae, Ge ACSI EAL, 8 oheh (ca Ci Cn HS GH aH, BT TRS sete Set SET) we ae stots Pew aes Bs || tefi—att ; te —aererg, Tres, tT eas safe aie, arth Zee, serrate ter ale. artscrcet ate, SET amit 2e'n—netkar tetera) fee ap Ber, cub Sea, me —ererers Bet, eae ematT 1 cnet sefrt ; ve—aa Bot cePten pete—fre 1 settee ae 2 ede; ae, Caml Carried): srer— ara) = } | b pdttcrs servica erat Bets arate Ofer” : *e wee am a caf —bere fer, fie—Pfee aes Fem aif; ey—aw patty 5 Batis | een 57 atta 9 stn cele fate “oat a at) Rar Sonera ( atts ctce woo tm Beta eH Ofer — are cuts aps Theta ot Stem) oly vife emery tific gh, sea eer) aie Be sebey 1 wet Ate site, gy om ee Fert atta oem aire tre) ab, once eating Gite a8 pRre gra ghee cota... oth tial Sore threat ] aol oh wri Cai, corer sear 8h cet a aifate ata aA wier...ay ene, ary ae «apt call oral 2 anita, Baby eae) one arta [tiv sao-es ] Cary ayer sc, via, a cera) Boe ateece ace oes brew te) FRI oc ae BE Tee) SAT BIER Ars ton) P ger see feet ter fer set ae tt ere TH) PRAT eer we ct BEE ORE HE TE OT oe we | eras at eerie ah Ga) was ay Grr tee Baa ence) ah era eruserreca re | orf) aes aftr Bite | =F “fess aa fires ERENT ET SE ome ae BS) wits scr 11 . any ae eather efoann of ava Bye e9 Gin setae oma) | wes qed SE at Tae gb aa core RT GTs (3) HE) eerily ea] areas ont fie SBer, ercet otter wet a afer fax colt sa8 coat efx cvs Sirs CF paBot ater efen aL iguaeiy T ; ~ Cmped (crfte) ere cn, ere cara) affe ay) afk enace + we ere firey atte) fe fer Rar fea ea) eens fre oe emir are 1 = RRR HE : : “safe qrmers tim oq Atel 1G Ba, TI Farscet Fee PANS (ap Sate [ud geen ctf pe, Pandy pag, geet mere ere. ASIP ere erie hey fer ester re often Bs eae 1 eter aE — % Be mate 7 aay cots sie Pfs me ca - Spa's wee wes ores se af aaa) Basa atetgy ee” . (tga. ace fe Le Rea, ai ae en ger te weft fes ar ater efice oft, sete Bfeaoea Pcareit sécs ete [ gu.) eta ea Ub BIT TMT ert BCH | | : Bee varia creat sect oes te Bare Fe Cote Cad aah aor seat, pe fae Fees aT EH can faste 2 Se dat, zen) ate fet a wagt oft ara gfietat, we tails Slee weet a am on ar fied dee ite an vada y Fre BA ate rg a gta, ote weit core faren fata (ate oneretiareit aterfeth rear weed | (ae sen cary ser TR en TI, at pes, Pes at ASR | ata TO TS) Fs, Me ars) Te | Ware TRECs CTE! ee) se cee weer ace ae fi ar ater cee state ore) fete call a, Pest 2 care | exe apa ata apr omer) ofa) tT aca ston Be feces ace tee ara) ae som —ak feafefe cee cob Fara creat | J ‘Lata | ae aera acer gre — antes. af ig Sfaen (aor Sete feat |) | wet ; Bs ( s a Beicay PRC Seay Bers atdat afee 4 ATC eB ey Oe aT ctcriant, a cee encarta CT cite staal Gare wale, one wre Seevecta ae fice ar qweorm afe fie aa cit qe en eT a oe) aw net] opr-ae fe pee ects ota efeers sary Beas wihat qSTTs Sites Greg) ECTRL Da we ewtbTTy CUM Creed ame ehTce aa ee gente fice Fates pate acs wate atic Cat) Fareae: amet Bafiares etater [eontent) ifs 44a be aefteeds Be ore che ot CT Al | a fe ah e—"ataencer sR getfa: atane,” caster Sees aot Bb Feyiey fet ace comer ang Ge erage tex aL) ae eter etre qe che @ etfs ones sa) peeoity nat ago gz] wits estelice Baers) wate wT | crenia gta fie itt aferere azeq ace Siac “pase aa cere Baiacra ga Set) teerara, Bterda che easter » arenes mr cots Pll cae | comes cree fama aapete ace Foe “Ges cris! Fea CaINE CNT eeatG aia) Sle, Tafa ene \ eer ac en se—iliee fact aOR Ip Arte EIT fire cae 9 oH exafiray gers ine yf call peer bi Gis mele FRA bate pret ' + oa Gees tie ace Fee) gfe @ faery Tee om crt aR le Frgitt on one ents fare fice fein Ror aa gare com tha Fe Face a8 ~ (at eon sf, ae afer sit | te (stim ore) gefeaa) Qos a wale, ot a8 ott oF ae . - arg the a sefath cavers afiey Sf ce 9 3m Ma) Cte SICH I wae afetit ga eae oi! ap Bele a ae i aeons one TID, afin: eat sea, aprcetfne enceTe Soper ase ehy Sete cae Steal (epinit] more tele SEAT sae Sarghea aT ow Stee, a SHhreeT ar, STMT IA CHA “ify Ae | Sefiewes nor pio seats sihiareres. caica fim, em Bore area] Tete are | eke Beretea <1 SSI aTA, Sect sip ac at SH a TERA ShCeH Ete sedans O35 CHR, Sire! FTE | BT Pn eae — coat caret cote Bper ew Cate CH ily eit (te) Lag oT ate Sez era ee at cura fee SIL Soni ners es Bios eRe ace — ; tices een) Testa, wares faataen fbots 1 (WER er le) (aetnath THE GRO AT RO yt, ge ee Me ‘fearers wey a1) a , ' earewrestarei feb, | (Settlers) ( Reais fe errata cre aif Rera sitet ofr a4 1 aT saie Tier satay edie] neers -MTareret 1 (etsiprag B4Rea—e/s) [ sartrife sie state cr censta, state, pela wegte of cafaes oe, orhe-farr state or eiace “ite [ ; See eit ee Te at Be aes eR ee Sriacry 10 aire ees ashing ares aan facee a BEC | whey? pstener aay sade Sar mea Oe at wea SE wes Boe eer cy, vin etefeS Caer Gerrans aS a FRITS) ah Sac Rete cements wat Serres) are i eee afi ay ace oie qa coin af aah ner aria birt Seq Bafes 1 err pee) fee Bee ay ater ape erate” Pee frre prt fitted 0—“terite Contre iors et ore Stfeee ore wen site te pts aaah cores fare) ee, wire to ers alert Qfes fie Balke ac aren ara) sre week after fore Wena ca aed st emtbreht corafig’a va iors wee aH- ease sei tic) Gea pene cific siai pte bed @ celts cies Bam qentsire Bafeace arery-tacatls tifeaoe Cuctts Carpn daa ria Tenet cen age) fee etre eee are “copraients at. Sipe ar ent earn Pict Te ote est Seed Apes sem eiptaadl ary, wee] Sri TST Tes er a) ee Sea en nee : SC MOT BPH] Se BPMEBICS | SORTS AK AAAS LTE, aseg, SRte Heeee | e ee aie aise SR ‘Sica parc | Sears ee Fs fare ace at ecg perme’ Pear Ferre stan Gratea” saat See efeperebam fre ferefies 18) fea one wis feo Sane are TS) en aRpSe are arperana ng sant erg a Sy SEL ore, wor Betfaeery fee abyfirs ver opiate at Bae a eh a8 f errs fart ‘ara genie sears | PT aTCRTt vires gaift srara i Tare reife Srfis) ara emerson frdhfs | (Pedra! ] Shr 9 as ace at mS cen oy sien ae fy SF aoe, Fa SEES CARTS | Rew) a) Sethe Gert era on area Safe aeraifoninfe cktgarry oy any ( gererifaay ] aon Siete ffigd freq verre aay BehacrT BUTTE] | ETT ATTA OY aT] es ele TCT oe TTT TTF See tnice, oh ont ely Seifaace caer aL) was. Taatoe 8 aheapsqei oer sringaiay firetqe® ate cane ee tog) verte feos eens maers wars ay Soe aera cteares feata) fea ataetiogs smncis 9 aes) nt TMs SiLee Be RE CTIA ats BiTTT Sia eife we IA, COTS een eles adace Shee ate ase forts ot wmanefeqiamy cee lear ae WET ed my) elferntty [challenge | hrs ry) Defer fees? ores afierearereg age afex ah ects a; Staeer alae ermaie ne reg face eben since | at, erst et, Dears Brn oreats store Saftey cam walt coins Sifeeyt Branca erry eaTe | > Sista tfeentes atx miamepiages afer | getter ] Spor ITT Hite it BEMtiele Cente waste sip we Reta ware fre feece ae Ree act aif acre | ert ages aSigrens1 Gua NOTE aaH ee GeTicas ot ca, ETS on ects af ci ante oat crm ahem qe) ee aah feqacda aero force feat as atone oattore old go sere Toe at sepieiy os tries) oF eee wera trio see ste ata atte Sieg ae (ag aa are met a Sra on “idtet faafioe safes siete (ct gad) wa conifer, Be2 am was Bed eS af Seen) Seed ae oe oles afi, Stee cree aferr ais omni] Te aC By om aiefer wee Poe fhaiferh Arie SIGS ane RS TH EAE! Pitiore esha Sica Spa 4 ar ee if BP ee ste SPE TE a CD frag way Bye, ngeee, oF Te <8 corny orier ferrite Befice Teas versa es tte) oT Se cAI wary freee 98 eet fate eet UE) eee aT tae Gee (Serre veer cael | Dae ibe cracy Re stare fages | art er eBeice, a aan tag Brett 1) freon, cxericee Babies ROCs REST BOER AE gered carat) SCE eT — aR me ag et Cf bee” ct tft rari crt ca sae ay Fes cae ate LD Seger | Laifirs wget a ots, arr atfees of elves aera aosnet aig) cy aaaIS NI Stet ae ty TY ‘ear oe aro

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