Verweij M. & Dawson A. 2020
Verweij M. & Dawson A. 2020
Verweij M. & Dawson A. 2020
Ten years ago, we (re)published a historical pamphlet loved ones, loss of jobs and income, reduced access to
societies after confinement can be achieved in a respon- number of manuscripts submitted to our journal has
sible way. The section also contains a clarification of core doubled in the past half year. We see this as an important
ethical concepts often used in policy making, and a dis- opportunity to strengthen both the discipline of public
cussion of the role of ethical expertise in setting up a health ethics and, in turn, the journal Public Health
triage protocol. Ethics. We are heartened by this lively interest in the
issues but will remain committed to the highest academ-
The issue also has a section on immunization policies. ic standards for our journal. For this reason, we have
Steven Kraaijeveld develops an ethically relevant tax- decided to expand the editorial team of our journal.
onomy of types of vaccination. Although he does not We are happy to announce that Lynette Reid
discuss COVID-19 vaccination, it might be that his con- (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Daniel Goldberg
cept of altruist vaccination will appear to be applicable (University of Colorado at Denver, USA) have taken