Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Standards Battles, Modularity, and
Platform competition
Strategic Management of
Technological Innovation, 7th Edition
Melissa A. Schilling
© McGraw Hill LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill LLC.
Netflix and the Battle of the Streaming
Services 1
Discussion Questions:
1. Based on your use of streaming services, do you feel the streaming
platforms differ in terms of stand-alone value (For Example, fidelity,
ease of use, recommender systems, etc.)?
2. Again based on your use, how do you feel the streaming services
differ based on the types and quality of content they provide?
3. What factors do you think influence a consumer’s choice of whether to
subscribe to a streaming service? How important are the standalone
features? How important is the content?
4. What are the pros and cons of having content be exclusive to a
5. Do you think the market will eventually choose a few services as
“winners” and the other services will exit (or combine with the
winners) or will the market continue to support many different
Network Externalities
In markets with network externalities, the benefit from using a
good increases with the number of other users of the same
Network externalities are common in industries that are
physically networked.
• For example, railroads, telecommunications.
Government Regulation
Sometimes the consumer welfare benefits of having a single
dominant design prompts government organizations to
intervene, imposing a standard.
• For example, the NTSC color standard in television broadcasting in the
U.S.; the general standard for mobile communications (GSM) in the
European Union.
Kim and Mauborgne developed a “Buyer Utility Map” that is useful for identifying
elements of a technology’s stand-alone value:
Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal
Customer Price of Prius Offers Can stop less NA NA
productivity slightly higher speed and often for gas,
than power saving money
comparable comparable and time
nonhybrid to nonhybrid
models models
Source: Adapted from Harvard Business Review. Exhibit from “Knowing a Winning Business Idea When
You See One,” by W. C. Kim and R. Mauborgne, September– October 2000.
Source: Adapted from Harvard Business Review. Exhibit from “Knowing a Winning Business Idea When
You See One,” by W. C. Kim and R. Mauborgne, September– October 2000.
Source: Adapted from Harvard Business Review. Exhibit from “Knowing a Winning Business Idea When
You See One,” by W. C. Kim and R. Mauborgne, September– October 2000.
Traditional integrated
product bundle:
• Provider tries to meet
buyers needs itself.
• No customization, no
external compatibility.
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There are two graphs that are labeled “a” and “b.” The x-axes of both
graphs represent installed base, and the y-axes represent value to users.
The graph labeled “a” illustrates the following: The value of technology
increases at a slow pace initially. As the installed base increases, the
value to users increases exponentially, continues at a steady rate of
increase, and then reaches a plateau after which the value does not
change. The graph labeled “b” illustrates the following: The value of
technology increases at a slow pace initially. As the installed base
increases, the value to users increases exponentially, continues at a
steady rate of increase, and then reaches a plateau after which the value
does not change. The value of technology illustrated in graph “b” is
greater than that of graph “a.” This is because the value of technology in
graph “b” is bolstered by technological utility. Hence, though the
progression of value is identical in both graphs, the overall value is
greater in graph “b.”
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In both graphs, the network externality returns curves for technologies A and B
are plotted opposing each other. Because of this, the x-axes are bidirectional. The
x-axes represent market share, and the y-axes represent value to users. In the
first graph, the externality returns curves for technologies A and B are equal and
they oppose each other. This illustrates the following: When technology A
possesses less than 50 percent of market share, technology B will possess more
than 50 percent, making technology B more attractive to customers. When
technology B possesses less than 50 percent of market share, technology A will
possess more than 50 percent, making technology A more attractive to
customers. When market share is split between both technologies evenly,
customers will be indifferent toward both of them. These factors hold true as long
as the technological value of A and B are the same. In the second graph, the
externality returns curve of B is higher than that of A as the technological value of
B is greater than that of A. Because of this, the market is indifferent toward both
technologies at a point when technology A possesses 60 percent of market
shares, and technology B possesses 40 percent.
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The figure on the left shows 3 hexagons arranged one on top of the other.
The hexagon on the top is marked game 4. The hexagon in the middle is
marked game 5. The hexagon at the bottom is marked game 6. On the
top left is the following caption with 3 arrows pointing to the 3 hexagons:
compatibility with third-party options expands choice for buyer. On the
right is a figure titled integrated product with bundled options and
compatibility with third-party options which shows a hexagon at the centre
with 6 hexagons adjacent to it sides. The hexagon at the centre is marked
graphics chip. The hexagon on top is marked software. The hexagon on
the top right is marked game 3. The hexagon at the bottom right is
marked game 2. The hexagon at the bottom is marked game 1. The
hexagon at the bottom left is marked RAM. The hexagon on the top left is
marked micro-processor.
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The figure titled complementary resources in the ecosystem enable even more
configuration options shows 3 hexagons arranged on one top of the other. The
hexagon at the top is marked app 4. The hexagon in the middle is marked app 5.
The hexagon at the bottom is marked app 6. The figure on the right shows 2
hexagons on the right, one on top of the other. The hexagon on the top right
contains 2 hexagons with the above hexagon marked RAM 1. The hexagon
below contains 2 hexagons, the hexagon above is marked micro-processor 1.
Adjacent to the bottom left side of the hexagon top are 2 more hexagons with the
hexagon on to marked production capacity 1. Adjacent to the bottom left side of
the hexagon below are 2 hexagons with the hexagon above marked marketing
capabilities 1. The figure on the right titled modularized product using third party
resources contains 4 adjacent hexagons. 2 hexagons are placed one above the
other and 2 hexagons are adjacent to the hexagons on the left. The hexagon on
the top right is marked app 3. The hexagon below is marked app 2. The hexagon
at the bottom left of the hexagon on the top is marked software. The hexagon
below is marked app 1.