Term 2-Grade 5 Compiled Class Notes: Ch.6 Introduction To Ms Excel Textbook Exercises
Term 2-Grade 5 Compiled Class Notes: Ch.6 Introduction To Ms Excel Textbook Exercises
Term 2-Grade 5 Compiled Class Notes: Ch.6 Introduction To Ms Excel Textbook Exercises
b. A selected column can be resized in a similar manner by dragging the line on the right of
the column label, inwards or outwards.
a. Click on the row/column label.
b. Go to Home tab Cells group Format drop-down list Row Height.../Column
Width... option.
c. The Row Height/Column Width dialog box appears. Enter a numerical
value for the height of the row/width of the column. Click on OK.
Week beginning (21st October to 23rd November)
1. Duplicating the text means copying the selected text from one location and
pasting it in another location.
4. Graphics in digital format are available from various sources such as scanned
images, digital camera photographs and illustration software.
5. Clip Art are the files of general-purpose graphics consisting of animations and
Term 2- Grade 5 Compiled class notes
1. A feature of MS PowerPoint 2010 that allows the user to arrange the clips on
one’s computer. Microsoft Clip Organiser
3. The animated way in which slides appear one after the other in a slideshow.
Slide Transition
4. The alignment where the text is flushed both left and right. Justify
D. Differentiate between:
Superscript reduces the size of the text and raises it to the top of the current line.
For example, X2 and 5th where 2 and ‘th’ are superscripts whereas Subscript
reduces the size of the text and lowers it to the bottom of the current line. For
example, H2SO4 and Log10 X where 2, 4 and 10 are subscripts.
Term 2- Grade 5 Compiled class notes
Cut, Paste options move the selected text that is ‘cutting’ the selected text from
one location of a slide and ‘paste’ on another location in the same slide or another
slide whereas Copy, Paste options duplicate the text that is ‘copying’ the selected
text from one location and ‘pasting’ it in another location.
3. Bold and Italics: Bold is when text is printed darker so that words and
phrases stand out on a page. It is often used for titles and headings whereas Italics
text means that text is slanted and is mostly used for emphasis. It is sometimes
used for headings, for highlighting scientific names, etc.
In the Left alignment, the text is aligned from the left edge and ragged from the
right edge. It is the default alignment whereas in the Right alignment the text is
aligned from the right edge and ragged from the left edge.
Bullets means providing the bullet pointers to a text using different shapes and
numbering means providing the numbers to the text.
Ans: Slide transition is the animated way in which slides appear one after the
other in a slide show. It means how to move from one slide to another during a
Ans: Moving a slide means the selected slide is ‘cut’ from one location and
‘pasted’ on another location whereas copying is duplicating the selected slide
from one location and ‘pasting’ it in another location.
Ans: The text alignment refers to the text layout within a paragraph with respect to
document margins. There are four types of alignment:
a. Left alignment: Here the text is aligned from the left edge and ragged
from the right edge. It is the default alignment.
b. Right alignment: Here the text is aligned from the right edge and ragged
from the left edge.
c. Center alignment: Aligns the text centrally and leaves the text ragged at
the right and the left edges.
d. Justified alignment: Here the text is flushed both left and right. Thus,
neither the left nor the right edge of the text appears ragged.
b. Click on the Format Painter option in the Clipboard group of the Home tab. The
mouse pointer changes to a brush.
c. Now, select the text on which the format is to be applied and release the left
mouse button.
6. Give a one-step solution to copy the text format and not the text from one
selection of the text to another.
Ans: To copy the text format and not the text from one part of the text to another
can be used Format Painter. This is a special button that allows the user to copy
the text format and not the text, from one part of the text to another. All formats
like font, size, font colour, etc. can be copied easily using Format Painter.
Learning Objective:
Use devices to create increasingly sophisticated digital artefacts, including the use of sound,
video, text and other multimedia.
· What is a Podcast?
A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or
mobile device, typically available as a series.
A podcast is a digital broadcast made available on the Internet. The word “podcast”
is derived from “pod” as in Apple's iPod, the popular portable audio player, and “cast”
from “broadcast”, meaning “to transmit for general or public use.”
Live radio content cannot be edited after it has been broadcast, whereas podcasts are
pre-recorded so they can easily be adjusted after recording.
· Types of Podcast:
2. Monologue Podcast – A Podcast where the speaker creates a series to share the
opinion on a particular topic.
1. Topic – The topic needs to be decided as the first step of the podcast.
3. Structure and Rehearse – Planning the flow of the podcast will be the third step
along with practicing the script.
Term 2- Grade 5 Compiled class notes
4. Record – Once the planning is done, we need to record the podcast with the tools
5. Edit – In this step, we can edit the podcast by merging the audio clips recorded
and add the background music.