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El CCDcamera OL81

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Description B

CCD camera OL 81.. en

and camera computer DO 81..
PC 0014-8008M_ZB-13
1. General information 2
2. Type designation 5
3. Function 5
4. Control unit RT 4071 8
4.1 General operating instructions 8
4.2 Operating symbols for the function buttons F1 to F4 11
4.3 Operating symbols for the Automatic, Centre and
Manual buttons 13
4.4 Start window 13
4.5 Start the OL 81 operating window 13
4.6 Operating window Overview 14
4.7 Operating window Setup 16
4.8 Operating window Calibrate 17
4.9 Operating window Camera 19
4.10 Operating window Wizard 21
4.11 Operating window Exposure 23
5. Assembly 24
5.1 Definition of scanning procedure 24
5.2 Determining measuring range and mounting distance
for the camera 25
5.3 Determining mounting distance and size of the
light transmitter 27
5.4 Light transmitter mounting 28
5.5 Camera mounting 28
5.6 Background definition 29
5.7 Support roller mounting 29
6. Installation 30
7. Set network addresses 31
8. Commissioning 34
8.1 Preset sharpness and aperture of the camera 34
8.2 Align camera precisely 34
8.3 Adjusting focus 36
8.4 Check and set parallelism 36
8.5 Calibrating camera 37
8.6 Configure camera 42
9. Additional settings 53
10. Software history 56
11. Technical data 57 BEA--250852-EN-06
CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

1. General
1.1 Explanation of symbols ➜ jobs to be performed
important information and instructions
text sections due particular attention to assure the safe op-
eration of the camera system

1.2 Description Please keep this operating manual in a safe place, accessible to per-
sonnel at all times.
The operating manual is part of the package supplied and should be
read carefully prior to assembly and operation.

1.3 Software Following software components are used to operate the CCD camera
OL 81.. and the camera computer DO 81.. :

1. Operating system:
Linux Kernel 2.6.16-rt7

2. E+L device driver:

- can driver.ko, PC0016-0001M_Z_
(Access onto sja1000 Can component with ioctl functions)
- cyclone driver.ko, PC0016-0002M_Z_
(Access onto cyclone components, SPI interface)

3. Application software:
- Camera program (Evaluation of CCD signals and radiation of
edge position values on the CAN Bus)
- CanServer library / CanServer application (TCP/IP interface to
E+L Can Bus)
- EthernetIP interface software
- EGD interface software

Numbers 1 and 2 are subject to the licensing agreement of the

GNU GPL/LGPL. The source code of the software in numbers 1
and 2 can be purchased on a CD for a nominal fee of 50,- Euros if
necessary. In this case please contact: info@erhardt-leimer.com.
The software in number 3 is copyrighted by Erhardt+Leimer
GmbH. All rights of usage and administration reserved for E+L.

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Differing from the licensing agreement of the GNU GPL/LGPL

several module are subject to the following licensing agree-

Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Frank Denis <j@pureftpd.org> with the help of all Pure-FTPd contributors.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this per-
mission notice appear in all copies.

Copyright © 1991, 1992 Paul Kranenburg pk@cs.few.eur.nl
Copyright © 1993 Branko Lankester branko@hacktic.nl
Copyright © 1993 Ulrich Pegelow pegelow@moorea.uni-muenster.de
Copyright © 1995, 1996 Michael Elizabeth Chastain mec@duracef.shout.net
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Rick Sladkey jrs@world.std.com
Copyright © 1998-2001 Wichert Akkerman wakkerma@deephackmode.org
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ma-
terials provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

Except where otherwise noted in the source code (e.g. the files hash.c, list.c and the
trio files, which are covered by a similar licence but with different Copyright notices)
all the files are:
Copyright © 1998–2003 Daniel Veillard.
All Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit per-
sons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Daniel Veillard shall not be used in
advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software
without prior written authorization from him.

version 1.2.3, July 18th, 2005
Copyright © 1995–2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event
will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including com-
mercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must no claim that
you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowl-
edgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be mis-
represented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler
jloup@gzip.org madler@alumni.caltech.edu
The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for Com-
ments) 1950 to 1952 in the files http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (zlib format),
rfc1951.txt (deflate format) and rfc1952.txt (gzip format).

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2. Type The series OL 81.. CCD cameras have different lenses (measuring
ranges). The camera function is identical. The third and fourth places
designation of the type designation denote the lens focal length.
OL 8128: focal length 28 mm
OL 8150: focal length 50 mm

3. Function
3.1 Purpose CCD camera OL 81.. was developed for non-contact position meas-
uring purposes. It determines the position of contrast transitions
(edges, lines, channels or grooves) on a moving web. The measuring
result may be used for width measuring, web guiding, following-up of
actuators or tools such as cutters etc.

3.2 Design

CCD-Cameras OL 81..


CAN in LVDS Ethernet

CAN out USB for

E+L Service

DO 8101 camera computer

with ZC 4071 control unit

A camera system for non-contact position measuring consists of:

- one or two CCD cameras OL 81..
- the camera computer DO 81.. with control unit RT 4071
- one light emitter FS 4…/FS 8… per camera
- one camera holder VA 5538 per camera
- one set of cables

The camera computer is equipped with

- a CAN interface for connecting to the E+L CAN network,
- a USB interface to be used by E+L service technicians,
- an Ethernet interface for connecting to an Ethernet network with
TCP/IP protocol.

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3.2.1 Ethernet interface Data can be exchanged between the camera system and the cus-
(TCP/IP protocol) tomer via the Ethernet interface. This function is not standard, how-
For activation an E+L copy protection dongle EK 5101 with value of 1
is required. The copy protection dongle monitors the use and activa-
tion of E+L software.
Four data protocols are available:
- CVL (E+L Can Value List)
- Ethernet IP
For data exchange via Ethernet IP or EGD protocol, an additional
software module must be installed.
3.3 Operating principle

Incidental light Transmitted light

Scanning procedure
Two different scanning procedures, incidental light and transmitted
light, are used to detect transitions in contrast. Implementation de-
pends on the situation to be tackled.
In the incidental light procedure the light transmitter and camera
are on the same side, below or above the object. The camera detects
the light reflected by the object from the light transmitter. When the
incidental light procedure is used lines, grooves, notches and ribs are
detected in addition to outer edges.
In the transmitted light procedure the light transmitter is located
behind the object to be detected as seen from the camera position. In
the case of non-transparent materials only outer edges are detected
The same applies for both procedures: Whether one or two cameras
are used for position detecting depends on the required resolution
and web width.

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CCD camera

Angle of view of 2 webs

the CCD camera

Web level

Light transmitter

Scan in the operating

window “Overview”

Schematic diagram of transmitted light:

2 webs in the operating range of the Operating range of the CCD camera

The centerpiece of the CCD camera is a CCD array element with

5150 pixels. The individual pixels convert the light shed into signal
voltages. Contrast changes in the operating range of the camera, for
instance web edges or lines printed on the web, cause changes in
The camera captures the positions of the contrast changes, referred
to as contrast edges, and transmits them to the CAN bus.
Using the control unit RT 4071 in the camera computer DO 8101, the
camera is calibrated and configured. For standard applications, up
to 4 contrast edges per camera can be configured automatically with
the help of the integrated configuration assistant. This means that
the configuration assistant determines the number and position of
the contrast edges in the operating range of the camera and assigns
them a CAN address.
Applications with more than 4 contrast edges per CCD camera and
complex applications must be configured with the PC with the help
of the E+L program JavaCanmon. JavaCanmon can be downloaded
from the Erhardt+Leimer website: “www.erhardt-leimer.com”.
A camera system set up by E+L is preconfigured. You only need to
install and calibrate. Please refer to the accompanying project de-

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4. Control unit The RT 4071 control unit in the camera computer is a multifunctional
control unit for digital systems from E+L such as systems with the
RT 4071 CCD camera OL 81.. or web transport control system DRS.
Only the user interface for the CCD camera is described in this de-
scription. General functions for operation are described in the en-
closed description “Command station DO 2000/DO 2001/DO 8101,
General part”.
The user interface for the “CCD camera OL 81..” encompasses six
operating windows: Overview, Setup, Calibrate, Camera, Width and
4.1 General operating

Operating symbols Plain text display

HELP button Alarm display

currently without function

Function buttons
F1 to F4
Increase value
Decrease value

ENTER button

ESCAPE button

Automatic button Centre button Manual button

Example: Overview user interface

Alarm display: currently without function

Plain text display

The plain text display can show letters, numerals, symbols and a
camera scan. See adjacent figure.
Operating symbols on the left side of the display indicate that the
adjacent function button has a function assigned to it. Operating
symbols on the bottom right of the display indicate that the buttons
Automatic, Centre and Manual have functions assigned to them.

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The Start window is displayed after the operating voltage is switched

on. See adjacent figure.

Start window

If you press the HELP button once, the Service indication with the fol-
lowing information appears:
Line 1: CAN address of the control unit (ZC 4071)
Line 2: IP address of the DO 81.. camera computer
Line 3: Menu service, display of the E+L Service Center
Line 4: See description “Command station DO 2000/DO 2001/
Service indication DO 8101, General part”, chapter 6.4 Activate error monitoring.
If you press the HELP button a second time, the version of the soft-
ware in the camera system is displayed.

Software version and Service indication are hidden by pressing the

ESCAPE, Automatic, Center or Manual buttons. The Start window
appears again.
Software version (example)

In the operating window you can view short help texts on the operat-
ing symbols by pressing the HELP button. See adjacent figure.
Press 1x; display texts.
Press 2x; hide texts.

Operating window

F1 to F4, Centre and Manual

The function of the buttons F1 to F4, Centre and Manual change ac-
cording to the operating windows. See the following descriptions of
the operating symbols and operating windows.
If the operating symbol next to a function button is flashing, then it
is active. The function button remains active until another function
button or the “Escape” button is pressed.
Values that can be changed are also displayed flashing. For multi-
ple-digit values you shift from one digit to the next by pressing the
function button.

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Decrease value, Increase value, “Enter” and “Escape”

The “Reduce value”, “Increase value”, “Enter” and “Escape” but-
tons are used to navigate within the system menu and the operat-
ing windows.
Using the “Reduce value” and “Increase value” buttons you can navi-
gate in the system menus in vertical direction. In Overview operating
window - zoom view you can shift the camera or adjust its size. Once
a parameter has been selected, the parameter value can be changed
with the buttons.
Changed values are accepted immediately until the system is
restarted. If they should be stored permanently, then they need
to be saved in the Overview operating window by the F4 function
Pressing the “Enter” button opens/closes submenus, operating win-
dows are displayed or hidden or parameters selected.
An action is cancelled with the “Escape” button and you are returned
to the system menu. If you are already in the system menu, then you
are returned to the start window.

If two cameras are connected to the DO 81.. camera computer, then
you can switch back and forth between the cameras with the Auto-
matic button. The slot number in the operating windows indicates for
which camera the control unit is currently active.

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4.2 Operating symbols for the Symbol Function Operating window

function buttons F1 to F4 Set CAN address Overview

Self-diagnosis Overview

Change scan rate Overview

(concerns all cameras on the DO 81)

Save all values Overview

Enlarge or reduce scan Overview - Zoom

Scan up or down shift Overview - Zoom

Shift Scan to the right or left Overview - Zoom

Cancel zoom Overview - Zoom

(reset to 100 % original size)

Display scan “aperture/brightness” Setup

Display scan “sharpness” Setup

Display scan “parallelism” Setup

Press 1x; select pattern calibration. Calibrate

Press 2x; display parameters

Press 1x; select cutout calibration. Calibrate
Press 2x; display parameters

Press 1x; select pseudo-calibration. Calibrate
Press 2x; display parameters

Limit operating range Calibrate, Camera

Enter camera offset Camera

Set edge sensitivity Camera

Switch on/off camera Camera

on off
Switch on/off brightness balance Camera

on off

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Symbol Function Operating window

Distance correction selection Camera
Press 1x, the first position that can be
changed has a dark background.
Press 2x, the next position that can be
changed has a dark background etc.
Input aid distance correction: Camera
Take over current actual width into input box

Cancel distance correction Camera

Configure camera/s automatically Wizard

Switch on/off edge limiting Wizard

on off

Select monitoring range for the exposure Exposure

Select set value for the exposure regulation Exposure

Type of exposure regulation: Maximum Exposure

Type of exposure regulation: Minimum Exposure

Type of exposure regulation: Average Exposure

Set reaction time of the exposure regulation: Exposure

1 = slow, 12 = quick
1 12

The operating symbols are in part displayed blinking if the corre-

sponding function button is pressed.
* Some of the functions for operating the camera system can be in-
hibited. In this case the related operating symbol is crossed out.
These functions are used for commissioning and configuration.
They must not be run again after commissioning, as otherwise
the camera system will no longer operate correctly. See chapter
“Inhibiting functions”.

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4.3 Operating symbols for the Symbol Function Operating window

Automatic, Centre and Camera change All
Manual buttons
Display Zoom window Overview

Change window Overview zoom,


Set default values Setup, Calibrate,

Camera, Exposure
Carry out function (calibration, brightness Calibrate, Camera
balance, distance change)

Switch on/off exposure regulation Exposure

on off

4.4 Start window ➜ Apply operating voltage.

The start menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
If the camera system is used for width measurement, the web
width can also be displayed in the start window.
➜ For this setting adjust the parameter P11 “output mode” of the
control unit to the value 1 (show width). Refer to the accompany-
ing description “Control unit DO 2000/DO 2001/DO 8101,
General part”.
➜ Then set the resolution in parameter P16 “display resolution”.
After the camera/s has been successfully calibrated, the web
width is displayed in the start window.

4.5 Start the OL 81 operating ➜ Press the “Enter” and “Increase value” buttons at the same time.
window The setup mode starts then. The system menu appears in the
plain text display. See adjacent figure.
➜ Select the menu item “OL 81” with the “Increase value / Decrease
value” buttons.
➜ Open menu item “OL 81” by pressing the Enter button.
The submenus for the OL 81 menu item appear in the plain text
display: the Overview, Setup, Calibrate, Camera, Width and Ex-
posure operating windows. See adjacent figure.
➜ Select the desired operating window such as Overview with the
“Increase value / Decrease value” buttons.
➜ Press the Enter button.
The operating window appears in the plain text display.

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4.6 Operating window


CAN address Camera Calibration status: √ calibrated

Camera computer Slot number not calibrated

CAN address
Camera computer
Set DO 81..


Set scan rate


# = Exposure regulation on Scan rate Change camera Display Zoom window

The Overview operating window displays all relevant data of the CCD
camera during operation.

CAN address
See “Set network addresses” chapter.

Pressing the F2 function button displays status/fault messages.
Example: camera 2 was switched off even though it is calibrated.
See adjacent figures.

By pressing the F4 button in the Overview operating window all
settings are saved no matter in which operating window they were

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Overall scan
If two cameras are connected to the camera computer DO 81.., an
overall scan of both cameras can be shown in the Overview operat-
ing window.
With the Automatic button you can switch between camera scan and
overall scan: camera scan 1, camera scan 2, overall scan, camera
scan 1, and so on.
The slot number indicates for which camera the control unit is cur-
rently active. For the overall scan both numbers are displayed. See
adjacent figure.

4.6.1 Overview - Zoom

Camera scan

Camera scan
shift vertically

Camera scan
shift horizontally

Camera scan
(original size 100 %)

Change camera Close zoom window

In the Zoom window you can enlarge or reduce the camera scan.
The size adjustment is valid only for the Overview operating win-
dow. In the other operating windows the camera scan is displayed
in the original size (100 %).

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4.7 Operating window Setup

Camera slot number Physical camera middle

Set aperture

Set sharpness

Set parallelism

Scan rate Change camera Reset edge parameters

(only visible at F2 and F3)

The Setup operating window is used for aligning the camera me-
chanically. See “Commissioning” chapter.

Camera scan “aperture” Camera scan “sharpness” Camera scan “parallelism”

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4.8 Operating window Calibrate

Start/End calibration range Calibration status: √ calibrated

not calibrated

Pattern calibration

Cutout calibration
(hole pattern)


set calibration range

Camera Reset Start calibration

change edge parameters process

The Calibrate operating window is used for calibrating the camera.

See “Commissioning” chapter.
There are three different means for calibration named after the cor-
responding type of pattern:
- Pattern calibration
- Cutout calibration (recommended)
- Pseudo-calibration.

Calibration parameters

P37 P39 P30

P33 P40 P31
P34 P41
P36 P42

Pattern calibration Cutout calibration Pseudo-calibration

Press function button 1x, select calibration mode. Press function but-
ton 2x, call up parameter for calibration mode.
Select parameters with the “Increase value / Decrease value” but-
tons. Confirm the selection by pressing “Enter”: Press 1x; parameter
can be edited. Press 2x; cancel selection.
Edit parameter value with the “Increase value / Decrease value” but-
tons. Changed values are accepted immediately.
Explanation of the parameters, see accompanying parameter list.

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A lightning symbol next to the camera slot number indicates that no

calibration data exist.
The Manual button is used to start the calibration process.
If the calibration is successful, a check mark appears next to the
camera slot number. The calibration data is saved automatically.
Older calibration data are written over.
If both symbols appear, the new calibration was not successful and
the old calibration data are retained. For an initial calibration, only the
lightning symbol appears next to the camera slot number.

You can view short help texts on the calibration fault by pressing the
HELP button. See adjacent example.
Press 1x; display short text about the calibration fault.
Press 2x; display short texts on the operating symbols.
Press 3x; hide texts.

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4.9 Operating window Camera

Start/end of camera field-of-view Edge sensitivity

limitation = start/end operating range

Zero-point offset camera


Camera field-of-view limitation


Edge sensitivity

Enable/disable camera

Position of the first contrast edge Operating Camera Reset further

after the start position range change edge parameters settings

Example: Two contrast edges in the field

of view of camera 1, start position with The Camera operating window serves to set up the camera operat-
zero-point offset set to 0 mm ing range and to optimise camera settings. See “Commissioning”
If no web is located in the operating range, the position of the physi-
cal camera centre is indicated instead of the first contrast edge.
Pressing the “Manual” button displays further settings to set up the

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4.9.1 Camera - additional settings

Start/end of camera field-of-view limitation Physical camera middle

White balance on/off

On Off

Distance correction:
Enter new actual width

Input aid:
Current actual width
take over

Distance correction

Change camera Start White balance / Return to

Distance correction ”Camera” operating window

White balance
The white balance serves to smoothen curvilinear scans due to poor
visibility. It should be performed after the calibration. During calibra-
tion no object may be in the angle of view of the camera. The camera
needs to be pointed towards the light.
If the white balance function is switched on (function button F1), the
white balance can be started by pressing the “Centre” button. The
camera scan is smoothened mathematically. See adjacent figure.

Distance correction
For a distance correction, a width deviation due to a distance change
is corrected. See “Additional Settings” chapter.
Function button F4; Cancel distance correction This button should
be pressed before every distance correction. This deletes the previ-
ous correction values.
Function button F3; Input aid The current actual width displayed in
line 2 is taken over into line 1.
Function button F2; Enter new actual width
Press 1x; the first position that can be changed by pressing the
“Increase value / Decrease value” buttons has a dark background.
Press 2x; the second position that can be changed has a dark back-
ground ... etc.
Centre button, start the distance correction / take over actual value.
Current actual New actual
width in mm width in mm

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4.10 Operating window Wizard

Number of configure contrast edges

Start/end of camera field-of-view limitation in the cameras' operating range

Start Wizard

Edge limiting on/off


Change camera Reset edge parameters

Example: Scan before the Wizard starts,

one web in the angle of view of camera 1 Wizard
In this operating window the Wizard for automatic configuration of
contrast edges can be found. The wizard can configure a maximum
of 4 contrast edges per camera. See “Commissioning” chapter.
The Wizard determines the number and position of the contrast edg-
es in the operating range of the camera/s and assigns them, in order,
a CAN address. Once the contrast edges are configured, the number
of contrast edges and webs in the camera's angle of view appears in
the camera scan. See the following examples.
One camera system:
1 web in the angle of view of the camera
Number of configure contrast edges
Cameras' slot number in the cameras' operating range

CAN addresses
of the contrast edges

Number of all cameras connected Number of configure webs in the

to the camera computer DO 81 operating ranges of all cameras

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Slot number: Number of configure contrast edges Slot number:

camera 1 in the cameras' operating range camera 2

CAN addresses
of the contrast edges

Start position End position Number of all cameras connected to Number of configure webs in the
Operating range camera 1 the camera computer DO 81 operating ranges of all cameras

Two camera system: 1 web, 1 web edge

each in the angle of view of a camera For a two camera system the camera scan shows the position of the
web edges (contrast edges) in the operating range of camera 1 and
camera 2.
With the “Automatic” button the operating ranges of camera 1 and
camera 2 are alternately displayed.
The slot number indicates to which camera the operating range be-

Function button F2 Edge limiting

The camera determines the position of all contrast edges on a mov-
Edge limiting On Off
ing web within its field of view. If there is a very large number of con-
trast edges in the field of view, we recommend limiting the number of
edges. See “Additional settings” chapter.

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4.11 Operating window Exposure

Monitoring range
Exposure regulation

Set value
Exposure regulation

Method of
Exposure regulation

max. min. average

slow ---> quick

Reaction time
Exposure regulation

Exposure time Camera Reset Exposure regulation

change exposure
1 6 12 Video amplifier parameters
slow ---> quick On Off

The Exposure operating window is used for calibrating the camera's

automatic exposure regulation. The exposure regulation reacts au-
tomatically if there is a change of the lighting conditions, e.g. due to
slow soiling/aging of the light emitter.
See “Additional settings” chapter.

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5. Assembly Please observe the locally applicable and customary profes-

sional safety and accident prevention regulations.
CCD camera OL 81.. should be mounted by qualified or suit-
ably instructed personnel only.

5.1 Definition of scanning Select incidental light when scanning lines or transparent webs, the
procedure edges of opaque webs should be scanned using transmitted light. In
borderline cases the appropriate procedure should be established by
trial and error.

5.1.1 Incidental light

Web plane

Background / panel Background / panel

When using frontlighting the following should be observed:

- When scanning the edges of highly transparent or highly reflecting
webs, mount the light transmitter so that the mirror surface reflects
the light shed by the light transmitter into the camera (illustration
- when detecting lines and color contrasts on transparent and
opaque webs, mount the light transmitter so that it creates a dif-
fuse reflection. Surface glare is avoided and a clear image is cre-
ated (illustration right).
Please ensure in incidental light mode that the light transmitter is
not located in the camera measuring range.

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5.1.2 Transmitted light

1. 2. 3.

Web travel direction Web travel direction

vertical horizontal

In the case of transmitted light we recommend the three mounting

variants illustrated to avoid dirt deposits.

5.2 Determining measuring The assembly distance “X” between camera and web plane influ-
range and mounting ences the measuring range “M” of the camera:
distance for the camera - the smaller the mounting distance the smaller the measuring
- the smaller the measuring range the more precise measuring will
be (resolution)

Max. measuring range (M)

Chip plane in mm

OL 8128

OL 8150
Web plane

Measuring range M

Mounting distance distance chip plane - web plane (X)

in mm
Measuring range and mounting distance

The diagram and the following formula help determine the measuring
range of the camera and the distance between CCD chip level and
web plane for the assembly.
Dimensions specified in the diagram are approximate.

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Chip plane Web plane

AB + +
X = ( f2
2xA + 50 2) x ( )

36,05 f-2

b = image distance
f = focal length (standard 28 mm)
g = object distance
A = web run
AB = operating width
B = image size (chip length 36,05 mm)
B1 = safety distance (standard 25 mm)



G = object size
M = measuring range CCD camera
X = distance
CCD chip plane - web plane
f f

b g

The measuring range of a camera comprises:
Measuring range = max. web width + max. web run + safety

The measuring range of a camera on a system with two cameras is

calculated as follows:

max. web width - min. web width

Measuring range = ____________________________ + max. web run + safety

As safety clearance a value of 50 to 100 mm must be taken into

account depending on the application (2x to 4x safety distance).
The web must never be outside the camera measuring range.

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5.3 Determining mounting

distance and size of the
light transmitter

Chip plane




M + 2xC

Width Light emitters

AB = operating width
C = safety distance OL 8128, 65 mm
safety distance OL 8151, 37 mm
(at a standard distance light transmitter - web of 100 mm)
M = measuring range CCD camera
X = distance chip plane - web plane

The E+L FS 4… / FS 8… light transmitter is available in various

In incidental light mode the distance between the light transmitter
and the web should be as small as possible to achieve the greatest
possible quantity of light.
In transmitted light mode it applies that the smaller the distance
of the light transmitter to the web, the greater the danger will be that
soiling will be sharply displayed on the light transmitter, leading to
incorrect measurements. We recommend a minimum distance of
100 mm (standard).
The camera measuring range must always be located in the light
transmitter usable range. See description of light transmitter.

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5.4 Light transmitter mounting ➜ Mount light transmitter.

The light transmitter mounting depends on the scanning proce-
dure. See chapter 5.1 “Definition of scanning procedure”.
➜ Align light transmitter parallel to the deflection rollers.

5.5 Camera mounting

Connection Camera 2

Camera 1
Right X Right

+ +
n n
0 ctio ct o
ire ire
in gd X ingd
- scann - cann

Left Left

Middle of the machine Web run

Example: Transmitted light

Scan direction of the CCD camera ➜ Mount camera holder and camera (see description of camera
holder VA 5538). Observe the following assembly instructions.
- When measuring with one camera, mount the camera in the mid-
dle of the machine.
- When measuring with two cameras both cameras must have
same distance to the machine middle and the same assembly
distance (X) to the web. The more precise the assembly, the more
precise the measuring.
- The scan direction of the camera is defined by the installa-
tion of the camera. When viewed from above onto the web, in
the direction of web travel, the connection of the camera/s must
point to the left for a positive scan direction (normal direction).
See illustration above.
When measuring with two cameras, camera 1 (slot 1) should
be mounted on the left in the web direction with view from
above on the web. Camera 2 must be mounted on the right.
Both cameras must have the same scan direction.
➜ The height, traverse and longitudinal axes of the camera need to
be aligned mechanically as precise as possible on the light trans-
mitter and the web plane (web surface).
The light emitted by the light transmitter needs to shine directly
onto the camera's CCD line chip.
The angle of view of the camera must always be located in the
light transmitter usable range.

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5.6 Background definition A homogenous, contrast-free dark background is required for the
incidental light procedure. A matt black panel may have to be
mounted behind the web, in the camera scanning range. This opti-
mum contrast to the web assures perfect web edge scanning, stray
light influences are avoided.

5.7 Support roller mounting It must be assured that no folds or creasing occurs in the web nor the
edges turn up. As a result light would be reflected to another angle of
the web and no longer captured by the camera. Height fluctuations
also influence the camera measuring results. If necessary mount a
support roller.
In incidental light mode the support roller should be mounted outside
the camera measuring range, in front of or behind the camera (see
adjacent figure).


Support roller

Example: incidental light

Support roller mounted after the camera

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6. Installation Please observe the locally applicable and customary profes-

sional safety and accident prevention regulations.
The OL 81.. camera system should be installed by qualified
personnel only.
➜ Connect electrical leads according to the attached wiring diagram
and EMC notice.
➜ Lay out the CAN bus lines, Ethernet lines and camera connection
cables screened and separated from interfering or high-voltage
Lay out the data cables for the LVDS connection between camera
computer and camera as well as Ethernet lines separately and
with a bend radius of at least 30 mm. Placement in a cable drag
chain is not permitted.
LVDS cable 5 m, E+L Mat. no. 326070
LVDS cable 10 m, E+L Mat. no. 326069
Please ensure that:
insulation is not damaged and leads correctly secured and pro-
the total length of the CAN bus line is limited to 160 m and must
not be exceeded,
both ends of the CAN bus line must be fitted with a terminating re-
sistor connector (3-pin connector),
when using on-site light transmitters these must feature an elec-
tronic ballast (min. 5 kHz).

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7. Set network Before commissioning the camera and the camera computer the net-
work addresses have to be checked and set.
addresses CAN addresses always have to be checked and set. Ethernet
and Gateway addresses only then when the camera is connected
to an Ethernet network. The USB interface is for the E+L service
➜ Connect camera and camera computer to the operating voltage.

7.1 Starting the setup mode ➜ Press the “Enter” and “Increase value” buttons at the same time.
The setup mode starts then. The system menu appears in the
plain text display. See adjacent figure.
➜ Select the menu item “E+L” with the “Increase value / Decrease
value” buttons.

➜ Open the menu item by pressing the “Enter” button.

The submenus for the E+L menu item appear in the plain text dis-
play: Language, Keyboard Names, Service and Addresses.
See adjacent figure.
➜ Select the menu item “Addresses” with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons.

➜ Open the submenu by pressing the “Enter” button.

The menu items appear in the plain text display: ZC 4071,
OL81XX, eth0 Address, eth1 Address, usb Address and Gateway.
See adjacent figure.

7.2 CAN address control unit

RT 4071 (ZC 4071)
➜ Select and open menu item “ZC4071”.
The term ZC 4071 stands for the RT 4071 control unit.
➜ Select and open parameter “can address”.

The input box for the CAN address of the operating unit appears
in the plain text display. See adjacent figure.
➜ Set the CAN address with the “Increase value / Decrease value”
buttons. Default value 0.A.
➜ Conclude the entry by pressing “Enter”.

BEA--250852-EN-06 B page 31
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➜ Then press the “Help” button.

The Service menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
➜ Select the menu item “Set ZC4071 Can Adr.” with the “Increase
value / Decrease value” buttons. Save currently set CAN address
by pressing the “Enter” button.
The “can address” parameter appears again in the plain text dis-

7.3 CAN address camera ➜ Select and open menu item “OL81XX”.
computer / camera OL 81 ➜ Select and open parameter “can address”.

The input box for the CAN address of the camera computer (and
the cameras) appears in the plain text display. See adjacent fig-
➜ Set the CAN address with the “Increase value / Decrease value”
buttons. Default value 0.9.
➜ Conclude the entry by pressing “Enter”.
➜ Then press the “Help” button.
The Service menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
➜ Select the menu item “Set OL81 Can Adr.” with the “Increase val-
ue / Decrease value” buttons. Save currently set CAN address by
pressing the “Enter” button.
The “CAN address” parameter appears again in the plain text dis-

7.4 Ethernet address camera ➜ Select and open parameter “eth0 address”.
computer / camera OL 81 The Ethernet IP address consists of four parts. Example:
➜ Enter the four parts of the address one by one in the “eth0 ad-
dress X” submenus.
Example: “eth0 address 1” -> 10, see adjacent figure
”eth0 address 2” -> 6
”eth0 address 3” -> 2
”eth0 address 4” -> 13

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➜ Select and open parameter “ethX netmask”.

The input box for the Ethernet network mask appears in the plain
text display. See adjacent figure.
➜ Set the network mask with the “Increase value / Decrease value”
buttons. Default value 16.
Example: Network mask = 16
Network mask = 24
➜ Conclude the entry by pressing “Enter”.
➜ Then press the “Help” button.
The Service menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
➜ Select the menu item “Set Tcpip Adr.” with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Save currently set TCP/IP addresses by
pressing the “Enter” button.
The “ethX address” parameter appears again in the plain text dis-

7.5 CAN address camera The USB address is set to the default value of and
computer DO 81 should therefore not be modified.

7.6 Gateway address Ethernet ➜ Select and open menu item “Gateway”.
The Ethernet Gateway address consists of four parts.

➜ Enter the four parts of the address one by one in the “address X”
Example: “address 1” -> 10, see adjacent figure
“address 2” -> 6
“address 3” -> 1
“address 4” -> 1
➜ Conclude the entry by pressing “Enter”.
➜ Then press the “Help” button. The Service menu appears in the
plain text display.
➜ Select the menu item “Set Tcpip Adr.” with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Save currently set TCP/IP addresses by
pressing the “Enter” button. The “address X” parameter appears
again in the plain text display.

➜ Exit the system menu by pressing the “Escape” (press several


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8. Commissioning For commissioning the camera a calibration pattern is required.

We recommend the E+L cutout pattern. See the accompanying scale
The commissioning steps 8.1 to 8.5 need to be carried out for
each camera connected to the camera computer. After that you
can continue with the subsequent commissioning steps.
The cameras can be put into operation at the simultaneously or
one after the other. Using the automatic button you can switch
between camera 1 and camera 2 during each commissioning. The
number next to the camera symbol indicates which camera is cur-
rently activated.
➜ Connect camera, camera computer and light transmitter to the op-
erating voltage.

8.1 Preset sharpness and ➜ Unscrew the protective cylinder on the lens.
aperture of the camera In order to detect the web precisely, it is important to set as high a
focus as possible and a favorable light incidence via the aperture. On
the cameras OL 81, the focus is set on the front ring on the lens as on
a normal photographic camera, the aperture on the ring behind (see
adjacent figure.)
➜ Set the sharpness approximately to the distance camera to web.
➜ Set the Aperture to and average values, e.g. 8.

8.2 Align camera precisely To avoid faulty measurements due to optical distortions, the camera
needs to be aimed exactly at the web surface (web plane).
➜ Start the setup mode. Press the “Enter” and “Increase value” but-
tons at the same time for that.
The system menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
➜ Select the menu item “OL81” with the “Increase value / Decrease
value” buttons.
➜ Press the “Enter” button.
The menu with the operating windows for the CCD camera OL81
appears (see adjacent figure).
➜ Select the “Setup” operating window with the “Increase value / De-
crease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.

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Adjusting screw
Transverse axis / Parallelism

Adjusting screw
Lateral axis / tilt
Adjusting screw
Longitudinal axis / Machine centre

Align camera

The “Setup” operating window appears in the plain text display.

See adjacent figure.
➜ Press button F1 “Aperture/Brightness”.

Align the camera in such a way that the light emitted by the light
transmitter results in a symmetrical scan. See adjacent figure.
No web may be in the angle of view of the camera.
➜ Set the lateral axis first.
➜ Set the longitudinal axis next.

Machine centre Web level

Light emitter level

➜ Place the E+L cutout pattern in the middle of the camera's angle
of view at the level of the web surface. That is on the level of the
web during production.

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At least 4 holes (cutouts) / 8 edges of the cutout pattern need to

lie in the angle of view of the camera. The more edges lie in the
angle of view, the more exact the calibration.
➜ Align E+L pattern at right angles to the machine middle.

Example: 3 cutouts

8.3 Adjusting focus ➜ Press the F2 “Sharpness” button.

The scan of a contrast edge appears in the plain text display.
See adjacent figure.
If the previous scan should remain, press the F1 button and then
the F2 button again.

➜ Set the sharpness on the front ring of the camera lens.

The sharpness is set optimally when the contrast edge is shown
as a vertical line that is as straight as possible. The number at the
bottom left in the plain text display should be as small as possible.
➜ Screw the protective cylinder onto the lens.

8.4 Check and set parallelism ➜ Press the F3 “Parallelism” button (set height axis).
The scan of the pattern appears in the plain text display. See adja-
cent figure.
The number in the middle indicates by how many pixel the pattern
middle lies offset from the middle of the camera angle of view.

➜ Carefully move the middle of the pattern to the middle of the cam-
Deviation era's angle of view until the number 0 is displayed.
Pattern centre - camera centre
Do not turn the pattern thereby.
The numbers at the beginning and end of the scan show the dis-
tance in pixels between the first and last contrast edge in the left
or right halves of the camera's angle of view. See adjacent figure.
The CCD chip in the camera is aligned parallel to the web when
the middle of the pattern lies in the middle of the camera angle
of view and the two numbers at the beginning and the end of the
scan are equal.
If the numbers are unequal even though the pattern is in the mid-
dle, then align the height axis of the camera. If necessary slide the
pattern towards the middle of the camera's angle of view again
until the number 0 is displayed.
➜ Once the camera (of the CCD chip) is aligned exactly to the web
level, close the “Setup” operating window. Press the “Enter” button
for that.

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8.5 Calibrating camera When calibrating the camera the lens is linearized and the conver-
sion factor pixel/mm is determined for the position measuring.
➜ Select the “Calibrate” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.

The “Calibrate” operating window appears in the plain text display.

See adjacent figure.

8.5.1 Specify calibration range The calibration range specifies which part of the camera's angle of
view should be used for the calibration later for the operating range.
Interfering measured values in the margin of the camera, caused by
Calibration range too little light or machine parts will thus be omitted. See adjacent
The calibration pattern should be as large as the calibration range.
At least 4 holes / 8 edges of the cutout pattern needs to lie in the
calibration range of the camera. The more edges lie in the calibra-
tion range, the more exact the calibration.
➜ Press the F4 “Angle of view” button. The symbol next to the button
as well as the left limit line flashes.
Limitation lines
➜ Press and hold the “Increase value” button until the limit line has
Position display reached the desired position (start position). See adjacent figure.
➜ Press the F4 “Angle of view” button again. The right limit line in
the plain text display flashes.
➜ Press and hold the “Decrease value” button until the limit line has
reached the desired position (end position).

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8.5.2 Cutout calibration ➜ Press the F2 “Cutout pattern” button for the calibration with cutout
pattern. The symbol next to the button flashes.
➜ Press the F2 button a second time and the parameters for calibra-
tion with the cutout pattern are displayed.
➜ Check parameters and adjust if necessary.
➜ Enter the size of the cutouts in the calibration pattern in mm in the
parameter “width”, default 30 mm (distance between the cutouts
are twice as large).
P39 ➜ Set the zero position of the camera in the parameter “zero position”.
P41 0 = start of view (start of the camera's angle of view) default
1 = centre of view (middle of the camera's angle of view)
2 = end of view (end of the camera's angle of view)
➜ Enter the position of the web levels in relation to the pattern in the
parameter “top/bottom”.
0 = bottom edge (bottom of the pattern) default
1 = top edge (top of the pattern)
➜ Enter the mode of operation of the camera in the parameter “light”.
0 = transmittive default
1 = reflective

Scan with operating mode “transmittive”: Scan in operating mode “reflective”, the
the cutouts of the calibration patterns cutouts of the calibration patterns are
are bright dark, the bars are light

➜ Then press the “Manual” button. The calibration process is initi-

Camera calibrated ated.
The camera is calibrated as soon as the following symbol appears
next to the camera symbol in the plain text display: √ The calibra-
tion data is saved automatically.
If the camera was not calibrated (lightning symbol next to the
camera symbol), repeat commissioning as of point 8.1.
Every time the calibration process is activated, the previous cali-
bration data is overwritten. If an error occurs during recalibration,
the previous calibration remains active and both calibration sta-
tuses are displayed. See adjacent figure. Repeat commissioning
from point 8.1.
➜ Close the “Calibrate” operating window. Press the “Enter” button
for that.

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8.5.3 Check web position ➜ Place the web instead of the E+L hole pattern in the middle of the
camera's angle of view at the level of the web surface.
➜ Select the “Camera” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons and press the “Enter” button.
The “Camera” operating window appears in the plain text display.

Angle of view of the camera

Operating range of the

+ camera in mm
irec Contrast edges
- an
n detected

Scanning direction -----> Start position Position of the first contrast edge End position
Operating range after the start position Operating range

After completed calibration the following values are displayed in milli-

metres: Start and end position of the operating range, size of the op-
erating range and the position of the first contrast edge after the start
position. In this case the position of the left edge position as seen in
the direction of transport.
The commissioning steps 8.1 to 8.5.3 need to be carried out for
each camera connected to the camera computer. After that you
can continue with the subsequent commissioning steps.

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8.5.4 Setting offset for width For the width measurement of one web with two cameras the dis-
measurement with two tance between the cameras needs to be specified so that the correct
cameras web width can be displayed. The distance is defined with the help of
an offset.
The angles of view of the cameras can be laid next to one another
or they can overlap. This has no effect on the following setting.
➜ Select the “Camera” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons and press the “Enter” button.
The “Camera” operating window with the camera scan appears in
the plain text display. Using the “Automatic” button you can switch
between camera 1 and camera 2.

Scanning direction cameras ---> 1 2

Position values -70.5 mm +70.5 mm

Web level

Operating range ......Start End Start End

-200.1 0 +77.2 -77.4 0 +201.5 mm
Direction of transport

Position values -70.5 mm +70.5 mm

Example: Width offset

➜ Place the web in the middle of both camera's operating ranges at
the level of the web surface.
The web is in the middle when the position values of the web edg-
es of camera 1 and camera 2 are equal, for example
Camera 1: -70.5 mm (edge left)
Camera 2: +70.5 mm (edge right)
Difference 141.0 mm (web width)
Both position values need to be corrected so that the difference
between the values results in the actual web width, e.g. 400 mm.
➜ View camera scan 1 by pressing the “Automatic” button.

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➜ Press the F1 “Camera offset” button. The symbol next to the but-
ton and the position value flash alternating.
➜ Press and hold the “Increase value / Decrease value” button until
the position value of camera 1 has reached the desired position,
e.g. -200.0 mm.
➜ View camera scan 2 by pressing the “Automatic” button.
➜ Press the F1 “Camera offset” button. The symbol next to the but-
ton flashes.
➜ Press and hold the “Increase value / Decrease value” button until
the position value of camera 2 has reached the desired position,
e.g. +200.0 mm.
Camera 1: -200.0 mm
Camera 2: +200.0 mm.
Difference 400.0 mm web width
➜ Close the “Camera” operating window by pressing the “Return”

8.5.5 Specify operating range The operating range of the camera specifies which part of the cam-
of the camera era angle of view should be used for the position measuring. Meas-
ured values outside the operating range are not taken into account.
By initiating a calibration process the calibration range of the cam-
era is automatically taken over as operating range.
For systems with two cameras whose angles of view overlap, we rec-
ommend placing the operating ranges so that they do not overlap.
➜ View camera scan 1 by pressing the “Automatic” button.
➜ Press the F2 “Operating range” button. The symbol next to the
button as well as the left limit line flashes.
➜ Press and hold the “Increase value / Decrease value” button until
the limit line has reached the desired position (start position).
➜ Press the F2 “Operating range” button again. The right limit line in
the plain text display flashes.
➜ Press and hold the “Increase value / Decrease value” button until
the limit line has reached the desired position (end position).
➜ Close the “Camera” operating window. Press the “Enter” button for
➜ Next display camera scan 2 with the “Automatic” button and limit
the operating range so that it does not overlap with the operating
range from camera 1.
➜ Close the “Camera” operating window by pressing the “Return”

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8.5.6 Save settings ➜ Select the “Overview” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.

The “Overview” operating window appears in the plain text display.

➜ Press the F4 “Save” button.
All values that have been set till now and determined during cali-
bration are saved now.
➜ Close the “Overview” operating window. Press the “Enter” button
for that.

8.6 Configure camera During the configuration of the camera the contrast edges in the op-
erating range of the camera are defined whose position value should
be displayed. The position values can be used for width measure-
ment, transport regulation, adjustment of actuator or tools such as
cutters, etc.
Most application possibilities of the camera can be configured at the
DO 81.. camera computer using the integrated configuration assist-
ant (Wizard). The configuration assistant determines the number and
position of up to 4 contrast edges in the operating range of a camera
and assigns them a CAN address.
Applications with more than 4 contrast edges per CCD camera and
complex applications must be configured with the E+L program Java-
Canmon on the PC. Refer to the project description.
The configuration assistant (Wizard) is divided into 4 applications.
Based on these applications it configures the camera.
Application 1: 1 camera, 1 web
(2 contrast edges in the cameras' operating range)
Application 2: 1 camera, 2 webs
(4 contrast edges in the cameras' operating range)
Application 3: 2 cameras, 1 web
(1 contrast edge each in the operating range of a camera)
Application 4: 2 cameras, 1 or 2 webs per camera
(2 or 4 contrast edges in the operating range of a camera)

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8.6.1 Application 1:
1 camera, 2 contrast
Scanning direction camera --->
edges in the cameras'
operating range

Scanning direction ---> <--- Scanning direction

Contrast edge Contrast edge

0.2 0.1
Web level

Operating range: Start (-) End (+)

Direction of transport

The application is used for instance for the width measurement or

transport regulation of a web.
Application 1 looks in the scan direction of the camera for the posi-
tion of the first contrast edge after the start position of the camera op-
erating range as well as the position of the first contrast edge against
the scan direction. Both positions are radiated back to the CAN Bus.
➜ Place the web in the middle of the camera's operating range at the
level of the web surface.
➜ Select the “Wizard” operating window with the “Increase value /
Number of
Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.
Camera no. 1 Contrast edges The “Wizard” operating window appears in the plain text display.
The camera scan displays the position of the web in the operating
range of the camera. See adjacent figure.
The number next to the camera in the plain text display indicates
to which camera the scan belongs, camera 1. The number next
to the camera number indicates how many contrast edges have
been configured. “0><” is displayed when the camera is config-
ured for the first time.
➜ Press the F1 “Wizard” button.
CAN addresses
The Configuration Wizard determines the position of the contrast
edges and assigns them a CAN address. See adjacent figure.
The CAN address is a combination of group and device number,
e.g.: 0.1 (group number 0, device number 1).
The first two position values of a camera system receive the group
number of the camera computer, e.g. 0, the next pair receives the
next higher group number, e.g. 1, and so forth.
Right contrast edges, as seen in the direction of transport, al-
Number of configure
ways get the device number 1, left contrast edges get the device
webs in the operating
ranges of all cameras number 2.

Number of cameras connected

➜ Close the “Wizard” operating window by pressing the “Return” but-
to the camera computer ton.

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8.6.2 Application 2:
1 camera, 4 contrast Scanning direction camera --->
edges in the cameras'
operating range

Scanning direction --->

Contrast edges

0.2 0.1 1.2 1.1

Web level

Operating range: Start (-) End (+)

Direction of transport

With this application for example, the width and the position of two
webs are measured.
Application 2 looks in the scan direction of the camera for the posi-
tion of the first to forth contrast edge after the start position of the
camera operating range reflects the positions to the CAN Bus.
➜ Place the web next to each other in the camera's operating range
at the level of the web surface.
➜ Select the “Wizard” operating window with the “Increase value /
Number of Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.
Camera no. 1 Contrast edges The “Wizard” operating window appears in the plain text display.
The camera scan displays the position of the webs in the operat-
ing range of the camera. See adjacent figure.
The number next to the camera in the plain text display indicates
to which camera the scan belongs, camera 1. The number next
to the camera number indicates how many contrast edges have
been configured. “0><” is displayed when the camera is config-
ured for the first time.
➜ Press the F1 “Wizard” button.
CAN addresses
The CAN address is a combination of group and device number,
e.g.: 0.1 (group number 0, device number 1).
The first two position values of a camera system receive the group
number of the camera computer, e.g. 0, further position values get
the next higher group number, e.g. 1.
Right contrast edges, as seen in the direction of transport, al-
ways get the device number 1, left contrast edges get the device
number 2.
Number of webs in the ➜ Close the “Wizard” operating window by pressing the “Return” but-
operating ranges of all

Number of cameras connected

to the camera computer

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8.6.3 Application 3
2 cameras, 1 contrast Scanning direction cameras --->
edge each in the
1 2
operating range of a
<--- Scanning --->
Contrast edges

0.2 0.1
Web level

Operating range: Start (-) End (+) Start (-) End (+)

Direction of transport

Application 3 looks
- In the operating range of camera 1 for the position of the first con-
trast edge after the end position of the camera operating range
against the scan direction.
- It also looks in the operating range of camera 2 for the position of
the first contrast edge after the start position of the camera operat-
ing range in scan direction.
Both positions are radiated back to the CAN Bus.
➜ Place the web in the middle of both camera's operating ranges at
the level of the web surface.
➜ Select the “Wizard” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.
The “Wizard” operating window appears in the plain text display.

Number of configured contrast edges

Separate camera operating ranges

Start position End position Start position End position

Operating range of camera 1 Operating range of camera 2
Separate camera operating ranges

The camera scan displays the position of the web edges (contrast
edges) in the operating range of camera 1 and camera 2.
With the “Automatic” button the operating ranges of camera 1 and
camera 2 are alternately displayed.
The number next to the camera symbol in the plain text display
indicates to which camera the operating range belongs.

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The number next to the camera number indicates how many con-
trast edges have been configured. “0><” is displayed when the
camera is configured for the first time.
The operating range of the cameras should not overlap. See the
following illustration.

Overlap of the camera operating ranges

Start position End position Start position End position

Operating range camera 1 Operating range camera 2
Overlap of the camera operating ranges

➜ Check the operating ranges and if necessary correct the operat-

ing ranges. See chapter “8.5.5 Specify operating range of the
➜ Next press the F1 “Wizard” button.

CAN addresses

Number of cameras connected Number of webs in the

to the camera computer operating ranges of all cameras

The Commissioning Wizard determines the position of the con-

trast edges and assigns them a CAN address.
The CAN address is a combination of group and device number,
e.g.: 0.1 (group number 0, device number 1).
The first two position values of a camera system receive the group
number of the camera computer, e.g. 0, further position values get
the next higher group number, e.g. 1.
Right contrast edges, as seen in the direction of transport, al-
ways get the device number 1, left contrast edges get the device
number 2.
➜ Close the “Wizard” operating window by pressing the “Return” but-

B page 46 BEA--250852-EN-06
CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81.. Overall scan In the “Overview” operating window a scan across both cameras
can be viewed.
➜ Select the “Overview” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.

The “Overview” operating window appears in the plain text display.

Scan of camera 1 Scan of camera 2 Overall scan, camera operating ranges


Using the “Automatic” button you can switch between the scans of
camera 1, camera 2 and the overall scan.
➜ Close the “Overview” operating window by pressing the “Return”

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

8.6.4 Application 4: The cameras can be mounted next to each other or one after the
2 cameras, 2 or 4 other. It is important that the scan directions are the same. I.e. the
contrast edges in the connection plug of both cameras points to the left, as seen from
operating range of one the web direction.
camera There must be exactly the same number of webs in the operating
range of the camera as there will be for the subsequent operation.
Both cameras are configured simultaneously.

Scanning direction 1 2
cameras --->

Scanning direction ---> Scanning direction ---> <--- Scanning

Contrast edges Contrast edges direction
0.2 0.1 1.2 1.1 2.2 2.1

Operating range: Start (-) End (+) Start (-) End (+)

Direction of transport

Application 4 searches for:
- In the scan direction of camera 1, the position of the first to fourth
contrast edge after the start position of the camera operating
range reflects the positions to the CAN bus.
- In the scan direction of camera 2, the position of the first contrast
edge after the start position of the camera operating range as well
as the position of the first contrast edge against the scan direction.
Both positions are radiated back to the CAN bus.
➜ Place the web/s in the middle of both camera's operating ranges
at the level of the web surface.
➜ Select the “Wizard” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons. Then press the “Enter” button.
In the plain text display “Wizard” the operating window appears.

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

Number of configured contrast edges

Separate camera operating ranges

Start position End position Start position End position

Operating range camera 1 Operating range camera 2
Separate camera operating ranges

The camera scan displays the position of the web edges (contrast
edges) in the operating range of camera 1 and camera 2.
With the “Automatic” button the operating ranges of camera 1 and
camera 2 are alternately displayed.
The number next to the camera symbol in the plain text display
indicates to which camera the operating range belongs.
The number next to the camera number indicates how many con-
trast edges have been configured. “0><” is displayed when the
camera is configured for the first time.
If the cameras are mounted next to each other, the operating
range of the cameras should not overlap. See the following illus-

Overlap of the camera operating ranges

Start position End position Start position End position

Operating range camera 1 Operating range camera 2
Overlap of the camera operating ranges

➜ Check the operating ranges and if necessary correct the operating

ranges. See chapter “8.5.5 Specify operating range of the camera”.
➜ Next press the F1 “Wizard” button.

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

CAN addresses

Number of cameras connected to the Number of webs in the operating

camera computer ranges of all cameras

The Commissioning Wizard determines the position of the con-

trast edges and assigns them a CAN address.
The CAN address is a combination of group and device number,
e. g.: 0.1 (group number 0, device number 1).
The first two position values of a camera system receive the group
number of the camera computer, e.g. 0, further position values get
the next higher group number, e.g. 1.
Right contrast edges, as seen in the web direction, always get the
device number 1, left contrast edges get the device number 2.
➜ Close the “Wizard” operating window by pressing the “Return” but-

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

8.7 Inhibiting functions Some of the functions for operating the camera can be inhibited.
In this case the related operating symbol is crossed out. See adja-
Set CAN address cent figure.
Pattern calibration These functions are used for commissioning and configuration.
They must not be run again after commissioning, as otherwise the
Pseudo-calibration camera system will no longer operate correctly.
The functions are enabled from the factory. We recommend inhib-
Cut-out calibration iting the functions after commissioning.
Automatically configure

Edge limiting

➜ Leave setup level using the “Escape” button (press several times).
The System Menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
➜ Using the “Increase value / Decrease value” buttons, select
➜ To open the menu press the “Enter” button.

➜ Select “Rescan Cannet” sub-menu, see adjacent figure, and press

“Enter” button.
The CAN network is read.

➜ Select “OL81XX” sub-menu, see adjacent figure, and press “En-

ter” button.
The parameters for the camera computer are read.

Then the adjacent figure appears.

The parameters for the camera computer are divided into groups.
The parameter headings for the parameter groups are indicated
on the display.

➜ Using the “Increase value / Decrease value” buttons, select the

“special settings” parameter heading, see adjacent figure.
➜ Press “Enter” button.

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

The parameters for the “special settings” parameter group are dis-
played, see adjacent figure.
➜ Using the “Increase value / Decrease value” buttons, select the
“lock DO function” parameter.
➜ Press “Enter” button.

The parameter is opened. See adjacent figure.

➜ Using the “Increase value / Reduce value” buttons, select the
“CAN Address” function and press the “Enter” button.
An “x” appears in the square brackets beside the function, i.e. the
function is inhibited.
➜ Then inhibit the rest of the functions.

➜ Select “OL81XX” sub-menu, see adjacent figure, and press

“Enter” button.
The parameter changes are applied.

8.8 Finish comissioning ➜ Exit the setup level by pressing the “Escape” (press several

The camera system is now operational. If necessary several settings

need to be optimized. See “Additional Settings” chapter.

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9. Additional In most cases, the camera can be put into operation with the stand-
ard settings. In some cases though it may be necessary to optimise
settings individual settings.
➜ Start the setup mode. Press the “Enter” and “Increase value” but-
tons at the same time for that.
The system menu appears in the plain text display. See adjacent
➜ Select the menu item “OL81” with the “Increase value / Decrease
value” buttons.
➜ Press the “Enter” button.
The menu with the operating windows for the CCD camera OL81
appears (see adjacent figure).

9.1 Distance correction For a precise position measuring as well as width measurement it
(correct width value) is important that the distance between camera and web surface re-
mains constant and does not change. The distance between camera
and web surface has to be the same as between camera and pattern
during calibration.
If the web plane lies on a different level during operation as the pat-
tern during the calibration or if the web is significantly thicker than the
pattern, then the conversion factor pixel/mm changes. The camera
determines deviant position values. This deviation is corrected by the
distance correction.
➜ Place the web in the middle of the camera's angle of view at the
level of the web surface. That is on the level of the web during
➜ Select the “Camera” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons and press the “Enter” button.
The “Camera” operating window appears in the plain text display.
➜ Press the “Manual” button.

The settings for optimising the camera appear in the plain text dis-
play. See adjacent figure.
Line 2 below the camera scan indicates the current width of the
web in millimetres determined by the camera. If this width devi-
ates from the actual width of the web, then the deviation needs to
be corrected.

Current actual width in mm

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➜ Press button F4 “Cancel distance correction”.

This button should be pressed before every distance correction.
This deletes the previous correction values.
➜ Press button F3 “Take over current actual width”.
The actual width measured by the camera is taken over in line 1.
See adjacent figure: 300.3 -> 300.3
Actual width accepted Pressing the F4 button resets the values in line 1 back to zero.
0.0 -> 0.0
➜ Press button F2 “Enter new actual width” several times until the
last position in line 1 becomes dark. See adjacent figure.
➜ A new value can be entered by pressing the “Increase value” and
“Decrease value” buttons.

Each time the F2 function button is pressed the cursor is shifted

by one position. The position that can be changed has a dark
➜ Enter remaining positions.
See adjacent example: New actual width 310.0
Pressing the F4 button resets the values in line 1 back to zero.
Old actual width New actual width 0.0 -> 0.0

➜ Press “Centre” button.

The correction factor for the distance correction is saved and the
new current web width is displayed in line 2.
➜ Close the “Camera” operating window. Press the “Enter” button for

Current actual width in mm

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CCD camera OL 81.. and camera computer DO 81..

9.2 Set automatic exposure The exposure regulation reacts automatically if there is a change of
regulation the lighting conditions, e.g. due to slow soiling/aging of the light emit-
➜ Insert the web so that it runs past the camera / the cameras dur-
ing operation.
➜ Select the “Exposure” operating window with the “Increase value /
Decrease value” buttons and press the “Enter” button.
The “Exposure” operating window appears in the plain text dis-
play. See adjacent figure.

➜ Press the F4 button “Speed exposure regulation”.

The reaction time for a change of the lighting conditions is set with
the F4 function button (range: 1 slow to 12 quick).
Each time the function button is pressed the speed is increased
by one level. Once level 12 is reached, it starts over with level 1,
etc. The levels are indicated by a bar diagram in the operating

9.3 Edge limiting The camera determines the position of all contrast edges on a mov-
ing web within its field of view. If there is a very large number of con-
trast edges in the field of view, we recommend limiting the number of
edges. See “Additional settings” chapter.
If edge limiting is switched on, the camera detects only the first six
contrast edges and the last six contrast edges in the field of view.
➜ Select “Wizard” operating window using the “Increase value /
Reduce value” buttons and press “Enter” button.
The “Wizard” operating window appears on the plain text display.
See adjacent figure
➜ Switch on/off edge limiting using the function button F2.

The edge limiting can be inhibited. In this case the related operat-
ing symbol is crossed out. See adjacent figure and chapter 8.7
Edge limiting On Off “Inhibiting functions”.


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10. Software
PC 0014-8008 M_ZA-01 No changes to the user interface.
to _ZB-10
PC 0014-8008 M_ZB-10 to -11 “Wizard” operating window expanded with the “Edge limiting” func-
tion. See chapter 4.10 “Operating window Wizard” and chapter 9.3
“Edge limiting”.

PC 0014-8008 M_ZB-12 Data radiation rate increased. Data exchange to the customer-side
interface implemented using ASCII protocol.

PC 0014-8008 M_ZB-13 Troubleshooting.

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11. Technical CCD camera OL 81

No. of pixels 5150
data Resolution in subpixels 256-fold subpixeling
Objective lens f = 28/50 mm
Minimum distance to the web 300 mm (lens f = 28 mm)
500 mm (lens f = 50 mm)
Relative measuring accuracy ±0.02 %
Edge position with lens correction
10 to 90 % of the measuring range
Cycle time 7 ms, 1 Camera
12 ms, 2 Cameras
Active chip length 36.05 mm
Spectral range 400 to 850 nm
Spectral maximum 500 nm
Interface to camera computer LVDS
(low voltage differential signal)
Distance between
camera - camera computer max. 10 m
Weight 1.1 kg
Protection class max. IP 54
with suitable connector inserted
Ambient temperature +10 to +50 °C
Dimensions Camera Ø 88 x 141 mm

Camera computer DO 81
Operating system Linux kernel 2.6.18 RT 7
Operating voltage
Nominal value 24 V DC
Nominal range 20 to 30 V DC
Power input 600 mA for 2 cameras
Interface LVDS bus for 2 cameras
CAN bus (CAN in, CAN out)
USB Slave 1.1
Ethernet socket M12
Weight 1.5 kg
Protection class max. IP 54
with suitable connector inserted
Ambient temperature +10 to +50 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H) 180 x 190 x 95 mm
Technical data subject to modification without notice

BEA--250852-EN-06 B page 57
Erhardt + Leimer GmbH
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