Aldaya 2021
Aldaya 2021
Aldaya 2021
Indicators and Recommendations for Assessing Sustainable
Healthy Diets
Maite M. Aldaya 1, * , Francisco C. Ibañez 1 , Paula Domínguez-Lacueva 2 , María Teresa Murillo-Arbizu 1 ,
Mar Rubio-Varas 3 , Beatriz Soret 1 and María José Beriain 1
1 Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in the Food Chain (IS-FOOD), Public University of
Navarra (UPNA), Jerónimo de Ayanz Building, Arrosadia Campus, 31006 Pamplona, Spain; (F.C.I.); (M.T.M.-A.); (B.S.); (M.J.B.)
2 School of Sciences, University of Navarra, 31080 Pamplona, Spain;
3 Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics (INARBE), Public University of Navarra (UPNA),
Jerónimo de Ayanz Building, Arrosadia Campus, 31006 Pamplona, Spain;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-948-16-6245
Abstract: Research coupling human nutrition and sustainability concerns is a rapidly developing
field, which is essential to guide governments’ policies. This critical and comprehensive review
analyzes indicators and approaches to “sustainable healthy diets” published in the literature since
this discipline’s emergence a few years ago, identifying robust gauges and highlighting the flaws
of the most commonly used models. The reviewed studies largely focus on one or two domains
such as greenhouse gas emissions or water use, while overlooking potential impact shifts to other
sectors or resources. The present study covers a comprehensive set of indicators from the health,
environmental and socio-economic viewpoints. This assessment concludes that in order to identify
Citation: Aldaya, M.M.; Ibañez, F.C.;
the best food option in sustainability assessments and nutrition analysis of diets, some aspects
Domínguez-Lacueva, P.; Murillo-
such as the classification and disaggregation of food groups, the impacts of the rates of local food
Arbizu, M.T.; Rubio-Varas, M.; Soret,
consumption and seasonality, preservation methods, agrobiodiversity and organic food and different
B.; Beriain, M.J. Indicators and
Recommendations for Assessing
production systems, together with consequences for low-income countries, require further analysis
Sustainable Healthy Diets. Foods 2021, and consideration.
10, 999.
foods10050999 Keywords: sustainable healthy diet; food environmental sustainability; socioeconomic sustainability;
indicators; constraints; costs
Academic Editor: Isabel Ferreira
The challenge of achieving healthy diets is coupled with the challenge of attaining
sustainable food systems [6]. While food production contributes to natural resource deple-
tion and diets should improve to overcome malnutrition, sustainable food consumption
and production could also be considered an opportunity for enhancing human health and
environmental sustainability.
In 2011, Riley and Buttriss raised the question on “which dietary patterns are both
healthy and sustainable?”, although they were not able to provide a complete answer due
to the complexity of the issue [7]. Given the divergence of approaches, in 2019, the FAO
and WHO held a consultation and coined the concept “sustainable healthy diets”. This was
defined as:
“dietary patterns that promote all dimensions of individuals’ health and wellbeing;
have low environmental pressure and impact; are accessible, affordable, safe and equitable;
and are culturally acceptable” [1]
Sustainable healthy diets must combine all the dimensions of sustainability to avoid
unintended consequences. However, currently, a few dietary guidelines take environmen-
tal sustainability into account, such as those of the Netherlands [8], Nordic countries [9],
Germany [10], Brazil [11], Sweden [12], Qatar [13] and France [14]. Furthermore, the papers
published in the literature generally focus on specific aspects of health, environmental
or socioeconomic sustainability, sometimes leaving out one or two of the three compo-
nents. Further development of encompassing indicators and data on all dimensions of
sustainability is needed to make this concept complete, useful and effective.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of systematic reviews focused
on sustainable and healthy diets, most of which also have a specific scope. For instance,
some of the reviews have a limited geographical reach, focusing on one country such as
the UK [15] or the USA [16]. Other reviews focus on a specific domain such as mathe-
matical optimization studies [17] or labeling schemes [18]. Most reviews have a specific
environmental scope, analyzing a single environmental aspect [19,20] or two or three
environmental resources [15,21,22]. Some leave socioeconomic aspects out of the scope of
review, instead focusing on the interlinkages between the environment and diets [23,24].
Few reviews combine socioeconomic and environmental performance with nutritional and
health indicators [17,25,26], and only three of these compile [27] and recommend [28,29]
criteria. There has been no comprehensive review highlighting a complete set of indicators
coupled with an analysis of the gaps of knowledge and misconceptions from a multidis-
ciplinary perspective. Thus, limited evidence is available on the trade-offs involved in
selecting sustainable healthy diets.
The current critical review paper aims to identify a comprehensive set of indicators
for assessing sustainable healthy diets, analyzing the most common shortcomings from
a health, environmental and socio-economic perspective. First, a literature search is per-
formed to identify frequently used indicators and approaches in these three domains.
Second, a section is devoted to outlining some of the gaps in knowledge and frequent
misconceptions around sustainable healthy diets. Third, a comprehensive collection of in-
terdisciplinary indicators is provided, proposing, among other actions, further research on
the classification of food groups, impacts of different production systems and consequences
for low-income countries to develop a complete understanding for decision-making.
“healthy and sustainable diet”, “sustainable and healthy diet”, “sustainable diet” and
Foods 2021, 10, 999 “healthy diet”, “sustainable healthy diet”, and “healthy sustainable diet”. Figure 1 shows 3 of 31
the results of this screening. Records identified through these main keyword search
amounted to 197,482 if including duplicates and exclusions. Additionally, other keywords
usedforfor deepening
deepening in specific indicators
in specific indicators(Table
identifying 171
171 additional
additional rec-
ords. Each of these keywords was combined with the “sustainable
Each of these keywords was combined with the “sustainable diet” term. In addition,diet” term. In addition,
filters “review”, “systematicreview”,
“review”, “systematic review”,“meta-analysis”,
“meta-analysis”, and
and “human
“human species”
species” werewere
used for the domain “nutrition and health”. The abstracts were first reviewed
for the domain “nutrition and health”. The abstracts were first reviewed before moving before mov-
ing to the
to the fullfull text.
text. TwoTwo researchers
researchers (M.M.A.
(M.M.A. andand F.C.I.)
F.C.I.) reviewed
reviewed the the papers
papers andand coordi-
nated with the different field experts (M.R.-V., B.S., M.T.M.-A. and P.D.).
with the different field experts (M.R.-V., B.S., M.T.M.-A. and P.D.). Any discrepancies Any discrepan-
werewere resolved
resolved by consulting
by consulting a third
a third reviewer
reviewer (M.J.B.).
(M.J.B.). Articles
Articles withwith no clearly
no clearly identi-
fiable indicators or approaches for assessing sustainable healthy diets
indicators or approaches for assessing sustainable healthy diets or food systems were ex- or food systems
were excluded.
cluded. Selected Selected
articlesarticles were de-duplicated
were de-duplicated by a search
by a search tool in tool in Zotero
Zotero citing man-
citing manager [30]
ager [30] 2).
(Figure (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Trend in the number of publications using the search terms “healthy and sustainable diet”,
Figure 1. Trend in the number of publications using the search terms “healthy and sustainable
“sustainable and healthy diet”, “sustainable diet” and “healthy diet”, “sustainable healthy diet”,
diet”, “sustainable and healthy diet”, “sustainable diet” and “healthy diet”, “sustainable healthy
“healthy sustainable diet” published from 2000–2020, excluding 2021, and listed on Scopus, Web of
diet”, “healthy sustainable diet” published from 2000–2020, excluding 2021, and listed on Scopus,
Web and PubMed
of Science (28 February
and PubMed 2021). 2021).
(28 February
1. Specific
Table Table keywords
1. Specific used inused
keywords the different domains
in the different in the literature
in the literature
Figure 2. PRISMA flow diagram of the selection process of indicators for assessing research papers
Figure 2. PRISMA flow diagram of the selection process of indicators for assessing research papers
on on sustainable
sustainable healthy
healthy diets.
diets. MainMain keywords:
keywords: “healthy
“healthy and sustainable
and sustainable diet”, “sustainable
diet”, “sustainable and and
healthy diet”,
diet”, “sustainable
“sustainable diet”
diet” and
and “healthy
“healthy diet”,
diet”, “sustainable
“sustainable healthy
healthy diet”,
diet”, “healthy
“healthy sustainable
diet”. Other
Other keywords:
keywords: see
see Table
Table 2. Accepted nutritional criteria for defining a healthy diet (according to mainstream science) *.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
ies [151,152]. The footprint indicators used in sustainable diet studies are GHG emissions,
freshwater use, land use and nitrogen, phosphorus application, biodiversity, energy and
the ecological footprint [153–161]. However, many authors do not adopt these methodolo-
gies from a holistic perspective to assess the environmental impact from diets. The vast
majority of studies take into consideration a single or few environmental aspects or im-
pact categories (Table 3). Therefore, the results obtained from these kinds of assessments
have to be interpreted rigorously as they may show a reductionist outlook of the whole
environmental impact.
Recommendations from wealthier countries such as Europe include reducing the
consumption of certain products, such as red meat and sugar, particularly by reducing
excessive consumption, and increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and
legumes [6,162]. Beyond these relevant global trends, a deeper understanding of the
impacts of different production systems would be useful to improve and facilitate the
decision-making. Furthermore, these methodologies do not generally consider aspects
such as the rate of local/regional food consumption and seasonality, agrobiodiversity and
organic/eco-friendly production and consumption [163]. These approaches are discussed
in detail in Section 4.2.
Table 3. Cont.
Table 3. Cont.
ble. Furthermore, there is a bias in the geographical focus of studies towards high- and
middle-income countries. Of the country-specific studies analyzed, 121 address high-
/middle-income countries, while only 26 focus on low-income countries. Dietary choices
have macroeconomic and microeconomic implications for both the producer (supply) and
consumer (demand) sides. Most studies identify criteria affecting consumer behavior—
either affordability and/or acceptability (Table 4 and Table S3). A small number of studies
consider the distinct constraints that food producers face when adopting the production of
healthy food and using methods that minimize environmental damage. Another strand
of literature analyzes the value chains that take products from suppliers to the consumer.
What is missing from the literature are comprehensive socioeconomic approaches based on
criteria that affect supply and demand and the necessary value chains that connect them.
sufficient sunlight for endogenous synthesis of vitamin D, and even then, there will be
population groups that do not meet their requirements in sunny regions. The fortification
of staple foods provides the majority of vitamin D for those with low sun exposure, low fat
intake and plant-based diets. Milk, margarines and cereals are fortified with vitamin D in
countries of Northern latitudes [247]. Many types of fermented milks and most alternative
vegetable beverages are also enriched with vitamin D but may contain excess sugar and
must be evaluated as regards their consideration as healthy food.
Regarding dietary iron, there are two types of compounds, heme iron (derived from
myoglobin contained in meat and fish) and non-heme iron (derived from plant foods,
eggs and dairy products). While heme iron is well absorbed in the human digestive tract
(15–35%), non-heme iron is generally poorly absorbed (5–10%), although co-ingestion with
vitamin C can improve it [248,249]. Plant-based foods provide non-heme iron. Iron intake
is higher among adults following plant-based diets, but they have lower iron body stores
compared to omnivores [250,251].
The foods richest in zinc are meats from different animals, milk and dairy products
and eggs. Several dietary factors can influence zinc absorption. Phytic acid is the main
dietary factor known to limit the bioavailability of zinc by binding strongly to zinc in the
gastrointestinal tract. This acid is the main phosphorus storage compound found in plant
seeds and especially in cereals and legumes, which makes up a high percentage of foods
consumed through vegetarian diets and are food staples in developing countries. Diets not
rich in animal origin foods must evaluate levels of this essential element to ensure that the
required daily intake levels are achieved [252]. Additionally, selenium content in foods
and beverages varies geographically between countries. The selenium content of foods of
animal origin reflects selenium levels in animal diets, while the selenium content of plants
is directly determined by selenium levels found in the soils in which they are grown [253].
As regards sodium as coming from salt intake through food consumption, the spread
idea that this must be reduced needs a second thought. The decrease in salt intake offers
health benefits when assigned to hypertensive people. However, the same results were
not obtained with the normotensive population. Even so, salt reduction can have potential
side effects on hormones, lipids, and heart rate of people’s health [89].
In October 2015, the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer [254]
classified processed meat as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) based on sufficient evidence
in humans that the consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer. Meanwhile,
red meat is classified as likely carcinogenic (Group 2A). The state of epidemiological science
on red meat consumption and colorectal cancer is characterized by weak associations,
heterogeneity, an inability to discriminate the effects of other dietary and lifestyle factors,
a lack of dose–response effects, and evidence that weakens over time [255,256]. This can
also be applied to many other areas of nutritional epidemiology due to the food intake
complexity, with substantial difficulties in isolating the action of single foods or nutrients.
Regarding egg, intervention trials prove that egg intake increases the total choles-
terol, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol, but not triacylglycerides [68]. This highly
accepted idea by consumers is dependent on the plasma reaction to the additional dietary
cholesterol provided.
classification. Breast feeding provides ideal nutrition for 4–6 month aged ones, after which a
complementary diet is necessary. The high nutritional demand for children and insufficient
diets can result in inadequate development. The adolescents’ requirements are like those of
adults, with increased intake of protein of animal origin (eggs, meat and fish), consumption
of high-energy foods due to increased energy demands, and intake of calcium and iron due
to high levels of deficiency [259,260]. Heterogeneous physiological characteristics of elderly
people and few studies make it difficult to establish nutritional requirements. Their needs
are like those of young adults, with increased vitamin and mineral intake. In the case of
pregnant women, almost all nutrients should be increased, especially protein, n-3 PUFA,
vitamins A and C and folate. Gradual bone loss is common with aging, especially women,
irrespective of their ethnicity. Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D3 increases
the osteoporosis risk; thus, 400–800 IU of vitamin D is recommended in menopausal
women [261].
to increasing disposal and pollution problems [280,281]. In summary, local food production
is necessary but not sufficient to ensure the best choice from an environmental point of
view. Seasonality and preservation methods are also key variables to be considered in
the assessment.
practices and systems [6]. These considerations highlight the need to take into account the
production model and the role of livestock in the agroecosystems.
4.3.2. Demand
Food demand studies have often been conducted with a focus on diets and populations
in developed countries and lower income groups, where evidence also suggests that
healthier diets may be costlier than less healthy diets, which, along with knowledge,
accessibility and other factors, most likely presents a barrier to the adoption of healthier
diets [300–305].
Some aspects about the potential for cultural or birthplace bias should be considered.
Low-income populations generally cannot afford healthy food and base their diet mainly
on vegetables. In relation to plant-based dietary patterns, vegetarian diets show a modest
cardiovascular benefit. However, vegetarians are more likely to have lower iron stores than
non-vegetarians [251,306]. Vegan mothers present increased risks of delivering newborns
with low birth weight than omnivorous mothers [307–310]. Scientific data do not allow us to
draw firm conclusions on the health benefits or risks of present-day vegan diets relating to
the nutritional or health status of children and adolescents in industrialized countries [309].
Owing to birthplace bias, rice is a staple food for over half the world’s population,
with Asia being a high rice-consuming continent [311]. The contribution of rice to estimated
zinc intake is very low coupled with thiamine deficiency. Therefore, this population
will need to consume foods rich in this element, such as meat, milk and dairy products,
pulses and seafood [312].
Individual preferences, beliefs and cultural traditions are key in shaping food con-
sumption patterns [313]. For instance, insects are part of the food culture in some coun-
tries, while in other countries, such as Western countries, populations are reluctant to
Foods 2021, 10, 999 18 of 31
accept insects as food because they are usually considered pests and sources of contami-
nation [219]. Gaining a deeper understanding of consumers’ attitudes, purchase behavior
and buying motives regarding different sustainability attributes is recommended for fu-
ture studies [147].
Consumers are seeking new foods that offer variety, hedonic experiences, welfare,
safety and especially health benefits, but they also consider environmental impacts by se-
lecting foods developed based on concepts of sustainability and the circular economy [314].
In recent years, vegan alternatives have emerged, transforming plants into products
named like those used for meat source products but without using animal resources.
These “meat analogues” are intended to serve as substitutes for minced meat such as in
burgers. These foods are composed of legumes, cereals, spices and food additives to create
foods of acceptable organoleptic quality, as shown by an increase in the consumption of
such foods [315]. The emergence of new sensitivities related to food and diet configura-
tions has led to the emergence of plant-based diets. However, plant-based diets, when not
planned properly, may increase risks of health problems emerging from nutritional deficien-
cies of minerals such as iron, iodine, and zinc or vitamins A, D, and B12 and folate, among
others. This has led to the development of novel food products, such as fortified plant
foods or “nutritional supplements’” to prevent nutritional deficiencies in the vegan diet.
6. Conclusions
The recent and growing literature on sustainable healthy diets addresses several
aspects related to the economic, social and environmental dimensions of nutrition and
health. This body of work covers a wide range of approaches, from LCA to environmental
footprint assessment, and countries, mainly developing but also some developed countries.
This literature has and will continue to inform policy, business decisions and dietary
guidelines with increasing influence.
Feeding the world in a sustainable manner will entail two strands of work. First, it will
be important to use a uniform set of parameters and harmonized scopes that properly
integrate economic, social, and environmental aspects when defining sustainable and
healthy diets in dietary guidelines. This will curtail potential environmental burdens or
impacts transferring to other sectors or resources. Second, achieving sustainable diets
implies considering culturally sensitive and context-specific approaches using different
practices and production systems.
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