E078809 Full
E078809 Full
E078809 Full
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078809 on 14 December 2023. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on December 29, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Use of the positive deviance approach
for healthcare system service
improvement: a scoping review protocol
Ayelign Mengesha Kassie ,1,2 Elizabeth Eakin,1 Biruk Beletew Abate ,2
Aklilu Endalamaw ,1,3 Anteneh Zewdie,4 Eskinder Wolka,4 Yibeltal Assefa 1
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078809 on 14 December 2023. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on December 29, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and be prepared to resolve potential issues with the Research questions
limited resources they have in their hands.6 7 According The research questions guiding this scoping review are:
to Jason Gordon8, there are always people, groups and, (1) What research designs and methods are used in imple-
or organisations who are positively deviant and who excel menting PD in the healthcare system service improvement
in their performance to rules concerning organisational activities?; (2) What are the strategies applied to identify
issues, despite having similar constraints and resources positive deviants or measure positive deviant practices
as everyone else and if given the opportunity, they are and identify positive deviants?; (3) What outcomes have
willing to share their experiences with other people as far been achieved using the PD approach?; and (4) What are
as leaders are able to step back and facilitate the process.8 the limitations in usage of the PD approach, and what
PD is believed to have been introduced into the is its potential for use in the healthcare system research,
international healthcare system between the 1960s and quality and safety improvement programmes?
and 1970s.5 9 A healthcare system is an organisation
consisting of people, institutions and other resources,
that delivers healthcare services to meet the healthcare METHODS
needs of diseased individuals and the general popula- The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
tion.10 Therefore, if the healthcare system is to ensure and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews check-
that the public receives the best possible health services, list (PRISMA-ScR) will be used as a guide for extraction,
it has to identify and recognise people and healthcare analysis and presentation of the scoping review results.
organisations who have had exceptional performance The PRISMA-ScR is designed to help researchers map
in their healthcare practice and learn from them.11 As evidence to other stakeholders including, patients or
a result, there is a growing need to explore and use consumers, publishers, healthcare providers, policy-
innovative approaches, as of PD, to improve and bring makers and guideline developers to have a greater under-
quality healthcare services into the healthcare system standing of relevant terminologies, core concepts and
arena around the world.11 12 key items to report for scoping reviews.24 The popula-
According to a literature review conducted by tion, concept and context (PCC) framework will also be
Schooley and Morales, PD has been tested successfully employed to assess the research question’s appropriate-
in improving the nutritional status of children in several ness. According to the PCC framework, the target popu-
countries, including; Haiti, Vietnam, Pakistan and lation will include people of any gender and age who are
India.13 In addition, it has also been used in the preven- considered as study participants in patient and health-
tion and treatment of undernutrition, overweight and care worker therapeutic relationships, or, in any health-
obesity in socioeconomically vulnerable mothers and care service- related studies in the health system and
the adult population.13–15 Furthermore, several studies the concept will be dealt with the context of using a PD
have used the approach in different situations, including approach in healthcare system research. Furthermore,
in nursing leadership,16 in healthcare organisations,17 the context aspect will incorporate articles that took
patient safety,18 healthcare equity in quality and obstet- healthcare settings and health systems as part of study
rical safety,19 healthcare quality and safety,20 in family settings and that used the PD approach to identify high-
planning and community-based health interventions11 21 performing individuals, teams, groups and/or healthcare
and for primary care.22 facilities and health systems themselves, in any healthcare
However, the available evidence on PD is mixed services, understand their strategy and disseminate their
and there are controversies on the effectiveness of the findings to the global audience, irrespective of the loca-
approach, particularly in complex and demanding tion, country and region of study.
settings including the healthcare system. This is due in
large part to methodological limitations of the extant Literature search strategy
studies including inconsistencies in the quality of strat- International databases including PubMed, Embase,
egies employed to identify PDs or positive deviant prac- Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL and Google Scholar
tices. For instance, it has been reported that studies will be explored to retrieve resources related to PD and
that applied the PD approach for quality improvement its application in the healthcare system domain. More-
with complex interventions lack methodological quality over, hand search and article reference tracking will also
and details in their work.17 23 Despite these controver- be employed to find additional literature from Google
sies, to the best of the researchers’ knowledge, there is sources. Articles released through 01 June 2023, will be
no scoping review that has been conducted to map and included, as PD is believed to be introduced into the
synthesise the available evidence on the methodologies, world in the early 1970s,5 9 and a database search will
strategies used to identify PDs, achievements reported be carried out between 15 May 2023 and 15 June 2023.
and prospects of using PD in healthcare systems. There- For duplication avoidance and citation purposes, refer-
fore, this scoping review aims to map and synthesise ences retrieved from each database will be stored in
resources and identify lessons, including successes, gaps the EndNote desktop V.x20 separately and a complete
and potentials regarding the use of the PD approach in search strategy for all major database has been included
the healthcare system. as an online supplemental file 1 in the protocol and will
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078809 on 14 December 2023. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on December 29, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Identified terms/concepts/phrases for the scoping review search strategy development
Theme 1 AND Theme 2 AND Theme 3
‘Positive Devian*’ OR Method* OR Health* OR
‘Positive Deviant’ OR Procedure* OR Healthcare* OR
‘Positive deviance’ OR Technique* OR ‘Health Care*’ OR
‘Deviance Approach’ OR Strateg* OR ‘Health System*’ OR
‘Deviant Approach’ OR Achieve* OR ‘Health Service*’ OR
‘Positive Outlier’ OR Success* OR ‘Health Equity’ OR
‘Positive Development’ Accomplish* OR ‘Quality Of Health Care*’ OR
Attain* OR ‘Quality Improvement*’ OR
Outcome* OR ‘Health Behavior*’ OR
Prospect* OR ‘Health Promotion*’ OR
Challenge* OR ‘Diseases Prevention’ OR
Limit* OR Treatment* OR
Potential* OR ‘Palliative Care’ OR
Opportunit* ‘Rehabilitative Care’
be included as an appendix in the subsequent scoping clearly shows the extent of healthcare settings and health
review. In addition, the key terms and, or phrases written systems involvement in the study. Because the results in
in table one below will be used, after being refined to fit a community setting may not truly reflect whether the
different databases, to identify the necessary articles and outcome is due to the involvement of healthcare facilities,
the Boolean operators of ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ will also be local health departments and their staffs or not.
applied to combine the key terms and phrases. Further- In addition, studies that are conducted in the health-
more, the asterisk search operator will also be used to care settings at the patient level will be excluded if the
search terms that have similar word stems or start with results do not show that the outcomes of patient-level data
the same letters (table 1). are due to the healthcare services rendered by the health
facilities. The reason for this is that this scoping review
Inclusion and exclusion criteria is designed to synthesise and map available evidence in
Articles published only in the English language will be the usage of PD in the healthcare system as a supply side.
considered due to feasibility issues in garnering a trans- However, the measures for performance of being positive
lator and the limitation of resources. In addition, confer- deviant from the supply side can be patient outcomes
ence proceedings, oral and poster presentations, abstract including morbidity and mortality rate reductions, immu-
articles, correspondence articles, comments to the nisation coverage and financial protection.
editor, commentator, brief communication and literature
review articles other than systematic review and meta- Screening
analysis will be excluded as the scoping review requires a All articles’ citations will be imported into the Covidence
detailed methodological exploration and full-text results online tool and assessed independently for inclusion
for review and data extraction. Therefore, both primary through a title and, or abstract read. Then, studies that
articles including observational and case studies, eval- passed the title and abstract review by the principal inves-
uation studies, randomised and non- randomised trials tigator will be screened by two independent reviewers
and systematic reviews and meta-analysis articles will be with full-text reading. In case of duplication, the full-
included. Only peer- reviewed and published literature text published article will be retained and others will
conducted using the PD approach in the healthcare be removed. However, articles without full access and
system areas will be considered for reasons of credibility. those that did not report the outcomes of interest will be
However, to be included, studies must report the excluded.
methods used to measure individuals, teams, groups or
the healthcare facility’s strategies and interventions that Data extraction
are employed to bring change in the healthcare services The data extraction platform will be developed on the
including financial protection for patients, individuals Excel sheet, and data examination, extraction and sorting
and the community at large. Therefore, community-based will be done using key themes; author(s) name, publication
studies that used the PD approach to identify strategies year, article type, study design and method, study setting,
for any health-related outcomes without the involvement participant type, study domain or topic, WHO geograph-
of any health workers in the health system including ical category/region, World Bank group and, or country,
community health workers will not be included unless it intervention and other measures in using the PD approach
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078809 on 14 December 2023. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on December 29, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
for research and initiatives in all healthcare settings around DISCUSSION
the world. The data extraction sheet will be piloted using Achieving the universal health coverage goals without
five randomly selected papers and then, the extraction enhancing access and the provision of high- quality
form will be adjusted after having the piloted template and healthcare services is an impossible vision.1 Quality of
be used to customise the Covidence data extraction format care is the extent to which healthcare services provided
2.0. The principal investigator will independently extract for people increase the likelihood of better health
all the necessary data from each article using the custom- outcomes.1 2 However, delivering high- quality health-
ised data extraction format in the Covidence online tool care services is facing lots of challenges in the healthcare
and then undergo a second check-up after completion of quality improvement programmes, including poor data
extraction from all articles. For articles that did not provide collection and monitoring systems, organisational team
details concerning their study background, corresponding culture and capacity limitations, leadership weakness,
authors will be contacted through email and asked for rele- failure of promoting good performance3 and lack of
vant information, such as study time, outcome measure- evidence-based health policies, to assist implementation
ment method and other significant variables. and enhance the expertise of healthcare professionals.4
Hence, designing innovative strategies to improve health-
Patient and public involvement care service delivery, including quality, has been one
No patient or public will be involved. of the top agendas in the healthcare system in the last
decades. One of the innovative strategies that have been
used in different healthcare services, including quality,
Data analysis and presentation
enhancement programmes throughout the world is the
A descriptive mapping and synthesis of literature will be
PD approach.5 26 It is a strategy based on a core assump-
employed to present data both in text and table formats
tion that community members, including individuals and
using five major themes: Methodologies used in imple-
organisations, already have the answers to many issues
menting PD; criteria researchers used to identify positive
and that by studying, comprehending and disseminating
deviants; the strategies of positive deviants that make them
these solutions to other members of the community,
successful apart from others; outcomes reported from the
improvements can be made at a large scale.26 Despite this
usage of PD approach; and the prospects of PD in future
fact, evidence on the methodologies, strategies employed
health service research areas and quality improvement
in selecting positive deviants, achievements in using the
programmes. The results of this scoping review will be
approach, the possible limitations and challenges of using
reported based on the PRISMA-ScR guideline,24 and the
it in practice and its potential for future use in the health-
entire process of study screening, selection and inclusion
care system are not well documented.5 17 In addition, the
will be shown with the support of a flow diagram. Further-
utility of the PD approach is reported to be limited in
more, the PCC framework will be used to guide the presen-
complex settings including the healthcare system in some
tation of the scoping review results to the wider community.
earlier articles. For instance, Baxter et al stated that using
PD in complex and demanding healthcare settings poses
Ethics and dissemination challenges, citing engaging staff more broadly in quality
This scoping review protocol will be registered and enhancement programmes as a known difficult aspect.17
be made freely available to the wider community by However, several sources across the literature have indi-
publishing it in one of the following platforms: Figshare, cated the merit of using a PD approach in multiple
Open Science Framework, Research Square, Research- quality improvement programmes of the healthcare
Gate and, or other similar databases. However, it will not system including in increasing hand hygiene compliance
be registered in the International Prospective Register rate,27–29 infection prevention,30 31 reduction of postoper-
of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), as the database is ative complications,32 reducing medication errors33 and
not currently registering scoping reviews.25 The scoping improving vaccination coverage rates within healthcare
review findings will be presented at conferences at The systems.34 Therefore, this scoping review aims to map
University of Queensland in Australia, the Postgraduate evidence, synthesise the available literature and identify
Institute of Medicine. In addition, it will be published in gaps on the use of the PD approach for health system
peer-reviewed, reputable international journals. Further- service improvement and analyse its prospects for future
more, it will also be disseminated to the wider community, healthcare quality, safety and other service improvement
through conference presentations at different interna- programmes in the healthcare system.
tional research symposiums and popular press. However,
formal ethical approval is not required as primary data
will not be collected. CONCLUSION
This global scoping review protocol is designed to map
Timeline for review and synthesise the methodologies used and strategies used
Start date: 15 May 2023. in selecting positive deviants, achievements and the pros-
End date: 30 November 2023. pects of using PD in different healthcare settings, iden-
Stage of review: Review ongoing. tify the gaps and answer the critical research questions
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078809 on 14 December 2023. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on December 29, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
that are developed in line with the proposed title. More- 9 Wishik SM, Vynckt S. The use of nutritional'positive deviants' to
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