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Induction of Genetic Variability Through Mutagenesis in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(10): 1520-1523

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Induction of genetic variability through mutagenesis in
TPI 2023; 12(10): 1520-1523
© 2023 TPI sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
Received: 01-07-2023
Accepted: 06-08-2023 Divya Patel, BK Davda and KG Modha
Divya Patel
Department of Genetics and Abstract
Plant Breeding, Navsari The 'Wani Local' sorghum genotype was exploited to create a mutation by gamma radiation. The
Agricultural University, experimental material included several gamma radiation dosages viz., 100 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy, 350 Gy,
Navsari, Gujarat, India 400 Gy and 500 Gy as well as control seeds. Individual plants were selfed, harvested and recorded for
putative mutations that might have been present in the M1 generations. During rabi 2022-23, the M2
BK Davda generation, which comprised total of 120 mutant progenies from six different treatments, was assessed
Main Sorghum Research Station,
using compact family block design with three replications. Among M2 generation, genetic variability was
Navsari Agricultural University,
significant for yield and yield contributing traits. In most of the treatments, relative higher mean
Athwa Farm, Surat, Gujarat,
India performance was seen as compared to control for all traits, with the exception of days to 50% flowering,
days to maturity and panicle length. For the majority of the characters in the segregating M2 generation,
KG Modha the GCV and PCV values revealed significant variability. High GCV, PCV, heritability and GAM values
Department of Genetics and were found for grain yield per plant, panicle weight, straw yield per plant and harvest index.
Plant Breeding, Navsari
Agricultural University, Navsari, Keywords: Sorghum, gamma rays, mutation, genetic variability, heritability
Gujarat, India
1. Introduction
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is the fifth most significant cereal in the world in
terms of area and production. It can be cultivated for its grain (grain sorghum), its sweet sap
(sweet sorghum) or as a fodder (forage sorghum). It is an often cross-pollinated, diploid (2n =
2x = 20) plant that is a member of the Poaceae family. The primary jowar producing states in
the nation include Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Bundelkhand region) and Tamil Nadu.
Mutation breeding has played a beneficial role in sustainable agriculture, since it is a
complementary strategy for crop development that promotes unselected genetic variability for
useful breeding application. Due of the extremely low frequency of natural mutation, induced
mutations are employed to increase genetic variability for both quantitative and qualitative
parameters. Among many physical mutagens, including beta radiation, fast neutrons, thermal
neutrons and X-rays. It is widely recognised that gamma rays in particular have an impact on
plant growth and development by causing cytological, physiological and morphological
changes in cells and tissues (Thapa, 2004) [17]. Physical mutagens, like gamma rays, are
powerful and effective with shorter wavelength and higher energy per photon as compared to
X-rays, which penetrate the surface and cause ionisation. Genetic variability for economic
characteristics is required for every successful breeding programme since the degree of
responsiveness to selection is proportional to the magnitude of variability.
The Ponk (hurda) sorghum is a new and more remunerative segment of sorghum. The Wani
local is mainly cultivated in Gujarat state for the production of tender grain which is also
known as “Andhali Wani” due to characteristic of very small opening of flower and grains are
mostly covered by glume. The variability present in this segment is very low. Under these
circumstances, creating variability through induced mutation will add more scope for
improvement in Ponk sorghum. The primary focus of the current research on the inducing
genetic variability in sorghum (Wani Local) through gamma radiation.

2. Materials and Method

Corresponding Author: The current investigation was conducted at the Main Sorghum Research Station (MSRS),
Divya Patel NAU, Athwa farm, Surat, Gujarat during rabi 2022-23. Seeds of sorghum genotype Wani local
Department of Genetics and were irradiated with gamma rays at BARC, Trombay, Mumbai at dosages of 100 Gy, 200 Gy,
Plant Breeding, Navsari
Agricultural University,
300 Gy, 350 Gy, 400 Gy and 500 Gy and sown as M1 generation along with control seeds
Navsari, Gujarat, India during rabi 2021-22.
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Dominant mutations observed in the M1 generations were PCV values respectively. This suggests that the level of
recorded and individual plants were selfed, harvested, and variability and the odds of genetic improvement are moderate.
used to raise the M2 generation during rabi 2022-23. A total The characters days to 50% flowering (3.92% and 4.39%) and
of 120 mutant progenies from the M2 generation were days to maturity (2.52% and 2.87%) had low GCV and PCV
assessed in a compact family block design with six treatments levels. Low PCV values with marginally low GCV values in
and three replications. The observations were recorded on these traits suggested a limited level of variability in the
days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height (cm), materials and a low likelihood of genetic improvement.
panicle length (cm), panicle weight (g), 100 grain weight (g), Similar results were found for grain yield per plant by Muduli
grain and straw yield per plant (g) and harvest index (%). The and Misra (2008) [10], Anand and Kajjidoni (2014) [3] and
standard statistical approach for the compact family block Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13]; for days to flowering and days
design (CFBD) described by Panse and Sukhatame (1978) [11] to maturity by Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13] and Thange et al.
was used to analyse the variance for differences between and (2021) [16]; for plant height by Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13];
within families. According to the method recommended by for panicle length by Raghavendra et al. (2023) [12]; for 100
Burton (1952) [4] and Allard (1960) [1], the variability grain weight by Kham et al. (2015) [8] and Shivaprashad et al.
parameters, genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV), (2019) [13]; for panicle weight, straw yield per plant and
phenotypic coefficient of variance (PCV), heritability and harvest index by Raghavendra et al. (2023) [12] and Zinzala et
genetic advance were estimated. al. (2018) [18].
High heritability was observed for days to 50% flowering
3. Results and Discussion (79.68%), days to maturity (76.94%), plant height (89.97%),
In results, for all of the traits under study, the analysis of panicle length (78.98%), panicle weight (95.63%), 100 grain
variance indicated significant differences between the families weight (87.27%), grain yield per plant (69.13%), straw yield
and progenies, demonstrating the presence of considerable per plant (75.60%) and harvest index (71.77%). This suggests
amounts of genetic variability in the experimental materials that the genotypic effect of phenotypes may be well measured
(Table 1). For all nine of the traits under consideration, the and that selection may be effectively used to enhance these
mean sums of squares due to progenies within families were traits. Similar findings for plant height, days to flowering and
found to be highly significant, demonstrating that progenies days to maturity were also noted by Shivaprasad et al. (2019)
within the family differ from one another. Anand and and Thange et al. (2021) [16]; for panicle length,
Kajjidoni (2014) [3], Ambli and Mullainathan (2015) [14], Htun Jayaramachandran et al. (2010) [7] and Anand and Kajjidoni
et al. (2015) [14], Kham et al. (2015) [8], Suthakar and (2014) [3]; for grain yield per plant by Kham et al. (2015) [8],
Mullainathan (2015) [14] and Takele et al. (2021) [15] have all Shivaprasad et al. (2019) [13] and Thange et al. (2021) [16]; and
observed such variation for yield and yield attributing traits. for 100 grain weight by Jayaramachandran et al. (2010) [7],
The outcome of the variability parameters is shown in (Table Shivaprasad et al. (2019) [13] and Thange et al. (2021) [16].
2). Mean values showed a wide range for the days to 50% The characters viz., plant height (24.22%), panicle length
flowering (57-74), days to maturity (106-125), plant height (21.96%), panicle weight (76.42%), 100 grain weight
(149.45-254.73 cm), panicle length (19.57-38.24 cm), panicle (24.24%), grain yield per plant (45.12%), straw yield per
weight (30.57-95.86 g), 100 grain weight (2.80-4.13 g), grain plant (35.50%) and harvest index (38.97%) all showed high
yield per plant (16.83-60.53 g), straw yield per plant (49.19- genetic advance as percent of the mean. Supporting results
115.56 g) and harvest index (18.19-51.53%). For each of the were observed by Muduli and Misra (2008) [10], Anand and
nine characters in the M2 generation of sorghum, the genetic Kajjidoni (2014) [3], Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13] and Thange
components; genotypic variance, phenotypic variance, et al. (2021) [16]. The traits with low estimates of genetic
genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), phenotypic advance as a percent of mean were days to 50% flowering
coefficient of variation (PCV), heritability (in broad sense), (7.22%) and days to maturity (4.54%). Shivaprashad et al.
genetic advance (GA) and genetic advance as the percent of (2019) [13] and Thange et al. (2021) [16] discovered similar
mean (GAM) were calculated using the proper statistical results for these traits.
formulas. The results are presented in Table 2. In predicting selection response, heritability combined with
In the present study, phenotypic coefficient of variation genetic advance as percent of mean is more valuable than
(PCV) was found to be higher than the genotypic coefficient heritability alone. Plant height, panicle length, panicle weight,
of variation (GCV) for all the characters with extremely 100 grain weight, grain yield per plant, straw yield per plant
minor differences, indicating a substantial genetic influence. and harvest index all these traits showed high heritability and
Anand and Kajiidoni (2014) [3], Kham et al. (2015) [8], high genetic advance as percent of the mean, which indicates
Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13], Htun et al. (2015) [6] and the role of additive gene effects and least effects of
Thange et al. (2021) [16] were in agreement with these environmental factors on the expression of the traits. Thus,
findings. GCV and PCV values for grain yield per plant were simple phenotypic selection offers a greater potential for
higher (26.34% and 31.69%, respectively), indicating greater improving these traits. Muduli and Misra (2008) [10], Anand
variability across progenies for this character and greater and Kajjidoni (2014) [3], Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13] and
possibility for improving this character by selection in the Thange et al. (2021) [16] all found comparable results for these
appropriate direction. Additionally, the progeny showed traits.
higher GCV and PCV values for the panicle weight (37.93% High heritability coupled with low genetic advance was
and 38.79%), straw yield per plant (19.82% and 22.79%) and observed for days to 50% flowering and days to maturity
harvest index (22.33% and 36.36%). indicating non additive gene action. So, these traits cannot be
The other variables such as plant height (12.39% and improved through simple selection. Similar results were also
13.07%), panicle length (12.00% and 13.49%) and 100 grain observed by Shivaprashad et al. (2019) [13] and Thange et al.
weight (12.60% and 13.48%) all exhibited moderate GCV and (2021) [16] for days to 50% flowering and days to maturity.
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Table 1: Analysis of variance for various traits in M2 generation of sorghum

Mean sum of squares
Source of variance PH PL PW 100 GW SYPP
DFF DM GYPP (g) HI (%)
df (cm) (cm) (g) (g) (g)
Replication (r) 2 1.67 3.41 9.84 10.63 91.66 0.04 46.11 141.01 1.51
Families (f) 5 1134.57* 1347.67* 10078.39* 197.19* 1211.18* 0.24* 565.65* 814.80* 129.32*
Progenies within families (p) 114 7.42* 9.54* 698.16* 14.68* 535.86* 0.18* 114.70* 298.51* 55.76*
Where, d.f = Degrees of freedom, * = Significant at 5% level
DFF= Days to 50% Flowering DM= Days to Maturity, PH= Plant Height PL= Panicle Length PW= Panicle Weight, 100 GW= 100 Grain
Weight, GYPP= Grain Yield Per Plant SYPP= Straw Yield Per Plant, HI= Harvest Index

Table 2: Genetic variability parameters for yield and yield contributing traits in M2 generation of sorghum over all families
Characters Mean GV (%) PV (%) GCV (%) PCV (%) h2bs (%) GAM (%)
Min. Max.
Days to 50% flowering 57.00 74.00 66.67 6.84 8.58 3.92 4.39 79.68 7.22
Days to maturity 106.00 125.00 117.13 8.67 11.27 2.52 2.87 76.94 4.54
Plant height (cm) 149.45 254.73 209.32 673.16 748.17 12.39 13.07 89.97 24.22
Panicle length (cm) 19.57 38.24 30.61 13.45 17.08 12.00 13.49 78.98 21.96
Panicle weight (g) 30.57 95.86 60.56 527.83 551.90 37.93 38.79 95.63 76.42
100 grain weight (g) 2.80 4.13 3.33 0.18 0.20 12.60 13.48 87.27 24.24
Grain yield/plant (g) 16.83 60.53 37.92 99.83 144.42 26.34 31.69 69.13 45.12
Straw yield/plant (g) 49.19 115.56 82.82 269.52 356.47 19.82 22.79 75.60 35.50
Harvest index (%) 18.29 51.53 31.44 49.29 68.68 22.33 36.35 71.77 38.97
GV = Genotypic variance (σ2g) (%), GCV = Genotypic coefficient of variation (%)
PV = phenotypic variance (σ2p) (%), PCV = Phenotypic coefficient of variation (%)
h2bs = Heritability (Broad sense) (%), GAM = Genetic Advance as per cent of mean (%)

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