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The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946”was deigned to define the
Terms of employment and to give the workmen collective voice regarding the
terms of Employment and ensure the conditions of service. On the basis of the
tripartite labour Conference, the Central Government introduced a Bill providing
for framing the rules Containing the terms and conditions of employment in the
industrial establishments, was Introduced in the legislative assembly on April 8,
1946 and was passed under the title The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Act, 1946.”It came into force on April 23, 1946. This Act has been amended
through several amendments in 1951, 1961 and 1963.
*The nature of the Standing Orders* has attracted the attention of the courts and
the Tribunals. The different shades of opinions have emerged in the decisions of
the courts, i.e., The statutory nature of the standing orders, whether it is a special
kind of contract or an award to an employee or is it a form of delegated
Most of the High Courts had different views regarding the statutory nature of
contract Prior to the decision of the Supreme Court. In“Sudhir Chandra
Sarkar636”the Supreme Court has clearly stated that “the conditions of service
laid down in the standing orders is Either statutory in character or has statutory
flavor. Similarly, certified standing orders Which statutorily prescribe the
conditions of service shall be deemed to be incorporated in The contract of
employment of each employee with his employer.
The Supreme Court in “Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation ”laid down
that: “The certified standing orders framed under and in accordance with the
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 are statutorily imposed
conditions of service and are binding both upon the employers and employees,
though they don’t amount to statutory Provision. Any violation of these standing
orders entitles an employee to appropriate relief Either before the forums
created by the Industrial Disputes Act or the civil court where Recourse to civil
court is open according to the principles indicated herein.”
Regarding a special kind of contract; the Court, in the case of“Jabalpur
Development Authority ”held that: “The certified standing orders represent the
relevant terms and conditions of service in a Statutory form and they are binding
on the parties at least as much, if not more, as private Contract embodying similar
terms and conditions of service.”
The Act is a regulatory regime to formally define the employment relations
between the workmen/trade union and the employer. A very prominent initiative
of this Act is the concept of ‘standing orders’ which is amorphous in nature being
a contract promulgated statutorily, that represent the will of the parties so
regulated. Finally, it may be stated that, though it lays an exemplary notion, it
requires thorough reforms in respect of the present scenario of employment
practised by the principal employer so as to fulfil the Constitutional objective of
securing socio-economic justice substantially.