Data Catalog Strategy
Data Catalog Strategy
Data Catalog Strategy
Operationalizing data
governance to achieve
data-driven transformation
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven transformation
Executive summary 05
Data-driven transformation as this
decade’s grand challenge 06
Action areas for data-driven transformation
Data governance operationalization as central quick win
Data catalog at a glance 10
Core capabilities and features
Classification of data catalog archetypes
The agony of choice: data catalog
adoption as a decision-making issue
Data catalog strategy approach 15
Make your transformation a success with the right
data catalog strategy
When to start data cataloging
during your transformation?
Case study:
An energy technology company relies on its data
catalog strategy to drive transformation post carve-out 22
Value contributions and way forward 24
Your contacts 26
References 26
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven transformation
Executive summary
Turning your organization into a data-driven company requires
Finally, we will briefly outline how this strategy adds value in the
transformational success across multiple data-related action areas,
form of quick wins for data-driven transformation as well as other
including data strategy, data value creation, data governance, data
financial impacts and organizational support. In particular, a coher-
culture, and data architecture. While only those transformations
ent data catalog strategy helps to reach the individual transforma-
that dedicate sufficient effort to each of these areas will ultimately
tion goals of responsible C-suite and data governance leaders as
succeed, data governance plays a pivotal role in transformations
outlined in following.
focused on the use and democratization of high-quality data. On the
one hand, data governance is built on data strategy and therefore
Chief information officer (CIO)
focused on creating value from data. On the other hand, it must
Gain a comprehensive overview of the success of your IT strategy
create the organizational, behavioral, and technological framework
that enables you to draft a roadmap for the evolving IT architecture
needed to treat data as crucial enterprise asset. And since every
and landscape, optimize existing IT processes and assess how avail-
data-driven transformation journey requires serious patience and
able IT and data assets will impact the business environment.
sustained management buy-in, it is key to deliver valuable and
tangi- ble quick wins for the company right from the start.
Chief data officer (CDO)
Achieve data-driven transformation at scale, embed data gov-
The ability to operationalize your data governance model can make
ernance within the organization and set up a data marketplace
or break any transformation endeavor, and that requires, among
to monetize corporate data assets and add measurable business
other tools, dedicated metadata management solutions realized by
data catalogs. Equipped with capabilities for data inventory, quality,
governance, lineage, and privacy, data catalogs help document and
Chief information security officer (CISO)
retrieve data stored across the enterprise. There are numerous data
Ensure your data complies with all regulations and introduce a
catalog archetypes that can be realized for metadata management,
resource-based data security strategy that protects enterprise
ranging from disintegrated spreadsheet-based solutions for siloed
data assets and safeguards your company’s reputation by mitigat-
usage in specific business contexts to highly integrated systems
ing data breaches and security threats.
serving on an enterprise scale. Finding the right archetypes for your
needs – and the data cataloging systems to go with it – remains a
Chief technology officer (CTO)
challenge for many. In this whitepaper, we outline our preferred
Assess different catalog solutions for state-of-the-art data infra-
method for developing your data catalog strategy from solution
structure and identify features as well as synergies for using and
screening, scoping, and sourcing to building the guardrails that will
reusing metadata to avoid excessive infrastructure spending and
enable you to put that strategy into action. We will also discuss the
technical debt over the long term.
impacts, risks, and best next actions to kick-start your data catalog
strategy, whether you take a greenfield, brownfield, or bluefield
Head of data governance
approach to transformation. On the basis of a case study from one
Evolve governance capabilities through holistic metadata man-
of our clients in the energy technology sector, we will show the ben-
agement and rely on data literacy, data democratization, and
efits of our method in this brownfield transformation, both during
self-service access to make data governance more visible and
and post-transformation.
impactful within the transformation process.
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Data-driven transformation
as this decade’s grand
In today’s highly volatile business environment, companies have to Action areas for data-driven transformation
make decisions amid a lot of uncertainty to face the increasingly As complexity continues to grow and data volumes, formats, sour-
complex market structure and the varying purposes as well as ces, and requirements become more diverse, companies have
definitions of the stakeholders involved. Demand for domain- started transforming their legacy data organizations and systems to
specific, high-quality, and intelligence-enriched data is growing as keep up with this new data-driven era. C-suite leaders place special
leaders aspire to more efficient and more effective lines of action emphasis on data-driven practices and management principles to
at every level. However, many companies in general and their IT enable an agile response to the ever-changing business environment.
departments in particular are overwhelmed by the massive volume Data-driven transformation promotes the purposeful use and
of data they have to generate and maintain. One primary driver for monetization of data across the enterprise as today’s tie-breaking
this is an immature data management practice evolved over time. business resource, but myriad individual initiatives are needed to
While insufficiently designed and operated data governance organ- deliver the necessary changes at all levels of the organization to
izations keep growing the disconnect between business and IT, master this challenge [1]. Regardless of the enterprise’s maturity
legacy technologies as well as disintegrated systems do not allow to level, there are five key action areas for any data-driven transforma-
enhance the value of corporate data. Many enterprises start coun- tion (Figure 1).
tering these developments by large-scale digitalization initiatives to
manage and deliver a data-driven transformation, hoping that will First, every data-driven company needs a data strategy that estab-
make them more resilient in our new and unfamiliar ‘data era’. lishes organizational guardrails and technological principles for
Fig. 1 – Action areas for data-driven transformation, including data governance as a pivot point
between conceptualization and implementation
transformation scoreboard.
…designs, builds, secures and
operates the technology
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Fig. 2 – Operationalizing data governance ensures tangible quick wins for the transformation and its related action areas
A Strategy definition
B Strategy refinement
C Minimum viable
D Business value
Change Management & Communication
at scale
E Operating model
G F Operationalization
F G Organizational
H Stakeholder
J mobilization
I I Training &
J Data-driven
action system
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Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Adaptive Data Governance
Decentralized teams held to central governance standards as proposed by data mesh concept
Federated Governance
Analytics artifacts defined, executed and used in line with business standards and expectations
Analytics Governance
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Augmented Catalog
Enterprise Catalog
7 8
Metadata Integration
Organizational Effort
data catalog
API Catalog of
4 Catalogs
5 5
Data Product
Vendor- 2
Specific Catalog
IT Business
Organizational Usage 1
I: Data Inventory Q: Data Quality L: Data Lineage
Indicates whether the data catalog is targeted G: Data Governance P: Data Privacy
towards business or IT purposes
Spreadsheet catalog
manage the quality of quite passive metadata, though the level of
With an increasing number of data silos in today’s companies,
integration with other metadata sources is low. An enterprise may
business units and stakeholders will often maintain individual lists
choose to bundle several of these vendor-specific catalogs from
of data assets to manage the data in their own domain. These
different software applications to create a “catalog of catalogs”
offline data catalogs are typically a first attempt at collecting and
(explained in the following) and integrate previously disparate
managing passive and active metadata for a very limited scope.
metadata sources at a later date.
The level of metadata integration in this “quick and dirty” approach
is, however, quite low. On the other hand, with only minimal effort
API catalog
required, it allows stakeholders to create an initial inventory of their
With the API economy on the rise, IT managers can use an API
data assets very quickly. These catalogs are generally based on
cata- log to define, manage, and document passive metadata for
more or less customized worksheets in Microsoft Excel or other
sys- tems, interfaces, API endpoints, technical data lineage, and
spreadsheet software.
other technical data assets. Data management software designed to
manage enterprise architecture and virtualize or integrate data can
Vendor-specific catalog
set up API catalogs that are very similar to vendor-specific catalogs,
Most vendors of standard software (e.g., ERP, CRM, SRM) and
though they focus solely on managing the technical metadata men-
other software solutions come with integrated features for meta-
tioned above. As one or only a few software entities are actually
data management in their suite of tools. IT systems designed for
maintaining the technical data, the level of technical metadata inte-
operational and analytical applications usually have built-in fea-
gration with this solution is medium to high. However, setting up
tures to document the data assets used by the software. These
and running these platforms tends to be a challenging endeavor.
vendor-specific catalogs help set up decentralized inventories to
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
key drivers in data-driven transformation, augmented catalogs are What is more, adopting a data catalog does not require a “big
also designed to make the most of such advantages as scalability bang approach” as an evolutionary approach involving stakehold-
and maintainability. This archetype of data catalog can enhance ers from several management levels is often better suited to this
data quality through machine learning, e.g., applied to metadata endeavor. A company may opt instead to start with small-scale,
matching. Augmented catalogs focus on active metadata manage- highly localized solutions like spreadsheet-based or vendor-based
ment and add value through data usage in the business context. catalogs to achieve tangible as well as useable results fast, while
Because metadata, like other types of data, is growing in volume, preparing in parallel to roll out an enterprise-wide solution with
augmented catalogs derive insights from “big metadata” to improve catalogs for managing enterprise architecture, APIs, or further cor-
an enterprise’s technical and business performance. This data porate data assets. Taking a gradual approach like this achieves a
catalog archetype also provides all user groups with embedded higher level of metadata integration but also increases integration
functionalities and workflows to promote collaboration in data and project execution effort. Consequently, it is required to weigh
asset management. Finally, augmented catalogs offer end-to-end the various impacts and trade-offs for introducing a holistic data
visibility of highly integrated metadata by creating a single point of catalog solution comprising one or more data catalogs.
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Data catalog
strategy approach
Data-driven companies succeed when they have the right strat-
both in detail is vital prior to the strategy project. In operational
egy, culture, governance, use cases, and architecture in place. It
terms, this will also enable you to make metadata management
is up to management to define and substantiate all of the action
initiatives an integral part of your overall transformation project
areas involved in a transformation, while also making sure they
portfolio which will help specifying and further refining your data
are all closely aligned – always with the goal of making the best
catalog solution.
use of enterprise data. Data governance provides the organizing
framework for integrating and managing enterprise data assets
The ultimate goal of your data catalog strategy is to operationalize
and as such is key to evolving as a data-driven company. To
data governance in a timely manner and with sufficient quality to
design and successfully run a data governance unit, companies
deliver tangible as well as visible quick wins in your transformation.
must implement necessary information systems. At least one of
For that to happen, you need to meet several milestones within
these applications must offer a data catalog feature to ensure all of
your data catalog strategy, from selecting vendor products and
the stakeholders involved are on the same page in terms of the
preparing for implementation to embedding the concept within
poten- tial of enterprise data assets. In our experience, it is really
the enterprise and defining the way forward. Once you have
hard work to get the process right when it comes to
selected the right products, you can start the procurement
operationalizing the data governance model as choosing the right
process and ensure your data catalog has only the metadata
or wrong data catalogs could make or break the process. To enrich
management features you truly need. This prepares you for the
and align the operationalization endeavor with all the details and
upcoming imple- mentation phase when you need to deliver
specifics of the
important data catalog MVPs and critical use cases to maximize the
broader data-driven transformation program, having a holistic data
visibility of both the transformation program and the data catalog
catalog strategy will help to succeed with the transformation in
solution. This is also the time to embed the solution within the
general and data governance in particular.
business and technology architecture in a way that directly benefits
business stakeholders. Finally, the results of this phase will
Make your transformation a success with the right
determine the way forward in the form of clearly defined, agreed
data catalog strategy
roadmaps for your metadata management with crucial milestones,
Although data-driven transformations differ in size and scope,
organizational responsibili- ties, and transformation
finding the right data catalog is a top priority for every program.
The complex and resource-intensive process of introducing a data
catalog involves both technical and organizational risks. Failure to
The following diagram outlines our structured approach that will
define the scope, immature data quality practices, technology and
help you achieve the goals of data catalog strategy, from screening,
infrastructure issues, and the lack of talent or resources to com-
scoping, and sourcing to setting the right data catalog solution (Fig-
plete the transformation are among the main risk factors. That is
ure 5). This process works in virtually every data-driven transfor-
why it is so crucial to define a viable data catalog strategy to obtain
mation program, though the outline below is designed as a generic
the goals of the targeted transformation and its data governance.
reference only, which you can adapt as needed for your specific
transformation. In the next section, we will shed light on the wide
The first step in your data catalog strategy is to identify what is
variety of transformation types and briefly outline the benefits
driving your metadata management objectives; in other words,
and risks of creating a data catalog strategy for existing (as yet not
your data governance requirements to meet key business needs
clearly defined) transformation programs.
and to comply with general or domain-specific legal regulations.
And since you need to align your data catalog solution, including its
strategy, with your overarching corporate and IT strategy, defining
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Corporate strategy
Ready for
Enterprise architects
Data domain managers
Data catalog product owner
IT/Governance council
Data strategists
Business/Use case owners Org. embedding
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Screening term, and long-term perspective to prepare for the planning and
The first step toward finding the right data catalog solution for your roll-out of your data catalog solution. Prioritizing use cases also
data governance ambitions is gaining a clear understanding of your offers an opportunity to ensure important quick wins for your
transformation goals by roughly outlining your data strategy and transformation program by contributing useful data catalog results
the ongoing initiatives in related areas. Based on this initial over- early on.
view, you will also have a good idea of the scope of your transfor-
mation program, whether it focuses on transforming your business Result: A high-level outline of the data catalog solution,
operations, IT operations, or both at the same time. Then it is time including a plan for embedding it into the company’s techni-
to get your central stakeholders involved to specify and compile cal architecture and organizational action system.
their respective use cases, so that you can better understand the
kind of metadata management support they need. All technical Sourcing
and organizational stakeholders must also define and prioritize Once you have a clear understanding of the status quo and target
their most important functional and non-functional requirements data catalog solution, the next phase is about sourcing the right
for the data catalog solution. Subsequently, an overall health check vendor products to close any identified capability gaps. You can
must reveal the current maturity level of the enterprise’s data skip this step if your company plans to set up spreadsheet or ven-
governance model and metadata management [16], all of which is dor-specific catalogs using previously purchased software. For all
formally documented in preparation for the next strategy phase. other archetypes, now is the time to make a list of vendor products
that can build the data catalog archetype you need. The prese-
Result: A deep understanding of the status quo in terms of lected and weighted requirements are useful in the utility-benefit
the role data cataloging plays in your enterprise’s overall analysis based on the product information sheets obtained from
transformation program. various vendors. Subsequently, it is required to test each of the
shortlisted products that meet your requirements for key use
Scoping cases in demonstration and proof of concept sessions with ven-
Leaders keen to make a quick decision may be misguided by the dors. Finally, conducting a business case evaluation compiles a list
sheer number of options and opt for a full-scale data catalog of top-ranked product solutions to make the final selection.
solution since it seems the most comprehensive and therefore
best choice. This is an approach doomed to fail, not only because Result: A shortlist of recommended vendor products that
of limited resources but also because you run the risk of over- meet your requirements and best close any capability gaps.
shooting the goals behind your strategy if they have not been
clearly defined. That is why it is so important to understand the Setting
scope of your data catalog solution based on the results of the Subsequent to or in parallel with product sourcing, the final strategy
previous phase. You need to draft a vision statement defining the phase is about preparing for the implementation of your chosen
organizational, financial, and technical impacts the data catalog data catalog solution. That includes consolidating information
solution is expected to have on your company and a mission state- related to crucial program events in a holistic data catalog roadmap
ment clearly outlining the operational improvements you hope to with a short-term, medium-term, and long-term perspective. As
achieve. Communicating these vision and mission statements to all the previous step may deliver different roadmap alternatives, a
stakeholders is key to secure buy-in for your initiative. In a fit-gap scenario impact analysis should identify the most viable roadmap
analysis, you will discover which additional data catalog capabilities design. Then, an initial product backlog for your data catalog will
you need to meet your requirements for data governance and lay the groundwork for a seamless start of the implementation
other action areas related to the transformation program. Based phase after the sourcing and preparation phases. In line with the
on the available resources and requirements, you can identify one resources allocated to the program, a high-level service operating
or several data catalog archetypes that will fill any organizational model will help you understand which roles and responsibilities are
as well as technical capability gaps. This short list of data catalog required to embed your data catalog solution within the organiza-
archetypes will also narrow down the list of potential vendors for tion. Finally, the data catalog playbook documents the main capabil-
product sourcing in the next step and expand the blueprint for ities and features of your target solution as well as the stakeholders
the company’s target architecture, helping you to discover and involved along with their interaction routines, design patterns and
debate all technical or organizational dependencies and critical use cases.
implications at
an early stage. Given your enterprise’s aspiration to complete the Result: Implementation preparation and defined way for-
data-driven transformation in a timely manner, it is important at ward for realizing your targeted data catalog solution.
this stage to prioritize critical use cases with a short-term, medium-
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Fig. 6 – Impacts, risks, and best next actions for developing a data catalog strategy for
greenfield, brownfield, or bluefield transformations
• Data strategy concept outlined/ • Data strategy defined • Data strategy refined
drafted • DG org. structures largely in place • DG operating model widely estab-
• Initial DG concept sketched • Immature siloes available for meta- lished
Progress data mgmt. • Legacy DC solution available
• Build metadata management solu- • Adapt metadata mgmt. solution to • Migrate & adapt existing solution in
tion from scratch DT program’s context the cloud
• Impact and accompany DG develop- • Evolve DG through underlying tech- • Stabilize & further extend the existing
Mission ment as co-creator nology and features DG body’s role
• Use synergies of targeted DC • Mature understanding of overarching • Expanded DG roie through sophisti-
solution as co-creator for the DT transformation framework to drive cated technology base to achieve
program, esp. in large-scale trans- selection & build-up of target DC DC use cases & workflows
Impact formations • More resources available for • Where DG & DC solution has a high
• Operationalization of DG early on data ownership & stewardship level of maturity, the effort & resour-
• Foster stakeholder acceptance • Improved cost and time management ces required to define, implement, &
through steep learning curves for for DC strategy and implementation migrate the DC strategy are relatively
the DC solution low
• Possible “mismatch” of DC models • Increased number of offline/shadow • Lifting & shifting of the existing solu-
as transformation program advances DC may generate extra overheads tion during DC (cloud) migration will
along the learning curve and redundant work for metadata not mitigate existing flaws in source
• High dependencies on DG design, mgmt. systems, DG TOM & organizational
which is still evolving • Ungoverned systems along the design
• Resources unavailable for transformation roadmap until • Refined data strategy may require
data ownership & seri- ous DC comes into play rebuilding existing DC
• Assess maturity levels of both trans- • Assess maturity levels of both trans-
• Complete data strategy formation program & DG body formation program & DG body
• Create transformation roadmap • Only if needed, create temporary • Determine whether existing DC
strongly aligned with data strategy DCs as individual spreadsheet/ solution and its features will deliver
and focused on early quick wins vendor-specific solutions for crucial on transformation goals
• Consider initiatives to modernize business contexts & data domains • Source and select viable cloud-
operational & analytical data • Find & address suitable points to based DC solutions
systems expand the data-driven transforma- • Consider Gartner’s 5R cloud migra-
• Define the data mgmt. structure, incl. tion program with a DC solution as tion strategy framework to find the
DG & TOM soon as possible right approach, e.g., decide between
• Allocate sufficient resources for rehosting and rebuilding the legacy
governance during DT to design DC solution
& manage the DC
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Greenfield Brownfield
Greenfield transformations are characterized by unstable, imma- Brownfield transformations have already made some progress
ture, or even unavailable data management organizations. This is towards becoming a data-driven company, including successfully
especially true for data strategy and governance, both of which defining both data strategy and data governance, but they have
usually are in their infancy. These transformation programs must yet to determine the nature and scope of the data catalog. Starting
therefore build a metadata management solution from scratch on a brownfield usually means having a more mature understand-
to help the company adapt to a changing market environment. It ing of key transformation issues, so it is important to adapt the
makes sense in this case to start developing a data catalog strategy targeted data catalog solution to further develop the underlying
as early as possible that is designed to accompany the data-driven governance structure, including the capabilities required.
transformation from start to finish. The data catalog should be
seen as an integral part of the greenfield transformation program A better understanding of the transformation in general and its
and a co-creator in terms of operationalizing the data governance governance goals in particular should make it easier to find the
design. right data catalog archetype to close capability gaps in metadata
management. Brownfield transformations generally also have more
To be sure, developing and implementing a data catalog strategy resources available to make responsible decisions on data govern-
does not come for free and adds further workload. Large-scale ance and other new systems and structures. It is up to responsible
transformations in particular benefit from early adoption of a decision-makers to establish a data governance body, which goes
data catalog solution because it makes it easier to manage the hand-in-hand with finding the right data catalog strategy in a timely
constantly growing data systems and structures within the trans- manner and at a reasonable cost. And with more resources avail-
formation journey. Early, gradual introduction of a data catalog able, there is also more potential to fill the required roles, e.g., for
creates a steep learning curve for the respective stakeholders, data ownership and stewardship, which will mean more seamless
which will also increase their buy-in for the initiative going forward. implementation and operation of the data catalog.
However, companies starting on a greenfield transformation with
so many unknowns (especially goals for use cases, data strategy The data catalog solution kicks in rather late in brownfield trans-
and data governance) might choose the wrong archetype of data formations, and there is a risk that a lack of maturity may have led
catalog. Given the low level of maturity in the enterprise, they lack to uncontrolled operational and analytical systems being built and
much-needed talent to take on critical roles and responsibilities, run during the initial transformation phases. These enterprises
e.g., for data ownership and stewardship, which could slow pro- may have also made decisions regarding metadata management
gress in the data catalog strategy. that involve standalone and distributed data catalogs as ven-
dor-specific or spreadsheet catalogs, which require more migration
We advise these companies to execute the entire data strategy, and integration effort later. The best next step in this scenario is to
including the data management design in terms of data govern- assess the maturity of the transformation program with respect
ance and the target operating model, in order to better understand to the already established data governance body. This assessment
the consequences and mitigate the risks of greenfield transforma- will help the transformation team find and understand where and
tion. They should also have a transformation roadmap detailing how to progress with an aligned data catalog solution. Temporary
concrete deadlines for deliverables as transformational quick wins, data catalogs for highly disparate metadata management should
chief among them operationalizing data governance with a data ideally be limited to crucial business contexts only. While this
catalog. Other key initiatives in greenfield transformations include avoids the additional organizational effort and redundant work
modernizing or newly designing operational as well as analytical needed to integrate these shadow catalogs later on, they can serve
data systems and allocating sufficient resources to data govern- as viable use cases while a more professional data catalog solution
ance design and data catalog management. is being developed. It is vital here as well to start developing a data
catalog strategy as soon as possible.
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
So, when to start? Now!
Finally, bluefield transformations focus on migrating the existing
In summary, there is no definitively right time and approach for
technology foundation by lifting and shifting data catalogs and
developing your data catalog strategy, as this is highly depend-
other on-premises systems to the cloud. Enterprises tend to
ent on the individual context, size, goals, timeline, budget and
embark on this kind of transformation while they are refining their
resources of a company trying to become more data-driven. It
data strategy, which means bluefield transformations may also
seems worthwhile in general to develop a coherent data catalog
involve upgrading from one data catalog archetype to another to
strategy as soon as possible, as it enables companies to better
supply any additional capabilities required by the updated strategy.
understand the impact any particular solution will have on
Transformations at this maturity level usually already have a
their data-driven transformation.
well-established foundation for data cataloging, including mature
data governance, viable use cases and functional workflows and
processes for the existing solution.
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Case study
An energy technology company relies on its data catalog
strategy to drive transformation post carve-out
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Our data catalog strategy benefits the client in three ways: through
the transparent development, implementation, and iterative devel-
opment of the data catalog solution. First, the strategy increased
the visibility of the data catalog within the overall transformation
program by defining a clear way forward and providing key project
management parameters, including timelines, milestones, and core
deliverables. This groundwork enabled us to select, source, and
purchase the software as well as rollout a usable MVP implemen-
tation in quick succession efficiently and effectively. Second, thanks
to our strategy, we knew that the enterprise catalog was the right
fit for the client’s data mesh architecture, the defined data govern-
ance, and related use cases like data product creation. The fact
that we were able to embed the solution within the organization
early on unlocked tremendous synergies and ensured a successful
rollout at various company levels. Third, our agile implementation
approach provided economies of scale that enable the client to
add more use cases in subsequent design cycles. By starting with
key data catalog use cases, we delivered real benefit to the cus-
tomer and helped sustain management buy-in.
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Value contributions
and way forward
In direct response to changing market environments, data tech-
• Embedding within the organization
nologies, and organizational paradigms, the real challenge facing
Data-driven transformation changes several company functions
today’s companies is how to mitigate the risks associated with
ranging from management control to operational execution. That
these impacts. Large-scale data-driven transformations have
is why it is so important for the data catalog strategy to look at
moved to the top of corporate agendas as a result or are already
the transformation in its entirety and ensure the solution
underway as companies look to take a more data-centric approach.
embed- ded within your organization is both effective and
As a major lever to unlock the value of enterprise data and drive
valuable. This includes a holistic data catalog roadmap that acts
data quality, retrieval, and reuse, the data catalog is an
as a central lever when it comes to addressing changes from and
indispensable part of
to other levels of the data-driven company that are evolving in
any transformation endeavor. Having the right strategy in place will
ensure that your data catalog solution is closely aligned with the
The service operating model and playbook are also important
transformation program and its data governance design. As we have
for defining the roles responsible for delivering certain services,
outlined in this whitepaper, the key advantages of a data catalog
including the onboarding of stakeholders to the data cataloging
strategy and the role it plays in creating value are as follows.
Data catalog strategy | Operationalizing data governance to achieve data-driven
Fig. 7 – Deloitte’s approach to data catalog strategy, including additional phases for solution implementation and scaling
Scree Scop Sour Product installation· Additional demand
n e ce Infrastructure securityintake
DC use case MVP· DC roadmap
· Transformation · DC vision & · Vendor longlist implementationrefinement
program mission · RFI/Utility-benefit Testing, roll-out &· DC product backlog
overview statements analysis go-liverefinement
· Use case canvas · DC fit-gap analysis · Vendor shortlist Training concept· Organizational
· Requirements list · DC solution design Hypercare &embedding managed services· Training solution &
· Demos/POCs
· DG/DC health check (incl. suitable · RFP/DC eval., recom-
· DG/DC models) mend. & selection
maturity · Target
assessment architecture
blueprint Set
· Use case prioritization
· DC roadmap
· Scenario
· Initial DC
· Initial service
Data domain
Enterprise managers
Data catalog product owner
IT/Governance council
Data strategists
Business/Use case owners
Data Stewards/Custodians
Data Stewards/Custodians
Change management & communication strategy
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese
Your contacts
Andreas Klein
Dr. Benjamin Klör
Tel: +49 173 2876392
Tel: +49 151 54484579
[1] R. Bean, "Why Is It So Hard to Become a Data-Driven Company?," 2021. [Online]. Available:
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Issue 08/2023