Sustainability 13 06007 v3
Sustainability 13 06007 v3
Sustainability 13 06007 v3
A Systematic Literature Review on Additive Manufacturing in
the Context of Circular Economy
Stavros Ponis * , Eleni Aretoulaki, Theodoros Nikolaos Maroutas, George Plakas and Konstantina Dimogiorgi
School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University Athens, 157 73 Athens, Greece; (E.A.); (T.N.M.); (G.P.); (K.D.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Additive Manufacturing (AM) is, undoubtedly, one of the most promising and potentially
disruptive technologies of the Industry 4.0 era, able to transform the traditional manufacturing
paradigm and fuel the generally accepted and necessary shift towards the conceptualisation, design
and adoption of sustainable and circular business models. The objective of this paper is to contribute
to the structure of the scientific field residing in the intersection of AM and Circular Economy (CE),
by determining the status of its current state-of-the-art, proposing an initial typology in an attempt
to contribute to the existing efforts of structuring this rather novice research area and pinpointing
research gaps where more focus should be put, and highlighting areas with a significant potential for
added-value future research. To that end, a sample of 206 papers, published from 2014 to 2020, was
retrieved from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. After studying and critically evaluating
their content in full, contributions were classified into six thematic categories, providing a first
typology of the current literature, followed by a detailed section highlighting and taxonomizing
Citation: Ponis, S.; Aretoulaki, E.; existing review studies. Next, contributions of the three categories of interest are discussed followed
Maroutas, T.N.; Plakas, G.; by a critical evaluation of the study’s contribution, inherent limitations and future research potential.
Dimogiorgi, K. A Systematic
Literature Review on Additive Keywords: additive manufacturing; circular economy; sustainable manufacturing; Industry 4.0;
Manufacturing in the Context of 3D printing
Circular Economy. Sustainability 2021,
13, 6007.
1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Barbara Motyl
The proliferation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, referred to as Industry 4.0, has
undoubtedly transformed the manufacturing industry by driving dramatic increases in
Received: 16 April 2021
Accepted: 25 May 2021
productivity and flexibility, enhancing strategical and operational decision-making and
Published: 26 May 2021
contributing to an improved overall industrial performance [1,2]. AM, also known as three-
dimensional (3D) printing, has been presented as an essential driving force behind Industry
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
4.0. AM uses digital 3D models to create parts by adding material in layers [3], offering the
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
beneficial ability to build parts with geometric and material complexities [4], as opposed to
published maps and institutional affil- conventional subtractive manufacturing, where a product is shaped by removing material
iations. in order to achieve a desired shape [5]. The consumer driven nature of this manufacturing
paradigm, in that it inherently provides opportunities for mass customization by facilitating
the production of personalized products [6], justifies its growing utilization by industrial
companies, which strive to meet the ever-growing customer demand and eventually
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
blossom in this modern, continuously changing, competitive landscape.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Nevertheless, despite its economic benefits, the development of industrialization has
This article is an open access article
indisputably led to serious ramifications, several of the most significant of which pertain to
distributed under the terms and the deterioration of the environment. In fact, industrialization is deemed responsible for a
conditions of the Creative Commons multitude of deleterious consequences undermining the integrity of natural ecosystems,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// such as water [7], air [8] and soil pollution [9], resource depletion [10] and excessive land use [11]. Under these conditions, the need to ensure companies’ environmental compliance
4.0/). without jeopardizing their production and, therefore, financial prosperity, is now more
imperative than ever. In light of the intrinsic mechanics of the conventional linear economy,
in which resources are considered to be unlimited, and economic benefits are placed above
all other criteria [12], the transition to a sustainable CE business model appears as a priority.
The CE concept and its 3R principles, i.e., “reduce, reuse, recycle”, are fully aligned with
combining economic growth and environmental protection by promoting the extension of
the useful life of products which have exhausted their physical and/or functional service
life and would otherwise be discarded, thus maximizing their utilization capacity and
maintaining their value for as long as possible [13].
This paper aspires to investigate the possibilities provided by the use of AM as an
enabler of CE. A systematic literature review is carried out in an attempt to propose
an initial typology of scientific contributions in the specific research area, establish a
foundation of knowledge through describing the output of the relevant scientific literature
and to synthesize the different perspectives on the matter, assess the research progress,
highlight future research directions and shed light on the prospects of adoption of this
innovative combination model by the industry. The remainder of the paper is organized
as follows: Section 2 presents the methodology followed in this study and provides the
details of the selection process for the papers included in the study sample. In Section 3,
a concise and coherent study on precedent review efforts is carried out in order to assess
research progress and facilitate our systematic literature review process, the results of
which are discussed in Section 4. Finally, the paper concludes with Section 5, summarizing
the study’s findings, while highlighting research limitations and future research potential.
2. Methodology
A systematic literature review was carried out in order to identify and critically
appraise the findings of relevant peer-reviewed studies while ensuring impartiality, metic-
ulousness and transparency. The data collection process was conducted on 31 March 2020
using the bibliographic databases of Scopus and Google Scholar (Figure 1). Therefore,
additional papers added on a later date to the two databases are not included in this study.
For Scopus, the authors used the following keyword string: “(“Additive manufactur*”
OR “3d print*” OR “rapid prototyp*” OR “additive production” OR “generative manu-
factur*”) AND (“recycl*” OR “circular economy”)”. The asterisk (*) at the end of a key
word ensures the inclusion of the term in both singular and plural forms as well as its
derivatives. This query was entered into Scopus’s default tab (Document Search form) and
the initial search of all document fields generated 615 results. Then, three inclusion criteria
were imposed to filter our results, the first of which was the selection of the search field
“Article Title, Abstract, Keywords”. Second, the time frame of our review was selected to
include studies dating from the last seven years, namely from 2014 to 31 March 2020, given
that AM and 3D printing are recently emerging scientific fields. In particular, all search
results dated after 2000, 97.0% of them after 2014 and 84.3% after 2017. Due to the rapid
development of the field, the chances of results dating from 2000 to 2013 (3%) containing
vitally useful information were slight. Third, in terms of document types, the authors
decided to only include articles, book chapters, reviews, conference papers and conference
reviews published after 1 April 2018. The reason for excluding conference publications
published prior to that date lies in the fact that if significant ideas had been proposed, they
would have already been published in journals during the last two years. Our search, after
excluding other document types and imposing the aforementioned search field and time
span constraints, yielded 446 results. Table 1 demonstrates the number of publications per
journal, for journals containing equal to or more than five publications. The journal with
the majority of studies was “Additive Manufacturing” with 24 publications (5.38%).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 3 of 28
Journal # * of Publications
Additive Manufacturing 24
Journal of Cleaner Production 13
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 11
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 10
Composites Part B: Engineering 8
Procedia Manufacturing 7
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 6
Construction and Building Materials 6
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 4 of 28
Table 1. Cont.
Journal # * of Publications
Polymers 6
Procedia CIRP 6
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 5
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 5
Key Engineering Materials 5
Materials 5
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series 5
Powder Technology 5
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 5
* Number of Publications.
After thoroughly examining their content, namely their abstract, keywords, table of
contents and main body, 222 papers were considered inadmissible on account of failing to
meet the subject criteria, thus resulting in 224 papers.
As for Google Scholar, since it includes scholarly articles from a wider variety of
sources compared to Scopus, keywords had to be more focused, so that results could be
controlled and manageable. Therefore, the keyword string used in this case was selected
to be the following: “(“Additive Manufacturing” AND “Circular Economy”)”. The initial
search of the query on documents’ full text yielded 1650 results. As opposed to Scopus,
Google Scholar only provides the option to search a query on a document’s title, a feature
embraced by the authors to limit the number of the results. After imposing the same
time frame criteria as before and rejecting document types deemed unreliable, such as
undergraduate dissertations, the sample from Google Scholar amounted to 451 results,
446 of which had already been retrieved in Scopus, ultimately diminishing the sample
to 5 publications. Overall, we were not able to retrieve the full text of 20 papers from
Scopus and 3 from Google Scholar, thereby decreasing the final sample size from both
bibliographic databases to 206 publications.
Figure 2 illustrates the number of publications over the selected time frame (1 January
2014–31 March 2020). It is remarkable that the first spark of notable scientific interest in
the field was observed in 2017, followed by an impetuous surge during the ensuing years.
In particular, publications seem to have almost tripled from 2017 to 2018, continued to
increase almost three and a half times during 2019 and are expected to almost quadruple
during 2020.
Next, the papers included in the sample of publications were extensively studied and
classified based on research subjects. AM and its interaction with, and contribution to, CE is
the core theme of the present study. For this reason, in an effort to classify the final sample
of publications into subject categories, the two thematic axes of “Additive Manufacturing”
and “Circular Economy” were divided into five smaller subcategories of interest, namely
(1) Additive Manufacturing Methods, (2) Additive Manufacturing Materials, (3) Recycling,
(4) Reuse and (5) Remanufacturing & Repair. It must be noted that initially, a sixth category
was used, so as to include publications which seemed relevant to the topic and contained
general information about the environment and CE; however, it was not clear into which
subject area they should be classified. Second, most papers can fall into more than one
category. Third, the classification was initially carried out by studying the papers’ abstracts.
Nevertheless, at a later stage, after examining each document’s full text, it was made clear
that they could be classified into more than one category. This is of course to be expected
when dealing with largely interrelated concepts. Last but not least, for the classification
to be achieved, further deliberations were conducted among the authors where necessary,
until unanimity was reached. With the aim of achieving unbiased results, the selected
publications were studied individually. The grouping decisions were then juxtaposed, in
order to discuss controversies and, eventually, eliminate them.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 5 of 28
Figure 3 illustrates the categorization of the 206 publications from the bibliographic
databases of Scopus and Google Scholar into the six forenamed thematic categories. As
displayed, “Additive Manufacturing Methods” has been studied by more than half of
the papers in our final sample (N = 119, 57.8%) as opposed to “Additive Manufacturing
Materials” (N = 26, 12.6%), which has been investigated to a less substantial degree.
Regarding the CE-oriented sub-categories, it is worth noting that “Recycling” is far and
away the most popular one, representing the research interest of exactly half of the papers in
our sample (N = 103, 50%), which is greater than twice the amount of papers in the “Reuse”
(N = 44, 21.4%) category and almost five times more papers (N = 22, 10.7%) compared
to “Remanufacturing & Repair”. It is worth mentioning that our systematic literature
review, the results of which will be presented in Section 4, focuses on the three CE-oriented
subcategories, namely “Recycling”, “Reuse” and “Remanufacturing & Repair” and how
they can be promoted by various “Additive Manufacturing Methods” and “Additive
Manufacturing Materials”.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 6 of 28
Figure 3. Classification of the 206 selected publications into six thematic categories.
Table 2. A comprehensive description of the core theme of reviews from Scopus (1 January 2014–31
March 2020).
References The Study Deals with . . .
The identification of the most significant hurdles in recycling
[14] N
efforts in Indonesia.
The clarification of the interaction between laser and metal
[18] Y
powder, with a strong focus on its side effects.
Friction stir processing in the modification of the cast structure,
[19] superplastic deformation behavior, preparation of fine-grained Y
Mg alloys and Mg-based surface composites, and AM.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 8 of 28
Table 2. Cont.
References The Study Deals with . . .
The classification of laser-based AM technologies, operational
principles of direct laser metal deposition, feedstock quality
[20] Y
requirements, material laser interaction mechanism, and
metallurgy of Ti-6AL-4V alloy.
Processing techniques used in recycling of thermoplastics
polymers with different types of reinforcements, especially for
[21] AM applications. It bridges the gaps for use of primary (1◦ ), Y
secondary (2◦ ), tertiary (3◦ ) and quaternary (4◦ ) routes as an
industrial processing standard with low cost AM technology.
The principles and capabilities offered by the existing metal
AM technology for object repair and restoration namely, direct
[22] Y
energy deposition, powder bed fusion, and cold
spray technology.
3D metal AM from an interdisciplinary perspective, providing
an overview on sustainability, basic principles, and a
[23] conceptual framework on environmental performance, implicit Y
constraints regarding materials, recycling and use/reuse tools
for extended life cycle.
The Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process and its role in
[24] Y
the repairing of metallic components.
The recycling techniques and evolution of resin-based
[15] N
thermosetting and thermoplastic carbon fibers.
How rising technologies from Industry 4.0 can be integrated
[25] with CE practices to establish a business model that reuses and Y
recycles wasted material such as scrap metal or e-waste.
The main policies that have motivated the transition to a CE
[26] Y
model and within this, to CO2 recycling.
The fundamental aspects of the production of polyurethane
foams (PUFs), the new challenges that the PUFs industry is
[27] Y
expected to confront regarding process methodologies in the
near future are outlined and some alternatives.
Recent trends, such as fast prototyping of reactors via 3D
[28] printing of flow channels, miniaturisation and use of Y
multi-physics modelling.
The sustainability of AM, the context of which is introduced,
[29] Y
with a focus on energy and environmental impacts.
Cation-exchange resins, micro and mesoporous acidic resins,
supported acidic ionic liquids, ionomeric membranes and the
[17] N
use of alternative organic polymer-based acidic catalysts
(hybrid systems).
The current progress of Metal AM feedstock and various
powder characteristics related to the Selective Laser Melting
[30] Y
process, with a focus on the influence of powder granulometry
on feedstock and final part properties.
Various recent sustainable manufacturing ideas applied in the
prominent sectors with an aim to either recycle/reuse the
[31] Y
discarded ones or to produce a fresh part in
eco-friendly manners.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 9 of 28
Table 2. Cont.
References The Study Deals with . . .
The design, chemistry and engineering aspects of the
[16] N
development of paper-based chemosensors and biosensors.
The advanced shape memory technology with a focus on
[32] Y
polymeric materials.
As for Google Scholar, after filtering the results to only include reviews, two new
entries were found. However, the review entitled “Plastic Recycling in Additive Manu-
facturing: A systematic literature review and opportunities for the circular economy” [33]
was rejected, since its date of publication (15 April 2020) is outside the predetermined
study period. Similarly to before, Table 3 provides a comprehensive description of the
main details of both reviews retrieved from Google Scholar.
Table 3. A comprehensive description of the core theme of reviews from Google Scholar (1 January
2014–31 March 2020).
Reference The Study Deals with . . .
The current advances on thermoplastic recycling processes via
[33] N
AM technologies.
The guidelines and parameters that can guide the paths to the
[34] Y
integration of AM with the concept of CE.
Additive Additive
Digitization-Industry Practical
References Manufacturing Sustainability Manufacturing
4.0 Applications
Methods Materials
[21] X X
[18] X X X
[20] X X
[19] X
[23] X X X
[25] X X
[22] X
[24] X X
[34] X
[27] X
[26] X X
[29] X X
[28] X
[31] X
[30] X X X
[32] X
# * of Publications 4 10 6 3 4
% 25% 62.5% 37.5% 18.75% 25%
* Number of Publications.
4.1. Recycling
As already mentioned, recycling takes place when a product can no longer serve
any function and would otherwise be disposed of as waste [39]. How 3D printing can
contribute to embracing the value of waste, after its collection and separation, is an issue
that is of interest to researchers, since AM is capable of being used as a recycling process,
exploiting materials made of recyclable components with both environmental and eco-
nomic advantages [40]. Logistically speaking, the successful implementation of recycling
systems is contingent upon the size and location of production facilities and new forms of
manufacturing, such as AM, have the potential to decentralize them, consequently increas-
ing overall flexibility, and reducing logistical costs and delivery times, while, at the same
time, diminishing environmental impacts [41,42]. Decentralized distributed manufacturing
techniques are becoming all the more common [43], providing excellent opportunities for
the development of local closed-loop recycling systems [44]. In this subsection, two aspects
of distributed manufacturing are investigated through the lens of AM: (1) Distributed recy-
cling and (2) Closed-loop supply chains, followed by efforts pertinent to the (3) Recycling
of different types of waste.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 12 of 28
as labor, environmental, safety, health and social standards, including the ones covering
discrimination, harassment, freedom of association, collective bargaining and discipline.
Theoretically, the adoption of the distributed recycling model is possible. Decentral-
ized recycling is capable of eliminating the barriers associated with conventional recycling,
mainly due to cost-effective open source technology, shorter distances and decreased
amounts of transportable plastic waste [42]. Nonetheless, it remains a thorny issue among
experts. On the one hand, it is alleged that consumers will turn to the most convenient
solution, namely the online purchase of AM products. On the other hand, others predict a
significant market opportunity for “consumer production”. In the final analysis, the future
most likely lies in a mix of both perspectives, determined by a plethora of constraints,
such as energy budgets, feedstock materials, design know-how and intricacy of assembly—
limitations which are already present in the manufacturing status quo, but will take a
different shape in the future [41].
PLA was then mixed with recycled PLA in different proportions, as a way to improve its
properties and upgrade the quality of the final product.
To sum up, at the end of their life cycle, products are collected as waste and then
separated to treat possible mixed or contaminated materials. The usable pieces are shredded
and then turned into feedstock for 3D printing and ultimately new products, the creation of
which thereby closes the material loop [38,46]. In this closed-loop paradigm, value is added
to waste, as it can contribute to the generation of new products as well as the reduction
of energy consumption and GHG emissions [46]. In short, closed-loop practices can be a
viable approach to waste management and the adoption of CE [60].
and hardness. The results demonstrated that the parts 3D printed with recycled material
exhibited mechanical properties similar to the parts 3D printed with virgin material, thus
promoting the adoption of this method for reducing consumed resources, energy, costs and
carbon dioxide emissions in 3D printing.
The authors of [44] used recycled plastic waste for 3D printing surface finishing
post-processing, as a means to repair defective surfaces, weld broken parts and enhance
the roughness and mechanical strength of objects in a sustainable way. Environmentally
speaking, this process returned at least 9% of the generated waste as input to production.
The authors of [70] conducted research on the synthesis of a new eco-polyol based on
PLA waste to be utilized for the production of foams used in various applications, such as
thermal insulation. The authors of [71] used recycled plastic bottles and containers as 3D
printing filament to manufacture low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). The filament
was made of at least 90% recycled material.
The authors of [48] proposed a methodology to evaluate the recyclability of thermo-
plastics used as feedstock for 3D printers, which then applied using recycled PLA for
FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication). The results of the experiments demonstrated excellent
prospects for the use of recycled material in open-source 3D printers. Still, it was con-
firmed that recycling deteriorates the mechanical properties and consequently the quality
of the final product. The authors of [72] examined various types of virgin and recycled
plastic (LDPE, HDPE, PET and PP) for the production of filament through a multi-criteria
decision-making process. The authors concluded that recycled PET exhibits better prop-
erties and performance than virgin PET, hence laying a solid foundation for its adoption
and use by AM as an alternative filament for 3D printing. Finally, the authors of [73]
analyzed the obstacles that arise in the recycling of plastic with regard to its subsequent
use in AM by conducting interviews with experts in the field. A total of 22 obstacles were
identified, which were classified into five general categories: technical, economic, social,
organizational and regulatory.
All in all, the plastics industry has demonstrated a wide spectrum of ways to exploit
discarded plastic items in many applications and fields [74]. However, more attention
should be paid to studying the variety of stages of the recycling process rather than just the
collection of plastic waste [46]. The most common procedure to treat plastic waste for 3D
printing is to crush it and cut it into small parts which are then extruded into a filament [75].
Another way to utilize plastic waste is to mix it with new material [59], even metal [76],
which has been proven to greatly improve the final product’s mechanical properties [59].
Unfortunately, every time a polymer is subjected to a thermal cycle in order to be recycled,
its mechanical properties deteriorate [55]. For instance, the tensile strength of recycled
materials is much lower than that of virgin materials [77]. This not only means that the
produced objects will not exhibit the expected strength, but also that their mechanical
properties will not be able to be recovered [78]. The deterioration of mechanical properties
can be attributed to thermomechanical reactions during reprocessing, the natural aging
of the material and the presence of additives [77]. In general, the same material can be
subjected to up to five recycling cycles without the need for further addition of virgin
material or other additives to ameliorate its mechanical properties [55].
from electronic waste and in particular printers at the end of their life cycle. The effects
of repeated recycling, up to four extrusion cycles, were studied. 3D printing using plastic
electronic waste has proven to be more flexible compared to virgin plastic, rendering
e-waste very suitable to be utilized in 3D printing [59].
The recycling of magnets containing expensive rare earth elements (REEs) has at-
tracted the attention of researchers, owing to potential disruptions in the supply of REEs.
The authors of [81] used Nd-Fe-B magnets to develop a magnet recycling process via
cryomilling and subsequent remanufacturing of the bonded magnets. The recycled magnet
demonstrated enhanced density and remanence compared to the starting bonded magnets.
The authors of [82] investigated the preparation of filament for 3D printing of bonded
magnets using recycled Sm-Co powder recovered from industrial grinding swarfs and
blended into PLA. It was shown that magnetic properties did not deteriorate, but instead
ameliorated, possibly as a consequence of reduced particle rotation when loading recycled
Sm-Co powder into PLA, compared to the original powder.
Rubber Tires
Only approximately 10% of discarded rubber tires are used for the creation of new
products, in spite of the fact that rubber powder is completely sustainable, as it is created
mechanically without releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere. The authors of [89]
focused on the use of elastomeric powder from end-of-life tire material in AM. Furthermore,
3D Printing with latex, as proved by the authors, does not affect the mechanical properties
of final products. However, it was concluded that it alters their thickness. In the same
context, the authors of [61] proved that it is possible to 3D print big parts, such as furniture,
made from a blend of 60% of tire waste granulate and 40% of recycled PP. Furthermore,
another solution to the recycling of discarded tires is the production of ground tire rubber
for 3D printing, which can generate both environmental and economic advantages, since
its use as filler in other materials is able to reduce manufacturing costs [40].
Taking everything into account, various research efforts have been conducted with
respect to recycling supported by AM in the context of CE, in the form of distributed
manufacturing, presenting a plethora of economic and environmental incentives. The
adoption of a distributed recycling model—despite it being a subject of contention among
experts—and closed-loop supply chain models have been proven to be radical approaches
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 17 of 28
4.2. Reuse
4.2.1. Reuse after Recycling
An important issue which must be taken into account when it comes to designing
products is their subsequent disposal, explored under the lens of recycling and reuse. In
other words, material selection in product design should be guided by its added value
as waste for its subsequent use as feedstock for the manufacture of new products [41].
The more AM becomes acknowledged, the more powder is needed as raw material, thus
highlighting the need for its recycling and reuse [90]. In fact, the production of parts
made of recycled metal powder using AM methods is an emerging process that growingly
attracts scientific interest [91]. Approximately 80–90%, according to the authors of [92],
or even up to 95–97%, according to the authors of [93], of used powder does not melt
during 3D printing and can be reused, which shows enormous potential for resource
efficiency [91,93–96], rendering material waste a sustainable resource, with added value
for AM [95,97].
Although the recycling of metal powder for AM is of paramount significance to the
reduction of costs, processing time, energy consumption and material waste [91], the main
question lies in how it affects powder quality and consequently the properties of final
products [78]. Ideally, unused powder could be recycled and reused countless times [73].
However, its morphology, mechanical performance and composition change with each
cycle of recycling, and material quality deteriorates [91,98] due to increases in the molecular
weight of the residue [73,92,98]. This is because the repeated oxidation of recycled powder
changes particle size distribution and the powder becomes thinner. Therefore, the indicated
number of recycles is limited [91] so as not to jeopardize the quality of final products and,
therefore, the reliability of AM [90]. There is a broad spectrum of studies in the literature
presenting a variety of recycling strategies, where the same powder is used repeatedly
from 5 to over 30 times [91].
There are multiple ways to recycle waste powder and, hence, bring economic benefits,
as it is a less costly process than the supply of virgin raw material [90]. Since low-quality
powder might affect final products, techniques to maintain its quality throughout its life are
required [73,91]. Waste powder can be refreshed with virgin unused powder [99] at a rate
of at least 30–50% [73,92,100,101], and thus reused for a few more times for the manufacture
of high quality products [73] before it becomes waste with no way of recovery [100]. In
the literature, this process of recycling and reusing waste powder from AM processes to
subsequent ones has been extensively studied, aiming to reduce the energy footprint and
maximize economic performance, always guided towards the adoption of a CE model
where waste is not discarded but utilized in new production processes [90].
The authors of [102] investigated the effects of reusing Ti-6Al-4V ELI powder before
and during the printing process, and evaluated the impact of reuse times on the tensile
properties of solid SLM (Selective Lase Melting) material. The authors concluded that
powder flowability ameliorated as reuse times increased while, after 31 reuse cycles, it
was observed that its tensile strength slightly increased. Ti-6Al-4V powder was also the
focus of [20], in which the possibility of its reuse in aerospace applications was explored.
The authors of [99] compared the characteristics of virgin and recycled powders followed
by the corresponding items produced in industrial systems. The authors of [103], after
10 successful reuses of 17-4 PH stainless steel powder, observed no significant changes in
the chemical composition and crystallographic phases between the virgin and recycled
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 18 of 28
powder. These results can be generalized to cover all metal-based AM methods. The
authors of [104] also examined 17-4PH powder employed in the SLM process—in terms
of morphology, chemical composition and microstructure—in three different states: (1)
virgin state, (2) after recycling 10 times and (3) after recycling 20 times. The purpose of
this study was to detect changes in powder properties in order to determine the maximum
number of reuse cycles for optimal performance. The results indicated major changes in
the powder after 20 reuses that could detrimentally impact the mechanical properties of
final products, leading the authors to recommend that reuse cycles should be conducted in
a controlled manner.
The authors of [96] concentrated on 304L steel powder that was recycled and reused
seven times in the L-PBF (Laser Powder Bed Fusion) process to examine the differences
between virgin and heat-affected powder formed during processing. They proved that
the powder changes morphologically, chemically and microstructurally with repeated
reuse. The authors of [105] studied 316L steel powder, concluding that it can be reused for
multiple builds with minimal differences in the mechanical properties of final products.
Similarly, the authors of [94] carried out a thorough characterization on the surface and
microstructure of both virgin and recycled stainless steel 316 L powders employed in
the SLM process. The results divulged that changes are not notable, thus promoting
the reusability of recycled powders for several cycles. The authors of [106] developed a
simplified method for evaluating changes in the morphology, composition and flowability
of powder used in the SLM process. They inferred—by comparing powders commonly
used in AM—that, due to their low density, lightweight alloys are most affected by reuse. In
particular, AlSi10Mg was proven to be the most sensitive to reuse, followed by Inconel 718.
On the contrary, Ti6Al4V was the least affected by reuse. The authors of [78] also examined
Ti6Al4V alloy samples produced by EBM (Electron Beam Melting), the recycling of which
turned out to adversely influence the lifespan of the final product, compared to the same
product made of virgin powder. The authors of [107] studied and compared two types of
metal powder used in the PBF process, based on their rheological properties; recycled FS
316L and virgin MetcoAddTM 316L-A powder. They confirmed that mixing both powders
results in a high-quality raw material for reuse. The authors of [108] examined the surface
alterations in virgin and reused Alloy 718 powders during the EBM process. The authors
of [109] developed an environmentally friendly and reusable metal ink for the 3D printing
of very dense metallic structures. The metallic ink consists of steel micro powders, a
biodegradable polymer called chitosan, acetic acid and deionized water. It can be used for
the low-cost production of metallic structures and then reused.
The authors of [110] focused on the recycling of Polyamide 12 (PA12) powder after
SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) and its reuse as filament for FDM. The properties and
performance of recycled PA12 are similar to those of virgin PA12, so it can be successfully
used in the FDM method, bringing about a twofold advantage. Not only does it tackle
the issue of SLS waste but it also—given its low cost—diminishes the cost of molten
deposition molding, hence benefiting the 3D printing industry as a whole. Still, the authors
of [111] proposed a more general methodology model for this process which is described
as follows: To begin with, due to the thermomechanical cycles the powder has undergone,
it has to be analyzed to find out its melting and crystallization points. With the aim of
improving its mechanical properties, the use of ceramic or metal additives is necessitated,
whereas, to enhance its plasticity, plasticizers or other additives should be employed. This
mix of materials then needs to be tested to confirm or refute its ability to be used in the
development of filament for FDM. In case that discrepancies in properties between recycled
and virgin filament are recognized, the former must be modified accordingly with various
additives in order for it to be usable. From an economic perspective, the use of recycled
powder was proven to be more profitable.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 19 of 28
The authors of [112] evaluated the possibility of reusing heat-exposed PET powder,
proving that when exposed to print bed temperatures for approximately one hundred
hours, it can be reused without refreshing it with virgin powder. On the contrary, PA12
powder, even when exposed for just one hour, showed a rapid increase in its molecular
weight, which significantly affected its rheology and melt flow. Therefore, PA12 powder
needs to be refreshed with virgin powder at a rate of 30–70%. The same results were found
in [113], which demonstrated that recycled PET powder is fit to be used in FFF printing,
as long as the material is thoroughly cleaned and dried. The authors of [101] examined
nylon and indicated that it can be successfully reused without compromising the quality of
final products.
directly from end-of-life parts. This strategy makes full use of resources, reduces waste
production and energy consumption and, hence, helps alleviate environmental impacts.
The authors of [115] developed a project called EDUCABOT3D in order to raise awareness
in high school students about e-waste with the support of AM. A mobile robot chassis
was modeled using two ways of control between sensors and actuators, one with a rapid
prototyping board and another one assembled with components of obsolete electronic
devices in a printed circuit board. The authors of [116] also conducted in-depth research
on waste reuse without recycling. “Project RE_” explores AM as a “do-it-yourself” tool for
the reuse of end-of-life products. For instance, used cans and jars were transformed into
pencil holders or piggy banks through the addition of customized lids.
In summary, powder reuse—after or without recycling—appears as an extremely use-
ful practice, promoting the sustainability, quality and cost-effectiveness of parts. However,
powders of different materials can be affected in different ways depending on a plethora of
factors. These factors include the number of recycles prior to reuse, the rate of refreshment
with virgin powder, the AM process employed, material properties, experimental condi-
tions, etc., giving the space to explore a multitude of scenarios, which is a necessary step
towards the optimization of the process. Moreover, the limited number of publications on
reuse without recycling reflects the need for additional research on the matter, given its
potential to dispense businesses—whenever possible—from the cost of recycling as well as
to provide resource efficiency.
4.3.2. Repair
The implementation of effective production techniques designed to extend a product’s
lifespan through repair is a topic that has been of great concern to researchers [23,116], and
although AM has been generally used for prototyping, its use for repair, especially through
the 3D printing of spare parts, is increasing rapidly [123]. The key difference between
repair and remanufacturing lies in the fact that in order to repair a part, the issue causing its
failure would have to be recognized and then repaired, whereas in remanufacturing, that
part would have to undergo diverse processes and end up indiscernible from a new one,
meaning that it would essentially restart its lifecycle [124]. While conventional processes
necessitate the manual reparation of a component and then it’s attachment to the broken
part, AM can directly build-up in the position of the broken part layer by layer [125,126].
The ability to immediately repair an item instead of dumping it in a landfill actively
combats waste generation and resource depletion [123], thus promoting CE principles.
Of the different AM techniques, only three are applied for repair, namely DED, FDM
and PBF [22]. In [22], each of the three AM methods used for repair was meticulously
analyzed. Laser Cladding (LC), which is commonly used in the application of DED, is
able to repair damaged parts—even in the case of wide solid constructions—or cracks by
applying material on the damaged surface. It is worth noting that geometrical complexity
remains a major challenge in this process. FDM is used to create new parts and fit to
replace damaged ones, considering that it might be more advantageous for a part to be
self-produced by the user instead of ordered from the manufacturer, especially for parts no
longer available for purchase. Last but not least, PBF—in contrast to the aforementioned
two methods—requires the object surface to be flat and parallel to the platform previous to
the repair process. The authors of [127] analyzed a polymerization strategy to develop 3D
printing reprocessable thermosets allowing users to convert a printed 3D structure into a
new shape, repair a broken part by simply 3D printing new material onto the damaged site
and recycle unwanted printed parts so that the material can be reused. With conventional
thermosetting 3D printing materials, when a part is broken, it is not able to be repaired
since its chemically crosslinked networks are permanently damaged. However, with this
approach, printed parts are repairable through thermally activated self-healing.
The authors of [128] compared the environmental ramifications of conventional and
LBM-based manufacturing through a case study for the repair of a gas turbine burner.
Contrary to the conventional repair process, only a low percentage of material needs to be
removed and turned into scrap through the AM repair process, thus preventing additional
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 22 of 28
material waste. The work presented in [44] deals with 3D printing surface finishing post-
processing with the use of recycled plastic waste. In this study, the proposed process
was performed on four types of surface defects, i.e., (1) warping holes, (2) skip layers or
intermittent deposition, (3) stair effect gaps and (4) excessive air gap, using plastic paste
made of recycled FDM waste. This method makes it possible to substantially reduce the
use of support materials, hence directly promoting waste recycling and indirectly reducing
waste generation. The authors of [129] described a project in which secondary raw materials
are reused for the repair of vending machines for beverage containers (internal aluminum
structures and 3D printed plastic parts).
As a final note, a key parameter in complying with CE criteria is optimizing part design
and guiding it towards easy maintenance, repair and restoration, i.e., ease of assembly and
disassembly, consideration of the degree to which the component can be repaired by the
user himself/herself, etc. [41]. A way to facilitate this orientation process is by making
a technological leap through the creation of digital databases where spare part designs
are stored and utilized at all times for various functions of the supply chain [23]. Digital
storages of spare part designs allow direct exchange of information for their production
and custom repair, thereby enabling the production of spare parts on-demand, fast repair
and the reduction of required storage capacity for inventory to a minimum [116].
In summation, the superiority of remanufacturing—in terms of energy expenditure
and material utilization—against conventional landfilling and recycling processes renders
it a prominent practice for the treatment of end-of-life products. At the same time, it
triggers the need for more research on the issue, with an emphasis on the application of
information and technology as well as innovations, not only allowing the optimization of
the products’ upgrade, restoration and repair, but also assisting the operation of the entire
supply chain.
5. Conclusions
The research presented in this paper aims to contribute to the structure of the scientific
field residing in the intersection of AM and CE by determining the status of its current
state-of-the-art, proposing an initial typology of existing research efforts, identifying re-
search gaps and highlighting areas with a significant potential for added-value future
research and applications. In this direction, a classification of 206 publications from the
bibliographic databases of Scopus and Google Scholar was conducted, into six thematic
categories. The main subject directions identified in our sample concentrate on “Additive
Manufacturing Methods”, “Additive Manufacturing Materials”, “Recycling”, “Reuse”
and “Remanufacturing & Repair”. The most popular ones gravitate towards “Additive
Manufacturing Methods” and “Recycling”, each representing the topics of at least half of
the papers in our sample. On the contrary, “Additive Manufacturing Materials”, “Reuse”
and “Remanufacturing & Repair” account for an eighth, fifth and tenth of the selected
publications, respectively: a lack underlining the need for more emphasis on these subjects
in the future, especially remanufacturing, which, as described in the literature review, is
environmentally friendlier than recycling and, therefore, has strong potential benefits for
sustainable manufacturing. Attention should also be paid to reusing, especially without
recycling, given the limited efforts carried out on the matter. In terms of AM materials,
plastic, metal, e-waste, magnets, glass, sand, concrete and rubber tires—in descending
order from the most to the least studied—were identified in the literature.
Before conducting our systematic literature review, the authors needed to assess
relevant antecedent reviews, for the purpose of which a second data collection process
ensued. The selected reviews were categorized based on their subject and type according
to the typology proposed by the authors of [36]. The subject categories identified in our
review sample were the following: “Sustainability”, “Additive Manufacturing Materials”,
“Additive Manufacturing Methods”, “Practical Applications” and “Digitization-Industry
4.0”. The vast majority of the reviews focus on recycling, reuse, remanufacturing and repair;
in other words, they are related to sustainability issues, whereas AM materials, methods
Sustainability 2021, 13, 6007 23 of 28
and practical applications have been investigated to a lesser extent. The application of
modern digitized technologies and the study of their capabilities have been the least
reviewed research directions. This lack is justifiable due to the recent advent of Industry
4.0, but necessitates further research in the future, since the digitalization of AM via the
integration of “smart” technological innovations and production systems is expected to play
an essential role in revolutionizing the industry by reducing overall costs and increasing
quality and efficiency. The primary review types identified in our sample turned out to
be four, i.e., systematic, quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods reviews. Qualitative
reviews have been the most common ones, as opposed to systematic reviews, the lack of
which, although addressed by the present paper, is fairly alarming, alerting to the need for
more pertinent efforts in the years to come.
Furthermore, in this systematic literature review, three key controversial research
topics were identified for future development of the field. First, the extent to which
distributed recycling will be adopted, as stated in our review, remains an equivocal issue
among experts [41]. Therefore, future research should focus on the examination of various
scenarios in which both domestic and globalized manufacturing are implemented to
different extents, based on the respective needs and circumstances, with a view to achieving
“the best of both worlds”. Second, again, with regard to recycling, additional emphasis
should be paid to the effects of thermal cycles on product mechanical properties during
the various recycling stages. Last but not least, our final remark concerns the limited
reuse of recycled powder, despite the reduced filament costs entailed [103], due to its
potentially reduced quality. This illustrates the need for a more thorough analysis of
powder properties, which will allow the assessment of its quality before deciding whether
to reject or reuse it. At the same time, a multitude of other factors, including the number of
recycles prior to reuse, the rate of refreshment with virgin powder, the type of AM process,
experimental conditions, etc., should also be studied more extensively, a necessary step
towards the performance improvement of the process. Finally, it must be noted that this
study, despite its value, is not devoid of limitations. For instance, a plethora of papers were
rejected due to non-abidance by the inclusion criteria, which were subjectively selected
by the authors, as described in the methodology section. Nonetheless, the full texts of the
final sample of 206 papers were thoroughly studied by all authors individually, who then
discussed ambiguities until agreement was reached and papers were cautiously classified
into categories before being analysed.
Author Contributions: All of the authors contributed to the conceptualization and design of research,
methodology, data gathering, writing, editing and proofreading of the original draft. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The present work is co-funded by the European Union and Greek national funds through
the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK), under the
call “RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE” (project code: T1E∆K-05095 and Acronym: TRACKPLAST).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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