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Pipeline Engineering: Dept. Elective

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Pipeline Engineering

Dept. elective

Dr. Siddhant Kumar Prasad

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Petroleum Engineering and Geoengineering,

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology,
Jais, Amethi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Lecture 5 recap

1. Series, parallel, looped lines gas flow

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Gas flow over hilly terrain

Often, transmission lines have to cross uneven terrain, so they deviate from horizontal

The height difference from the inlet to outlet is considered in the calculations (Also
known as static corrections.
0.375γg ∆z
Outlet pressure is corrected Po′ = es/2 Po s=
zav Tav

𝐓𝐬𝐜 𝐏𝟏𝟐 − 𝐬 𝟐
𝐞 𝐏𝟐 𝐝 𝟑
𝐪𝐬𝐜 = 𝟑𝟏. 𝟓𝟎𝟐𝟕
𝐏𝐬𝐜 𝛄𝐠 𝐙𝐚𝐯 𝐓𝐚𝐯 𝐋
Multiphase flow

Generally, multiphase flow takes place, starting from wellbore to GGS.

Flow regimes in multiphase flow: Various flow regime differ with the gas flow rate for a
given liquid flow rate.

Superficial velocity is an
artificial velocity which is
Flow regimes for calculated as if only one fluid
horizontal pipes is present in a given cross
sectional area

vs =

q is the volumetric flow rate

and A is the cross-sectional

Multiphase flow
Bubble flow: In bubble flow, gas phase is dispersed in the form of small bubbles in a
continuous liquid phase. The bubbles travel with a complex motion within the flow, may
be coalescing and are generally of non-uniform size (At very low gas-liquid ratios)

Dispersed bubble flow Elongated bubble flow

Slug flow: In slug flow, gas bubbles coalesce into larger bubbles that eventually fill the
entire pipe cross-section. Between the large bubbles are slugs of liquid that contain
smaller bubbles of entrained gas. (At gas-liquid ratio higher than bubble flow)

Slug flow
Multiphase flow
Stratified flow: In stratified flow, gas-liquid ratio increases further, and this leads to
elongation of plugs. Finally, the gas and liquid phases separate, and this leads to
separation or stratification of gas and liquid phases.

Stratified flow

Wavy flow: In wavy flow, gas velocity increases and gas-liquid interface becomes
wavy. At higher gas-liquid ratios the height (crest) of these waves increases eventually
touching the pipe wall. These can extend to hundreds of feet long.

Stratified wavy flow

Multiphase flow
Annular flow: In annular flow, gas-liquid ratio increases again, this may impart a
centrifugal motion to liquid phase. The gas phase become continuous at core or center
and liquid occupies the annular region.

Annular flow

Mist flow: In extremely high gas-liquid ratios, liquid is dispersed in the gas phase.

Multiphase flow
Liquid holdup: Due to differences in density, superficial velocities, and flow regime,
liquid slips down and is held up in the pipe relative to lighter gas phase and occupies of
volume fraction of the pipe.
yL =
vL is the liquid phase volume ft3, V is the pipe segment volume ft3

Slippage of gas over the liquid is responsible for energy transfer across the interface
between phases. Liquid holdup is an important parameter in multiphase flow situations.
Liquid hold up is affected positively by superficial velocities, pipeline cross section, and
viscosity. Its negative consequence is the increased pressure drop in the system. On the
other hand it is impacted negatively by P, T, and velocity.

One way to calculate liquid hold up in horizontal pipelines is by using Flanigan correlation.

9/28/2023 Xiao, R., Li, K., Sun, L., Zhao, J., Xing, P., & Wang, H. (2020). The Prediction of liquid holdup in horizontal pipe with BP neural 8
network. Energy Science & Engineering, 8(6), 2159-2168.
Multiphase flow

Some models/correlations are given for pressure drop calculations in two phase flow.

1. Homogenous flow models (both phases have same velocity and mix well so it can be
treated as one phase, ignores liquid holdup, usually less accurate) – Poettmann
Carpenter model
2. Separated flow models (both phases have different velocities, thus slippage occurs) –
a) Lockhart Martinelli correlation – Considers various flow regimes for both the

b) Bertuzzi, Tek, and Poettman – (It is a graphical method, advantageous because of

relative independence of the flow pattern and ease of application)

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Multiphase flow

1. Lockhart Martinelli correlation for 2 phase pressure drop

i. Horizontal pipe 2 phase flow (liquid and gas)
ii. Needs superficial velocities of both liquid and gas phase
iii.Simple and quick but less accurate

∆Ptwo phase = ∅2L ∆Psingle phase liquid = ∅2g ∆Psingle phase gas ∅  Multiplier
2 ∆Psingle phase liquid
Lockhart Martinelli parameter ψ = 2=
∅g ∆Psingle phase gas

Liquid Gas C
C 1
∅2L = 1 + + Turbulent Turbulent 20
ψ ψ2 C is a empirical constant
Laminar Turbulent 12
∅2g = 1 + Cψ + ψ2
Turbulent Laminar 10
Laminar Laminar 5
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Multiphase flow
Steps to solve for 2 phase pressure drop

1. Calculate mixture density (ρmixture) and flow rates (qmixture)

2. Calculate the flow rates and the superficial velocities of individual phases.
3. Calculate Reynolds number (Nre) and friction factor
4. Calculate the pressure drop for both phases (∆Psingle phase liquid and ∆Psingle phase gas )
∆Psingle phase liquid
5. Calculate ψ2 =
∆Psingle phase gas

C 1
6. Calculate ∅2L = 1 + + ; ∅2g = 1 + Cψ + ψ2
ψ ψ2
7. Calculate ∆Ptwo phase = ∅2L ∆Psingle phase liquid = ∅2g ∆Psingle phase gas

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Multiphase flow
Q. A pipeline is of 1000 mts in length and 0.05 mts of ID. Volume fraction of air is 45%
and two-phase mass flow rate is 10 kg/s. Given below are water and gas properties

ρgas = 1.2 kg/m3 ; μgas = 1.7 × 10−5 kg/m-s

ρwater = 1000 kg/m3 ; μwater = 10−3 kg/m-s

Calculate the 2-phase flow pressure drop.

2. Bertuzzi, Tek, and Poettmann correlation for 2 phase pressure drop

i. Graphical method to calculate 2 phase pressure gradients
ii. Empirical correlations developed from 267 experimental data sets
iii.Considers viscosity, density, gas oil ratio
iv. Simple and relatively independent of the flow pattern.
v. A separate graph is used to correct the calculated pressure gradient
vi. Upto 100 psi pressures. For higher pressures, more field data is needed.

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Multiphase flow
Terms in Bertuzzi, Tek, and Poettmann correlation for 2 phase pressure drop

Q  Flow rate (bbl/d) Gas liquid ratio

M  Mass (lb/bbl) M = 5.61 ∗ 62.4 ∗ γL + 0.0764 ∗ γg ∗ R
M Specific gravity
𝛒  Density (lb/ft3) ρ=

Psc Tavg 𝑍
𝐕𝐦  Mixture volume Vm = 5.61 + (R)
Gas solubility at P
Psc Tavg 𝑍 (ft3/bbl)
Vm = 5.61F + (R − S)

Some other terms Liquid volume at P to that at standard conditions(ft3/bbl)

K 1 r = 0.12a s = 0.12b
γg a= b=
K = 0.000219 K+1 e0.1K
γg μrg μsL
γL ρ
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Multiphase flow
Steps or flow
1. Q (bbl/d) is given in the problem
2. M (lb/bbl) is calculated from M = 5.61 ∗ 62.4 ∗ γL + 0.0764 ∗ γg ∗ R
3. Find out QM and where d is inside diameter in inches

4. Find out R

5. At assumed P value calculate z factor

5. Find out Vm and ρ =

μrg μsL
6. Find out ρ . Since these values depend on pressure, it is better to calculate
the expression for a range of pressure

7. Refer to graphs in next slides

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D 𝜇𝑔𝑟 𝜇𝐿𝑠


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D 𝜇𝑔𝑟 𝜇𝐿𝑠


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Multiply this correction

factor with

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Multiphase flow


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Next class: Compressors and power requirements

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