Predicting Schizophrenia From Astrological Perspectives
Predicting Schizophrenia From Astrological Perspectives
Predicting Schizophrenia From Astrological Perspectives
Materials and Methods: This is a Pilot study. Time, date and place of birth were
collected from 60 patients who were diagnosed to be having schizophrenia. For control
group the data of 60 healthy participants has been collected. After analysing their birth
charts, afflictions on account of Moon-Mercury association and Nodal afflictions to
Ascendant, Moon and 4th house/lord from either of them have been determined.
Afflictions in the charts of patients and of healthy subjects have been compared by
doing Chi-square/ Fisher Exact test.
Results: After doing Chi-square/ Fisher Exact test, statistically significant association
is found for afflictions due to Moon–Mercury association and Nodal afflictions with
p<0.050 and p=0.001 respectively. The odds ratio is 2.74 and 4.09 for the afflictions due
to Moon–Mercury association and Nodal afflictions respectively which indicates that
people with these afflictions are 2.74 and 4.09 times more, respectively, prone to
develop Schizophrenia than others.
Carl Jung stressed the importance of astrology in his letters to Sigmund Freud 4. Jung
explained signs of the zodiac as character pictures. In other words “libido symbols
which depict the typical qualities of the libido at a given moment”. In his letters to
B.V.Raman he explained the significance of horoscope in analysing complications in
characters and diagnostic difficulties in his Psycholology practice. He also expressed
that statistical method through which certain fundamental facts could be scientifically
established, is being missed in astrological literature5.
This was a double blind ( researcher/ astrologer did not meet the participant;
participant did not know why the data is being collected at the time of registration) two
Sixty healthy participants, admitted during the same period to the department of
promotion of positive health, formed the control group. About 23% of people with
schizophrenia experience their first episode after the age of 406. Hence for control group
people above 45 years were selected. Telephone calls were made to all the care takers
of schizophrenia cases and the volunteers of control group to confirm the information
regarding the date, time and place of birth. Birth charts of selected cases were
Exclusion criteria
i) Incomplete files.
ii) Those cases whose information in the registration form regarding the time, date and
palce of birth could not be confirmed by telephonic checking.
iii) Those files which did not satisfy DSM IV criteria due to unclear history.
v)Those cases that had associated psychiatric conditions such as alcoholism, drug
vi) Those cases that had associated chronic diseases such as chronic renal disease,
C.O.P.D(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ), diabetes with complications etc.
Birth charts of patients and of healthy subjects were analyzed by using astrology
software and afflictions due to Moon - Mercury association and Nodal afflictions to the
Ascendant, Moon and to the fourth house/lord from either of them were determined .
Affliction criteria:
2. Hallucinations and delusions come under Rahu. Rahu and Ketu have blurring effect
on the planets involved and on their significations7(p149).
Nodal afflictions to Moon, the natural significator of mind and Ascendant which rules
physical senses and fourth house/lord from either of them, which rules mind, have
been determined7(p162).
Four groups: Based on afflictions, four groups were identified among patients and
healthy subjects.
(i) No affliction
(iii) Nodal afflictions to Moon, Ascendant and 4th house/lord from either of them.
Nodal afflictions to Ascendant, Moon and fourth house, from either of them, are called
direct afflictions and afflictions to their lords are called indirect afflictions. The following
afflictions include both direct and indirect afflictions.
Five types of Nodal afflictions: Based on afflictions from Rahu and Ketu five types of
nodal afflictions were identified, among patients and healthy subjects, as follows:
(i) If the Moon is with Rahu or Ketu and the 4th house from the Ascendant or the Moon
sign also has Nodal afflictions.
(ii)If the Moon is in a Nodal constellation (Nakshatra) with Rahu or Ketu and the fourth
house from the Ascendant or the Moon sign also has a Nodal affliction .
(iii)If the Moon is in a Nodal constellation (Nakshtra) and the fourth from the Ascendant
or the Moon sign also has Nodal affliction.
(iv) If the Ascendant has Nodal affliction along with afflictions to the fourth house from
the Moon sign or from the Ascendant by Nodes.
(V) If Moon is with Rahu and Ketu and Ascendant or its lord has Nodal affliction.
But if either Jupiter itself or Ascendant / Moon aspected by Jupiter are afflicted by
Rahu-Ketu , Jupiter is not able to protect people from schizophrenia and several
patients are having such combinations.
Statistical Analysis: Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis has been carried out
in the present study. Results on continuous measurements are presented in Mean SD
(Min-Max) and results on categorical measurements are presented in Number (%).
Significance is assessed at 5 % level of significance. Chi-square/ Fisher Exact test has
been used to find the significance of study parameters on categorical scale between two
or more groups. Odds Ratio has been used to find the strength of association.
Characteristics of the Sample: Mean age of the patients participated in this study is
33.90 ± 9.23. Mean age of control group is 54.12 ± 8.01. Out of 60 patients who
participated in this study 43.3% are female patients and 56.7% are male patients. Out of
60 healthy subjects 48.3% are female participants and 51.7% are male participants.
Bar Diagram1:
Bar Diagram 2:
After doing Chi-square/ Fisher Exact test, statistically significant association is found
for afflictions of Moon-Mercury association and Nodal afflictions, with p<0.050 and
p=0.001 respectively. These findings explain that people with Moon-Mercury association
and Nodal afflictions are more prone to develop schizophrenia. The odds ratio is 2.74
and 4.09 for the afflictions of Moon –Mercury association and Nodes respectively which
indicates that people with these afflictions are 2.74 and 4.09 times more, respectively,
prone to develop schizophrenia than others.
Bar diagram 1 is illustrating that Nodal afflictions are significantly more common in
patients than afflictions from Moon-Mercury association.
Bar diagram 2 is illustrating that Type 4 Nodal affliction is significantly more common
among patients. It supports the statement that Ascendant, (Thanurbhava) plays a vital
role in determining health8. Bar diagram 2 is also illustrating that Type 3 Nodal
afflictions are more common in healthy people than patients. Thus, when Moon is in the
Nakshatra of Rahu/Ketu, it may or may not cause schizophrenia. Therefore Moon’s
placement with Nodes is more dangerous than Moon’s location in their Nakshatra.
If persons with the above planetary combinations develop prodromal symptoms like
social withdrawal, hostility or suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism, strange
thoughts etc. through intervention techniques like family support , social support and
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotic episode can be prevented or delayed.
We can also preserve psycho social skills and rapid recovery can be achieved.
This study proves that the birth chart analysis plays an important role in detecting high
risk individuals. Astrological risk factors should be considered along with other risk
indicators like Psychosis –Proness scales and prospective studies are invited to prove
the predictive value of astrology and to utilize its immense health benefits.
Chart 1:
Su Ve 13.52
Rasi 1 Ma 2.27
Ra 4.21
Ju R
Sa R
As 3.26
In chart 1 Moon is in the nodal constellation along with nodes and fourth house from the Lagna
lord (Venus) is having Nodal afflictions, fulfilling criteria for Type II Nodal affliction.
Su Ma Ve JuR
Navamsa 1
Mo As
SaR Ke
Date of Birth:30-10-1982
Balance of Dasa at the time of Birth : 7years and 7months of Saturn Dasa.
Mo Ra 12.34
Rasi 2
Ke As08.01 Sa 2.54 Me
12.34 29.54
5.00 Su 12.43
In Chart 2 Lagna lord Mars has Nodal affliction along with afflictions to the fourth house from
Moon sign by Nodes, fulfilling the criteria for Type - 4 Nodal affliction. This chart is also having
Moon Mercury opposition afflicting 5th house from the ascendant.
Ve Navamsa 2
Mo As
Sa Me
Ke 24.50
As 23.57
Rasi 3
SaR 08.31 Ve R
Ma 23.55
Ra 24.50 Mo 4.06
In chart 3 Ascendant has Nodal affliction along with afflictions to the fourth house from the Moon
sign by Nodes, fulfilling the criteria for Type - 4 Nodal affliction.
Sa R As
Ju Ke
Mo VeR
Su MeR
Navamsa 3
Dasa balance at the time of birth : 5 Years and 1month of SUN DASA
Ra27.12 Mo 28.33
Rasi 4
Ma 12.37
As 13.34
Ra Ma VeR Me
Navamsa 4
Mo Sa Su Ke
Dasa balance at the time of birth : 1 Year and 4months of Mercury Dasa.
As 13.46
Ke 26.27
Rasi 5 Mo28.56
Ra 26.27
Ju R 10.34
In chart 5 Moon which is also Lagna lord is with Rahu and Ketu in the Ascendant fulfilling
criteria for Type -5 Nodal affliction.
Here Ascendant and Moon are associated with Rahu-Ketu. Therefore though they are
aspected by Jupiter, it is not able to protect this patient from schizophrenia .
Me R
Navamsa 5
Sa Ra
Ve As JuR Su