BiomeViewer StudentWS App
BiomeViewer StudentWS App
BiomeViewer StudentWS App
This worksheet is designed to familiarize you with the many features found in BiomeViewer.
2. Share the data you collected with your classmates and complete Table 1 as others share their data. Pick just
one representative location for each biome.
3. Based on the completed table, do an “I see, I think, I wonder” activity by completing Table 2.
4. Change the view to a flat map and turn on the gridlines. Click on the Sahara Desert near the Tropic of
Cancer. Click “compare” and select the tropical rain forest biome in Southeast Asia at about the same
latitude. Then, answer the following questions:
c. Think about the difference or similarity in species richness between these two biomes. What could
account for this difference or similarity?
The similarities of species richness between two biomes are that they both have mammals, and
reptiles. But according to the top species richness for each biome part b, we can notice that
they have big difference. We can expect that becasue the tropical forest has enough amount of
light and water, and soil, which is very important sources for organsims, it has big amounts. But
on the other hand, Desert has less species. We can expect about this statement that becasue
Desert has less water then tropical forest which is very dry, but tropical forest is wet. The word
‘dry’ defines to less water. These could be the reasons why they have big differences between
the amounts of speices richness. Furthermore, there are more amphibians for rainforest biome,
by this, we can know that rainforest is very wet
a. Select the point in your biome with the highest level of human disturbance. List the Anthromes at this
location for each of these years:
1700: _________________________
1800: _________________________
1900: _________________________
2000: _________________________
b. Briefly summarize how humans have impacted the environment at this location over time.
I think beacsue of deforestation that could impacted the environment .
Anthrome (year 2000): _______________________
Species Richness: ________________
# Species NOT listed as “Least Concern”: ___________
d. Now select the point in your biome with the lowest level of human disturbance. Ideally, it should be a
wilderness area, but as close as possible to the last location. Record the following:
Anthrome: _______________________
Species Richness: ________________
# Species NOT listed as “Least Concern”: ___________
e. Summarize the differences in species richness and IUCN status of species between the two locations.
Make a claim for how human disturbance could have impacted biodiversity in your biome. Support your
claim with evidence.
For the less human distribance area, it has more bigger least concern, and it has less least
concern for wildland. (Higher human distribance)