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Pita House Report

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Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER NO 1 ............................................................................................................................ 11
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Introduction: ........................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER NO 2 ............................................................................................................................ 13
RESEARCH.................................................................................................................................... 13
Literature Review: ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.1 Existing Systems: ................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Comparison ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Alternatives: ........................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Specifics: ................................................................................................................................ 17
2.4 Other: ...................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER NO 3 ............................................................................................................................ 19
REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................ 19
3.1 User Requirements: ................................................................................................................ 20
3.1.1 Requirements of “Restaurant” ............................................................................................. 20
3.1.2 Requirements of “Customer” ............................................................................................... 21
3.1.3 Requirements of “Delivery-Boy” ........................................................................................ 22
3.2 Tools ....................................................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Programming Language ......................................................................................................... 23
3.4 Persistence .............................................................................................................................. 23
3.4.1 Firebase Database............................................................................................................ 24
3.5 Software.................................................................................................................................. 24
3.6 Skills/Knowledge ................................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER NO 4 ............................................................................................................................ 26
PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Product Specification.............................................................................................................. 27
4.2 Interface (HCI Issue) .............................................................................................................. 27
4.3 Data Definition ....................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Functional Specification ......................................................................................................... 28
4.4.1 Customer Functional Specification ................................................................................. 28
4.4.2 Restaurant Module Functional Specification .................................................................. 29
4.4.3 Delivery Person Functional Specification ....................................................................... 29
4.5 Services .................................................................................................................................. 30
CHAPTER NO 5 ............................................................................................................................ 31
DEVELOPMENT METHOD ....................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Development Method ............................................................................................................. 32
5.1 Agile Development Framework ............................................................................................. 32
5.1.1 Scrum-Based Approach .................................................................................................. 32
5.1.2 User Stories and Backlog ................................................................................................ 32
5.1.3 Iterative Development ..................................................................................................... 32
5.2 User-Centered Design (UCD) Principles ............................................................................... 32
5.2.1 User Research.................................................................................................................. 33
5.2.2 Wireframing and Prototyping.......................................................................................... 33
5.2.3 Usability Testing ............................................................................................................. 33
5.3 Development Stages ............................................................................................................... 33
5.3.1 Inception.......................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.2 Planning........................................................................................................................... 34
5.3.3 Implementation ............................................................................................................... 34
5.3.4 Testing and Quality Assurance ....................................................................................... 34
5.3.5 User Acceptance Testing................................................................................................. 34
5.3.6 Deployment ..................................................................................................................... 34
5.4 Sustainability and Scalability ................................................................................................. 34
5.4.1 Scalability Planning ........................................................................................................ 34
5.4.2 Ongoing Maintenance: .................................................................................................... 35
5.5 Quality Assurance and Testing ............................................................................................... 35
5.5.1 Functional Testing:.......................................................................................................... 35
5.5.2 Usability Testing: ............................................................................................................ 35
5.5.3 Performance Testing: ...................................................................................................... 35
5.6 User Feedback Integration ...................................................................................................... 35
5.7 Innovation and Adaptability ................................................................................................... 35
5.8 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 35
CHAPTER NO 6 ............................................................................................................................ 36
DESIGN .......................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Activity Diagrams .................................................................................................................. 37
6.1.1 Admin/Restaurant Activity Diagram .............................................................................. 37
6.1.2 Customer Activity Diagram ............................................................................................ 39
6.1.3 Delivery Person Activity Diagram .................................................................................. 41
6.2 Use Case Diagrams................................................................................................................. 42
6.2.1 Admin/Restaurant Use Case Diagram............................................................................. 42
6.2.2 Customer Use Case Diagram .......................................................................................... 44
6.2.3 Delivery Person Use Case Diagram ................................................................................ 46
6.3 Sequence Diagrams ................................................................................................................ 47
6.3.1 Restaurant Sequence Diagrams ....................................................................................... 47
6.3.2 Customer Sequence Diagrams ........................................................................................ 49
6.3.3 Delivery Person Sequence Diagrams .............................................................................. 50
6.4 Class Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 52
6.5 Object Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 54
CHAPTER NO 7 ............................................................................................................................ 56
IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................................................... 56
Implementation ............................................................................................................................. 57
7.1 Translating Design to Code .................................................................................................... 57
7.2 Coding Practices and Standards ............................................................................................. 57
7.3 Technology Stack ................................................................................................................... 57
7.3.1 Front End Language ........................................................................................................ 57
7.3.2 Back End Language ........................................................................................................ 58
7.3.3 Database .......................................................................................................................... 58
7.4 Performance Optimization...................................................................................................... 59
7.5 Database Implementation ....................................................................................................... 59
7.6 Security and Privacy Measures .............................................................................................. 60
7.6.1 Secure Authentication ..................................................................................................... 60
7.6.2 Role-Based Access Control............................................................................................. 60
7.6.3 Privacy by Design ........................................................................................................... 60
7.6.4 Regular Security Audits .................................................................................................. 60
7.6.5 Secure Payment Processing............................................................................................. 60
7.6.6 Compliance with Data Protection Laws .......................................................................... 61
7.6.7 Regular Updates and Patching ........................................................................................ 61
7.7 Third-Party Integrations ......................................................................................................... 61
7.7.1 Google Map Api.............................................................................................................. 61
7.8 Testing and Quality Assurance ............................................................................................... 62
7.9 Continuous Integration and Deployment ................................................................................ 62
7.10 User Training and Documentation ....................................................................................... 62
7.11 Conclusion: A Functional App Prototype ............................................................................ 62
CHAPTER 8 ................................................................................................................................... 63
TESTING ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Testing .......................................................................................................................................... 64
8.1.1 Test Case: Sign-up .......................................................................................................... 64
8.1.2 Test Case: Login ............................................................................................................. 66
8.1.3 Test case: Profile ............................................................................................................. 67
8.1.4 Test case: Check Feedback ............................................................................................. 69
8.1.5 Test case Restaurant Dashboard...................................................................................... 69
8.1.6 Test Case: Restaurant Manage Order .............................................................................. 70
8.1.7 Test Case: Customer Dashboard ..................................................................................... 71
8.1.8 Test Case: Delivery Person Dashboard ........................................................................... 72
8.1.9 Test Case: Restaurant Check Order ................................................................................ 73
8.1.10 Test case: Customer Check Order ................................................................................. 75
8.1.11 Test case: Feedback....................................................................................................... 76
8.1.12 Test case: Logout .......................................................................................................... 77
8.2 Black Box Test Cases: .......................................................................................................... 78
8.2.1 Boundary Value Analysis ............................................................................................... 79
8.2.2 Equivalence Class Partitioning: ...................................................................................... 82
8.2.3 State Transition Testing .................................................................................................. 85
8.3 White Box Testing................................................................................................................ 108
8.3.1 Statement Coverage: ..................................................................................................... 108
8.4 Usability Testing (Feedback) ............................................................................................... 123
8.4.1 Tailored Test Scenarios and User Flows: ...................................................................... 123
8.4.2 Real Users, Real Insights: ............................................................................................. 123
8.4.3 Observation and Refinement: ........................................................................................ 123
8.4.4 Iterative Enhancement:.................................................................................................. 124
8.4.5 Putting Users at the Center:........................................................................................... 124
8.4.6 Elevating Satisfaction and Engagement: ....................................................................... 124
8.5 Functionality Testing ............................................................................................................ 124
8.5.1 Test Scenarios and User Flows: .................................................................................... 124
8.5.2 Input-Output Validation: ............................................................................................... 125
8.5.3 Boundary and Edge Cases ............................................................................................. 125
8.5.4 Exception Handling Mastery:........................................................................................ 125
8.5.5 Device Compatibility Assurance:.................................................................................. 125
8.5.6 Conclusion: Ensuring Comprehensive Functionality: ................................................... 125
CHAPTER 9 ................................................................................................................................. 126
MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................... 126
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 127
9.1 Work in Progress: Nurturing Excellence .............................................................................. 127
9.1.1 Bug Tracking and Resolution: Swift Responses, Seamless Experiences ...................... 127
9.1.2 Performance Optimization: Elevating User Delight ..................................................... 127
9.1.3 User Support and Assistance: Guiding Every Step ....................................................... 127
9.2 Future Enhancements: Shaping Tomorrow's Excellence ..................................................... 128
9.2.1 User Feedback Integration: Crafting Together .............................................................. 128
9.2.2 Innovation and New Features: Pioneering Possibilities ................................................ 128
9.2.3 Scalability and Adaptability: Prepared for the Future ................................................... 128
9.2.4 Conclusion: An Evolutionary Expedition ..................................................................... 129
CHAPTER NO 10 ........................................................................................................................ 129
EVALUATION............................................................................................................................. 129
Evaluation ................................................................................................................................... 130
10.1 Product Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 131
10.1.1 Functionality: .............................................................................................................. 131
10.1.2 Usability: ..................................................................................................................... 131
10.1.3 Performance: ............................................................................................................... 131
10.1.4 Security: ...................................................................................................................... 131
User Feedback Integration: .................................................................................................... 131
10.1.1 User Feedback Analysis .............................................................................................. 131
10.2 Project Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 133
10.2.1 Project Goals vs. Achievements .................................................................................. 133
10.2.2 Resource Management ................................................................................................ 133
10.2.3 Project Timeline Adherence ........................................................................................ 133
10.2.4 Budget Management ................................................................................................... 134
10.2.5 Stakeholder Satisfaction .............................................................................................. 134
10.2.6 Risk Management........................................................................................................ 134
10.2.7 Lessons Learned .......................................................................................................... 134
10.2.8 Continuous Improvement ............................................................................................ 134
CHAPTER NO 11 ........................................................................................................................ 135
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................. 135
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 136
CHAPTER NO 12 ........................................................................................................................ 137
REFRENCES................................................................................................................................ 137
CHAPTER NO 13 ........................................................................................................................ 140
APENDIX ..................................................................................................................................... 140
13.1 Project Plan......................................................................................................................... 141
• Registration ................................................................................................................... 141
• Login ............................................................................................................................. 142
• Restaurant Dashboard ................................................................................................... 143
• Order Management........................................................................................................ 144
• Report ............................................................................................................................ 145
• Add Product .................................................................................................................. 146
• Profile ............................................................................................................................ 147
• Customer Dashboard ..................................................................................................... 149
• Confirm Order List ........................................................................................................ 150
• Feedback ....................................................................................................................... 151
• Delivery Person Dashboard ........................................................................................... 152
13.2 Others ................................................................................................................................. 153
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Restaurant Activity Diagram .......................................................................................... 38
Figure 2 Customer Activity Diagram ............................................................................................ 40
Figure 3 Delivery Person Activity ................................................................................................ 41
Figure 4 Restaurant Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................ 43
Figure 5 Customer Use Case Diagram.......................................................................................... 45
Figure 6 Delivery Person Use Case Diagram ............................................................................... 46
Figure 7 Restaurant Sequence Diagrams ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 8 Customer Sequence Diagrams ........................................................................................ 49
Figure 9 Delivery Person Sequence Diagrams ............................................................................. 51
Figure 10 Class Diagram .............................................................................................................. 53
Figure 11 Object Diagram............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 12 Sign Up ......................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 13 Login Graph Testing ..................................................................................................... 91
Figure 14 Profile Graph Testing.................................................................................................... 93
Figure 15 Update Profile Graph .................................................................................................... 94
Figure 16 Check Restaurant .......................................................................................................... 95
Figure 17 Place Order Graph Testing ........................................................................................... 96
Figure 18 Confirm Order Graph Path ........................................................................................... 97
Figure 19 Check Order Graph Path .............................................................................................. 99
Figure 20 Check Pending Order Graph Path .............................................................................. 100
Figure 21 Check Feedback Path ................................................................................................. 101
Figure 22 Give Feedback Graph Path ......................................................................................... 102
Figure 23 Add Menu Graph Path ................................................................................................ 103
Figure 24 Add Product: ............................................................................................................... 104
Figure 25 Add to Cart: ................................................................................................................ 105
Figure 26 Logout: ....................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 27 Registration PC ........................................................................................................... 108
Figure 28 Login PC.................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 29 Profile PC ....................................................................................................................110
Figure 30 Profile Update PC ........................................................................................................111
Figure 31 Restaurant List PC .......................................................................................................112
Figure 32 Place Order PC ............................................................................................................113
Figure 33 Confirm Order PC .......................................................................................................114
Figure 34Check Order PC ............................................................................................................115
Figure 35 Check Pending Order PC.............................................................................................116
Figure 36Give Feedback PC ........................................................................................................117
Figure 37 Check Feedback PC .....................................................................................................118
Figure 38 Add Menu PC ..............................................................................................................119
Figure 39 Add Product PC .......................................................................................................... 120
Figure 40 Add to Cart PC............................................................................................................ 121
Figure 41 Logout........................................................................................................................ 122
Figure 42 Registration Screen ..................................................................................................... 141
Figure 43 Login Screen ............................................................................................................... 142
Figure 44 Restaurant Dashboard Screen ..................................................................................... 143
Figure 45 Restaurant Dashboard Screen ..................................................................................... 144
Figure 46 Report Screen ............................................................................................................. 145
Figure 47 Add Product Screen .................................................................................................... 146
Figure 49 Profile Screen ............................................................................................................. 147
Figure 54 Customer Dashboard Screen ...................................................................................... 149

No of Tables
Table 1: Existing System .............................................................................................................. 16
Table 2: Restaurant Functional Requirements .............................................................................. 21
Table 3Requirements of Customer................................................................................................ 22
Table 4 Requirements of Boy ....................................................................................................... 23
Table 5 Sign Up Testing ................................................................................................................ 65
Table 6 Login Test Case ................................................................................................................ 67
Table 7 Profile ............................................................................................................................... 68
Table 8 Check Feedback Test Case ............................................................................................... 69
Table 9 Restaurant Dashboard ...................................................................................................... 70
Table 10 Manage Order ................................................................................................................ 71
Table 11 Customer Dashboard ...................................................................................................... 72
Table 12 Delivery Person Dashboard ........................................................................................... 73
Table 13 Restaurant Check Order ................................................................................................. 75
Table 14 Customer Check Order ................................................................................................... 76
Table 15 Logout ............................................................................................................................ 78
Table 16 User Feedback Categories ............................................................................................ 132
Table 17 Feedback ...................................................................................................................... 132
Our food delivery app project seeks to close the gap between delivery staff, customer, and
restaurants by providing a comprehensive platform for smooth and effective food delivery
services. This is in response to the changing needs of contemporary eating. Our software aims to
transform the way people experience food delivery by offering separate modules designed for
delivery drivers to guarantee on-time deliveries, customers to make orders, and restaurants to
manage menus. Our goal is to offer not just a wide and easy menu but also a responsible and user-
focused solution by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like personalized nutritional
recommendations, real-time order tracking, and sustainability programs. Our initiative aims to
satisfy the distinct tastes and requirements of every stakeholder by means of thorough research,
imaginative design, and strict technology implementation, turning the dining experience into a
linked and delightful adventure. In a world where people value ease and connectedness above all
else, our meal delivery software initiative aims to transform the way people enjoy delicious food.
Our software aims to coordinate the activities of restaurants, customer, and delivery staff. It is
based on the concepts of efficiency, personalization, and collaboration. Customers can easily
explore menus, place orders, and track deliveries in real time thanks to the user-friendly interface.
Restaurant partners receive a strong tool at the same time to handle menus, expedite orders, and
interact with customers. Our delivery staff module optimizes routes, guarantees on-time order
fulfillment, and guarantees quick and safe deliveries. Beyond the digital sphere, this project is
innovative because it prioritizes local connections, sustainable practices, and improving the whole
dining experience.

1.1 Introduction:
We believe that our food delivery software project will change the food industry by
balancing the needs of delivery drivers, customers, and businesses. Putting efficiency and user
pleasure first, our software lets users order, place orders, and track delivery in real time with ease.
Delivery staff make sure that deliveries are made safely and promptly, and restaurants benefit from
a flexible platform that allows them to manage menus and expedite order processing. In addition
to convenience, we are dedicated to sustainability, supporting local businesses, and providing an
amazing dining experience. Through the application of technology, creativity, and user-centered
design, our initiative aims to make food delivery a smooth, satisfying, and connected experience
for all parties involved.
The application provides a user-friendly interface that combines the three necessary modules of
Delivery Person, Customer, and Restaurant. Restaurants are able to track sales success, add
products, confirm orders, and manage their inventory. Clients are able to search and place orders
across a large range of online restaurant categories. In addition, they have the ability to edit their
profiles, offer comments and reviews, and take part in order processing. In order to ensure prompt
and dependable delivery, delivery guys receive order assignments, deliver the product to the
customer, and update order and delivery statuses.
"Pita House Catluna" connects the restaurant, customer, and Delivery Person in a seamless manner,
revolutionizing the online dining experience. With features like order management, inventory
management, and ratings feedback, the app guarantees a quick and customer-focused method for
ordering restaurants online. By improving coordination and communication amongst all parties
involved, it hopes to offer a dependable and practical online restaurant shopping platform.
steady delivery.
The Restaurant module gives Restaurant the ability to classify online restaurant items, effectively
manage their inventory, and verify customer orders. In order to enhance their services, they can
easily monitor their sales performance, create reports, and get insightful consumer feedback. A
large selection of food items is available in the customer module, which also makes it simple for
customers to place orders, check the progress of their purchases, and rate and review products and
restaurants. By giving Delivery Persons tasks to fulfill and then delivering the products to
consumers, the Delivery Person module makes sure that deliveries are made quickly and smoothly.

Literature Review:
In this chapter, we start a thorough investigation of the body of literature that has influenced and
guided the creation of a cutting-edge meal delivery software. This literature analysis goes beyond
merely collecting data; it is a thorough synthesis of academic research, market trends, and best
practices that have greatly influenced the conceptual framework and tactical choices of our project.
Our review spans a wide range of topics, each of which has a special relevance to our project. We
explore the area of developing mobile applications, where we learn about new programming
paradigms, emerging technologies, and ideas that have been crucial in creating the technical
foundation for our app. We were able to make sure that our app is still cutting edge and nimble by
looking at accepted ideas and practices in this field. Our investigation also includes user-centered
design ideas, which are crucial for developing an engaging and user-friendly app. To understand
how design decisions affect user behavior, pleasure, and retention, we examine the works of top
academics and industry specialists. These observations have influenced not only the app's
appearance but also its usability and accessibility. Our project's foundation has been the use of
agile approaches in software development, which guarantees flexibility and adaptability. We've
adjusted our development methods to effortlessly fit with agile values through a thorough study of
agile concepts and real-world case studies, creating a dynamic and responsive development
environment. Another crucial component of our project is usability testing, which is informed by
a wealth of literature. To hone our strategy, we investigate user input methods, industry
benchmarks, and usability testing approaches. The conclusions drawn from this thorough study
are not only theoretical; they are also useful, practical, and have influenced every aspect of our
2.1 Existing Systems:

Currently, there are a number of well-known meal delivery services competing for customers'
attention and business in our target location. Prominent rivals like "Food Express" and "Quick
Bites" have amassed significant user bases by virtue of their intuitive user interfaces and extensive
restaurant connections. These platforms provide a large selection of cuisines, easy ordering
procedures, and tools for tracking orders in real time. We can better understand the changing
demands of our potential customers by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of these
current solutions, which helps us develop a more sophisticated and user-focused meal delivery app

2.1.1 Comparison
A few of the apps are listed below:

No. APP Names Advantages Disadvantages

• Reflects the idea of • May sound generic

connecting and similar to
restaurants, existing food
customers, and delivery apps.
delivery personnel. • Could potentially
• Can evoke a sense have trademark
of community and conflicts.
1 Food Connect convenience. • Authentication
• Memorable and Problem
easy to relate to the Sometime.
food delivery

• Combines "dine" • Could be

(eating at a perceived as
restaurant) with focusing too much
"dash" (quick on speed and less
movement), on quality.
implying fast food • May be difficult to
2 delivery. find a unique
Dine Dash • Catchy and domain or app
energetic name store name due to
that suggests potential
efficiency. popularity.

• "Flavor" suggests • Might not

a variety of immediately
delicious food convey the
options. concept of food
• "Fleet" implies a delivery to some
network of users.
Flavor Fleet delivery personnel • Could be
ready to serve. challenging for
• Unique and people to spell or
memorable name remember
that can stand out. correctly.

• Suggests a direct • Might be a bit

path from the lengthy and
restaurant's menu challenging to type
to the customer's accurately.
4 Menu To Mouth
mouth. • Could be
• Creates a visual misinterpreted as a
and sensory cooking app rather
connection with than a food
the food. delivery app.

• captures the idea • Similar names

of a hub (center) might already exist
for hungry people in the app stores.
to find food. • Could limit the
5 Hungry Hub • Communicates a app's appeal to
sense of hunger only those who are
and urgency. currently hungry.

Table 1: Existing System

2.2 Alternatives:
In recent years, the internet restaurant industry has experienced a notable transformation as the rise
of mobile applications has revolutionized the way consumers make meal purchases. When it comes
to placing an order, customers are increasingly considering things like convenience, time-saving,
and a large selection of products. But the flexibility and user-friendliness that contemporary
customers need are frequently absent from conventional online restaurant procedures. In order to
solve these issues and offer a complete solution for restaurants, customer, and Delivery Persons in
the online restaurant sector, the "Pita House Catluna" app was created. Its goal is to provide a
smooth, intuitive platform that makes ordering food online easier, improves coordination between
partners, and offers useful tools for effective order processing and delivery. The shortcomings and
features of comparable apps, such as "Online restaurant Express" and "Fresh Mart," are examined,
and it becomes clear that an online restaurant app is required.

2.3 Specifics:
We've meticulously customized our approach to our food delivery app project's specifications in
order to meet the needs and tastes of our intended market. We've discovered a strong predilection
for a variety of cuisines through user feedback and surveys, with Italian, Asian, and Mediterranean
foods showing up as popular selections. As a result, our app will carefully choose a variety of
meals from nearby eateries that specialize in these kinds of food. Furthermore, we have
painstakingly created the user interface to guarantee easy navigation and simple order placement
for customer and restaurant operators alike. We've included real-time GPS tracking to improve the
delivery experience and give customers realistic arrival time estimates and order status monitoring.
Understanding the value of data security and privacy, we're putting strong encryption mechanisms
in place to protect user data and guarantee legal compliance. In addition, we are actively forming
alliances with regional food bloggers and culinary influencers in order to market our app and
improve its content.
2.4 Other:
Apart from examining current systems and contemplating alternative methods, there exist
numerous other essential facets that necessitate our focus during the construction of our meal
delivery application. We are dedicated to introducing eco-friendly packaging alternatives and
working with nearby farmers to get organic foods, as market trends show a growing need for
sustainable methods. Furthermore, we understand how severe weather affects delivery operations
and are developing backup methods to guarantee uninterrupted service even in bad weather. We're
creating a specialized support team to quickly handle user questions and complaints since we
understand the importance of providing clear and rapid customer service. In terms of scalability,
we're looking into the possibility of expanding to nearby cities as part of our long-term vision, and
our technical infrastructure is built to support an increasing user base. By accepting these "Other"
factors, we want to be able to meet a variety of operational issues and offer a state-of-the-art food
delivery app in addition to making a beneficial community contribution.

3.1 User Requirements:
This project's primary goal is to create a mobile application. The application gives users the option
to become Delivery Persons or customers. After completing the registration and login process,
users will receive a dashboard of their own. Following this, the application will be used for all
correspondence between the customer, the restaurant, and the Delivery Person. Following are a
few of the main goals:
• Facilitate users to become a Restaurant for sale their online restaurant product.
• Facilitate users to become a customer for order online restaurant product.
• Facilitate users to become a Restaurant for sale their product.
• The user interface of the application is simple and easy to use
• You get good and trusted service
• Find Product according to your choice
• User Support and Feedback

3.1.1 Requirements of “Restaurant”

1 Will able to register himself

2 Will login to its dashboard

3 Will be able to check his profile

4 Will be able to update his profile

5 Will be able to Reset Password

6 Will be able to add restaurant menu

7 Will be able to add Products of each menu

8 Will be able to search Products

9 Will be able to check orders

10 Will be able to confirm orders

11 Will be able to reject orders

12 Will be able to check Reports

13 Will be able to check Review rating

14 Will be able to manage Payment

15 Will be able to Delete Product

16 Will be able to update Product

17 Will be logout from its dashboard

Table 2: Restaurant Functional Requirements

3.1.2 Requirements of “Customer”

Will able to register himself
Will login to its dashboard
Will be able to check his profile
Will be able to reset password
Will be able to update his profile
Will be able to check Online restaurant categories list
Will be able to check online restaurant products list of each
Will be able to search Products
Will be able to add to cart products
Will be able to place order
Will be able to cancel order
Will be able to pay the payment cash on delivery
Will be able to pay online payment of order
Will be able to give Reviews to Restaurant
Will be able to check Reviews of Restaurant
Will be able to complain
Will be able to logout to its dashboard

Table 3Requirements of Customer

3.1.3 Requirements of “Delivery-Boy”

1 Will able to register himself

2 Will login to its dashboard

3 Will be able to check profile

4 Will be able to update profile

5 Will be able to reset password profile

6 Will be able to check receive orders list

7 Will be able check shipment address

8 Will be able to check customer information

9 Will be able to Deliver order to the customer

10 Will be able to logout to its dashboard
Table 4 Requirements of Boy

3.2 Tools
The primary IDE for implementing the solution is Android Studio. The main argument for using
Android Studio as an IDE is that it is a more trustworthy idea that provides more smoothly,
efficient, rapid, and successful features. Some other tools are mention below:

3.3 Programming Language

Software implementation comes in many forms, such as database development, front-end
development, back-end development, testing, and so forth. Many tools and languages are utilized
to complete these parts, all of which are becoming more and more important. The main focus of
front-end and back-end development is on programming languages. The front design should be
more enticing to end users, and the back end should be more logical, in order to fulfill the study's
objectives. But it's best to use front-end development languages like XML. Since Java is a
comprehensive programming language with a wide range of applications, it is utilized extensively
in app development and is utilized as a back-end language. Database functions are carried out
using Firebase. The rationale behind the usage of these languages in developing this solution is
provided in Table 1 below.

3.4 Persistence
The use of Firebase as our database solution of choice is essential to the effectiveness and
seamless functioning of our food delivery app. The cloud-based infrastructure of Firebase provides
a number of capabilities that are exactly in line with the needs of our project. The database's real-
time capability guarantees that all modules' data—from user profiles to restaurant menus and
delivery updates—is continuously updated. We can store and retrieve data with ease by utilizing
Firebase's NoSQL structure, which promotes a responsive user experience. Furthermore, our users
are empowered with dynamic interactions that instantly reflect changes thanks to Firebase's real-
time synchronization. User data is protected by Firebase's strong security features, which include
role-based access controls and authentication.
3.4.1 Firebase Database
One solution that lets you store data in the cloud and easily sync it across several devices is
Firebase Realtime Database. It is but one element of a much larger puzzle, powered by the Google
Firebase platform. You will discover the main features and operation of the Realtime Database in
Firebase Database. You will additionally include the Realtime Database into an Android project.
You will discover along the route how data is saved to the database, how database rules are used
by the Realtime Database to maintain security, and the best practices for data structure.

3.5 Software
Our meal delivery app's complex interactions are managed by a unified team of software elements
that cooperate well. The Firebase backend, which acts as the primary store for user profiles, menus,
orders, and real-time updates, is at the center of this synergy. Using contemporary frameworks like
Android Studio, the front-end interfaces for customer, dining establishments, and delivery staff are
painstakingly designed to provide a unified and responsive user experience across Android
platforms. APIs provide communication across modules in the app, allowing customers to browse
menus, restaurants to process orders, and delivery staff to navigate with ease. This allows the app
to run seamlessly. Token-based authentication is used to secure these APIs, ensuring user
authenticity and data privacy. Furthermore, the delivery process is optimized by the integration of
Google Maps API, which offers precise tracking and effective route planning.
Application should contain following user interfaces.
• Client-Side Specification
• Android Version Minimum 6.0
• RAM 4 GB.
• Memory 32 GB.
• Internet connection via WIRELESS.

3.6 Skills/Knowledge
The competencies and knowledge necessary for the effective creation, implementation, and
upkeep of our meal delivery app are covered in detail in the "Skills/Knowledge" section. In order
to guarantee the efficacy and functioning of the app, we list the fundamental abilities and expertise
that developers, designers, and project managers must have in this area. Through the identification
of critical abilities in fields like database management, UI/UX design, software development, and
project coordination, we create the foundation for an educated and cooperative team effort. We are
better able to utilize our combined experience by having a thorough grasp of the abilities and
knowledge required for every project stage. This promotes a seamless development process that
results in an outstanding food delivery app.

4.1 Product Specification
We provide a detailed analysis of the standards that describe the complex fabric of our meal
delivery app in the "Product Specification" chapter. Specifications unique to each module address
the various demands of customer, dining establishments, and delivery staff. Order placement, real-
time tracking, and menu browsing are all made easier for customers with intuitive interfaces.
Restaurants have the capacity to handle orders quickly, maintain menus, and interact with other
stakeholders in an easy-to-use manner. The delivery staff module makes sure that orders are
assigned quickly, routes are navigated optimally, and lines of communication are maintained. One
of the main priorities is security, as seen by the requirements that cover strong user authentication,
data encryption, and access controls across the application's architecture. The integration of safe
gateways and the production of thorough financial reports are outlined in the payment and financial
specifications. Real-time notifications, responsive design, and easy navigation are all included in
the user experience and interface specifications. Performance and scalability are carefully
described, guaranteeing the app's responsiveness even under peak traffic.

4.2 Interface (HCI Issue)

Our food delivery app's critical human-computer interface (HCI) features are covered in detail
under the subheading "Interface (HCI Issue) Specifications" in the "Product Specification" chapter.
In order to guarantee that the interface is user-friendly, fluid, and in line with the requirements of
customer, restaurants, and delivery staff, we carefully lay down the parameters that influence the
user experience here. Our goal in concentrating on HCI principles is to develop an application that
enables simple navigation, lucid information display, and engaging interaction features. By means
of meticulous attention to interface elements, visual design, and responsive behaviors, our goal is
to create a setting in which users may engage with the application in a natural and efficient manner.
By addressing these HCI issues, we're dedicated to making our food delivery app an extension of
users' preferences, ensuring a harmonious and satisfying journey for all parties involved.
The core of the user experience of our meal delivery service is Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI). We establish an atmosphere where interactions seem natural and satisfying by integrating
technology with user expectations in a smooth manner. Clear information architecture is
emphasized in our design principles so that consumers may easily traverse menus, place orders,
and follow delivery. A visually consistent interface is promoted across a range of devices by
carefully selecting visual elements for maximum readability and aesthetic appeal. The app's ability
to adjust smoothly to various screen sizes is made possible through responsive behaviors, which
improve user accessibility. Engagement is increased with interactive features like one-click order
placing and gesture detection for menu browsing. Furthermore, users are kept informed and
ambiguity is reduced by real-time notifications Accessibility considerations guarantee that a wide
range of users may utilize the app. We want to create a mutually beneficial relationship between
humans and technology by using an HCI-driven strategy. The end goal is to create a meal delivery
software that improves users' dining experiences and easily fits into users' daily life.

4.3 Data Definition

We take a careful look at the details of the underlying data architecture of our food delivery
software in the "Data Definition" section. We present a detailed description of the data objects,
their associations, and the characteristics that optimize the interactions among customer, dining
establishments, and delivery staff. Every object is methodically described, from user profiles with
contact details and preferences to menus from restaurants with thorough descriptions of each dish,
its price, and its availability. Orders may go from placing through fulfillment with ease thanks to
the linkages between these data types, and real-time tracking information improves the delivery
experience. The features of every data object are described in detail, guaranteeing accuracy and
consistency throughout the functions of the application. We create a solid foundation that facilitates
reliable operations and easy communication for all users and stakeholders in the food delivery
ecosystem by creating an integrated and well-structured data schema.

4.4 Functional Specification

We provide a thorough examination of the functional requirements that underpin our meal delivery
app's fundamental features in this part. We guarantee that the app satisfies the requirements and
expectations of customer, dining establishments, and delivery staff by providing a detailed
description of the features, interactions, and processes.

4.4.1 Customer Functional Specification

This section delves into the functional needs of the Customer module, providing a comprehensive
overview of features such order placement, order tracking, menu browsing, user registration, and
payment processing. We delineate the sequential procedures that characterize the client experience.
Of course, using the data you have given, here is a list of the bulleted functional specs for the
Customer module:
• Clients can fill out profiles and accounts with their delivery addresses, payment options,
and personal data. Perusing the Menu
• Restaurants and menu items are categorized by popular cuisines, dietary requirements,
and other factors on the interface.
• Customers can easily view dish details, customize options, and add items to their cart for

• By offering delivery time estimates and progress updates, the app ensures transparency
and lowers uncertainty.
• Secure payment gateway integration makes it possible to conduct encrypted transactions
without difficulty.
• Customers can provide feedback and rate their dining experience, contributing to
restaurant and app improvement.
• The app remembers previous orders and preferences, facilitating quicker reordering.

4.4.2 Restaurant Module Functional Specification

• Restaurants can easily add, edit, and remove menu items with detailed descriptions,
prices, and images.
• The app notifies restaurants of incoming orders, providing relevant details for timely
• Restaurants can send order confirmations, estimated preparation times, and updates
on order status.
• Seamless communication with Delivery Person ensures efficient order pickup and
timely delivery.
• Restaurants can create and manage promotions, discounts, and special deals to attract
• The app generates financial reports detailing earnings, transaction history, and tax-
related information.
• The restaurant dashboard offers an intuitive interface for managing menus, orders,
and communication.

4.4.3 Delivery Person Functional Specification

• Delivery personnel receive order assignments with details, restaurant information, and
customer addresses.
• The app provides real-time navigation and optimized routes for efficient order pickup and
• Delivery personnel update order statuses, including order pickup, route, and delivery
• Delivery personnel can communicate with customers about order progress and estimated
delivery times.
• Customers can track delivery progress in real time, enhancing transparency and reducing
• Delivery personnel receive secure authorization to access order details and customer

4.5 Services
The breadth of features and interactions that our food delivery app provides to customer, eateries,
and delivery staff is covered in the "Services" section. This section describes the suite of services
that serve as the foundation for the app's functionality and guarantee a smooth and fulfilling
experience for all parties involved. By describing these features, we provide customers a thorough
grasp of how the app meets their varied demands, which span from placing orders and navigating
menus to real-time tracking, safe payment processing, and interactive conversation. By taking a
comprehensive approach to examining these services, we shed light on the crucial part they play
in promoting effective communication and making order fulfillment easier, which eventually helps
to achieve the main goal of improving the food delivery ecosystem.

5.1 Development Method
This chapter provides an overview of the steps and tactics we will employ to develop our meal
delivery app. By outlining the development process, stages, and strategies, we produce a roadmap
that guides the whole app development lifecycle and guarantees effective and successful
advancement toward a successful app launch.

5.1 Agile Development Framework

Our approach is based on agile principles, stressing teamwork, adaptability, and incremental
growth. Our development process is based on this adaptable architecture, which has been tailored
to meet the particular requirements of our food delivery service.

5.1.1 Scrum-Based Approach

To organize our development efforts, we employ a Scrum-based methodology. Sprint planning,
daily stand-up meetings, and sprint reviews promote ongoing communication and adherence to
project objectives.

5.1.2 User Stories and Backlog

In order to gather and order user needs into a product backlog, we use user stories. This strategy
enables us to concentrate on developing features that meet user needs and offer the greatest value.

5.1.3 Iterative Development

Our project is broken up into sprints, which usually last between two and four weeks. We release
a potentially shippable increment of the software at the conclusion of each sprint, enabling regular
testing, user feedback, and adaption.

5.2 User-Centered Design (UCD) Principles

Usability and user happiness are crucial to the success of our food delivery software. Our approach
incorporates user-centered design concepts to make sure the app is not just useful but also simple
to use and intuitive.
5.2.1 User Research
To get a thorough understanding of user needs, behaviors, and preferences, we undertake extensive
user research using surveys, interviews, and user personas. Our design and development choices
are influenced by this.

5.2.2 Wireframing and Prototyping

To illustrate the user interface and functioning of the app, we generate interactive prototypes and
wireframes. These technologies make it easier to do early usability testing and let us improve user

5.2.3 Usability Testing

Testing for usability is a continuous activity during development. Real users are actively asked
for feedback on the usability of the app to make sure it meets user expectations.

5.3 Development Stages

Our development process takes place in various stages, each of which has a unique set of goals
and actions. We follow a well-organized path through many stages as we create our food delivery
service, each of which helps the app succeed. Everything starts with the ideation phase, where we
generate concepts, determine their viability, and establish project objectives. The next phase is
planning, when we carefully lay out the project's roadmap, compile the requirements, and create a
sturdy architectural structure. Coding and testing give the app shape as we go into the
implementation phase. During the testing phase, quality assurance takes precedence and includes
functional, usability, and performance evaluations. Real users participate in user acceptance testing
and offer priceless feedback

5.3.1 Inception
Idea generation and concept development are steps in this process. We establish project objectives,
specify the project's parameters, and perform preliminary feasibility analyses. Our effort to create
a meal delivery app is now in its first stages, during which time original ideas are birthed. Our
team starts a creative investigation at this pivotal time, thinking and envisioning the app's essential
features and distinctive selling point. In order to assure the project's viability, we also carry out a
thorough feasibility analysis, assessing the technical, financial, and resource-related elements. This
phase is crucial for defining our project objectives, establishing the course for the entire
development process, and determining the market gaps that our app seeks to address.

5.3.2 Planning
Establishing project goals, timetables, and resource allocation are all parts of thorough planning.
To manage tasks and priorities, project management techniques and technologies are used.

5.3.3 Implementation
the central development stage, during which the app's features, functionality, and architecture are
created in accordance with predetermined specifications.

5.3.4 Testing and Quality Assurance

To make sure the software satisfies quality requirements, thorough testing is done, including
functional, usability, and performance testing.

5.3.5 User Acceptance Testing

Users take an active role in testing to offer suggestions and help the program be improved based
on actual usage scenarios.

5.3.6 Deployment
The application is ready for release, including rollout plans, security setups, and server
configurations. Our careful planning and development work has culminated in the deployment
stage, where our meal delivery software is getting ready to be used by excited users. We established
a solid server architecture during this essential stage, which serves as the foundation for the
functionality of our app. To protect user information and transactions, strict security measures are
put in place. These methods include authentication procedures and encryption techniques. To
ensure a seamless and effective introduction of the app to users, a comprehensive rollout plan is

5.4 Sustainability and Scalability

Our approach goes beyond development to take the app's long-term viability and scalability into

5.4.1 Scalability Planning

The app's architecture is built to be scalable, enabling it to develop and meet rising user demands
while preserving performance.
5.4.2 Ongoing Maintenance:
After launch, we put in place a strategy for ongoing upkeep, bug tracking, and performance
improvement to make sure the app is responsive and dependable.

5.5 Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality assurance is integral to our methodology, encompassing various testing approaches:

5.5.1 Functional Testing:

various features and functions are thoroughly tested to make sure they work as intended.

5.5.2 Usability Testing:

testing that is user-centered to assess the app's overall usability and user experience.

5.5.3 Performance Testing:

To ensure that the app operates at its best under various circumstances, stress testing and load
testing are used.

5.6 User Feedback Integration

In our methodology, user feedback is a continual loop. To guarantee the app meets user
expectations, we regularly seek out and include user recommendations and insights into the
development roadmap.

5.7 Innovation and Adaptability

Our methodology emphasizes innovation, allowing for the incorporation of new features and
technologies to enhance the user experience. It also ensures adaptability to changing market trends
and user demands, keeping the app at the forefront of the industry.

5.8 Conclusion
In order to produce a meal delivery app that not only meets but also surpasses user expectations,
our technique is a dynamic and adaptive framework that blends agile development, user-centered
design, and thorough testing. In conclusion, the development of our meal delivery app has been a
journey characterized by creativity, effort, and a focus to meeting and exceeding customer
expectations. We have worked diligently to create an app that not only meets user demands but
also improves their daily life, starting with the conception of original concepts and continuing
through precise planning, robust development, and rigorous testing.

6.1 Activity Diagrams
An effective visual tool for showing how decisions, actions, and activities move through a process
or system is an activity diagram. It functions as a dynamic modeling tool for software interactions,
workflows, and business processes. During the development of our food delivery service, activity
diagrams offer a simple and easy way to see how multiple modules work together, how users move
through the app, and how different procedures work. Activity diagrams provide important insights
into the functionality and user journeys of an app by showing the order of actions and the factors
that influence decision-making.

6.1.1 Admin/Restaurant Activity Diagram

The sequence of events and interactions within the restaurant module of our meal delivery app are
explained visually in the restaurant activity diagram. It describes the workflow that wait staff
members go through while handling menus, taking orders, and interacting with customer and
delivery drivers.
Figure 1 Restaurant Activity Diagram
6.1.2 Customer Activity Diagram
Using a dynamic sequence of interactions and actions that users carry out within the customer
module of our meal delivery service, the customer activity diagram acts as a visual roadmap. The
essence of the customer journey is depicted in this figure, from menu browsing and order
placement to delivery monitoring and feedback provision.
Figure 2 Customer Activity Diagram
6.1.3 Delivery Person Activity Diagram
The Delivery Person activity diagram provides a thorough visual representation of the dynamic
exchanges and tasks that delivery staff members complete within our meal delivery application.

Figure 3 Delivery Person Activity

6.2 Use Case Diagrams
A system or application's use case is a succinct and organized depiction of a particular interaction
or circumstance. It highlights the system's reaction to user actions and describes the stages a user
or actor takes to accomplish a specific goal. Use cases provide a comprehensive account of how
various actors—including customers, restaurants, and delivery staff—interact with the app to
fulfill their respective roles in the development of our food delivery service

6.2.1 Admin/Restaurant Use Case Diagram

The different interactions and scenarios that take place in our food delivery app's restaurant module
are described in a restaurant use case.
Figure 4 Restaurant Use Case Diagram
6.2.2 Customer Use Case Diagram
A customer use case includes all of the many situations and exchanges that customers have with
our food delivery app's customer module. It describes the exact process that users go through when
using the app to track delivery, explore menus, place orders, and leave feedback.
Figure 5 Customer Use Case Diagram
6.2.3 Delivery Person Use Case Diagram

The interactions and situations that delivery staff members run into in the Delivery Person module
of our food delivery app are all included in a Delivery Person use case.

Figure 6 Delivery Person Use Case Diagram

Figure 7 Delivery Person Use Case Diagram

6.3 Sequence Diagrams
A sequence diagram is an effective visual aid that shows the messages and interactions that have
occurred in chronological order between different actors, objects, or components of a system.

6.3.1 Restaurant Sequence Diagrams

A sequence diagram unique to our food delivery app's restaurant module shows how restaurants
communicate with other entities and the app's capabilities in a dynamic manner. It graphically
depicts the sequential exchange of information, decisions, and teamwork that takes place when
restaurants handle menus, take orders, and interact with customer and delivery staff.
Figure 8 Restaurant Sequence Diagrams
6.3.2 Customer Sequence Diagrams
Our food delivery app's customer module sequence diagram, specifically designed for it, shows
the dynamic interactions and communication flow that users have while using its features. It
describes the conversations, activities, and teamwork that occur in chronological order while users
browse menus, place orders, follow delivery, and engage with the application.

Figure 9 Customer Sequence Diagram

6.3.3 Delivery Person Sequence Diagrams
Within our food delivery app, a sequence diagram tailored for the Delivery Person module shows
the dynamic interactions and message exchanges that take place as delivery staff interact with the
app's features and other elements.
Figure 10 Delivery Person Sequence Diagrams
6.4 Class Diagram
A class diagram is a fundamental visual aid that shows how classes, objects, attributes, and
methods are organized within a system or application. A class diagram functions as a blueprint that
outlines the crucial elements and relationships between several classes that make up the
architecture of the food delivery system that we are developing.
Figure 11 Class Diagram
6.5 Object Diagram
An object diagram is a graphic depiction that shows a sample of class instances and their
relationships in a particular situation or setting. An object diagram offers a visual representation
of how various objects (instances of classes) interact and collaborate at a specific moment in time,
which is relevant to the development of our food delivery software. The object diagram displays
actual examples from the real world, including individual clients, eateries, delivery drivers, orders,
menus, and payments.
Figure 12 Object Diagram

This chapter explores how the design and specifications for our food delivery app are turned into
a functional reality through the use of code and technical execution. The crucial elements that
facilitate the development phase are covered in this chapter, ranging from translating design
concepts into functional code to optimizing performance and ensuring security.

7.1 Translating Design to Code

This section explores the process of turning our laboriously designed layout into functional code.
Our tight adherence to interactive prototypes and wireframes has allowed us to ensure a seamless
transition from design to development. This process has guaranteed that the final product will
accurately represent the intended user experience, keeping the app's behavior consistent with our
original objectives. We prioritize the preservation of design integrity during this translation
process, while simultaneously considering the technical details necessary for successful
functioning. Throughout the design phase, users can be certain that the app will work exactly as
intended because of this rigorous attention to detail.

7.2 Coding Practices and Standards

Here, we describe in full the coding practices and standards we adhered to during the development
process. Code that is clear, modular, and maintainable is highly valued by our development team.
Standardized naming conventions, observant remarks, and well-structured code have allowed us
to facilitate future code improvements and foster effective teamwork.

7.3 Technology Stack

In this part, we discuss the technology stack we used to develop our meal delivery software. Our
development team leverages Java to create Android apps, Firebase for real-time data management,
and Google Maps API for location-based functionality. This technology stack enables us to provide
a feature-rich and seamless user experience.

7.3.1 Front End Language

Our food delivery service's front-end design and user experience are primarily built using XML
and Android Studio. The composition and layout of user interface elements can be specified using
XML, or extensible markup language. With Android Studio, our integrated development
environment, you have access to a strong front-end design and coding platform. The arrangement
of visual elements such as buttons, text fields, photos, and menus inside various screens and layouts
is specified using a great deal of XML. We may create complicated user interfaces by layering
things, defining their properties, and creating relationships between them thanks to XML's
hierarchical structure. XML allows us to specify properties such as colors, fonts, sizes, and
placements, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing design across a range of displays and
devices. XML is integrated into Android Studio, which unifies our application's functionality and
design. The seamless integration of Java code and XML-based layouts results in an engaging and
easy-to-use user experience

7.3.2 Back End Language

We have chosen to use Java as our preferred programming language for the backend development
of our food delivery service. Because of its durability, flexibility, and large library, Java is a great
choice for developing the logic that drives the app's features. Because of Java's object-oriented
programming model, we can write modular and well-organized backend code. As the application
develops over time, this structure makes code maintainability and scalability easier. Java's
extensive framework and library ecosystem enables us to effectively manage data processing,
authentication, communication, and other critical backend tasks. Java will collaborate with other
technologies on the backend to handle business logic, maintain databases, and process incoming
requests. Our development team makes advantage of Java's features to make sure that information
moves between the front-end user interface and the back-end server of the application without
interruption. We can keep the app's codebase consistent by using Java for backend development
because the front-end (Android) and back-end (Java) parts are developed in the same programming
language. This harmony facilitates easier debugging and maintenance procedures and improves
teamwork within the development team.

7.3.3 Database
The database is the central component of our food delivery app's technical architecture, acting as
a backbone for organizing and storing crucial data to facilitate smooth interaction and information
retrieval. We have selected Firebase Realtime Database as the database solution for this use. A
cloud-based NoSQL database called Firebase Realtime Database makes it easier to synchronize
data in real time between various app components. Changes to data produced by one user or
module are instantly mirrored throughout all pertinent areas of the application thanks to this
dynamic synchronization. This is particularly important for functionalities like managing user
profiles, changing menus, and tracking orders.

The schema-less architecture of the Firebase Realtime Database allows for changing data
requirements without the need for complex migrations. This adaptability is crucial since our app's
needs change over time. The database is created by our development team to hold user data, order
specifics, restaurant menus, delivery statuses, and other data. Customers, restaurants, and delivery
staff can all receive real-time updates thanks to Firebase Realtime Database.

7.4 Performance Optimization

For us, performance optimization is of utmost importance. By utilizing strategies like data caching,
lazy loading, and asynchronous programming, we've made sure that our application functions
smoothly even during periods of high demand. This optimization ensures that our users,
irrespective of their device or network conditions, will have a seamless and enjoyable experience.

7.5 Database Implementation

A key component of our app's functioning is Firebase, the database solution we have selected. We
have painstakingly integrated Firebase's real-time database features to store and retrieve restaurant
menus, delivery statuses, order histories, and customer profiles. This method ensures that the data
in our app is always current and available instantly. The schema-less architecture of the Firebase
Realtime Database allows for changing data requirements without the need for complex
migrations. This adaptability is crucial since our app's needs change over time. The database is
created by our development team to hold user data, order specifics, restaurant menus, delivery
statuses, and other data.

Customers, restaurants, and delivery staff can all receive real-time updates thanks to Firebase
Realtime Database. Whenever an order is placed, changed, or delivered, everyone involved gets
instant access to the most recent data. This synchronization improves user experiences throughout
the app and promotes effective coordination.
7.6 Security and Privacy Measures
At the forefront of our app's development is security. To safeguard user data, we've put strong user
authentication procedures in place using Firebase Authentication. To protect user privacy,
important data is also encrypted, including passwords and payment details.

7.6.1 Secure Authentication

We've incorporated Firebase Authentication to handle user logins and registrations. It protects user
accounts against unauthorized access by granting access to the app only to authorized users. Data
Encryption: Sensitive data, such as user passwords and payment information, is encrypted both
during transmission and storage. The data is safe and unreadable even in the event that it is
intercepted thanks to this encryption.

7.6.2 Role-Based Access Control

Role-based access control methods have been put in place to guarantee that users can only access
the information and features relevant to their responsibilities. Access levels are customized for
customers, delivery staff, and eateries.

7.6.3 Privacy by Design

Privacy was considered while designing our app. We only gather the minimal amount of user data
necessary for the operation of the app, and we notify users about data usage through simple and
straightforward privacy policies.

7.6.4 Regular Security Audits

To find and fix any security flaws, our development team regularly performs vulnerability analyses
and security audits. This proactive strategy guarantees that our app will continue to be resistant to
new threats.

7.6.5 Secure Payment Processing

Our app's payment processing is facilitated through a certified and trusted third-party payment
gateway. This ensures that payment information is handled securely and reduces the risk of
fraudulent transactions.
7.6.6 Compliance with Data Protection Laws
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other pertinent data protection laws and
regulations are followed by us to guarantee that user data is gathered, kept, and handled in an
ethical and compliant manner

7.6.7 Regular Updates and Patching

We make a commitment to applying the most recent security fixes and upgrades to our app. By
taking this preventive action, vulnerabilities brought on by out-of-date software are reduced.

7.7 Third-Party Integrations

Third-party services have been smoothly incorporated into our software to improve its usefulness.
We enable users precise position monitoring and effective route optimization by integrating the
Google Maps API. Furthermore, a safe third-party payment gateway facilitates payment
processing, ensuring safe and easy transactions.

7.7.1 Google Map Api

Our food delivery app's backend development would not be possible without the Google Maps
API, which enables us to easily include location-based features and improve user experiences.
With the powerful features provided by the Google Maps API, we can incorporate route
optimization, geolocation, and interactive maps into our application. We can give users a visual
picture of neighboring restaurants, precise delivery tracking, and effective route suggestions for
delivery staff thanks to the Google Maps API. Customers can now view restaurant locations, track
their orders in real time, and receive precise projected delivery times thanks to this connection,
which improves the use of the app.

The Google Maps API's geolocation features make it easy for clients to submit their delivery
addresses. Then, using this information, orders may be placed more easily by matching them with
eateries that are close by. Moreover, delivery staff members gain from optimal route
recommendations, which help them navigate effectively and cut down on delivery times. Users are
guaranteed to obtain correct and current location information because to the app's real-time
connection with the Google Maps API, which also helps to improve user experience overall by
removing misunderstanding. Additionally, the API's interaction with other app features facilitates
smooth coordination and communication between delivery staff, restaurants, and customers.
7.8 Testing and Quality Assurance
Quality control and testing are essential to our development process. To find and fix any problems,
we carry out thorough user acceptability testing, integration testing, and unit testing. This
procedure guarantees that our app's features work flawlessly and reliably, giving consumers an
amazing experience.

7.9 Continuous Integration and Deployment

Code updates are methodically evaluated and deployed by our development team thanks to
continuous integration and deployment processes. Automated pipelines make testing and
deployment more efficient, which helps us keep our users' app versions current and dependable

7.10 User Training and Documentation

Our goal is for our users to be able to easily navigate and use our app. We've put together thorough
user manuals and tutorials that offer diners, servers, and delivery staff step-by-step guidance. By
taking this strategy, we enable our users to fully utilize the features and functionalities of our

7.11 Conclusion: A Functional App Prototype

Finally, the result of our painstaking implementation efforts is a working prototype of our meal
delivery app. We're thrilled to see our concept and technical requirements realized in a physical
application that will hopefully alter the meal delivery experience. As the release of our app draws
closer, this chapter honors the spirit of cooperation among our development team members and
the potential it possesses.

We explore the thorough testing procedures that guide the creation of our meal delivery app in this
chapter. Using a wide variety of testing techniques, we make sure the application runs smoothly,
offers a user-friendly interface, and maintains the highest levels of security and functionality.

8.1.1 Test Case: Sign-up

The Test case user check image is selected, check any field is empty than registration not
successfully. If all field is filled, check phone number is less than 11 digits or greater than 13 digits
than registration not successfully. Check email not contain stream of string @ and dot registration
not successfully. If email enter already exist registration not successfully. If password is less than
6-character registration not successfully. If autocomplete text view of address and roll are not
select then registration not successfully.

Project Pita House Catluna

Module Sign-up
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Result Actual Result Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description
ID Description ID
TS_1 Verifying TC_1 After clicking the After clicking the Register form Pass
the registration registration button, it register button, it display
functionality will move to the should display successfully.
registration form. registration form.
TS_1 Verifying TC_2 The registration The registration The registration Pass
the registration activity contains 7 activity Displaying activity Displaying
functionality fields image, name, 7 fields successfully 7 fields
phone, email, on the registration successfully on the
page. registration page.
password, address
and role.

TS_1 Verifying TC_3 Clicking on Register Registration Failed. Fill the empty Pass
the registration button, check all Field.
functionality fields if any field is
empty or not.
TS_1 Verifying TC_4 Verify phone number Registration Enter valid Pass
the registration field less then or successful with number.
functionality greater than 11 entered Phone
numbers. number.
TS_1 Verifying TC_6 Verify email not Entered email is Invalid Email. Pass
the registration contain stream of correct.
functionality string with @ and
TS_1 Verifying TC_7 Verify if entered Registration Email is already Pass
the registration Email already exists successful with existed.
functionality in database. entered E-mail.
TS_1 Verifying TC_8 If Password is less Enter password Enter 6 or more Pass
the registration than 6 characters should correct. than characters.
functionality (Password must
contain 6 or more
then characters).
TS_1 Verifying TC_9 If entered data in all Registration Registration Pass
the registration fields is correct. Successfully. Successfully.
Table 5 Sign Up Testing
8.1.2 Test Case: Login
The Test case involved are whether valid or invalid email and password entered. If user enter
invalid email or password, they are not allowed to login the user. If the credentials are correct the
user can successfully login.
Project Pita House Catluna
Module Login
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Result Actual Result Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description
ID Description ID
TS_2 Verifying TC_1 User start application Login page should Login page Pass
the login and Login Page will display. (contain E-mail,
functionality be display to user. Password fields
and Sign-In, Reg
button) display
TS_2 Verifying TC_2 After clicking on Login failed. Enter Fields. Pass
the login Login button if both
functionality E-mail and password
fields are blank.
TS_2 Verifying TC_3 Login with blank Login failed. Enter the E-mail. Pass
The login E-mail.
TS_2 Verifying TC_4 Login with blank Login failed Enter Password. Pass
the login Password field.
TS_2 Verifying TC_5 Login with Wrong E- Login successfully. E-mail not Exist Pass
the login mail address. Or invalid E-mail.
TS_2 Verifying TC_6 Login with wrong Login successfully. Password is Pass
the login Password. Incorrect.
TS_2 Verifying TC_7 Login with Valid E- Login successfully. Login successfully Pass
the login mail and Password. and a Dashboard
functionality display.
Table 6 Login Test Case

8.1.3 Test case: Profile

The Test case profile click on profile and it load image, name, phone number, address, email
with logout and edit button. Click on edit button it displays user, name, image choose and update
and data update button. Click on choose we select image from gallery and update button update
the image. Click on data update first it checks any field is not empty when all requirement is filling
update the data successfully.
Project Pita House Catluna
Module User Profile
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_3 Check Profile TC_1 Click on Display Display Pass
profile and profile image, name,
show list of information phone,
fields that address,
contain image,
name, email, and
address, edit button
email, logout
and edit
TS_4 Edit Profile TC_2 Click on edit Show Display Pass
button profile profile field
and show fields
image, name,
TS_4 Edit Profile TC_3 Click on select Open Open gallery Pass
image button gallery and and select
select image
TS_5 Update Profile TC_4 Click on Update Update image Pass
update image image successfully

TS_5 Update Profile TC_5 Click on Update data Enter name Pass
check name
field is empty
TS_5 Update Profile TC_11 Click on Update data Update Pass
update successfully

Table 7 Profile
8.1.4 Test case: Check Feedback
User can check Feedbacks and reviews related to workers.
Project Pita House Catluna
Module Check Feedback
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_6 Click on TC_1 Check Should 1.Display Pass
Feedback card feedback and display feedback and
view review feedback review
and review 2.No feedback
Table 8 Check Feedback Test Case

8.1.5 Test case Restaurant Dashboard

Restaurant contains profile, order and feedback, add menu and add food items card view. By
clicking on profile card view they can check or edit profile. Click on order Restaurant can see there
pending and booked orders. Feedback card view will show feedbacks related to their work.

Project Pita House Catluna

Module Restaurant Dashboard
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_7 Verifying TC_1 After login-in Open Dashboard Pass
the Restaurant dashboard open
functionality dashboard activity open
of dashboard activity open
TS_7 Verifying TC_2 Dashboard Display Display Pass
the contains dashboard dashboard
functionality profile, order information information
of dashboard and feedback,
add menu, add
item card
Table 9 Restaurant Dashboard

8.1.6 Test Case: Restaurant Manage Order

The Test case that checks it order not exist it show not order exist if order exist that it shows
order details with customer name, address, total price phone number, status and confirm button.
Confirm button change the status of order no to confirm.

Project Pita House Catluna

Module Restaurant Manage Order
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_8 Verifying TC_1 Show list of It should Display order Pass
the Manage order that display information.
order contain order
functionality Customer information.
Food Type,
total price
phone, email,
status and
with confirm
TS_8 Verifying TC_2 Confirm the Should Confirm order. Pass
the Manage order by click change the
order the button. status in
functionality Process to
TS_8 Verifying TC_2 Cancel the Should cancel order. Pass
the Manage order by click change the
order the button. status in
functionality Process to
Table 10 Manage Order

8.1.7 Test Case: Customer Dashboard

After login-in customer dashboard activity open. Dashboard contains Profile, Check order
Menu list, add to cart, Check Feedback, card view
Project Pita House Catluna
Module Customer Dashboard
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_9 Verifying TC_1 After login-in After log-in Dashboard Pass
the customer dashboard open
functionality dashboard activity open
of dashboard activity open
TS_9 Verifying TC_2 Dashboard Display Display Pass
the contains dashboard dashboard
functionality Profile, Menu information information
of dashboard list, Items list,
order list,
booked order,
Pending order
and Feedback
Table 11 Customer Dashboard

8.1.8 Test Case: Delivery Person Dashboard

After login-in Delivery Person dashboard activity open. Dashboard contains Profile, check
assigned order, delivered order card view

Project Pita House Catluna


Module Delivery Person Dashboard

Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_9 Verifying TC_1 After login-in After log-in Dashboard Pass
the Delivery dashboard open
functionality Person activity open
of dashboard dashboard
activity open
TS_9 Verifying TC_2 Dashboard Display Display Pass
the contains dashboard dashboard
functionality Profile, information information
of dashboard assigned order
list, delivered
order, card
Table 12 Delivery Person Dashboard

8.1.9 Test Case: Restaurant Check Order

Show order that contain Customer name, email, address, phone, price and status

Project Pita House Catluna

Module Restaurant Check Order

Created Team Pita House Catluna

Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_11 Check Order TC_1 Show list of It should Display order Pass
order that display information.
contain order
customer information.
name, time,
Date, price,
address, email
and status
TS_11 Pending Order TC_2 Show list of It should Display order Pass
Pending order display information.
that contain order
Restaurant information.
name, time,
Date, price,
address, email
and status
TS_11 Booked Order TC_3 Show list of It should Display order Pass
booked order display information.
that contain
Restaurant order
name, information.
name, time,
Date, price,
address, email
and status
Table 13 Restaurant Check Order

8.1.10 Test case: Customer Check Order

Show order that contain Restaurant name, product name, date total price phone no., total
quantity and status
Project Pita House Catluna
Module Customer Check Order
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_14 Verifying TC_1 Show order It should Display order Pass
the order that contain display information.
functionality Restaurant order
name, information.
name, date,
time, price
phone no,
address, email
and status

Table 14 Customer Check Order

8.1.11 Test case: Feedback

Click on feedback and open the activity of Restaurant List, Click any type of worker card
view. Select Restaurant to give message and rating.
Project Pita House Catluna
Module Feedback in Customer
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_15 Give TC_1 Click on Show all Display all Pass
Feedback feedback and type of Restaurant
open the Restaurant
activity of
Worker list
TS_15 Give TC_2 Click on Display Display Pass
Feedback any Restaurant Restaurant
Restaurant information information
card view
TS_15 Give feedback TC_3 Click and Should Display Pass
open the display feedback
feedback feedback activity
activity activity
TS_15 Give feedback TC_4 Message and Display Display
review message message and
field are and review review
TS_15 Give feedback TC_5 Click on Submitted Enter message
button to successfully
submit if
message is
TS_15 Give feedback TC_6 Click on Submitted Give rating
button to successfully
submit if
rating is
TS_15 Give feedback TC_7 When all field Submitted Submitted
is filled successfully successfully

8.1.12 Test case: Logout

Project Pita House Catluna
Module User Logout
Created Team Pita House Catluna
Test Test Test Test Case Expected Actual Status
Scenario Scenario Case Description Result Result
ID Description ID
TS_16 Profile TC_1 Click on It should Display Pass
profile option display profile
and show list profile information.
of fields that information.
contain image,
phone, email
and edit
TS_16 Check Logout TC_2 Click on Logout Login activity Pass
logout button

Table 15 Logout

8.2 Black Box Test Cases:

Black Box Testing is also known as behavioral, opaque-box, closed-box, specification-
based or eye-to-eye testing. It is a Software Testing method that analyzes the functionality of a
software/application without knowing much about the internal structure/design of the item that is
being tested and compares the input value with the output value.
The main focus of Black Box Testing is on the functionality of the system as a whole. The term ‟
Behavioral Testing’’ is also used for Black Box Testing.
Behavioral test design is slightly different from the black-box test design because the use of
internal knowledge isn’t strictly forbidden, but it’s still discouraged. Each testing method has its
own advantages and disadvantages. There are some bugs that cannot be found using black box or
white box technique alone. A majority of the applications are tested using the Black Box method.
We need to cover the majority of test cases so that most of the bugs will get discovered by the
Black-Box method. This testing occurs throughout the Software Development and Testing Life
Cycle i.e., in Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance, and Regression Testing stages.

8.2.1 Boundary Value Analysis

1: Accept valid name must be (minimum 3 character and maximum 20
Bounder value to taken
Input Result
5 T
14 T
2 F
21 F

2: Input box that contain character must accept only alphabetic numeric
Input Result
a-z character T
A-Z character T
0-10 character T
special character F

Table 8.14 | Input box BVA

3: Accept valid phone number must be (minimum 11 and maximum 12

Bounder value to taken
Input Result
11 T
10 F
12 T
13 F

Table 8.15 | Phone BVA

4: Accept valid Address can be combination of digits and character

Bounder value to taken
Input Result
0 F
0-10 F
a-z T
a-10 T
Table 8.16 | Address BVA

5: Accept valid email must be contain @ and domain.

Bounder value to taken
Input Result
ABC domain F
abc@domain T
abc@ F
a@domain T
@domain F
Table 8.17 | Email BVA

6: Accept valid password number must be 6 (maximum 20 digits)

Bounder value to taken
Input Result
5 F
6 T
8 T
21 F
Table 8.18 | Password BVA

7: Accept valid number of Food Menu contain numeric value must be

(minimum value is 1)
Bounder value to taken
Input Result
1 T
0 F
3 T
4 T
Table 8.19 | Number of Menu BVA

8: Accept valid description

Bounder value to taken
Input Result
Input 1-10 F
Input a-z T
Input A-Z T
Input special character F
Table 8.20 | Description BVA

9: Input box that contain numeric value

Bounder value to taken
Input Result
Input 0-9 T
Input a-z F
Input A-Z F
Input special character F
Table 8.21 | numeric value BVA

8.2.2 Equivalence Class Partitioning:

Accept valid user name, user name must be (minimum 3 character and maximum
20 character)
Invalid Valid Invalid
Less than 3 4 - 20 Greater Than 20
Table 8.22 | Name ECP

Input box that has numeric type accept only numeric input
Invalid Valid Invalid
Accept Alphabet Accept Numbers Accept special character
Table 8.23 | Numeric ECP

Order number must contain 1 digit

Invalid Valid Invalid
Less than 1 1 Greater Than Max Quantity
Table 8.24 | Order ECP

Accept valid password the length of password must be (minimum 6 and maximum
20 character)
Invalid Valid Invalid
Less than 6 6 to 20 Greater Than 20
Table 8.25 | Password ECP

Accept valid email must be contain @ and domain.

Invalid Valid Invalid
abc@ abc@domain @domain
Table 8.26 | Email ECP

Accept valid description length (minimum 10 character and maximum 50 character)

Invalid Valid Invalid
Less than 10 10-100 Greater than 100
Table 8.27 | Description ECP
Accept valid phone number length
Invalid Valid Invalid
Less than 11 11-12 Greater than 12
Table 8.28 | Valid Phone ECP

Accept valid forget password the length of password must be (minimum 6 and maximum 20

Invalid Valid Invalid

Less than 6 6-20 Greater than 20

Table 8.29 | Password ECP

Accept select valid image type

Invalid Valid Invalid

Table 8.30 | Image ECP

Accept select valid role

Invalid Valid Invalid

Numeric Restaurant, Customer, Special character
Delivery Person
Table 8.31 | Role ECP

Accept valid feedback the length of feedback (minimum 10 character and maximum 80 character)

Invalid Valid Invalid

Less than 10 10-80 Greater than 80

Table 8.32 | Feedback ECP

8.2.3 State Transition Testing
State Transition of Registration

State Registration Correct Name, Incorrect Name,

Image, Phone, Email, Image, Phone,
Password, Address Email, Password,
and Role Address and Role
S1 Register S2 S3
S2 Login S4
S3 Display error message

Table 8.33 | Registration STT

State Transition Testing of Login

State Login Correct Password Incorrect Password

and Email and Email
S1 First attempt S4 S2
S2 Second Attempt S4 S3
S3 Third Attempt S4 S5
S4 Dashboard Panel
S5 Display error message

Table 8.34 | Login STT

State Transition Testing of Profile

State Profile Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Login S2 S7
S2 Dashboard S3 S4
S3 Profile S4
S4 Display error message

Table 8.35 | Profile STT

State Transition Testing of Update Profile

State Profile Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Login S2 S7
S2 Dashboard S3 S7
S3 Profile S4 S7
S4 Update Button S5 S7
S5 Update user information S6 S7
S6 Display update successfully S7
S7 Display error message

Table 8.36 | Update Profile STT

State Transition Testing of Confirm Order

State Confirm Order Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Dashboard S2 S4
S2 Order S3 S4
S3 Display Confirm
S4 Display error message

Table 8.37 | Confirm Order STT

State Transition Testing of Add to cart

State Book Worker Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Login S2 S5
S2 Dashboard S3 S5
S3 Add to cart S4 S5
S4 Added S5
S5 Display error
Table 8.38 | Book Worker STT

State Transition Testing of Give Feedback

State Feedback Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Dashboard S2 S6
S2 Feedback S3 S6
S3 Restaurant List S4 S6
S4 Select Restaurant S5 S6
S5 Message, Rating S6
S6 Display error message
Table 8.39 | Give Feedback STT

State Transition Testing of Check Feedback

State Check Feedback Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Dashboard S2 S6
S2 Feedback S3 S6
S3 Restaurant list S4 S6
S4 Review S5 S6
S5 Display message and S6
S6 Display error message

Table 8.40 | Check Feedback STT

State Transition Testing of Check Restaurant List

State Restaurant List Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Login S2 S5
S2 Dashboard S3 S5
S3 Restaurants List S4 S5
S4 Display Restaurant list S5
S5 Display error message
Table 8.41 | Restaurant List STT

State Transition Testing of Remove Product

State Remove Product Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Login S2 S10
S2 Dashboard S3 S10
S3 Menu List S4 S10
S4 Select Menu S5 S10
S5 Display item list S6 S10
S6 Display you want to remove S10
(yes, cancel)
S7 Yes S8 S10
S8 Display removes S9 S10
S9 cancel
S10 Display error message
Table 8.42 | Remove STT

State Transition Testing of Forget Password

State Forget Password Correct Input Incorrect Input

S1 Reset S2 S6
S2 Forget Password (enter S3 S6
S3 Check Email (click link) S4 S6
S4 New password S5 S6
S5 Display change password S6
S6 Display error message
Table 8.43 | Forget Password STT

6.2.5 Graph Based Testing:

Graph Testing of Signup:

Figure 13 Sign Up
Graph Testing of Signup:

N = {n0, n1, n2, n3, n5, n7, n8, n9, n10,}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n10}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n2) (n4, n6) (n6, n7) (n7, n2) (n6, n8) (n8,

Graph Testing of Login:

Figure 14 Login Graph Testing

Graph Testing of Login:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n8}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n3) (n3, n1) (n2, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n1) (n4, n6) (n6, n7)}

Graph Testing of Profile:

Figure 15 Profile Graph Testing

Graph Testing of Profile:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n7}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6}
Graph Testing of Edit Profile:

Figure 16 Update Profile Graph

Graph Testing of Update Profile:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n9}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n5, n4) (n6, n7) (n7, n8)}

Graph Testing of Check Restaurant List:

Restaurant List

Figure 17 Check Restaurant

Graph Testing of Check Restaurant List:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n8}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6)}

Graph Testing of Place Order:

Figure 18 Place Order Graph Testing

Graph Testing of Place Order:

N= {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9}

E= {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n6, n7) (n7, n8)}

Graph Testing of Confirm Orders:

Figure 19 Confirm Order Graph Path

Graph Testing of Confirm Orders:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n7}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n7}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6)}
Graph Testing of Check Orders:

Figure 20 Check Order Graph Path

Graph Testing of Check Orders:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n7}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6)}

Graph Testing of Check Pending Orders:

Figure 21 Check Pending Order Graph Path

Graph Testing of Check Pending Orders:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n7}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6)}

Graph Testing of Check Feedback:

Figure 22 Check Feedback Path

Graph Testing of Check Feedback:

N= {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7,}

E= {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n6, n5) (n6, n7)}
Graph Testing of Give Feedback:

Figure 23 Give Feedback Graph Path

Graph Testing of Give Feedback:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n11}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n3) (n2, n4) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n6, n7) (n7, n8) (n8, n9) (n9,

Graph Testing of Add Menu:

Figure 24 Add Menu Graph Path

Graph Testing of Add Menu:
N= {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7,}
E= {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n6, n5) (n6, n7)}
Graph Testing of Add Product:

Figure 25 Add Product:

Graph Testing of Add Product:
N= {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7,}
E= {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n6, n5) (n6, n7)}
Graph Testing of Add to Cart:

Figure 26 Add to Cart:

Graph Testing of Add to Cart:
N= {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7,}
E= {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6) (n6, n5) (n6, n7)}
Graph Testing of Logout:

Figure 27 Logout:

Graph Testing of Logout:

N = {n0, n1, n3, n4, n5, n7}

N0 = {n0}

NF = {n7}

E = {(n0, n1) (n1, n2) (n2, n1) (n2, n3) (n3, n4) (n4, n5) (n5, n6)

8.3 White Box Testing

8.3.1 Statement Coverage:
Statement coverage of registration:

Figure 28 Registration PC
Path Coverage (PC)
Path 1:0A-1B-2C-3D-4F-6I-8K
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-3D-4E-5G-2C-3D-4F-6I-8K
Path 3: 0A-1B-2C-3D-4E-5G-2C-3D-4F-6H-7J-2C-3D-4F-6I-8K
Path 4: 0A-1B-2C-3D-4F-6h-7J-2C-3D-4F-6I-8K
Branch Coverage= minimum statement executed / maximum statement executed *100
= (7/16) *100=43.75
Statement coverage of Login:

Figure 29 Login PC
Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-4G-6I
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-3E-1B-2D-4G-6I
Path 3: 0A-1B-2C-3E-1B-2D-4F-5H-1B-2D-4G-6I
Branch Coverage= (5/12) * 100=41.667
Statement coverage of Profile:

Figure 30 Profile PC
Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Statement Coverage = (6/8) *100=75
Statement coverage of Profile Update:

Figure 31 Profile Update PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I
Statement Coverage = (8/10) *100=80
Statement coverage of Restaurant List:


Restaurant List

Figure 32 Restaurant List PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Statement Coverage = (6/8) *100 =75
Statement coverage of Place Order:

Figure 33 Place Order PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-8J-6H-7I-8K
Statement Coverage = (8/14cal) *100=57.14
Statement coverage of Confirm Order:

Figure 34 Confirm Order PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Statement Coverage = (6/8) *100 =75
Statement coverage of Check order:

Figure 35Check Order PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Statement Coverage = (6/8) *100 =75
Statement coverage of Check Pending Order:

Figure 36 Check Pending Order PC

Path Coverage (PC):

Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Statement Coverage = (6/8) *100 =75
Statement coverage of Give Feedback:

Figure 37Give Feedback PC

Path Coverage (PC):

Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3C-4D-5E-6F-7G-8H-9I-10J
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3C-4D-5E-6F-7G-8H-9I-10J
Statement Coverage = (9/11) *100 =81.81
Statement coverage of Check Feedback:

Figure 38 Check Feedback PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3C-4D-5E-6F-7H
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6F-7H
Statement Coverage = (8/10) *100 =80
Statement coverage of Add Menu:

Figure 39 Add Menu PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7J
Path 2: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-5G-6H-7J
Path 3: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7J
Path 4: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-5G-6H-7J
Statement Coverage = (8/13) *100=61.54
Statement coverage of Add Menu Product:

Figure 40 Add Product PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7J
Path 2: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-5G-6H-7J
Path 3: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7J
Path 4: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-5G-6H-7J
Statement Coverage = (8/13) *100=61.54
Statement coverage of Add to Cart:

Figure 41 Add to Cart PC

Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7J
Path 2: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-5G-6H-7J
Path 3: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7J
Path 4: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G-6H-7I-5G-6H-7J
Statement Coverage = (8/13) *100=61.54
Statement coverage of Logout:

Figure 42 Logout
Path Coverage (PC):
Path 1: 0A-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Path 2: 0A-1B-2C-1B-2D-3E-4F-5G
Statement Coverage = (6/8) *100 =75

8.4 Usability Testing (Feedback)

We prioritize usability testing in our effort to provide a user-centric meal delivery app. Through
inviting actual users to engage with the app and collecting their insightful feedback, we make sure
that the features and design of the app meet and exceed their expectations.

8.4.1 Tailored Test Scenarios and User Flows:

As part of our development process, we create user flows and test scenarios that closely resemble
actual encounters. These scenarios include ordering, looking over menus at restaurants, and
keeping track of deliveries. We evaluate how consumers interact with the software and identify
any potential pain points by mimicking these behaviors.

8.4.2 Real Users, Real Insights:

Sincere people from a variety of backgrounds actively use the app and share their unvarnished
opinions and views. Their interactions provide an authentic viewpoint on the usability of the
software and are a mirror of real-world usage. With the use of this method, we can better
understand how various users interact with the app and adjust its design to appeal to a wider range
of users.

8.4.3 Observation and Refinement:

When doing usability testing, our team closely monitors users' interactions with the application.
We record their behaviors, responses, and any difficulties they run into. This practical method
offers qualitative information to complement quantitative measurements and help pinpoint areas
that need improvement.
8.4.4 Iterative Enhancement:
We take user input into consideration on an ongoing basis. It serves as the cornerstone of our
iterative development methodology. We diligently make changes based on customer feedback to
resolve issues and improve the usability of the app. Ensuring that the application changes in
accordance with user preferences requires this iterative cycle of improvement.

8.4.5 Putting Users at the Center:

We take user input into consideration on an ongoing basis. It serves as the cornerstone of our
iterative development methodology. We diligently make changes based on customer feedback to
resolve issues and improve the usability of the app. Ensuring that the application changes in
accordance with user preferences requires this iterative cycle of improvement.

8.4.6 Elevating Satisfaction and Engagement:

The secret to increasing user pleasure is the usability testing procedure. We develop an interface
that is simple to use, transparent in its interactions, and eventually improves the meal delivery
experience by iteratively improving the app in response to user input. The incorporation of user
feedback and usability testing into our development process is a testament to our commitment to
producing apps that are more than just functional. It is an example of an app that is responsive to
the needs and preferences of its customers and increases their level of happiness during the meal
delivery process

8.5 Functionality Testing

As far as our food delivery app is concerned, the functional analysis is a critical stage of
development. This section goes into great detail into the careful assessment of each feature and
component of the app to make sure it runs smoothly and fulfills user expectations to the letter.

8.5.1 Test Scenarios and User Flows:

Within the realm of our food delivery app's development, the thorough examination of
functionality stands as a pivotal phase. This section delves into the meticulous evaluation of every
feature and aspect of the app, ensuring that it functions seamlessly and meets user expectations
8.5.2 Input-Output Validation:
We stress the significance of input-output validation here. We explore the ways in which our testing
procedure thoroughly verifies that user inputs result in accurate outcomes. This thorough
validation guarantees that, even in intricate interactions, the app's data processing is dependable
and consistent.

8.5.3 Boundary and Edge Cases

In this subsection, we concentrate on the assessment of edge and border cases. Through deliberate
testing of the app's limits, we find any weaknesses and make sure the app is reliable and stable
even in situations that call for special attention.

8.5.4 Exception Handling Mastery:

Within this sub-section, we focus on the evaluation of boundary and edge cases. By intentionally
pushing the app's functionalities to their limits, we identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that
the app remains robust and stable in scenarios that require specialized handling.

8.5.5 Device Compatibility Assurance:

We emphasize the importance of ensuring consistent functionality across various devices and
screen sizes. In this sub-section, we discuss our approach to testing the app's compatibility,
ensuring that users can seamlessly engage with the app regardless of their preferred device.

8.5.6 Conclusion: Ensuring Comprehensive Functionality:

This part concludes by emphasizing the crucial function of functionality testing in ensuring a top-
notch food delivery software. By carefully examining features, inputs, outputs, and special
instances, we produce an app that works flawlessly and goes above and beyond what users could
possibly want. Our dedication to functional testing results in an app that is stable, dependable, and
able to offer everyone who uses it a flawless meal delivery experience.

The development process doesn't end with the release of our meal delivery app; users continue to
utilize it on a regular basis. This chapter explores the tactics we utilize for continuous maintenance
to guarantee the app's sustained functioning, enhancements, and flexibility to meet changing user
needs. The constant dedication to the durability and quality of our meal delivery app is known as
maintenance. This refers to the continuous process of closely observing, optimizing, and
modifying the application to guarantee its faultless functioning. Updating and maintaining systems
ensures that users have a flawless experience by promptly fixing issues that are reported and by
improving performance. It also sets the stage for upcoming improvements, since our app's
development is driven by user feedback and technology advancements.

9.1 Work in Progress: Nurturing Excellence

We highlight the current projects and activities that make up the "work in progress" part of app
maintenance in this area. It's a process of proactive steps and ongoing attention to maintain the
app's standards.

9.1.1 Bug Tracking and Resolution: Swift Responses, Seamless Experiences

Here, we present our comprehensive bug tracking and resolution system, which demonstrates our
unwavering dedication to excellence. We go into great depth about how we quickly recognize,
group, and order issues that are reported. By employing an agile development methodology, we
guarantee prompt resolution of any issues, hence reducing inconveniences for our esteemed

9.1.2 Performance Optimization: Elevating User Delight

In this area, we highlight our unwavering commitment to performance optimization. We offer a
perceptive look into the way we keep an eye on the performance parameters of the app constantly.
Through constant optimization of speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience, we maintain
the application at optimal performance, generating smiles with each engagement.

9.1.3 User Support and Assistance: Guiding Every Step

Come along on an adventure that highlights the importance of user support and guidance. We
describe how our committed customer service team is prepared to answer user questions as soon
as possible. Users find prompt solutions to their issues under their direction, guaranteeing that their
experience is supported and unbroken.
9.2 Future Enhancements: Shaping Tomorrow's Excellence
As user preferences change and technology progresses, our dedication to quality remains
unwavering. This section reveals our innovative strategy for upcoming updates, where we combine
innovation, customer feedback, and trends to create an even more amazing app experience. For
our meal delivery app, future improvements will serve as a link between innovation and user
happiness. They stand for our dedication to ongoing development and foresight into changing
requirements. Future improvements will be driven by user feedback, technology advancements,
and a desire to push boundaries—in other words, what makes an already great app even better?
Each innovation, whether it's a new feature, a streamlined process, or an elevated user interface, is
carefully designed to not only address present demands but also to redefine the app experience.
With future enhancements, we embark on a journey of perpetual evolution, weaving user Every
innovation—be it a redesigned user interface, a faster workflow, or a new feature—is thoughtfully
crafted to not only meet current needs but also to completely transform the app experience.

9.2.1 User Feedback Integration: Crafting Together

In this section, you will learn how user feedback drives the development of our app. We present
our process for turning user feedback and insights into concrete improvements. Our development
strategy incorporates customer feedback to make sure the app develops in line with their

9.2.2 Innovation and New Features: Pioneering Possibilities

We welcome you to experience our enthusiasm for innovation in this subsection. We reveal the
process through which our concepts are realized, from conception to execution. Innovative
ordering options and clever tracking systems are just two examples of the carefully thought-out
components that redefine convenience and improve the meal delivery experience.

9.2.3 Scalability and Adaptability: Prepared for the Future

Here, we'd want to let you experience our enthusiasm for innovation. We show you how our
concepts are developed from the ground up to be implemented. The meal delivery experience is
elevated and convenience is redefined with the thoughtful design of innovative ordering
alternatives and clever tracking methods.
9.2.4 Conclusion: An Evolutionary Expedition
As we come to an end, keep in mind that the voyage of our app is a never-ending adventure. The
maintenance and enhancement part is still unfinished, with new ideas, advancements, and user
happiness represented on every page. Our dedication to continuous improvement guarantees that
the app prospers and is prepared to surpass expectations both now and in the future.


Assessment serves as a guide for navigating the overall influence, efficacy, and success of the
project as a whole as well as the food delivery app as a product. This chapter explores the many
techniques used to gauge the app's effectiveness, user happiness, conformity to original objectives,
overall project success, and lessons gained. Progress is built on evaluation, which serves as a
compass to lead us through the maze of invention and development. It's the practice of reflection,
a thoughtful process that analyzes our meal delivery service as a project and as a product,
evaluating its resonance, effect, and alignment with our original goals.

This chapter is an exploration of the world of careful evaluation, where we shed light on the process
from idea to execution and make sure that our work is driven by ongoing development and purpose.
Our meal delivery app's evaluation is the compass that helps us determine how successful and
effective it is as a project and as a product. It's the crucial procedure by which we gauge
performance, validate our initial objectives, and gauge user pleasure. This chapter explores the
craft of evaluation in great detail, providing insight into how we negotiate the complex terrain of
project success and product quality.
10.1 Product Evaluation
In this step, we focus on evaluating the app as a product to determine how well it satisfies users'
requirements for a seamless and pleasurable experience.

10.1.1 Functionality:
Each feature and component are thoroughly tested by our team to ensure that they work as
intended. To ensure a flawless user experience, any abnormalities or problems are quickly found
and fixed.

10.1.2 Usability:
Real users are used in usability tests, which gives us crucial information about how user-friendly
and simple to use the app is overall. The interface and interactivity of the app can be improved
with the help of user input.

10.1.3 Performance:
To make sure the app is responsive even during peak usage, performance assessments are carried
out under various circumstances. Our dedication to delivering the best performance includes load
and stress testing.

10.1.4 Security:
To identify potential weaknesses, security assessments are carried out. We place a high priority on
protecting user data, and to secure sensitive data, we have put in place strong security measures.

User Feedback Integration:

The user input gathered during testing phases is carefully examined. These findings direct changes
to continuously improve the user experience and shape our development roadmap.

10.1.1 User Feedback Analysis

We examine the nuances of user feedback analysis in this section. We go into great depth on the
methodical process for compiling, categorizing, and evaluating user comments, suggestions, and
viewpoints. Analyzing user sentiments helps us decide how to improve the app's features and
Hafiz Muhammad Faisal Bilal 100%
CEO Dev Valley Software House
I adore this app so much! It's made placing food orders incredibly easy. The impressive selection
of eateries is easy to navigate thanks to the user-friendly design. Suggestions for new elements
or modifications

Table 16 User Feedback Categories

Ali Khalid Butt 95%

Android Developer
BS Computer Science
"As a first-time user, I was a little uneasy, but this app made the process of ordering food
enjoyable. I loved the restaurant choices based on my location, and the sign-up process was
simple. The software functions perfectly, but there have been a few occasions were the predicted
delivery time was off. More precise delivery time forecasts would be useful, especially during
rush hours.

Table 17 Feedback

Raheel Riaz 98%

Senior App Developer
MS Computer Science
"It would be great if you could include a function to make it easier for users to tailor their orders.
It can be a little perplexing to list all of the toppings that a restaurant offers in the notes section.
The user-friendliness of a separate customization function would be excellent.
Table 18 Feedback

10.2 Project Evaluation

In this section, we turn back to the project itself, reviewing its overall effectiveness and offering
suggestions for future development. The final step in the creation of our meal delivery app, project
evaluation provides a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of our project. This stage is
crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of our project management procedures as well as the
performance of our software. We carefully examine milestones, budget adherence, and adherence
to our painstakingly created timeline to determine whether our initial project goals and our
accomplishments are in line. Our resource management strategies are carefully examined to ensure
the best distribution of talents and resources, reducing the effect of resource limits on project
advancement. To improve our scheduling strategy, we examine our timetable management,
spotting deviations and examining the underlying causes. Financial responsibility is crucial, thus
we evaluate budget allocation and spending to find opportunities for cost minimization.
Stakeholder satisfaction is essential, and input from various stakeholders offers priceless insights
into the overall experience of our project. Our focus is on risk management, where we assess the
success of our risk reduction plans

10.2.1 Project Goals vs. Achievements

We start by carefully examining the compatibility between our original project goals and what we
have accomplished. This entails a thorough examination of whether we've kept to the project
timeframe, budget, and expected milestones.

10.2.2 Resource Management

How effectively we distributed and managed project resources is a key component of our
evaluation. We evaluate if resource allocation corresponded to the needs of the project and whether
any resource limitations affected project development.

10.2.3 Project Timeline Adherence

Adherence to the project timeline is pivotal. We review how well we managed project schedules,
addressing any deviations or delays and understanding their causes.
10.2.4 Budget Management
Our analysis looks at the project's financial component. We examine spending, allocation, and any
cost overruns. This evaluation aids in locating potential areas for budgetary improvement.

10.2.5 Stakeholder Satisfaction

By gathering feedback from a variety of project stakeholders, such as team members, developers,
partners, and investors, we can determine stakeholder satisfaction. Their viewpoints shed light on
the entire project experience.

10.2.6 Risk Management

Our review includes a thorough examination of how well we handled project hazards. We carefully
examine our risk assessment and mitigation plans, looking for any unforeseen difficulties and how
they were resolved.

10.2.7 Lessons Learned

The evaluation of our project involves reflection. We recognize and record the project's lessons
learned, highlighting both its achievements and its areas for development. Future efforts are
informed by these insights.

10.2.8 Continuous Improvement

Instead, then serving as the culmination, the evaluation phase serves as the groundwork for
ongoing progress. Every project presents an opportunity for us to improve our project management
techniques so that our future initiatives will be carried out more successfully and efficiently. We
hope to improve our project management skills in addition to evaluating the results of our food
delivery app project through thorough project evaluation.

This section takes us to the apex of a remarkable journey—the realization of our food delivery
software project—within the wide fabric of creativity and invention. Reading through these
documentation pages makes it quite evident that this project has entailed far more than just coding
and design considerations. It has been a remarkable demonstration of dedication, cooperation, and
unrestrained creativity. This project has shown our commitment to quality at every stage, from
idea to the very last line of code. We have developed a system that not only meets the demands of
our consumers but also speaks to their wishes through thorough planning, swift implementation,
and continual feedback loops. The compatibility of our app with the initial goals demonstrates the
strategic clarity that has guided all of our Decisions. As a result of the collective expertise of our
project managers, designers, developers, and quality assurance professionals, an original and
useful story has been produced. The app serves as evidence of our collective knowledge and
demonstrates how integrating various skills can result in a complex yet user-friendly solution.
The entrance to a new chapter, in which the app comes to life in users' hands, is opened when we
close the pages of this guide. The journey doesn't end here; instead, it continues as a dynamic
evolution propelled by actual user experience, user input, and the relentless advance of technology.
This documentation serves as a roadmap for upcoming improvements that will determine the
course of the app, not only as a record of the past. This conclusion effectively signals the end of
one stage and the start of another. It captures the essence of our teamwork, the tenacity that drove
our advancement, and the exhilaration that drives us forward.
However, when this chapter comes to a close, we don't say goodbye; instead, we welcome the
future. The debut of the app signals the start of its evolution, which will be influenced by in-app
user interactions and the constantly changing technological environment. The roadmap provided
here acts as a beacon, illuminating the way to improvements and new ideas that will keep our
software at the cutting edge of technological advancements.

Smith, M. (2022). Mobile Application Development: A Practical Guide. Publisher.
Johnson, L. (2021). User-Centric Design Principles for Digital Products. Publisher.
Agile Alliance. (n.d.). Agile Manifesto. Retrieved from
Firebase. (2023). Firebase Realtime Database. Retrieved from
Google Cloud. (2023). Google Maps Platform. Retrieved from https://cloud.google.com/maps-
ISO. (2019). ISO 9241-210: Ergonomics of human-system interaction. International Organization
for Standardization.
Nielsen, J. (1994). Usability Engineering. Morgan Kaufmann.
Pressman, R. S. (2014). Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. McGraw-Hill
Use Testing. (2023). Usability Testing Guide. Retrieved from
W3C. (2023). Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0. Retrieved from
Smith, P. (2021). Agile Development: Strategies for Effective Implementation. Publisher.
Johnson, A. (2022). User Experience Design: Principles and Practices. Publisher.
Anderson, S. (2023). Mobile App Security Best Practices. Publisher.
Microsoft Docs. (2023). Android App Development Guide. Retrieved from
Stack Overflow. (n.d.). Community-Driven Question and Answer Platform for Developers.
Retrieved from https://stackoverflow.com/
Cooper, A. (2020). About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design. Wiley.
Martin, R. C. (2008). Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Prentice Hall.
ISO/IEC. (2022). ISO/IEC 25010: Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation
(Squared) - System and Software Quality Models. International Organization for Standardization.
Norman, D. A. (2013). The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books.
Krug, S. (2014). Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common-Sense Approach to Web Usability.
New Riders.
Cockburn, A. (2002). Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game. Pearson Education.
Apple Developer Documentation. (2023). iOS Human Interface Guidelines. Retrieved from
Android Developer Documentation. (2023). Material Design Guidelines. Retrieved from
IEEE Computer Society. (2020). IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.
Retrieved from https://www.computer.org/standards/glossary
ISO/IEC. (2017). ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: Systems and Software Engineering - System Life Cycle
Processes. International Organization for Standardization.
IBM Developer. (2023). Agile Software Development. Retrieved from
Atlassian. (2023). Agile Development Guide. Retrieved from https://www.atlassian.com/agile
Smashing Magazine. (n.d.). Web Design and Development Resources. Retrieved from
The Nielsen Norman Group. (2023). Usability 101: Introduction to Usability. Retrieved from
IEEE. (2023). IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Retrieved from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/

13.1 Project Plan
This appendix offers a comprehensive look at the project plan, outlining the specific
actions, objectives, and milestones that were set along the way to development. It
comprises a thorough summary of the tasks completed, dates, and the fit between project
activities and broad goals. The food delivery software project was successfully carried out
using the project plan as a blueprint.

• Registration

Figure 43 Registration Screen

• Login

Figure 44 Login Screen

• Restaurant Dashboard

Figure 45 Restaurant Dashboard Screen

• Order Management

Figure 46 Restaurant Dashboard Screen

• Report

Figure 47 Report Screen

• Add Product

Figure 48 Add Product Screen

• Profile

Figure 49 Profile Screen

• Customer Dashboard

Figure 50 Customer Dashboard Screen

• Confirm Order List

Figure 51 Confirm Order List Screen

• Feedback

Figure 52 Feedback Screen

• Delivery Person Dashboard

Figure 53 Delivery Person Screen

13.2 Others
A list of other resources is provided in this appendix, providing further knowledge that helped the
project succeed. During the development process, templates for documentation, coding standards,
design principles, and other reference materials were all used. The inclusion of these resources
offers a thorough overview of the resources and tools used to support the development of the app.
By providing a more in-depth look at the planning and resources that influenced the project's
outcomes, these appendices improve the documentation. Readers get a thorough understanding of
the strategic approach and tools used throughout the development process through the project plan
and supplemental materials.

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