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Be Comp Engg Sem-Viii r2019

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Item No.


Bachelor of Engineering

Computer Engineering
Second Year with Effect from AY 2020-21
Third Year with Effect from AY 2021-22
Final Year with Effect from AY 2022-23

(REV- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme) from Academic Year 2019 – 20



(As per AICTE guidelines with effect from the academic year 2019–2020)
Program Structure for Fourth Year Computer Engineering
UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI (With Effect from 2022-2023)
Semester VIII
Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
Course (Contact Hours)
Course Name
Code Pract.
Theory Theory Pract. Total
CSC801 Distributed Computing 3 -- 3 -- 3
CSDC Department Level Optional
3 -- 3 -- 3
801X Course -5
CSDC Department Level Optional
3 -- 3 -- 3
802X Course -6
ILO Institute Level Optional
3 -- 3 -- 3
801X Course -2
CSL801 Distributed Computing Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
CSDL Department Level Optional
-- 2 -- 1 1
801X Course -5 Lab
CSDL Department Level Optional
-- 2 -- 1 1
802X Course -6 Lab
CSP801 Major Project 2 -- 12# -- 6 6
Total 12 18 12 9 21
Examination Scheme
Theory & Total
Course End
Course Name Exam
Code Internal Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)
Test Test
1 2
CSC801 Distributed Computing 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
CSDC Department Level Optional
20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
801X Course -5
CSDC Department Level Optional
20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
802X Course -6
ILO Institute Level Optional
20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
801X Course -2
CSL801 Distributed Computing Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
CSDL Department Level Optional
-- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
801X Course -5 Lab
CSDL Department Level Optional
25 25 50
802X Course -6 Lab
CSP801 Major Project- 2 -- -- -- -- -- 100 50 150
Total -- -- 80 320 -- 175 125 700

Major Project 1 and 2 :

 Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not more than 4 (Four)
 Faculty Load : In Semester VII – ½ hour per week per project group
In Semester VIII – 1 hour per week per project group
Program Structure for Computer Engineering

UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI (With Effect from 2022-2023)

Department and Institute Optional Courses and Labs

Semester Institute Optional Subject
Courses and Labs

CSDC8011 : Deep Learning

Department CSDC8012 : Digital Forensic
Optional Course -5
CSDC8013 : Applied Data Science

CSDL8011 : Deep Learning Lab

Department CSDL8012 : Digital Forensic Lab
Optional Lab -5
CSDL8013 : Applied Data Science Lab

CSDC8021 : Optimization in Machine Learning

Department CSDC8022: High Performance Computing
Optional Course -6
CSDC8023: Social Media Analytics

CSDL8021 : Optimization in Machine Learning Lab

VIII Department CSDL8022: High Performance Computing Lab

Optional Lab -6 CSDL8023: Social Media Analytics Lab

ILO8021. Project Management

ILO8022. Finance Management
ILO8023. Entrepreneurship Development and Management
Institute level
Optional ILO8024. Human Resource Management
Courses-II ILO8025. Professional Ethics and CSR
ILO8026. Research Methodology
ILO8027. IPR and Patenting
ILO8028. Digital Business Management
ILO8029. Environmental Management
Course Code: Course Title Credit
CSC801 Distributed Computing 3

Prerequisite: Computer Networks and Operating Systems.

Course Objectives:

1 To provide students with contemporary knowledge in distributed systems.

2 To explore the various methods used for communication in distributed systems.
3 To provide skills to measure the performance of distributed synchronization algorithms.
4 To provide knowledge of resource management, and process management including
process migration.
5 To learn issues involved in replication, consistency, and file management.
6 To equip students with skills to analyze and design distributed applications.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to

1 Demonstrate the knowledge of basic elements and concepts related to distributed system
2 Illustrate the middleware technologies that support distributed applications such as RPC,
RMI and Object-based middleware.
3 Analyze the various techniques used for clock synchronization, mutual exclusion and
4 Demonstrate the concepts of Resource and Process management.
5 Demonstrate the concepts of Consistency, Replication Management and fault Tolerance.
6 Apply the knowledge of Distributed File systems in building large-scale distributed

Module Content Hrs

1 Introduction to Distributed Systems 4
1.1 Characterization of Distributed Systems: Issues, Goals, Types of distributed
systems, Grid and Cluster computing Models, Hardware and Software Concepts:
1.2 Middleware: Models of middleware, Services offered by middleware.
2 Communication 4
2.1 Interprocess communication (IPC): Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Remote
Method Invocation (RMI).
2.2 Message-Oriented Communication, Stream Oriented Communication, Group
3 Synchronization 10
3.1 Clock Synchronization: Physical clock, Logical Clocks, Election Algorithms
3.2 Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Requirements of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms and
Performance measures.
Non- token Based Algorithms: Lamport, Ricart–Agrawala‗s and Maekawa‗s
Algorithms; Token-based Algorithms: Suzuki-Kasami‗s Broadcast Algorithms
and Raymond‗s Tree-based Algorithm; and Comparative Performance Analysis.
3.3 Deadlock: Introduction, Deadlock Detection: Centralized approach, Chandy -
Misra_Hass Algorithm.
4 Resource and Process Management 7
4.1 Desirable Features of Global Scheduling algorithm, Task assignment approach,
Load balancing approach and load sharing approach.
4.2 Introduction to Process Management, Process Migration, Code Migration.
5 Replication, Consistency and Fault Tolerance
5.1 Distributed Shared Memory: Architecture, design issues. 8
5.2 Introduction to replication and consistency, Data-Centric and Client-Centric
Consistency Models, Replica Management.
5.3 Fault Tolerance: Introduction, Process resilience, Recovery.
6 Distributed File Systems 6
6.1 Introduction and features of DFS, File models, File Accessing models, File-
Caching Schemes, File Replication, Case Study: Network File System (NFS).
6.2 Designing Distributed Systems: Google Case Study.

1 Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen, Distributed Systems: Principles and
Paradigms, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.
2 Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan G. Shivaratri, "Advanced concepts in operating systems:
Distributed, Database and multiprocessor operating systems", MC Graw Hill education.
3 Pradeep K.Sinha, "Distributed Operating System-Concepts and design", PHI.

1 M. L. Liu, ―Distributed Computing Principles and Applications‖, Pearson Addison
Wesley, 2004
2 George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, "Distributed Systems: Concepts and
Design", 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106107
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106168
3 http://csis.pace.edu/~marchese/CS865/Lectures/Chap7/Chapter7fin.htm
4 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106104182
Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first-class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and the second-class test when an additional 40%
syllabus is completed. The duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination:

1 The question paper will comprise a total of six questions.

2 All question carries equal marks
3 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4 Only four questions need to be solved.
5 In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit
CSDC8011 Deep Learning 3

Prerequisite: Basic mathematics and Statistical concepts, Linear algebra, Machine

Course Objectives:
1 To learn the fundamentals of Neural Network.
2 To gain an in-depth understanding of training Deep Neural Networks.
3 To acquire knowledge of advanced concepts of Convolution Neural Networks,
Autoencoders and Recurrent Neural Networks.
4 Students should be familiar with the recent trends in Deep Learning.
Course Outcomes:
1 Gain basic knowledge of Neural Networks.
2 Acquire in depth understanding of training Deep Neural Networks.
3 Design appropriate DNN model for supervised, unsupervised and sequence learning
4 Gain familiarity with recent trends and applications of Deep Learning.

Modul Content 39Hrs

1 Fundamentals of Neural Network 4
1.1 Biological neuron, Mc-Culloch Pitts Neuron, Perceptron, Perceptron
Learning, Delta learning, Multilayer Perceptron: Linearly separable,
linearly non-separable classes
1.2 Deep Networks: Fundamentals, Brief History, Three Classes of Deep
Learning Basic Terminologies of Deep Learning
2 Training, Optimization and Regularization of Deep Neural 10
2.1 Training Feedforward DNN
Multi Layered Feed Forward Neural Network, Learning Factors,
Activation functions: Tanh, Logistic, Linear, Softmax, ReLU, Leaky
ReLU, Loss functions: Squared Error loss, Cross Entropy, Choosing
output function and loss function
2.2 Optimization
Learning with backpropagation, Learning Parameters: Gradient
Descent (GD), Stochastic and Mini Batch GD, Momentum Based GD,
Nesterov Accelerated GD, AdaGrad, Adam, RMSProp
2.3 Regularization
Overview of Overfitting, Types of biases, Bias Variance Tradeoff
Regularization Methods: L1, L2 regularization, Parameter sharing,
Dropout, Weight Decay, Batch normalization, Early stopping, Data
Augmentation, Adding noise to input and output
3 Autoencoders: Unsupervised Learning 6
3.1 Introduction, Linear Autoencoder, Undercomplete Autoencoder,
Overcomplete Autoencoders, Regularization in Autoencoders
3.2 Denoising Autoencoders, Sparse Autoencoders, Contractive
3.3 Application of Autoencoders: Image Compression
4 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): Supervised Learning 7
4.1 Convolution operation, Padding, Stride, Relation between input, output
and filter size, CNN architecture: Convolution layer, Pooling Layer,
Weight Sharing in CNN, Fully Connected NN vs CNN, Variants of
basic Convolution function
4.2 Modern Deep Learning Architectures:
LeNET: Architecture, AlexNET: Architecture
5 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) 8
5.1 Sequence Learning Problem, Unfolding Computational graphs,
Recurrent Neural Network, Bidirectional RNN, Backpropagation
Through Time (BTT), Vanishing and Exploding Gradients, Truncated
5.2 Long Short Term Memory: Selective Read, Selective write, Selective
Forget, Gated Recurrent Unit
6 Recent Trends and Applications 4
6.1 Generative Adversarial Network (GAN): Architecture
6.2 Applications: Image Generation, DeepFake

1 Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville. ―Deep Learning‖, MIT Press Ltd, 2016
2 Li Deng and Dong Yu, ―Deep Learning Methods and Applications‖, Publishers Inc.
3 Satish Kumar "Neural Networks A Classroom Approach" Tata McGraw-Hill.
4 JM Zurada ―Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems‖, Jaico Publishing House
5 M. J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler. ―Algorithms for Optimization‖, MIt Press.
1 Buduma, N. and Locascio, N., ―Fundamentals of deep learning: Designing next-generation
machine intelligence algorithms" 2017. O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
2 François Chollet. ―Deep learning with Python ―(Vol. 361). 2018 New York: Manning.
3 Douwe Osinga. ―Deep Learning Cookbook‖, O‘REILLY, SPD Publishers, Delhi.
4 Simon Haykin, Neural Network- A Comprehensive Foundation- Prentice Hall
International, Inc
5 S.N.Sivanandam and S.N.Deepa, Principles of soft computing-Wiley India

Internal Assessment:
The assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be
conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40%
syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination:
1 Question paper will comprise a total of six questions.
2 All questions carry equal marks.
3 Question 1 and question 6 will have questions from all modules. Remaining 4 questions
will be based on the remaining 4 modules.
4 Only four questions need to be solved.
5 In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac. https://deeplearning.cs.cmu.edu/S21/index.html
2 http://www.cse.iitm.ac.in/~miteshk/CS6910.html
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106184/
4 https://www.deeplearningbook.org/
Course Code: Course Title Credit
CSDC8012 Digital Forensics 3

Prerequisite: Computer Network, Cryptography and System Security

Course Objectives:
1 To discuss the need and process of digital forensics and Incident Response Methodology.
2 To explore the procedures for identification, preservation, and acquisition of digital
3 To explore techniques and tools used in digital forensics for Operating system and malware
investigation .
4 To explore techniques and tools used for Mobile forensics and browser, email forensics

Course Outcomes:
1 Discuss the phases of Digital Forensics and methodology to handle the computer security
2 Describe the process of collection, analysis and recovery of the digital evidence.
3 Explore various tools to analyze malwares and acquired images of RAM/hard drive.
4 Acquire adequate perspectives of digital forensic investigation in mobile devices
5 Analyze the source and content authentication of emails and browsers.
6 Produce unambiguous investigation reports which offer valid conclusions.

Module Content Hrs

1 Introduction to Digital Forensics 6
1.1 Digital ForensicsDefination, Digital Forensics Goals, Digital
Forensics Categories - Computer Forensics, Mobile Forensics,
Network Forensics, Database Forensics
1.2 Introduction to Incident - Computer Security Incident, Goals of
Incident Response, CSIRT, Incident Response Methodology, Phase
after detection of an incident
2 Digital Evidence, Forensics Duplication and Digital Evidence 9
2.1 Digital evidence, Types of Digital Evidence, Challenges in acquiring
Digital evidence, Admissibility of evidence, Challenges in evidence
handling, Chain of Custody
2.2 Digital Forensics Examination Process - Seizure, Acquisition,
Analysis, Reporting. Necessity of forensic duplication, Forensic
image formats, Forensic duplication techniques,.
2.3 Acquiring Digital Evidence - Forensic Image File Format, Acquiring
Volatile Memory (Live Acquisition), Acquiring Nonvolatile Memory
(Static Acquisition), Hard Drive Imaging Risks and Challenges,
Network Acquisition
3 Forensics Investigation 4
3.1 Analyzing Hard Drive Forensic Images, Analyzing RAM Forensic
Image, Investigating Routers
3.2 Malware Analysis - Malware, Viruses, Worms, Essential skills and
tools for Malware Analysis, List of Malware Analysis Tools and
4 Windows and Unix Forensics Investigation 8
4.1 Investigating Windows Systems - File Recovery, Windows Recycle
Bin Forensics, Data Carving, Windows Registry Analysis, USB
Device Forensics, File Format Identification, Windows Features
Forensics Analysis, Windows 10 Forensics, Cortana Forensics
4.2 Investigating Unix Systems - Reviewing Pertinent Logs, Performing
Keyword Searches, Reviewing Relevant Files, Identifying
Unauthorized User Accounts or Groups, Identifying Rogue
Processes, Checking for Unauthorized Access Points, Analyzing
Trust Relationships
5 Mobile Forensics 8
5.1 Android Forensics, Mobile Device Forensic Investigation - Storage
location, Acquisition methods, Data Analysis
5.2 GPS forensics - GPS Evidentiary data, GPS Exchange Format
(GPX), GPX Files, Extraction of Waypoints and TrackPoints,
Display the Tracks on a Map.
5.3 SIM Cards Forensics - The Subscriber Identification Module (SIM),
SIM Architecture, Security, Evidence Extraction.

6 Browser, Email Forensic & Forensic Investigation Reporting 4

6.1 Web Browser Forensics, Google chrome, Other web browser
Email forensics - Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Domain Key
Identified Mail (DKIM), Domain based Message Authentication
Reporting and Confirmation (DMARC)
6.2 Investigative Report Template, Layout of an Investigative Report,
Guidelines for Writing a Report

1 Kevin Mandia, Chris Prosise, ―Incident Response and computer forensics‖, Tata
McGrawHill, 2006
2 Digital Forensics Basics A Practical Guide Using Windows OS — Nihad A. Hassan,
APress Publication, 2019
3 Xiaodong Lin, ―Introductory Computer Forensics: A Hands-on Practical Approach‖,
Springer Nature, 2018

Suggested MOOC Course Links

1 Course on ―Ethical Hacking‖
2 Course on ―Digital Forensics‖
3 Course on Cyber Incident Response
4 Course on ―Penetration Testing, Incident Responses and Forensics‖

Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question paper will comprise a total of six questions.
2 All question carries equal marks
3 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4 Only Four questions need to be solved.
5 In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Name Credit

CSDC8013 Applied Data Science 03

Prerequisite: Machine Learning, Data Structures & Algorithms

Course Objectives:

1 To introduce students to the basic concepts of data science.

2 To acquire an in-depth understanding of data exploration and data visualization.

3 To be familiar with various anomaly detection techniques.

4 To understand the data science techniques for different applications.

Course Outcomes:

1 To gain fundamental knowledge of the data science process.

2 To apply data exploration and visualization techniques.

3 To apply anomaly detection techniques.

4 To gain an in-depth understanding of time-series forecasting.

5 Apply different methodologies and evaluation strategies.

6 To apply data science techniques to real world applications.

Module Detailed Content Hours

1 Introduction to Data Science 2

1.1 Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Process

Motivation to use Data Science Techniques: Volume, Dimensions and

1.2 Complexity, Data Science Tasks and Examples

Overview of Data Preparation, Modeling, Difference between data

1.3 science and data analytics

2 Data Exploration 8
Types of data, Properties of data
Descriptive Statistics:
Univariate Exploration: Measure of Central Tendency, Measure of
Spread, Symmetry, Skewness: Karl Pearson Coefficient of skewness,
Bowley‘s Coefficient, Kurtosis
Multivariate Exploration: Central Data Point, Correlation, Different
forms of correlation, Karl Pearson Correlation Coefficient for bivariate
Inferential Statistics:

Overview of Various forms of distributions: Normal, Poisson, Test

Hypothesis, Central limit theorem, Confidence Interval, Z-test, t-test,
Type-I, Type-II Errors, ANOVA

Methodology and Data Visualization 06

Methodology: Overview of model building, Cross Validation, K-
fold cross validation, leave-1 out, Bootstrapping
Data Visualization
Univariate Visualization: Histogram, Quartile, Distribution Chart
3.2 Multivariate Visualization: Scatter Plot, Scatter Matrix, Bubble chart,
Density Chart
Roadmap for Data Exploration
Self-Learning Topics: Visualizing high dimensional data: Parallel
3.3 chart, Deviation chart, Andrews Curves.

4 Anomaly Detection 06

Outliers, Causes of Outliers, Anomaly detection techniques, Outlier

4.1 Detection using Statistics

Outlier Detection using Distance based method, Outlier detection using

4.2 density-based methods, SMOTE

5 Time Series Forecasting 4

Taxonomy of Time Series Forecasting methods, Time Series
Smoothening Methods: Average method, Moving Average smoothing,
Time series analysis using linear regression, ARIMA Model,
Performance Evaluation: Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Square
Error, Mean Absolute Percentage Error, Mean Absolute Scaled Error
Self-Learning Topics: Evaluation parameters for Classification,
regression and clustering.
6 Applications of Data Science 4
Predictive Modeling: House price prediction, Fraud Detection
Clustering: Customer Segmentation
Time series forecasting: Weather Forecasting
Recommendation engines: Product recommendation

1 Vijay Kotu, Bala Deshpande. ―Data Science Concepts and Practice‖, Elsevier, M.K.

2 Steven Skiena, ―Data Science Design Manual‖, Springer International Publishing AG

3 Samir Madhavan. ―Mastering Python for Data Science‖, PACKT Publishing

4 Dr. P. N. Arora, Sumeet Arora, S. Arora, Ameet Arora, ―Comprehensive Statistical

Methods‖, S.Chand Publications, New Delhi.
1 Jake VanderPlas. ―Python Data Science Handbook‖, O‘reilly Publications.

2 Francesco Ricci, LiorRokach, BrachaShapira, Paul B. Kantor, ―Recommender Systems

Handbook‖, Springer.

3 S.C. Gupta, V. K. Kapoor ―Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics‖, S. Chand and

Sons, New Delhi.

4 B. L. Agrawal. ―Basic Statistics‖, New Age Publications, Delhi.

Useful Links
1 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs32/preview



Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first-class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question paper will comprise a total of six questions.

2 All questions carry equal marks.

3 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3).

4 Only Four questions need to be solved.

Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDC8021 Optimization in Machine Learning 3

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Algorithms and data structures

Course Objectives:
1. Understand, analyze and apply existing derivative based optimization algorithms
2. Analyze and apply stochastic methods in optimization
3. Analyze convex optimization for machine learning problems
4. Understand real life problems and apply evolutionary methods to optimize them

Course Outcomes:
1. To understand foundational optimization ideas including gradient descent, stochastic gradient
2. To apply convex optimization algorithm
3. To analyze and demonstrate several population methods in Evolutionary Computation
4.Toapply advanced evolutionary algorithms such as particle swarm and ant colony

Module Content Hrs

1 Introduction and Background to Optimization Theory 4

1.1 Basic Ingredients of Optimization Problems, Optimization
Problem Classifications, Optima Types, Optimization Method
Classes, Overview of Unconstrained and Constrained
Optimization, Basics of convex optimization
2 Derivative based Optimization 10

2.1 The Basics of Optimization (univariate, bivariate and

multivariate optimization), Convex Objective Functions
2.2 First-Order optimization Methods : Gradient Descent,
Conjugate Gradient, Momentum, Nesterov Momentum,
Adagrad, RMSProp, learning rate optimization
2.3 Second order optimization: Newton method

3 Stochastic Methods 6

Noisy Descent, Mesh Adaptive Direct Search, Cross-Entropy

Method, Natural Evolution Strategies, Covariance Matrix

4 Convex Optimization 6
Optimization problems, Convex optimization, Linear
optimization problems, Quadratic optimization problems,
Geometric programming, Overview of Generalized inequality
constraints and Vector optimization

5 Evolutionary Methods 8
Introduction to Evolutionary Computation: Generic
Evolutionary Algorithm, Representation: The Chromosome,
Initial Population, Fitness Function, Selection: Selective
Pressure, Random Selection, Proportional
Selection,Tournament Selection, Rank-Based Selection,
Elitism and Evolutionary Computation versus Classical
Optimization, Stopping conditions
Canonical Genetic Algorithm, Binary Representations of
Crossover and Mutation: Binary Representations, Control
6 Advance Evolutionary Methods 5
Basic Particle Swarm Optimization, Global Best PSO, Local
Best PSO, g-best versus l-best PSO, Velocity Components,
Geometric Illustration, Algorithm Aspects, Social Network
Ant Colony Optimization Meta-Heuristic, Foraging Behavior
6.2 of Ants, Stigmergy and Artificial Pheromone, Simple Ant
Colony Optimization, Ant System, Ant Colony System

1 Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A.Wheeler, Algorithms for Optimization, MIT Press (2019)

2 Andries P Engelbrecht, Computational Intelligence-An Introduction, Second-Edition,

Wiley publication
3 Charu C. Aggarwal, Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning, , Springer
1 SuvritSra, Sebastian Nowozin, Stephen J. Wright, Optimization for Machine Learning,
The MIT Press
2 Xin-She Yang Middlesex ,Optimization techniques and applications with examples,
3 A.E. Eiben, J. E. Smith, Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, Springer

Useful Links

1 Convex optimization (NPTEL)

2 Constrained and Unconstrained optimization (NPTEL)

3 Machine-learning-model-performance (Coursera)

4 Deep-neural-network optimization (Coursera)


Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question paper will comprise a total of six questions.

2 All questions carry equal marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)

4 Only Four questions need to be solved.

5 In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of

respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDC8022 High Performance Computing 3

Prerequisite: Computer Architecture, Operating System, Cloud Computing

Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to
Introduce the fundamental concepts of high-performance computing (HPC) architecture
and parallel computing.
Provide foundations for developing, analyzing, and implementing parallel algorithms
using parallelization paradigms like MPI, OpenMP, OpenCL, and CUDA.
3 Introduce range of activities associated with HPC in Cloud
Course Outcomes: After learning the course, the students will be able to:
1 Understand parallel and pipeline processing approaches
Design a parallel algorithm to solve computational problems and identify issues in parallel
Analyze the performance of parallel computing systems for clusters in terms of execution
time, total parallel overhead, speedup.
Develop efficient and high-performance parallel algorithms using OpenMP and message
passing paradigm
5 Develop high-performance parallel programming using OpenCL and CUDA framework
Perform the range of activities associated with High Performance Computing in Cloud

Module Content Hrs

1 Introduction to Parallel Computing 5
1.1 Parallelism (What, Why, Applications), Levels of parallelism(instruction,
transaction, task, thread, memory, function)
1.2 Classification Models: Architectural Schemes(Flynn‘s, Shore‘s, Feng‘s,
1.3 Memory Access: Distributed Memory, Shared Memory, Hybrid Distributed
Shared Memory
1.4 Parallel Architecture: Pipeline Architecture: Arithmetic pipelines, Floating
Point, Array Processor
2 Parallel Programming Platform and Algorithm Design 11
2.1 Parallel Programming Platform: Physical Organization of Parallel
Platforms, Communication Costs in Parallel Machines
2.2 Algorithm Design: Preliminaries, Decomposition Techniques,
Characteristics of Tasks and Interactions, Mapping Techniques for Load
Balancing, Methods for Containing Interaction Overheads, Parallel
Algorithm Models.
3 Performance Measures 3
Performance Measures: Speedup, execution time, efficiency, cost,
scalability, Effect of granularity on performance, Scalability of Parallel
Systems, Amdahl‗s Law, Gustavson‗s Law, Performance Bottlenecks, The
Karp Flatt Metric.
4 HPC Programming: OpenMP and MPI 10
HPC Programming: OpenMP
4.1 Introduction: Threads, Share memory Architecture, Multi-core processors
and Hyperthreading, Fork and join model.
4.2 OpenMP directives: #pragma omp parallel, Hello world with openMP,
#pragma omp for, #pragma omp for schedule.Serial vs Parallel PI program.
4.3 Synchronisation: Introduction, Private vs Shared variables.
Critical section, #pragma omp critical, #pragma omp atomic, #pragma omp
barrier, #pragma omp reduction
HPC Programming: MPI
4.4 Introduction: Processes, Multiprocessor programming model, Distributed
system programming model, Inter-process communication using message
passing: Asynchronous and Synchronous
4.5 MPI Programming: Hello world problem, mpi_initMPI_sendMPI_Recv,
Synchronisation: MPI_Barrier
4.6 Hybrid (MPI + OpenMP) programming, Hardware requirement, Threads
inside Processes, Hybrid Matrix multiplication
4.7 Message passing vs Share memory communication: Advantages and
5 Parallel programming using accelerators 4
An Overview of GPGPUs, Introduction to CUDA, Introduction to
Heterogeneous Computing using OpenCL, An Overview of OpenCL API,
Heterogeneous Programming in OpenCL.
6 High Performance Computing in the Cloud 4
Virtualization and Containerization, Parallel Computing Frameworks,
Scaling, HPC in the Cloud Use Cases.

1 AnanthGrama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar ―Introduction to Parallel
Computing‖, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 2003.
2 Shane Cook, Morgan Kaufmann ―CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel
Computing with GPUs‖, 2012.
3 M. R. Bhujade ―Parallel Computing‖,2nd edition, New Age International Publishers, 2009.
4 Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani, ―Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability,
Programmability‖ McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2010.
5 Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein, Chapman ―Introduction to High Performance Computing
for Scientists and Engineers‖ Hall/CRC Computational Science Series, 2011.

1 Michael J. Quinn ―Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMPI‖ by, McGraw Hill
Education, 2008.
2 Kai Hwang ,Zhiwei, ―Scalable Parallel Computing: Technology, Architecture,
Programming‖, McGraw-Hill Education, 1998.
3 Laurence T. Yang, Minyi Guo, ―High-Performance Computing: Paradigm and
Infrastructure‖, by, Wiley, 2006.
Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105293
2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/128/106/128106014/


Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first-class test is to be conducted
when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second-class test when additional 40% syllabus is
completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination:
1 Question paper will comprise of total six questions.
2 All question carries equal marks
3 Questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4 Only four questions need to be solved.
5 In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Name Credit

CSDC8023 Social Media Analytics 03

Prerequisite: Graph Theory, Data Mining, Python/R programming

Course Objectives: The course aims:

1 Familiarize the learners with the concept of social media.
2 Familiarize the learners with the concept of social media analytics and understand
its significance.
3 Enable the learners to develop skills required for analyzing the effectiveness of
social media.
4 Familiarize the learners with different tools of social media analytics.
5 Familiarize the learner with different visualization techniques for Social media
6 Examine the ethical and legal implications of leveraging social media data.

Course Outcomes:
1 Understand the concept of Social media
2 Understand the concept of social media Analytics and its significance.
3 Learners will be able to analyze the effectiveness of social media
4 Learners will be able to use different Social media analytics tools effectively and
5 Learners will be able to use different effective Visualization techniques to represent
social media analytics.
6 Acquire the fundamental perspectives and hands-on skills needed to work with
social media data.

Module Detailed Content Hours

1. Social Media Analytics: An Overview
Core Characteristics of Social Media, Types of Social Media, Social 6
media landscape, Need for Social Media Analytics (SMA), SMA in
small & large organizations.
Purpose of Social Media Analytics, Social Media vs. Traditional
Business Analytics, Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics, Types
of Social Media Analytics, Social Media Analytics Cycle, Challenges
to Social Media Analytics, Social Media Analytics Tools
2. Social Network Structure, Measures & Visualization
Basics of Social Network Structure - Nodes, Edges & Tie 6
Describing the Networks Measures - Degree Distribution, Density,
Connectivity, Centralization, Tie Strength & Trust
Network Visualization - Graph Layout, Visualizing Network
features, Scale Issues.
Social Media Network Analytics - Common Network Terms,
Common Social Media Network Types, Types of Networks,
Common Network Terminologies, Network Analytics Tools.
3. Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink Analytics
Social Media Text Analytics - Types of Social Media Text, Purpose 8
of Text Analytics, Steps in Text Analytics, Social Media Text
Analysis Tools
Social Media Action Analytics - What Is Actions Analytics?
Common Social Media Actions, Actions Analytics Tools
Social Media Hyperlink Analytics - Types of Hyperlinks, Types of
Hyperlink Analytics, Hyperlink Analytics Tools
4. Social Media Location & Search Engine Analytics
Location Analytics - Sources of Location Data, Categories of 6
Location Analytics, Location Analytics and Privacy Concerns,
Location Analytics Tools
Search Engine Analytics - Types of Search Engines, Search Engine
Analytics, Search Engine Analytics Tools
5. Social Information Filtering
Social Information Filtering - Social Sharing and filtering , 6
Automated Recommendation systems, Traditional Vs social
Recommendation Systems
Understanding Social Media and Business Alignment, Social Media
KPI, Formulating a Social Media Strategy, Managing Social Media
6. Social Media Analytics Applications and Privacy
Social media in public sector - Analyzing public sector social media, 7
analyzing individual users, case study.
Business use of Social Media - Measuring success, Interaction and
monitoring, case study.
Privacy - Privacy policies, data ownership and maintaining privacy

1. Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics_ Mining Business Insights from Social Media
Text, Actions, Networks, Hyperlinks, Apps, Search Engine, and Location Data, Gohar
F. Khan,(ISBN-10: 1507823207).
2. Analyzing the Social Web 1st Edition by Jennifer Golbeck
3. Mining the Social Web_ Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Other Social Media Sites, Matthew A Russell, O‘Reilly
4 Charu Aggarwal (ed.), Social Network Data Analytics, Springer, 2011

1. Social Media Analytics [2015], Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value
Out of Social Media, Matthew Ganis, AvinashKohirkar, IBM Press
2. Social Media Analytics Strategy_ Using Data to Optimize Business Performance, Alex
Gonçalves, APress Business Team
3. Social Media Data Mining and Analytics, Szabo, G., G. Polatkan, O. Boykin & A.
Chalkiopoulus (2019), Wiley, ISBN 978-1-118-82485-6

Useful Links
1 https://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~pawang/courses/SC16.html
2 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs78/preview
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106146
4 https://7layersanalytics.com/
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first-class test is to be
conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when
additional40% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question paper will consist of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.

2 The students need to solve a total of 4 questions.
3 Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
4 Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO 8021 Project Management 03

1. To familiarize the students with the use of a structured methodology/approach for each
and every unique project undertaken, including utilizing project management concepts,
tools and techniques.
2. To appraise the students with the project management life cycle and make them
knowledgeable about the various phases from project initiation through closure.

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…

1. Apply selection criteria and select an appropriate project from different options.
2. Write work break down structure for a project and develop a schedule based on it.
3. Identify opportunities and threats to the project and decide an approach to deal with them
4. Use Earned value technique and determine & predict status of the project.
5. Capture lessons learned during project phases and document them for future reference

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Project Management Foundation:

Definition of a project, Project Vs Operations, Necessity of project management,
Triple constraints, Project life cycles (typical & atypical) Project phases and
01 5
stage gate process. Role of project manager, Negotiations and resolving
conflicts, Project management in various organization structures, PM knowledge
areas as per Project Management Institute (PMI)
Initiating Projects:
How to get a project started, Selecting project strategically, Project selection
models (Numeric /Scoring Models and Non-numeric models), Project portfolio
02 6
process, Project sponsor and creating charter; Project proposal. Effective project
team, Stages of team development & growth (forming, storming, norming
&performing), team dynamics.
Project Planning and Scheduling:
Work Breakdown structure (WBS) and linear responsibility chart, Interface
Co-ordination and concurrent engineering, Project cost estimation and
03 8
budgeting, Top down and bottoms up budgeting, Networking and Scheduling
techniques. PERT, CPM, GANTT chart, Introduction to Project Management
Information System (PMIS).
Planning Projects:
Crashing project time, Resource loading and levelling, Goldratt's critical chain,
Project Stakeholders and Communication plan
04 6
Risk Management in projects: Risk management planning, Risk identification
and risk register, Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, Probability and
impact matrix. Risk response strategies for positive and negative risks
5.1 Executing Projects:
Planning monitoring and controlling cycle, Information needs and reporting,
05 engaging with all stakeholders of the projects, Team management, 8
communication and project meetings
5.2 Monitoring and Controlling Projects:
Earned Value Management techniques for measuring value of work completed;
Using milestones for measurement; change requests and scope creep, Project
5.3 Project Contracting
Project procurement management, contracting and outsourcing,
6.1 Project Leadership and Ethics:
Introduction to project leadership, ethics in projects, Multicultural and virtual
6.2 Closing the Project:
06 Customer acceptance; Reasons of project termination, Various types of project 6
terminations (Extinction, Addition, Integration, Starvation), Process of project
termination, completing a final report; doing a lessons learned analysis;
acknowledging successes and failures; Project management templates and other
resources; Managing without authority; Areas of further study.


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved


1. Project Management: A managerial approach, Jack Meredith & Samuel Mantel, 7th
Edition, Wiley India
2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 5th Ed,
Project Management Institute PA, USA
3. Project Management,Gido Clements, Cengage Learning
4. Project Management,Gopalan, Wiley India
5. Project Management,Dennis Lock, 9th Edition, Gower Publishing England
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO 8022 Finance Management 03

1. Overview of Indian financial system, instruments and market
2. Basic concepts of value of money, returns and risks, corporate finance, working capital
and its management
3. Knowledge about sources of finance, capital structure, dividend policy
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Understand Indian finance system and corporate finance
2. Take investment, finance as well as dividend decisions

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Overview of Indian Financial System: Characteristics, Components and

Functions of Financial System.
Financial Instruments: Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of Basic
Financial Instruments — Equity Shares, Preference Shares, Bonds-Debentures,
Certificates of Deposit, and Treasury Bills. 06
Financial Markets: Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of Financial
Markets — Capital Market, Money Market and Foreign Currency Market
Financial Institutions: Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of Financial
Institutions — Commercial Banks, Investment-Merchant Banks and Stock
Concepts of Returns and Risks: Measurement of Historical Returns and
Expected Returns of a Single Security and a Two-security Portfolio;
Measurement of Historical Risk and Expected Risk of a Single Security and a
02 Two-security Portfolio. 06
Time Value of Money: Future Value of a Lump Sum, Ordinary Annuity, and
Annuity Due; Present Value of a Lump Sum, Ordinary Annuity, and Annuity
Due; Continuous Compounding and Continuous Discounting.
Overview of Corporate Finance: Objectives of Corporate Finance; Functions
of Corporate Finance—Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend
03 Financial Ratio Analysis: Overview of Financial Statements—Balance Sheet, 09
Profit and Loss Account, and Cash Flow Statement; Purpose of Financial Ratio
Analysis; Liquidity Ratios; Efficiency or Activity Ratios; Profitability Ratios;
Capital Structure Ratios; Stock Market Ratios; Limitations of Ratio Analysis.
Capital Budgeting: Meaning and Importance of Capital Budgeting; Inputs for
Capital Budgeting Decisions; Investment Appraisal Criterion—Accounting Rate
of Return, Payback Period, Discounted Payback Period, Net Present
04 Value(NPV), Profitability Index, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Modified 10
Internal Rate of Return (MIRR)
Working Capital Management: Concepts of Meaning Working Capital;
Importance of Working Capital Management; Factors Affecting an Entity‘s
Working Capital Needs; Estimation of Working Capital Requirements;
Management of Inventories; Management of Receivables; and Management of
Cash and Marketable Securities.
Sources of Finance: Long Term Sources—Equity, Debt, and Hybrids;
Mezzanine Finance; Sources of Short Term Finance—Trade Credit, Bank
Finance, Commercial Paper; Project Finance.
Capital Structure: Factors Affecting an Entity‘s Capital Structure; Overview of 05
Capital Structure Theories and Approaches— Net Income Approach, Net
Operating Income Approach; Traditional Approach, and Modigliani-Miller
Approach. Relation between Capital Structure and Corporate Value; Concept of
Optimal Capital Structure
Dividend Policy: Meaning and Importance of Dividend Policy; Factors
Affecting an Entity‘s Dividend Decision; Overview of Dividend Policy Theories 03
and Approaches—Gordon‘s Approach, Walter‘s Approach, and Modigliani-
Miller Approach


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition (2015) by Eugene F. Brigham and

Joel F. Houston; Publisher: Cengage Publications, New Delhi.
2. Analysis for Financial Management, 10th Edition (2013) by Robert C. Higgins;
Publishers: McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi.
3. Indian Financial System, 9th Edition (2015) by M. Y. Khan; Publisher: McGraw Hill
Education, New Delhi.
4. Financial Management, 11th Edition (2015) by I. M. Pandey; Publisher: S. Chand (G/L)
& Company Limited, New Delhi.
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management 03

1. To acquaint with entrepreneurship and management of business
2. Understand Indian environment for entrepreneurship
3. Idea of EDP, MSME
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Understand the concept of business plan and ownerships
2. Interpret key regulations and legal aspects of entrepreneurship in India
3. Understand government policies for entrepreneurs

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Overview Of Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Roles and Functions/Values of

Entrepreneurship, History of Entrepreneurship Development, Role of
Entrepreneurship in the National Economy, Functions of an Entrepreneur,
01 Entrepreneurship and Forms of Business Ownership 04
Role of Money and Capital Markets in Entrepreneurial Development:
Contribution of Government Agencies in Sourcing information for
Business Plans And Importance Of Capital To Entrepreneurship:
Preliminary and Marketing Plans, Management and Personnel, Start-up Costs
and Financing as well as Projected Financial Statements, Legal Section,
Insurance, Suppliers and Risks, Assumptions and Conclusion, Capital and its 09
Importance to the Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship And Business Development: Starting a New Business,
Buying an Existing Business, New Product Development, Business Growth and
the Entrepreneur Law and its Relevance to Business Operations
Women‘s Entrepreneurship Development, Social entrepreneurship-role and
03 need, EDP cell, role of sustainability and sustainable development for SMEs, 05
case studies, exercises
Indian Environment for Entrepreneurship: key regulations and legal aspects ,
MSMED Act 2006 and its implications, schemes and policies of the Ministry of
MSME, role and responsibilities of various government organisations,
04 departments, banks etc., Role of State governments in terms of infrastructure 08
developments and support etc., Public private partnerships, National Skill
development Mission, Credit Guarantee Fund, PMEGP, discussions, group
exercises etc
Effective Management of Business: Issues and problems faced by micro and
small enterprises and effective management of M and S enterprises (risk 08
management, credit availability, technology innovation, supply chain
management, linkage with large industries), exercises, e-Marketing
Achieving Success In The Small Business: Stages of the small business life
06 cycle, four types of firm-level growth strategies, Options – harvesting or closing 05
small business Critical Success factors of small business

Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. Poornima Charantimath, Entrepreneurship development- Small Business Enterprise,

2. Education Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shapherd, Entrepreneurship,
latest edition, The McGrawHill Company
3. Dr TN Chhabra, Entrepreneurship Development, Sun India Publications, New Delhi
4. Dr CN Prasad, Small and Medium Enterprises in Global Perspective, New century
Publications, New Delhi
5. Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial development and management, Himalaya Publishing
6. Maddhurima Lall, Shikah Sahai, Entrepreneurship, Excel Books
7. Rashmi Bansal, STAY hungry STAY foolish, CIIE, IIM Ahmedabad
8. Law and Practice relating to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, Taxmann Publication
9. Kurakto, Entrepreneurship- Principles and Practices, Thomson Publication
10. Laghu Udyog Samachar
11. www.msme.gov.in
12. www.dcmesme.gov.in
13. www.msmetraining.gov.in
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8024 Human Resource Management 03

1. To introduce the students with basic concepts, techniques and practices of the human
resource management
2. To provide opportunity of learning Human resource management (HRM) processes,
related with the functions, and challenges in the emerging perspective of today‘s
3. To familiarize the students about the latest developments, trends & different aspects of
4. To acquaint the student with the importance of inter-personal & inter-group behavioural
skills in an organizational setting required for future stable engineers, leaders and

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…

1. Understand the concepts, aspects, techniques and practices of the human resource
2. Understand the Human resource management (HRM) processes, functions, changes and
challenges in today‘s emerging organizational perspective.
3. Gain knowledge about the latest developments and trends in HRM.
4. Apply the knowledge of behavioural skills learnt and integrate it with in inter personal
and intergroup environment emerging as future stable engineers and managers.

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Introduction to HR
 Human Resource Management- Concept, Scope and Importance,
Interdisciplinary Approach Relationship with other Sciences, Competencies of
01 HR Manager, HRM functions 5
 Human resource development (HRD): changing role of HRM – Human
resource Planning, Technological change, Restructuring and rightsizing,
Empowerment, TQM, Managing ethical issues
Organizational Behaviour (OB)
 Introduction to OB Origin, Nature and Scope of Organizational Behaviour,
Relevance to Organizational Effectiveness and Contemporary issues
 Personality: Meaning and Determinants of Personality, Personality
development, Personality Types, Assessment of Personality Traits for
Increasing Self Awareness
 Perception: Attitude and Value, Effect of perception on Individual Decision-
02 7
making, Attitude and Behaviour
 Motivation: Theories of Motivation and their Applications for Behavioural
Change (Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor);
 Group Behaviour and Group Dynamics: Work groups formal and informal
groups and stages of group development, Team Effectiveness: High performing
teams, Team Roles, cross functional and self-directed team.
 Case study
Organizational Structure &Design
 Structure, size, technology, Environment of organization; Organizational Roles
03 & conflicts: Concept of roles; role dynamics; role conflicts and stress. 6
 Leadership: Concepts and skills of leadership, Leadership and managerial roles,
Leadership styles and contemporary issues in leadership.
 Power and Politics: Sources and uses of power; Politics at workplace, Tactics
and strategies.
Human resource Planning
 Recruitment and Selection process, Job-enrichment, Empowerment - Job-
Satisfaction, employee morale
04 5
 Performance Appraisal Systems: Traditional & modern methods, Performance
Counselling, Career Planning
 Training & Development: Identification of Training Needs, Training Methods
Emerging Trends in HR
 Organizational development; Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), BPR as
a tool for organizational development , managing processes & transformation
in HR. Organizational Change, Culture, Environment
05 6
 Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision Making: Cross Cultural
Communication and diversity at work, Causes of diversity, managing diversity
with special reference to handicapped, women and ageing people, intra
company cultural difference in employee motivation
HR & MIS: Need, purpose, objective and role of information system in HR,
Applications in HRD in various industries (e.g. manufacturing R&D, Public
Transport, Hospitals, Hotels and service industries
Strategic HRM: Role of Strategic HRM in the modern business world, Concept of
06 Strategy, Strategic Management Process, Approaches to Strategic Decision 10
Making; Strategic Intent – Corporate Mission, Vision, Objectives and Goals
Labor Laws & Industrial Relations: Evolution of IR, IR issues in organizations,
Overview of Labor Laws in India; Industrial Disputes Act, Trade Unions Act,
Shops and Establishments Act

Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.

1. Stephen Robbins, Organizational Behavior, 16th Ed, 2013
2. V S P Rao, Human Resource Management, 3rd Ed, 2010, Excel publishing
3. Aswathapa, Human resource management: Text & cases, 6th edition, 2011
4. C. B. Mamoria and S V Gankar, Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India, 15 th Ed,
2015, Himalaya Publishing, 15thedition, 2015
5. P. Subba Rao, Essentials of Human Resource management and Industrial relations, 5
Ed, 2013, Himalaya Publishing
6. Laurie Mullins, Management & Organizational Behavior, Latest Ed, 2016, Pearson
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8025 Professional Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 03

1. To understand professional ethics in business
2. To recognized corporate social responsibility
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Understand rights and duties of business
2. Distinguish different aspects of corporate social responsibility
3. Demonstrate professional ethics
4. Understand legal aspects of corporate social responsibility

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Professional Ethics and Business: The Nature of Business Ethics; Ethical

01 Issues in Business; Moral Responsibility and Blame; Utilitarianism: Weighing 04
Social Costs and Benefits; Rights and Duties of Business
Professional Ethics in the Marketplace: Perfect Competition; Monopoly
Competition; Oligopolistic Competition; Oligopolies and Public Policy
02 Professional Ethics and the Environment: Dimensions of Pollution and 08
Resource Depletion; Ethics of Pollution Control; Ethics of Conserving
Depletable Resources
Professional Ethics of Consumer Protection: Markets and Consumer
Protection; Contract View of Business Firm‘s Duties to Consumers; Due Care
03 Theory; Advertising Ethics; Consumer Privacy 06
Professional Ethics of Job Discrimination: Nature of Job Discrimination;
Extent of Discrimination; Reservation of Jobs.
Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility: Potential Business
Benefits—Triple bottom line, Human resources, Risk management, Supplier 05
relations; Criticisms and concerns—Nature of business; Motives; Misdirection.
Trajectory of Corporate Social Responsibility in India
Corporate Social Responsibility: Articulation of Gandhian Trusteeship
Corporate Social Responsibility and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in 08
India, Corporate Social Responsibility and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in
Corporate Social Responsibility in Globalizing India: Corporate Social
Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines, 2009 issued by the Ministry of Corporate 08
Affairs, Government of India, Legal Aspects of Corporate Social
Responsibility—Companies Act, 2013.


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)
End Semester Examination:
Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. Business Ethics: Texts and Cases from the Indian Perspective (2013) by Ananda Das
Gupta; Publisher: Springer.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context (2007) by
Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Laura Spence; Publisher: Routledge.
3. Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 7th Edition (2011) by Manuel G. Velasquez;
Publisher: Pearson, New Delhi.
4. Corporate Social Responsibility in India (2015) by Bidyut Chakrabarty, Routledge, New
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8026 Research Methodology 03

1. To understand Research and Research Process
2. To acquaint students with identifying problems for research and develop research
3. To familiarize students with the techniques of data collection, analysis of data and
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Prepare a preliminary research design for projects in their subject matter areas
2. Accurately collect, analyze and report data
3. Present complex data or situations clearly
4. Review and analyze research findings

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Introduction and Basic Research Concepts

1.1 Research – Definition; Concept of Construct, Postulate, Proposition, Thesis,
Hypothesis, Law, Principle.Research methods vs Methodology
1.2 Need of Research in Business and Social Sciences
01 09
1.3 Objectives of Research
1.4 Issues and Problems in Research
1.5 Characteristics of Research:Systematic, Valid, Verifiable, Empirical and
Types of Research
2.1. Basic Research
2.2. Applied Research
02 2.3. Descriptive Research 07
2.4. Analytical Research
2.5. Empirical Research
2.6 Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Research Design and Sample Design
3.1 Research Design – Meaning, Types and Significance
03 07
3.2 Sample Design – Meaning and Significance Essentials of a good sampling
Stages in Sample Design Sampling methods/techniques Sampling Errors
Research Methodology
4.1 Meaning of Research Methodology
4.2. Stages in Scientific Research Process:
a. Identification and Selection of Research Problem
b. Formulation of Research Problem
c. Review of Literature
04 d. Formulation of Hypothesis 08
e. Formulation of research Design
f. Sample Design
g. Data Collection
h. Data Analysis
i. Hypothesis testing and Interpretation of Data
j. Preparation of Research Report
Formulating Research Problem
05 5.1 Considerations: Relevance, Interest, Data Availability, Choice of data, 04
Analysis of data, Generalization and Interpretation of analysis
Outcome of Research
6.1 Preparation of the report on conclusion reached
06 04
6.2 Validity Testing & Ethical Issues
6.3 Suggestions and Recommendation


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers
2. Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley
Eastern Limited.
3. Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology-A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners,
(2nded), Singapore, Pearson Education
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8027 IPR and Patenting 03

1. To understand intellectual property rights protection system
2. To promote the knowledge of Intellectual Property Laws of India as well as International
treaty procedures
3. To get acquaintance with Patent search and patent filing procedure and applications
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. understand Intellectual Property assets
2. assist individuals and organizations in capacity building
3. work for development, promotion, protection, compliance, and enforcement of
Intellectual Property and Patenting

Module Detailed Contents Hr

Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Meaning of IPR,

Different category of IPR instruments - Patents, Trademarks,Copyrights,
Industrial Designs, Plant variety protection, Geographical indications,Transfer of
01 technology etc. 05
Importance of IPR in Modern Global Economic Environment: Theories of
IPR, Philosophical aspects of IPR laws, Need for IPR, IPR as an instrument of
Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Introduction, Magnitude of
problem, Factors that create and sustain counterfeiting/piracy, International
agreements, International organizations (e.g. WIPO, WTO) active in IPR
02 07
Indian Scenario of IPR:Introduction, History of IPR in India, Overview of IP
laws in India, Indian IPR, Administrative Machinery, Major international treaties
signed by India, Procedure for submitting patent and Enforcement of IPR at
national level etc.
Emerging Issues in IPR:Challenges for IP in digital economy, e-commerce,
03 05
human genome, biodiversity and traditional knowledge etc.
Basics of Patents: Definition of Patents, Conditions of patentability, Patentable
and non-patentable inventions, Types of patent applications (e.g. Patent of
04 addition etc), Process Patent and Product Patent, Precautions while patenting, 07
Patent specification Patent claims, Disclosures and non-disclosures, Patent rights
and infringement, Method of getting a patent
Patent Rules: Indian patent act, European scenario, US scenario, Australia
05 scenario, Japan scenario, Chinese scenario, Multilateral treaties where India is a 08
member (TRIPS agreement, Paris convention etc.)
Procedure for Filing a Patent (National and International): Legislation and
Salient Features, Patent Search, Drafting and Filing Patent Applications,
06 Processing of patent, Patent Litigation, Patent Publication, Time frame and cost, 07
Patent Licensing, Patent Infringement
Patent databases: Important websites, Searching international databases

Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.

1. Rajkumar S. Adukia, 2007, A Handbook on Laws Relating to Intellectual Property

Rights in India, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
2. Keayla B K, Patent system and related issues at a glance, Published by National Working
Group on Patent Laws
3. T Sengupta, 2011, Intellectual Property Law in India, Kluwer Law International
4. Tzen Wong and Graham Dutfield, 2010, Intellectual Property and Human Development:
Current Trends and Future Scenario, Cambridge University Press
5. Cornish, William Rodolph & Llewelyn, David. 2010, Intellectual Property: Patents,
Copyrights, Trade Marks and Allied Right, 7th Edition, Sweet & Maxwell
6. Lous Harns, 2012, The enforcement of Intellactual Property Rights: A Case Book, 3rd
Edition, WIPO
7. Prabhuddha Ganguli, 2012, Intellectual Property Rights, 1st Edition, TMH
8. R Radha Krishnan & S Balasubramanian, 2012, Intellectual Property Rights, 1st Edition,
Excel Books
9. M Ashok Kumar and mohd Iqbal Ali, 2-11, Intellectual Property Rights, 2nd Edition,
Serial Publications
10. Kompal Bansal and Praishit Bansal, 2012, Fundamentals of IPR for Engineers, 1st
Edition, BS Publications
11. Entrepreneurship Development and IPR Unit, BITS Pilani, 2007, A Manual on
Intellectual Property Rights,
12. Mathew Y Maa, 2009, Fundamentals of Patenting and Licensing for Scientists and
Engineers, World Scientific Publishing Company
13. N S Rathore, S M Mathur, Priti Mathur, Anshul Rathi, IPR: Drafting,Interpretation of
Patent Specifications and Claims, New India Publishing Agency
14. Vivien Irish, 2005, Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers,IET
15. Howard B Rockman, 2004, Intellectual Property Law for Engineers and scientists,
Wiley-IEEE Press.
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO 8028 Digital Business Management 03

1. To familiarize with digital business concept
2. To acquaint with E-commerce
3. To give insights into E-business and its strategies

Outcomes: The learner will be able to …..

1. Identify drivers of digital business
2. Illustrate various approaches and techniques for E-business and management
3. Prepare E-business plan

Module Detailed content Hours

Introduction to Digital Business-
Introduction, Background and current status, E-market places, structures,
mechanisms, economics and impacts
Difference between physical economy and digital economy,
1 09
Drivers of digital business- Big Data & Analytics, Mobile, Cloud
Computing, Social media, BYOD, and Internet of Things(digitally intelligent
Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Business,
Overview of E-Commerce
E-Commerce- Meaning, Retailing in e-commerce-products and services,
consumer behavior, market research and advertisement
B2B-E-commerce-selling and buying in private e-markets, public B2B
exchanges and support services, e-supply chains, Collaborative Commerce,
Intra business EC and Corporate portals
2 Other E-C models and applications, innovative EC System-From E- 06
government and learning to C2C, mobile commerce and pervasive
EC Strategy and Implementation-EC strategy and global EC, Economics and
Justification of EC, Using Affiliate marketing to promote your e-commerce
business, Launching a successful online business and EC project, Legal,
Ethics and Societal impacts of EC
Digital Business Support services: ERP as e –business backbone,
knowledge Tope Apps, Information and referral system
3 Application Development: Building Digital business Applications and 06
Managing E-Business-Managing Knowledge, Management skills for e-
business, Managing Risks in e –business
Security Threats to e-business -Security Overview, Electronic Commerce
4 Threats, Encryption, Cryptography, Public Key and Private Key 06
Cryptography, Digital Signatures, Digital Certificates, Security Protocols
over Public Networks: HTTP, SSL, Firewall as Security Control, Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) for Security, Prominent Cryptographic Applications
E-Business Strategy-E-business Strategic formulation- Analysis of
Company‘s Internal and external environment, Selection of strategy,
5 04
E-business strategy into Action, challenges and E-Transition
(Process of Digital Transformation)
6 Materializing e-business: From Idea to Realization-Business plan
preparation 08
Case Studies and presentations

Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. A textbook on E-commerce, Er Arunrajan Mishra, Dr W K Sarwade,Neha Publishers &

Distributors, 2011
2. E-commerce from vision to fulfilment, Elias M. Awad, PHI-Restricted, 2002
3. Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, 6th Ed, Dave Chaffey, Pearson, August
4. Introduction to E-business-Management and Strategy, Colin Combe, ELSVIER, 2006
5. Digital Business Concepts and Strategy, Eloise Coupey, 2nd Edition, Pearson
6. Trend and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation, VinocenzoMorabito, Springer
7. Digital Business Discourse Erika Darics, April 2015, Palgrave Macmillan
8. E-Governance-Challenges and Opportunities in : Proceedings in 2nd International
Conference theory and practice of Electronic Governance
9. Perspectives the Digital Enterprise –A framework for Transformation, TCS consulting
journal Vol.5
10. Measuring Digital Economy-A new perspective- DoI:10.1787/9789264221796-enOECD
Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8029 Environmental Management 03

1. Understand and identify environmental issues relevant to India and global concerns
2. Learn concepts of ecology
3. Familiarise environment related legislations
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Understand the concept of environmental management
2. Understand ecosystem and interdependence, food chain etc.
3. Understand and interpret environment related legislations

Detailed Contents Hrs

Introduction and Definition of Environment: Significance of Environment

Management for contemporary managers, Career opportunities, 10
Environmental issues relevant to India, Sustainable Development, the Energy
Global Environmental concerns : Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone
02 Depletion, Hazardous Wastes, Endangered life-species, Loss of Biodiversity, 06
Industrial/Man-made disasters, Atomic/Biomedical hazards, etc.
Concepts of Ecology: Ecosystems and interdependence between living 05
organisms, habitats, limiting factors, carrying capacity, food chain, etc.
Scope of Environment Management, Role and functions of Government as a
planning and regulating agency 10
Environment Quality Management and Corporate Environmental
05 Total Quality Environmental Management, ISO-14000, EMS certification. 05
General overview of major legislations like Environment Protection Act, Air
06 (P & CP) Act, Water (P & CP) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Act, 03
Factories Act, etc.


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. Environmental Management: Principles and Practice, C J Barrow, Routledge Publishers

London, 1999
2. A Handbook of Environmental Management Edited by Jon C. Lovett and David G.
Ockwell, Edward Elgar Publishing
3. Environmental Management V Ramachandra and Vijay Kulkarni, TERI Press
4. Indian Standard Environmental Management Systems — Requirements With Guidance
For Use, Bureau Of Indian Standards, February 2005
5. Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective, S N Chary and Vinod Vyasulu,
Maclillan India, 2000
6. Introduction to Environmental Management, Mary K Theodore and Louise Theodore,
CRC Press
Environment and Ecology, Majid Hussain, 3rd Ed. Access Publishing.2015
Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSL801 Distributed Computing Lab 1

Prerequisite: Computer Networks and Operating Systems.

Lab Objectives:

1 To understand basic underlying concepts of forming distributed systems.

2 To learn the concept of clock Synchronization
3 To learn Election Algorithm.
4 To explore mutual exclusion algorithms and deadlock handling in the distributed system
5 To study resource allocation and management.
6 To understand the Distributed File System
Lab Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
Develop test and debug usingMessage-Oriented Communication or RPC/RMI based
client-server programs.
2 Implement techniques for clock synchronization.
3 Implement techniques for Election Algorithms.
4 Demonstrate mutual exclusion algorithms and deadlock handling.
5 Implement techniques of resource and process management.
6 Describe the concepts of distributed File Systems with some case studies.

Suggested List of Experiments

Sr. No. Title of Experiment
1 Inter-process communication
2 Client/Server using RPC/RMI
3 Group Communication
4 Clock Synchronization algorithms
5 Election Algorithm.
6 Mutual Exclusion Algorithm
7 Deadlock Management in Distributed System
8 Load Balancing
9 Distributed shared Memory
10 Distributed File System (AFS/CODA)
11 Case Study: CORBA
12 Case Study: Android Stack
Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.
Journal must include at least 2 assignments on content of theory and practical of CSC801 and
CSL801(Distributed Computing)
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensure satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
Total 25 Marks (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks,
Assignments: 05-marks)
Oral and Practical exam
Based on the entire syllabus of CSC801: Distributed Computing and CSL801: Distributed
Computing Lab
Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSDL8021 Deep Learning Lab 1

Prerequisite: Python Programming, Engineering Mathematics

Lab Objectives:
1 To implement basic neural network models for simulating logic gates.
2 To implement various training algorithms for feedforward neural networks.
3 To design deep learning models for supervised, unsupervised and sequence learning.

Lab Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1 Implement basic neural network models to learn logic functions.
2 Design and train feedforward neural networks using various learning algorithms.
3 Build and train deep learning models such as Autoencoders, CNNs, RNN, LSTM etc.

Suggested List of Experiments

1. Based on Module 1 (Any two) using Virtual Lab
1. Implement Mc-Culloch Pitts model for binary logic functions.
2. Implement Perceptron algorithm to simulate any logic gate.
3. Implement Multilayer Perceptron algorithm to simulate XOR gate.
4. To explore python libraries for deep learning e.g. Theano, TensorFlow etc.
2 Module 2 (Any Two)
5. Apply any of the following learning algorithms to learn the parameters of the
supervised single layer feed forward neural network.
a. Stochastic Gradient Descent
b. Mini Batch Gradient Descent
c. Momentum GD
d. Nestorev GD
e. Adagrad GD
f. Adam Learning GD
6. Implement a backpropagation algorithm to train a DNN with at least 2 hidden
7. Design and implement a fully connected deep neural network with at least 2
hidden layers for a classification application. Use appropriate Learning Algorithm,
output function and loss function.

4. Module 3 (Any One)

8. Design the architecture and implement the autoencoder model for Image
9. Design the architecture and implement the autoencoder model for Image
5 Module 4 (Any One)
10. Design and implement a CNN model for digit recognition application.
11. Design and implement a CNN model for image classification.
6 Module 5 (Any One)
12. Design and implement LSTM for Sentiment Analysis.
13. Design and implement GRU for classification on text data.
14. Design and implement RNN for classification of temporal data.

Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.
2 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work. Total 25 Marks (Experiments:
15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignment: 05-marks)

Practical and Oral exam

Based on the entire syllabus of CSDC8011: Deep Learning and CSDL8011: Deep Learning
Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSDL8022 Digital Forensics Lab 1

Prerequisite: Computer Network, Cryptography and System Security

Lab Objectives:
1 To demonstrate the procedures for identification, preservation, and acquisition of digital
2 To demonstrate techniques and tools used in digital forensics for operating systems and
malware investigation.
3 To demonstrate tools formobile forensics and browser, email forensics
4 To explore scenario based crime forensics investigations.

Lab Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1 Explore various forensics tools and use them to acquire, duplicate and analyze data and
recover deleted data.
2 Implement penetration testing using forensics tools.
3 Explore various forensics tools and use them to acquire and analyze live and static data.
4 Verification of source and content authentication of emails and browsers.
5 Demonstrate Timeline Report Analysis using forensics tools.
6 Discuss real time crime forensics investigations scenarios.

Suggested List of Experiments

Sr. No. Title of Experiment
1 Analysis of forensic images using open source tools.
● FTK Imager
● Autopsy
2 Explore forensics tools in kali linux for acquiring, analyzing and duplicating data.
● dd
● dcfldd
3 Performing penetration testing using Metasploit - kali Linux.
4 Performing RAM Forensic to analyze memory images to find traces of an attack.
● Capturing RAM Using the DumpIt Tool
● Volatility tool
5 Network forensics using Network Miner.
6 Windows Recycle Bin Forensics
7 Data Carving using open source tools
● Foremost
● Scalpel
● Jpegcarver
8 USB Device Forensics using
● USBDeview
● USB Detective
9 Web Browser Forensics using DB Browser for SQLite
10 Generate a Timeline Report Using Autopsy
11 Email Analysis
12 Case Study
Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 7 experiments covering all the modules and one case study.
2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments on content of theory and practical
3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
4 Total 25 Marks (Experiments & Case Study : 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-
marks, Assignments: 05-marks)

Oral & Practical exam

Based on the entire syllabus of CSDC8012- Digital Forensics and CSDL8012- Digital
Forensics Lab
Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSL8023 Applied Data Science Lab 1

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Machine Learning, Programming fundamentals

Lab Objectives:
1 To explore various stages in the data science lifecycle.
2 To understand data preparation, exploration and visualization techniques.
3 To model and evaluate different supervised/unsupervised learning techniques.
Lab Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1 Apply various stages of the data science lifecycle for the selected case study.
2 Demonstrate data preparation, exploration and visualization techniques.
3 Implement and evaluate different supervised and unsupervised techniques.

Suggested List of Experiments

(Select a case study and perform the experiments 1 to 8.).
Star (*) marked experiments are compulsory.
Name of the Experiment
1. Explore the descriptive and inferential statistics on the given dataset.
2. Apply data cleaning techniques (e.g. Data Imputation).
3. Explore data visualization techniques.
4. Implement and explore performance evaluation metrics for Data Models
(Supervised/Unsupervised Learning)
5. Use SMOTE technique to generate synthetic data.(to solve the problem of class imbalance)
6. Outlier detection using distance based/density based method.
7. Implement time series forecasting.
Illustrate data science lifecycle for selected case study. (Prepare case study document for the
selected case study)
Suggested Case Studies:
1. Customer Segmentation
2. Fraud Detection
3. House Price prediction
4. Product Recommendation
5. Stock price prediction
6. Weather prediction

Suggested Assignment List

Assignments can be given on self learning topics or data deployment tools.

Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.
2 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work. Total 25 Marks (Experiments: 15-
marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignment: 05-marks)
Practical and Oral exam
Based on the entire syllabus of CSDC 8013: Applied Data Science and CSDL 8013: Applied
Data Science Lab
Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSDL8021 Optimization in Machine Learning Lab 1

Prerequisite: Algorithms and data structures

Lab Objectives:
1 To apply derivative based optimization techniques
2 To understand evolutionary optimization to a given machine learning problem.
3 To apply advanced evolutionary optimization
4 To design and analyze optimization problems for real world applications
Lab Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1 To implement derivative based optimization techniques
2 To implement evolutionary optimization
3 To implement advanced evolutionary optimization
4 To apply efficient optimization algorithm for real world applications

Suggested List of Experiments

Sr. No. Title of Experiment
1 To implement Gradient Descent algorithm
2 To implement the Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm
3 To implement Newton method
4 To apply Genetic Algorithm for real world problem
5 To compare and implement different selection mechanism using genetic algorithm
6 To implement various mutation and crossover mechanisms
7 To implement Particles Swarm optimization
8 To implement Ant colony optimization

Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 6 experiments.
2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments on content of theory and practical of
―Optimization in Machine Learning‖
3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
4 Total 25 Marks (Experiments and assignments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-
marks, Case study /Mini project: 05-marks)
Practical and Oral exam
Based on the entire syllabus of CSDC8021: Optimization in Machine Learning and
CSDL8021: Optimization in Machine Learning
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL8022 High Performance Computing Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming
Lab Objectives: The objective of the course is to:
1 Enable students to build the logic to parallelize the programming task.
2 Give insight about performance of parallel computing systems.
3 Provide hands-on experience on parallel programming platforms/frameworks
Lab Outcomes: After learning the course, the students will be able to:
1 Perform Linux based commands on remote machine

2 Compare the performance of sequential algorithms with parallel algorithm in terms of

execution time, speedup and throughput.

3 Implement parallel program using OpenMP libraryand analyze its performance

4 Implement parallel program using MPIplatform and analyze its performance

5 Implement parallel program using OpenCL framework and analyze its performance

6 Implement parallel program using CUDA framework and analyze its performance

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments.

Star (*) marked experiments are compulsory.
Sr. Name of the Experiment
1* To analyse the Linux based computer systems using following commands:
a. top , b.ps , c. kill, d. cat /proc/cpuinfoe.vmstat
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System
2* To setup SSH passwordless logins for two or more Linux based machines and execute
commands on a remote machine.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System,
Multi-core computer systems
3* Write a program in C to multiply two matrices of size 10000 x 10000 each and find it's
execution-time using "time" command. Try to run this program on two or more
machines having different configurations and compare execution-times obtained in
each run. Comment on which factors affect the performance of the program.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Multi-core
computer systems
4* Write a "Hello World" program using OpenMP library also display number of threads
created during execution.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Dual core
with HT or Quad-core or higher computer system.
Write a parallel program to calculate the value of PI/Area of Circle using OpenMP
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Dual core
with HT or Quad-core or higher computer system.
6* Write a parallel program to multiply two matrices using openMP library and compare
the execution time with its serial version. Also change the number of threads using
omp_set_num_threads() function and analyse how thread count affects the execution
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Dual core
with HT or Quad-core or higher computer system.
7* Install MPICH library and write a "Hello World" program for the same.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, Multi-processor
systems or MPI Cluster.
8* Write a parallel program to multiply two matrices using MPI library and compare the
execution-time with it‘s OpenMP and serial version.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, gcc, Multi-
processor systems, or MPI Cluster.
9* Install MPICH on two and more machines and create a MPI cluster. Execute MPI
programs on this cluster and check the performance.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, Multi-processor
systems or MPI Cluster.
10* Implement a program to demonstrate balancing workload on MPI platform.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, Multi-processor
systems or MPI Cluster.
11 Implement a parallel program to demonstrate the cube of N number within a set range
using MPI/OpenMP/OpenCL/CUDA.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, Multi-processor
systems or MPI Cluster.
A CUDA-capable GPU,A supported version of Microsoft Windows,A supported version
of Microsoft Visual Studio, The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit
12 Implement DFT computation of vector using OpenCL/CUDA/ Parallel Matlab
Hardware/Software Requirement: A CUDA-capable GPU,A supported version of
Microsoft Windows,A supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio, The NVIDIA
CUDA Toolkit
13 Implement Two Vector addition using OpenCL/CUDA/ Parallel Matlab
Hardware/Software Requirement: A CUDA-capable GPU, A supported version of
Microsoft Windows,A supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio, The NVIDIA
CUDA Toolkit
14 Implement even-odd/Bucket /Radix /Shell sort using OpenCL/CUDA/ Parallel Matlab
Hardware/Software Requirement: A CUDA-capable GPU, A supported version of
Microsoft Windows,A supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio, The NVIDIA
CUDA Toolkit

Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.
2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures that satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
4 Total 25 Marks (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks,
Assignments: 05-marks)
Practical and Oral Exam
Based on the entire syllabus of CSDC8022 : High Performance Computing and
CSDL8022 High Performance Computing Lab
Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSDL8023 Social Media Analytics Lab 1

Prerequisite: Types of Graphs, Data Mining, Data Analytics

Lab Objectives:
1 To understand the fundamental concepts of social media networks.
2 To learn various social media analytics tools and evaluation matrices.
3 To collect and store social media data.
4 To analyze and visualize social media data
5 To design and develop social media analytics models.
6 To design and build a social media analytics application.
Lab Outcomes: The students will be able to
1 Understand characteristics and types of social media networks.
2 Use social media analytics tools for business
3 Collect, monitor , store and track social media data
4 Analyze and visualize social media data from multiple platforms
5 Design and develop content and structure based social media analytics models.
6. Design and implement social media analytics applications for business.

Suggested Experiments:

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Study various -
i) Social Media platforms ( Facebook, twitter, YouTubeetc)
ii) Social Media analytics tools ( Facebook insights, google analytics net
iii) Social Media Analytics techniques and engagement metrics (page level,
post level, member level)
iv) Applications of Social media analytics for business.
e.g. Google Analytics


2 Data Collection-Select the social media platforms of your choice (Twitter,

Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Web blogs etc) ,connect to and capture social media
data for business ( scraping, crawling, parsing).
3 Data Cleaning and Storage- Preprocess, filter and store social media data for
business (Using Python, MongoDB, R, etc).
4 Exploratory Data Analysis and visualizationof Social Media Data for business.
5 Develop Content (text, emoticons, image, audio, video) based social media analytics
model for business.
(e.g. Content Based Analysis :Topic , Issue ,Trend, sentiment/opinion analysis,
audio, video, image analytics)
6 Develop Structure based social media analytics model for any business.
( e.g. Structure Based Models -community detection, influence analysis)
7 Develop a dashboard and reporting tool based on real time social media data.
8 Design the creative content for promotion of your business on social media
9 Analyze competitor activities using social media data.
10 Develop social media text analytics models for improving existing product/ service
by analyzing customer‘s reviews/comments.

Reference Books:
Python Social Media Analytics: Analyze and visualize data from Twitter, YouTube,
1 GitHub, and more Kindle Edition by Siddhartha Chatterjee , Michal Krystyanczuk
2 Learning Social Media Analytics with R,byRaghav Bali, Dipanjan Sarkar, Tushar
3 Jennifer Golbeck, Analyzing the social web, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013
4 Matthew A. Russell. Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter,
Linkedin, Google+, Github, and More, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2013
5 Charu Aggarwal (ed.), Social Network Data Analytics, Springer, 2011

Term Work:
1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.
2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
4 Total 25 Marks (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks,
Assignments: 05-marks)
Practical and Oral Exam
Based on the entire syllabus of CSDC8023: Social Media Analytics and CSDL80223: Social
Media Analytics Lab
Course Code Course Name Credit

CSP801 Major Project 2 06

Course Objectives::

The Project work facilitates the students to develop and prove Technical, Professional and
Ethical skills and knowledge gained during graduation program by applying them from
problem identification to successful completion of the project by implementing the solution.

Course Outcomes: Student will able to

Implement solutions for the selected problem by applying technical and

professional skills.
Analyze impact of solutions in societal and environmental context for sustainable

3 Collaborate best practices along with effective use of modern tools.

Develop proficiency in oral and written communication with effective leadership

and teamwork.

5 Nurture professional and ethical behavior.

6 Gain expertise that helps in building lifelong learning experience.


1. Internal guide has to keep track of the progress of the project and also has to maintain
attendance report. This progress report can be used for awarding term work marks.

2. Project Report Format:

At the end of semester, each group needs to prepare a project report as per the guidelines
issued by the University of Mumbai. Report should be submitted in hardcopy. Also, each
group should submit softcopy of the report along with project documentation,
implementation code, required utilities, software and user Manuals.

A project report should preferably contain at least following details:

o Abstract
o Introduction
o Literature Survey/ Existing system
o Limitation Existing system or research gap
o Problem Statement and Objective
o Proposed System
o Analysis/Framework/ Algorithm
o Design details
o Methodology (your approach to solve the problem) Proposed System
o Experimental Set up
o Details of Database or details about input to systems or selected data
o Performance Evaluation Parameters (for Validation)
o Software and Hardware Set up
o Results and Discussion
o Conclusion and Future Work
o References
o Appendix – List of Publications or certificates

Students should be encouraged -
o to participate in various project competition.
o to write minimum one technical paper & publish in good journal.
o to participate in national / international conference.

3. Term Work:

Distribution of marks for term work shall be done based on following:

a. Weekly Log Report
b. Completeness of the project and Project Work Contribution
c. Project Report (Black Book) (both side print)
d. Term End Presentation (Internal)

The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory performance on

the above aspects.

4. Oral & Practical:

Oral &Practical examination (Final Project Evaluation) of Project 2 should be conducted by

Internal and External examiners approved by University of Mumbai at the end of the

Suggested quality evaluation parameters are as following:

a. Relevance to the specialization / industrial trends
b. Modern tools used
c. Innovation
d. Quality of work and completeness of the project
e. Validation of results
f. Impact and business value
g. Quality of written and oral presentation
h. Individual as well as team work

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