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Email: physiokathuagmc@gmail.com


 Human Physiology is one of the basic sciences’ subjects of medical education,

which lays the foundation of multiple medical branches. It is taught as a part of the
medical curriculum to the first-year MBBS students and is also being integrated with
multiple medical subjects taught during the subsequent period of MBBS under the
new revised UG curriculum. Like the other branches of medicine, physiology is also
progressing by leaps and bounds. Today’s physiology is not restricted to classrooms
but has entered the clinical settings of the hospitals as Neurophysiology,
Neurophysiologic Intra-operative monitoring, Polysomnography (sleep studies),
Sports Physiology, Exercise physiology, Yoga related physiology, EEG
(Electroencephalography), EMG(Electromyography),etc.

 When the foundations of the physiology department were laid as an integral

part of GMC, Kathua, in the year 2019, we the members of the physiology
department aspired to become one of the best physiology departments not only in
India but Worldwide. The department started with a scratch but with considerable
contribution and multitasking by the whole of the team physiology, utilizing all the
available resources, with rightful directions, guidance. In addition the all possible
help from the successive worthy Principals and Administrative heads in the hospital
and higher-ups,we have achieved a lot. We are now a well-established &
acknowledged department, providing the best of medical education along with the
undertaking of a lot of innovative research projects.


 Imparting teaching and training to undergraduate MBBS & paramedical BSc

students at its best.

 Teaching physiology in an integrated manner with other basic sciences, para-

clinical and clinical subjects.

 Making students understand the importance & relevance of physiology in

providing health care by exposing them to early clinical exposure.
 Improving & modifying the soft skills of the medical graduates who are now
renamed as Indian Medical Graduate (IMG) by orienting them to AETCOM
(Attitude, Ethics & Communication) teaching.

 Involving students in extracurricular activities like quizzes, seminars, debates,

etc. at local, state, national & international levels. Last year, in 2020 our
students won multiple prizes at the online National Physiquiz competition at
Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi, where they competed with students
from different medical colleges all over India. The dept, during the COVID
pandemic, organized an online video competition among 1st-year students in
2020 also, in which they did exceptionally well. The three winner videos were
appreciated and shared all over India & Internationally at different online &
offline platforms.

 Research in all possible fields of medical science, aiding in preventive,

promotive, diagnostic & curative aspects leading to better health

 Supporting staff and students to enhance their research success, enhancing

awareness to research programs along with promoting translational research

 Developing a culture of leadership in innovation in research and teaching.

 Maintaining the highest standards of scientific research and teaching.

 Filling gaps in the curriculum of undergraduate medical education as well as

paramedical education as identified by the time to time curriculum review.

 Identifying and providing teaching opportunities and learning resources

available to staff members.

 Guiding & providing better teaching mentorship to the postgraduate students

with constructive feedback and recognition( applied for DNB, inspection
already done, results awaited & for future post- graduate aspirants).

 Establishing and maintaining the latest clinical physiology laboratories like

Yoga & meditative physiology, Respiratory physiology, Autonomic nervous
system testing, exercise physiology, nerve conduction studies &
electromyography, etc. to improve the healthcare facilities at GMC Kathua.

 Integrating with other basic sciences, clinical & paraclinical sciences to help
provide the best healthcare infrastructure.

 To support a community of educators, researchers, trainees, and staff in a

healthy, respectful, and comfortable environment.

 To carry out world-class scientific research with evidence-based teaching,

dedicated to innovative, advanced research as well as maintaining high
standards of medical teaching.


 To provide the best physiology infrastructure for medical education, groom&

train the medical students in a way that they are motivated to provide the best
health care.

 To be at the forefront of discovery, raise the profile of the department, not only
locally, but at national & international levels, and become one of the top-
ranked research and academic departments.


The mission and vision of the departments are guided by the strong core
values, which are:-

 Collaboration & teamwork

 Integrity

 Mutual trust and respect

 Strive to excellence

 Value of time

 Never resting attitude

 Commitment to achieving targets & goals

 Aspiring for the latest and the best


S No. Name Designation Phone Number Email ID

01 Dr Sabita Prof & Head 9419222754; sabyyograj@gmail.com

Yograj 7006450577
02 Dr Meenakshi Assistant 9469676775 meenakshisharmauppal476@
Sharma Professor gmail.com
S No. Name Designation Phone Number Email ID

03 Dr Onkar Assistant 9419132109 onkar_singh31017@yahoo.com

Singh Professor
04 Dr Jyoti Rao Demonstrator 7780934696 doctorjyotirao@gmail.com
05 Dr Jyoti Demonstrator 9797620865 jtimemail15@gmail.com
06 Dr Deepshikha Demonstrator 7051109307 deepshikhadr10a@gmail.com
07 Dr Neeraj Demonstrator 9622240297 neerajsharma8797@gmail.com


a) Theory Classes

b) Practical Classes

c) Classes for paramedical students (BSc.)

d) Seminars &CMEs(student & staff)

e) Specialty physiology laboratories

f) Integrated teaching

g) Research Activities

h) Extra-curricular Activities


Name: Dr. Sabita Yograj

Designation: Prof & Head

Coordinator (MEU & CC) Academic Registrar

Phone No : 9419222754; 7006450577

Email ID: sabyyograj@gmail.com

Qualification: MBBS, MD(physiology), FIMSA, ACME


a) Member Editorial Board, Translational Clinical Biology. Open access Peer

reviewed Scientific Journal.
b) Executive member, Association of Physiologists of India (ASSOPI)
c) Member Editorial Board and Reviewer, Anatomy Physiology & Biochemistry
International Journal (APBIJ).
d) Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Anatomy Physiology and
Biochemistry (IJAPB)
e) Member Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
f) Member Executive Board in IESRF(Innovative Education and Scientific
Research Foundation)
g) Adjunct faculty for ACME
h) Member Editorial Board of Journal of Human Applied Physiology.
i) Member Executive Council International Medical Sciences Academy-J &K
Chapter, India. The reviewer of the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Advances (International).
j) Coordinator (MEU & CC) GMC Kathua
k) Academic Registrar, GMC Kathua
l) As a Principal investigator from GMC, Kathua collaborator hospital to CMC,
Ludhiana ICMR – RUMC COVID 19 Study for the Assessment of Prophylaxis
for Health Care Worker
m) CBME UG curriculum diploma course by MEU India
n) BCW, rBCW, CISP at nodal center CMCL
o) Resource person for FDP workshops at GMC Kathua

Membership of Professional Societies/Organization (Mention only)

a) Full member of the Physiological Society (International).

b) Fellow & member of International Medical Sciences Academy.

c) Life member of Association of Physiologists of India.

d) Life member of Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India.

e) Life member of The Physiological Society of India.

f) Life member of Basic Medical Scientists Association.

g) Life member of Indian Science Congress.

External examiner for MBBS and MD examinations in multiple colleges across

India and Internal examiner in present college.

Chairperson in multiple conferences across India and abroad.


a) Menopause-And-Autonomic Reactivity, IMSCON-08, Menopause-Horizons &

Harmony,13th Annual Conference, 14-16th March,2008, GMC, Jammu (J&K)

b) Assessing the Existing Learning Methodology in Physiology: A Feedback study

from Students of Two Medical Colleges in Northern India. IMSACON,
35thAnnual Conference of International Medical Sciences Academy, 6th – 8th
Oct. 2016, Mauritius.

c) Approach of Medical Students to Physiology: A Feedback Study from Two

Medical Schools in a Sub-Himalayan State of India. APPICON, 63rd Annual
National Conference of Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of
India, “Physiology Beyond Academics in the Era of Translational Research”,
10th – 14th Oct. 2017, JIPMER, Puducherry (India).

d) Physiology in UG Curriculum, 1st Physiology Leader’s Summit, organised by

APPI on 24th -26thFeb 2020 at Goa, India.

CME’s, Seminars, Conference, Workshops attended:-

1. Post Conference Workshop on Endogynae Surgery and Fertility on 9-10th

April 2000.at SMGS Hospital & Jeevan Jyoti Nursing home, Jammu, J&K

2. Training Programme on HIV Infection/AIDS, on 28-29th of Jan 2005 at

Dept. of Community Medicine, GMC, Jammu, J&K(India).

3. National Symposium on Venoms Toxins.15-16th of Nov.2002. at ASCOMS

& Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu (India). Organised by Dept. of Physiology.

4. 52nd National Conference of the Association of Physiologists and

Pharmacologists of India, APPICON,19-23rd Dec.2006 at SMIMER, Surat

5. IMSCON-08, Menopause - Horizons & Harmony,13th Annual

Conference,14- 16th March,2008, (India). Govt Medical College, Jammu,

6. 57th Annual Conference of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India,

APPICON, 13-17th of Dec.2011 at AIMS, New. Delhi (India).

7. Young Scientist Training Workshop Tools & Techniques in Physiological &

Pharmacological Sciences,57th Annual Conference of Physiologists and
Pharmacologists of India, APPICON, 14th of Dec.2011 at AIMS, New Delhi

8. Pedi-Pharma Update, 2012.An Academic programme of WHO (SEARO,

NEW DELHI) in collaboration with Indian Society for Rational
Pharmacotherapeutics(J&K) & IAP (City branch), Jammu (India) 3th-4th
March 2012.

9. MCI Nodal Center for faculty development, CMC, Ludhiana (India), Basic
Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies, 29th-31st March

10. JK Medicon 2013, National CME-cum-Workshop,0raganised by J&K State

Medical Council &Deptt. of Pharmacology, GMC, Jammu (India).15th-16th
Nov 2013.

11. International Conference of Basic and Applied Physiology, S.M.S. Medical

College Jaipur (India)21st-22nd Dec2013.

12. ENDO UPDTE-2014. on 22nd Jan. 2014. Organised by Medical Education

Unit, ASCOMS & Hospital in association with J&K Endocrine Research
Group (JKERG) ASCOMS &Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu, J&K(India).

13. 101st Indian Science Congress, Jammu University, Jammu (India).3rd -7th

14. Dr Thukral midterm conference of International Medical Sciences Academy

(IMSA) in Association with Medical Education Unit, ASCOMS & Hospital
and J&K Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of J&K, ASCOMS
&Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu (India)26th April 2014.

15. Conference of Association of Gynaecologic Oncologists of India, 25th-26th

May 2014, Jammu, J&K(India).

16. National CME cum Hands-On Workshop on Alternatives to Animal

Experimentation on 23rd Sept 2014 at ASCOMS & Hospital, Sidhra,
Jammu, J&K(India).

17. CME &79th Annual Conference of North States Chapter of ASI, on 18th-
19th Oct.2014 at GMC, Jammu, J&K(India).

18. 15th Annual North Zone Conference of Indian Society of

Anaesthesiologists, NZISACON, on 31-2nd Nov.2014, Organised by Dept. of
Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, ASCOMS, Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu,
19. CRAB-E-CON,2015 Breast Cancer Update, organised by Association of
Radiation Oncologists of India-North Zone, on 24th Oct.2015 at Jammu,

20. 25th Biennial Conference of Gastrointestinal Infection Society of India-

GISICON 2015 on 6th-7th Nov 2015 at GMC, Jammu, J&K(India).

21. CME/Workshop on Medico-legal Aspects of Rape Trial, on 2nd April 2016,

organized by Deptt. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, GMC, Jammu, in
collaboration with Voice for Rights (Regd. NGO) at GMC, Jammu,

22. CME cum Workshop on Gynecologic & Surgical Malignancies on 8th-9th

May 2016 under the aegis of Jammu AGOI Chapter, at Jammu,

23. 1st J&K State Medical Science Congress; Basics to Super specialties:
Building the Future Together, on 20th-21st May 2016. J&K Science,
Technology and Innovation Council, Deptt. Of Science &Technology. Govt.
of J&K. ASCOMS & Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu, J&K (India).

24. CRAB-E-CON, Lung Cancer Update, Association of Radiation Oncologists of

India- North Zone,2016, 3rd Sept 2016 at Jammu, J&K (India).

25. IMSACON 2016, 35th Annual Conference of International Medical Sciences

Academy, 6th - 8th Oct.2016, Mauritius.

26. CME cum Skill Development Course, State of the Art Diagnosis and
Treatment of Colon, Ovarian and Haematological Cancers & Workshop on
Foetal Medicine.6th – 7th Nov. 2016, University of Jammu, J&K(India).

27. BIOCON 2016, International Conference “Emerging Trends in Biomedical

Research in the New Millennium” in Association with Indian Academy of
Biomedical Sciences, GMC, Jammu, J&K (India).

28. Horizon-2, Conference on Advances in Infertility, Art, Recurrent Pregnancy

Loss,3rd – 4th Dec. 2016, Jammu, J&K (India).

29. PATHCON 2017, under the aegis of NW Chapter of IAPM, organised by PG

Dept. of Pathology, GMC, Jammu, J& K (India).

30. CME on “Clinical and Research Opportunities for Young Budding

Physiologists” during the 63rd Annual National Conference of Association
of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India. Organised by Dept. of
Physiology, JIPMER, Puducherry on 11th of Oct. 2017 (India).
31. APPICON 2017, 63rd Annual National Conference of Association of
Physiologists and

32. Pharmacologists of India, “Physiology beyond Academics in the Era of

Translational Research” 12th – 14th Oct. 2017, Organised by the Dept. of
Physiology, JIPMER, Puducherry (India). ASSOPICON 2017, 4tAnnual
Conference of Association of Physiologists of India, 1st -3r Dec.2017,
Organised by the Dept. of Physiology, KGMU, Lucknow, UP(India).

33. CME promoted by ISA (Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists), on 13th May

2018, organised by Jammu branch at ASCOMS & Hospital, Sidhra,
Jammu (J&k)(India).

34. CME cum Workshop on “Reforming Physiology Curriculum: A case study

for other medical disciplines “, organised by Dept. of Physiology at AIIMS,
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand (India) on 28th of July, 2018.

35. ASSOPICON 2018, 5th Annual Conference of Association of Physiologists of

India, 27th – 29th

36. of Oct. 2018, Organised by the Dept. of Physiology, Pramukhswami Medical

College, Karamsad, Gujarat (India).


SAARC Nations,5th – 7th Dec. 2018, organised by Dept of Physiology,
AIIMS, New Delhi-110029(India).

38. Symposium on Recent Advances in Parkinson’s disease, organised by

Department of Physiology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (India)
on 16th Of Feb. 2019.

39. CME cum Workshop on Competency-Based Medical Education: Concept

and Application, on 29th-30th April 2019 organised by Medical Education
Dept, CMC, Ludhiana, Punjab (India).

40. ASSOPICON 2019, 6th Annual Conference of Physiologists of India, 12th-

14th Sept. 2019, organized by Dept of Physiology, JSS Medical Collge,
Mysuru, Karnataka, India.

41. MCI Advanced Course in Medical Education (ACME) Session1:17th Sept.-

21st 2019 at MCI Nodal Centre for Faculty Development at CMC,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India.

42. rBCW,4th-6th Nov 2019 at MCI Nodal Centre, CMC, Ludhiana, Punjab,
India. 43.CISP, 7th-9th Nov 2019, at MCI Nodal Centre, CMC, Ludhiana,
Punjab, India. 44.CME on Simulation-Based Teaching at CMC Ludhiana
(India) on 21st Jan 2020 organized by Dept of Med Education.

45. FirstPhysiology Leader’s summit, organized by the Association of

Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India(ASSOPI) ON 25th -26th Feb
2020 at Goa, India.

46. Online Webinar on International Day Of Biological Diversity 22nd May

2020 organized by Biotechnika, India.

47. International Webinar on Research in Experimental Physiology, Association

of Physiologists of India (ASSOPI) Organised by Department of Physiology,
JIPMER, Puducherry, India, Webinar titled “Research in Experimental
Physiology (with special emphasis on Animal research)” on 22nd May 2020.

48. “Changing trends in Health Professionals Education in the COVID era”

organized by Sri Ramachandran Institute of Higher Education & Research,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on 2nd June 2020

49. Virtual Colloquim on “Health Sciences Professional Courses: Differentiating

Factors in Higher education during the Pandemic Crisis” organized by
Center for Continuous Learning for Professional Experience JSS Academy
of Higher Education & Research, Mysuru on 7th- 8th Aug 2020.

50. National webinar on “Establishing an Andrology Laboratory in Indian

scenario” on 19th Aug 2020 organized by Dept of Physiology, AIIMS,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

51. International webinar on “What’s the value in P-Values” organized by the

Dept of Community Medicine, Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Hospital and
Research, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India on 25th Aug 2020.

52. Webinar on “Profiling of Autonomic Functions” on 2nd Sept 2020 organized

by Dept of Physiology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

53. Webinar by A D instruments on “Cardiovascular & VO 2 Max Assessment”

on 9th Sept 2020.

54. Webinar on ‘Presenting the findings of’ of a five-webinar series on

‘Essentials of Medical Writing’ organized by Indian Association of Medical
Journal Editors (IAMJE), Springer Nature on 11th Sept2020.

55. Webinar on “Impact & Challenges on Teaching, Learning & Research in

Medical Education- The Post pandemic Era” on 12th Sept 2020 by Jaypee
56. Virtual webinar on “Neurophysiology of Language and Speech” on 22nd
Sept 2020 by the Department of Physiology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India.

57. Observations of CISP online workshop organized at GMC, Rajouri, J&K,

India on 29th Sept 2020 under the aegis of CMC Ludhiana Punjab, India.

58. The 6th Annual & 1st Virtual International Conference of Basic and
Applied Physiology (V-ICONBAP) 2020, 5th- 7th Oct 2020 organized by
Dept of Physiology, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok,
Sikkim, India.

59. Webinar by A D instruments on “Vagus- A Clinical Autonomic Window to

Neuropsychiatric Disorders” on 9th Oct 2020.

60. Workshop on “Techniques in Physiological sciences 2020- Application to

translation” for SAARC Nations 1st – 3rd December 2020, Organized by the
Department of Physiology, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, India

61. One Week Online Training Program on Statistical Data Analysis for
Biomedical Research during December 21-27,2020 organized by Science
Tech Institute, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

62. National physiology webinar 1: achieving positive health during COVID

times, 26th Dec 2020 organized by MEU, India.

63. Webinar series organized by Dept of Physiology, AIMS B G Nagara, India on

the topic of “Utility of skills lab for Physiology skill training and
assessment” on 29th Dec 2020.

64. CBME physiology of MEU India

65. Lot many online webinars and conferences being attended, not mentioned

List of Publications:

1. Yograj S, Sadhoo AK, Kalsotra L, Bhat A N, Arora A. Effect of Graded Head-

up-Tilt & Head Reverse Tilt on the Sympathetic Nervous System Versus
Parasympathetic Nervous System. J K Sci 2004; 6(3):144-8.

2. Bhat N Anjali, A.K.Sadhoo, Yograj S, Kaur G. Autonomic Function in

Postmenopausal Women. J KSci 2005; 7(3):135-9.

3. Bhat Anjali Nadir, Kalsotra Leela, Yograj Autonomic Reactivity with Altered
Thyroid Status. J K Sci 2007; 9(2):377-81.
4. Bhat A N, Yograj S, Sahi M. Presence of Iron deficiency anaemia in
adolescent girls of Jammu District and its effect in their physical
performance. Ind J Clin AnatPhysiol 2015; 2(4):164-8.

5. Yograj S, Gupta G,Nomani M G, Bhat A N, Gupta R K. Gender based

alteration in autonomic activity in young adults. Ind J Clin AnatPhysiol

6. Yograj S, Bhat AN, Gupta G, Kalsotra L, Gupta RK. Assessing the existing
learning methodology in Physiology: A feedback study from students of two
medical colleges in northern India. Ind J Clin AnatPhysiol2016; 3(3):260-4.

7. Bhat A N, Yograj S, Bahl R.Alteration in Autonomic reactivity from

Hypothyroid to Euthyroid status. Ind J Clin AnatPhysiol2016; 3(3):377-81.

8. Gupta G, Yograj S, Gupta Anil K, Langer B, Goni M. Forced Vital Capacity

(FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume in 1st second (FEV 1) and Forced
Expiratory Ratio (FEV1)/FVC) in automobile spray paint workers. Int J
ResMed Sci 2016; 4(9):3724-8.

9. Yograj S, Gupta G, Gupta V, Bhat AN,Arora A. Flaxseed- A Shield against

Diseases?AnatPhysiolBiochem Int J 1(4):

10. Gupta G, Yograj S, Gupta AK, Langer B, Goni M, Kalsotra L. Relationship

between intake of artificial sweeteners and body mass index in young non-
diabetic adults: a cross-sectional study.Int J ResMed Sci 2016;5 (4):1208-

11. Yograj S, BhatAN, Gupta G, Kalsotra L, Gupta R, Arora A Approach of

medicalstudents to Physiology: A feedback study from two medical schools
in a sub-Himalayan state of India.Int J Scient Res 2018;7(4):506-09.

12. Gupta G, Langer B, Gupta P, Yograj S, Gupta AK,Goni M. Association of

ABO and Rhseus blood group with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in Northern
India: A cross-sectional study. Int J Med Sci InnovativeRes 2018; 3(2):241-

13. Sharma N, Yograj S. Case Report: Haemophilia-B. J Med Sci 2017;

20(1): e1- e3.

14. Yograj S, Bhat AN, Gupta RK, Gupta G, Kalsotra L. Role of basic sciences
in making of a clinician: Perspectives of medical students from North India.
J Edu Health Promotion 2019; 8:171(1-6).
15. Kotwal SD, Bhat AN, Yograj S, Kotwal S. Evaluation of Vitamin D status
in premenopausal and postmenopausal Type 2 Diabetic women and its
relation to glycemic control. Int J Res Med Sci 2020;8(4): 1292-8

16. Yograj S. Sharpening of medical undergraduates' minds under COVID-19

crisis. J Family Med PrimCare 2020; 9:6291-2.

17. Yograj S, Gupta RK, Bhat AN, Badyal DK, Arora A, Arora A. Perceptions
of stakeholders regarding the foundation course. Indian J PhysiolPharmacol
2020;64(Suppl_1): S51-S8.

18. Arora A, Sood V K, Chaudhary H K, Banya D K, Kumar S, Devi R,

Kumari A, Khushbu, Priyanka, Yograj S. Genetic diversity analysis of oat
morphological and SSR markers. Range management Agroforestry (RMA) J
accepted for publication.

Name: Dr. Meenakshi Sharma

Designation: Assistant Professor

Phone no.: 9469676775

Email ID: meenakshisharmauppal476@gmail.com


Successfully enrolled into Biomedical Research & Eligible for exams in July,

CME’s Seminars, Conference, Workshops Attended:

1. CBME physiology of MEU India.


1. K. Navneet, S. Meenakshi, Sachdeva S. Study of liver function

tests in hyperthyroid patients. Int J Current Adv. Res. 2017; 6(4):3211-
2. K. Navneet, S. Meenakshi, Aora S. Effects of Hypothyroidism on
Renal Physiology J Med Sci Clin Res. 2018; 6(03): 275-9.
3. S. Meenakshi, Sushil, Hussain S, P Zaheeda. Impact of body mass
index on liver enzymes in postmeopausal women. Int J Current Adv.
Res. 2017; 6(3)2436-9.
Name: Dr. Onkar Singh

Designation: Assistant Professor

Phone no.: 9419132109

Email ID: onkar_singh31017@yahoo.com


Successfully enrolled into Biomedical Research & Eligible for exams in July, 2021.

CME’s Semnars, Conference, Workshops Attended:

1. CBME physiology of MEU India.


1. Onkar Singh, Mrityunjay Gupta, Vijay Khajuria. "Evaluation of metabolic

syndrome variables in morning walkers." National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy
and Pharmacology 4.2 (2014), 161-164.

2. Singh O, Gupta M, Khajuria V. Lipid profile and its relationship with blood
glucose levels in Metabolic Syndrome. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2015;5:134-

3. Singh O, Gupta M, Khajuria V.Cardiometabolic risk factors in bank employees.

Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2015;5:258-262.

Name: Dr. Jyoti Memoalia

Designation: Demonstrator

Phone no.: 9797620865

Email ID: jtimemail15@gmail.com


• Theory Classes

• Practical Classes

• Classes for Paramedical Students (B.Sc Courses)

• Seminars of Students
• Research Activites

• Extra-Curricular Activities

CME’s Seminars, Conference, Workshops Attended:

1. CBME physiology of MEU India.

2. Webinar on “Research in Experimental Physiology”.


1. Memoalia J, Batul A, Singh N, Gupta M. Decline in Pulmonary Function tests

after Menopause J Menopausal Med 2018;24:34-40.

Name: Dr. Jyoti Rao

Designation: Demonstrator

Phone no.: 7780934696

Email ID: doctorjyotirao@gmail.com


• Theory Classes

• Practical Classes

• Classes for Paramedical Students (B.Sc Courses)

• Seminars of Students

• Research Activites

• Extra-Curricular Activities

CME’s Semnars, Conference, Workshops Attended:

1. CISP July 2020 at GMC Kathua.

2. CBME physiology of MEU India.

3. Neurophysiology of language and speech.


i) Rao J, Bhat A N, Bhatia A S, Relationship of Anthropometric variables with

fasting blood sugar in moderate and sedentary workers. Int J Basic Appl Physio
ii) Rao J, Bhat AN, Bhatia AS. Relatioship of anthropometric variables with lipid
profile in moderate and sedentary workers. Ind J Clin And Phsiol 2018;5(2):161-65.

Name: Dr. Deepshikha Sharma

Designation: Demonstrator

Phone no.: 7051109307

Email ID: deepshikhadr10a@gmail.com


• Practical Classes

• Classes for Paramedical Students (B.Sc Courses)

• Extra-Curricular Activities

• National Medicos Organization Arogya Foundation of India CME’s Semnars,

Conference, Workshops Attended: Nil Publications: Nil

Name: Dr. Neeraj Sharma

Designation: Demonstrator

Phone no.: 9622240297

Email ID: neerajsharma8797@gmail.com


• Practical Classes

• Classes for Paramedical Students (B.Sc Courses)

• Extra-Curricular Activities

CME’s Semnars, Conference, Workshops Attended: Nil

Publications: Nil

1. Binocular Microscope
2. Monocular Microscope
3. Magnus Microscope
4. Haemocytometer
5. Hb meter
6. Apparatus for passive Movement
7. Compass Aesthesiometer
8. Perimeter priestly smith
9. Spirometer,ordinary
10. Algometer
11. Stethograph
12. Voltage stabilizer
13. Von frey hair Aesthesiometer
14. Van Slyk’s Apparatus Manometer
15. Stag Incubator Electric Co2 Mix Stage
16. Physiograph 3 Channel
17. Physiograph single Channel
18. Myograph Stand
19. Muscle Trough
20. Muscle Lever
21. Hook and Weight Set
22. Heart Lever Starling
23. Frog Board Disspection
24. Frog board crok linked with boss head
25. Low Bolt unit
26. Electrodes
27. X ‐ Blocksh
28. Demonstration Eye ‐ piece
29. Basal metabolism Apparatus
30. Mosso. S. Ergogratch
31. Parameter with Chart
32. Opthalmoscope
33. Color Perception Lantern Edridge Green
34. Newton’s Color Wheel
35. Tuning Fork Test Hearing 32 – 10000 CTS
36. Dynamometer
37. OTO Rhino Laryngoscope
38. Electronic Stimulator
39. Urino Meter (Mercury Based Instruments) to be Rept.
40. Kymograph student Electric Independent Unit
41. Kymograph with drum
42. Automatic BP apparatus
43. Manual BP apparatus
44. Enamel tray
45. Spirit lamps
46. Westergren’s pipette for ESR on stand
47. Wintrobe’s pipette for ESR
48. Stethoscopes
49. Stethoscopes, demonstration with multiple ear pieces
50. Clinical thermometer (Mercury Based)
51. Water distillation steel with spare heating elements
52. Thermometer
53. Modals and charts
54. ECG Machine
55. Microslides
57. Double Demonstration Eye Piece
58. Inductorium
59. Short Circuiting Key
60. Pohl’s Commutator
61. Vibrating Interrupter
62. Muscle grip of Femur Clamp

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