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100 Training Games - Kroehnert, Gary

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A Division of TheMcGraw-Hill Companies

US edition, 1992
Reprinted 1993
Copyright © 1991 by Gary Kroehnert

Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or
review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any
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Permission is granted free of charge to photocopy the “handout” pages of this training book that
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National Library of Australia

Cataloguing-in-Publication data:
Kroehnert, Gary.
100 training games.

0 07 452770 3. 15 16 17 18 19 BKM BKM 09876

1. Employees—Training of—Simulation methods. 2. Management

games. I. Title. II. Title: One hundred training games.


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Publisher: James O’Toole

Production Editor: Margaret Olds
Designer: Kim Webber
Ulustrators: Maria Mason and Kim Webber

Name Page No. Name Page
Too Many Solutions? 18 24. Put Your Jacket On 55

Relay 19 45 Light Your Cigarette 56

Human Machines 20 26. Stepping In a

Garage Sale 21 aie Manipulation 58

Clear the Deck 22 28. What Do People Want? 59

New Ideas 24 29: Capital Punishment 61

PA ae 25 30. The Word Game 63
Telling Lies 27 os Spelling Bee 65
AAA of Stress Management 28 Se: Another Spelling Bee 67

Introductions 30 gee Team Task No. 1 69

Signatures 32 34. Team Task No. 2 71

Join the Dots 33 aD, 3-Minute Test 73

Brain Teasers 38 36. Pass the Microphone 75

Scavenger Hunt 40 bile The Watch Face 76

Brainstorm Destruction 42 38. Relaxation ris

Action Plans | 43 39. Note to Me 78

Stretch Monitor 45 40. The Numbers Game 79

Tied in Knots 46 41, Puppets 81

Common Words 47 42. No Laughing 82

What’s Your Name? 49 43, Shuffling Papers 83

Beans 50 44, Cleaning Up 84

Pass It On 52 45. What Do You See? 85

Building Blocks 54 46. Smile 87

Name Page Name Page

Stress Budget 89 Faces 135

Negotiation 90 Follow-up to Murphy’s Law 137

Our Greatest Fears 91 Them and Us 139

Marooned 93 The Brainstorm 141

Signs 94 Clasp Your Hands 142

Balloon Ball 96 Fold Your Arms 143
Tortoise, Hare or Thoroughbred 97 Clowns 144

Where Are We Now? 99 What's My Object? 146

Overcoming Fear 100 Come Back 147 |

Memory Test 102 Post-it 148

Say What? 104 TSaPRieces 149

Room 703 105 Housie 151

List of Names 107 Participant Bingo 152
Folding Paper 108 Pick a Shape 154

Learning by Linking 109 2-Minute Talk 156

What Is It? 112 Where Did It Go? 157

Circuit Overload 114 Post Me a Note 159

Tangrams 116 Spider’s Web 160

In-Tray 119 Personally 161
tebahplA ehT 120 The Application 162
How’s Your Memory? 122 Clap 163
Tennis Balls 124 Time Line 164
Having Fun 126 Orientation Quiz 165
My Worries 128 People Scavenger 166
Moon Explorer Problem 130 Co-operation 168
Fall-out Shelter 132 Paper Planes 169
A Case of Labelling 134 100. Agenda 171



We have all seen and probably participated in various This book is aimed at giving new trainers enough
forms of training games, simulations, role-plays, brain information, samples and sources to competently carry
teasers, case studies and other related activities. Just out their function as adult trainers. It focuses primarily
because we are aware of them doesn’t mean that we can on games and brain teasers, as role-plays and case studies
use them any time we wish to. have to be designed by the individual trainer for each
The use of these activities should allow the participant separate application. For new trainers I would strongly
to discover outcomes, rather than be told everything suggest that they also spend some time looking at my
without trying it. Most of the world’s airlines, manufac- training handbook titled Basic Training for Trainers
turing plants, human resource companies, military (McGraw-Hill Book Company Australia, 1990).
establishments, small and large companies, private and Today’s trainer can simply walk down to the local
public organizations now use these forms of structured shopping center and purchase any number of games over
exercises. The ultimate goal should always be improved the counter. It’s worth mentioning now that even the
learning. simplest child’s game can have a place in adult education
What these trainers and participants are generally if it’s applied correctly.
interested in, on top of the information sessions, are Training games are now found in all sections of all
structured experiences that they can apply, where no one kinds of education. It’s important that the trainer realizes,
feels terribly threatened or where they don’t have to touch however, that a game is not played just because someone
strangers. The other very important criterion that almost else has said ‘There should be a game played here’.
everyone agrees on is that the experience should be 100 Training Games will firstly look at the academic
relevant to the training matter or relevant to the group differences between games, simulations, brain teasers,
requirements. role-plays and case studies. It will also address the problem
All facilitators using structured exercises need to be of when to use training games. The largest (and most
aware that other things may come out in the use of games important) section of the book is a selection of favorite
that normally wouldn’t come out using other methods training games and brain teasers. Lastly a bibliography
of instruction. is included for new trainers to use as a resource and
Games, simulations, role-plays, brain teasers, case for further reference.
studies and other related activities have been used It’s worthwhile noting that trainers and facilitators these
successfully in innumerable training situations for many days tend to call all of these activities ‘structured
centuries by countless numbers of trainers. We can actually experiences’ or ‘structured exercises’. So when you hear
trace the use of games and simulations back thousands these terms being used you will know that they are still
of years. Chess is an excellent example of this. talking about the same things. For the bulk of the
For most of us, games, simulations and role-plays were information contained in this book I have referred to
part of the growing-up process. From our earliest school most games, simulations, brain teasers and role-plays as
days, we remember playing games such as marbles or exercises. To me it’s not that important which term is
hide-and-go-seek. It is now recognized that these games used as long as the trainer knows what the desired
are not only for fun, but also prepare the child for entry outcome is.
into the social system. Ifany of you took Home Economics, Most of the exercises are written as directions, rather
Woodwork or Metalwork at school, you would probably than in the third person; however, where necessary I refer
call them a simulation of the real workplace. Some of to the leader as the facilitator rather than as the trainer.
us may also remember acting out roles in a game of In most structured exercises it is important for the leader
‘Mothers and Fathers’—another form of role-play. not to be a dominant figure. Generally, if you use the
In a training situation we must be very selective in term ‘facilitator’ that lets the group know that they aren’t
the use and timing of these methods of instruction. People going to be taught by a trainer but rather find out for
become bored doing the same thing all the time, even themselves through experience.
if it is a ‘mind-blowing experience’ the first few times. With the exercises contained in this handbook, I would
If you intend using these methods effectively, plan them suggest that the reader/user apply commonsense to using
into your session notes or your outline. the enlarging facilities on their photocopier to make
appropriate size overhead transparencies. This will save Finally I would like to thank all of the authors, game
presentation time by reducing the amount of writing designers and publishers who have allowed me to use
required. My policy regarding reproducing any material their material for the benefit of new trainers.
from this handbook is based on _ encouraging I have attempted to acknowledge the source wherever
interprofessional networking. Therefore the material possible. Where a source hasn’t been acknowledged,
contained in this book may be freely reproduced for either the source is unknown to me or my colleagues,
educational purposes or training activities. You are not or it is an original game design. As it’s next to impossible
required to obtain special permission for such uses. It to find the source of a story or a game on most occasions,
is requested, however, that the following statement appear I will now apologize if I have not acknowledged the
on all copies made: source, or if it has not been acknowledged correctly.
Reproduced from:
100 Training Games, Gary Kroehnert
McGraw-Hill Book Company
Copyright 1991

The differences between Brain teasers

them all Brain teasers are in a class of their own. They aren't
pure games or simulations but puzzles that either
Very few trainers agree on definitions for games, keep participants’ minds busy or highlight key points.
simulations and role-plays, case studies, and so on. Brain teasers generally don’t have any rules, but they
The following definitions are very broad and are do allow the trainer to design their own rules to suit
definitions that I have included for a new trainer to the individual training session.
use. The more experience a trainer gains, the more Typical brain teasers include exercises such as
they can apply their own definitions. joining the dots and most perception exercises.
Even by looking at some of the examples given
here, you will be able to see that it is difficult to even Role-plays
categorise some exercises into one grouping. Chess, Role-plays are used in training to see how participants
for example, isn’t strictly a game or a simulation, it’s a react in certain situations before and after training
combination of both. For those who are interested sessions. Role-plays are very useful for giving
chess was developed in sixth-century India and was participants practice in dealing with other people in
designed to simulate a contemporary battle. any given scenario. Even when the participant does it
wrong, they still learn.
A game is an exercise where participants are involved Case studies
in a contest with someone else (or a group of people) Case studies are exactly what the name implies. A
with a set of rules imposed. Games normally include case (normally from the participants’ workplace) is
some type of pay-off. Most training games are now studied either by the group or by the individual. An
aimed at having the individual trainees compete with in-depth study of a real-life or simulated scenario is
themselves, rather than another trainee. This avoids undertaken to illustrate certain outcomes. When the
the situation of having winners and losers. group or the individual has the answer to the problem
The term ‘games’ includes psychomotor skills or situation it can be compared to what really
games, intellectual skills games and most games of happened and what the outcomes were.
chance. Some common types of games include darts,
snakes and ladders, football, scrabble, charades and
most card games. Games for individuals to play,
competing with themselves, include solitaire,
patience, crossword puzzles and even poker When should they be used?
machines. Training exercises may be used at any time during the
training as long as they are relevant to the point or
Simulations have been designed with a specific purpose.
A simulation is a mock-up of an actual or imaginary The ‘specific purpose’ can be to keep the group
situation. Simulations are generally used to train occupied while waiting for stragglers, and to wake
future operators where it is impractical or too participants up after a lunch break. These purposes
dangerous for trainees to use real-life equipment or are okay as long as they are stated. It’s not okay when
locations. Simulations are normally designed to be as they are used simply to fill in time or to make the
realistic as possible so that trainees can learn from facilitator look like a magician.
their actions without the financial worries of repairing You can also use structured exercises as a means of
or replacing damaged equipment. channelling excess energy or to liven up the class.
Examples of simulations include flight simulators, The activity can be a means of improving the learning
driving simulators, and war games. atmosphere.
So these types of structured exercises should be Do you have a responsibility for entertaining the
selected and used on the basis of their usefulness, for group during any presentation? You have the
reinforcing the instruction, or improving the learning responsibility for ensuring clarity and precision of
environment. information. You are also responsible for aligning the
group and keeping them moving. Another
responsibili ty is to keep yourself animated. (That
could be considered the main entertainment value.)
This is also what the participants may talk about later
Facilitator’s to their friends and colleagues. If the facilitator is in a

responsibilities situation where this type of feedback is required

(such as an external trainer or consultant), then an
Regardless of how good we are as presenters or assortment of training methods will be required.
lecturers, we shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking Games, simulations, role-plays and structured
that our whole presentation alone is going to keep exercises will be of assistance.
everyone’s interest for the whole period. The use of It is your responsibility to pilot or test all new
games, simulations, role-plays, brain teasers, case exercises or exercises that you haven’t used in the
studies and other related activities are all applications past. Facilitators must realise that what works for
of the principles of adult learning. You, the facilitator, some people doesn’t always work for others. All
must ensure that the participants do not become so training exercises will probably have different
involved in the activity that they actually miss the outcomes every time you use them. So be prepared.
learning point. Additionally you must also realise that Trainers and facilitators must debrief all of the
if the participants have too high a level of enthusiasm exercises carried out during any type of training
for the exercises they may become bored with normal session. The purpose of debriefing is quite
training. This isn’t to say that we don’t want high complicated. Without going into too much detail
levels of enthusiasm, but we need to ensure we keep there are two main reasons for conducting the
the participants interested with other methods of debriefing session.
instruction as well. You have an obligation to put the players or
The learning process can be sped up by the use of participants back together when the exercise has
games, simulations, role-plays, brain teasers, case finished. This means that if participants have bad
studies and other related activities. People learn better feelings about the exercise they should be allowed to
when they are enjoying themselves. So therefore we get things off their chest while still in the training
need to seriously think about creating or supplying room and also while things are still fresh in their
the appropriate learning atmosphere. minds.
You should always select the training method after Debriefing also allows the trainer and the
you have set the learning objectives. The method participants to talk about the outcomes of the
should respond to the participants’ needs, not the exercise. Was it what everyone expected? Would you
facilitator’s. do that in the real situation? What would you have
When you decide to use a structured exercise it is done if this had happened? It also allows the trainer a
important to practise the exercise at least once with a time where mistakes can be corrected.
group of people not involved with the immediate Probably the most important point is that trainers
presentation. This will help you see if the design is must be completely honest and open with their
going to work, and in the expected way with the participants. This includes not using hidden agendas,
expected results. Like all types of training, these not misleading participants, not setting anyone up,
structured exercises must be evaluated for their worth not deceiving any of the participants and not using
and effectiveness. If they don’t produce what is the participants’ efforts for your own gain.
needed, scrap or modify them. Training exercises can be lots of fun for both the

trainee and the facilitator. While people are enjoying A full breakdown of the exercises has been included
themselves in the classroom they are generally on the next few pages of this handbook. Firstly, each
learning better. So it’s up to you to make a more enjoy- of the nine different categories has been given a
able learning atmosphere. detailed overview. The second list is an index of the
hundred exercises included in this book, with full
cross-referencing for each application for which they
can be used.

When can these exercises

be used? I Icebreaker
Almost any exercise can be used as an icebreaker.
Rather than fully catalogue these exercises and The two main purposes of using icebreakers are
possibly limit their application, I have decided to use firstly, to allow the participants to introduce
a coding system. Beside the name of the exercises on themselves to each other, and secondly, to lead into
the following pages you will see one or some of the the topic matter. Participants often find that the topic
following letters and symbols. These have been matter is made clearer by the use of appropriate
placed there to give you suggested applications. These icebreakers.
are only guides and can be modified to suit by the The exercises in this grouping are non-threatening
individual trainer. introductory contacts. They are designed to allow
participants to get to know each other a little and to
Coding lower any barriers that may exist. Experienced
facilitators have found that the success or failure of a
al Icebreaker program may hinge on these two points.
The more comfortable participants feel with each
other, the better the learning environment. If the

participants feel comfortable with each other, they are
more likely to participate and to generate new ideas.
While most facilitators won't see these exercises as
C Communication
too threatening, some participants may. If a
participant does see it as threatening, make sure they
Facilitator/presentation skills have a way out of participating. It is a wise decision
to let people know at the very beginning of a
program that they can pass on any exercise or activity
(ts M_ Mid-course energiser they feel uncomfortable with.

T Team-building
es L Learning Team-building exercises are used to improve the
relationship of the individuals and subgroups within a
group. The term ‘group’ in team-building normally
< OP P Perception refers to an established work group or a group which
will be working together.
When using team-building exercises you, as well as

E_ Evaluation
the group, should be aware that the identification of a
conflict or problem between different parties or
Self-management individuals may be the only outcome of some team-
building exercises. However, a conflict or problem is

much easier to solve or deal with after it has been M Mid-course energiser
identified. A team-building exercise should allow the Mid-course energisers can be used at any time you
Participants to let their hair down while they get to observe the group losing interest or falling asleep.
know each other. Mid-course energisers are very similar in design to
It is very important that you thoroughly debrief icebreakers, but they sometimes make the assumption
team-building exercises to ensure that there isn’t any that the group knows each other already. For this
built up hostility, anger or frustration. Don’t let the reason some of the exercises may appear a little
group break until this has been rectified. threatening to some members of a group. If someone
does not want to participate, let them sit back or act
C Communication in an observer's role. You will normally find that they
Exercises used for communication are designed to let will join in as soon as they see how much fun the
the participants find out where certain communication others are having.
skills may be improved. You, as facilitator, have to be These exercises are used to wake participants up,
very aware of the exact purpose of some to get the blood moving, to keep participants from
communication exercises as it is sometimes very falling asleep after a lunch break, to simply get
difficult to sit back and say nothing while things start people back on line or to think about a new
to go wrong for the participant. approach to a problem.
You also need to be aware that you may be looked Experienced facilitators can also use these
at by some participants as a role-model. While energisers to reduce tensions that may have built up
conducting a program on communication skills you with individuals or the group.
must ensure that what you give out is correct. As
feedback is a very important part of communication L Learning
skills it must be used in all communication exercises. These exercises are designed to let the participants
Feedback should be specific and aimed at observed see where their learning styles or attitudes need
behaviours that the individual has some control over. improvement. They tend to be more experiential in
their application. That is, the participants are normally
F Facilitator/presentation required to do something and come up with some
skills kind of result or answer. After that phase of the
exercise the facilitator can normally draw out from
Facilitation skills are aimed at people who may need
to develop or improve their up-front, or presentation, the group better ways of doing the same thing with
ability. The exercises in this category are designed to
better results.
get the participants thinking about particular aspects You must ensure that the whole exercise is totally
of their own presentation and facilitation skills. debriefed and that every participant can see what the
While using any exercises to improve presentation final results or methods should be. You should be
skills you should take full advantage of the aware that there are many different learning styles.
opportunity by using the individuals in the group Don’t make the assumption that everyone in the
wherever possible. This may mean getting some of group will learn the same way. Make certain you get
them to run the exercises. It is important that the plenty of feedback to check participant
facilitator ensures the individuals are observed and understanding.
debriefed by the rest of the group. By this simple
observation group members are able to see things that P Perception
may or may not work for them. The more styles of The perception exercises are generally fun for
presentation they see, the better. everyone to use. They are designed to see how
Some of these exercises can be seen as very participants perceive different situations or objects.
threatening to a few group members, so make sure The end result with most perception exercises is that
you are prepared to offer support and assistance. participants are made aware of their need to use

lateral thinking, to lock at things in different ways, constructive evaluation. Destructive evaluation does
and to try to break down any preconceived ‘stereo- nothing but leave ill-feelings with some members.
types that they may be using. If any of these exercises are used for the purpose
As these exercise are fun to use, it is not un- of program evaluation, it is a good idea to make sure
common to see them being used as icebreakers or the participants are told of the results, either verbally
mid-course energisers. or in writing.
Some of the individuals in the group may have
difficulty with perception exercises. If they do have S Self-management
difficulties, try to get the rest of the group to explain Exercises in the category of self-management allow
the different perceptions to them. the participants to find where they can improve their
own self-management techniques. These techniques
E Evaluation are the same as time-management techniques, but
Most of the evaluation exercises are for participants to with a different name. Here we look at improving the
evaluate either themselves or the program. An participants’ organisational skills.
important part of the evaluation process needs to be Participants get a lot of information and new ideas
pointed out to the participants at the beginning of the from other members within the group, so make sure
exercise. This point is that any evaluation must be that the whole group finds out what principles each
considered as constructive, not destructive. Things can participant used in these exercises.
be improved or rectified much more easily by using

Games Codes Grid
No. Name Page creoy (2 H&B Bo &
itsYS?vOOOODo— &)
or oro
1. Too Many Solutions? 18 TCF © 8 S i HN |
2. Relay 19 ITCM ® 6 § °® |. |
3. Human Machines 20 ITM | e@ | e | lt @ | le
4. Garage Sale Pale wes _[e eel A id
5. Clear the Deck eS @ a i [Ads lt tet L |
6. New Ideas OAeihs CEN aeeens ines e|e|e [
Fal Atiaeee Sul | @ ee
8. Telling Lies 27-4 “IMP | e |. al ee | @ | |
9. AAA of Stress Management 28 TS e| | | ©
10. Introductions SO meal @ Far ou a
11. Signatures 32) MIF @ sedi @
12. Join the Dots 33 IMP @ ® | @ |
13. Brain Teasers 38 ICMP @ i® | @ @ ="
14. Scavenger Hunt 40 ITCM @ @ @ . Sap Fs
15. Brainstorm Destruction Ae ee ® 8
16. Action Plans all ae some |e |
17. Stretch Monitor 45 IFM ® @ S |
. Tied in Knots 4 4 @ ib | ie
19. Common Words 47 ICML ® ® 6
20. What’s Your Name? 49 ICL @ &
21. Beans 50 MP | @ | ®
22. Pass It On 52. CFM | l ei'e,/e|e
23. Building Blocks 54 C 2)
24. Put Your Jacket On Sere wee | @ e | °@
25. Light Your Cigarette 56 CFMP @ @ ® e
26. Stepping In De neo @ @ @ | | eee
27. Manipulation 58 ICFMP ® & @ @ ae aera @ | poe Bs
28. What Do People Want? 5 ae (6 2 @ ® ® pore
29. Capital Punishment 61 IM @ &
30. The Word Game 63 ICM @ 6 @ i =)
31. Spelling Bee 65 CML @ 8 @
32. Another Spelling Bee 67 CML Bele e |. ® ® thea
33. Team Task No. 1 69 TMP ) @ @
34. Team Task No. 2 71 TMP “| @ ® @ aaa
35. 3-Minute Test 73 ICM @ ® ® ie «|
36. Pass the Microphone 7a CE re | |
37. The Watch Face 76 IP @ @
38._ Relaxation Tiaes aa ic al le
39. Note to Me 7S LES ee| ly @ e|e
40. The Numbers Game 79 IMLES ® ale ul || @ @ e|e
41. Puppets 81 M e@ Sa nee
42. No Laughing 82 IM on ae | | @ —+—} +
43. Shuffling Papers 83 ITM +] @
44. Cleaning Up 84 TT @ @

46. Smile o7 9
47. Stress Budget 89 IMPS ®@ le —te +4 @
48. Negotiation 90 ICMLS @ @ @ @
49. Our Greatest Fears 91 JF | @ a e |. a
50. Marooned 93 IM | @ ®

Games Codes Grid
51. Signs
mage_cateoy 3 OO
94 IM ®
52. Balloon Ball 96 ITM i ae |
53. Tortoise, Hare or :
Thoroughbred 97. IMS bad
54. Where Are We Now? DO eee | @ | e@ il
55. Overcoming Fear 100 +FS | @ | bad a
56. Memory Test 102. ICMLPS| @ | e| |elflefe |@
57. Say What? 2 ee cea ee Sie
58. Room 703 105 ITCM 23 6
59. List of Names 107. Tops | | — e e
60. Folding Paper 108 ICFPE FO. SL Omice | e | °®
61. Learning by Linking 109 ICMLS Oa. erie a ) ® ®
62. What Is It? 112. ICFMP | @ | =| @ | @® | @ 7)
63. Circuit Overload 114 § EE ESS oes @ |

64. Tangrams

66. tebahplA ehT



tart egl ylee

67. How’s Your Memory? 122° ITCMPS — siete @
Tennis Balls
a126s |
a ees ®
70. My Worries 128 IS oe. | &
71. Moon Explorer Problem 130 TCMP @ ®
72. Fall-out Shelter 132. TCMP i e |e fT
fe] |
73. A Case of Labelling 134 IP 9 le as |e @ oy cet ae
74. Faces 155 el @ a Ss ay

76. Them and Us 17am Cr, —* ||_ ro Oe ee

77. The Brainstorm 141 CMLS | @
78. Clasp Your Hands 142° ICS @N:\\-- Ser aul e|
79. Fold Your Arms 144 Ics |@ | ®
80. Clowns 144 ITCES a [@ |e
81.82. What's My Object
Come Back
46 icMes
147 IFS
|@ | |e} |e} |e|
fe; 6h6|lUlUdL
83.84. Post
15 Pieces
7a149 TC sa OS
(ECT a fCee
85. Housie they tome
86. Participant Bingo (See ef} +} 4 —
87. Pick a Shape 154 IM Ooo S| eee |e
88. 2-Minute Talk _ 1568 Cre A re OS ee ee ee
89. Where Did It Go? 157 SES Ore i as e |e
90. Post Me a Note 159 _ITCES of ee ® @
91. Spider’s Web 160 TE @ a ae Pa ae
92. Personally 161 __E ®
93. The Application 162 PES @ 6
94. Clap 163 M
95. Time Line 164 CS e@
96. Orientation Quiz L65.a.}
97. People Scavenger 166 I
98. Co-operation 168 ITCMP
99. Paper Planes 169 TCMS is @
100. Agenda Wit ORS
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1. Too Many Solutions? TCF E2)
OW eo
Overview minutes. No discussion of suggestions is to take
This game looks at the use of brainstorming with a place until the 10-15 minute period is up.
group of participants working on a given problem. The scribes are requested to encourage
ridiculous ideas from their team members.
Goals When the 10-15 minute period is up, each team
1. To develop skills in problem-solving. is then to evaluate each of the ideas generated by
2. To generate as many ideas as possible from a it. It is to decide on the best three ideas. On
group using brainstorming techniques. reaching agreement each spokesperson is to
3. To introduce and apply synergy. present the team findings to the whole group.
Once each team has presented its findings, the
Time required whole group is then to decide on the single best
30-60 minutes (depending on the type of problem idea presented.
Discussion points
Size of group i. Which team had the greatest number of ideas?
Unlimited, but needs to be broken into subgroups of Why?
5-7 participants. 2. Was anyone surprised at the number of ideas
Material required 3. Did the ridiculous ideas lead to more productive
Flipchart paper and felt markers for each subgroup. ideas?
4. Who had trouble with the concept of not
Procedure discussing each idea as it was generated?
1. Break the group into teams of 5-7 participants. 5. Which team members were encouraging other
2. Give the teams a problem to solve. The problem team members for more ideas?
can either be work based or imaginary. For
example, how can we get more customers in the Variations
store? Or, how do we sell ice to the Eskimos? 1. If the group has a common problem, use it for the
3. Rules: exercise.
Each team is to elect a scribe/spokesperson. The 2. Each team can be given a different problem to
scribe is to elicit as many ideas as possible from work on.
the other team members in a period of 10-15

Trainer’s notes

2. Relay ITCM (J EE) CA le)
Overview card in the other hand and then passes it on to the
Participants pass cards as quickly as possible in relay third team member's closest hand, and so on.
style. This is used as an icebreaking activity. When the final team member receives a card they
must place it on a pile beside their chair.
Goals If a team member drops a card the rest of the
1. To develop team-building. team must wait until the card has been picked up
2. To get the group ‘warmed up’. again before continuing. Each team member must
3. To open communication within each team. not hold more than one card at a time.
4. To introduce and apply synergy. All 52 cards must be used and are to be counted
at the end of the game.
Time required Teams will have 5 minutes to plan their
10-15 minutes (depending on group size). strategies before the starting time.
5. The team that completes the exercise first is
Size of group declared the winner.
Unlimited, but needs to be broken into subgroups of
5-7 participants. Discussion points
1. How did the winning team win?
Material required 2. Who led the 5-minute planning session? Why?
A pack of playing cards for each group. 3. Who dropped cards? Why? (Due to stress?)
4. Was the planning stage of any value to the groups?
Procedure Why?
1. Break the group into subgroups of 5-7 5. Can this exercise be related to the workplace?
2. Members of each subgroup position their chairs in Variation
a line side by side. It’s best if the subgroups can all 1. Blindfolds may be used by all or some of the team
see each other (this sets up competition). members.
3. Tell the subgroups to be seated and that this is a 2. Coins may be substituted instead of playing cards.
competitive game. 3. The cards may be required to be returned back
4. Rules: down the line.
The players at one end of each line must take one
card at a time off their pile of cards which is Source
located on the floor beside their chair. When they Adapted from ‘Card Relay’, Sue Forbess-Greene, The
have picked the card up they must pass it to the Encyclopedia of Icebreakers, University Associates,
closest hand of the team member sitting next to California, 1983.
them. The second team member then places the

Trainer’s notes

34~. Human Machines ITM
Overview of the machine. All of the human components rely
In this exercise the participants are to form teams and on each other for movement, that is, one action
build a human machine. leads to another.
3. When the planning time has ended each team is to
Goals demonstrate its ‘human machine’.
1. To liven the group up after lunch. 4. The whole group is to select the best design.
2. To develop team-building.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Did everyone feel comfortable with the exercise?
10-15 minutes. 2. Has everyone’s lunch now settled?

Size of group Variations

Unlimited, but broken into teams. Ideally teams 1. After each team has demonstrated its design, all of
should be 8-12 participants. the ‘human machines’ may be joined together.
2. The design period may be carried out non-
Material required verbally.
None. 3. The facilitator may have prepared slips of paper
with machine titles that each team has to work to.
Procedure These machines could include a sausage making
1. Break the group into teams. machine, a large clock, a fire engine, a bicycle, a
2. Give the teams 5 minutes to design a human calculator, a paddle-steamer, a typewriter, a coffee
machine where the members are all components percolator, a concrete mixer, etc.

Trainer’s notes

4. Garage Sale 1 (fe
Overview with a cloth before the group comes into the
Participants select an object from a table and tell the room.
group why they chose it. 2. Tell the participants that when the cloth is
removed they are to come up and select an item
Goal from the table that for some reason appeals to
1. To get to know each other. them.
3. After everyone has selected an item, they are to
Time required introduce themselves to the group and state why
10 minutes plus 1-2 minutes for every participant. that particular item appealed to them.

Size of group Discussion points

Up to 16. Becomes too time-consuming with larger 1. Did anyone see that some of the items selected
groups. suited the person who chose it?
2. Did anyone see an item that appeared to match
Material required other participants? Why?
A table with a selection of goods that may be seen at
a garage sale or in a ‘junk’ drawer or cupboard. The Variation
number of items needs to be more than the number 1. Get a participant to introduce him/herself to the
of participants. A large sheet of paper or a large cloth group. Then have another member select an item
is needed to cover all of the items before the exercise off the table that they feel suits the person just
commences. introduced. Have them explain why they see an
association. Repeat for everyone in the group.
1. Place all the articles on a table and cover them

Trainer’s notes

5. Clear the Deck m2
Overview Discussion points
This script is designed to get participants to leave any 1. Does anyone want to describe their box to the
worries they have outside the training room. group?
2. Did the exercise work? Why?
Goals Can this be applied to the workplace or at home?
1. To get participants ready for learning. pveIs anyone surprised that they have the power to
2. To introduce a simple stress relieving exercise. stop themselves from worrying with a simple
Time required
10-15 minutes. Variations
1. At the conclusion of the exercise have everyone
Size of group draw their ‘box’ and show it to another
Unlimited. participant.
2. Have the script prerecorded on a cassette with
Material required background music.
A copy of the ‘Clear the Deck Guided Fantasy Script’.
Procedure Adapted from ‘Clear the Deck’, Nancy Loving
1. Tell participants to find a comfortable position for Tubesing and Donald A. Tubesing, Structured
this exercise and then close their eyes. Exercises in Stress Management, Volume 1, Whole
2. Ask the members of the group to take a few deep Person Press, Duluth MN, 1983.
breaths and then read the script slowly to them.

Trainer’s notes

Clear the deck guided fantasy script (to be read slowly)

I'd like you to take a few minutes to focus on the various concerns,
preoccupations and worries that you’ve brought here with you today.
There may be any number of things on your mind: whether you
remembered to turn off the electric jug this morning before you left home,
(pause) perhaps an unfinished conversation you were having with someone,
(pause) maybe you're thinking about the things that you need to do when
you get home this afternoon, (pause) or the things that have to be done at the
office tomorrow.
Take a moment to really focus on what these concerns are for you right
now, (pause) and develop a mental list.
These concerns that you have listed are making claims on your energy.
These concerns are stopping you from being fully present here today.
Probably there is nothing that you can do during the next (____
hours/minutes) about these concerns, except to worry, (pause) and that will
distract you from all that you can be learning here, (pause) so let’s put those
worries away for a while.
I'd like you to create in your mind a box, (pause) with a lid on it, (pause)
and a lock and a key. (pause) The box can be any size and shape that you
want it to be, (pause) but it needs to be large enough and strong enough to
hold all the concerns that you’ve identified. (pause) So take a moment to
visualise this box as clearly as you can. (pause) The box is now in front of
you with the lid open.
Now I'd like you to put each of your concerns in the box, one by one,
(pause) make sure that they all go in. (pause) As you are doing this say to
yourself, ‘There is nothing I can do about this for now, (pause) and so I’m
going to put these concerns away in this safe, secure box while I’m here,
(pause) and I know I can come back later and reclaim all of my concerns’.
Now when you’ve put all of your preoccupations and concerns in the box,
I'd like you to close the lid and lock it with your key. (pause) Now I'd like
you to put the key in your pocket or someplace else for safekeeping, (pause)
and remember that at the end of this program, you can unlock your box and
pick up where you left off.
And when you're ready, I’d like you to slowly open your eyes and come
back here.
6. New Ideas CEM (iB a
Overview from the group and give each a set of scoring
Participants are given a problem to think about and cards. Seat them at the front of the room.
solve. The ideas are rated by other group members. 3. Participants are then to give their solutions to the
problem one at a time. As each participant gives a
Goals solution the judges show the card they have
1. To encourage group participation. selected as a score for that idea, 10 being the
2. To get the participants thinking and talking about highest award by each judge.
common problems. 4. After all participants have given their solutions,
check the scores and announce the winner.
Time required
5 minutes plus 2-5 minutes for each participant. Discussion points
1. Who gained a new solution that they hadn’t
Size of group considered?
Unlimited, but subgroups would need to be formed if 2. When people heard other participants’ solutions,
there are more than about 20 participants. did they think of other possible solutions or ways
to improve their ideas?
Material required
3 sets of scoring cards (cards with numbers 1-10 on Variation
them). 1. Teams may be formed and given different
problems to solve. When each team presents its
Procedure solution, all other teams then score the solution
1. At the conclusion of the first day, give participants proposed.
a problem to think about and ask them to come
up with a solution for the next morning. The Source
problem should be relevant to all of the Adapted from ‘Swap Shop’, John W. Newstrom and
participants. It works best if the topic area is part Edward E. Scannell, Games Trainers Play, McGraw-
of the second day’s presentation. Hill, Inc., New York, 1980.
2. At the beginning of the second day select 3 judges

Trainer’s notes

7.1Am... I [Ne

Overview 3. When the preparation time has finished tell the

Participants write down items about themselves for participants to attach their sheet to the front of
other group members to see. This icebreaker can be their shirt or blouse and then walk around the
used at the beginning of a course where participants room reading other participants’ sheets. This phase
do not know each other. is carried out in silence.
4. After 10 minutes the participants are told to talk to
Goals the people whose sheets appeared to be
1. To encourage group participation. interesting or ask any questions they may have
_ 2. To get to know each other. thought of while reading the sheets.

Time required Discussion points

30—40 minutes. 1. Did anyone find people with similar responses to
Size of group 2. Did people feel threatened writing the information
Unlimited. down, knowing that others were going to see it?

Material required Variations

A sheet of paper for each participant with ‘I Am ...’ 1. Other phrases such as ‘I want to be ...’, ‘10 things
written on the top of it. A pen for each participant I like about myself are ...’ may be used.
and tape or pins to attach the sheet to the front of 2. Step 3 may be deleted.
each participant’s shirt or blouse.
Procedure Adapted from ‘Who am I?: A Getting Acquainted
1. Hand out an ‘I Am ...’ sheet and a pen to each Activity’, J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones, A
participant. Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human
2. Tell participants they have 10 minutes to write 10 Relations Training, Volume 1, University Associates,
responses to the question. California, 1975.

Trainer’s notes

&. Telling Lies IMP
Overview such as their name, position, interests, hobbies,
This exercise allows participants to get to know each and so on. Tell them that one of the things they
other a little better. say about themselves is to be a lie.
2. The participants are now allowed to introduce
Goals themselves after the facilitator starts. After each
1. To introduce the participants to each other. introduction the group has to decide which piece
2. To allow participants to get to know each other. of information is the lie.
3. To liven people up after a break. 3. After everyone has introduced themselves and
their lie, ask the group to vote on the best or most
Time required imaginative lie. Give the person who wins a small
10-30 minutes, depending on group size. prize.

Size of group Discussion points

Unlimited. 1. Which were the best lies? Why?
2. Is it easier to pick when some people lie?
Material required 3. Why are some people more convincing?
A prize.
Procedure 1. The guesses as to participant lies can be left to the
1. Inform the group members that they are going to end of the introductions, or until the end of the
introduce themselves, one at a time, to the rest of course. This will mean however that all
the group. This introduction is to include things participants will need to take notes.

Trainer’s notes

9. AAA of Stress Management TS
Overview 6. After all participants have completed the form
This exercise looks at one technique of stress they are to talk in pairs and tell each other why
management. they recommended what they did as the best
Goals 7. After this discussion period get the best 2 or 3
1. To find a method of stress management. ideas from the group.
2. To apply that technique to a stressful situation. 8. Now give each participant 10 minutes to think of
a stressful situation they presently have at home.
Time required They are then to use the “AAA ‘Stress
30 minutes. Management Form’ to see if they can come up
with an option for themselves.
Size of group 9. At the end of this session ask them to put the
Unlimited. form in their pocket or bag for reference when
they get home. When there they should apply
Material required their best option.
2 ‘AAA Stress Management Forms’ and a pen for each 10. Ask participants at the next session if their
participant. solution worked or not. If possible, get at least 2
participants to tell the group how they reduced
Procedure their stress using their best option.
1. Ask for some examples of stress-management
techniques. Discuss these briefly. Discussion points
2. Tell the group of the 3 A’s used in stress 1. Does anyone in the group presently use a similar
management. These are Alter, Avoid and Accept. technique? Does it work for them?
Discuss these techniques with the group. (The 2. Can different people have different best options
facilitator bases this information on the ‘AAA for the same stressful situation? Why?
Stress Management Form’.)
3. Hand out the ‘AAA Stress Management Form’. Variations
4. Read out the following scenario to the group: 1. The facilitator should write a scenario that is
‘You have just been transferred to a new relevant to the group’s needs.
position in a new part of your organisation. Your 2. The group may be broken into smaller groups and
new supervisor doesn’t appear to like you very given different scenarios.
much. They seem to be giving you all the “dirty
work” and then avoiding you. The only feedback Source
you are getting from them is when things aren’t Adapted from ‘AAAbc’s of Stress Management’, Nancy
done correctly. The supervisor obviously thinks Loving Tubesing and Donald A. Tubesing, Structured
that you can’t do the job properly.’ Exercises in Stress Management, Volume 1, Whole
5. Get all of the participants to use the ‘AAA Stress Person Press, Duluth MN, 1983.
Management Form’ for this scenario.

Trainer’s notes

AAA Stress Management Form


(How could you remove the source of stress?)

(How could you get away from or avoid the

source of stress?)

(How could you live with the stress?)

Build up resistance by ...

Change self and/or perceptions by ...

Best option is:

10. Introductions

Overview 3. When all participants have completed their sheets,

This exercise allows participants to get to know each they should be pinned or stuck on the front of
other a little better. It has been designed for use at the their shirt or blouse.
beginning of a program but may also be used at any 4. Then tell participants to pair up with someone and
stage during the program. read their ‘Introduction Sheet’. Participants talk for
2 minutes and then change partners. This is
Goal repeated as many times as you feel necessary.
1. To get to know each other.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Did anyone find someone else with a similar
15-20 minutes. ‘Introduction Sheet’?
2. Who had the most unusual response in each area?
Size of group 3. Did everyone meet someone new?
Material required 1. You could select other areas of information to be
A copy of the ‘Introduction Sheet’ and a pen for each given.
participant. Pins or tape will also be required to attach 2. After the sheets have been completed you could
the sheet to the front of each participant’s shirt or decide to include a non-verbal phase where the
blouse. participants just walk around reading other
participants’ ‘Introduction Sheets’. This would be:
Procedure followed by the 2-minute meeting periods.
1. Give each participant an ‘Introduction Sheet’.
2. Tell participants to write their name at the top and
then fill in the next 6 pieces of information.

Trainer’s notes

Introduction Sheet

My favourite sport is:

animal is:
country is:
person is:
food is:
hobby is:

Introduction Sheet

My favourite sport is:

animal is:
country is:
person is:
food is:
hobby is:

Introduction Sheet

My favourite sport is:

animal is:
country is:
person is:
food is:
hobby is:

Introduction Sheet

My favourite sport is:

animal is:
country is:
person is:
food is:
hobby is:
11. Signatures
Overviews flipchart one at a time and sign their names. Then
This is a simple exercise to be used as an icebreaker. they introduce themselves, and hand on the
marker to another participant. This is repeated
Goal until everyone has been introduced to the group.
1. To allow participants to introduce themselves to
the group. Discussion points
1. How did people feel standing up the front
Time required introducing themselves?
10-20 minutes depending on group size. 2. How do people control nerves in front of a group?

Size of group Variations

Unlimited. 1. You, as facilitator, may start by signing your name
and making the first introduction.
Material required 2. The order can be preselected, that-is, going
A flipchart or whiteboard. around the room.
3. If an electronic whiteboard is used for this
Procedure exercise, you can make a copy of the board after
1. Tell the group members that they are going to everyone has signed their name. This can then be
introduce themselves individually to the group. reproduced and given to all of the participants as
2. The participants go up to the whiteboard or a memento of the program.
rr er
Trainer’s notes

12. Join the Dots IMP
Overview way that it’s done. Reinforce the idea that they
This simple but effective exercise gets participants have to think beyond the ‘self-limiting boxes’ that
into the idea of thinking outside of our ‘self-limiting we sometimes place on our thinking.
boxes’. It may also be used to fill in time at-the 4. Next give them the 12-dot problem. They must
beginning of the day while waiting for latecomers to join the 12 dots with 5 consecutive straight lines.
arrive. Again they are not allowed to lift their pen off the
paper or repeat a line.
Goal 5. For the participants who haven’t arrived at the
1. To allow participants to see that the answers to correct solution, show them the answer and again
some problems lie outside their normal boundary reinforce the idea of thinking outside self-imposed
of thinking. boundaries.
6. Finally give them the 16-dot problem. They must
Time required join the 16 dots with 6 consecutive straight lines.
10-15 minutes. They are still not allowed to lift their pen off the
paper or repeat a line.
Size of group 7. Show the solution to all of the participants who
Unlimited. are struggling to find an answer. Again reinforce
that they must increase their thinking limits.
Material required 8. Optional: Before concluding this exercise let the
3 sheets of paper and a pen for each participant. A group know that there is a second solution to the
whiteboard or flipchart to draw the dots on, or a joining of the 9 dots. Let them have overnight to
prepared overhead transparency. ; find the second solution.

Procedure Discussion points

1. Tell the participants that ours is a traditional way 1. Was anyone able to solve all 3 problems?
of thinking for solving problems. Hand out the 2. Can everyone see now that we do impose
paper and pens. boundaries on our thinking?
2. Give the participants the 9-dot problem. Tell them 3. Can this application be used in the workplace?
that they have 2 minutes to join the dots with 4
consecutive straight lines and that they are not Variations
allowed to lift their pen off the paper or repeat a 1. The 3 exercises can be used at different times
line. during the course.
3. After the 2-minute period show the participants the 2. Only 1 or 2 of the problems may be used.

Trainer’s notes

Join the Dots
Join the Dots
Join the Dots
13. Brain Teasers
This mixed bag of brain teasers can be used at any 3. When the correct response is given, move straight
time during training to liven the group up or simply on to the next problem.
to fill in time while waiting for latecomers to arrive.
Discussion points
Goals 1. Who got most of them right?
1. To liven the group up after a break. 2. Point out that we all tend to see differently.
2. To see the basic idea of one of the brainstorming 3. You may lead into techniques for brainstorming
principles. before moving on to the main session.
3. To keep the mind occupied while waiting.
Time required 1. Give prizes for correct responses.
5-10 minutes. 2. Break the group into teams of 5-7 participants and
have them compete to see which team can solve
Size of group all of the brain teasers first.

Material required Solutions 1. Mixed feelings

A prepared handout, overhead transparency or 2. Horseback riding
flipchart with the brain teasers appearing. 3. Up in smoke
4. The price is right
Procedure 5. Mid-term exam
1. Let the participants know that you are going to 6. Multiple listing
show them a series of brain teasers for them to 7. Almost forgotten
solve. 8. Stepping out of line
2. Display the brain teasers and get the participants 9. Feet first
to call out what they believe they indicate. You 10. Repeat after me
should process this exercise similar to a 11. Bee in a bonnet
brainstorming session. 12. Out-going person

Trainer’s notes

Ea ‘9
8 >
+ :
14. Scavenger Hunt TCM (3 0
Overview Discussion points
This exercise may be used at any stage of training to 1. How close were the other teams to finishing?
liven the group up again. 2. How do you feel about the winning team?
3. Did any one person in your team appear to be
Goals more resourceful or cunning than anyone else?
1. To liven the group up. 4. Did anyone in your team take charge? Who? Why?
2. To see how resourceful team members are.
Suggested items for a scavenger bunt
Time required 1. A ladies’ hairbrush
10-15 minutes. A paperclip
A copy of today’s newspaper
Size of group A handful of dirt
Unlimited, but there must be enough materials for all A railway ticket
participants to scavenge. Number of entrances to the building
Number of people working on this floor
Material required WNANKRON
A cold cup of coffee
A printed list of items for each group to find and a 9. A street directory
prize (such as a bag of lollies) for the winning team. 10. A list of the team members’ names (in full)
Note: The facilitator should tailor the list to suit each
Procedure group and the surroundings. Harder-to-find items can
1. Divide the group into teams of 5-7 people. also be included if time allows.
2. Tell the participants that they are all going to be
involved in a scavenger hunt. A prize will be Variation
awarded to the winning team. 1. Impose a time limit and make the team with the
3. Give the scavenger hunt list to the teams. Tell most items the winner.
them that they are to use their own resources to
get all of the items.
4. Stop the exercise when the first team collects all of
the items required. The group then reassembles for
the award presentation.

Trainer’s notes

Scavenger Hunt

Your team is required to collect the following items.

The time limits and point system will be explained by the leader.
1 5. Brainstorm Destruction cr BED
Overview 3. Do they consider that this exercise was a ‘model’
In this exercise participants are to list all the phrases brainstorming session? Why? Why not?
they can think of that will destroy a brainstorming
session. Variations
1. At the conclusion of the exercise you could copy
Goals the group’s list for distribution to the members.
1. To make participants aware of phrases that are 2. You could give the elected facilitator the list of
banned from brainstorming sessions. ‘Common Brainstorming Blocking Phrases’ and tell
2. To start applying brainstorming techniques. that person he/she is responsible for eliciting most
3. To allow one of the group members to experience of these ideas from the group while still
the facilitator’s role. maintaining a facilitator’s role.

Time required
15—20 minutes.

Size of group
Unlimited. Common brainstorming blocking phrases
The group should generate these phrases. Ensure that
Material required the group generates most of these ideas among
A whiteboard or flipchart and markers. themselves. A little prompting at times may be
1. Tell the group the rules for brainstorming. Make That’s ridiculous.
certain that things such as ‘no judgment’, ‘all to We don’t have the time.
participate’ and ‘quantity rather than quality’ are We did all right without it before.
reinforced as important principles of Let’s form a committee.
brainstorming. Why change it when it’s still working okay?
2. Tell the group members that, using these We've never done that before.
techniques, they are to elect their own facilitator to We're not ready for that.
lead a session. That’s their problem, not ours.
3. Tell the elected participant to elicit as many Let’s get back to reality.
‘blocking’ brainstorming phrases as possible from Senior management won’t agree to that.
the group. Remind them that there is to be no That’s not practical.
judgment or criticism allowed at all within the That will cost too much.
group. We've tried that before.
4. Let the group members brainstorm for 10 minutes Has anyone else tried it before?
(or sooner if they run out of ideas). You may It’s not in the budget.
participate as a group member to keep the ideas You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
moving and to suggest any common phrases that What will the union say?
they may overlook. That’s not included in our responsibility.
5. Discuss the phrases that they have generated. Pull the other one, it laughs.
OeYou should have passed on that one.

Discussion points
1. Discuss all of the phrases generated.
2. How did they feel not being allowed to comment
on ideas given during the exercise?

Trainer’s notes

16. Action Plans S ke]
Overview and tell them that it is for their personal use
Action plans will be given to the participants to note during the training program.
down ideas or tasks that they want to implement back 3. Advise participants to write down any idea or task
at the office or at home. : from the training session that they feel is important
to them. Also tell participants that it is their
Goals responsibility to look at their ‘Action Plans’ when
1. To make participants aware of action plans. they get back to their workplace the next morning.
2. To give participants a method of taking back Then anything they have noted down on their
important ideas or tasks. ‘Action Plan’ should be implemented.

Time required Discussion points

5 minutes. 1. How many good ideas have they heard and then
Size of group 2. Isn’t it easier for people to find all of their
Unlimited. important notes on one piece of paper rather than
search through reams of paper trying to find them?
Material required
A copy of the ‘Action Plan’ sheet for each participant. Variations
1. At the end of each training session participants
Procedure could be asked to share their ‘Action Plan’ with the
1. Advise the group of the importance of using ideas person sitting next to them.
as soon as possible back in the ‘real world’. If 2. The facilitator could take copies of the participants’
these ideas aren’t used within 24 hours they ‘Action Plan’ to follow up with the individuals at a
probably will never be used. later date.
2. Give participants a copy of the ‘Action Plan’ sheet

Trainer’s notes
Action Plan
If you hear any good ideas or ways of
performing a task a better way, this is the
spot for you to write them down. It has been
found that if new ideas aren’t used within 24
hours, they are generally forgotten. When
you get back to work put this sheet in a
prominent place and make sure that you try
all of the things that you have made note of.
17. Stretch Monitor
mM BAe
Overview 2. Ask for 2 or 3 volunteers to take this responsibility.
This exercise should be included in the introduction 3. Tell the volunteers that they are ‘stretch monitors’
of a program. It allows the participants to have an and that if they feel like standing up or having a
input to the pace of the program. : stretch during the program they are to do so. Tell
the other participants that they must do the same
Goals as the stretch monitors.
1. To get the group ‘warmed up’. 4. Also tell the group that you, as facilitator, don’t
2. To allow the participants to have their say about have the power to override the stretch monitors
the pace of the program or to allow them to set and that you have to remain silent while the group
breaks. performs its exercises.
Note: You should prompt one of the volunteers to
Time required stretch shortly into the session so that everyone can
None. see what happens.

Size of group Discussion point

Unlimited. 1. Can anyone suggest other types of exercises?

Material required Variations

None. 1. With small groups only 1 or 2 monitors are
Procedure 2. You can make all of the participants ‘stretch
1. During the initial introductions tell the group that monitors’,
they will be responsible for themselves not falling
asleep during the program.

Trainer’s notes

18. Tied in Knots IM EGA
Overview right hand is now pointed to the centre of the
This is an exercise/icebreaker that energises the group circle. When all participants have complied with
while building team spirit. these instructions tell them to lower their left hand
and grab someone else’s right hand. Once this
Goals contact is made they are not allowed to break it.
1. To liven up the participants after lunch. 3. Tell the participants that they are to untangle
2. To get participants moving and laughing. themselves without breaking their grip on each
3. To increase team spirit through simple problem- other. When untangled, they should again form a
solving. circle. Tell them not to worry if some of the
members are facing away from the centre of the
Time required circle at the completion of the exercise.
10-15 minutes.
mieten points
Size of group Did anyone break contact with the person on
Unlimited if time permits. Normally used for groups ~<either side?
up to 24 in size. 2. Would it have been possible to complete the
exercise faster? Why? Should we do it again?
Material required 3. Did anyone undertake various roles within the
None. Perhaps you should warn group members to group?
wear comfortable clothes that they can move around
in. Variation
1. Ask if any of the participants would like to wear a
Procedure blindfold during the exercise. This will lead to
1. Ask the participants to stand and form a circle in other obvious points to cover in the debriefing.
the centre of the training room.
2. With the participants standing in a tight circle, ask
them all to raise their left hand in the air. Their

Trainer’s notes

19. Common Words
owe (s
Overview written English language and tha, tO
This exercise may be used during a writing skills has been made from a large newspapy .
course or to demonstrate a decision-making process. 2. The participants then have to decide on.
most commonly used words, and then the ».
Goals order of the words they select as being the most
1. To allow participants to identify the 10 most common. Give them 20-40 minutes to make their
commonly used written words in the English final decision.
language. 3. After the time has lapsed, give the group feedback
2. To allow the group to participate in a decision- on their decision-making process. After the debrief
making process. has concluded they can be given the correct
3. To energise the group. rankings.

Time required Discussion points

30-60 minutes. 1. How was the decision reached?
2. Who had the best logic?
Size of group 3. Who sounded as if they knew the answer?
Unlimited. 4. Who were the informal leaders? Why?

Material required Variation

Prepared flipchart or overhead transparency. 1. The group can be broken into smaller groups of
5-7 participants.
1. Tell the group members that they are going to
have to decide on the top 10 words used in the

Trainer’s notes


r The Top Ten Words







1986 counting of words from the Sydney Morning Herald.
Information supplied by Professor David Blair, School of
English, Macquarie University, Sydney.
20. What’s Your Name?
Overview 3. Then tell the group that the next person is to
This is a simple icebreaker designed to allow the repeat the previous person’s name and the
group, as well as the facilitator, to.remember unusual thing they told the group about
everyone’s names. . themselves. That person then tells the group their
name and one unusual thing about themselves.
Goals 4. The remaining participants have to follow the
1. To allow participants to recall each other’s names. same procedure but recall all names and items
2. To allow the facilitator to recall all participants’ from the first person up to the previous person.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Can everyone now remember all of the other
15-20 minutes. participants’ names?
2. In everyday life we have problems recalling
Size of group names. This technique can be tried, but people
8-20 participants. will probably have to think of the unusual thing
Material required
None. Variations
1. It's best if you go first. Then the group can see
Procedure what it’s all about.
1. Tell the group members that at the end of this 2. You can go last, to make certain that they have
exercise they will hopefully know the names of all motivation to remember all of the names.
of the other participants. If name plates have been 3. Name tags can be used as well with larger groups.
used, get the participants to turn them face down. The name tag should be covered by the
2. Tell the group that each person will introduce participant’s hand and only shown if the person
themselves by name and tell the group one trying to recall the name can’t do so.
unusual thing about themselves. An example
could be ‘My name is Jack and I have a rose

Trainer’s notes

21. Beans MP
Overview be held in the same direction facing the group and
In this exercise participants see that identical objects held about 30 cm apart.
can appear to be different in size. 3. Ask the group to call out which of the shapes is
the largest in size.
Goal 4. Then swap the shapes into the other hands and
1. To become aware that what you see may not be ask again which shape is the largest. This time
right from a perception point of view. don’t expect too many people to call out.
5. Then give the shapes to the group to examine and
Time required discuss.
2-5 minutes.
Discussion points
Size of group 1. Why did they appear to be different sizes?
Up to 25. 2. Was anyone manipulated at all?
3. Can everyone see that their perceptions may not
Material required always be correct?
2 prepared cut-outs.
Procedure 1. You can ask for 2 volunteers to hold the shapes.
1. Ask if everyone in the group has a reasonably After asking the group the initial question, have
good idea of judging sizes. the volunteers swap places while still holding their
2. The cut-outs are held up (one in each hand) so shapes.
the whole group can see them. The shapes must

Trainer’s notes

Cut out two shapes from this template.
Use firm paper or light board so that they
stand rigid while being held up.

The two shapes are held in this position.

22. Pass It On CEML 9p 2 ew
Overview so that others can’t hear) to the person next to
This exercise is designed to show how messages can them in the subgroup.
become distorted. 5. This is repeated with all of the members, one at a
time passing the story they have just heard on to
Goals the next person in their subgroup.
1. To make participants aware of how passed on 6. When the last person in all of the subgroups has
messages can become severely distorted. been given the final version of their story, they are
2. To show participants that they need to improve to tell the total group what they have been told.
their communication and listening skills.
Discussion points
Time required 1. How close was the final version to the original?
5-10 minutes. 2. Does this type of thing happen in the workplace?

Size of group Variations

Unlimited, but needs to be broken into subgroups of 1. You can give each subgroup a different ‘story’ to
about 8-10 participants. pass on. After each final subgroup member has
told the whole group what they have been told,
Material required the first member from each subgroup should
A copy of ‘The Story’ for each group. immediately read out the original version.
2. The same ‘story’ may be used with the whole
Procedure group forming a chain of communication.
1. Tell the group that stories can get mixed up if the 3. Take a member from each subgroup outside the
proper communication and listening skills are not training room and read them the ‘story’ to pass on.
used. 4. Write a different and probably more relevant story
2. Break the group into subgroups of 8-10 par- for each training group.
ticipants. These participants sit next to each other 5. You could give participants different levels of the
but about a metre apart. organisation to represent (i.e., General Manager
3. The person at the front of each subgroup is given through to Floor Staff). If this is done, each
a copy of ‘The Story’ to read silently. participant could tell the group the message that
4, After a couple of minutes they are told that they they received working from the last person back
are to pass the story on (verbally, but whispering to the start.

Trainer’s notes

The Story

Memo to: General Manager

From: Managing Director

Tomorrow evening at approximately 7:30 pm, fireworks will be

set off on the eastern side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. This
event has only taken place once before and that was on the 26
January 1988. As a token of goodwill to our employees, I would
like you to arrange a bus to take all of your staff to the water-
side balcony of the Sydney Opera House so that they may have
spectacular views of the event. Before the fireworks commence
I have arranged for one of the fireworks designers, Ms Sparky
Burner, to give the staff an overview of what the fireworks
signify. This will commence at 6:30 pm sharp on the balcony. In
the case of rain the fireworks may be cancelled. Should this
happen, please arrange to have the staff seated in the cafeteria
on the first floor by 7:15 pm so that films of the previous
fireworks may be shown instead.
23. Building Blocks C HH
Overview 4. First get the ‘communicator’ to build something
This is a simple exercise where everyone can see the with his or her set of blocks.
problems of one-way communication. 5. When that has been completed, tell the
‘communicator’ to give verbal instructions to the
Goals ‘listener’ on how to assemble exactly the same
1. To allow participants to observe one-way model.
communication not working. 6. Tell the ‘listener’ to follow the instructions given
2. To allow participants to observe how the same but not to talk back to the ‘communicator’.
scenario would have gone using two-way 7. When the instructions have been completed,
communication. allow the volunteers to look at each other’s
Time required 8. Then discussion should take place and highlight
20-30 minutes. that two-way communication is essential for
good communication.
Size of group 9. Now get the volunteers to change roles and
Unlimited (as long as they can all see the repeat the exercise. This time the ‘listener’ is to
demonstration). question any instructions not clearly understood.
The ‘communicator’ should also get feedback as
Material required to what has been carried out.
2 identically shaped sets of building blocks; some of 10. At the conclusion the volunteers are again
the pairs must be different colours to allow extra allowed to look at each other’s models. This
confusion. time they should be very similar in appearance.
Note: During debriefing you should make sure that
Procedure the volunteers are not seen as being poor at these
1. Ask for a volunteer who believes he or she is a skills due to this performance.
good communicator and a volunteer who
believes he or she is a good listener. Discussion points
2. The volunteers come to the front of the group 1. Can we have good one-way communication?
and sit at a prepared table. The table should 2. What essentials are required for good
have a chair at each end and a screen or communication?
partition through the centre so that neither can
see the other side of the table. The rest of the Variation
group should stand around the table so that they 1. The building blocks can be substituted with 2 sets
can see the different moves. Ask that they of shaped paper cut-outs. The shapes are to be
remain silent during the communication phases. identical but a different mixture of colours should
3. Give each volunteer a bag containing a set of be used.
building blocks. Tell them that they both have a
set of identically shaped blocks.

Trainer’s notes
24. Put Your Jacket On CF BEE
Overview 5. Finally inform the participants that there will be no
This exercise will show participants that their communication between them apart from the
instructions may not be as clear as they think. instructions. They may now start. You will have
previously told the volunteer with the jacket that
Goals they are to follow the instructions given, but to
1. To allow participants to see that their instructions find other ways of interpreting them, for example,
are not as clear as they think they are. putting an arm in a sleeve from the cuff or putting
2. To allow participants to see how a task needs to the jacket on upside down, etc.
be broken down into small segments for 6. When the instructions have been finished, allow
instructional purposes. the 2 participants to turn to face each other. A
3. To allow participants to see that even instructions discussion with the group involved should follow.
must involve two-way communication. 7. After the debriefing you could perform the
exercise a second time, but this time allowing two-
Time required way communication. This will allow the person
15—20 minutes. receiving instructions to ask questions, and for the
person giving the instructions to use feedback to
Size of group see if the instruction has been correctly
Unlimited, as long as everyone can see the understood.
Discussion points
Material required 1. Can instructions be given effectively using one-
A volunteer with a jacket or coat. way communication?
2. If an instruction is not carried out correctly, who is
Procedure at fault?
1. Before the exercise, brief someone with a jacket or 3. How do we check to see if an instruction has been
coat to help you, unknown to the rest of the performed correctly or not?
2. Ask for a volunteer to give someone some Variation
instructions. 1. After the first demonstration, teams can be formed
3. Then ask the person with the jacket or coat to to devise a set of written instructions. The teams
come out the front and assist. Separate the 2 present their instructions back to the whole group.
participants so that they cannot see each other.
Turning their backs on each other will do:
4. Tell the first volunteer to give instructions to the
other person on how to remove and replace the

Trainer’s notes
25. Light Your Cigarette CEMP A} 2D A ®
Overview receiving the information not to ask for
An exercise to show participants how difficult one- clarification or instruction, or ask any questions, or
way communication can be. speak at all. Then the person giving the
instructions proceeds.
Goal 4. After completion (or attempt) of the exercise, you
1. To allow participants to see the difference may lead into a discussion on the requirements for
between one-way and two-way communication. giving and receiving proper instructions.
Note: During debriefing you should make sure that
Time required the volunteers are not seen as being poor at these
10 minutes. skills due to this performance.

Size of group Discussion points

Unlimited. 1. Why didn’t the instructions work?
2. How do we rectify poorly given instructions?
Material required 3. How should we give and receive instructions so
A packet of cigarettes and a box of matches. that they will work correctly?

Procedure Variations
1. Ask for a volunteer who believes he or she is a 1. Other props may be used in place of the cigarettes
good communicator and a volunteer who believes and matches.
he or she is a good listener. 2. You could take the volunteer who is receiving the
2. Ask the volunteers to come to the front of the instructions aside and ask him or her to follow the
group. Tell them that one is going to give the instructions exactly as stated, perhaps even
other instructions on how to light a cigarette. misinterpreting some instructions without
3. Ask the volunteers to turn back-to-back so that disobeying them.
they cannot see each other. Tell the person

Trainer’s notes
26. Stepping In
™ QO
Overview 2. At the beginning of the session point out the
This quick exercise will allow the members of the square on the floor and ask the participants to get
group to become more familiar with each other. inside the square, one at a time. You may prefer to
make up a story as to why they have to get in it.
Goals 3. When all of the participants are inside the square
1. To allow the group to start interacting with each ask them to step out again. Then take away one
other. piece of tape and replace it, making the square
2. To get the group moving. smaller in size. Ask the participants to get inside
the square again, one at a time.
Time required 4. Continue this procedure until all the participants
5-10 minutes. are squeezing in and holding on to each other.

Size of group Discussion points

Unlimited. 1. Did anyone feel uncomfortable with the exercise?
Material required 2. How does everyone feel about their own personal
Roll of coloured tape. space?
3. Do some cultures have different views?
1. Stick four strips of tape to the floor before the Variations
session commences. The strips should form a 1. Do it with group members in silence.
square and it should be large enough for all of the 2. Do it blindfolded.
group members to stand inside it.

Trainer’s notes

27. Manipulation IC? MARS
Overview them. If they say picture cards, you ask them to
This card game trick can be used to show how easily keep the picture cards. Now ask them to select
people can be manipulated. from the 2 higher value picture cards (the king or
ace) or from the lower 2 cards (the jack or
Goal queen). If they select the king and ace, ask them
1. To allow participants to see how easy it can be to to mentally discard them. If they select the jack
manipulate someone. and queen ask them to keep them. Finally ask the
volunteer to select from the queen and the jack. If
Time required they select the queen tell them to discard it. If
5-10 minutes. they select the jack tell them to keep it.
4. All going to plan, the card finally left is the Jack of
Size of group Spades. You now raise the sealed envelope and
Unlimited. ask the volunteer to open the envelope. On
opening the envelope, ask them to show the card
Material required that has been previously sealed inside. It is the
A deck of playing cards and an envelope with a pre- Jack of Spades.
selected card sealed inside it (say, the Jack of Spades). 5. Then you can explain to the group that the
volunteer has been manipulated into the selection
Procedure of the desired card. Although the person made a
1. Ask everyone in the group if they are all familiar number of selections, the facilitator did what
with a deck of playing cards; that is, that the deck suited the selection—to either keep or discard it.
contains 52 cards of 2 colours, 4 different suits and Note: The exercise must be kept moving at a fast pace
that there are 13 different face values. so that the group and the volunteer cannot see what
2. Ask for a volunteer or select someone from the is happening. If you are going to use this exercise on
group to assist in the next phase of this exercise. more than one occasion, it is best to use the same
3. Ask the volunteer to mentally select either the red card. This reduces the chance of errors, or slow
or black cards from the deck and say which sections where you have to think about the response.
they’ve chosen. If they select red, you ask them to
mentally discard the red cards. If they say black, Discussion points
you ask them to keep the black cards. They are 1. Was this a case of manipulation?
then asked to select from either the spades or the 2. Do we see things like this happening in life?
clubs. If they select clubs, you ask them to
mentally discard the clubs. If they select spades, Variations
you ask them to keep the spades. Now ask them 1, Any card» may be selected from thesdéck
to select from the group of numbered cards (2-10) beforehand and sealed in the envelope.
or from the picture cards. If they select the 2. The envelope may be given to one of the group
numbered cards, you ask them to mentally discard members at the beginning of the exercise.

Trainer’s notes

28. What Do People Want? I? AS
Overview discussed, give the participants the ‘Employees’
This is an exercise to let managers see that their Rankings’ from the earlier study. Ask them to write
perceptions can be different to those of their staff. these figures into the appropriate column.
6. Now lead a discussion into the different
Goals perceptions.
1. To let participants see that they may have different
perceptions of their staff's needs. Discussion points
2. To see that different groups may identify people’s 1. Is anyone not surprised at the results? Why?
needs differently. 2. Is this a communication problem?
3. Why are the results like this?
Time required
20-30 minutes. Variation
1. To start the exercise you may ask the group ‘Who
Size of group knows what their staff are after?) Then go to step
Unlimited. z:

Material required Study findings: What do people want?

A copy of the ‘What Do People Want? worksheet and
a pen for each participant. Managers’ Employees’
Motivators ranking ranking
1. Introduce the exercise by informing the Money 1 5
participants that they may not really understand Interesting work 5 6
their staffs needs. Appreciation 8 1
2. Hand out copies of the worksheet to the Job security 2 4
participants. Being an ‘insider’ 10 2
3. Ask them to rank the items in order of importance Promotion 2) 7
in the column titled ‘Your Ranking’, 1 being the Sympathy for problems 9 A
most important and 10 the least important. Working conditions 4 p)
4. When they have completed that task tell them the Loyalty from company 6 8
responses gained from managers during an earlier Tactful disciplining a 10
study. Ask them to write those figures into the
column titled ‘Managers’ Rankings’. They can now Source
compare their results. Unknown. Rankings from a study by Kenneth
5. After the comparison has been made and Kovach, University of Maryland, 1980.

Trainer’s notes

What Do People Want?

Your Managers’ Employees’

Motivators ranking ranking ranking
mst eERSnNONIS Tae


Interesting work


Job security

Being an ‘insider’


Sympathy for problems

Working conditions

Loyalty from company

Tactful disciplining
29. Capital Punishment IM
Overview Discussion points
This is an exercise that can be used to a in time 1. Did anyone get them all?
while waiting for latecomers. 2. Isn’t it amazing how some words are almost
impossible to find? Why do you think this is?
1. To keep participants occupied while waiting for Variations
latecomers. 1. Break the group into teams and see which team
can finish first.
Time required 2. Substitute words with key words from your session
10 minutes. and modify the story to suit.

Size of group

Material required
A prepared flipchart or overhead transparency.

Procedure Solution
1. fell the group members that they are going to be
given an exercise to do while waiting for the ARRIVALS
stragglers. You can joke about the title of this
exercise being relevant to the latecomers. Flight From
2. Ask participants to imagine that they are employed
by an airline. They are standing in front of the 050 MEDC BOURNE
Arrivals sign at a major airport. There has been an 060 CANBERRA
electrical problem with the display board and they 070 BA ii COR SE
have been requested to inform the public where 080 CALLENS
each flight number has come from. There is
090 GOVE
another problem with the display board as it
100 nO) ie
doesn’t show the first capital letter of each city.
3. Show the chart to the participants and tell them
that they now have 5 minutes to prepare before 120 LA UN-G.EStT-O.N
the public come in to the terminal. 130 SAL DPN EY,

Trainer’s notes —


Flight From

050 Np ee Linky Enel

060 (oP IN Ae weed
070 Ae
Reis eACTL
080 Nee hy
090 Vere)
- 100 Ro vind @)
110 H-A=b-b-A--Y
120 INE ORS PAS Te UaIN= Cre
BP ye
30. The Word Game ICM cree
Overview 3. Declare the person that gets the most right the
This quick exercise is designed to get the group winner.
thinking about strange words within the English
language. Discussion points
1. How many did each person find?
Goals 2. How do we find out about these words?
1. To get the group warmed up after a break.
2. To make the group aware that they still have to Variations
study the English language. 1. Teams may be formed to solve the complete list.
2. You may find other strange words to use.
Time required
10-15 minutes. Source
Adapted from ‘Weird Words’, Oddities in Words,
Size of group Pictures and Figures, Reader’s Digest Services Pty
Unlimited. Limited, Sydney, 1975.

Material required
None required, but the list may be prepared on an
overhead transparency or flipchart.

1. Tell the group that the English language is full of Solution
strange words. This exercise is to get them 1. Facetious
thinking about some of those words. 2. Rhythms
2. Either show or give a prepared list to the 3. Bookkeeper
participants. Teli them to find the strange words 4. Catchphrase
that you are describing. 5. Strengthlessness

Trainer’s notes

Strange Words

1. Which reasonably common 9-letter word contains all 5

vowels in the right sequence and only used once each?

2. What 7-letter word doesn’t contain any of the 5 vowels?

3. What word contains 3 consecutive pairs of letters in it?

4 What word has the letters TCHPHR grouped together

in the middle of it?

5. What 16-letter word only uses E as a vowel?

31. Spelling Bee AR.
Overview Discussion points
This quick exercise tests spelling ability. 1. Does anyone feel that they have the 10 correct
Goals 2. Why are these words sometimes awkward to spell?
1. To test the group’s spelling competency.
2. To energise the group. Variation
1. You may break the group into teams to discuss
Time required each word and identify the ones that have been
10-15 minutes. incorrectly spelt. The team should agree on the
words and the correct spelling. Each team then
Size of group reports its findings back to the whole group.
Material required Adapted from ‘Spelling Bees That Really Sting’,
A prepared overhead or flipchart containing the Oddities in Words, Pictures and Figures, Reader’s
words shown overleaf and a pen and paper for each Digest Services Pty Limited, Sydney, 1975.

1. Tell the group members that they are going to
have a 5-minute spelling test.
2. Tell them that you are about to show them a’list of Solution
20 words and that half of them are spelt Separate (c) —_Until All right
incorrectly. Also tell them that this particular list Ceiling (©) Address Correspondence (c)
was compiled after tests on 87 000 schoolchildren Schedule (c) Accommodat e (c) Development
between the ages of 13 and 18. Parliament Besiege (c) Bicycle (c)
3. Ask them to identify the 10 words that have been Weird Acquire (c) Misspelled
incorrectly spelt and write down the correct Possess (c) Restaurant Embarrassed (c)
spelling. Truly Receive
4, Display the list for 5 minutes and discuss when
completed. (c) indicates that the original word was correct.
Trainer’s notes

Spelling Bee

separate Untill Alright

Ceiling Adress Correspondence

Schedule Accommodate Developement

Parlament Besiege Bicycle

Wierd Acquire Mispelled

Possess Resteraunt Embarrassed

Truely Recieve
32. Another Spelling Bee CML FS
Overview Variation
This is another quick exercise to test spelling ability. hs You may break the group into teams to discuss
each word and identify the ones that have been
Goals incorrectly spelt. The team should agree on the
1. To test the group’s spelling competency. words and the correct spelling. Each team then
2. To energise the group. reports its findings back to the whole group.

Time required Source

15—20 minutes. Adapted from ‘Spelling Bees That Really Sting’,
Oddities in Words, Pictures and Figures, Reader's
Size of group Digest Services Pty Limited, Sydney, 1985.

| Material required
A prepared overhead or flipchart containing the
words shown overleaf and a pen and paper for each

Procedure Solution
1. Tell the group members that they are going to Accelerator (c) Immaculate Propeller
have a 10-minute spelling test. Allotted (c) Innocuous (c) Raspberry
Pp Tell them that you are about to show them alist of Assassin Liquefy Rhinoceros
40 words and that half of them are spelt Category (c) Millionaire (c) Sheriff
incorrectly. Also tell them this list was compiled Connoisseur Miscellaneous Sieve (c)
from words that baffle teachers and writers. Demagogue (c) Paraffin (©) Solder (c)
. Ask them to identify the 20 words that have been Desiccate Paralysis (c) Tariff (c)
incorrectly spelt and write down the correct Dilapidated (c) Pedagogue (c) Tonsillitis
spelling. Discriminate Penitentiary Tyranny (c)
. Display the list for 10 minutes and discuss when Dishevelled Perspiration (c) Vacillate
completed. Dissipate Phlegm Vanilla (c)
Effervescent (c) Picnicking Victuals (c)
Discussion points Fuselage (c) Prairie (c)
1. Does anyone feel that they have the 20 correct Gaiety Prescription
2. Why are these words sometimes awkward to spell? (c) indicates that the original word was correct.

Trainer’s notes

Another Spelling Bee

Accelerator Immacculate Propellor

Allotted Innocuous Rasberry

Assasin Liquify Rinoceros

Category Millionaire Sherriff

_ Connoiseur Miscellanious Sieve

Demagogue Paraffin Solder

Dessicate Paralysis Tariff

Dilapidated Pedagogue - Tonsilitis

Discrimanate Penitenciary Tyranny

Disheveled Perspiration Vaccillate

Disippate Phlem Vanilla

Effervescent Picknicking Victuals

Fuselage Prairie

Gaity Presciption
33. Team Task No. 1 TMP
Overview 4. After the teams have completed the problem you
This exercise gives teams a problem to solve. (and observers if used) give feedback on the roles
that the individual team members performed.
Goals :
1. To get the group’s members working together as Discussion points
teams. 1. Did the team members see others performing
2. To see which members take up the different group various roles?
functions. (This will probably be a hidden goal at 2. Were these roles predictable for each person?
the beginning of the exercise.) 3. Can these roles be seen in the workplace?
4. Can we modify our roles to suit?
Time required
30-40 minutes. Variations
1. A time limit may be set.
Size of group 2. Various members may be targeted for the
Up to 24; becomes too hard to observe with larger chairperson’s role and handed the puzzle and pen.

Material required
A copy of the ‘Numbers Puzzle’ and a pen for each Solution

Procedure ;
1. This exercise is best used when dealing with the
topics of teams, meetings or similar. Introduce the
topic and break the group into teams of 5-7
members each. If extra members are available they
may be used as observers.
2. Give each team a copy of the ‘Numbers Puzzle’
and a pen. Place this material in the centre of the
team; don’t give it directly to any one member.
3. Tell the teams that they have a problem to solve.
They have to divide the square on their puzzle
“into four equal parts, each part containing one of
each number.

Trainer’s notes

Numbers Puzzle

Instructions: Divide this square into four equal parts. Each part must contain one of
each number shown.
34. Team Task No. 2 TMP
Overview 4. After the teams have completed the problem you
This exercise gives teams a problem to solve. (and observers if used) give feedback on the roles
that the individual team members performed.
Goals :
1. To get the group’s members working together as Discussion points
teams. 1. Did the members work as a team?
2. To see which members take up the different group 2. Did the team members see others performing
functions. (This will probably be a hidden goal at various roles?
the beginning of the exercise.)
Time required 1. A time limit may be set.
30-40 minutes. 2. Various members may be targeted for the
chairperson’s role and handed the sheets of paper
Size of group : and the scissors.
Up to 24; becomes too hard to observe with larger
numbers. Solution

Material required
A prepared overhead or flipchart with the final shape
shown, several rectangular sheets of paper and a pair
of scissors for each team.

1. This exercise is best used when dealing with the
topics of teams, meetings or similar. Introduce the
topic and break the group into teams of 5-7
members each. If extra members are available they
may be used as observers.
- 2. Give each team several sheets of blank paper and
a pair of scissors. Place this material in the centre
of the team; don’t give it directly to any one
3.°Tell the teams that they have a problem to solve.
They have to finish up with a shape the same as
the one shown. They are only allowed to make
one cut with the scissors and it must be a straight

Trainer’s notes

The Final Shape

Instructions: — Making only one straight cut with your scissors you must finish up with the
shape shown above.
35. 3-Minute Test ICM (X43
WA [ite
Overview communication. They are to use test conditions.
This quick quiz tests how well participants follow You should also ask that if anyone has sat this test
written Communication. . previously they should still participate, but
remember the test conditions.
Goal 2. Place a pen and a copy of the ‘3-Minute Test’ face
1. To develop skills in communication. down in front of each participant. Tell them that as
soon as the timing commences they will have
Time required exactly 3 minutes to complete the quiz.
10 minutes. 3. When it has been completed, lead a discussion on
the giving and receiving of communication.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. Who followed the instructions?
Material required 2. Who only has their name written in the top right-
A copy of the ‘3-Minute Test’ and a pen for each hand corner?
Participant. 3. How do the participants feel who followed all
instructions except the first?
1. After an introduction to the topic of Variation
communication, inform the group that they are 1. Some questions may be modified to suit the work
pong ton" be ‘given-"a/3-minute “tést’ in environment or subject matter.

Trainer’s notes
3-Minute Test

How well do you receive communication?

. Read everything before doing anything.

. Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of this paper.
. Circle the word ‘name’ in sentence two.
. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner of this
. Call your name aloud.
. Write your name again under the second title of this paper.
. After the first title write “Yes’, “Yes’, ‘Yes’.
. Draw a circle around sentence five.
. Put an ‘X’ in the lower left-hand corner of this paper.
. If you are enjoying this test say ‘Yes’, if not say ‘No’.
. Loudly call out your last name when you reach this point in the
. On the right margin of this paper, multiply 66 by 7.
. Draw a rectangle around the word ‘paper’ in sentence number
_ If you think you have followed directions carefully to this point,
call ‘T have’.
. On the left margin of this paper add 69 and 98.
. Count in your normal speaking voice from 10 to 1 backwards.
. Stand up, turn around once and sit down.
. Say out loud, ‘I am nearly finished, I have followed directions’.
. If you are the first to this point say, ‘I am the leader in following
. Now that you have finished reading carefully, as instructed in
sentence 1, do only sentence number 2.
36. Pass the Microphone
Overview and that if they wish to speak they must hold the
This technique can be used to control small group microphone. Participants are not permitted to
discussion. speak unless they hold the microphone.
When they finish speaking or giving their point of
Goals view they are to place the microphone back in the
1. To allow group members to all participate in a middle of the circle for the next speaker to pick up
small group discussion. and use.
2. To let the group see that group discussion can be Should you notice that any of the participants are a
relatively easy to control on controversial topics. little backward in reaching for the microphone,
you have the power to hand the microphone to
Time required any of them. No other group member has this
As long as required. power.
Finish the discussion as input starts to diminish
Size of group and then debrief the exercise.
Discussion points
Material required i Did everyone get a chance to have uninterrupted
An object to be used as an imaginary microphone. input when they wanted?
2: Are the introverts and extroverts made more even
Procedure with an exercise like this?
ig Inform the group members that they are about to
participate in a group discussion on a controversial Variations
topic you select. 1. Put a time limit on how long a participant can
Get the group members to sit in a circle, either in hold the microphone on any given occasion.
their chairs or ‘sitting on the floor. If you prefer Z: If there are identified participants who are
them to sit on the floor try to have plenty of regarded as too dominant the facilitator may
cushions for them to sit on. decide to limit the number of times each
Let them know that the object you are about to participant may use the microphone.
place in the middle of the circle is a microphone

Trainer’s notes

37. The Watch Face IP
Overview 3. After the description is given, ask the owner
Participants get a chance to see that they may not be specific questions about the watch. These
as observant as they think they are. questions could include the following. Does the
watch face have numbers, roman numerals,
Goals symbols or blank spaces? Are the numbers located
1. To let participants see how unobservant they are. on the inside or outside of the minute markings?
2. To make participants aware that they may take too Where is the brand name printed on the watch
many things for granted. face? Are the hands straight or are they shaped?
4. Give the watch back to the participant and debrief
Time required the exercise.
5 minutes. Note: This exercise works best if the facilitator only
lets volunteers hand over watches with hands.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. How is it that participants couldn’t describe an
Material required item that they look at dozens of times each day?
A participant’s watch. 2. How can we improve our observation techniques?

Procedure Variation
1. When you are ready to commence this exercise 1: Get more than one watch and repeat the exercise
ask a volunteer for the loan of a watch. to prove the point.
2. With the watch hidden from the owner, ask the
owner to describe the watch accurately to the

Trainer’s notes

38. Relaxation S ez)
Overview 3. Now read the group the following. ‘Concentrate all
This simple exercise shows participants how to relax of your thoughts into your right arm, stretch your
themselves. arm out straight in front of you and make a tense
fist and tense all of the other muscles in your arm
Goal as well. As you do this take a deep breath and say
1. To show participants how to use a relaxation to yourself “Let”. Breathe out slowly after about
technique. five seconds and say to yourself “go”. Place your
arm slowly down by your side and feel it relax
Time required completely.’
10 minutes. 4. Follow the same procedure for the left arm, the
right leg, the left leg, the back muscles, the neck
Size of group and lastly the face muscles.
Discussion points
Material required 1. Did it work?
None. 2. How do you feel now?
3. Can this technique be used at both home and
Procedure work?
1. Use this exercise after a session on stress
management or relaxation techniques. Tell the Variations
participants that they are going to participate in a 1. A prerecorded tape may be used to give the
relaxation exercise. Make sure that none of the participants the main relaxation instructions.
participants suffer from dizzy spells or breathing 2. Soft, slow background music may be used to
problems before they begin this exercise. improve the results.
2. Tell the participants to sit comfortably, close their
eyes and listen to your instructions.

Trainer’s notes

39. Note to Me LES (@l
719 k=)
Overview 2. They are to identify ways of implementing this
This exercise shows a method of course follow-up. training back in the workplace, and then list these
ideas on the sheet of paper in the form of a
Goals reminder note to themselves. They should also
1. To get the participants to identify ways of using write down any foreseeable problems and
this training back in the workplace. solutions in the implementation of this training.
2. To let participants know that any training should 3. When they have finished writing their notes out,
have some form of follow-up. tell them to address the envelope to themselves,
put the letter inside it and seal it.
Time required 4. Collect the sealed envelopes. You are now
20 minutes. responsible for posting these letters out to the
participants after an agreed time, normally 3 to 6
Size of group months.
Discussion points
Material required 1. Will the plan be modified back in the workplace?
A sheet of blank paper, a pen and an envelope for 2. What will everyone do if they get this letter and
each participant. the implementation hasn’t been successful?

Procedure Variations
1. Tell the participants that they are going to write a 1. You can have a prepared printed sheet for the
letter to themselves about the training they have participants to use.
just been involved in. Give each participant a pen, 2. Have participants pair up and write each other’s
a blank sheet of paper and an envelope. letter.

Trainer’s notes

40. The Numbers Game MES (2 ED)
Overview sheets over and join the numbers. Stop them after
This exercise will show participants how practice 1 minute and ask them to turn their sheets face
improves learning. down.
4. Now ask the participants to write number 2 on the
Goals back of the second sheet. Repeat the exercise.
1. To allow participants to see how practice improves Continue this for all 6 handouts.
learning. 5. Now ask the participants to advise what number
2. To get the group thinking about student practice they got up to on the first trial. Display this
and evaluation. information on the whiteboard or flipchart. Repeat
this for the following trials.
Time required 6. It will be obvious that each member's scores have
10-15 minutes. improved over the 6 trials. If time permits, you
may total all of the individual trials to give a better
Size of group comparison.
Unlimited, but becomes administratively difficult with Note: The pattern starts with number 1 in the top left-
groups larger than 12-18 people. hand quadrant. The numbers then rotate to the top
right quadrant, the bottom left quadrant, the bottom
Material required right quadrant back to the top left quadrant. This
A pen and 6 copies of ‘The Numbers Game’ handout pattern is repeated for all 80 numbers.
for each participant. A watch with a second hand and
a flipchart or whiteboard are also required. Discussion points
1. Why did the scores improve?
Procedure 2. Did anyone’s scores not improve? Why?
1. Give each participant a pen and 6 copies of ‘The 3. Did anyone find the pattern in the location of the
Numbers Game’ handout. Place the handouts face numbers?
down and ask the participants to leave them face 4. Can we use this experience in our training
down until asked to turn them over. sessions?
2. Tell the group that they are going to participate in 5. How much practice should we allow/insist of our
an experiment involving ‘student practice’. Tell students?
them that the handouts they have been given
contain 80 consecutive numbers (1 to 80). Number Variation
1 has been circled to show them where they start. 1. The number of sheets may be decreased or
“Tell them they will be given 1 minute after they increased to suit group needs and time constraints.
are told to turn their sheet over to use their pen to
connect as many consecutive numbers as they can, Source
starting at number 1. At the end of the minute they Adapted from ‘The Numbers Game’, John W.
are to turn their sheet face down again and wait Newstrom and Edward E. Scannell; Games Trainers
for the next instruction. Play, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1980.
3. Ask the participants to write number 1 on the back
of the first handout. Now tell them to turn the

Trainer’s notes

The Numbers Game


@) rik a ere
<9 o 47 ; 14 68 2
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ae 2 : 5

61 P % 97 8 WW 2 Ep om
o7 <o
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41. Puppets M
Overview 2. After each participant has practised being a
This exercise is a tension-relieving energiser. marionette give them more complicated routines to
perform. This can include tasks such as getting on
Goal a bike, walking around the room, dancing with
1. To allow participants to unwind. each other, etc.

Time required Discussion point

5 minutes. 1. Is this how people feel sometimes at work?

Size of group Variations

Unlimited. 1. Have participants act out secret routines and have
the rest of the group guess.
Material required 2. Use the marionette concept with charades.
Procedure Adapted from ‘Pulling Strings’, Nancy Loving Tubesing
1. Tell the group members that they are all going to and Donald A. Tubesing, Structured Exercises in Stress
become marionettes. The participants are to sit in Management, Volume 1, Whole Person Press, Duluth
their chairs and in response to your instructions MN, 1983.
perform simple movements such as crossing their
legs or standing up. You should demonstrate a
simple task. ;

Trainer’s notes

42, No Laughing 1M
Overview 4. That participant must then pass the word on to the
This exercise is designed to add a little laughter to the participant on their right saying it three times, and
session. so on.
5. After the instructions have been given, the first
Goal participant is given the word ‘HA’ to start the
1. To get all of the participants laughing. exercise. Ask the group to treat this exercise
seriously and not to laugh.
Time required
5 minutes. Discussion points
1. Why did everyone start laughing?
Size of group 2. What would have happened had we used a more
Up to 16. frightening word?

Material required Variations

None. 1. Substitute the word with any other humorous
Procedure 2. You can establish a chain where the current
1. Get the group members to form a circle, either participant says ‘HA’ and it must be echoed back
sitting or standing. along the line.
2. Give them the instruction that one participant will
start with a word and pass it on to the participant Source
sitting on their right. Adapted from ‘Ha’, Sue Forbess-Greene, The
3. When that participant receives the word they must Encyclopedia of Icebreakers, University Associates,
repeat it twice to the participant on their right. California, 1983.


Trainer’s notes

43. Shuffling Papers
Overview 3. The team’s task is to sort all of the sheets into the
This is a quick team exercise with competition. correct order. The first team finished is the winner.

Goals Discussion points

1. To get team members interacting with each other. 1. Did a leader emerge in each team?
2. To identify the group leaders. 2. Was the leader elected or did he or she just take
Time required Was the leader effective?
10—20 minutes. - ses How did the leader like having the role?
5. How did the other individuals feel about the
Size of group leadership role?
Unlimited, but needs to be broken into subgroups of
6-8 participants. Variations
1. You could cut the page numbers off the papers. If
Material required the page numbers are cut off, be sure to allow
A newspaper or magazine for each group (all of the more time for the exercise.
same number of pages) and a small prize for the 2. Use a lengthy document from the organisation
winning group. instead of the newspaper.

Procedure Source
1. Tell the participants that they are to break into Adapted from ‘Newspaper Shuffle’, Sue Forbess-
subgroups of 6-8 participants. Greene, The Encyclopedia of Icebreakers, University
2. When the teams have been formed, give each a Associates, California, 1983.
complete newspaper or magazine (with the staples
removed) that has had all of the pages shuffled up.

Trainer’s notes
44, Cleaning Up TM
7 ea
Overview 4. Now tell the teams that they will be involved in a
This is a fast-moving game that will get the group race. They are to start at the starting line by
laughing. placing one sheet of flipchart paper on the floor
and having one participant stand on it. That
Goals participant then places another sheet down in
1. To build team spirit. front of them and moves onto it. The second team
2. To allow participants to use problem-solving skills. member then moves onto the first sheet and so
3. To get the blood circulating after a long session. on. It will soon become apparent to the
participants that they have to share spaces on the
Time required sheets of paper.
10-15 minutes. 5. The first team to go around their chair and get
back to the starting line will be declared the
Size of group winner. If any of the team members walks on the
Up to 24. floor and not the paper, the team has to go back
to the beginning and start again.
Material required Note: Participants can solve this in a number of ways
Sufficient quantities of flipchart paper. (by moving the back sheet of paper, by ripping the
paper into strips, etc.) so this can also be used as an
Procedure exercise in lateral thinking.
1. Ask the group to break into teams of 6-8
participants. All teams must be the same size. If Discussion points
there will be participants left over, you should 1. Did the winning team perform like a team?
nominate referees beforehand. Ask the team 2. Why didn’t the other teams do as well?
members to take their shoes off for this exercise.
2. Give each team a number of sheets of flipchart Variations
paper. The number of sheets should be half that of 1. Smaller sheets of paper may be used.
the team size. 2. A larger circuit may be established.
3. Mark a starting line at one end of the training
room. Position a chair for each team at the other
end of the training room.

Trainer’s notes

45. What Do You See? CMP FF eS
Overview raise their hands if they only see the young
This exercise shows how people perceive things woman. Finally they are asked to raise their hands
differently. | . if they can see both the old and young woman.
3. Now show them where both of these women are
Goal in the picture. Alternatively get one of the
1. To allow participants to see that everyone doesn’t participants to show them.
perceive things the same way.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Why do we perceive things differently?
5 minutes. 2. Why can’t some people see both women? Even
after being shown where they are?
Size of group 3. How can we improve our perception skills?
Material required 1. The material may be given as a handout if an
An overhead transparency of the ‘Old Woman/Young overhead projector is not available.
Procedure Adapted from ‘Old Woman/Young Woman’, John W.
1. Project the transparency onto a screen and ask the Newstrom and Edward E. Scannell, Games Trainers
participants to look at the image for a few Play, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1980, and Edwin
seconds. Tell them that they are looking for a G. Boring, ‘A New Ambiguous Figure’, American
picture of an old or young woman. Journal of Psychology, July 1930, p. 444. (Originally
2. Ask them to raise their hands if they can see only drawn by cartoonist W. E. Hill, published in Puck, 6
the old woman. Next the participants are asked to November 1915.)

Trainer’s notes
What Do You See?
46. Smile I ie
Overview 2. Ask the participant to fold the name plate and
This name plate and rules exercise can be used for write the name on the front of it and place it on
any training session. their desk with the name facing you, and then
pass the pen on.
Goal 3. Then ask someone to read out the rules for you.
1. To let the participants know your ground rules.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Ask if anyone has any questions regarding the
2-5 minutes. points shown.
2. You could also ask if there are any other rules that
Size of group participants would like to see included for this
Unlimited. program.

Material required Variation

A printed name plate for each participant and a 1. If any type of introduction exercise is to be done,
marking pen. the name plates may be used to mix or pair up
participants at random.
1. Hand out a name plate to each participant. Also
give one participant the marking pen.

Trainer’s notes

—=—___—_—_——_— cc
i ——— ==

This training is for you.
Here are a few tips to ensure its success.

Participate in discussions
Listen to the other viewpoint
Say what you think
Keep discussion on the subject
Be patient with other members
Try to relate your experiences

Ask questions, other members would
also like to know

This training is for you.

Here are a few tips to ensure its success.

Participate in discussions
Listen to the other viewpoint
Say what you think
Keep discussion on the subject
Be patient with other members
Try to relate your experiences
Ask questions, other members would
also like to know
47. Stress Budget IMPS
Overview identified. The amounts are to represent the
This is a simple exercise to get participants to look at amount of time they spend each day on that
their allocation of resources to problems. . particular problem.
. When that has been completed, tell them to record
Goals the values that they have put on each individual
1. To make participants aware of the resources they problem.
use on problems. . The next step is to tell them to allocate what they
2. To get the participants to re-allocate their think would be a more logical investment of their
resources to better ratios. time and resources to each problem.
. They should record the new amounts and
Time required compare them with the original amounts. The re-
10-15 minutes. allocation of these resources should be discussed
and participants should note what changes they
Size of group will make on completion of this training.
Discussion points
Material required L How much did the 2 amounts differ?
A dollar’s worth of small change for each participant. Zi Was anyone not surprised at the differences?
3: Could this type of exercise be used regularly back
Procedure in the workplace?
, Tell the group members that they are going to be
able to budget resources against their problems. Variations
Before they start, however, they are to identify i The exercise can be done in small groups with the
both the major and minor problems that they participants discussing each other’s allocation of
encounter on a daily basis. resources.
. After the participants have each identified a list of Pe: Each participant can be asked to report back to the
problems, give each member a dollar’s worth of whole group.
loose change.
. Now tell the participants that they are to allocate
amounts of money to the problems they have

Trainer’s notes

48. Negotiation IMLS OP a Bw El
Overview 2. Give each pair a dollar coin between them.
This exercise will get participants involved in different 3. Tell them that they have exactly 5 minutes to
methods of negotiation. decide between them who is going to get the
dollar coin. The only rules are that they are not
Goals allowed physical contact (violence) during the
1. To introduce the topic of negotiation. discussion period. If they cannot decide who is to
2. To start to get the group warmed up. collect the dollar coin, it is to be returned to you.
3. To allow participants to try their current 4. When the time is up you can lead into a
negotiation skills. discussion on negotiation and decision-making
Time required
10 minutes. myth points
What type of techniques were used by the group?
Size of group . Were all of the negotiations honest?
Unlimited. 3. How did people feel about a time limit being
Material required
A dollar coin for each pair of participants. Variations
1. Use a different value coin or notes.
Procedure 2. Use some other type of object that the individuals
1. Ask the group members to form pairs, preferably would be prepared to negotiate for.
with someone they don’t know.

Trainer’s notes
49, Our Greatest Fears
Overview each subgroup to present its finding. You could
This icebreaker will allow participants to recognise write these up on the whiteboard.
that they are not the only people with a fear of public 4. After all responses have been obtained, use the
speaking. prepared overhead to reveal the list compiled by
David Wallechinsky. These items should be
Goals revealed one at a time from the bottom up.
1. To get the group warmed up to the topic. 5. At the conclusion reinforce to the participants that
2. To allow participants to recognise that they are not they are not by themselves with the fears they may
the only ones with a fear of public speaking. have regarding the course they are about to
Time required
15-20 minutes. Discussion points
1. Which subgroup came closest to the prepared list?
Size of group 2. Did anyone expect these results?
Up to 24. 3. Would there be any difference in the results in
different countries?
Material required
A sheet of paper and a pen for each subgroup, and a Variations
prepared overhead of ‘The Ten Worst Human Fears’. 1. This exercise could be done on an individual
Procedure 2. It could be done as one large group with the
1. Ask the participants to break into subgroups of 5—7 facilitator soliciting participant responses.
members and give each subgroup a sheet of paper
and a pen. Source
2. Ask the subgroups to use their imagination and list Adapted from ‘The Worst Human Fears (in the US)’,
what they would consider to be the 10 worst fears John W. Newstrom and Edward E. Scannell, Games
identified by the general public in a random Trainers Play, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1980,
survey. The subgroups are given 10 minutes to and David Wallechinsky et al., The Book of Lists, Wm
draw up their lists. Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, 1987.
3. After the subgroups have completed their lists, ask

Trainer’s notes

The Ten Worst Human Fears (in the US)

She Speaking before a group

2. Heights
an Insects and bugs
4. Financial problems
D: Deep water

yO: Sickness
whe Death
8. Flying
9: Loneliness

— oO Dogs
50. Marooned
Overview 3. Tell them that this is an unusual island, in that they
This is an icebreaker to get the participants to identify can select 6 well-known personalities to be
their favourite characters or people they would like to marooned with. They have 5 minutes to select the
be with. . 6 people and write their names on the paper.
4. After that has been completed, get each group
Goals member in turn to tell the rest of the group their
1. To get the participants to select people they selection and the reasons for making such a
respect. selection.
2. To make the participants more aware of each
other’s perceptions. Hee onespoints
Did anyone have trouble trying to reduce their list
Time required to 6?
10-15 minutes. 2. Did anyone have trouble in not finding enough
people to be marooned with?
Size of group 3. Now that they have heard everyone else’s
Unlimited. selections, would anyone like to change their list?

Material required Variations

A piece of paper and a pen for each participant. 1. Television personalities may be substituted for
well-known people.
Procedure 2. People within your organisation may be
1. Ask the participants to imagine that they have just substituted for well-known personalities.
been marooned on a desert island.
2. Now give each participant a sheet of paper and a

Trainer’s notes

51. Signs IM
Overview and ‘Strongly Disagree’ at opposite ends, and
This exercise is an icebreaker or energiser that may ‘Undecided’ in the middle.
be used any time during the program. 2. Now instruct the participants that as a statement is
made each individual must stand somewhere
Goals along the wall indicating their feeling or belief
1. To allow participants to show what they feel about about the statement.
certain issues. 3. Now read out a statement from a prepared list of
2. To get participants moving around. current controversial or topical statements.

Time required Discussion points

10-15 minutes. 1. How did everyone feel about having to take a
public stance?
Size of group 2. Did anyone find that they purposely didn’t allow
Up to 24. themselves to go to either extreme with others
watching? Why?
Material required
A set of 3 signs with one marked ‘Strongly Agree’, Variations
another marked ‘Undecided’, and the last marked 1. The participants could be given a chance to tell
‘Strongly Disagree’. why they selected the position they did.
Zz. the statements could be related! “tos the
Procedure organisation if they are all members of the same
1. Place the signs along the full length of one of the group.
walls in the training room, with ‘Strongly Agree’

Trainer’s notes

Strongly Agree

52. Balloon Ball IM 3 ea
Overview 2. After the group has divided into 2 smaller teams
This exercise is designed to get participants moving they should decide which way they each want to
and working as a team. face. After that decision has been made the team
members should position themselves in a scattered
Goals manner around the room. Once people decide on
1. To allow participants the chance to work as a a position, they are not allowed to move from it
team. until the end of the exercise.
2. To get the group moving. 3. Tell the group when to commence play. Scores
3. To participate in a number of decision-making are to be kept by the participants. At the
processes. conclusion of the exercise a discussion should
4. To see how competitive most people are. follow.
Note: The original instruction asked the participants to
Time required score as many goals as possible. Did the teams
15-30 minutes. compete with each other, or did they work together?
If they worked together the score will be high as they
Size of group will not have been trying to compete with each other.
Unlimited. Most people tend to see that they are competing at
Material required
A packet of balloons. Discussion points
1. Was teamwork used effectively? Why? Why not?
Procedure 2. What was the final score?
1. Tell the group that they are going to participate in 3. Is this an acceptable score? (See Note in
a new game called ‘Balloon Ball’. The object of Procedure.)
this game is to score as many goals as possible in
the time allowed. The group is divided into 2 Variations
smaller teams. The teams also have to decide what 1. Other types of balls may be used for different
the goals are (opposite walls are fine). A goal is effects.
scored by hitting the designated wall with the 2. More than one balloon can be used at once.
balloon. They also have to inflate the balloons.
More than one may be required as they tend to
break easily.
> OC avwxX—X—"niOO ————————————————

Trainer’s notes

55. Tortoise, Hare or Thoroughbred ee
Overview Each participant during the introduction may be
This exercise may be used for introductions. It can required to add the points that they raise to a
also be modified to fit into other stages oftraining. flipchart.

Goals E Source
1. To get to know each other. Adapted from ‘Tortoise, Hare or Thoroughbred’,
2. To allow the participants to label their own pace. Nancy Loving Tubesing and Donald A. Tubesing,
Structured Exercises in Stress Management, Volume 2,
Time required Whole Person Press, Duluth MN, 1983.
10 minutes.

Size of group
Up to 16. The descriptions

Material required Tortoise

3 signs marked ‘Tortoise’, ‘Hare’ and ‘Thoroughbred’. Likes to move ahead slowly and steadily.
Won't be rushed.
Procedure Finds strength from pulling in head.
1. Start the session by quickly checking to see if Has a strong protective shell.
everyone remembers the story of the tortoise and Doesn’t take unnecessary risks.
the hare. Prefers life on an even keel without crisis.
2. Introduce the exercise as an icebreaker. Tell the Sets own pace, takes one thing at a time.
participants to listen carefully to the descriptions of
the tortoise, hare and thoroughbred. Then read out Hare
the descriptions. Moves with quick starts and stops.
3. Stick the 3 signs on the wall and ask the Produces well under pressure.
participants to move to the sign that best describes Finds strength in exploration and challenge.
them. Is fragile, agile and lucky.
4. After all participants have selected a location, tell Enjoys risks and adventures.
them to introduce themselves to the rest of the Hops from crisis to crisis, is easily distracted.
group and state why they chose that description of Always has many irons in the fire.
Discussion point Economy and grace of movement.
1. Do people always fit into the same category or do Varies pace according to situation.
they change with different people and situations? Strength comes from top-flight conditioning.
Always under control.
Variation Thrives on competition and challenge.
1. The participants can be asked to create a list of Has clear goals with mileposts to mark progress.
good and bad points for each of the categories. Always has something left for the stretch.

Trainer’s notes
dec sani
i P
54. Where Are We Now? Tc? BORAS
Overview significant things have happened since they last
This exercise can be used at the eee of a day met. This should take 10 minutes.
on a program of longer duration. After they have finished these discussions ask
everyone in the group to form a circle with their
Goals chairs and be seated.
i. To allow participants an opportunity to mix with Now ask the group members to share the things
each other and find out what has happened to that have happened to them with the rest of the
each other since the last meeting. group. Each person is to speak about the person
To allow participants to participate in a team- they were talking to, not themselves. Ask for a
building exercise. volunteer to start and finish with yourself, as
To allow participants a chance to get to know facilitator.
each other a little better.
Discussion points
Time required as Did anyone feel threatened by the exercise? Why?
30-60 minutes, depending on the size of the group. Zs Do members now feel a little more like a team?
Why? Why not?
Size of group Di Should team members share these thoughts? Why?
Up to 18. Why not?

Material required Variations

None. iy You may decide to talk first.
Pa Names can be drawn for the order.
1. Ask the group members to break into pairs. Tell
them to talk to each other and find out what
Trainer’s notes

55. Overcoming Fear FS
Overview 2. Ask the group members for suggestions for
This exercise will give participants an idea on how to controlling nerves. List all ideas on a whiteboard
control their nerves. It can be used in conjunction and discuss or explain them.
with Exercise 49, ‘Our Greatest Fears’. 3. Read through the points covered in the handout.
Discuss and explain these as necessary.
Goals 4. After all the points have been covered, give a
1. To allow participants to see different ways of copy of the handout to each participant.
2. To allow participants a chance to see how others Discussion point
control their fears of public speaking. 1. Has anyone ever tried any of these methods?

Time required Variations

10 minutes. 1. Get the participants to prepare individual lists.
2. Break into teams of 5-7 members and allow them
Size of group to design their own lists for discussion. After the
Unlimited. teams have presented their findings carry on at
point 3.
Material required
A copy of the ‘Dealing with Nerves’ handout for each Source
participant. Adapted from ‘Difficult Situations and Nerves’, Gary
Kroehnert, Basic Training for Trainers, McGraw-Hill
Procedure Book Company Australia, Sydney, 1990.
1. Tell the group that all public speakers have some
fears and suffer from nerves.

Trainer’s notes

Dealing with Nerves
Be at ease and relax. They want to listen to you.
Breathe deeply as you walk towards the venue.
Mentally rehearse the sequence of your presentation.
Use the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Arrive early so that you can settle in.
Dress the part and look professional.
Try to anticipate questions.
Check all of your support equipment beforehand.
oe Create a physical setting you feel comfortable with.
Use your prepared session notes.
Establish credibility at the beginning of your presentation.
Give your audience an outline of the events and topics.
Motivate the group to want to listen to you.
Use brainteasers as an opening.
Practise your session beforehand.
Use your tension to enhance your performance.
Move around.
Warm your voice up before starting.
Keep eye contact with all of your audience.
Be comfortable with the arrangement of your resources.
Practise with your training aids.
Research and know your topic.
Use unobtrusive isometric exercises.
Attend appropriate presentation or public speaking courses.
Remember your audience’s attention span.
Use all of the principles of adult learning.
Find out in advance who your participants are.
Admit your mistakes, but only if you make them.
Always appear to be enthusiastic.
Use a video or tape recorder to evaluate your performance.
Develop your own style of presentation.
Get feedback from your audience.
Don’t read from the text.
Don’t have a heavy night before a day of presentations.
56. Memory Test ICMLPS cre
Overview a Tear off the flipchart paper and fold it. Now
This exercise shows how to use one form of memory continue the session normally.
jogger. 4, After a couple of hours, give participants a pen
and paper each and ask them to write down the
Goals 12 selected items in the correct order, without
1. To show participants that memory joggers do assistance from other group members. Allow a
work. couple of minutes for this attempt.
2. To act as a tension reliever at the beginning of >; Find out who has all 12 in the correct order. It is
training. unlikely that any participant will have them all.
Now is your chance to show them your powers of
Time required recall. Ask them to call out any number between 1
10-15 minutes. and 12. As a number is called out you should
write it on the flipchart (in the correct sequence)
Size of group and write the original item that had been placed
Unlimited. beside that number. When all 12 have been
written on the flipchart compare this to the
Material required original list and discuss the results.
A sheet of paper, a pen and a copy of the ‘Mind Map’ 6. After the discussion tell the group how you did it
handout for each participant and a flipchart. and give out a copy of the handout.

Procedure Discussion points

1. Ask the group members if they know of any 1; How appropriate is this to people’s needs?
methods to increase recall abilities. A quick Z Does anyone else know of other methods?
discussion may follow.
2. Ask the participants to think of things they may Source
want to remember, such as a shopping list. Ask Peter Cross, Kingsford, NSW.
volunteers to come forward and write their
selected item on the flipchart. They are to come
up with a list of 12 items.
Trainer’s notes

Mind Map
You must be able to remember these key words before using this method of recall. To remember any 12
items in the correct sequence you have to follow these instructions. As each item is given to you it is
essential that you picture the key word for the associated number and its instructions.

Key words it Bun 5. Drive 9. Dine

a Glue 6. Mix 10. Pen
3. Key 7. Heaven 11. Devon
4 Store 8. Ape 12. Shelves

1. BUN... imagine your favourite hamburger ... the object you are trying to remember is inside it ...
you take a bite and bite on the object.

GLUE ... imagine a pot of glue ... you find yourself painting glue over the object, you put so much
on that your hands get stuck to the object and you can’t shake it off.

3. KEY ... imagine yourself opening a cupboard door with a key and the object falls out, multiple
objects, and you can’t stop them, they build up around you.

STORE ... you are in your favourite corner store and all of the shelves are filled with the object ...
you load a shopping trolley so full with the object that it overflows onto the floor ... you keep
picking them up but they keep falling.

DRIVE ... you are speeding down the road when the object (gigantic in size) appears ahead ... you
slam on the brakes but still hit the object hard smashing it to pieces ... some of the pieces smash
through the windscreen and hit you in the face.

MIX ... you are mixing the object (multiple) in a bowl ... you keep mixing faster and faster until
the objects start falling out ... you see yourself picking them up and putting them back in ... but
they keep falling out.

HEAVEN ... you see in front of you an escalator heading up to heaven with Saint Peter at the top
beckoning you to come up ... you try to get up the escalator but you are stopped by hundreds of
the object coming down ... you see and feel yourself slipping and falling over ... you can't make it.

8. APE... you are at a zoo looking through the bars at an ape ... the floor of the cage is covered with
the object ... you are laughing at the ape and it gets angry and starts throwing the objects at you ...
one of the objects gets through the bars and hits you in the face.

DINE ... you are seated at your favourite restaurant with an empty plate ... suddenly the object
appears on the plate ... you try to cut it with your knife and fork.

10. PEN ... picture the object ... you pick up a great big pen with red ink in it ... you must see
yourself writing the name of the object on the object itself with the red ink from the pen.

11. DEVON ... imagine a big nob of devon ... you cut it in half and the object is inside it.

12. SHELVES ... you walk into a storeroom at home ... there are shelves everywhere ... the shelves are
packed with the object ... they start falling off the shelves on top of you.

Extra tips
e You must picture each step in your mind before you move on.
e Colour helps bring immediate recall.
e Exaggeration is great. Big objects may be small or small objects may be large.
57. Say What?
Overview 3. After the 30-minute period ask the subgroup
This is an exercise where participants have to deal members to pair off with someone from another
with language problems. subgroup. When the pairs have been formed tell
them that they now have 15 minutes each to teach
Goals each other their language. Also tell them that they
1. To examine language problems relative to are only to use their new language and not to
communication. speak in another dialect.
2. To let. participants feel frustration due to language 4. At the conclusion of this stage ask all of the
barriers. participants to put their blindfolds on. Tell them
that with blindfolds in position they are to now
Time required form into their original subgroups. For this phase
90-120 minutes. they are again only to use their newly created
Size of group
Unlimited, but needs to be broken into subgroups of Discussion points
5-7 participants. 1. How did people feel during the exercise?
2. What did the exercise highlight about com-
Material required munication?
A sheet of paper, a pen and a blindfold for each 3. How well did people learn the other participant’s
participant. language?

Procedure Variation
1. Inform the group that they are going to participate 1. For the final grouping the participants can be
in a communication exercise. Break the group into asked to form into groups only using the language
subgroups of 5-7 people. that they have been taught in point 3.
2. Now tell the subgroups that they are each to
create a new language. The new language must Source
have at least an introduction, descriptions for Adapted from ‘Babel: Interpersonal Communication’,
objects within the room, a positive comment, a J. William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones, A Handbook of
negative comment, and a farewell. Give the Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training,
subgroups 30 minutes to design and learn their Volume 5, University Associates, California, 1975.
new languages.

Trainer’s notes

58. Room 703 1M (QO
Overview Discussion points
This is a problem-solving exercise that is team 1. What was the correct answer?
oriented. 2. What roles did the team members play?

Goals Variation
1. To look at group strategies for problem-solving. 1. The problem may be made more difficult by
2. To see how competition affects the problem- including other irrelevant information.
solving process.
3. To see how group members pass on information. Source
Adapted from ‘Room 703: Information Sharing’, J.
Time required William Pfeiffer and John E. Jones, A Handbook of
45-60 minutes. Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training,
Volume 5, University Associates, California, 1975.
Size of group

Material required
A sheet of paper and a pen for each participant and a
set of prepared ‘Information Cards’ for each team.

Procedure Solution
1. Break the group into teams of 6 members each.
Any extras can be used as observers.
2. Give members in every team one of the ‘Room 703
Information cards’ and allow 2 minutes to read and
study the information on their own card. Note that
each card is identified by the number of dots after
the first sentence. Ms
3. After the 2-minute period tell the teams to begin ane Martin
working. They have 20 minutes for this phase.
4. After all team members have reached agreement Mr
-about the solution, lead into a discussion on how wae one Lee
the task was achieved and what techniques were
used for problem-solving. Mr
Note: The six cards make up a complete set for each rae ae Jacobs
team. Each of the cards is identified by the number of
dots after the first sentence. This enables you to be
sure you give each team a complete set of Sa JACOBS fois eas

Trainer’s notes
Room 703 Information Cards

You may tell your group what is on this card, but do not pass it around for others to read.

¢ Room 701 has Mr Lee for teaching during the third period.
e Ms Jones and Ms Carr do not get along well, so they do not work together.
e During the first period, the team leader, whom Harry likes, teaches Room 702.

You may tell your group what is on this card, but do not pass it around for others to read..

e All teachers teach at the same time and exchange groups at the end of each period.
e Each teacher likes a different group best. During the second period, each teacher teaches the
group they like best.
e Each teacher teaches each group during one of the first four periods of the day.

You may tell your group what is on this card, but do not pass it around for others to read...

e The school has two teachers’ aides, four teachers, and four groups of students.
e Ms Martin is the team leader for the English Unit.
e Mr Lee likes to work with Room 700.
e Ms Jones teaches Room 701 during the fourth period but likes Room 702 best.

You may tell your group what is on this card, but do not pass it around for others to read...

e Your group members have all the information needed to find the answer to the following
question. In what sequence are the teachers (by name) in Room 703 during the first four
e Only one answer is correct and you can prove it.
e You are to present the group’s findings in no longer than 20 minutes.

e Ms Carr and Mr Jacobs disagree about how it would be best to handle Room 702, in which
there seems to be a history of abusing substitute teachers.
The team leader has been at this school for five years.
e Ms Carr has been at this school longer than anyone else.

e The team leader teaches Room 701 during the second period.
e Harry works with Room 702 during the second period.
e Ms Martin has been at this school for the shortest period of time.
59. List of Names
Overview 2. Pass around an envelope with the list of names
This is an exercise that can be used with an inside it so participants can each select a name at
established group. The exercise has the potential of random and keep it to themselves. During the day
letting participants see how others in the group ‘see they are to act out that person’s role. This can
them. either be done at an identified time or randomly
during the activities. Tell participants that this is
Goal meant to be fun and that they are not to be
1. To allow participants the opportunity to see how destructive about another person’s characteristics.
others in the group perceive them. Note: It is very important that this exercise be
thoroughly debriefed to eliminate negative feelings.
Time required
Depends on application. Discussion points
1. Was everyone able to identify who had whose
Size of group name? Why?
Unlimited. 2. Are some of these perceptions incorrect?
What can we do about bad/unwanted traits?
Material required Se Does
te anyone want to comment on the
A prepared list of participant names, cut into strips. performance of the person acting out their role?

Procedure Variations
1. Inform the group members that they are going to 1. The slips can be selected during one day’s
be involved in a role reversal. They are going to activities and the participants told that they are to
be given another person’s name from the group act out the role for the whole of the next day.
and then they are to act out their perceptions of 2. You may want to select who gets certain names.
that person.

Trainer’s notes

60. Folding Paper CPE MwS
Overview 2. Give the following directions. Firstly, fold the
This exercise shows participants how directions are sheet in half. Then fold it in half again. Then fold
interpreted differently by different people. it in half yet again. Tear the right-hand corner off.
Turn the sheet over and tear the left-hand corner
Goals off.
1. To “allow” ‘participants’ to “see “how 3. Now get the group to open their eyes and unfold
instructions/directions are interpreted in different their sheets of paper. It should be immediately
ways by different people. obvious that all of the group do not have the same
2. To get participants thinking about ways in which finished product.
they can improve their communication skills. 4. This now leads into a discussion on how to
improve communication skills.
Time required
10 minutes. Discussion points
1. Why didn’t everyone finish up with the same end
Size of group product?
Unlimited. 2. Were the instructions easy to follow? Why? Why
Material required 3. Why do we need to improve our instructional
A sheet of A4 paper for each participant. skills?
4. How could the instructions be improved?
1. Give each participant a sheet of A4 paper. Then Variations
ask them to close their eyes and follow your 1. More directions can be given for the folding and
directions. Tell them that they are not to ask any tearing.
questions during the instructional phase. 2. Get one of the participants to give the instructions.

Trainer’s notes

61. Learning By Linking CMS (2 aw A BE)
Overview words from the list as they can remember. They
This exercise shows how recall is made easier by the have another 2 minutes for this phase.
use of association. 5. When the time is up ask them to total the number
of correct words that they have been able to recall,
Goal including any headings written down. Get the
1. To show participants how association makes recall totals from the individuals and place them
easier. somewhere visible, heading the scores ‘List A’ and
‘List B..
Time required 6. It will become very obvious that ‘List B’ has much
5-10 minutes. higher scores than ‘List A’. Point out that the 2 lists
contain the same 60 words. Ask the participants to
Size of group exchange lists with each other so that they may
Unlimited. see what was different with the 2 lists.

Material required Discussion points

A pen for each participant and sufficient copies of 1. Why was it easier to recall more information from
Lists A and B. ‘List B’?
2. Tasks as well as lists may be broken into much
Procedure more digestible chunks, rather than having too
1. Explain that recall can be made easier. Then many disjointed pieces of information.
mentally divide the group into 2 subgroups.
2. Give all participants in half of the group a copy of Variation
‘List A’ face down. Give the participants in the 1. Words and groupings may be rewritten to suit the
other half of the group a copy of ‘List B’. Ask them organisation.
not to look at the list until they are told to do so.
3. Tell the participants that they will be given 2 Source
minutes to study the list they have and that they Adapted from the Programme Development Module:
should try to remember as many words from the Basic Methods of Instruction course, conducted by
list as possible. Now tell them to turn their lists Training and Development Services, University of
over. Technology, Sydney.
4, After the 2 minutes have elapsed ask them to turn
. their lists face down again and write as many

Trainer’s notes

List A





















62. What Is It? ICMP MAAS
Overview 3. After the 2 minutes are up, tell the group that even
This quick exercise shows participants that they need very clear instructions or descriptions need to be
to give an overall picture with an instruction or put into context. Then ask the group if the words
description. ‘clothes’ and ‘washing’ were added, could the
handout now be followed.
1. To show that an instruction or description needs to Discussion points
be. put into context. 1. Do we give instructions like this back in the
Time required 2. Do we always have to put our instructions and
5 minutes. descriptions into context?

Size of group Variations

Unlimited. 1. Any other procedure could be used as long as the
facilitator ensures the participants will not
Material required recognise the description.
Sufficient copies of ‘The Procedure’ handout. 2. Teams could be formed with a prize for the first
group to work out what the procedure is.
1. Tell the group that they are going to be given a Source
very clear procedural description. They will have 2 Adapted from the Programme Development Module:
minutes to read the handout. Basic Methods of Instruction course, conducted by
2. Give all of the participants a copy of ‘The Training and Development Services, University of
Procedure’ handout. They should also be told that Technology, Sydney.
if they recognise the description they are to raise
their hand without telling the others what it is.

Trainer’s notes

The Procedure

The procedure is actually quite simple. First you arrange things

into different groups. Of course, one pile may be sufficient
depending on how much there is to do. If you have to go
somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is the next step,
otherwise you are pretty well set. It is important not to overdo
things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too
many. In the short run this may not seem important but
complications can easily arise. A mistake can be expensive as
well. At first the whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon,
however, it will become just another facet of life. It is difficult to
foresee any end to the necessity for this task in the immediate
future, but then one can mever tell. After the procedure 1s
completed one arranges the materials into different groups
again. Then they can be put into their appropriate places.
Eventually they will be used once more and the whole cycle will
have to be repeated. However, this is part of life.
63. Circuit Overload

Overview one of their sources of stress. As these are

This is an exercise showing participants how to identified, place them in one of the blank spaces
identify sources of stress. on the diagram.
4. When the diagram is full, tell the participants that
Goal they are similar to this circuit board. A circuit
1. To identify sources of stress. board may overload (breakdown) if it is required
to handle too much. In the same way we may
Time required overload (breakdown) if we are required to
15 minutes. handle too much.
5. Then lead the discussion into stress management
Size of group techniques.
Discussion points
Material required 1. Are we similar to the circuit board?
A pen and paper for each participant and a prepared 2. Did anyone feel stressed by this exercise? Why?
‘Circuit Board’ chart for the facilitator to display. 3. What techniques do we use to avoid overload?

Procedure Variation
1. Start the discussion on what are the main sources 1. Can be done in small groups of 5—7 participants.
of stress for the individual.
2. Give each participant a pen and paper. Ask them Source
to take 3 or 4 minutes to write down their main Adapted from ‘Circuit Overload’, Nancy Loving
sources of stress. Tubesing and Donald A. Tubesing, Structured
3. After the time has elapsed, display the prepared Exercises in Stress Management, Volume 2, Whole
‘Circuit Board’ and ask each participant to reveal Person Press, Duluth MN, 1983.

Trainer’s notes

Circuit Board
64. Tangrams TCP (OOAS
Overview Variations
This is a Chinese silhouette puzzle. 1. This can be done individually rather than in teams.
2. Prizes can be awarded for each team first with the
Goals solution.
1. To solve the puzzles. 3. Time limits can be applied.
2. To get participants working together.
Time required Adapted from Tangrams, Ronald C. Read, Dover
15-20 minutes. Publishing Inc., New York, 1965.

Size of group
Unlimited. Solution

Material required
One set of tans (shapes as silhouettes) cut from
cardboard for each team and a set of prepared
diagrams for posting or projecting.

1. Introduce tangrams. Tangrams are a Chinese
puzzle. They are similar to a jigsaw puzzle but
they use tans instead of pieces of a picture.
2. Divide the group into teams of 5-7 participants.
Give each team a set of tans.
3. Show the first complete silhouette and ask the
teams to sing out when they have the solution.
Repeat the process for all 5 silhouettes.

Discussion points
1. Did anyone notice that this is different to a jigsaw
puzzle in that there is more than one solution?
2. Is this type of puzzle more realistic to the
workplace as we nearly always have the solutions,
but sometimes we have to adapt them to make
them work.

Trainer’s notes


Below is the template for making your own set of cardboard tans.
One set is required for each team.
65. In-Tray CS HA FE)

Overview 2. Break the group into teams of 3 or 4 participants.

This exercise shows participants how to use correct Give each team an in-tray with a full set of
self-management techniques. documents to handle. A time limit of 10 minutes is
set to complete the in-tray.
Goals 3. During the exercise, place additional ‘mail’ in each
1. To get participants thinking about priorities. in-tray.
2. To allow participants to practise time management 4. After the 10 minutes has passed, get each team to
principles. present the large group with the priority they
placed on each piece of mail and what they did
Time required with each item. Also ask them to give reasons for
20-30 minutes. their decisions.

Size of group Discussion points

Up to 18. 1. Did everyone come up with the same basic results?
2. How did people feel when the second mail drop
Material required arrived?
An in-tray and a full set of documents (mail) for each 3. Were good time management and/or self-
team. Each team will require a work area. management techniques used?
Prepare all mail items well before training
commences. The items should be relevant to the Variations
group’s workplace and duties. Aim for about 20-30 1. This exercise can be done individually rather than
items for the tray, and about another 10-15 for the in teams.
second mail drop. The items should be a mixture of 2. The second mail drop may be left out.
routine items, urgent matters, important matters, trivial 3. The facilitator can interrupt and disturb the teams
matters, junk mail, magazines, articles and one very as they are trying to sort their mail out.
urgent and important item placed towards the bottom
of the pile.

1. Begin by introducing time management and self-
management principles.

Trainer’s notes

66. tebahplA ehT ICFMLS (XQ) (AV fd (et) (BY ES)
Overview from the ‘Distributed Practice Information Sheet’.
This will show why learning should be a paced No discussion is allowed.
process, rather than a short intense experience. 4. Then get this half of the group to carry out their
assigned task with the 30-second extra rest
Goal betweén trials.
1. To show participants that time is required for 5. On completion the 2 groups swap over. With the
better or more efficient learning to take place. second half of the group (the control group) again
read out the instructions from the ‘Distributed
Time required Practice Information Sheet’.
15-20 minutes. 6. Then get this half of the group to carry out their
assigned tasks without the 30-second extra rest
Size of group between trials.
Unlimited. 7. When completed, bring both groups back
together. Ask the participants to count the total
Material required number of correct letters for each trial. Tally the
A pen and a sheet of paper for each participant. A scores, average them between groups and display
stopwatch for the facilitator and somewhere to display them. Then resume the discussion on distributed
the results. practice.

Procedure Discussion point

1. Lead the discussion about distributed practice i. Which type of practice led to faster learning with
(explaining leaving rest periods between practice this particular task?
sessions), and the fact that it is better to learn little
bits often as opposed to large sections at a time. Variations
2. Break the large group into 2 groups (a control 1. Numbers may be used in place of letters.
group and an experimental group). Take one 2. Observers and scorers may be used during the
group out of the room and give members whole exercise.
something else to do.
3. Give the members of the group remaining in the
room a pen and paper. Read them the instructions

Trainer’s notes

Distributed practice information sheet

During this session you will be asked to print the letters of the
alphabet upside down and from right to left but in their correct order.
This means that when you turn your sheet around, the letters will
appear as if you had written them up the right way. You are to
concentrate primarily on speed. Your score depends on how many
letters you print correctly. If you make a mistake, simply print over it
and continue printing.
When you. are told to begin, start printing from the right-hand side
to the left-hand side of the paper. Start on the top line and print the
alphabet upside down in alphabetical order. Each time you complete
the alphabet, begin the alphabet again from that point on the page,
until your time is finished. Do not stop at the end of the alphabet
unless your time has run out. Simply start again with the letter A and
continue. Each trial lasts 30 seconds. Be sure to cover previous trials
with a blank sheet of paper so that you cannot see what has been
written before. At the end of each 30-second trial, you will have 10
seconds to turn your work around and look for mistakes. If you are
learning with distributed practice, you will have an additional 30-
second rest between trials.
67. How’s Your Memory? ITCMPS
theo (ee)
Overview ask them to compare the individual results with
This is a quick exercise to test the individual’s the group results.
memory and then to see how much better the results 5. Then direct the discussion back to the decision-
are using synergy. making process and synergy.

Goals Discussion points

1. To allow the participants to see synergy working. 1. Did the group answers score better than the
2. To look at a decision-making process. individual answers?
2. Did any individual have a better score than the
Time required group? What relevance should we place on this?
30-40 minutes. 3. Can this process be used in the workplace or at
Size of group
Unlimited. Variation
1. The story can be written to suit the participants’ or
Material required organisation’s needs.
A pen and a copy of ‘The Questions’ for each
The story
Procedure Margaret was driving along Elizabeth Street early in
1. Introduce the decision-making exercise and the the morning when she noticed 2 people walk quickly
term ‘synergy’. out of a service station. She had to stop for a red
2. Read out the story to the group. Then give the light. While she was stopped she saw the 2 people
participants a copy of ‘The Questions’ and instruct get into a small European car and take off very
them to take 5 minutes to answer all of the quickly. The car was silver in colour and its
questions on the sheet. Then ask them to form registration was COOL 1. As they drove away, a man
groups of 5—7 members. came racing out of the service station shouting and
3. When the groups are formed, ask them to answer waving his arms. She drove over to the man and
‘The Questions’ again, but this time they are to fou-1 that he had just been robbed. The stolen items
discuss the responses among themselves. They included over $400 in cash, 15 cartons of cigarettes
should be allowed about 10 minutes to complete and the man’s wallet. When the police arrived a few
this phase. minutes later they gave her this list of questions to
4, Then give the participants the correct answers and answer. Can you answer them for her?

Trainer’s notes

The Questions

What is the witness’s name?

Where were you when you saw this event?

What time did this happen?

How many people were there, and what sex were they?

Can you describe them?

Who was robbed? (Include their position and description if possible.)

Did this person run out of the office?

Can you describe the vehicle they drove away in?

What was stolen?

Who had a weapon?

68. Tennis Balls IM
At the conclusion start a discussion on team
Overview 4
This is a quick exercise to get participants thinking. members’ roles if appropriate.

Goals Discussion points

1. To energise the group. 1. Which team arrived at a solution first?
2. To get participants thinking. 2. Which team members took charge, etc.?
3. To see who takes which team role.
Time required 1. This may be done on an individual basis.
5-10 minutes. 2. A time limit may be imposed.

Size of group

Material required Solution

Sufficient pens and copies of ‘The Tennis Court’.

1 Tell the group members that they are going to
participate in a problem-solving activity.
Break the group into teams of 5-7 members. Tell
them that they will be given a handout showing a
view looking down on a tennis court. The tennis
court will have 15 tennis balls lying on it. Each
team’s task is to divide the court into 5 sections
with each section containing 3 balls. They are only
allowed to use 3 straight lines to divide the court.
Now give the teams a copy of ‘The Tennis Court’
handout. When all groups have finished conclude
the exercise and move into the discussion.

Trainer’s notes

69. Having Fun S )
Overview 2. Give each participant a pen and a copy of the
This encourages participants to plan some fun into ‘Fun Activities Sheet’. They are now told that they
their daily activities. have 15 minutes to plan one fun activity for each
day over the next month. Some examples of fun
Goals activities can be given, such as going for a jog,
1. To get all participants to plan a fun activity into surfing, playing marbles with the kids, going for a
each day over the next month. walk around the block, playing a practical joke,
2. To allow participants to see that even fun activities etc. Also tell them that it is okay to use the same
must be planned for or they may miss out. activity as long as it doesn’t become too repetitive.
They should try to use their imagination.
Time required 3. At the conclusion the group members should
30 minutes. quickly share their planned activities with each
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. Did everyone complete the task?
Material required 2. After members saw each other's activities did they
A copy of the ‘Fun Activities Sheet’ and a pen for feel that they wanted to alter theirs? Uf they do
each person. you can give them another few minutes to modify
their sheets.)
Procedure 3. Who plans these types of activities into their
1. Introduce the exercise by saying that even fun or diaries now?
childish activities need to be planned into your 4. Do you think it would be a good idea to include
schedule otherwise they may be forgotten or them in your diary?
overlooked. If they are forgotten or overlooked
this may affect performance due to increased Variations
stress levels. People need to let off steam 1. This may be done in small groups.
occasionally. 2. Have someone judge the best set of activities.

Trainer’s notes


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70. My Worries Is
Overview write down all of their immediate worries and
This is a possible way for participants to ensure they concerns. Let them know that this sheet will not
give the facilitator their full attention. be seen by anyone else.
When they have completed their lists, ask them to
Goal fold the sheets up (or tear them up) and throw
1. To allow participants to identify any worries and them into the bin provided.
concerns they have before the session starts. Now that they have thrown their worries and
concerns away they will be able to give you their
Time required full attention. You can also tell them that their
10 minutes. worries and concerns may not be as serious at the
end of the session as they were at the beginning.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. Does anyone have anything else they would like
Material required to get rid of?
A copy of the ‘My Worries’ sheet and a pen for each 2. What sometimes happens to problems when we
participant. put them out of our mind for a while?

Procedure Variation
de Inform the group that they will be required to il Get participants to place the ‘My Worries’ sheets in
devote their full attention to the session envelopes and seal them. Get them to write their
commencing shortly. Tell them that there is a way name on the envelopes and give them to you. Tell
to ensure that their worries and concerns don’t the group that you will hold their worries and
interfere with the process. concerns until the end of the session, then they
Give each participant a pen and a copy of the ‘My will be handed back to them.
Worries’ sheet and ask them to take 5 minutes to
i —________e

Trainer’s notes

My worries
and concerns are ...
71. Moon Explorer Problem TCM? 27 P &
Overview e The leader of the group must be able to give
Thi s exercise allows team discussion and problem- reasons for the inclusion and exclusion of the
solving activities. various items.
After the time has expired each team reports back
Goals to the large group with its findings.
HP To allow participants to tackle a problem-solving Then you compare the individual results with the
activity. team results and then with the ‘Experts’ Rankings’.
2 To allow participants to see how important Then point out to the group what synergy has
communication is in this type of activity. done to create a better solution for the majority of
To let the group see how synergy creates a better the group.
solution for the majority of the people involved in
the decision-making process. Discussion points
ab: Who got a better result by themselves?
Time required Ze What does synergy do for us?
45-60 minutes. Bh How can we use synergy to our advantage?

Size of group Source

Unlimited. Detailed simulations similar to this are produced by
Human Synergistics, 39819 Plymouth Road, Plymouth,
Material required Michigan 48170 USA.
A copy of the ‘Moon Explorer Problem’ and a pen for
each individual.

1. Read out the ‘Moon Explorer Problem’.
2 Give a copy of the ‘Moon Explorer Problem’ and a Experts’ rankings
pen to each individual. Tell the participants that A. box of matches 15
they are to rank the 15 items in the order of B. food concentrate 4
priority that they would choose. They are not to C. 20 metres of nylon rope 6
discuss the problem with anyone else at this stage. D. parachute silk 3
Allow them 5 minutes to make their decisions. E. portable heating unit 15
Then break the group into teams of 5-7 F. two .45 calibre pistols 2
participants. Tell each team that it is to discuss the G. one case dehydrated pet milk 11
individual rankings and to come up with a group H. two 50 kilogram tanks of oxygen 1
consensus ranking. The rules are as follows. I. stellar map (as seen from the moon) 5
e Everyone in the team must agree with the J. life jacket 10
choice. K. magnetic compass 14
e No voting or compromising is allowed. L. 20 litres of water 2
¢ The final decision must be acceptable to M. _ signal flares 12
everyone and a decision must be reached N. first aid kit and needles 8
within 20 minutes. O. solar powered FM receiver transmitter 7
Trainer’s notes

Moon Explorer Problem

You are a space crew originally scheduled
to rendezvous with a mother ship on the
lighted surface of the moon. Due to
mechanical difficulties, however, your
ship was forced to land at a spot some
300 kilometres from the rendezvous point.
During re-entry and landing, much of the
equipment aboard was damaged. Since
survival depends on reaching the mother
ship, the most critical items available must
be chosen for the 300 kilometre trip.
Below are listed the 15 items left intact
and undamaged after landing. Your task is
to reach the rendezvous point. Place the
number 1 by the most important item, the
number 2 by the second most important
item, and so on through to number 15,
the least important. Please ensure that you
don’t change your indivdual answers
during the following group discussion.

Individual Group
ranking consensus

box of matches
food concentrate
20 metres of nylon rope
parachute silk
portable heating unit
two .45 calibre pistols
one case dehydrated pet milk
two 50 kilogram tanks of oxygen
stellar map (as seen from the moon)
life jacket
magnetic compass
20 litres of water
signal flares
first aid kit and needles
solar powered FM receiver transmitter
72. Fall-out Shelter TCM PAS
Overview 3. Then break the group into teams of 5-7
This exercise allows team discussion and problem- participants. Tell each team that it is to discuss the
solving activities. It may also be used for equal individual rankings and to come up with a group
employment opportunity issues, discrimination issues consensus ranking. The rules are as follows.
and stereotyping. e Everyone in the team must agree with the
Goals e No voting or compromising is allowed.
1. To allow participants to tackle a problem-solving e The final decision must be acceptable to
activity. everyone and a decision must be reached
2. To allow participants to see how important within 20 minutes.
communication is in this type of activity. ¢ The leader of the group must be able to give
3. To let the group see how synergy creates a better reasons for the inclusion and exclusion of the
solution for the majority of the people involved in various people.
the decision-making process. 4. After the time has expired each team reports back
4. To allow participants to experience stereotyping to the large group with its findings.
problems, equal employment opportunity issues 5. Compare the individual results with the team
and discrimination issues. results. Point out to the group what synergy has
done to create a better solution for the majority of
Time required the group. You must debrief this exercise
45-60 minutes. completely as some equal employment
opportunity and stereotyping issues will be raised.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. How did people like having the power of life or
Material required death?
A copy of the ‘Fall-out Shelter Problem’ and a pen for 2. Do we tend to stereotype different groups?
each individual. 3. What does synergy do for us?
4. How can we use synergy to our advantage?
1. Read out the ‘Fall-out Shelter Problem’. Source
2. Hand out a copy of the ‘Fall-out Shelter Problem’ Detailed simulations similar to this are produced by
and a pen to each individual. Tell the participants Human Synergistics, 39819 Plymouth Road, Plymouth,
that they are to select 6 of the 12 people to remain Michigan 48170 USA.
in the shelter. They are not to discuss the problem
with anyone else at this stage. They are allowed 5
minutes to make their decisions.

Trainer’s notes

Fall-out Shelter Problem

You are a civil defence committee
appointed by the Prime Minister to
make decisions on fall-out shelter
occupancy. War has been declared. It
appears that only the occupants of a
fall-out shelter in central Australia have
a good chance for survival. The civil
defence director has informed
Canberra that at present 12 people are
occupying the shelter. The computers
have calculated that the shelter can
guarantee survival for only 6 people.
Your committee is to decide which 6
are to be excluded from the group: 6
must go and the remaining 6 may live
to rebuild a complete new society.
Please ensure that you don’t change
your individual answers during the
following group discussion.

Individual Group
selection consensus

36-year-old female physician, known to be

a racist
2. army drill instructor
3. black militant, biological researcher
4. biochemist
5. olympic athlete, all sports
6. film starlet
7. third year medical student, homosexual

8. 16-year-old girl of questionable IQ,
9. 30-year-old Catholic priest
10. 38-year-old male carpenter, ‘Mr Fix-it’
man, served 7 years for drug offences,
has been out of gaol for 3 months
11. 22-year-old army nurse and midwife,

a |
12. 15-year-old boy, first-year apprentice
73. A Case of Labelling IP
Overview Discussion points
This is a quick exercise to show how many 1. Why do we stereotype people or put labels on
participants stereotype roles. them?
2. Do we stereotype people in the workplace?
Goals 3. How can we avoid stereotyping or labelling?
1. To make participants aware of stereotyping.
2. To keep participants busy while waiting for others Variation
to arrive. 1. Other one-sex-dominated professions may be
Time required
10-15 minutes.

Size of group
Unlimited. Solution
The boy’s mother.
Material required
A pen and paper for each participant.
A case of labelling
Procedure A father and son decided to go for a drive one
1. Introduce the exercise without indicating anything Sunday morning. |
at all about stereotyping. Unfortunately, both were involved in a very serious
2. Give the participants a pen and paper. Read out ‘A car accident.
Case of Labelling’. Ask them to note their answers Two ambulances arrived. The father, on being
on the piece of paper, without the benefit of placed in the ambulance, died.
discussion. The son was critically injured and rushed to
3. Post each participant’s response on the board. On emergency for an immediate operation.
completion of the exercise it will probably be The surgeon, on entering the theatre, saw the boy
necessary to highlight the follies of labelling or and said, ‘I can’t operate on that boy, he’s my son’.
stereotyping. What relationship was the surgeon to the boy?

Trainer’s notes

74. Faces I (ee
Overview and ask the group to indicate their feelings as they
The exercise could be used at the start and at the feel now.
conclusion of training to determine participants’ 2. When the sheets are completed, ask each
feelings. y participant to reveal their responses to the group.
This allows you and the group to rectify any
Goals negative feelings or attitudes now rather than have
1. To allow the participants to reveal their feelings at the problem later on. After the discussion start the
the beginning and at the end of training. program.
2. To allow the facilitator to debrief undesired 3. At the conclusion of the program, again hand out
feelings at the end of training rather than have pens and copies of the ‘How Do You Feel Today?’
those feelings taken back to the workplace. sheet. Ask participants to indicate their feelings.
4. Then debrief the feelings and attitudes indicated
Time required by the participants.
20-30 minutes at the start of training and 20-30
minutes at the conclusion of training. These times Discussion points
may vary considerably depending on the length of 1. Do these feelings interfere with our learning and
training and the indicated feelings. application?
2. Do we generally tend to hide these feelings?
Size of group 3. Did anyone feel threatened by this exposure?
Material required 1. For longer training sessions the activity may be
Sufficient copies of the ‘How Do You Feel Today?’ used a number of times.
sheet and a pen for each participant.
Procedure Heather Waugh, Sydney, NSW.
1. After welcoming the participants, hand out pens
and copies of the ‘How Do You Feel Today?’ sheet

Trainer’s notes

How Do You Feel Today? (Please indicate which faces apply)

D IR aes (ites —

Aggressive Anxious Apologetic Arrogant Bashful

Ho os
KCN ix
ey o ae an ee
Blissful Bored Cautious Cold Confident


Curious Determined Disappointed Disbelieving Enraged

a PS
fN ~

Envious ae Frightened Frustrated Guilty

= ‘=

(@B)**yey (GS
foxes Did

C a )) \9R c
Happy Horrified Hot Hungover Hurt

OG) (G6 Od
es ZeN

me Ne Ve
Hysterical Indifferent Interested Jealous Lonely

8) a
(09) (4S

Lovestruck Negative Regretful Relieved Sad

TON <n \
7) (ey) a
Satisfied Surprised Suspicious Undecided Other ...
75. Follow-up to Murphy’s Law IM
Overview ‘Follow-up to Murphy’s Law’. Explain that
This is a quick exercise that can be used when things Murphy’s Law (Whatever can go wrong, will) is
are going wrong for the facilitator. attributed to an air force captain who apparently
created the now-famous phrase when a series of
Goals errors and problems kept occurring in a
1. To give the participants a little light-hearted relief. Californian air force base missile site. The follow-
2. To give the facilitator a little breathing time and a up items are things which most people can relate
chance to regroup his or her thoughts. to.
2. Some form of quick discussion may be appropriate
Time required afterwards.
5-10 minutes.
Discussion point
Size of group 1. Can anyone add any other follow up items that
Unlimited. may have been overlooked?

Material required Source

A copy of the ‘Follow-up to Murphy’s Law’ Adapted from Laurence J. Peter, author of The Peter
information sheet. Principle, and from ‘Beyond Murphy’, Edward E.
Scannell and John W. Newstrom, More Games
Procedure Trainers Play, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1983.
1. When things are going wrong for the facilitator, he
or she should stop the presentation and read out

Trainer’s notes

Follow-up to Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law is attributed to an air force captain who apparently

created the now-famous phrase when a series of errors and problems
kept occurring in a Californian air force base missile site. These are
some of follow-up items to which most people can relate.

ie Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

ey, Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be
done first.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Everything takes longer than you think.
If there is the possibility of several things going wrong, the one
that will cause the most damage will be the one.
Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
It always costs more than first estimated.
It is easier to get involved in something than it is to get out of it.
Every solution breeds new problems.
. If you try to please everybody, somebody will be disappointed.
It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so
. If you tinker with anything long enough, itwill break.
. By making things absolutely clear, people will become confused.
If there is a 50 per cent chance of success, that means there is a
75 per cent chance of failure.
. Interchangeable parts won’t.
In any computation, the figure that is obviously correct will be
the source of error.
Blame will never be placed if enough people are involved.
. Nothing is lost until you begin looking for it.
If in the course of several months only three worthwhile social
events take place, they will all fall on the same evening.
. Murphy was an optimist!
76. Them and Us
Overview break. Half of the name tags will read ‘Them’ and
This is an exercise to show how we feel about being the other half will read ‘Us’.
left out. 2. Tell participants that during the break the ‘Them’
group will be served at one end of the room and
Goal the ‘Us’ group will be served at the other end of
1. To show participants how minority groups may the room. Now ask them to read (but not discuss
feel. or divulge) the information supplied to them with
their name tags.
Time required 3. The group now has the morning tea break. Ask
5 minutes before a break and 15-60 minutes after the Participants again to follow their instructions.
break. 4. After the break bring the group back and
thoroughly debrief the exercise. It is important to
Size of group include all participants in the debrief as some
Unlimited, but if more than 24 it becomes difficult to people can feel some powerful, and even hostile,
debrief all participants. feelings from this exercise.

Material required Discussion points

A sufficient number of prepared name tags and 1. How did people feel during the break?
information sheets for the whole group and a rather 2. What did members of one group think the other
elaborate morning tea. One end of the room should group thought?
be set up with tables, tablecloths, comfortable chairs, 3. Who broke the rules? Why?
china cups and saucers, spoons, tea pots, quantities of 4. How can we improve this type of situation?
cream biscuits, quantities of cakes, etc. This end of
the room must be marked for the ‘Us’ group. The Variations
other end of the room should be set up with a single 1. ‘Them’ and ‘Us’ labels may be replaced with more
table, a hot water supply, disposable cups and stirrers, appropriate titles such as ‘Management’ and
coffee sachets, tea bags, and a packet of dry biscuits. ‘Workers’, etc.
_ Make certain that there are no chairs, tablecloths, 2. Some of the group can be used as observers.
sugar or milk. This end of the room must be marked
for the ‘Them’ group. Source
Adapted from ‘Them and Us’, Elizabeth M.
Procedure Christopher and Larry E. Smith, Leadership Training
1. Indicate that there is going to be a coffee break in Through Gaming, Nichols Publishing Co., New York,
5 minutes. Before anyone is allowed to leave the and Kogan Page Limited, London, 1987.
room give them a name tag to wear during the

Trainer’s notes

Information sheet for the ‘Them’ group
During the coffee break you will all find yourselves to be
members of either an ‘in-group’ or an ‘out-group.
Unfortunately, you are one of the ‘out-group’, which is
shown by your name tag, which says ‘Them’. You may not
take your refreshments from the table near the chairs—your
table is the one in the corner at the other end. The chairs
are reserved for the use of those whose name tags read
‘Us’. You may sit on the floor if you wish. If you need
anything from the ‘Us’ table, you may go over and ask for
it, but be sure that your manner is respectful and that you
show by your behaviour that you understand the exalted
status of the ‘Us’ people. If by any chance an ‘Us’ person
approaches your table, this is a great honour which you
should acknowledge appropriately.

Information sheet for the ‘Us’ group

During the following coffee break you will all find yourself
to be members of an ‘in-group’ or an ‘out-group’. You are
fortunate to be a member of the ‘in-group’, which means
that you are one of ‘Us’, not ‘Them’. You will recognise the
others who share your exalted status by the ‘Us’ name tags
that they wear. Please join them at the senior managers’
table and sit in the comfortable chairs. If any of ‘Them’
approach your table with a request of any kind, you will, of
course, make sure that they behave respectfully or you will
send them away. Please enjoy your refreshments and the
company of the select ‘Us’ group.
7/7. The Brainstorm CMLS HAM (ke) CSB EE)

Overview discuss or criticise any of the suggestions during

This is a brainstorming exercise that allows selected the brainstorming phase, which will last 5-10
Participants to use real problems. minutes.
4. Ask the volunteers to rejoin their subgroups and
Goals tell them their problem. The volunteers write
1. To allow participants to see how effective down the suggested solutions.
brainstorming is. 5. After the brainstorming phase, the individual
2. To allow participants to see the benefit of subgroups may then discuss the solutions one at a
brainstorming in a problem-solving situation. time and get clarification from the person making
the suggestion if needed. The subgroup is then
Time required asked to come up with the best 2 or 3 solutions as
60-90 minutes. identified from the brainstorming phase.
6. All the subgroups go back to the main group with
Size of group their solutions. Ask the main group to identify and
Unlimited, but broken into subgroups of 5-7 discuss the best 2 or 3 solutions overall.
Participants. 7. The exercise is debriefed, pointing out that the
solutions the subgroups offered would have
Material required totalled far more in number than would have been
Butcher’s paper and markers for each subgroup. generated by the individuals alone.

Procedure Discussion points

1. Ask the participants to form subgroups of 5-7 1. Did the person posing the problem get any
people. possible solutions?
2. Call for a volunteer from each subgroup. 2. Did anyone find it hard not to talk about each
Volunteers must have a problem they would like suggestion as it came up?
solved. Take the volunteers outside the room and 3. Can people see an application for this type of
ask them to divulge the problem they would like problem-solving process back in the workplace?
solved. This is to ensure that the problem is
suitable for this exercise and not too sensitive or Variations
difficult. 1. You may pose the same problem to each
3. Tell the subgroups that they are going to be given subgroup.
. a problem to quickly think about and come up 2. Problems can be swapped around between
with solutions. Also tell them that the person subgroups for a solution, and then be reported
posing the probiem will be writing down their back to the person posing the problem.
ideas one at a time. They are not allowed to

Trainer’s notes

7&8. Clasp Your Hands Ics (Me
Overview 2. Ask them to note which thumb is on top of their
This exercise demonstrates how people may be clasped hands.
resistant to change and how uncomfortable simple 3. Now ask them to reclasp their hands together, but
changes may feel. this time with the thumb from the other hand on
Goals 4. Ask them to tell the person next to them how they
1. To allow participants to see that they may feel felt when they changed the position and vice
uncomfortable with change. versa.
2. To show how easy it is to have a feeling of 5. You can now lead into a discussion about change,
resistance to change because it doesn’t feel right. how uncomfortable we may feel with change or
the resistance to change.
Time required
5-10 minutes. Discussion points
1. Did people feel okay when they changed pos-
Size of group itions?
Unlimited. 2. How many people felt uncomfortable?
3. How many people couldn’t do it?
Material required
None. |

1. Ask the participants to stand and hold their arms
straight out in front of them. Now ask them to
clasp their own hands together.

Trainer’s notes

79. Fold Your Arms
Overview 2. Ask them to note which arm is on top.
This exercise demonstrates how people may be 3. Now ask them to refold their arms together, but
resistant to change and how uncomfortable simple this time with the other arm on top.
changes may feel. 4. Ask them to tell the person next to them how they
felt when they changed the position and vice
Goals versa.
1. To allow participants to see that they may feel 5. You can now lead into a discussion about change,
uncomfortable with change. how uncomfortable we may feel with change or
2. To show how easy it is to have a feeling of the resistance to change.
resistance to change because it doesn’t feel right.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Did people feel okay when they changed pos-
5-10 minutes. itions?
2. How many people felt uncomfortable?
Size of goup 3. How many people couldn’t do it?

Material required

Procedure )
1. Ask the participants to stand and hold their arms
straight out in front of them. Now ask them to fold
their own arms together.

Trainer’s notes

Overview have. When they have a positive point they are to
This is an icebreaker that could be used on the final write it down on the card and then pass the card
day of a lengthy course. on to another person in the group. Ensure that
everyone in the group gets a chance to write on
Goals each card and that they understand that all
1. To get the participants thinking in a positive way. comments must be positive.
2. To allow participants to give positive personal 4. After the cards have been passed completely
messages to the rest of the participants. around the group, give each card to the person to
whom it belongs. The members of the group are
Time required now given 5 minutes to read and reflect on the
30-60 minutes depending on the size of the group. comments on their own card.
5. Conclude the exercise by telling everyone to put
Size of group their card in the bottom drawer back at work, and,
Unlimited, but the larger the group the longer it will when they are having a bad day, to take the card
take. out and read it.

Material required Discussion points

A pen and a copy of the ‘Reflection Card’ for each 1. How does everyone feel?
participant. Each card is to have a participant’s name 2. Does anyone have any comments written on their
previously placed at the top. cards they would like to talk about?

Procedure Variations
1. Introduce the exercise by telling all members of 1. The group could sit in a circle and pass the cards
the group that they will be given a copy of the around in an agreed direction.
‘Reflection Card’ and a pen each. 2. You may or may not decide to participate. If you
2. Hand out the cards so that each participant has have been involved with the group from the
one. Make sure that no one has their own card to beginning it is highly recommended that you do.
start with.
3. Now ask the participants to reflect on the past Source
training period and think of a positive point for the Kate Chaffer, Eastwood, NSW.
person whose name appears on the card they

Trainer’s notes

oe jaa
v i;
81. What’s My Object? ICMPS (OP AS)
Overview 3. Tell them to silently give their drawing to the
This exercise shows how difficult change can be. person sitting beside them. This person is to guess
what the object is, and write the name of the
Goals object underneath the drawing.
1. To allow participants to see how they react to 4. After each drawing has been labelled, it is to be
change. handed back to the owner.
2. To get the participants thinking about change, its 5. Tie the exercise in with the theme of change. An
implementation and its acceptance. explanation of the exercise could be that people
normally feel uncomfortable with change (using a
Time required different hand) and are uncertain of the outcome
5-10 minutes. (will they know what it is?).

Size of group metres points

Unlimited. How many objects were guessed correctly?
Giornale the majority.)
Material required 2. Who felt uncomfortable using the other hand?
A sheet of paper and a pen for each participant. 3. Do we tend to resist even simple changes?
4. How can we overcome this resistance?
1. Give a pen and a sheet of paper to each Variations
participant. 1. Other types of objects may be stipulated.
2. Ask participants to think about an object they have 2. Participants may also be asked to close their eyes
lying around somewhere at home. When they while drawing.
have thought of the object they are to draw it
using the hand they normally don’t use for writing.

Trainer’s notes

82. Come Back IFS
Overview 2. Before they go, ask them to synchronise their
This is an exercise to get participants back on time watches with yours. (Try to keep a straight face for
after a break. this exercise.)
3. Now add on the length of the break time exactly
Goals and tell the group that that will be the starting
1. To let the participants know what time they are time, with or without all of them. For example, if
required back after a break. the time is 10:13 am, tell the group to synchronise
2. To ensure that the participants are back on time. watches, that they are going to have a 20-minute
break and that they must be back at exactly 10:33
Time required am.
2 minutes. 4. Start at the designated time, even if only a few
participants have arrived back. The late returns
Size of group will soon get the message.
Material required 1. Let one of the participants have the responsibility
None. of getting all of the group back at the specified
1. Inform the group that they will be going on a Source
break in a couple of minutes. Jude Pettitt, Lugarno, NSW.

Trainer’s notes

835. Post-it FE HES
Overview 3. Display the prepared sheets of butcher’s paper
This is an alternative way to evaluate a program in with the questions or points you want evaluated
place of end of course reaction sheets. or commented on. You could include the
following questions. What did you like about the
Goal program? What would you change? What is the
1. To allow participants to spontaneously evaluate a best thing you picked up? What barriers do you
program. have for implementing these ideas? Messages for
other course participants? And so on.
Time required 4. Ask the participants to walk around the room,
10-20 minutes, depending on the number and type of read each sheet one at a time, write their
questions. comments on the ‘Post-it’ notes and stick them to
the sheets of butcher’s paper.
Size of group 5. After all participants have commented on each
Up to 50. sheet of butcher’s paper, you can close the
Material required
Sufficient ‘Post-it’ notes, pens and prepared sheets of Variations
butcher’s paper. 1. This could be done as a team exercise where
teams of 5-7 are formed and asked to put a team
Procedure note on each of the sheets of butcher’s paper.
1. Begin the evaluation process by telling the 2. All comments should be collated and posted out
participants that they will be required to evaluate to the participants as well as being summarised in
certain items before the close of the program. the final program report.
2. Give each participant at least the same number of
‘Post-it’ notes as there are questions or points Source .
indicated on each sheet of butcher’s paper, and a Jude Pettitt, Lugarno, NSW.
pen to write with.

Trainer’s notes

84. 15 Pieces
Overview 4. Tell participants that this exercise is to be
This non-verbal exercise can be used effectively completed non-verbally (nothing at all is to be
during a communications session. said), force is not to be used to gain other pieces.
5. Debrief by discussing non-verbal communication
Goal and problem-solving methods for this type of
1. To allow participants to communicate non- situation.
Discussion points
Time required 1. Did any subgroup think it had finished and then
30-45 minutes. realise that all of its members had not completed
the square?
Size of group 2. Did anyone build a square that was too large and
Unlimited. therefore stopped others from completing the task?
What resulted?
Material required 3. How was information communicated? Was it
Agsets off 15 mpieces inaSvenvelopesfor eachu5 effective?
Procedure 1. Pieces can be painted different colours to confuse
1. Break the group into subgroups of 5. Any surplus the task.
members can be designated the role of observers. 2. The participants may be told that the squares are
2. Give each member in the subgroup an envelope all about 20 cm in size. This will speed up the
containing 3 pieces of a square. Ask them not to process.
open their envelopes yet.
3. Tell the subgroup that each member has a number Source
of pieces in their envelope to build a square. Some Adapted from ‘Broken Squares’, Elizabeth M. Chris-
of the parts however are located with other topher and Larry E. Smith, Leadership Training
members within their subgroup. The task is for Through Gaming, Nichols Publishing Co., New York,
each member to complete a square. All squares and Kogan Page Limited, London, 1987.
are to be the same size.

* Trainer’s notes
The Pieces

j 20 cm | | 10cm |

| 10cm 7 10cm |

All pieces marked 1 to go in envelope number 1
All pieces marked 2 to go in envelope number 2
All pieces marked 3 to go in envelope number 3
All pieces marked 4 to go in envelope number 4
All pieces marked 5 to go in envelope number 5
85. Housie I Nee

Overview 2. Tell the group members that they have 10 minutes

This housie game will get participants mixing. to circulate quickly among each other to get
people to sign off their special number if it is
Goal included on the front of the card.
1. To allow the participants to meet some of the 3. The person who has the most signatures at the
other participants quickly. specified time wins a prize.

Time required Discussion points

15-20 minutes. 1. Who got the most signatures?
2. How many did everyone else get?
Size of group
Unlimited, preferably large (more than 20). Variation
1. Cards may be prepared to contain all of the
Material required numbers within the group. By doing this it will
A housie card and a pen for each participant. Each allow the fastest person to call ‘Housie’.
housie card must have a matching housie number
written on the back of it. A small prize is also

1. Give each participant a housie card with a number
written on the back of it.

Trainer’s notes

86. Participant Bingo I
Overview . Tell the members that they are to circulate and
This exercise allows participants to find out odd find people who match the requirements of each
things about other group members. box on the sheet. When they find the person, they
are to get them to write their name in the
Goals appropriate box. They then move on to find
1. To allow the group to get to know each other. someone else. A participant is only allowed to sign
2. To get the group circulating. one box on any sheet even though they may meet
the requirements of another box.
Time required . The first person to complete all of the boxes is to
15-20 minutes. claim the prize by calling out ‘Bingo’. You check
the sheet and award the prize.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. Did people find out some strange things about
Material required other participants?
A ‘Participant Bingo’ sheet and a pen for each 2. Does anyone have any questions or comments to
participant. A small prize is also required. follow up on during the next break?

Procedure Variation
1. Tell the members of the group that they are going . ‘Participant Bingo’ sheets may be custom-made to
to play ‘Participant Bingo’. Give each group suit the target group.
member a pen and a copy of the ‘Participant
Bingo’ sheet.

Trainer’s notes

Participant Bingo

You are to find someone who:

has a house in the country

plays football uses computers

races cars scuba dives

likes knitting enjoys fine wines

supervises staff has 4 children

has a pet dog

has a pet cat likes horse riding

doesn’t want to be here has blue eyes

has brown eyes has blonde hair

87. Pick a Shape IM
Overview 2. Display the prepared overhead transparency and
This is a quick exercise to get participants laughing. give the participants a minute to think which
shape they can best associate with.
Goals 3. When everyone has selected a shape, begin by
1. To get the participants laughing. asking ‘Who associated with the triangle?’. With
2. To put participants at ease. the show of hands, tell this group of people that
they have an even base and are generally fairly
Time required stable people. Then ask the people who
5 minutes. associated with the square to show their hands.
Tell them that they are solid and evenly distributed
Size of group people. Ask the people who associated with the Z
Unlimited. to raise their hands. Tell them that they are
generally good leaders. Finally ask the participants
Material required who associated with the circle to show their
A prepared overhead projection transparency or chart. hands. Tell them that they are preoccupied with
sex and booze.
Procedure 4. After the laughter stops, lead on to the topic at
1. Introduce the exercise by telling the participants hand.
that they are going to be asked to associate
themselves with one of the four shapes that are Variation
about to be shown. 1. Other descriptions for the shapes may be used.

Trainer’s notes

Pick a Shape

Which shape can you associate with?

S88. 2-Minute Talk Crs AB DED
Overview give a standing 2-minute presentation to the rest of
This exercise will get participants involved in simple their group.
public speaking. 2. Then ask the first speakers to come forward and
pick a topic from the box.
Goals 3. After the speakers have selected their topics, they
1. To allow the participants the experience of talking go back to their groups and give a 2-minute
in front of a group. impromptu talk. This process continues for all of
2. To see how quickly each participant can structure the participants.
and control a short presentation. 4. After all participants have given their 2-minute
impromptu talk debrief the whole exercise.
Time required
30—40 minutes. Discussion points
1. How many people felt extremely threatened?
Size of group 2. How much preparation is required for a short
Unlimited, but broken into groups of 5-7 participants. " presentation?
3. Do people want to do it again?
Material required
A prepared list of topics, cut into separate strips, Variations
folded and placed into a small open box. Topics can 1. You could allow the participants to select their
include such things as cheese, coffee, pencils, own topics.
computers, motor vehicles, carpet, wool, shoes, toes, Ze The exercise can be done using one large group
fingers, tables, chairs, paper, air, water, glass, time, as long as time is available.

1. Ask the large group to break into smaller groups
of 5-7 people. Tell them that they are going to

Trainer’s notes

89. Where Did It Go? ES (QE
Overview marked as an ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ priority. An ‘A’ indicates
This exercise allows participants to see the it is linked to a major life goal or a person’s top
importance of setting priorities on tasks. priorities. A ‘B’ indicates that it is something that
has to be done, but it isn’t linked to major life
Goals goals. A ‘C’ indicates that it is something that could
1. To allow participants to see where their time goes. be put off for a while or perhaps didn’t need to be
2. To let participants see that they must set priorities done by the person in the first place.
on tasks and projects. 4, After the list has been completed, ask how many
people spent any time on their ‘A’ priorities. A
Time required discussion should follow, highlighting the
40-60 minutes. importance of working on ‘A’ priorities every day,
and getting rid of most of the ‘C’ priorities.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
. Who spent most of their time on ‘C’ priorities?
Material required Who spent most of their time on ‘B’ priorities?
A copy of the ‘Yesterday’ handout and a pen for each Who spent most of their time on ‘A’ priorities?
participant. How important are each of these groups?
ES Do people have a balance of time between
Procedure business and personal time?
1. Introduce the exercise by telling the participants 6. Could people recall everything they did yesterday?
that they are to recall everything they did If not, is it possible that the time used wasn’t that
yesterday, for the whole 24 hours. Give everyone productive?
a pen and a copy of the ‘Yesterday’ handout. 7. Is relaxation time an ‘A’ priority?
2. Now give them 10 minutes to think about what
they did yesterday and to write it down. What they Variation
write down must total 24 hours. 1. A time log can be used prior to the program.
3. After everything has been written down, ask them
to indicate a priority for each item. It can be

Trainer’s notes
Task Time

Total time spent on ‘A’ tasks

Total time spent on ‘B’ tasks =
Total time spent on f
90. Post Me a Note ITCES (EE) WELD) ES)
Overview nice or positive point about the person whose
This icebreaker couldbe used on the final day of a name appears on the envelope, write it on a strip
lengthy course. of paper and put it into the envelope. The
envelope is then passed on to the person on their
Goals right, and so on. Ensure that everyone understands
1. To get the participants thinking in a positive way. that all written comments are to be positive.
2. To allow participants to give positive personal 4. When the envelopes have completed the full
messages to the rest of the participants. circle, tell participants they may go through their
own envelope and read the comments. They
Time required should take these positive thoughts away with
30-60 minutes depending on the size of the group. them.

Size of group Discussion points

Unlimited, but the larger the group the longer it will 1. How does everyone feel?
take. 2. Does anyone have any comments in their
envelope they would like to talk about?
Material required
A pen and a large envelope for each participant. Variations
Numerous strips of paper will also be required. 1. Give each participant a sheet of butcher’s paper at
the end of the exercise to paste the strips of paper
Procedure on. This can be kept as a permanent reference to
1. Tell the participants that they are going to be look at when they are feeling a little down.
involved in a positive reflection exercise. Ask them 2. The facilitator may or may not decide to
to move their chairs so that they will form a large participate. If you have been involved with the
circle. group from the beginning it is highly
2. Give each participant a pen, an envelope and recommended that you do.
enough strips of paper to write one comment per
person in the group. Ask them to write their own Source
name on the front of the envelope. Adapted from a suggestion by Georgina Rea,
3. Then ask them to give the envelope to the person Lakemba, NSW.
sitting on their right. Tell this person to think of a

“Trainer’s notes

91. Spider’s Web TE ECE
Overview 2. Start the spider’s web by passing on your final
This exercise can be used to conclude a lengthy comments to the group. You may say things about
program. It should be used with participants who what you’ve received from the program, what you
have spent a lot of time together. hope to see happen in the future with the new
information given, etc. After you have said your
Goals bit, hold the ball by the loose end and throw the
1. To allow participants to pass on final messages to ball to a participant.across the circle.
the whole group. 3. The receiver gives a final message to the rest of
2. To encourage future networking among the group and then throws the ball to another
participants. group member, while holding on to the loose
piece of string. This process continues until all
Time required participants have had a chance to speak. At the
30-60 minutes depending on the number of conclusion all participants should be holding the
participants. string or wool and it should have formed
something similar in shape to an abstract spider’s
Size of group web.
Up to 30.
Material required Jude Pettitt, Lugarno, NSW.
A large ball of wool or string.

1. Ask the members of the group to stand and form a
tight circle.

Trainer’s notes

92. Personally E ey
Overview 2. After the individuals have answered each other,
This is a simple way to formally conclude a program. you can go around the whole group getting a
quick response from everyone on the question.
Goal ;
1. To allow the participants to state what they feel Discussion points
they gained from the program. 1. Is all of the feedback positive?
2. Does anyone have anything else they would like
Time required to add after hearing everyone else?
15-20 minutes.
Size of group 1. If the group is not too large, you can ask the
Unlimited. question of everyone in the group without
breaking into pairs.
Material required

1. Ask the group to break up into pairs. Ask them to
complete the following statement to their partner.
‘Personally, one thing I gained from this program
Oe a t
Trainer’s notes

93. The Application PES (>) CLS)
Overview 2. After all participants have answered their partner’s
This exercise will allow participants to think about question, you can go around the group getting a
ways they can implement the new knowledge, skills quick response from everyone. If anyone has any
or attitudes back in the workplace. barriers or problems with implementing the
training, ask them why and follow this up with a
Goals brainstorming session for possible solutions.
1. To get participants to think about ways of
implementing the training back in the workplace. Deession points
2. To formally conclude a training program. Can everyone apply the new knowledge, skills or
attitudes back in the workplace?
Time required 2. Does anyone have a problem with the
15-20 minutes. implementation?
3. How will the rest of the employees in the
Size of group participants’ areas feel about the change?
Material required 1. Get everyone to write their response to the
None. question on a piece of paper, collect the pieces
and then read them out.
1. Break the group into pairs. Get them to ask each
other the following question: ‘How are you going
to implement this training back in the workplace”.

Trainer’s notes

94. Clap M
Overview 2. Now tell them that the custom is for them to
This is a mid-course energiser to get your participants applaud the person who provided the tea-making
moving and laughing. facilities (or anything the facilitator selects). After
this round of applause, tell the group about the
Goals second part of the ritual. They are now to applaud
1. To get participants clapping and moving around. the person who cleans up the training room (or
2. To get participants laughing. anyone else the facilitator selects). This can go on
for as long as you wish.
Time required 3. Encourage loud applause to commence with, and
2—5 minutes. build up to standing, cheering, stamping and
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion point
1. Does anyone else have a nominee for applause?
Material required
None. Variations
1. The facilitator can select group members for the
Procedure applause.
1. Tell the members of the group that they are going 2. A ‘Clap Meter’ can be drawn on the whiteboard for
to be involved in a mid-course exercise. Tell them participants to see how their applause rates.
performing this exercise is a custom that goes back
for many programs. j

Trainer’s notes

95. Time Line CS HW FE)

Overview they will not be required to state what all of these

This exercise will allow participants to become more events are, they will however be asked to share
familiar with each other's feelings. It can also be used one of them with a partner.
to assess stress levels in the participants’ lives. When they have thought of these life changes, tell
them to draw a time line starting at the first major
Goals event and finishing now. Along the time line they
Iy To allow participants to identify 6 major changes are to mark in the changes. They are not required
in their lives. to write what these events are.
. To allow participants to map those changes out When the 6 events are marked, ask them to turn
and to talk about them if they wish to. to a partner and tell them what one of the events
is. After both have described their event, ask them
Time required to indicate what feelings they had before, during
15 minutes. and after this major life change.
4. Now lead the discussion in the topic area.
Size of group
Unlimited. Discussion points
1. Did anyone have the majority of these events
Material required grouped together?
A sheet -of paper and a pen for each participant. 2. Can we use something like this time line to
identify people who are highly stressed?
Is Give each member a sheet of paper and a pen. Variation
Ask them to identify 6 major changes in their lives 1. You can ask that the time line start from the age of
that they can recall. Also tell the participants that 1, 5, 10 or 20 years or even start at birth.
Ne a ee eee
Trainer’s notes

96. Orientation Quiz m2
Overview quiz and a pen. They are allowed 10-15 minutes
This is a quiz to be used before induction or to answer as many questions as possible. The
orientation programs. answers should be able to be found from the
other group members.
Goals 2. After time has been called, get the participants to
1. To get participants mixing with each other. swap papers and then read them out the right
2. To increase the participants’ curiosity. answers. Give the person with the highest score a
Time required
15-30 minutes depending on the length of the quiz. Discussion points
1. Did anyone know all the answers to start with?
Size of group 2. Did anyone find someone who knows a lot about
Unlimited. a particular area?

Material required Variations

A copy of a quiz and a pen for each participant. You 1. The group can be broken into teams of 5-7 people
must prepare the quiz before the program and the team that scores the highest wins the
commences. It should be based on interesting facts prize.
about the organisation and the people involved in it. 2. A quiz can be used for any other session or
All of the quiz questions should be on a positive note program.
and should be interesting to the participants.

1. Tell the members of the group that they are going
to be given a quiz. Give each person a copy of the

Trainer’s notes

97. People Scavenger mi
Overview 2. Tell the members they are to circulate and find
This exercise allows participants to use trivia and to people who match the requirements of each box
find out odd things about other group members. on the sheet. When they find the person, they are
to get them to write their name in the appropriate
Goals box. They then move on to find someone else. A
1. To allow members of the group to get to know participant is only allowed to sign one box on any
each other. sheet even though they may meet the
2. To get the group circulating. requirements of another box. The first person to
complete all of the boxes claims the prize by
Time required calling out, ‘I’m the best scavenger’. Check the
15-20 minutes. sheet and award the prize.

Size of group Discussion points

Unlimited. 1. Did people find out some strange things about
other participants?
Material required 2. Does anyone have any questions or comments to
A ‘People Scavenger’ sheet and a pen for each follow up during the next break?
participant. A small prize is also required.
Procedure 1. ‘People Scavenger’ sheets may be custom-made to
1. Tell the group members that they are going to play suit the target group.
‘People Scavenger’. Give each member a pen and
a copy of the ‘People Scavenger’ sheet.
5 ...
——_—_— ...}}}}}
Trainer’s notes

People Scavenger
You are to find someone who:

has the same is a supervisor

zodiac sign as yours

has worked here for knows how many cars are

1 year in the car park

has worked here for more has worked here before

than 10 years

is a Manager knows how many words

are on a twenty dollar note

has the same name uses the credit union

as yours

catches the same train lives in the same

«as you suburb as you

knows how many times the drives to work

word express is shown on
the American Express card

has a university knows how many 5s are on

qualification a five dollar note

knows when the company knows the boss’s

started middle name
98. Co-operation TOM? (ORAS
Overview touch their right hip with their right hand (while
This exercise emphasises why people should work still holding onto their partner). They now have 60
together. seconds to have as many wishes granted as they
Goal 5. At the end of this 60-second period, ask how
1. To allow participants to see how they can achieve many pairs didn’t have any wishes granted
more goals if they work together rather than between them. Then ask the group how many
compete with each other. pairs had between 1 and 5 wishes granted. Finally
ask how many pairs had all of their wishes
Time required granted, plus some to spare.
5 minutes. 6. Then you should ask a pair from each category to
demonstrate how they tried to gain their wishes.
Size of group Start with the 0 scores and work up to the higher
Unlimited. scores. By demonstrating this way, the group will
be able to see how the pairs that co-operated got
Material required far more wishes granted than those who didn’t.
Discussion points
Procedure 1. Why was it that some pairs didn’t have any wishes
1. Ask the members of the group to stand and form granted?
pairs. 2. Are we all naturally competitive? Why?
2. Tell the pairs to face each other and to hold their 3. Can we change this behaviour?
partner’s right hand with their own right hand. 4. How can we co-operate?
This will be similar to a handshake.
3. Now tell them to make as many wishes as they Variation
possibly can in the next 60 seconds, while still 1. Have all of the participants close their eyes or
holding on to their partner's hand. have them blindfolded.
4. After the 60 seconds, tell them that they will be
granted one of their wishes each time they can

Trainer’s notes

99. Paper Planes TCMS £27) 44)(he)
Overview by the customer. They must pass this examination
With this activity participants can compare to be counted. The costs are shown below.
organisation and task complexity. 5. Give the teams 10 minutes to plan. During this
time you brief the observers. They are to note
Goal whatever you request (probably interaction, roles,
1. To allow participants to look at their organisational task breakdown, and conflict). They are also the
and production abilities in a non-threatening official time-keepers. Also tell the observers that
exercise. after the construction phase, they will become the
customer. As the customer they will have the final
Time required say as to whether each plane will be accepted or
60-90 minutes. rejected.
6. Give the teams 10 minutes to construct their paper
Size of group planes. Then the customer for each team evaluates
12-32 participants, broken into 2-4 teams of 5-7 the planes. At the end of this phase each team
members with at least 1 observer for each group. calculates its final profit or loss.
7. All results are compared, and the winning team
Material required announced. Feedback is obtained from the team
A stopwatch and approximately 100 sheets of paper members and from the observers in the identified
for each team. Used A4 sheets of paper cut in half areas.
will be suitable. 8. You can now lead the discussion on the topic.

Procedure Discussion points

1. Tell the group that it is going to be broken into 1. Was the final result different from the forecast?
teams and involved in a competitive exercise. Why?
Form teams with 5-7 participants. You need at 2. Was there any conflict in the group?
least 1 observer for each team. Tell the teams the 3. Did certain people take on or accept roles within
exercise will involve each team in building a the team?
prototype paper plane for evaluation against the 4. Was quality a concern?
other teams’ planes, the selection of the most 5. Did everyone participate in the discussion and
suitable model for construction, the mass decision-making process?
production of the selected model including
financial projections and the final comparison Variations
between groups to see who made the greatest 1. A set of colouring pencils may be given to each
profit. group at the beginning with the initial 10 sheets of
2. Give each team 10 sheets of paper. Ask them to paper.
construct a paper plane that will fly across the 2. An additional step may be included. The teams are
room and that also looks aesthetically pleasing. given larger sheets of paper along with a pair of
After the members within the team agree on the scissors. They are then also required to cut out the
final model, they are to construct enough identical specified shape and size as part of the production
models so that each other team may have one. process.
3. When all teams have finished building their
prototypes, each team gets 1 set of prototype
planes. The whole group now votes on which
plane is the best design, based on practicality of
manufacture and its final appearance.
4. Once the final design has been selected collect all Costs
materials back from the teams. Tell the teams they $1.00 for each sheet of paper.
will now be given 10 minutes to forecast how $10.00 for each minute of time taken during
many paper planes they can build in a 10-minute construction.
period and how much profit they can make. They
will be charged for both materials and for time Potential income
used. The planes must be of the same quality as $5.00 per completed plane (must be passed by
the prototype and will be examined on completion customer).

Trainer’s notes

100. Agenda ITC QED RB
Overview The partner who is having their items being
This exercise will allow the group to construct its own repeated by the other person may clarify or add
agenda for a team-building session. any points they want. As agenda items are being
raised, you should list them on the flipchart paper.
Goals 4. When everyone has finished, give them a pen and
1. To allow the group members to get to know each paper. Ask each individual to identify their top 3
other a little better. items. When the participants have completed this
2. To allow the group to select agenda items for phase, get the information from them and mark
discussion. — the 3 items on the flipchart by placing a tick
3. To allow the group to rank the agenda items for beside the item. Place the items with the greatest
discussion. number of ticks on another flipchart.
4. To encourage ownership of the agenda items and 5. Now ask the participants to rank these final
commitment to them. agenda items in order of importance. After the
individual ranking has been completed, get the
Time required information from the participants one at a time and
40-60 minutes. collate it on the flipchart.
6. When all of the items have been rank ordered, the
Size of group group may start discussing the items from the top.
Unlimited, but all members should be from the same This will ensure the important items are covered.
work group. The lower ranking items may be covered if time
Material required Note: Outstanding items can be carried over. Ensure
A pen and paper for each participant and a flipchart that none of the participants feel that their agenda
and marker. items not covered were more important than those
covered. Make sure that all people are involved in the
Procedure discussions and that correct meeting techniques are
1. Break the group members into pairs. Ask them to used.
pair up with someone they haven't spoken to
recently, if possible. Discussion points
2. Tell them that they will have 5 minutes to 1. Was this a practical way to ensure the important
interview each other about their work and items agenda items were discussed?
they would like to see included on the agenda for 2. Are there any items that weren’t covered that
discussion. should have been?
_ 3. After the interviews have finished, the group
should be seated again so that all members can Variation
see each other. Now ask the pairs to repeat their 1. One of the participants can be briefed to lead the
partner’s suggested agenda items one at a time. exercise or just the discussions.

Trainer’s notes


The attached ‘Observer's Sheets’ are to be used as sample designs. They have been included
as references for you to design your own ‘Observer's Sheets’. It is important that anytime you
do use observers, that they know exactly what it is they are supposed to be observing.
By using a properly designed observation sheet you are ensuring consistency. You are also
ensuring that all of the points you wanted raised will be covered in the final discussion phase.

_ chronologiical
rat happe n® in Sie in the centre ye
ask5 cord wha! e obser ation We
to recol what t v

Was the exercise planned?

How was it planned?

Were people organised?

Were objectives set?

Te ' e ex,
Irect] We
(0 th e

Observer’s Sheet No. 1

It is your task to record what happens in chronological order. Record the time in
the left-hand column, what the observation was in the centre column, and who
was involved in the third column.
Do not take part in the exercise or pass any comment or make any suggestion.
The information you will be providing after the exercise will assist the whole
group learn about points which are directly relevant to the way in which they

Time Observation Name

Observer’s Sheet No. 2

It is your task to record appropriate points under the headings listed below.
Do not take part in the exercise or pass any comment or make any suggestion.
The information you will be providing after the exercise will assist the whole
group learn about points which are directly relevant to the way in which they

Was the exercise planned?

How was it planned?

Were people organised?

Were objectives set?

Were all available resources used?

Was the time controlled?

How was the group led?

What roles did people take?

How effective was the communication?

What else was worth recording?

Observer’s Sheet No. 3

It is your task to record appropriate points under the headings listed below.
Do not take part in the exercise or pass any comment or make any suggestion.
The information you will be providing after the exercise will assist the whole
group learn about points which are directly relevant to the way in which they

How was the exercise analysed?

Were people organised?

Were objectives set?

Were things properly delegated?

Were all available resources used?

How was the group lead?

Were problems solved?

How effective was the communication?

How were alternatives discussed and evaluated?

What else was worth recording?


The symbols to the left of the title have been included © KROEHNERT, Gary, Basic Training for Trainers,
to give the reader a guide as to the usefulness of McGraw-Hill Book Company Australia, Sydney, 1990.
these books. The key to the symbols is shown below.
vw Mit, Cyril R., Activities for Trainers: 50 Useful
Reference key Designs, University Associates, California, 1980.
© Read this one and put it in your library, it’s good.
x Read this if you’re interested enough. © NewstroM, John W., SCANNELL, Edward E., Games
* Read this if you've got nothing else to do. Trainers Play, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1980.

* BADDELEY, Alan, Your Memory: A User’s Guide, * Oddities in Words, Pictures and Figures, Reader’s
Penguin Books, England, 1983. Digest Services Pty Limited, Sydney, 1975.

yw BAKER, Pat, MARSHALL, Mary-Ruth, More Simulation %& Oruick, Terry, The Cooperative Sports and Games
Games, The Joint Board of Christian Education of Book, Pantheon Books, Canada, 1978.
Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne, 1977.
* , The Second Cooperative Sports and Games
w ——, Using Simulation Games, 2nd Edition, The Book, Pantheon Books, Canada, 1982.
Joint Board of Christian Education of Australia and
New Zealand, Melbourne, 1982. © PrelFFER, J. William, JONES, John E., A Handbook of
Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training,
w CARRIER, Michael, Take 5: Games and Activities for Volumes 1-10, University Associates, California,
the Language Learner, Harrap Limited, London, 1983. 1975-85.

© CHRISTOPHER, Elizabeth M., SmiTH, Larry E., yw ROHNKE, Karl, Cowstails and Cobras II, Kendall/
Leadership Training through Gaming, Nichols Hunt Publishing Company, Iowa, 1989.
Publishing Co., New York, and Kogan Page Limited,
London, 1987. Ww , Silver Bullets, Kendall/Hunt Publishing
Company, Iowa, 1984.
* EITINGTON, Julius E., The Winning Trainer, Gulf
Publishing Company, Texas, 1984. © SCANNELL, Edward E., NEwstrom, John W., More
Games Trainers Play, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York,
* ELLINGTON, Henry, ADDINALL, Eric, PERCIVAL, Fred, A 1983.
Handbook of Game Design, Kogan Page Limited,
London, 1982. yw TUBESING, Nancy Loving, TuBEsING, Donald A.,
Structured Exercises in Stress Management, Volumes 1
* , Case Studies in Game Design, Kogan Page and 2, Whole Person Press, Duluth MN, 1983.
Limited, London, 1984.
w , Structured Exercises in Wellness Promotion,
* ELT Documents: Games, Simulations and Role- Volumes 1 and 2, Whole Person Press, Duluth MN,
Playing, The British Council English Teaching 1983.
Informati>~ “entre, London, 1977.
* VAN MENTS, Morry, The Effective Use of Role-Play,
ye FLUEGELMAN, Andrew (ed.), More New Games, Kogan Page Limited, London, 1983.
Doubleday, New York, 1981.
© Woopcock, Mike, 50 Activities for Teambuilding,
w ——, The New Games Book, Doubleday, New York, Gower Publishing Company, England, 1989.
* WRIGHT, Andrew, BETTERIDGE, David, BucxBy,
© ForBeEss-GREENE, Sue, The Encyclopedia of Michael, Games for Language Learning, Cambridge
Icebreakers, University Associates, California, 1983. University Press, Cambridge, 1979.

100 Training Games is an invaluable source of lively, stimulating role-plays, simulations,
and exercises, suitable for almost every conceivable kind of training program. There are
games for improving communication skills, creating teamwork, learning perception
skills, plus many others.
Whether you're seeking an ice-breaker to open a training session or a game to
energize an audience, you'll find it in 100 Training Games.

¢ 100 games suitable for a wide variety of training programs

* Every game is self-contained, providing the aims of the game; instructions,

materials where needed; and even a space for your personal notes

* Each game type is easily identified by graphic symbols, so you can quickly
locate the games suited to your particular training needs

¢ Games’ materials can be easily copied for use as overheads or handouts

¢ A unique index grid readily identifies the uses of each game, so you can
tailor a series of games to suit your exact training needs

100 Training Games is a comprehensive source book which every trainer and education
professional will find invaluable.

Gary Kroehnert is the author of the best selling Basic Training for Trainers (McGraw-Hill,
Inc., 1990). He has held senior positions with several major Australian Government
departments and is currently managing director of the consulting firm, Training

ISBN-13: 978-0-07-452770-2
ISBN-10: 0-07-452770-3

9°780074"5277 02

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