Graille Et Al 2000 Crystal Structure of A Staphylococcus Aureus Protein A Domain Complexed With The Fab Fragment of A
Graille Et Al 2000 Crystal Structure of A Staphylococcus Aureus Protein A Domain Complexed With The Fab Fragment of A
Graille Et Al 2000 Crystal Structure of A Staphylococcus Aureus Protein A Domain Complexed With The Fab Fragment of A
Edited by Johann Deisenhofer, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, and approved February 24, 2000 (received for review
December 13, 1999)
Staphylococcus aureus produces a virulence factor, protein A (SpA), through interactions with surface membrane-associated VH3-
that contains five homologous Ig-binding domains. The interac- encoded B-cell antigen receptors (11), in vitro stimulation with
tions of SpA with the Fab region of membrane-anchored Igs can SpA can contribute to selection of these B cells and promote
stimulate a large fraction of B cells, contributing to lymphocyte their production of antibodies that may include rheumatoid
clonal selection. To understand the molecular basis for this activity, factor autoantibodies (12, 13). In vivo exposure to recombinant
we have solved the crystal structure of the complex between SpA can result in supraclonal suppression and deletion of
domain D of SpA and the Fab fragment of a human IgM antibody B lymphocytes that are susceptible based on their VH usage
to 2.7-Å resolution. In the complex, helices II and III of domain D (14, 15).
interact with the variable region of the Fab heavy chain (VH) Although the mechanism(s) are not defined, experimental
through framework residues, without the involvement of the models indicate that SpA enhances staphylococcal virulence (16,
hypervariable regions implicated in antigen recognition. The con- 17). Many features of the interactions of SpA with host B
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tact residues are highly conserved in human VH3 antibodies but not lymphocytes are akin to those of superantigens for T lympho-
in other families. The contact residues from domain D also are cytes that cause a variety of inflammatory diseases including
conserved among all SpA Ig-binding domains, suggesting that each toxic shock syndrome, food poisoning, and exfoliative syndromes
could bind in a similar manner. Features of this interaction parallel (18–20), and T-cell superantigens also have been postulated to
those reported for staphylococcal enterotoxins that are superan- contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease (18, 21).
tigens for many T cells. The structural homology between Ig VH These superantigens target T-cell receptors (TcRs) from partic-
regions and the T-cell receptor V regions facilitates their compar- ular variable  chain (V) families and induce global changes in
ison, and both types of interactions involve lymphocyte receptor T lymphocyte repertoires (18).
surface remote from the antigen binding site. However, T-cell Here, we report the crystal structure of domain D of SpA
superantigens reportedly interact through hydrogen bonds with complexed with the Fab fragment of a human IgM antibody
T-cell receptor V backbone atoms in a primary sequence-indepen- and describe the key contact residues from both partners in the
dent manner, whereas SpA relies on a sequence-restricted confor- interaction. The residues in domain D involved in the inter-
mational binding with residue side chains, suggesting that this action with Fab are highly conserved in other Ig-binding
common bacterial pathogen has adopted distinct molecular rec- domains of SpA, and these are distinct from the residues that
ognition strategies for affecting large sets of B and T lymphocytes.
mediate the binding of an SpA domain and Fc␥ (2). In the Fab,
the residues in contact with SpA are located in the VH region
framework -strands and the interstrand loops most remote
T he common bacterial pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus,
produces a 42-kDa factor, protein A (SpA), that contains
five highly homologous extracellular Ig-binding domains in
from the antigen combining site. The structure of the complex
provides a rationale for the restricted specificity of SpA toward
VH3-encoded antibodies, the largest human VH gene family.
tandem, designated domains E, D, A, B, and C. Protein A, Hence, elucidation of the structural features of the binding
which exists in both secreted and membrane-associated forms, interactions of SpA aids our understanding of the biological
possesses two distinct Ig-binding activities: each domain can properties of a B-cell superantigen. In addition, structural
bind Fc␥ (the constant region of IgG involved in effector comparisons with the characterized interactions of bacterial
functions) and Fab (the Ig fragment responsible for antigen
recognition) (1). The Fc␥ binding site has been localized to the
elbow region at the CH2 and CH3 interface of most IgG This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.
subclasses, and this binding property has been extensively used Abbreviations: SpA, Staphylococcus aureus protein A; TcR, T-cell receptor; Fc␥, constant
for the labeling and purification of antibodies (2, 3). The Fab region of IgG; VH and V, variable region of the Fab heavy chain and TcR  chain,
respectively; CDR, complementarity determining region; rmsd, rms deviation.
specificity is less well characterized but it has been shown to
involve a site on the variable region of the Ig heavy chain (4). Data deposition: The atomic coordinates have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank,
the coordinates of the uncomplexed 2A2 Fab-rheumatoid factor region (FR)  strands, whereas the other seven residues are in
from a previously solved crystal structure (B.J.S., A.L.C., and VH region FR interstrand loops on the side farthest from the
M.J.T., unpublished work). In the resulting model, the three antigen binding pocket. Both interacting surfaces are composed
Fabs in the asymmetric unit had an Rfactor of 38.2% for data in predominantly of polar side chains, with three negatively
the 15 Å to 4 Å range. After initial refinement of this model, charged residues on domain D and two positively charged
A-weighted 2Fo⫺Fc and Fo⫺Fc electron density maps were residues on the 2A2 Fab buried by the interaction, providing an
examined with the XTALVIEW program (27), which clearly overall electrostatic attraction between the two molecules.
showed electron densities for domain D associated with two of Of the five polar interactions identified between Fab and
the Fabs. Coordinates from all previously reported SpA domain domain D, three are between side chains. A salt bridge is formed
structures were fitted globally into these densities, with the best between Arg-H19 and Asp-36 and two hydrogen bonds are made
fit demonstrated for domain E (28), which then was modified between Tyr-H59 and Asp-37 and between Asn-H82a and
based on the sequence of domain D. For the third Fab, there is Ser-33. There are also two hydrogen bonds that are formed
no electron density at the corresponding site, and crystal packing between main-chain atoms and side-chain atoms, namely Gly-
precludes the placement of a domain D molecule there. H15 carbonyl with Gln-26, and Lys-H57 with Asp-36 carbonyl.
Noncr ystallographic symmetr y restraints of 100 kcal Except for minor variations, all interactions are common to both
mol⫺1䡠Å-2 were applied on main-chain atoms of the three Fab complexes in the asymmetric unit. From the analysis of the
molecules, using the software package XPLOR (29). The progress complex structure it appears that sequence-restricted interac-
of the refinement was judged by the decrease of Rfree after Powell tions dominate the contact surfaces between SpA and the VH
minimization and temperature factor refinement. Initially, two B region.
factors per residue were used in the refinement, whereas in the Domain D superposes well on domain E (28) with an rmsd of
last cycles a single B factor per nonhydrogen atom was refined. 0.52 Å over 196 main-chain atoms. The overall positions of the
The final Rwork and Rfree factors are 21.7% and 28.1%, respec- three helices are very similar with tilt angles of the helix I relative
tively, and the structure displays standard stereochemistry as to the two parallel helices II and III of 15o. This interhelical angle
analyzed by PROCHECK (30) with rms deviations (rmsds) from is identical in domain Z, which was engineered from domain B,
ideality of 0.008 Å on bond lengths and 1.59° on bond angles. but different from domain B itself where it is 30o (31). However,
Detectable domain D residues range from Phe-5 to Ala-56 (see this variation does not affect the relationship between helices II
Fig. 2 A for numbering). A large portion of constant region of and III that are responsible for VH binding. Importantly, each of
one Fab molecule in the asymmetric unit is poorly defined. the other SpA domains shares 75–89% sequence identity with
However, the VH and VL regions, domain D molecules, and in domain D, and there is a high conservation of all Fab interacting
particular the VH-domain D interface, are well defined in the residues in domains E, A, and B (Fig. 2A). For domain C, Gln-40
electron density maps. is replaced by Val but this substitution appears conservative
because at this site the alkyl chain mediates Fab contact, and the
Results and Discussion same can be said for the Asn-43 to Glu substitution. For the
Overall Structure of the Fab-Domain D Complex. The crystal form synthetic domain Z, the naturally occurring Gly-29 in domain B
selected for analysis has two domain D-Fab complexes and one was mutated to Ala to improve the stability to hydroxylamine
unliganded Fab in the asymmetric unit. The conformations of during purification procedures (36). In the solved Fab complex
Dual Reactivity of an Individual SpA Domain with Fc␥ and Fab. The
site responsible for Fab binding is structurally separate from the
domain surface that mediates Fc␥ binding. As first demonstrated
in a crystallographic complex (2) and recently reinvestigated in
NMR studies (38), the interaction of Fc␥ with domain B
primarily involves residues in helix I with lesser involvement of
helix II (Fig. 2 A). With the exception of the Gln-32, a minor
contact in both complexes, none of the residues that mediate the
Fc␥ interaction are involved in Fab binding. The area buried in
the Fc␥-domain B interface is 1,320 Å2, which is comparable to
the 1,220 Å2 buried in the current complex with Fab. However,
B the nature of these buried SpA residues differs significantly, as
the Fab binding is dominated by polar contacts whereas the Fc␥
interaction is predominantly hydrophobic.
To examine the spatial relationship between these different
Ig-binding sites, we superposed the SpA domains in these
complexes to construct a model of a complex between an Fab,
an SpA domain, and an Fc␥ molecule. In this ternary model, we
found an rmsd of 0.73 Å for the backbone atoms in helix I and
helix II of the SpA domains (Fig. 2B). Here, the Fab and Fc␥
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Fab 2A2 from a human IgM. (A) Side view showing SpA domain D (red) bound
to the framework region of the Fab heavy chain (cyan). The VL domain, which SpA domain D and Fab 2A2 involved in the interaction. Kabat numbering is
is not involved in this interaction, is shown in dark blue. The CDR loops as used for the VH residues (blue); domain D is numbered (in brown) with the
defined by Chothia and Lesk (33) are highlighted in magenta. (B) Ribbon convention used for SpA domains (34). Contact residues are identified if 20 Å2
representation of the VH region of Fab showing the positions of the residues or more of their surface are buried in the interface and if they make at least
that interact with domain D. (C) Schematic diagram detailing the residues of one van der Waals contact. All figures were generated by using MOLMOL (35).
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Fig. 2. Interactions of individual SpA domains. (A) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of the five SpA domains. Domain D residues involved in interaction
with Fab 2A2 are highlighted in cyan. With the exception of Gln-32 (pink), there is no overlap between the residues involved in Fab interaction and those
mediating Fc␥ binding (2) (gray highlight). The engineered domain Z differs by the key mutation Gly-29 in Ala and does not bind Fab. The residues involved in
the dimer of domain D observed in the asymmetric unit are indicated by red and green boxes. (B) Cross-linking of a VH3 Fab (cyan surface) and a Fc␥ (gray surface)
by a single domain of SpA (red ribbon). This model is based on the superposition of helix I and II of SpA domains in the Fab-domain D complex reported here
and in the previously determined Fc␥-domain B complex (2) (rmsd of 0.73 Å for 140 backbone atoms). (C) Interface between domain D monomers. Schematic
view of the interaction between the two domains D observed in the asymmetric unit, dom-D1 (red ribbon) and dom-D2 (green ribbon). Contact residues from
both domains are shown in stick representation.
represent a random relationship, as the dimensions of the two of the VH residues involved in the interaction, Lys-H57 and
associated interface falls in the upper 3% of what can be Tyr-H59, originally were assigned to CDR2 based on primary
considered random crystal contacts (40). Recent NMR studies sequence hypervariability comparisons, these residues are not
strengthen our hypothesis, as weak homodimer interactions have part of loop H2 and are in fact part of the C⬙ strand (33) with
been noted for domain B with the involvement of residues from side chains pointing away from the combining site (Fig. 1 A).
helix I and II (41), which is in good agreement with the Moreover, in the complex, domain D is more than 10 Å away
crystallographic dimer. Considering that the residues involved in from VH CDR3, the loop most commonly contributing contacts
this dimerization are all conserved in each of the five extracel- for antigen recognition and specificity, which is consistent with
lular domains of SpA, should such an interaction occur between the lack of correlation between SpA binding activity and CDR3
the proximal domains of membrane-associated molecules of sequence (7, 8). Based on superposition of the Fab-domain D
native SpA, the functional valency for binding of lymphocyte complex onto reported Fab-antigen complexes, and based on the
membrane-associated B-cell antigen receptor potentially could observation that complexed and uncomplexed Fab molecules in
be enhanced. The biological relevance of this postulated inter- the crystal have identical conformations, it is unlikely that the
action merits further investigation. binding of domain D would alter the combining site or result in
steric hindrance so that it would prevent the binding of an
Accessibility of the Antigen Combining Site in the Fab-Domain D antigen, including very large ones (data not shown). Further-
Complex. The crystal structure of the Fab-domain D complex more, because of the spatial relationships between the termini of
accounts for functional evidence that SpA does not compete each of the domains (Fig. 1 A) and their associated VH, even
with antigen binding (42), as the VH binding surface does not binding of intact five-domain SpA would appear unlikely to
involve the complementarity determining region (CDR) loops interfere with antigen binding. We therefore conclude that the
that mediate binding of conventional antigens (33, 43). Although manner by which SpA is bound to the VH does not disturb Fab
VH1 (11) G S, T K T, A Y Q G, D, E R T T E S, R S, R
VH2 (3) T T T K Y K S, T R T T, S T T N
VH3 (22) G S R, K K, I, T Y K G R T S Q N, G S
VH4 (11) S T S T Y K S R T S K S S
VH5 (2) G S K, R T Y Q G Q, H T S Q S S
VH6 (1) S T S N Y K S R T N Q N S
VH7 (1) G S K P Y T G R V S Q C S
The numbers in parentheses for each VH group are the numbers of human germ-line V gene sequences reported in the V Base database (Medical Research
Council, Centre for Protein Engineering). The VH3 family represents nearly half of all inherited human VH gene segments. Amino acids in italics are represented
in less than 10% of functional inherited human genes.
conformation and does not appear to affect accessibility to the of adult VH3 IgM and a greater proportion of VH3 IgG lack this
antigen binding site. reactivity (5–7). In almost every case, the loss of binding activity
now can be correlated with identifiable nonconservative muta-
VH Specificity of the SpA Binding Interaction. The structure of the tions at one or more of the VH positions at the interface (data
VH site responsible for SpA binding explains the high frequency not shown). Although some somatic mutations can be tolerated
of these binding interactions in the human immune system. at position H57, the inversion of charge from Lys to Glu (46)
About half of a panel of human IgM, and 32–54% of human results in loss of activity because of electrostatic repulsion.
peripheral blood B cells, have been reported to interact with SpA Although the change from Asn to Ser at position H82a (47) can
(5, 8, 44, 45). Among human antibodies studied to date, SpA be considered conservative, this position is part of the core and
binding has been restricted to products of the VH3 gene family hence even such a minor change leads to reduced activity.
with no examples from any of the other six families (5–8). Among
the 13 VH residues implicated as SpA contacts, VH3 genes Structural Comparisons with the Interactions of T-Cell Superantigens.
include frequent germ-line sequence variations only at position The capacity of SpA to bind a large proportion of the human
H57 (Table 1 and Fig. 1B). This is not a core residue in the immune repertoire, expressed either as receptors on B-cells (i.e.,
interface, and Lys, Ile, and Thr are permissive at this position (7, B-cell antigen receptor) or in soluble Ig form, has parallels with
8). The other 12 VH residues in direct contact with domain D are the abilities of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins and other
highly conserved in members of this family. In fact, in the 22 T-cell superantigens to interact with a large repertoire of T
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potentially functional human VH3 gene segments, there are only lymphocytes through certain TcR V. By virtue of their strong
two germ-line variations (the conservative change of Lys at H19 structural similarities, the VH of Fab 2A2 bound to domain D can
in V3–73 and the nonconservative change of Gly at H82a in be superposed onto the V of TcR complexed with the Staph-
V3–64) but each of these genes are the source of less than 2% ylococcus aureus enterotoxin, SEC3, (48) with an rmsd of 1.6 Å
of adult expressed VH3 Ig repertoire (E. Milner, personal over 393 main-chain atoms (Fig. 3). Although in both cases they
communication). In the mouse, homologous genes in the S107, are required for antigen recognition, the partner chains in these
J606, 7183, and VH10兾DNA4 families also commonly encode for heterodimeric receptors, the VL of the B-cell antigen receptor
SpA binding (9, 10). With the exception of the conservative H19 and V␣ of the TcR, do not directly interact with domain D or
Lys substitution (15), contact residues also are conserved in the SEC3, respectively. Overall, SEC3 is positioned closer to the
murine homologues. Some of these related murine VH genes, antigen binding site of the TcR. Only about 25% of the V chain
including certain 7183 genes, contain a Ser or Thr substitution contacts derive from the -strands, whereas the remainder are
at H82a that correlates with weaker SpA binding activity. from the CDR1, CDR2, and HV4 loops. For characterized
VH10兾DNA4 genes also are associated with low binding activity
and include an Asp at H65. By comparison, inherited genes of the
other nonbinding human and murine VH families each contain
two or more residue differences at the 13 VH positions identified
as SpA contacts (15). In particular, for the two other large
human families, VH1 and VH4, there are nonconservative dif-
ferences at position H82a (Table 1). VH4 genes also have a
nonconservative change at H19. From a structural point of view,
a core of critical residues can be defined, consisting of seven
residues: Arg兾Lys-H19, Gly-H65, Arg-H66, Thr-H68, Ser-H70,
Gln-H81, and Asn-H82a (Fig. 1B). Apart from the essential salt
bridge formed at position H19, all other residues are virtually
inaccessible to solvent, making their replacement by a larger
residue highly disruptive. Replacement by a smaller residue, as
for Asn-H82a by Ser, is likely to lead to weaker binding. Hence
from such considerations, we conclude that this core of seven VH
residues constitutes the structural motif for SpA binding, and this
conveys the restricted specificity for VH3-encoded Ig and their
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