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Test solution guide for targeted, QoE centric network improvements
Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

Mobile network testing
Emerging technologies and use cases
08 Key activities to maximize network quality and performance
10 Network performance score – reducing complexity for
targeted network improvements

Clean the spectrum
Spectrum clearance
16 Interference hunting

Validate new technologies and features
Coverage, new features and technologies
22 Device-network interaction and application KPIs

Ensure correct infrastructure deployment
ntenna s stem erification
29 Over-the-air testing

Optimize network quality during operation
Mobile network quality
40 End-user QoE
42 Quality benchmarking
46 24/7 continuous quality monitoring
48 OEM IP network analytics solutions

50 Tec nical s ecifications

2 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 3
Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


Quality Interference
monitoring hunting

Rohde & Schwarz is a trusted and leading global supplier In an increasingly complex and technology-
of standalone products, integrated solutions and
managed services for testing and improving the quality
Network driven market, mobile network operators are
facing the challenges of reducing costs and

increasing competitiveness. At the same time,
and performance of mobile networks throughout the investments in infrastructure and resources
are required to ensure the successful rollout of
entire network lifecycle – from lab verification, spectrum new services and technologies such as 5G, IoT,
clearance, interference hunting and base station pen and ndustry
installation to site acceptance, benchmarking, optimization, o de arz o ers a omplete range o
troubleshooting and monitoring. Our comprehensive solutions that are coordinated and compatible
solution portfolio supports all cellular technologies up Network audit & Verification & across different applications and use cases and
benchmarking acceptance cover the entire value chain from data collection
to 5G, and addresses all wireless test and measurement to automatic insights into network quality and
scenarios from RF to end-user quality of experience (QoE). the identification of targeted improvements.

Our innovative products and solutions allow top-tier mobile

Optimization &
network industry players to accurately collect data and troubleshooting
gain deep, machine learning-assisted insights into the
QoE delivered to end users. As a network analytics service
MNT solutions platform
provider, we plan and run large-scale optimization and
benchmarking campaigns. We empower our customers to Supported use cases in the
mobile network lifecycle. Data Hardware Data
make QoE centric business decisions with confidence, to collection options analytics
deliver better services with higher quality for end users,
to reduce time to market for new technologies and services
and to safeguard and increase the value of their business.

More information on mobile

network testing is available at: Rohde & Schwarz
https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/mnt modular solution
https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/mnt/stories platform.

4 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 5

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


Emerging technologies such as 5G will enable new use cases and services across many industries.
Rohde & Schwarz offers a complete solution portfolio for current and future testing needs for both
human and machine end users that help ensure ideal network quality and performance in public
and private networks.

Private networks The fast, reactive and fully connected capabilities of 5G C-V2X Critical infrastructure
5G enables faster and safer operations as well as new net or s enable smart a tories ndustry to pro- Cellular V2X (C-V2X) uses 3GPP standardized LTE or ission- riti al ommuni ations t at re uire ig o
capabilities and efficiencies in industrial processes. vide agile, adaptable and automated manufacturing and mobile onne ti ity to send and re ei e signals performance, reliability and security need specialized com-
However, networks also face increased complexity and warehouse environments. 5G is extremely flexible and between a vehicle and other vehicles, pedestrians or infra- munications networks. These critical infrastructure net-
performance demands. Private networks play a strong addresses the following smart factory requirements: structure to improve road safety and speed up the autono- works include police, fire brigade and emergency service
role in manufacturing, warehouses, logistics, mining, ► Initial smart factory implementations focus on mous dri ing progress in e C- enables sa ety- riti al ommuni ations it publi sa ety L et
oil/gas exploration, critical infrastructure and many other e use ases su as irtual reality to obtain functions such as emergency brake warning, proper along with air traffic control and other safety-critical ser-
use cases that have to cope with more demanding qual- information about objects and systems and control operation is riti al oad side units pro ide sa ety- vices and business-critical use cases such as smart manu-
ity requirements than public mobile networks. Accurate them remotely. critical warnings and information to vehicles and pedestri- facturing (using LTE and 5G with higher network quality).
and insightful testing at every phase of a mobile network ► LLC in and mobile edge omputing enables ans at intersections or roadwork sites. Critical infrastruc- Verifying critical infrastructure network quality and perfor-
rollout helps prepare, deploy and operate private networks real-time control of manufacturing and warehouse ture components require thorough and regular testing. mance is vital for safeguarding public trust and increasing
faster, while using network resources more efficiently and pro esses ile arti ial intelligen e enables systems the value of the critical infrastructure business.
alerting operators of issues before they become critical. to learn from experience and make smarter and more Find more information about C-V2X here.
reliable decisions. In a hyper-connected environment, Find more information about our
Smart factories devices and assets can be used for tracking and Open RAN critical infrastructure solutions on our dedicated webpages here
mart a tories must ui ly adapt to produ tion line e ient in entory use pen su ess depends on per orman e and and here.
changes to improve productivity and minimize downtime ► With 5G, a private campus network can be deployed full customer satisfaction, which both require extensive
when retooling factories. Wired connections for produc- in a dedicated spectrum using the operator-owned lab and field testing. Testing must include radio network
tion equipment, such as robots with Ethernet cables, must spectrum as dedicated network slices to support the functions, such as network access and mobility, network
be wireless in the future. However, these wireless connec- allocation of appropriate network resources to match a per orman e apa ity and ser i e per orman e o
tions must also be highly reliable with very low latency. spe i usage and QoE). Proper network synchronization for time divi-
eliability and laten y are important mobile net or s sion duplex (TDD) operations is also required since prob-
for smart factories. Find more information about our solutions for lems with slot and frame synchronization can significantly
private network test use cases here. degrade network performance.

Find more information about Open RAN testing here.

6 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 7

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing

Ensure correct
infrastructure deployment
► Antenna system
Validate new technologies erification
and features ► Over-the-air tests
► Coverage, new features
and technologies
► Device-network interaction
and application KPIs Optimize network quality
during operation
► Mobile network quality
► End-user QoE
Mobile operators are facing multiple challenges and increasing com- Clean the spectrum ► Quality benchmarking
plexity due to high cost pressure, strong competition and the neces- ► Spectrum clearance ► 24/7 continuous quality
sity to deploy new technologies (incl. 5G, IoT), services and devices ► Interference hunting monitoring
to deliver optimal subscriber QoE. With the emergence of 5G and ► OEM IP network
even more with arising 6G, advanced techniques are required to test anal tics sol tions
machine type communications and access new markets such as
automoti e ndustry and smart ities o de arz pro ides
a comprehensive portfolio of targeted test and measurement appli-
cations for the mobile network lifecycle. They allow users to improve
network quality and performance with a strong focus on the end-
user quality of experience (QoE), which is the ultimate indicator of
the successful delivery of a service to an end user.

e o entri net or per orman e s ore met od in line

it 1)
is a armonized approa to ara terize t e
overall network quality and performance, making it the ideal point of
reference for:
► Transparent, independent, neutral, technology-agnostic and
accurate QoE centric characterization and assessment of network
quality and performance Network performance score (NPS)
► Comparing network quality and performance within a e 1)
-compliant network performance
country, in time, between infrastructure vendors, before and s ore des ribes t e net or per or-
after network improvements or internationally in line with mance as perceived by the end-user QoE.
-appro ed met ods The integrative scoring method is based on
► ient identi ation o riti al a tors t at a e t e greatest t e main s o t e most popular mobile
impact on network quality and performance and how they network services.
compare with competitors
► Prioritizing targeted actions for improvements The described test and measurement appli-
cations provide a guideline for targeted
o de arz pro ides a set o ully integrated uture-proo network quality and performance improve-
solutions or ig - uality and o entri data olle tion
op isti ated ma ine learning-assisted analysis elps identi y ey
areas for QoE centric network improvements and strategic network
NPS ments and offer a systematic approach to
increase the network performance score.


net or per orman e s oring met odology or o entri and global
network comparability.

8 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 9

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing



Use a transparent industry standard for systematic s an integrati e s oring met od in o de arz The fastest way from QoE centric data to valuable insights The ultimate goal: maximized QoE from an optimized network
network improvements solutions t e net or per orman e s ore is ideal e integrati e net or per orman e s ore met od e met od in t e mart nalyti s so t are suite pro-
The globally renowned European Telecommunications for deep drilldown data analysis and helps uncover- consists of three layers: vides insights into potential improvements and a founda-
tandards nstitute publis ed t e te ni al report ing t e most problemati areas and ser i es e ► The scoring method is based on the integrative QoE tion for network optimization based on actual versus maxi-
i des ribes t e best pra ti es or robust is also an essential feature for network-wide optimiza- evaluation of service classes. It is essential to combine mum achievable scores per test category/service/region/
mobile net or o ben mar testing and s oring is tion n line it it is an integral part o and weight a service class‘s different dimensions te nology et mart nalyti s identi ies and prioritizes
scoring approach for networks, operators, regions and o de arz postpro essing and reporting solutions (availability of the service, waiting time and the exactly which parameters to optimize to achieve the great-
technologies is based on a harmonized, integrative scoring tarting rom t e o entri olle ted net or test- perceived service quality itself). est QoE improvement and give mobile network operators
met od ere t e main s o t e most popular mobile ing data can be fully exploited with a seamless user inter- ► Each of the three dimensions has its own impact on a competitive advantage.
network services are collected, weighted and aggregated face and direct drilldown functions to obtain root-cause the end-user QoE and each dimension needs to be
to a single, integrative score that describes the network information. This helps identify critical factors that have normalized to a ommon s ale e g to and
performance as perceived by the end-user QoE. the greatest impact on network quality and performance assigned its own weighting.
as well as how they change over time: deployment in ► All dimensions of a service class can be aggregated
regions, comparison with competitors and prioritization of to a single performance number for this service class.
targeted actions for improvements. All services and applications are evaluated separately
following the same multidimensional concept.
► All these performance numbers for each service class
are weighted again and aggregated to an overall score
describing the network performance in the region
where the measurements were made.
► The performance in the different regions can again be
weighted by importance (e.g. population density) and
combined to an overall, e.g. countrywide, network
per orman e s ore

Integrative NPS scoring model based KPI aggregation to regional scores and Visualization of network performance score for two different mobile network operators
on ETSI TR 103559 to countrywide network performance score

Network performance score

City Network score in %
score Operator B
per country Town
Operator C
Regional 500
aggregation 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

QoE score for each 680

service class based on
voice and data KPIs Voice service score by operator Data service score by operator
Voice service score in % Data service score in %

Operator B Operator B

Level 3 Weight and aggregate all regions to a countrywide score (the “CxO level“) Operator C Operator C
Level 2 Weight and aggregate QoE of all service classes per region
Level 1 Evaluate QoE of all service classes (different dimensions of a service class) 0 20 40 60 80 0 2 4 6 8 10

10 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 11

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
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et or Testing


The number of transmitting devices is constantly increasing. To ensure a good user
experience, mobile network operators have to monitor the quality of the spectrum even
more than before. Rohde & Schwarz solutions enable fast and efficient spectrum clearance
and interference hunting.

e mobile te nology deployments need a lean spe - The search for clean signals requires the expertise of spe-
trum to achieve the expected data rates. However, the cialists in the field.
increased number of transmitting devices means there are
more inter eren e sour es o de arz o ers industry-leading solutions t at
quickly and efficiently identify various interference sources
Mobile network operators may be tempted not to invest to ensure the cleanest possible spectrum. Mobile network
in interference hunting and spectrum clearing if their operators are provided with the right tools for monitoring
networks continue to function in the presence of these network quality, locating interference sources and neu-
interferers. But from a user point of view, degraded net- tralizing their effects on the network. The innovative solu-
work performance can lead to low data rates, distorted tions are user friendly and easily portable and offer market-
audio and video or dropped calls. A lower end-user QoE leading measurement speed and sensitivity to effectively
an redu e operator re enue ubs ribers may ange to identify and locate interferers.
different service providers, which benefits competitors in
a highly competitive market. A clean spectrum is key in a o de arz solutions range rom entry-le el tools to
world that is becoming increasingly dependent on mobile high-end expert instruments. The company has decades of
data. experien e in produ ing inno ati e lass-leading and
radiolocation solutions. By providing high-quality, com-
Investigating interference sources can be a challenge not patible extremely a urate produ ts o de arz
only because of the ever-growing number of possible has earned the trust of customers ranging from industry
sources, but also because interfering signals vary. All elec- experts to intelligence bodies and national authorities.
tronic devices can behave as interferers and even properly
working devices may create unwanted emissions.

12 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 13

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


adio inter eren e is aused by internal net or sour es Locating interference sources
or external, unknown sources. Internal interference results After identifying an interferer, the process used to locate
from planning mistakes, defective base station compo- the source depends on the environment.
nents such as damaged antennas or filters, and corroded
connectors that create passive intermodulation (PIM). 4 Indoor or outdoor signal strength mapping helps estimate
or more details on internal inter eren e sour es see t e the area where the interference source is located.
“Ensure correct infrastructure deployment” section. 4

2 5 In line-of-sight scenarios, triangulation with a directional

Any electric or electronic device can be a source of exter- antenna isolates t e lo ation o an inter erer or t e last
nal inter eren e oisy L displays on t e street indoor mile, a tone function helps reach the source.
repeaters, consumer devices and faulty industrial equip-
ment are all potential interferers. Even properly working 6 In dense multipath scenarios, the fully automated direction
devices can create unwanted emissions due to harmon- inder obileLo ator guides t e user to ard t e
ics and intermodulation. Illegal and unlicensed trans- interference source via a heat map and ultimately pin-
mitters also cause interference, usually in the form of points its exact location thanks to its sophisticated statisti-
high-power signals that affect a wide coverage area. cal analysis.
Interference can lead to distorted audio or video, low data
rates and dropped calls and ultimately result in poor user
experience. 5

Spectrum clearance Rohde & Schwarz solutions combine portability,

pe trum learan e ara terizes t e spe trum and 3 measurement speed and sensitivity to effectively
eliminates unwanted transmitters. It helps ensure a clean identify and locate sources of interference.
operating environment before deploying networks in new
or refarmed frequency bands.

1 so t are in ombination it t e
o de arz s anners pro ides an all-in-one al and
drive test solution for wide-area spectrum data collection.
e net or problem analyzer auto-
matically generates a list of detected trouble spots and dis-
plays the measurement locations on a map. Interference 6

hunting starts at these locations.

Identifying interferers
2 e pe trum ider dete ts inter eren e signals
with a combination of spectrum and spectrogram mea-
surements Long-term re ording aptures up to ours
of activity, making it easy to identify sporadic interference
by triggering on events. 1

3 e poly rome spe trum display on t e por-

table monitoring re ei er and obileLo ator enables
users to visually separate two or more pulsed signals that
occupy the same frequency spectrum.

14 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 15

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


Interference hunting in TDD networks Spectrum and QoS/QoE monitoring

Downlink signals often mask uplink signals and other sig- The measured quality of services indicates the impact
nals in net or s ield te ni ians may be unable to of interference. Voice, data, video streaming and mes-
identify and locate interference sources with conventional saging tests on dedicated test smartphones such as the
spectrum measurements. uali o ndroid assess and re le t t e real net or o
o experien ed by end users x s anners and
e pe trum ider and eld spe trum analyzer so t are per orm spe trum measurements
and portable monitoring re ei er a e a gated and network measurements simultaneously (coverage,
trigger function that enables users to separate uplink and C demodulation o o
downlink signals in the time domain.

The unique parallel time and frequency domain analysis in the

R&S®PR200 allows users to keep an eye on the gate configuration
without losing sight of the spectrum signal.

R&S®PR200 R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH R&S®FSH R&S®TSMx and R&S®ROMES4 R&S®HE800-PA R&S®HE800-DC30 R&S®HE400 R&S®ADD207P Network problem R&S®MobileLocator
portable handheld spectrum all-in-one network scanner and software handheld directional antenna portable antenna active directional direction finding analyzer (NPA) advanced interference
receiver analyzer BTS analyzer up to 44 GHz for locating transmitters and with integrated antenna antenna postprocessing hunting and emitter
up to 18 GHz up to 31 GHz up to 20 GHz interferers downconverter up to 20 GHz up to 6 GHz software location software

Data collection Hardware options Data analytics

16 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 17

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing


As the world enters the age of 5G NR and IoT, mobile network operators are busy living
up to expectations and adapting to the technical requirements of these new technologies.
Rohde & Schwarz offers high-quality, long-term solutions that closely correspond to real-world
experience to help them master the challenges.

Implementing new technologies can be challenging. Another question is how devices using the new tech-
Competition is fierce and network operators need to keep nology will behave and interact with the new network.
up with current developments. Media coverage creates Different 5G and IoT devices should be able to access
high expectations for 5G implementation. Both the mobile the network equally reliably and offer the required
technology industry and operators need to respond to performance.
these upcoming needs.
Testing is the starting point for making sure that products
Initial 5G versions were rolled out to improve the currently and ser i es deli er t e expe ted results o de arz
used LTE technology, with a focus on enhanced mobile o ers industry-leading inno ati e solutions and
broadband e e ne z and mm a e processes. The company has been involved in the devel-
re uen y bands ill be au tioned in many parts o opment of mobile technology testing since 2G, and
the world. Early deployments show that they are game has already been working closely with 5G for years.
changers when it comes to capacity and performance. o de arz as le eraged t is ompre ensi e expe-
rience to build a wide portfolio that provides a reliable
ne o t e ma or allenges is t e omplexity o basis for the introduction of new technologies and gives
and IoT and their continuous development after deploy- customers a well-researched path into mobile network
ment e releases ill pro ide ne eatures or testing for 5G and IoT services.
ultra-reliable lo laten y ommuni ations LLC and
e ery year smartp one lags ips ill pro ide impro ed o de arz mobile net or testing ustomers an
capability sets. be confident that both lab and field based testing match
real-world conditions. Customers can plan new technology
implementations with confidence and leverage products to
their full potential.

18 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 19

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing



and s anners onne ted to a

C or C do n on erter are
ideal for data collection in the mmWave frequency range.
oget er it t ey orm t e irst
net or measurement solution t at measures true
network coverage and verifies the impact of beamforming
for sync signals and broadcast channels.

et or s anners typi ally in estigate and eri y ne ea-

tures often even before smartphones support them. This
reduces risks for network operators and infrastructure ven-
dors during the commercial launch.

The SmartAnalytics postprocessing and analytics suite shows the RSRP distribution of one cell and one SSB.

5G NR measurement
setup example.
R&S®ROMES4: outline Mass rollouts of new technology and networks require Customer benefits:
As with all new technologies and frequencies, coverage color represents the best sophisticated postprocessing data analysis tools that can ► Easy to use indoors and outdoors (small scanner size),
and the impact of new features are important issues SSB index beam received handle big data, provide deep insights into network qual- long battery life, future-proof
a e ting o o Co erage measurements are essen- by a scanner on the drive ity and create network optimization recommendations. ► sa ings due to mart nalyti s subs ription
tial, particularly in the early phases of new technology net- test route. mart nalyti s ui ly and intera ti ely pro esses and based model, single postprocessing suite for all
or li e y les e g non-standalone as ell as analyzes big data sets and helps users see the best cell o de arz tools and s anners t o-year
standalone or instan e during net or engineering o erage all C s at a glan e sers an also ilter indi- calibration interval, three-year warranty)
► Precommercial network trial: provides insights into the dri e test so t are supports t e onne tion vidual PCIs to focus on specific cell coverage and statis- ► CAPEX savings (scalable and modular solutions)
performance of new technologies and features and o routers and pre ommer ial and ommer ial ti s e so t are isualizes all beams re ei ed rom
eliminates uncertainties before the commercial launch smartp ones or de i e net or intera tion moni- t is C pe i i beam ilters ig lig t beam-spe i i
► Commer ial net or rollout eri es net or planning toring and various network performance tests, including o erage and beam dire tion mart nalyti s is ully
and site installation L tests is allo s de i e manu a turers to gain customizable, allowing users to configure and generate
early insights into how their devices perform and interact graphs of interest.
it real net or s

R&S®TSME6 R&S®TSMA6 R&S®TSME30DC/ QualiPoc Android R&S®ZCB2 R&S®ROMES4 SmartAnalytics

ultracompact network autonomous R&S®TSME44DC smartphone based shoulder bag for comfortable universal software platform for software suite for QoE data analytics,
scanner with R&S®ROMES4 network scanner ultracompact RF and QoE testing walk and drive tests real-time, in-field data analysis including network performance score
running on a laptop downconverters

Data collection Hardware options Data analytics

20 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 21

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


e te nology introdu tions usually re uire ne genera- smartp ones to per orm based measurements net- available for carrier aggregation and includes informa-
tions of end-user devices. Experience from previous tech- or engineering anners are passi e measurement tion su as C L and t e retransmission rate on
nology generations has shown that there is uncertainty tools and t e based s set up an a ti e net or ea arrier ore ad an ed net or s pro ide
about how these early devices perform and their protocol, connection to enable end-to-end applications. This pro- -spe i i C - in ormation so t-
i.e. how they interact with the network. The most impor- vides insights into network quality related to the QoE of ware can process all this information.
tant criterion for mobile network operator success is user applications and shows how devices interact with the real
satisfaction, which is closely linked to the quality of experi- networks, such as the 5G beam mobility procedure. is allo s de i e manu a turers to gain early
ence (QoE). The subjective, user-perspective value is influ- insights into device verification, device performance and
enced by the device itself, the network and the application based measurements in lude ser ing ell o t e de i e intera ts it real net or s
servers. and measured neig bor ell in ormation su as L The R&S®TSME6 and R&S®TSMA6 scanners in com-
C C and index beam le el measurements bination with R&S®ROMES4 offer reference measure-
et or testing means using net or s anners and di - layer layer C C C in or- ments to evaluate device performance in the down-
erent data olle tion de i es su as e aluation mation L - - C L signaling and appli ation layer link direction.
boards dongles pre ommer ial and ommer ial information. An additional detailed set of information is
e uni ersal so t are plat orm or net or
engineering, optimization and troubleshooting measures
riti al based parameters su as data per orman e Customer benefits:
s ser ing ell in ormation signaling and metri s ► aster time to mar et and early experien e it
is ompatible it rooted p ones and om- prototype devices in live network trials
R&S®ROMES4 drive test software supports the con- mer ial o -t e-s el C s it open diagnosti ► Better measurement result overview thanks to
nection of 5G NR routers, precommercial and com- ports. real-time in- eld analysis results and
mercial smartphones and network scanners. Scanners mart nalyti s big data postpro essing
are passive devices and can be used to monitor the The number of 5G smartphones on the market is increas- ► QoE from end-user perspective – a key success factor
cell and beam environment of multiple networks. ing every day. The QualiPoc Android 5G software package for operators
Adding 5G UEs enables monitoring of 5G NR device- is supported on latest Android smartphones and delivers ► et or s anner pro ide re eren e measurements to
network interaction and UE-specific channels and data reliable application layer test results (end-user QoE) down support in- eld de i e eri ation
streams, including special features and metrics such to layer measurements
as G carrier aggregation d namic C access roce-
d res G mo ilit and a lication erformance By processing data acquired from the end-user perspec-
ti e mart nalyti s pro ides a pre ise and lear assess-
ment of the operator network quality (QoE from end-user
perspective) and competitive position on the market.

QualiPoc Android R&S®TSMA6 Commercial 5G UEs R&S®ZCB2 R&S®ROMES4 SmartAnalytics

smartphone based autonomous network can connect to shoulder bag for comfortable universal software platform for software suite for QoE data analytics,
RF and QoE testing scanner R&S®ROMES4 walk and drive tests real-time, in-field data analysis including network performance score

Data collection Hardware options Data analytics

22 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 23

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing

Network performance depends heavily on how well mobile network infrastructures are installed
and maintained. These processes involve numerous teams and many steps. Performing
measurements after each step is the only way to ensure that both the expected network quality
and increase in capacity are achieved. Time is crucial in the field. The leading solutions from
Rohde & Schwarz focus on efficiency so users can quickly perform all required measurements
when there is no time to lose.

Designing and deploying infrastructures are key tasks for o de arz pro ides ompre ensi e e uip-
mobile network operators. Many teams are involved in the ment for LTE and 5G technologies, including OTA mea-
projects at different times. To ensure matching settings surements. The mobile network testing product port-
and optimal connectivity, operators have to thoroughly test folio also contains robust, handheld and versatile
and monitor network performance. Otherwise, installation/ alternatives. Mobility and ease of use are key in the field.
system robustness and consequently the end customer o de arz o ers suitably pri ed solutions t at o us
QoE may suffer. on user experience and equipment portability.

5G poses new challenges for network infrastructures. in e more t an o o erage and ommuni-
Operators may feel reluctant to commit to an untried 5G cations issues originate from the antenna system,
technology that requires technological investments to o de arz as de eloped antenna measurement
enable conformity with new features such as active anten- tools that include reflection and optical power measure-
nas, beamforming, new frequencies and increased data ments o de arz solutions support auto-
rates also needs ne testing met ods e ne mated test sequences and easy report generation to
frequency range, for example, requires over-the-air (OTA) shorten test times and increase efficiency in the field.
testing. In addition, 5G is based on LTE and existing net-
work infrastructure, which highlights the importance of
continuing to service existing networks.

24 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 25

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


Reflection measurements Transmission measurements

eturn-loss measurements are t e edu ed gain in t e uplin on a to er mounted ampli ier
traditional way to assess an antenna (TMA) can lead to signal distortion and spurious emissions
system. The amount of return loss in neighboring channels.
indicates how effectively an antenna
radiates energy Transmission measurements characterize components
such as amplifiers, filters and repeaters. They also help
Distance-to-fault measurements help determine the isolation between transmit and receive
identify and locate high reflection antennas.
sources such as pinched cables and
broken connectors. The convenient built-in DC voltage supply (bias) in the
Cable ider and able and antenna
analyzers powers active components.

Expect fast
With its short boot and warm-up
times and fast measurement
speed, the R&S®Cable Rider ZPH
starts analyzing extremely fast.
There is no need to calibrate the
analyzer before use. It is reliably
and accurately calibrated before
leaving the factory. Should cali-
bration be needed to eliminate
the effects of additional cables or
adapters, the automatic calibra-
tion unit performs the calibration
in just a few seconds.

R&S®Cable Rider ZPH R&S®ZVH R&S®5G STS

cable and antenna cable and antenna 5G Site Testing
analyzer analyzer Solution

Data collection

26 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 27

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

The density of network infrastructures and base stations
has increased with each generation of cellular communi-
cations technology, and these increases can now be seen
in un tional tests are a standard and essential pro-
edure a ter installing a base station ield te ni ians
typically use handheld spectrum analyzers to verify trans-
mission power in the relevant frequency bands. However,
in-depth analysis of other parameters is very time-con-
suming and complicated using spectrum analyzers.
Measurement results need to be allocated to a specific
base station for targeted measurements or to a specific 1

antenna beam beam orming or e en greater detail

pe trum analyzers are po er ul instruments t at re le t

the entire network environment, including signals from
all base stations within range. However, they only offer a
simple signal decoder for identifying specific base station
signals, which makes it complicated to implement specific
Optical power measurements measurements. Moreover, identifiers are only submitted
e - - opti al po er meters an on specific frequencies in a 5G network. These frequencies
be onne ted to t e o de arz and eld analyzers are not de ined and di er rom net or to net or ield
for absolute power and insertion loss measurements on technicians need to know broadcast signal frequencies
fiber-optic cables. beforehand and manually configure them for every mea- 2

surement. Every new frequency band needs to be manu-

ally repeated. All in all, the process is very time-consuming
and error-prone, and measurements are limited to known Layer 1 spectrum measurements
frequencies. tandard spe trum measurements su as annel po er
occupied bandwidth (OBW), spurious emissions and adja-
A measurement solution with advanced features and ent annel lea age po er ratio CL measurements
automated functions is needed. This solution must selec- make it easy to verify the signal waveform.
tively filter and automatically display all signals from each
base station based on identifiers in real time as well as
providing a clear structure and user-friendly interface. 1 purious emissions an inter ere it ad a ent trans-
Expect efficient is t e irst and only solution on t e mar et mit signals, resulting in reduced signal quality and
From test configuration to test reports in only three steps with an advanced feature set for effective over-the-air site lo er data rates o de arz and eld spe -
testing. trum analyzers use t e spe trum emission mas
function to measure if the signal lies within the limits
defined by wireless communications standards.

2 e CL measurement s o s o ar a base sta-

tion carrier signal reaches into the adjacent channel. A
lo CL indi ates poor signal uality and an lead to
Site 1 Site 2 Site n Report 1 Report 2 Report n interference on the adjacent useful signals.

1. Centralized test configuration 2. Wizard-guided test execution 3. Standardized test reports Gated trigger
Test sequences are predefined on a PC On site, the wizard guides the field engi- Results are transferred via LAN, USB or (only uplink)
using R&S®InstrumentView and the neer through the test sequence with memory card to a PC where a standard-
built-in wizard and transferred to all customized, predefined instructions. ized test report can be created.
Rohde & Schwarz analyzers in a project.
Uplink interferer measurement with R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH
In zero Span mode, the unique gated trigger can separate downlink and
uplink for dedicated interferer measurements in the uplink time period.

28 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 29

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

meas rements el erif G co erage

and the impact of beamforming for sync
signals and broadcast channels.
R&S®5G STS over-the-air tester: a game changer
To get a quick overview of the radio environment and con-
ditions, equipment with easy configuration capabilities is
needed. When installing and maintaining base stations,
users need a quick overview of the radio situation, broad-
cast channel power, signal quality, modulation characteris-
tics and network synchronization.

LTE OTA measurement e ite esting olution supports all el-

results. lular te nologies up to in luding and
carrier aggregation covering LTE and 5G.

e uni ue annel dete tion automati ally

detects active channels in selected bands within a few
seconds and provides a complete view of all operating
mobile networks, including technology, frequency, chan-
nel, bandwidth and network operator.

enarios su as non-standalone mode need parallel

measurements on different technologies, in this case LTE
LTE OTA constellation. and eatures su as beam orming add
another level of complexity to field measurements.

imultaneous signal analysis o multiple te nologies sup-

ported by deli ers detailed signal in ormation
including country/network code, cell identity, power level,
signal uality best ser ers layer proto ol and syn-
chronization messages.

LTE-A carrier aggregation Automatic channel detection

pass/fail analysis. Simply unique: multitechnology multifrequency.

30 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 31

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

Site acceptance testing Electromagnetic field strength (EMF) measurements As 5G is being rolled out, it is crucial to identify where the
After on-site installation and maintenance, a dedicated test it t e ommer ial net or rollout and due signals are coming from due to the beamforming function-
call and/or data session is mandatory to close related inci- to aut ority regulations t ere is a strong need or ality (which technology, which operator, which frequency
dents or service tasks. During this call, the technician mea- measurements to prove that cell site radiation is below carrier, which cell, which beam). Countermeasures can
sures network availability, quality of voice calls, data ses- a ertain limit ere are t o met ods or testing then be taken if the maximum possible exposure is above
sions and video streaming from the end-user perspective. frequency-selective and code-selective measurements. a ertain limit
The frequency-selective approach measures the current
QualiPoc Android enables automated site acceptance exposure in a certain frequency band over a defined period
tests. Configuring a test sequence with channel and cell of time (depending on the regulation): equipped with an
lo ing apabilities allo s aster o and o eri i ation - isotropi antenna t e determines
for various technologies and specific cells. Additional sig- the direction-independent field strength in the frequency
nal level, signal quality and L3 protocol decoding diagnos- range rom z to z e antenna in ludes t ree
tics are available in the background. ort ogonally arranged antenna elements e
sequentially activates the three antenna elements and cal-
e ite esting olution it signal de oding culates the field strength. The code-selective approach
capabilities enables troubleshooting in simple functional measures and decodes available signals and extrapolates
tests (QualiPoc Android): them to the maximum possible exposure:
► arallel measurements o L an or sub and
up to no s it ing times e ode-sele ti e measurement is supported by
► arious measurements t e or t e in ombination it EMF measurement setup: R&S®TSMA6 scanner
► and measurements up to z QualiPoc Android. controlled by QualiPoc.
via downconverters

Overview of QualiPoc monitors Overview of QualiPoc monitors

5G technology monitor 5G signaling monitor 5G download monitor UE capability monitor Test result monitor Log monitor

R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH R&S®FSH R&S®Cable Rider ZPH R&S®ZVH R&S®PR200 R&S®5G STS QualiPoc Android Network problem
handheld spectrum all-in-one BTS cable and antenna analyzer cable and antenna portable moni- 5G Site Testing Solution site acceptance test analyzer (NPA)
analyzer analyzer with spectrum analysis analyzer with spectrum toring receiver postprocessing software

Data collection Data analytics

32 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 33

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing


Data consumption will continue to increase exponentially in the coming years with no end
in sight. The importance of network connections is set to grow due to business and mission-
critical applications. Rohde & Schwarz offers comprehensive, innovative network quality
measurement tools.

Mobile network operators are well aware of the ever grow- ndustry-leading solutions rom o de arz support
ing data onsumption in t eir net or s ey per orman e operators in ensuring the quality of their network, whether
indicators are approaching the limits and network capacity it is running on L or upgraded to et or audits
has to constantly increase. deliver deep insights into end-user QoE before and after
net or anges mart nalyti s based postpro essing
In many areas of the world, ongoing technological gives operators detailed information on how and where to
e olution su as t e introdu tion o and addi- optimize their networks.
tional spectra, is helping meet demand for increasing
capacity. o de arz solutions enable ben mar ing o a net-
work against all other networks in the area, using a QoE
But failure to invest in additional spectra and new technol- centric single metric that characterizes the overall net-
ogies may rapidly change the operators' competitive mar- work performance. This approach enables operators to
ket position and even endanger their business success. strengthen their market position and attract customers
Many market studies have proven that a decrease of end- away from competitors.
user QoE goes hand in hand with a decrease in operator

34 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 35

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


Mobile network quality is mainly characterized by the cov- net or s anner is ideal or re eren e measurements Different use cases require different data collection tools.
erage area (in terms of signal level and quality) and the su as and t as t e ne essary mea- ► QualiPoc Android is the controlling software in single
capacity offered in a geographical area. These network surement accuracy, speed and ability to measure all avail- smartp one s enarios t on gures test obs and
s ontrast it t e user-per ei ed uality o appli a- able ells o all operators indi ates t e o erage collects the results from the smartphone and, optionally,
tions. Operators responsible for mobile network quality in ombination it t roug put estimation re eals from a control scanner.
face the challenge of choosing the right method for test- the maximum possible capacity in an area. ► mart en mar er is t e ontrolling so t are t
ing coverage and capacity during operation. Most capac- ontrols on gures and per orms measurements on
ity testing apps are over-the-top (OTT) applications and eal- orld onditions an be met using a smartp one multiple smartphones and one or more scanners.
provide results that are influenced by the mobile network, that actively measures data throughput, latency and, with ► is t e ontrolling so t are t pro ides
the phone’s software client and connectivity to unknown limited a ura y s o its ser ing ell and a limited more detailed real-time analysis results from one or
application servers on the internet. With increasingly pow- number of neighboring cells of its home operator. more scanners and multiple smartphones.
erful technologies such as LTE and 5G, the communica-
tions bottleneck is not always the air interface, as it was in Passive and active test solutions enable troubleshooting
previous decades. and provide the basis for network optimization.

third- Out of MNO control:
party apps Skype, YouTube, Spotify, Facebook,
Software WhatsApp, Ookla, etc.

Software Under MNO control:

Quality of client/app MNO core
VoLTE, EVS, CS voice, SMS, MMS, own
experience (QoE) services and video, etc.
own apps

Quality of network Under MNO control:

MNO network capacity, coverage, real-time capability

Correlation of RSRP and

SINR shows network
quality issues.

36 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 37

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

A network scanner together with QualiPoc Android or Customer benefits:

identi ies and pro ides an o er ie o all ► uture-proo long-term in estment due to flexibility o
received signals/cells from multiple technologies in multi- reerider and mart nalyti s
ple frequency bands by multiple operators within seconds. ► sa ings t an s to mart nalyti s a single easy-
This automatic channel detection (ACD) delivers a quick to-learn postprocessing suite for all tools, with intuitive
overview of spectrum usage and indicates mobile network eb based long battery li e o al test solution
quality. as well as customized and advanced remote control
functions and high system stability, reducing repeat
QualiPoc Android active tests run with servers located very drives
close to the operator infrastructure so that only the mobile ► CAPEX savings due to scalable and modular solutions
net or is tested and not t e in luen e o lients – from a single smartphone portable walk test solution
ser ers and apps to a comprehensive vehicle-installed benchmarking
mart nalyti s t e next generation eb based so t are
suite, analyzes all network quality data. The tool allows
users to effectively store, process and visualize network martp one based net or uality measurements or
measurement data, gain deep network insights and ulti- with capacity tests (multi-connection HTTP data transfer)
mately build intelligence for investment prioritization and and coverage tests (iperf3 test): Automatic channel detection (ACD).
network optimization based on the most critical factors ► Capacity test: uses all remaining air interface resources
influencing network performance. and shows unused cell capacity
► Coverage test: requests continuous unacknowledged
data throughput (e.g. 1 Mbps in the DL)

QualiPoc Android R&S®TSMA6 SmartBenchmarker R&S®Freerider 4 R&S®ZCB2 SmartAnalytics

smartphone based RF network scanner with R&S®ROMES4 local controller software for drive portable modular shoulder bag for software suite for
and QoE testing software running on laptop or integrated test based network testing hardware platform for comfortable walk and data analytics
network PC walk and drive tests drive tests

Data collection Hardware options Data analytics

38 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 39

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


APPLICATION QUALITY) Perceptual Common scale

The quality of experience (QoE) is a measure of how end The QoE of applications is best evaluated using 1 Call success ratio:
users perceive the quality of applications running in a smartphones. They are the test devices of choice for 980

mobile network. QoE is a key metric since it has a direct all our QoE measurement tools. The QualiPoc Android
2 Call setup time:
impact on mobile network operator success. If an operator local controller software executes the most popular 60
is a clear winner in a public benchmarking campaign, this applications – telephony service, data transfer, video
operator will be more attractive to end users and finan- streaming, browsing and social media – and collects all
3 pee uality
ially more su ess ul t an its ompetitors in e o is rele ant s in luen ing ustomer per eption o a ser- 900
such an important business criteria, the following chal- i e mart en mar er is t e lo al ontroller so t are
lenges need to be addressed during network testing: for larger benchmarking solutions that measure multiple
► What contributes to the QoE of applications? channels (QualiPoc-powered smartphones) in parallel, e.g. 4

► How can user perception be “measured“ in vehicle based drive test solutions and backpack solutions.
predominantly automatic network test solutions?
► How do subscribers use services? Which customers ard are options su as t e reerider ba pa Applications show different dimensions that contribute Customer benefits:
cannot access services? Which device models cause and Benchmarker 3 with test device containment modules to the perceived quality: ► sa ings t an s to mart nalyti s a single easy-
the most problems for customers? C inside a e i le roo box ensure t e s alability 1 er i e a ailability Can users a ess t e ser i e to-learn postprocessing suite for all tools, with intuitive
of the QoE test solutions and that data is measured accu- 2 How long does the user have to wait for an action eb based long battery li e o al test solution
rately and reflects the QoE provided by the network: (e.g. time to first picture in a video)? ► CAPEX savings: future-proof long-term investment
► The temperature of smartphones is controlled to make 3 What is the user-perceived quality of the media itself t an s to t e flexibility o all ard are options rom
sure the QoE provided by the network is not impacted (e.g. speech quality or video quality)? t e portable reerider to t e large-s ale
by poor smartphone data performance caused 4 e mart nalyti s so t are suite analyzes t e olle ted Benchmarker 3 solution), all of which use the same
by o er eating data, applies perceptual mapping and normalizes the QualiPoc-powered smartphones as data collectors and a
► The smartphones are located outside the vehicle to result to a ommon s ale ser-per ei ed uality al ays ommon postpro essing suite mart nalyti s
a oid t e influen e o metal and glass s ielding has a certain saturation at poor and excellent perception. ► Accurate drive test data collection thanks to unique
C ombination temperature ontrol and
avoiding electromagnetic shielding)
► eliability omplete omparability in ben mar ing
campaigns by executing the same test at the same time
at t e same lo ation in line it

QualiPoc Android SmartBenchmarker R&S®Freerider 4 TCM VRB SmartAnalytics

smartphone based software for local control portable modular test device containment vehicle roof box for software suite for QoE data
RF and QoE testing of walk and drive test hardware platform for module for stable and multichannel setup for analytics, including network
benchmarking campaigns walk and drive tests uniform test conditions drive test benchmarking performance score

Data collection Hardware options Data analytics

40 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 41

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing


or mobile operators uality o experien e o is one Mobile networks are not homogeneous. Measuring at just Every interruption during the collection process and every Modular concept for all benchmarking data collection
of the key factors for driving revenue and reducing cus- one location is inconclusive and insufficient, especially repeated drive or revisiting of a specific location impedes use cases
tomer churn. But how good does a mobile network or a since there is no “uniquely typical location“. Only a large- the campaign and increases costs. e mart en mar er eb based so t are plat orm
service need to be? How can the network be improved to scale measurement campaign that takes into account combined with a complete set of hardware options
stay ahead of the competition? Benchmarking tests are an all “typical locations“ can deliver conclusive results. The Large-scale benchmarking campaigns produce huge addresses all use cases for walk and drive test based
effective way to measure the necessary marginal improve- focus should be on locations where connectivity and avail- amounts o measurement results and s is data ben mar ing data olle tion sers an ontrol ben -
ments and to trigger targeted improvements and focused ability of services are critical for users. needs to be processed and efficiently analyzed in order to marking tests on site or remotely from the office.
investments. It is also an effective way of getting to know gain actionable insights.
the competition and gathering valuable information for Performing extensive walk and drive tests within a very
focused promotional campaigns. short timeframe requires equipment that is highly reliable,
up and running quickly and capable of continuously col-
lecting masses of data for hours. o de arz o ers t e industry s leading ben mar -
ing solution. It consists of a modular set of hardware and
software for high-quality data collection and a next gen-
eration analytics suite to obtain actionable QoE centric
insig ts based on t e -rati ied s oring met od
(see pages 6 and 7).

Drive test benchmarking Indoor/walk test benchmarking

Benchmarker 3 (NCM4 + BM3-UPN) + VRB + TCM Benchmarker 3 SMWL R&S®Freerider 4

42 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 43

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

The modular solution configuration allows multiple SmartAnalytics – from QoE centric data to actionable insights Customer benefits:
setups or e mart nalyti s next generation eb based so t are ► s a mar et leader o de arz o ers
► Large-scale drive test campaigns in all environments suite allows users to effectively store, process and visu- benchmarking products widely considered the industry
(highways, urban areas, the countryside, etc.) alize big data from benchmarking campaigns, gain deep standard
► Walk test campaigns in indoor locations and pedestrian network insights and ultimately build intelligence for ► impli ed e ient pro esses or targeted net or
zones (shopping malls, event venues, trains, etc.) investment prioritization based on critical factors influenc- improvements and strategic decisions for network
► tationary testing ing network performance and QoE. investments based on consolidated benchmarking
results it
The smartphone based multichannel solution measures mart nalyti s supports t e o entri net or per- ► Lower capital expenditure thanks to a fully modular,
multiple operators and their services in parallel. It col- orman e s ore i is t e ideal point o re er- scalable, future-proof concept for walk and drive test
le ts oi e messaging ideo data and app based s ence for facilitating benchmarking and reducing the com- benchmarking and repurposing of mobile devices and
to assess uality o ser i e o and o rom a real plexity of targeted improvements in network quality and scanners for other testing purposes
end-user perspe ti e t supports a multite nology performance. ► Lower operational costs thanks to customized,
scanner to provide a full representation of the physical advanced remote control functions and high system
en ironment e met od enables transparent independent and stability, reducing the number of repeat drives
accurate QoE centric characterization of network quality
and per orman e t allo s users to ompare s a ross
countries and competitors and effectively identify key
areas for strategic network investments.

Vehicle roof box setup: TCMs can be installed in the specially designed vehicle roof e mart nalyti s drilldo n un tions allo users to
box (VRB) and connected to Benchmarker 3. The VRB contains up to 16 TCMs (mea- start it t e o entri and ully exploit t e net-
surement channels) and ensures uniform RF and temperature conditions. The roof work testing data to obtain root cause information. The
box and the IP65-rated cable duct for cable entry into the vehicle can withstand all seamless user interface visualizes critical factors that have
weather conditions. the greatest impact on network quality and performance.
Operators see how they compare with competitors and
can prioritize targeted actions for improvements.

Smartphone with R&S®TSME6, SmartBenchmarker R&S®Freerider 4 Benchmarker 3 VRB TCM SmartAnalytics

QualiPoc Android R&S®TSMA6 software for local control portable modular modular hardware vehicle roof box for test device contain- software suite for
smartphone based scanner for walk of walk and drive test hardware platform for platform for drive multichannel setup ment module for stable QoE data analytics
RF and QoE testing and drive tests benchmarking campaigns walk and drive tests testing for drive test bench- and uniform test
marking campaigns conditions

Data collection Hardware options Data analytics

44 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 45

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing



Monitoring user experience and immediately sending Smartphone based network probes mart onitor eatures a ne probe ommuni ations on-
alerts when network and service instabilities are detected o de arz uses smartp one and s anner based cept which is essential for the cost-effective monitoring of
can drastically reduce the negative effect that network net or probes or smartp ones a ompa t and robust network and service quality status in real time from a true
problems have on end-user applications. asing ensures reliable operation anners an also be end-user perspe ti e mart onitor elps redu e opera-
mounted in ra s is enables multiple appli ations in tional costs in the field and seamlessly ensures quality of
When voice, data, video and messaging services fail to fixed or moving locations and ensures uninterrupted and service.
deliver the expected quality levels, network and service reliable ser i e mart onitor remotely ontrols t e
operation centers need to be notified instantly to take probes and deli ers a ontinuous stream in real time Customer benefits:
prompt action. This is particularly important in critical providing insight into network quality as perceived by end ► eal-time problem identi ation t roug targeted
hotspots such as shopping malls, airports, commercial users. network and service monitoring, enabling an immediate
centers, train stations, highly populated areas, key com- reaction before end-user experience is substantially
muting routes and public transport. Web based software for remote real-time network monitoring affected and results in customer churn
and fleet management ► Web based, future-proof modular product concept for SmartMonitor is a web based application that provides a real-time overview
mart onitor rom o de arz is a modular s al- mart onitor is a eb based appli ation t at pro ides economical, large-scale deployments of the current QoE centric network status based on decentralized QualiPoc
able solution or ser i e uality monitoring it end a real-time overview of the current network situation Android probes. The autonomous probes can be operated at strategic static
user centric smartphone based probes. The cost-effective using uali o smartp ones and probes hotspots or in vehicle based fleet setups.
probes allow versatile and tailored setups, from single mart onitor o ers easy and straig t or ard leet man-
static probes at strategic hotspots to vehicle fleets with agement, drag-and-drop job configuration, real-time map
multiple moving probes. based information, test results, statistics – all in one tool.
The data from the fleet of network probes is immediately
displayed on mart onitor das boards and pro ides an
instantaneous overview of the service quality and network
performance from a true end-user perspective.

Smartphone with R&S®TSMA6 SmartMonitor QPCB

QualiPoc Android scanner for walk software for remote real-time compact hardware
smartphone based and drive tests network monitoring and fleet module for remote
RF and QoE testing management operation in cars

Data collection Hardware options

46 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 47

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing



Platform-agnostic application awareness The GTP subscriber resolving software

To meet future service demands, carriers and companies module equips networking, IP traffic management and Servers/VMs Service chaining

are not only enhancing their network infrastructure to cybersecurity tools with real-time subscriber awareness
in rease speed and uality o ser i e o but also loo - and session a areness a ross and net- Load balancing Charging Mediation AA
ing for tools to manage their data flows more intelligently. works, enabling communication service providers to opti- Deep Packet Inspection
Network packet broker
Deep packet inspection software looks for protocol non- mize network performance and assure superior subscrib- R&S®GSRM Policy control

compliance, spam, viruses, intrusions and other defined ers QoE. Control traffic (GTP-C)

criteria to decide whether the packet may pass or needs to

IP probe
be routed to a different destination. n ombination it t e C engine appli-
cation and subscriber awareness work hand in hand and User traffic (GTP-U) Deep Packet Inspection
GTP correlation
The key to maintaining integrity, ensuring security and deliver enhanced network intelligence to manage and Analytics/monitoring

optimizing the efficiency of a multi-Gbps network is a impro e mobile net or se urity pro ides ull
high-performance, efficient and accurate deep packet visibility into user sessions and enables meaningful and Filtering and Video traffic
inspection software. Our high-performance C effective subscriber traffic management, empowering net- forwarding optimization
DPI engine delivers full visibility of IP based network traf- work security tools and operators to analyze attacks and Deep Packet Inspection
fic in real time despite encryption and frequent application net or anomalies on a granular le el is s a ross ari- IP traffic management

changes. Likewise, our C VPP DPI engine deliv- ous applications, users and locations can be identified and
ers unparalleled, real-time traffic insights for virtualized used to design responsive network security policies. Intrusion DDoS Firewalls
prevention prevention
and loud-nati e un tions C as ell as user
plane un tions osted and managed in t e loud The benefit of licensing OEM software products
Content Web SSL
This makes deep packet inspection technology a crucial We provide you with easy-to-integrate and simple-to- filtering filtering inspection
Deep Packet Inspection
tool for advanced network management and IT security manage OEM software for physical, virtual and cloud envi- R&S®PACE 2/R&S®vPACE
solutions. ronments. Our next generation application and subscriber
awareness products come with flexible licensing options
Additional subscriber awareness for full network visibility and committed support.
it millions o tunneling proto ol sessions ► ely on de ades o experien e in ad an ed and
running concurrently across mobile networks, GTP session precision made in Germany
correlation — i.e. correlation of user plane and data plane ► Get support wherever you need it e deployment s enario s o s t e orrelation module and t e
traffic — is essential to achieve complete mobile sub- ► o us on your ore ompeten ies by li ensing C and C engines embedded in a net or ar ite ture
scriber awareness. IP probes, network packet brokers and leading-edge OEM software
other network monitoring and management tools are lim- ► Innovate and differentiate your product range y deploying dire tly into a net or pa et bro er a subs riber session an
ited in their capacity to analyze subscriber sessions unless with our help be fully recreated by tapping the various control and data plane interfaces and direct-
they are designed to perform GTP session correlation. ► peed up time to mar et by optimizing your ing all traffic belonging to a specific subscriber. This allows the filtering, forwarding and
development schedule load-balancing of subscriber-specific GTP sessions to and across appropriate subsystems
such as policy control, network analytics or security solutions to optimize network perfor-
mance, service quality and user experience.

mbedded in poli y ontrol net or analyti s or se urity solutions C and

C gain ull isibility into net or tra i up to layer and beyond and gi e a
complete view of the applications running on a network. By adding application aware-
ness through DPI technology, IP traffic can be analyzed, optimized or managed – e.g. by
enabling granular control of which applications are permitted, prioritized or deprioritized
for access.

48 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 49

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing

Validate new technologies
Clean the spectrum Ensure correct infrastructure deployment Optimize network quality during operation
and features
Coverage, new Device-network Over-the-air tests: Over-the-air tests: End-user QoE
Spectrum Interference Antenna system Mobile network Quality 24/7 continuous OEM IP network
features and interaction and signal and spectrum network analysis, (perceived application
clearance hunting verification quality benchmarking quality monitoring analytics solutions
technologies application KPI analysis, field strength site acceptance quality)
R&S®PR200 portable monitoring receiver
► re uen y range z to z up to z
► eal-time band idt up to z
► an speed at z resolution zs
► Parallel time and frequency domain analysis, incl. gated spectrum
► upports spe trum spe trogram ater all zero span and poly rome
display, triangulation and level mapping
R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH handheld spectrum analyzer
► re uen y range z to z
► upports spe trum in l gated trigger spe trogram and opti al po er
measurements, triangulation, signal strength mapping
► Easy operation thanks to user-configurable, automatic test sequences
R&S®FSH handheld spectrum analyzer
► re uen y range z to z
► upports spe trum in l gated trigger spe trogram and opti al po er
measurements, demodulation of cellular technologies, triangulation,
signal strengt mapping analysis it built-in bias tee
► ield strengt measurements it isotropi antenna
► Easy operation thanks to user-configurable, automatic test sequences

R&S®TSME6 ultracompact network scanner

► re uen y range z to z
► te nologies simultaneously in one s anner
► upports do n on erter or mm a e range
► Compact and lightweight, customized mechanical concept for cascading
► Low power consumption

R&S®TSMA6 autonomous network scanner

► re uen y range z to z
► te nologies simultaneously in one s anner
► upports mm a e range do n on erter
► Compact and lightweight, customized mechanical concept for cascading
► upporting additional s anner ard are ndroid based s and tablets
► ntegrated ig -per orman e ntel i C based C
R&S®TSME30DC ultracompact downconverter
► re uen y range z to z
► C ultra ompa t do n on erter
► re uen y range z to z
► imultaneous mm a e and sub z measurements it a single

QualiPoc Android smartphone based RF and QoE testing

► upported on latest ndroid smartp ones and tablets
► Comprehensive range of service test functions for voice, data and video
as ell as or annel and ell lo ing or dedi ated optimization
► Intuitive user interface, including customizable monitors and workspaces

R&S®ROMES4 universal software for network engineering for all technologies

► upports latest te nologies e g - o and L -
► upports test smartp ones it on-de i e test apabilities
► C C x - i L -o
Cat- and
► ni ue s anner eatures C L -o
► and o testing apabilities in one tool

SmartBenchmarker software for local control of drive and walk test

benchmarking campaigns
► lexible easy-to-use eb inter a e
► tandard mode mart en mar er o ers easy-to-use eb based
for data collection and quick analysis tasks
► Intuitive user interface, including customizable workspaces

50 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 51

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing

Validate new technologies
Clean the spectrum Ensure correct infrastructure deployment Optimize network quality during operation
and features
Coverage, new Device-network Over-the-air tests: Over-the-air tests: End-user QoE
Spectrum Interference Antenna system Mobile network Quality 24/7 continuous OEM IP network
features and interaction and signal and spectrum network analysis, (perceived application
clearance hunting verification quality benchmarking quality monitoring analytics solutions
technologies application KPI analysis, field strength site acceptance quality)
R&S®MobileLocator advanced interference hunting and emitter location
► ni ue automati lo ation o a transmitter rom a mo ing e i le
► ast easy installation in ommer ial e i les
► Optimized for interference hunting in urban areas (multipath propagation)
► Generation of an interference search report with all relevant information

SmartAnalytics software suite for QoE data analytics

► Analytics software that provides QoE use case driven machine learning-
assisted insights
► Intuitive web based software for benchmarking, optimization and
► nalyzes data to impro e end-user o and net or per orman e
► Highlights network performance issues and analyzes their causes

SmartMonitor software for remote real-time network monitoring and

fleet management
► Web based application running on Windows or Linux app server
► Informative dashboards, providing the latest results and status of the
probes in real time
► Intuitive campaign configuration and fleet operation
► ast and easy registering o ne uali o ndroid probes
R&S®Cable Rider ZPH cable and antenna analyzer
► re uen y range z to z z
► ne-port model supports L CL and opti al po er
► Two-port model supports transmission measurement, spectrum and
interference analysis, signal strength mapping
► ast measurements no alibration re uired
► Easy operation thanks to user-configurable, automatic test

R&S®ZVH handheld cable and antenna analyzer

► re uen y range z to z z
► upports ull t o-port transmission and re le tion
measurements, spectrum and spectrogram analysis
► ast measurements no alibration re uired
► Easy operation thanks to user-configurable, automatic test

R&S®5G Site Testing Solution (STS)

► Automatic detection and demodulation of all cellular standards
► imultaneous te nology-related and spe trum measurements
► Voice, data and video testing (optional, smartphone based)
► signal demodulation do n to d m C z
► re uen y o erage up to z
R&S®GSRM intelligent user and control plane correlation
► GTPcorrelation in real time based on subscriber ID
► Multicore
architecture with linear scalability to satisfy high bandwidth
► upports L and net or s in luding and
R&S®vPACE next-level vectoring based DPI engine
►A significantly improved average clocks-per-packet ratio, resulting in up to
t ree times t e speedup ompared to engines
► mall memory ootprint less t an byte per -tuple onne tion and
byte per net or endpoint
► uns in loud and irtualized en ironments it support or e tor based
R&S®PACE2 advanced protocol and application classification with
metadata extraction
► o er ul engine it out dependen y it respe t to C
architecture or operating system
► Always up to date thanks to weekly signature updates
► High traffic detection accuracy and reliability with virtually no false

52 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 53

Rohde & Schwarz Mobile
obile Network
et or Testing



Rohde & Schwarz offers the industry’s most advanced testing solutions in an integrated, modular and
flexible software and hardware platform. The platform is highly structured, modular and future-proof and
addresses all key use cases along the network lifecycle. The components can be tailored and configured to
the specific needs required by the user. Its ultimate goal is to increase network performance and maximize
quality of experience (QoE) with higher productivity and efficiency.

Engineering Interference hunting Verification & acceptance Optimization & troubleshooting Network audit & benchmarking Quality monitoring

Data Analytics suite


Test management In-field, walk, drive and remote testing

Test options RF, QoS, QoE

Measurement devices Analyzer, receiver, smartphone, scanner, engineering device

Hardware Portable, decentralized autonomous and vehicle setups, laptops, tablets, etc.

Data analytics Data collection Hardware options

gaining insights from data high-quality data for informed decision-making flexible hardware for multiple test scenarios
A powerful and effective big data analytics tool is cru- Mobile network operators have to make well-informed, e plat orm o ers a range o ard are options t at
cial in order to fully exploit mobile network assessment fact based decisions for strategic investments. This is only are specially engineered for various test scenarios, includ-
data and gain deep insights into networks for targeted possible based on intelligent insights generated from reli- ing field, walk and drive test based testing and remote
improvements. able and a urate data e plat orm pro ides a set testing as well as unattended static or mobile single-probe
of specialized, modular test equipment to collect accurate, or fleet setups. The flexible hardware concept allows com-
mart nalyti s is a ne generation analyti s suite t at validated and reproducible data. ponents to be reused for different use cases and therefore
offers all features necessary for data management and reduces CAPEX.
validation, statistical and diagnostic analysis (root cause Key components for data collection
analysis), as well as descriptive and predictive analysis and e plat orm o ers a modular set o omponents
reporting mart nalyti s supports use ases or installa- for data collection comprising:
tion and maintenance, interference hunting, network engi- ► Measurement devices
neering, network optimization, quality benchmarking and ► Test options
network monitoring. ► Test management

54 Rohde & Schwarz Maximize network quality and performance 55

Rohde & Schwarz
Service at Rohde & Schwarz e o de arz te nology group is among t e trail-
You’re in great hands blazers when it comes to paving the way for a safer and
► Worldwide
onne ted orld it its leading solutions in test measure-
► Local and personalized
► Customized and flexible ment te nology systems and net or s yberse urity
► Uncompromising quality ounded more t an years ago t e group is a reliable
► Long-term dependability
partner for industry and government customers around
the globe. The independent company is headquartered in
Munich, Germany and has an extensive sales and service
net or it lo ations in more t an ountries


Mobile network testing

The company’s broad and diverse product portfolio for
mobile network testing addresses every test scenario in
the network lifecycle – from base station installation to net-
work acceptance and network benchmarking, from opti-
mization and troubleshooting to interference hunting and
spe trum analysis rom appli ation a areness to o
and QoE of voice, data, video and app based services.


Rohde & Schwarz training


Rohde & Schwarz customer support



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