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2017 Comp 204

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il What is the address range of a class C network in binary?

a.0lxxxxxx b.0xxxxxxx c. l0xxxxxx d. ll0xxxxx

12. means that the signal changes its form or shape.

a. Attenuation b. Distortion c. Noise d. Crosstalk

l3 The only address in the block is called the address.

a. Limited-broadcast b. Loopback c. Private d. Multicast

t4. Which of the following IP Network addresses is a reserved address?

a. b. c. d.
l5 What is the vulnerable time for Pure ALOHA?
a.2 x Tfr b. % x Tfr c. Tfr d. None of above

t6 443 is the port of

d. FTP
17. What are the three security goals?
a. Traffic Analysis, Modification and Masquerading
b. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
c. Integrity, availability and Modification
d. Confidentiality, Integrity and Modification

18. For m size header the size of receive slide window for selective repeat protocol is
a.2m b.2^ c.2^-t d.2*+l
l9 The values of SNR and SNRou for a noiseless channel are :
a. SNR:0, SNRau= 0 b. SNR = 0, SNRab= cp
c. SNR: m , SNRdb: 6p d. SNR: co , SNRdb: 0

20 The first and the last IP address of a given ip address is

a. and223.15.18.22 b. and223.15.18.31
c. and d. and223.15.18.1
End Semester Examination
5Ll 1 u
August/September, 20 I 7
Level : B. E./ B. Sc. Course : COMP 204
Year : II Semester : II
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins. F.M. :40
[6 Q. x 4: 24 marks]
Attempt ANY SIX questions:

l. Compare between TCP/IP modeland OSI model. l4l

2. Explain guided media and its types with suitable diagram t4l

J What do you mean by transmission impairment? Write in brief the factors that causes the
transmission impairment.
o 4.
Explain with suitable diagram how Pure ALOHA works. What is the vulnerable time of
pure ALOHA? Explain how the efficiency of pure ALOHA protocol be increased.
Il '5+l+l '5]
5 An organization is granted ablock of addresses with the beginning address organization needs to have 3 subblocks of addresses to use in its three
subnets. First subblock of 10 address, second subblock of60 addresses and third
subblock of 120 addresses. Design the subblocks. t4I

6. Explain the working mechanism of Go-Back-N ARQ with suitable flow diagram. t4l

7. Write short notes on (ANY TWO) [2+21

a. Denial of Service
b. DNS
c. Bellman-Ford routing algorithm
d. Network Address Translation (NAT)

[2 Q. x 8 =16 marks]
Attempt INI/ WO Questions:

8 Explain the working mechanism of CDMA and write down its associated properties.
Finds the chips for a network with two stations. [2+5+l]
9. a. How does a single-bit error differ from a burst error? Find the Hamming distance
between d(000, 01 1) and d( l 0l 0l , l l l l
b. Explain the working of simple parity check code with diagram for encoder and decoder.
Assuming 4 bit data word generate all possible codeword showing that simple parity
check guarantees to detect any even number oferrors. l}+l+21

10. a. Explain three way handshake protocol with clear flow diagram. t4l
b. Explain "count to infinity" problem with suitable example. t3]
c. lf a periodic signal is decomposed into five sine waves with frequencies of I 00, 300, 500,
700 and 900 Hz, what is the bandwidth ? tll

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