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TYPE Mini Review

PUBLISHED 20 October 2022

DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2022.991931

Trends in industrialization
OPEN ACCESS and commercialization of
Carlos Angulo,
Centro de Investigación Biológica del
IgY technology
Noroeste (CIBNOR), Mexico

REVIEWED BY Saeed Yakhkeshi 1,2, Rao Wu 1, Brindha Chelliappan 1

Agnieszka Łupicka-Słowik,
Wrocław University of Science and and Xiaoying Zhang 1,3,4*
Technology, Poland
College of Biological Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong,
*CORRESPONDENCE Shaanxi, China, 2 Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Cell Science Research
Xiaoying Zhang Center, Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, Academic Center for Education,
xzhang67@uoguelph.ca Culture, and Research (ACECR), Tehran, Iran, 3 Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ontario
Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 4 Centre of Molecular &
Environmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
This article was submitted to
Comparative Immunology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology

RECEIVED 12 July 2022 IgY technology refers to the strategic production process involved in
ACCEPTED 07 October 2022 generating avian immunoglobulin (IgY) against target antigens in a much
PUBLISHED 20 October 2022
more cost-effective manner with broad applications in the fields of
CITATION diagnostics, prophylaxis, and therapeutics for both human and veterinary
Yakhkeshi S, Wu R, Chelliappan B and
medicine. Over the past decade, promising progress in this research area has
Zhang X (2022) Trends in
industrialization and been evident from the steep increase in the number of registered
commercialization of IgY technology. manufacturing companies involved in the production of IgY products, the
Front. Immunol. 13:991931.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.991931 number of patents, and the notable number of clinical trials underway. Hence,
it is crucial to conduct a prospective analysis of the commercialization and
© 2022 Yakhkeshi, Wu, Chelliappan and marketing potential of IgY-based commercial products for large-scale
Zhang. This is an open-access article applications. This review revealed that the number of IgY patent applications
distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License increased steeply after 2010, with the highest of 77 patents filed in 2021. In
(CC BY). The use, distribution or addition, 73 industries are reportedly involved in marketing IgY products, out of
reproduction in other forums is
which 27 were promoting biotherapeutics for human and veterinary medicine
permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) and 46 were in the diagnostic field. IgY antibodies are being used as primary
are credited and that the original and secondary antibodies, with approximately 3729 and 846 products,
publication in this journal is cited, in
accordance with accepted academic
respectively. Biotherapeutic product consumption has notably increased as a
practice. No use, distribution or food supplement and as a topical application in human and veterinary
reproduction is permitted which does medicine, which are under different clinical phases of development to reach
not comply with these terms.
the market with around 80 and 56 products, respectively. In contrast, the
number of IgY products as parenteral administrations and licensed drugs is not
well developed given the lack of technical standards established for IgY
registration and industrialization, as well as the restriction of the nature of
polyclonal antibodies. However, recent ongoing research on functional IgY
fragments indicates a promising area for IgY applications in the near future.
Therefore, retrospective analysis with speculations is mandatory for IgY
technology maturation toward industrialization and commercialization.


egg yolk antibody (IgY), IgY patent, IgY product, IgY company, industrialization,

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Introduction species (2). This molecule is known as a mammalian

immunoglobulin G (IgG) homolog, with a higher molecular
IgY technology, which refers to the process involved in weight (180 kDa rather than 150 kDa). Unlike IgG, which
generating avian egg yolk antibody (IgY) with unique structural possesses three constant domains in the heavy chain, IgY
and functional properties against targeted antigens, is cost-effective, contains four heavy-chain constant domains, and the hinge
non-invasive for animal welfare, easy-to-produce, and high- region in the IgY molecule is reportedly less developed than
volume antibody production platforms. This technology has that in IgG (4, 5). The Fc region of IgY includes two
advanced rapidly in the past decade, both in terms of technical carbohydrate side chains, unlike IgG, which only has one
aspects and research and clinical use (1), with broad diagnostic, chain (2, 5). IgY has unique structural and molecular features
prophylactic, and therapeutic applications in human and in immunological and antibody studies. IgY is more heavily
veterinary medicine. Moreover, a range of IgY-based products glycosylated than mammalian IgG and has significant effects
has entered the commercial market, attracting many investments on protein stability, sensitivity to proteases, immunogenicity,
from industries for IgY technology commercialization (2, 3) and biological activity (6). IgY contains complex glycans with
(Figure 1). Therefore, for the commercialization of this or without core fucose (7), high mannose, and high sialic acid
technology to add value to IgY-based studies, there is an urgent content; therefore, it is more stable in vitro and in vivo (7).
prerequisite for understanding the latest status of IgY-related Moreover, owing to the phylogenetic distance between avian
patents, companies involved, products in the pipeline and and mammalian species, IgY has high efficacy in the
products already marketed, marketing strategies for IgY products recognition of proteins or epitopes that are highly conserved
against conventional antibodies, regulations by product registration in mammals (5). Meanwhile, because of high ortholog protein
authorities, and addressing the difficulties and limitations for sequence homology between mammals, IgY has less cross-
further developments in this huge arena of opportunities. reactivity than IgG in mammalian systems, that is, no
interference to the mammalian Fc gamma receptors (FcgRs)
and rheumatoid factors were observed, suggesting IgY as a
potentially promising candidate for immunoglobulin-based
IgY antibody: Molecular and therapies and immunoassays (2, 4, 5). The inherent defects
functional aspects in polyclonal IgY limit its potential application (4). In the last
decade, the generation of monoclonal IgY or IgY fragments
IgY antibody is the predominant immunoglobulin found has made successful progress; thus, increasing functional IgY
in the serum and egg yolk of avian, amphibian, and reptile fragments, such as single chain (scFv) (8), chimeric (9), and

Schematic indication of the IgY production, applications, and market status. (A) Number of companies manufacturing IgY-based products for
human medicine and veterinary fields. (B) Indicated the primary antibody (pAb), secondary antibody (sAb), and other products (monoclonal
antibody, tag antibody, and diagnostic kit). ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; IC, immunocytochemistry; IHC, immunohistochemistry;
FC, flowcytometry; WB, western blot. This drawing was created with BioRender.com.

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humanized IgY (10), have been constructed. Therefore, future Analysis of IgY products and
work on chicken monoclonal IgYs (mIgYs) should be
combined with humanized techniques to avoid IgY
market status
immunogenicity. Moreover, it has been proved that
hybridoma technology is not successful in monoclonal IgY To analyze IgY product data, a web search was done in
production (9, 11). However, qualified functional IgY Google databases on the IgY products worldwide during 2010–
fragments, such as IgY-scFv, can be generated by using 2022 by using the keywords, “IgY product”, “IgY antibody”,
genetic engineering technology (9). A recent pilot study and “IgY egg yolk powder supplement” and further analyzed
demonstrated that mimetics derived from IgY-scFv are based on two categories: biotherapeutics and diagnostic. In the
feasible for both detection and therapy (11). Different biotherapeutics section, the number of IgY products for human
independent research groups have demonstrated that medicine was higher than for veterinary products (59% vs.
generating IgY-scFv using phage display techniques is as 41%; Figure 2B, 3). In human medicine, 80 products were
easy as mammalian IgG-scFv generation (6, 9). Another identified in different phases of development as products on the
study confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of a humanized IgY market (52), under discovery (13), in preclinical studies (7), in
antibody against IL-12 (12). Compared with functional IgY pipelines (7), and clinical trials (1) (Figure 1 and
fragments, full-length mIgY may still be valuable as an Supplementary Table S1). In the veterinary field, 56 products
immunological tool, because it is more stable than IgY were identified as available at various stages, including
fragments (13). It is also rational to speculate that IgY may products in the market (54), discovery (2), and development
have broader functions than currently understood. Hence, a (1) (Figure 1 and Supplementary Table S2). In the diagnostic
systematic IgY study may be necessary to better explore IgY sector, 4875 products were introduced into the market: 3729 as
molecules for IgY-scFv and mIgY applications. primary antibodies, 846 as secondary antibodies, and 253 as
other products (Supplementary Table S3). IgY can be used as a
natural and cost-effective molecule providing passive immune
Analysis of IgY patents protection against various pathogens including bacteria,
viruses, fungy, and parasites in humans and animals (15),
A total of 819 IgY-related patent applications were which includes the products recommended for oral cavity
recorded in the Patentscope database (https://patentscope. infections such as Ig-Guard Mutant and Ovalgen ® DC
wipo.int) from 2010 to 2022. The data visualization showed (Streptococcus mutans), Ovalgen ® PG (Porphyromonas
an increasing trend in patent applications, with the highest of gingivalis), and Ovalgen ® CA (Candida albicans), for
77 applications during the year 2021 (Figure 2A). Four broad respiratory infections, such as Ovalgen® FL (influenza) and
domains were associated with the use of IgY in the patent anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgY, for gastrointestinal diseases, such as Ig-
applications field: therapeutics and prophylactic (56%), Guard Helico, GastimunHP, Ovalgen ® HP (Helicobacter
research reagent as the primary or secondary antibody pylori), Ig-Guard Rota, Ovalgen® RV (Rotavirus), IgY Max
(31%), IgY extraction and purification methods (11%), and (against 26 human-relevant bacteria) and products that are in
diagnostic kits (2%) (Figure 2B, 1). IgY patent applications discovery stage (IGY-106, IGY-112, IGY-108, and PG-001), for
were mainly from China (56%), South Korea (11%), and the skin disorders, such as Ig-Guard Acne (Propionibacterium
USA (9%), with 423, 85, and 64 patents, respectively acnes) and ImmunoDerm Y (Staphylococcus epidermidis), for
(Figure 2B, 2). Most IgY patents in medical and clinical hypercholesterolemia, such as Ig-Guard cholesterol (against
applications have been highlighted for oral or topical lipase and amylase), for balancing and improving the immune
adjunctive use, covering broad medical needs, including oral system, such as Vector450 and Ovopron® (Yolk powder
diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis, and dental caries), contain non-specific polyclonal IgY), for treating hair loss,
gastrointestinal diseases (gastric ulcers, intestinal infectious such as OstriGrow (contains IgY against dihydrotestosterone)
diseases, symbiosis, toxins, and nutritional and metabolic (2–4). As most of these diseases are caused by multiple
diseases), neoplasms, and skin diseases (acne). Some IgY pathogens, IgY intervention has the advantage of “cocktail
patents were also filed for parenteral administration in therapy” by targeting multiple pathogens, and a wide array of
animal models (4, 14). The filing of IgY patents for therapies can be easily established and precise treatment can be
diagnostic purposes, especially research antibodies, also provided based on the disease etiology analysis and patient’s
accounts for a significant share. Due to the higher health conditions (15). In the veterinary and animal fields,
phylogenetic distance between birds and mammals, IgY has there are many IgY products such as Ig-Guard Calf, Ig Lock
less cross-reactivity with mammalian proteins other than Calves, Globigen® Dia Stop, and IgY DNT (for calf diarrhea);
immunogens. Therefore, the antibodies do not bind to IgG PG-002 (for cow mastitis); Ig-Guard Swine, Ig Lock Pig (for
Fc receptors and cause less false-positive staining in swine diarrhea), Ig-Guard Puppy, ParvoONE ® , Ig Lock
immunoassay studies (2, 5). Canine, GastroMate®, and Guardizen (for pets, especially in

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Status of IgY commercialization. (A) Trends in IgY patent applications, data from 2010 to June 2022. (B) 1: Distribution and purposes of patents
applied worldwide. (B) 2: Geographic origins of patents related to IgY technology. Data from 2010 to June 2022. (B) 3: Distribution of
biotherapeutics IgY product types. (B) 4: Distribution of diagnostic IgY (pAb: primary antibody; sAb: secondary antibody; other products:
monoclonal antibody; tag antibody; and diagnostic kit). (B) 5 and 6: Top 10 countries for biotherapeutics and diagnostic IgY companies in the
market, respectively. * Patent cooperation treaty system. # European Patent Office. Additional data on IgY commercialization in China were
searched in the Chinese databanks and are summarized in Supplementary Table S8.

canines); Ig-Guard Duck, Ig-Guard Poultry, BIOAb DHV-IgY products (5%) (Figure 2B, 4). The availability of IgY products
(for poultry), Ig-Guard (SH), Ig-Guard (SA), Ig-Guard (AE), for diagnostic use in the market can be related to the unique
Ig-Guard (AY), and PG-003 (for aquaculture) (2–4). In the IgY characteristics mentioned above, with less background
diagnostic sector, primary antibodies represented 77% of these noise and lower IgY aggregation than mammalian IgG (16,
products, followed by secondary antibodies (18%), and other 17). Monoclonal IgY application is yet another growing market

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segment, although most products are still in the discovery or Lsbio, Genetex, OriGene Technologies Inc., Abcam, Sigma-
development stages, in which an anti-PD1 humanized IgY, Aldrich, E xalp ha, Ab nova, A grisera, and D ianova
Sym021, has been registered for clinical trials. (Supplementary Table S5). To date, there is no comprehensive
report on the IgY products market, including the number of
sales, product type, working capital, and market value of the
Analysis of IgY manufacturing companies. Nevertheless, analysts have shown that the IgY
industries market, especially polyclonal products in the research sector
(primary or secondary antibodies) will grow significantly by
Information on IgY manufacturing companies was retrieved 2027. The market value of IgY polyclonal antibodies is poised to
from the Google database by using the keywords, “IgY USD 14.2 million by 2027 ending at a CAGR (compound annual
company” and “IgY product data” worldwide from 2010 to growth rate) of over 13.4% during the forecast period of 2020 to
2022, and information about 73 companies from their 2027. However, the total antibody market share is only
respective websites was analyzed in relation to their IgY 0.24% (3).
products (Supplementary Tables S4–S6). Notably, more
companies were working in the field of diagnostics, including
primary and secondary antibodies for research purposes, than Analysis of registration and approval
biotherapeutics (46 companies against 27). Over 95% of IgY of IgY products
products produced by these companies are polyclonal
antibodies. Regarding the companies producing To analyze licensed IgY products, clinical trial databases
biotherapeutics products, the USA (21%), South Korea (16%), were analyzed on IgY products worldwide from the year 2005–
Japan (16%), and Romania (11%) had the largest percentages, 2022 to using the keywords, “IgY” (clinicaltrials.gov). A total of
with four, four, three, and two companies, respectively 15 clinical trials were recorded, of which 12 were in the study
(Figure 2B, 5). In the diagnostic sector, the USA represented phase and 3 were commercialized (Supplementary Table S7
60% of the companies (Figure 2B, 6). Most diagnostic companies worldwide and Supplementary Table S9 in the Chinese
were manufacturers, except for three distributors. In the databank). The first IgY clinical trial was a gargle solution
biotherapeutic sector, companies focus on human and containing specific IgY antibodies against Pseudomonas
veterinary medicine products, which are often polyclonal aeruginosa for daily administration in patients with cystic
antibodies against pathogens, such as dietary supplements, fibrosis registered in 2011 (Identifier (ID): NCT01455675). In
animal feed, and topical use. Some manufacturers included another clinical trial, the efficacy and safety of the food
A D B i o t e c h C o , D A N B i o t e c h I nc ., I g Y - r e s e a r c h , supplement IGN-ES001 (egg yolk powder containing a
Imunoinstant, Good Biotech Corp, IgY Nutrition, EW specific IgY against Escherichia coli F18ab and Salmonella
Nutrition, IGY Life Sciences Inc., Xymogen, Prnpharmacal, typhimurium) were demonstrated (ID: NCT03058224). A
Pharma Foods International, Bioinnovo, Vetglory, study showed that dietary supplements containing specific
Immunsystem, and Eggcellent Proteins (Supplementary Table IgY against Helicobacter pylori (GastimunHP) reduced
S4). Polyclonal IgY antibodies have been available in the market bacterial colonization and pathogenicity in patients with
for over two decades (15). Contrary to the common gastric ulcer (ID: NCT02721355). In children with diarrhea,
understanding of antibody products, IgY is also referred to as using IgY-based nutritional products reduced the duration and
GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the US Food and Drug severity of diarrhea (ID: NCT02385773). Daily oral
Administration (FDA), and regulations in licensing IgY administration of an IgY product (IgY Max®) containing a
products are relaxed, especially as food supplements or for mixture of IgY antibodies against 26 human-relevant bacteria
oral use (15). However, there exist strict regulations for the improved intestinal integrity and reduced microbiome
parenteral administration products and monoclonal IgY (18, imbalance (ID: NCT02972463). The use of an oral IgY-
19). As technology advances, many companies have placed specific drug (IM-01) reduced the growth of C. difficile
functional IgY fragment products on their agenda for future pathogen (ID: NCT04121169). A clinical trial using IgY
registration and commercialization, as well as a platform to (dried yolk powder diet supplement) reduced intestinal
provide antibody production services (1, 2). For example, cholesterol uptake and regulated serum cholesterol levels (ID:
OmniAb Company offers humanized antibody technology NCT01890889). IgY (AGY-010) capsules against celiac disease
(OmniChicken ® ), which claims the production of fully (CD) reduce immunosuppression and disease complications
humanized antibodies based on genetically engineered (ID: NCT03707730). Furthermore, a diet supplement (egg
chickens that express human immunoglobulin assemblies (20). lozenge) containing a specific IgY against Porphyromonas
In the diagnostic sector, most companies are manufacturers of gingivalis reduced the number of pathogens in oral infections
research antibodies and the main producers include Usbio, (ID: NCT02705885). In another experiment on dental caries,

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the use of a specific IgY against Streptococcus mutans inhibited techniques or powder processing. For example, ultrafiltration
bacterial growth (ID: NCT02341352). Recently, for (UF), microfiltration, and reverse osmosis have been successfully
coronavirus infection, a clinical trial using anti-SARS-CoV-2 implemented to concentrate and/or extract egg components (24,
IgY in the form of a nasal spray reduced viral pathogenicity 26). However, only a few studies have standardized the use of UF
(ID: NCT04567810). According to our investigation, only one membrane processes to purify IgY antibodies. Lipids or
clinical trial has been confirmed in the parenteral lipoproteins can strongly influence the efficiency of UF
administration of IgY product (ID: NCT03311412); namely, membranes; thus, their removal from the water-soluble
monoc lon al I gY pr oduc t (Sym0 21) against hum an fraction remains a critical factor in the success of this method
programmed cell death protein 1 (PD1) showed promising (25, 28). Moreover, some commercial IgY extraction and
inhibitory binding to PD-1 (21). purification kits are available on the market, but they are not
suitable for industrial-scale manufacturing processes. Except for
the spray drying method (egg yolk powder preparation as IgY
product), the available variety of IgY extraction methods and
Industrialization of IgY technology: purification methods discussed above have not been applied well
Challenges and prospective in large-scale production processes. Therefore, IgY extraction
solutions and purification standardization and optimization on an
industrial scale are required.
Safety of IgY products

Immunogenic responses after polyclonal IgY administration Stability of IgY products

have been described via oral (22) and parenteral routes (23).
Recently, the safety of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgY for nasal drop It is crucial to maintain the stability of the product and, thus,
administration was confirmed with lack of cross-reactivity with the bioactivity of IgY under different storage and usage
human lung and nasal mucosa tissues and adverse events in a conditions. IgY is more hydrophobic with high stability,
phase 1 clinical study (24). In another nasal delivery study, the retains its activity for 6 months at room temperature and 5
protective effect and safety of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgY were years at 4°C, is relatively stable up to 70°C for 15 min, and is
confirmed in a mouse model, with no adverse effects observed highly active at pH 4–11 (5, 15). Moreover, IgY can be degraded
(25). Moreover, intraperitoneal injection of polyvalent-specific similarly to IgG by digestive enzymes, such as proteases and
IgY against Zika virus in a mouse model, besides not inducing hydrolases (15). Few studies have been conducted on the half-life
antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), did not display any of IgY in the body. For example, active IgY is present in the
side effects (26). Despite the lack of cross-reactivity between IgY patient’s saliva 12 h after gargling (29). In newborn pigs, IgY has
and mammalian Fc, further safety studies are needed for a half-life of 1.85 d in the sera and 1.73 h in the gastrointestinal
systemic administration. The development of chimeric tract (30). Therefore, efforts are needed to identify the most
antibody fragments and humanized monoclonal IgY such as suitable protective agent, carrier, and proper dosage design and
Sym021 could also contribute to reducing these safety delivery systems to retain IgY product stability.
concerns (21).

IgY delivery systems and dosage

Large scale production of IgY antibodies form designs

IgY technology requires only a low cost for large-scale Few studies have been conducted on the IgY delivery
production but with high-volume production. This aspect is systems and dosage forms compared with mammalian IgG.
evident from the fact that one hen can produce approximately Some IgY properties pose a limiting factor for the delivery
325 eggs with 50–100 mg/egg IgY, thus yielding up to 35 g of IgY method. For example, a lower isoelectric point (IP: 5.7–7.6)
annually (27), which is five times higher in specific pathogen- than IgG (IP: 6.1–8.5), causes no efficient fluid-phase
free (SPF) hens (175 g vs. 35 g) (2). Standard laboratory endocytosis (pinocytosis) in mammalian cells (31). Moreover,
techniques for IgY extraction usually include precipitation IgY has a shorter half-life than IgG in the mammalian host, as
methods using salts (e.g., ammonium sulfate), polymers (e.g., IgY-Fc cannot bind to mammalian FcgRs (32). Therefore, it can
polyethylene glycol), and affinity chromatography techniques for affect the choice of IgY delivery system or dosage form (32).
purification (28). However, these methods can be time- Different forms of mIgYs for systemic administration are in
consuming or expensive (15, 28), which may interfere with pipelines, such as the humanized IgY platforms OmniChicken®
their large-scale application. The extraction of egg components (20) and Sym021® (21). However, extensive research, especially
at an industrial scale can be achieved using membrane on functional IgY-scFv fragments (33), is highly limited.

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However, strict regulations exist for parenterally administered and technical processes (i.e., validated and diversified
products and monoclonal IgY, and there are problems with extraction and purification methods), as well as the
effective delivery systems. The use of egg yolk powder containing consensus on regulation and approval of IgY-based health
specific IgY as a food ingredient is an economical and practical products. There is only one monoclonal IgY product in the
“dosage form” for the oral administration of polyclonal IgY clinical phase, but some products are in development,
along with encapsulation materials and stabilizers (15, 28). indicating the emerging application of mIgY and functional
Attempts have been made to deliver the IgY active ingredient IgY fragments as novel drug candidates for the utilization of
to the oral cavity (29) and nasal cavity (24) as parenteral IgY antibodies. Finally, studying and understanding the
administrations, as well as systemic administration of mIgY industrialization and commercialization status of the IgY
such as Sym021. However, in-depth scientific research is still technology is essential for future development.
awaited for the safety approval and efficacy of the IgY dosage
form design.
Author contributions
Regulatory mandates for IgY products SY and XZ contributed to conception and design of the
commercialization study. SY and RW organized the database. SY performed the
statistical analysis. SY wrote the first draft of the manuscript. SY,
Food and drug regulators, such as the FDA, play a key role RW, and BC wrote sections of the manuscript. All authors
in the introduction of novel products into the market. IgY contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the
products are available in the market for oral administration, as submitted version.
listed (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2). This approval has
been favored by regional regulations that allow the registration
of biological products as functional foods (34). The Funding
development of IgY-based compositions should also focus on
key production aspects, such as close biological activity This work was supported by the National Natural Science
monitoring, the presence of contaminants, and quality Foundation of China [grant number 31873006].
control parameters (34). Compositions designed for oral
delivery may be easier to register than IgY-based products,
which require parenteral administration. Thus, more studies Conflict of interest
on the safety and efficacy of IgY delivery via this route are still
needed. For example, it is required to have standards such as The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions, specific- absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
pathogen-free (SPF) birds, and IgY safety documentation be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
for industrialization.

Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
Quantitative IgY technology analysis reveals significant authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
progress evident from patents, companies, clinical trials, and organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
products in diagnostic and biotherapeutic fields for human reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
and animal applications. In the diagnostic field, owing to the claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
unique properties of IgY over mammalian IgG discussed or endorsed by the publisher.
above, IgY-based immunoassay products are better
developed in the market than biotherapeutics. Generally, IgY
biotherapeutic products are marketed as oral or topical Supplementary material
supplements. Despite the range of these products entering
the market, parenteral IgY products as licensed drugs have The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
made little progress, probably because of the lack of standards online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/
in experimental animals (i.e., specific-pathogen-free birds) fimmu.2022.991931/full#supplementary-material

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