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3 NRB Bank Not Just Another Bank Corporate Head Office Uday Sanz Block: SE (A), Plot: 2/8, Roa 134, South Avenue Gulshan - 1, Ohaka-1212. Tol: +8809866456000/16568 ‘www nrbbankbd.com Wo MANFUZ ANMED BRANCH NAME: —Syhet Main Branch CUSTONERID: oftue8e iors ee NUMBER” 3011020119175 Sos ACCOUNT TYPE: owen savens, oar ACCOUNT CURRENCY: sor STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD OF 07.05.29 TO 07.11.2023 Date Paniculars RefNo, debit Creat porn batnce 3 000 0.00 ‘sun Ha re chore 202s Tan 0.090 ‘4Jun-2023_EfLinw masummohammedior shop 730secal lami 2 0.00 99,998.00 teanvans SL nanewotannad pte : ae ae Sse ican] en Joe rarest tp fo0ecria ied - 0.00 100,000.00 ee Se ono0011 8000.00 2.00 Pare) sat coooor soa. 00 ‘eae Epa gta ark ; ooo «ngo0.00 rowutanzs sot cooon's«acoo.00 000 zz-auc-2003 | EtLinw 1002Stsyganabtgmggsnetind mahfiz : 00 7500000 as-avo-22s cot coon) enconnn 000 2a-auc-202s | Etiw 10025itevganabny tamansnefin2.Songcinmd : 0.00 1,875.00 ov seP-20e5 aah : 0026480000 or fa fw poh ogres rm - 00 s0c0.00 swocr-2a3 set onoooi? | 1sp00n.00 a00 ae-ocr-a0es sot oo00018 «0.00000 00 s0-0cr-20e8 so onooota 10900000 00 sv0cra0zs set 0000020 4000000 tao Page 1 of 2 - vo2 On Balance 1253361 12246.11 12246.11 212,246.11 312286.11 62,246.11 12.246.11 2018.11 1301843 123967.98 19,067.93 53,867.03 13867.93 88,267.93 8867.98 10,742.98 265,642.93 739,642.93 289,642.93 290,802.03 735,602.93 85,802.93 185,802.03 188,302.93 149,302.93 48,302.03 3.392.93, %« NRB Bank Corporate Head Office Uday Sanz Block: SE (A), Plot: 2/8, Not Just Another Bank Road: 134, South Avenue Gulshan - 1, Dhaka-1212. Tel: +8809666456000/16568 www. nebbankbd.com ‘31-0¢T-2023, Ef_inw nrta account offemitust bank It, : 0.00 40,000.00 31-OCT-2023 ER _Inw adjusting accoutsremincentivetrst bank > 0.00 1000.00 os-Nov-2023 En_nw minto khanf2330673)ndagrani bank. : 0.00 100,000.00, Ef_inw OG-NOV-2023 10025ttsyganqc2worondkyuGrmeftn301 10201191750 A 0.00 50,000.00 ‘md mahfumutval ust bank te 06-Nov-2023 Sef 0900021 60,000.00 0.00 ER iow OT-NOV-2023 10025ttsyganqc2wofOndkyuBnmgcin2 Sneftng0110201 i 0.00 1,260.00 '$917Snmutual vust bank Rd. Total balance = g91668.00 1,019,777.32 48,292.93 49,392.93 149,392.93 199,392.93 130,302.93 140.642.93, 14064293, PLEASE VERIFY THE ITEMS AND BALANCE ON THIS STATEMENT AND ADVICE THE BANK OF ANY DISCREPANCY WITHIN 14 DAYS OF RECEIVING THIS ‘STATEMENT, ELSE IT LL BE DEEMED AS CORRECT. Page 2 of 2 THANK YOU FOR BANKING WITH NRB BANK LIMITED. JTER GENERATED STATEMENT AND OOES NOT REQUIRE ANY SIGNATURE eae 3 NRB Bank Ref: NRBBL / Retail / Sylhet Main Branch / 2023/128 Date: November 08, 2023 To whom it may concern This is to certify that Md Mahfuz Ahmed address of Kodupur, Khatkhai-3161, Golapgonj, Sylhet has been maintaining a savings account with NRB Bank Ltd, Sylhet Main Branch bearing account number 3011020119175 since September 12, 2022. The balance standing to the credit of his/her account as at close of business on last working day (07.11.2023) is stated below. | Balance in CAD AccountNo. | Account Type | A/COpendate | Balance in BDT (CAD 1=80.60) On dated 08.11.2023 3011020119175 | PowerSavers | 1.092022 140,642.93 1,744.95 ae Total ‘BDT 140,642.93 CAD 1,744.95 In word: Taka One Lac Forty Thousand Six Hundred Forty Two and decimal Ninety Three Only. In word: Cane Dollar One Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Four and decimal Ninety Five Only. As per our knowledge the said customer is financially solvent & sound. This certificate is issued at the request of our valued account holder based on the accounts statement and subjective assessment by the undersigned without assuming any risk or prejudice on the part of this bank or any of its officials. SPO & Customer NRB Bank Limited Sylhet Main Branch, Sylhet Manru Shopping City, Chouhatta, Sylhet Work: +8809666457210, Ext: 7210 Email: mdershad.sadique@nrbbankbd.com rvice Manager

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