Polymers 12 01327
Polymers 12 01327
Polymers 12 01327
14 651
3 authors:
Grzegorz Kowaluk
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Influence of the lignocellulose raw material type of the agricultural origin on the properties of the achieved fibrous chips and the composite furniture panels produced
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All content following this page was uploaded by Eduardo Robles on 10 June 2020.
Abstract: The sizeable global production of wood-based products requires new sources of raw material,
but also creates large quantities of wastes or composites that do not comply with requirements.
In this study, the influence of different shares of recovered high-density fiberboards (HDF-r), reversed
into the production, on industrial HDF properties, has been examined. HDF-r may be a suitable
partial substitute for raw pinewood for industrial HDF production. Although most of the mechanical
properties, as well as thickness swelling and water absorption, had a linear decrease with the increase
in the share of HDF-r share, the elaborated boards met most of the commercial requirements (EN
622-5). The property that did not meet the requirements was the internal bond strength for panels
with 10% of HDF-r. The presented results show that, after some adjustments, it should be possible to
produce HDF boards with up to 10% of recycled HDF being able to meet all commercial requirements.
1. Introduction
Global development and population growth [1] result in a more significant demand for new
space for accommodation. Due to that fact, there is also a growing need for building materials,
not only bricks or plasterboards, but also wood-based panels, for example, oriented strand boards
(OSB), plywood, or insulation boards, including soft boards (SB) or low-density fiberboards (LDF).
Together with the operation new residential buildings, the demand for new furniture made of, for example,
particleboards (PB) or fiberboards, among which the most common are hardboard (HB), medium-density
fiberboards (MDF), and high-density fiberboards (HDF), is growing as well. For this reason, there has been
a considerable growth in the world production of wood-based panels. Figure 1 presents how the world
production of wood-based panels has increased from 124 million m3 in 1990 to over 405 million m3 2018 [2].
The primary material for the production of wood-based panels is wood itself. Based on the data
shown in Figure 1, it can be seen that the world production of coniferous pulpwood, round wood,
and split wood has grown from 266 million m3 in 2000 to over 351 million m3 in 2018 [2]. The price
increase of the raw materials has supposed a struggle for the furniture industry [3]. In Poland, in 2018,
a significant jump (39.2%) in the price of building materials was observed, in particular for wood and
wood-based panels [4], on which wood price had an influence as well. Different wood species are used
for the production of wood-based panels, depending on their availability. The species of Polish forest
consists of ≈70% of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and ≈6% of oak (Quercus robur L.), spruce (Picea abies (L.)
H. Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) each [5]. For this reason, pine and spruce wood are the most
used materials for the production of MDF, while alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), birch, and beech
(Fagus sylvatica L.) wood are used rarely [6]. The average price of pinewood, reported by Polish State
Forests, has increased by about 15% from $53 m−3 in the period 2013–2017 [7]. This situation requires
academia and industry within the wood-based products to investigate and develop new sources of
raw material or its substitutes. Not only sawdust, but yearly-available straws or plastics (for wood
plastic composites–WPC) may be used for board production. Also, recovered wood and recovered
PB and MDF boards may be treated and used as a substitute for raw wooden material for the boards
Polymers 2020, [8].
12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 14
Figure 1.
1. World wood-based panels production
production 1990-2018
1990-2018 and
and World pulpwood, round and split,
production 2000–2018
coniferous production 2000–2018 (own
(own elaboration
elaboration according
according to
to [2]).
The primary materialare the formostthecommon
production wood-based
of wood-based products currently
panels is wood used in Based
itself. recycled on wooden
the data
shown in for their1,production
Figure it can be seen(WRAP,thatwww.nottinghamshire.gov.uk)
the world production of coniferous [9]. Previous
pulpwood, work roundhas explored
the production of medium density particleboards (MDP) with wood
and split wood has grown from 266 million m in 2000 to over 351 million m in 2018 [2]. The price
3 waste from
3 construction and
increase of [10]. As an
the raw example,has
materials Yang (2007) [11]
supposed studied for
a struggle the the
use furniture
of recycledindustry
wood-waste [3]. In chips for the
Poland, in
production of particleboards
2018, a significant jump (39.2%) for use in kitchens,
in the bathrooms,
price of building as a flooring
materials material,in
was observed, and in outdoor
particular for
equipment. Moreover, Laskowska
wood and wood-based panels [4],&on Mami ńskiwood
which in 2018priceshowedhad that it is possible
an influence to substitute
as well. Different 20–100%
of virginare
species material
used for withthepost-industrial
production ofplywood wood-based [12]. panels,
In another work, the
depending on addition of 30–50%The
their availability. of
species of MDF
Polishinto PB consists
forest production was proven
of ≈70% of pinepossible but withL.),
(Pinus sylvestris adverse
and ≈6% influences on the mechanical
of oak (Quercus robur L.),
and physical
spruce (Picea properties
abies (L.) H. of Karst.)
the finalandproducts [13]. pendula Roth) each [5]. For this reason, pine and
birch (Betula
wood are to the
most used materialsit is possible
for theto reintroduce
production woodwhile
of MDF, wastealder
glutinosa when
producing fiberboards. Previous works have explored the elaboration of insulation
Gaertn.), birch, and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood are used rarely [6]. The average price of pinewood, fiberboards, as soft
reported (SB)
by[14] using
Polish recovered
State Forests,fibers. Another work
has increased by abouthas elaborated
15% from hardboard
$53 m−3 in (HB) made of
the period recycled
corrugate cardboard
[7]. This situation [15], academia
requires reintroducing 20% of recovered
and industry within the MDF for dry-process
wood-based products MDF production,
to investigate and
develop panels meet theofrequirements
new sources raw material of or relevant standard
its substitutes. Notrequirements
only sawdust,[16]. but Furthermore,
yearly-available to reduce
wood wastes
or plastics disposed
(for of in landfills,
wood plastic MDF can bemay
composites–WPC) produced
be used fromforup to 100%
board recovered
production. fibers,
Also, or even
of old newsprint
wood and recovered fibersPB[17,18].
and MDF Also,boards
there are suggestions
may be treatedtoand re-use
usedthe aspost-used
a substitute MDF forfibers in MDF
raw wooden
material forafter their steam
the boards refining
production [8].conversion [19]. This approach sounds to be more reasonable
than Particleboards
the deeper processing
are the of the MDF
most common recovered fibers to
wood-based bioethanol
products production
currently used [20]. However,
in recycled these
MDF end-of-life scenarios also should be applied instead of landfills.
materials for their production (WRAP, www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk) [9]. Previous work has
explored the recyclingofofmedium
the production wooden densitymaterialsparticleboards
is environmentally (MDP)friendly
with wood [8], thewasterecovered
fiber pulp has
construction different
and demolitionchemical andanphysical
[10]. As example, characteristics
Yang (2007) [11] when compared
studied the use toof virgin
recycled fibers [21].
waste differences
chips for the affect the finalofmechanical
production particleboards and physical
for use inproperties of the fiberboards
kitchens, bathrooms, negatively
as a flooring [20].
and into outdoor
that fact,equipment.
the process Moreover,
requires anLaskowska
optimization & of the production
Mamiński in 2018parameters
showed that to itobtain the best
is possible to
substitute of 20–100%
fiberboards of produced with waste
virgin material with panels returned into
post-industrial the production
plywood as a rawwork,
[12]. In another material.the
addition ofto30–50%
achieveofthis, the physical
recovered MDF into and PB
production properties
was proven of reversed
but with must adverse be
on Fibers producedand
the mechanical from waste properties
physical wood material, such products
of the final as particleboards,
[13]. OSB, and MDF,
are suitable
Similarlyandtomay be used as secondary
particleboards, raw material
it is possible for the production
to reintroduce wood waste of fiberboards
fibrous material [23]. In this
producing fiberboards. Previous works have explored the elaboration of insulation fiberboards, as
soft boards (SB) [14] using recovered fibers. Another work has elaborated hardboard (HB) made of
recycled corrugate cardboard [15], reintroducing 20% of recovered MDF for dry-process MDF
production, where panels meet the requirements of relevant standard requirements [16].
Furthermore, to reduce wood wastes disposed of in landfills, MDF can be produced from up to 100%
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 3 of 14
sense, the examination of fibers recovered from fiberboards can be a useful tool for assessing the
potential properties of recycled fiberboards [24].
According to data provided by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) [2], the production of
fiberboards (MDF and HDF) in Poland increased nearly five times over the last 20 years from 768,000 m3
in 2000 to over 3,600,000 m3 in 2018. One of the most significant impacts on this growth was the
opening of ultrathin HDF production lines, such as Kronospan in 2003 [25], Homanit Karlino in 2005,
Homanit Krosno Odrzańskie in 2015 [26], Pfleiderer Grajewo in 2007 [27], and Ikea Industry Orla in
2011 [28]. This increase was a response of wood-based panels producers to increasing demand for HDF
boards used in honeycomb construction doors as skins or for furniture production in board-on-frame
construction (BOF) [29]. As a conclusion drawn from the information above, the HDF production
market in Poland is developing very fast. An increasing wood price caused by an increasing need
for wooden material from new wood-based panel factories, as well as the availability [30] of suitable
recovered material for fiberboard production, results in the need to evaluate the influence of the share
of HDF-r on the final properties of industrial HDF.
The goal of this investigation was to determine the influence of the different amount of recovered
HDF on the mechanical properties of industrial high-density fiberboard, such as modulus of rupture,
modulus of elasticity, internal bond, and surface soundness, but also on physical properties such as
thickness swelling, surface water absorption, surface roughness, and formaldehyde content, as well as
on surface color.
2.1. Materials
Virgin pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) debarked round wood from Polish State Forests (Podlaskie
voivodeship, Poland) was used to produce the fiberboards. Virgin fibers were produced on industrial
Metso Defibrator EVO56 (Metso, Helsinki, Finland) with a 2.5 m diameter disc with ten knives.
Recovered HDF (HDF-r) came from internal HDF production reject, such as offcuts from side trimming
saws and leftovers from the process board breaker, these shredded HDF were mixed with virgin
chips in the feeding conveyor of the defibrillator. Raw boards used for this investigation as a target
were 2.5 mm HDF with an aimed density of 860 kg m−3 , and compelled with CARB 2 standard of
formaldehyde content.
particles was weighted each hour, and based on the moisture content, dry tons per hour were calculated
for each setting. Based on those measurements, an average feeding capacity was determined and
referred to a constant defibrillator capacity of 30 t at h−1 (dry-tons per hour). For further analysis,
setting on the screw feeding controller for dosing HDF-r. The elaborated HDF had a content of 0%
(V0), 2% (V2), 5% (V5), 10% (V10), and 20% (V20) of HDF-r.
3. Results
The results of the sieving are shown in Table 1. As it could be noticed, the fraction of pine chips
was according to the requirements. The sieving of HDF-r particles was comparable to virgin pine chips,
but some differences in sieves 2 and 3 could be noticed. There was about 38% less material on sieve 2, which
resulted in not meeting the requirements. On the other hand, there was 24% more material on sieve 3.
Figure 2 presents a visual assessment of virgin pine chips and shredded HDF particles. The first
visible difference is the color, with HDF-r being darker than wood chips. These color differences might
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 5 of 14
be caused by the hydrothermal treatment during the defibrating process, but also by the caramelization
Table 1. Sieving results for pine and spruce wood chips.
of simple sugars (pentoses and hexoses) during pressing operation [6].
Sieve 1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6e 7f 8f 9f
Size [mm] 40 20 10 8 5 3.15 1 0.315 <0.315
Table 1. Sieving results for pine and spruce wood chips.
Pine chips [%] 0.74 51.80 39.19 4.64 3.07 0.56
Sieve HDF [%] 1 a 0.55 2 b32.48 3 c52.50 4 4.67
d 5 e 4.15 6 e
7 0.50 8 f
f 9f
Requirements: a <1%, b 45%<, c 35%<, d <5%, e <8%, f <1%.
Size [mm] 40 20 10 8 5 3.15 1 0.315 <0.315
Pine chips2[%]
presents a 0.74
visual assessment
51.80 of virgin pine
39.19 4.64 chips and3.07
shredded HDF particles.
0.56The first
visible HDF [%]is the0.55
difference 32.48HDF-r
color, with 52.50 4.67 than wood
being darker 4.15 chips. These color 0.50
might be caused by theRequirements:
hydrothermal treatment
a <1%, b 45%<, during the
c 35%<, d defibrating
<5%, process, but also by the
e <8%, f <1%.
caramelization of simple sugars (pentoses and hexoses) during pressing operation [6].
Figure 2. Pictures of produced chips: virgin pine (a) and HDF-r (b).
Figure 2. Pictures of produced chips: virgin pine (a) and HDF-r (b).
Although the parameters of the defibrator were kept constant, the bulk density of the fibers
differed, the parameters
as shown of the defibrator
in Table 2. Properties wereaskept
of wood fibers constant,
length, the bulk
distribution, density
and bulk ofhave
density the fibers
differed, as shown
an important in Table[40]
influence 2. Properties
and dependofonwood fibers
a proper as length,Results
defibration. distribution,
in Tableand bulkthe
2 show density
bulk have
an important influence [40] and depend on a proper defibration. Results in Table
density measurement of the different fibrous masses with various content of HDF-r. Fibers produced 2 show the bulk
virgin pine chips of had
the different
the lowestfibrous masses
bulk density with various
compared to thosecontent of HDF-r.
with different HDF-rFibers
fromhad 18.75pine
virgin kg mchips
−3, while the addition of 2% of HDF-r caused an increase in the bulk density of ≈11%
had the lowest bulk density compared to those with different HDF-r share.
to 21.15
V0 had 18.75kgkgmm −3.−3
An increase
, while theinaddition
the HDF-r
of share
2% ofto 5% caused
HDF-r caused additional growth
an increase in the
in the bulkbulk density
density of ≈11%
of ≈9% (up−3to 23.31 kg m −3). The bulk density then stabilizes, as the difference between 5 and 10% is
to 21.15 kg m . An increase in the HDF-r share to 5% caused additional growth in the bulk density of
minimal. In comparison, the addition of 20% HDF-r slightly increased the bulk density to 24.20 kg
≈9% (up to 23.31 kg m−3 ). The bulk density then stabilizes, as the difference between 5 and 10% is
m−3, which represents an increase of less than 4% when compared with the bulk density of fibers
minimal. In comparison, the addition of 20% HDF-r slightly increased the bulk density to 24.20 kg m−3 ,
having a 10% HDF-r share.
which represents an increase of less than 4% when compared with the bulk density of fibers having a
10% HDF-r share. Table 2. Fibers bulk density for panels.
Sample V0 density V2
Table 2. Fibers bulk for panels. V5 V10 V20
Fiber bulk density [kg m−3] 18.75 21.15 23.31 23.33 24.20
Sample V0 V2 V5 V10 V20
FiberFibers were analyzed with a fiber-sieving device before the elaboration of composite panels; the
bulk density
results −3 ] share [%] of18.75
21.15 23.31 23.33
different fractions are shown in Table 3. The sieve retaining the majority
of the fibers was 125 µm, the percent of fibers retained in this sieve was comparable for V0, V2, and
V5, while the lowest value on this sieve was in V10 (60.3%). The main difference can be appreciated
on were sieve
the second analyzed withinawhich
(315 µm) fiber-sieving
the numberdevice before
of fibers the elaboration
on sieve of composite
size was decreasing with thepanels;
the results of mass share [%] of different fractions are shown in Table 3. The sieve retaining
addition of HDF-r. While V0 had a share of 27%, V10 had 17.7%, representing 34 percentage points the majority
of the fibers was 125 µm, the percent of fibers retained in this sieve was comparable for
less. On the other hand, the sum of fibers from sieves 630, 1000, 1600, and 2500 µm was increasing V0, V2,asand V5,
whilethethe lowest
share valueincreased.
of HDF-r on this sieve
The was
totalin V10 (60.3%).
amount of fibersThe
frommain difference
V0 on can sieves
the last four be appreciated
was 9.5%,on the
second for V2,
sieve (315V5,
whichit was
number 15.82%, and on
of fibers 21.63%,
sieveaccordingly. As can be with
size was decreasing seen, the share
addition of
of fibers
HDF-r. Whilein larger
V0 hadsieves for V10
a share was more
of 27%, V10than
17.7%,compared to V0.34
representing This might influence
percentage pointsthe finalOn the
other hand, the sum of fibers from sieves 630, 1000, 1600, and 2500 µm was increasing as the share of
HDF-r increased. The total amount of fibers from V0 on the last four sieves was 9.5%, while for V2, V5,
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 6 of 14
and V10,
Polymers it 12,
2020, was 11.6%,
x FOR 15.82%,
PEER REVIEWand 21.63%, accordingly. As can be seen, the share of fibers in larger
6 of 14
sieves for V10 was more than double compared to V0. This might influence the final properties of the
HDF. SinceofHDF
properties boards
the HDF. produced
Since from fibers
HDF boards withfrom
produced a 20% share
fibers of HDF-r
with had many
a 20% share blisters
of HDF-r had(steam
blows in
blisters the middle
(steam blows ofin the
the thickness
middle ofof
thethe panels) of
thickness during production,
the panels) duringthey could not
production, be examined.
they could not
be this reason,
thiswere automatically
reason, diverted into diverted
they were automatically the boardinto
breaker by anbreaker
the board online GreCon UPU
by an online
blister detection
GreCon sensor.
UPU blister detection sensor.
Table 3.
Table Fractions share
3. Fractions share of
of tested
tested fibers
fibers mass.
Variant Variant
Sieve Sizesize
Sieve [µm][µm]
V0 V0 V2 V2 V5 V5 V10 V10
125 125 63.5 63.5 63.6 63.6 62.2 62.2 60.3 60.3
315 315 27.0 27.0 24.8 24.8 21.8 21.8 17.7 17.7
630 630 7.9 7.9 6.6 6.6 8.6 8.6 9.3 9.3
10001000 1.4 1.4 3.6 3.6 4.8 4.8 9.2 9.2
16001600 0.2 0.2 1.3 1.3 2.4 2.4 3.1 3.1
25002500 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4
The HDF surface
surface color
differenceshave havebeen
been determined
determined according
according to the
to the CIELab
CIELab color
color system
system [41].
[41]. The results
The results are shown
are shown in Figure
in Figure 3. For
3. For this
this analysis,
analysis, V0V0waswasused
reference. According
According to to
Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIELab), an important
Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIELab), an important parameter in comparing and parameter in comparing and
analyzing color
color is ∆E, as
is ΔE, as itit tells
tells about
about howhow much
much thethe color
color ofof the
the tested
tested sample
sample differs
differs from
from the
standard [42]. In this sense, all tested boards produced with HDF-r addition had noticeable (∆E >5)
standard [42]. In this sense, all tested boards produced with HDF-r addition had noticeable (ΔE > 5)
color difference
difference compared
compared to to V0.
V0. The
The main
main aspect
aspect was
was that
that the
the addition
addition of of HDF-r
HDF-r made
made the
the surface
darker. The
The brightest
brightest surface
surface was was V0,
V0, with
with an
an LL value
value ofof 67.96.
67.96. The
The biggest
difference could
could be
be seen
for V2 (∆E = 8.56), and this was related to a more reddish (∆a = 1.75) and yellow (∆b = 3.92) color
for V2 (ΔE = 8.56), and this was related to a more reddish (Δa = 1.75) and yellow (Δb = 3.92) color
compared to V0. The
to V0. The lowest
lowest colorcolordifference
V10 (ΔE
(∆E = =5.30),
5.30), although
although thethe difference
difference waswas7%
7% darker.
darker. TheThe surface
surface of V0
of the thehad V0 anhadincrease
an increase red= (Δa
in redin(∆a 1.47)= and
and(∆bblue= 1.58)
(Δb =spectra.
1.58) spectra. V5
V5 varied
from V0from
(∆EV0= 5.36).
(ΔE = However,
5.36). However, it was comparable
it was comparable to V10.to V10. Moreover,
Moreover, V5 changed
V5 changed minimally
minimally to
to a shade
red (∆a = 1.54)
of red (Δa and
= 1.54)
blueand = 1.37).
(∆bblue (Δb = 1.37).
Figure 3.
Figure HDF color
3. HDF coloranalysis:
analysis: L,
changes (Δ)
The density
The densityprofile
was characterized,
characterized, andandthe the results
results are shown
are shown in Figure
in Figure 4. The4.
The density of the top side of the board is on the left side of the pictures, and the bottom side
density of the top side of the board is on the left side of the pictures, and the bottom side surface surface
density is on the right side. The difference between the top and bottom surface density was relatively
small, and it was for about 2%–3% lower for the bottom side.
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 7 of 14
density is on the right side. The difference between the top and bottom surface density was relatively
Polymers 2020, 12,
small, and x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 14
Polymers 2020,it12,
was forPEER
x FOR about 2–3%
lower for the bottom side.
REVIEW 7 of 14
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Vertical density
Vertical density
4. Vertical profiles of tested HDF panels.
density profiles
Figure of tested HDF panels.
All the
All the examined
examined densitydensity profiles were
density profiles were similar
similar and
and characteristic
and characteristic
characteristic forfor
for HDFHDF panels;
HDF panels; moreover,
panels; moreover,
from these figures, it can be observed that there was no delamination of the
from these figures, it can be observed that there was no delamination of the HDF. Figure 5 shows the HDF. Figure 5 shows the
average maximum surface density (ASD) and the average minimum core
average maximum surface density (ASD) and the average minimum core density (ACD). The highest density (ACD). The highest
was obtained
ASD was obtainedfor forV2V2(1136
m ),while
),), whilethe thelowest
lowestACDACD waswas obtained
obtained forforfor V10
V10V10 and
andand V2,
V2,V2, being
being 840
ASD was obtained for V2 (1136 −3 while the lowest ACD was obtained being
and and
841 841
kg mkg−3 m −3 accordingly.
accordingly. The
The biggest
biggest difference
difference between
between ASD
ASD and
and ACD
ACD was
was observed for
for V2.
840 and 841 kg m−3 accordingly. The biggest difference between ASD and ACD was observed for V2.
Additionally, similar to the lowest ACD, the minimum ASD was obtained for V10 (1091 kg m −3
Additionally, similar to the the lowest
lowest ACD,
ACD, the the minimum
minimum ASD ASD waswas obtained
obtained for for V10
V10 (1091
(1091 kgkg m m−3), ),
which is 4% less than
than the
the maximum.
maximum. The difference between
between ASD and
and ACD
ACD for
for V0
V0 was
was 262
262 kg
kg m
m −3,
which is 4% less than the maximum. The difference between ASD and ACD for V0 was 262 kg m −3,
while forV5,
while for
for V5,itit
V5, itwas
was 5%lower
5% lower
lower andand
and gave
gave the
thethe smallest
smallest difference
difference in density
in density
difference in profileprofile
(249 kg
profile m−3
(249 kg). m
kg m −3). The
−3). ASD
of V5 of V5
was was comparable
comparable to to
that that
of V0of V0
and and
was was
on on
the the level
level of of 1114
1114 kg kg
m −3
m −3
. . It
It is
is worth
worth noticing
noticing that
ASD of V5 was comparable to that of V0 and was on the level of 1114 kg m . It is worth noticing that
not only
not only the
the surface
surface and and core
core densities
densities influence
influence the the properties
properties ofof fiberboards
fiberboards properties,
properties, but also the
but also the
difference between those two
difference between those two parameters parameters
parameters [43]. [43].
Figure 5.
Figure HDF boards
5. HDF boards average
average maximum
maximum surface
surface density
density and
and average
average minimum
minimum core
core density.
Figure 5. HDF boards average maximum surface density and average minimum core density.
Bending strength results are shown in Figure 6. V0 had a modulus of rupture (MOR) of
Bending strength results
results are shown
shown−3inin Figure
Figure 6.6. V0
V0 had
had aa modulus
modulus ofof rupture
rupture (MOR)
(MOR) of 55.8 55.8 N
55.8−2N mm−2 with
Bending strength
a density ofare
852 kg m , which is within EN 622-5 requirements (grey lineoflevel on
mm with a density of 852 kg m −3, which is within EN 622-5 requirements (grey line level on Figure
Figure 6) of the average density tolerance of 860-3kg m-3 +/−7%
−2 with a density of 852 kg m−3, which is within EN 622-5 requirements (grey line
[44]. Panel properties level
such as on
MOE Figure
6) of the average density tolerance of 860 kg m +/−7% [44]. Panel properties such as
6) of the average density tolerance of 860 kg m +/−7% [44]. Panel properties such as MOE and MOR
-3 MOE and MOR
are positively
are positively affected
affected by
by an
an increase
increase inin density
density [45].
[45]. However,
However, having
having higher
higher moisture
moisture content
content affects
those properties negatively [46]. Although V2 had MOR comparable to V0 (55.8 N mm
those properties negatively [46]. Although V2 had MOR comparable to V0 (55.8 N mm−2), its density
−2), its density
(872 kg
(872 kg m
−3) was 20 kg m−3 higher, this might have influenced the final MOR result. In particular, the
) was 20 kg m−3 higher, this might have influenced the final MOR result. In particular, the
highest surface density (1136
highest surface density (1136 kg
kg mm−3−3) might have affected. Additionally, the moisture content of V2
) might have affected. Additionally, the moisture content of V2
similar panel moisture content, the decrease of bending strength of V5 for about 10% is related to the
content of HDF-r. However, further increase of HDF-r, as in V10, did not result in further MOR value
decrease. When analyzing MOR results statistically (Table 4), it should be pointed out that there are
no statistically significant differences between the mean values of the MOR results. All of the tested
HDF have met the requirements of EN 622.
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 8 of 14
Regarding MOE, the highest was that of V2 (4651.4 N mm−2), and the lowest was that of V10
(4085.0 N mm−2). V2 and V5 had accordingly 12% and 2% (4177.3 N mm−2) higher modulus of
MOR arevalues compared
positively affectedtoby
V0an(4097.7 N mm
increase −2). These
in density values
[45]. couldhaving
However, be explained
higherby the density
moisture contentof
affectsboards, but on the negatively
those properties other hand,[46].
within the sameV2range
Although had of
MOR densities, there istoaV0
comparable drop of N
(55.8 MOEmmfor−2 ),
its compared
density (872 to V2 of−3
kg m more
) wasthan 10%.
20 kg m−3
Increasing the amount
higher, this might haveof HDF-r reduces
influenced thethe fiber
final MORcoverage
with the resinthe
In particular, and consequently
highest affects the
surface density (1136 kg m−3 ) might
mechanical properties [18]. Another
have affected. factor affecting
Additionally, the
the moisture
content of V2 properties
(5.29%) wasis bulk
moredensity [47].
than six According
percentage to statistical
points higher thananalysis, it should
V0 (5.63%), be pointed
which, according outto
Ganevthere are[46],
et al. no statistically
might havesignificant differences
also influenced between the mean values of the MOE results.
the result.
Figure 6. (a)HDF
6. a) HDFModulus
On the for
Results other
thehand, considering
internal bond (IB)that V2HDF
of the and V5
are have almost
presented inthe same
Figure 7.density
As it can(870 kg m−3
be seen, not) and
similar panel moisture content, the decrease of bending strength of V5 for
the panels met the requirements for HDF stated at EN 622-5 (grey line level on Figure 7a), which about 10% is related to the
content ofIBHDF-r.
demands However,
to be above 0.65 Nfurther
. While V0 of HDF-r,
had an IB as of
in 1.15
V10,N didmm not
−2,result in further
the mean MOR value
IB of panels with
decrease. When analyzing MOR results statistically (Table 4), it should be pointed
HDF-r was significantly lower. The lowest IB was obtained for V10 (0.61 N mm−2), and it was nearly out that there are no
50% significanttodifferences
lower compared V0, and ≈25% between
lower the mean
than V5values
(0.80 Nofmm the−2MOR results.
). Based All bulk
on fiber of thedensity
tested HDFand
fiber met the requirements
(Tables 2 and of 3),EN
fibers may have a smaller particle size compared to HDF fibers
from V0. The larger amount of fines increases the surface area of the fibers, which results in
Table 4. Statistical analyses results (p-values).
decreasing the resin coverage per unit surface area [48]. Hence, the strength of the final panel is lower.
V2 obtained
MOR 15% lower V2 IB (0.67 V5 N mm−2) compared
V10 to V5,
MOE this mightV2be caused by V5 a differenceV10 in the
density V0distribution 0.287 0.067 In V2,0.078
on the profile. the averageV0difference0.052 between ASD 0.115 and ACD 0.287on the
V2 0.286 0.081 V2 0.064 0.073
density V5profile was about 295 kg m−3, while0.242 in V5, it was: V5
249 kg m−3. 0.279
Moreover, V2 had a 3% lower ACD than V5 (864 kg m−3). According to Wong, the IB of
IB V2 V5 V10 SS V2 V5 V10
V0 is mostly0.004determined
* by the core
0.046 density and
0.003 V0 is not dependent
0.056 on 0.119
processing conditions
[43]. Additionally,
V2 an increase 0.282
in the share 0.276
of HDF-r may V2decrease mechanical0.054 properties because
0.051 of
the wayV5 they are fibrillated and have a high 0.084 V5
fine fiber content 0.243
[18]. The only statistically significant
TS 2 in
h mean values
V2 of IB has
V5 been found V10 between V0hand theV2
TS 24 remaining panelV5 types V10
(Table 4).
V0 0.254 0.058 0.046 V0 0.057
Surface soundness (SS) was evaluated, for this, EN standards do not present any requirements, 0.061 0.029
V2 0.069 0.064 V2 0.124 0.138
but typical
industry requirement for SS is 0.199 >0.80 N mm−2V5(grey line level on Figure 7b). Based 0.035
on the
results shown in Figure 7, it can be seen that the highest SS was obtained for V2 (1.51 N mm ), and −2
* enhanced values indicate statistically significant differences.
comparing to V0, which had a SS of 1.09 N mm−2, it was more than 27% higher. V5 had a 20% lower
surface soundness (1.20 N mm−2) compared to V2, but nearly 10%−2 higher than V0. The lowest SS was
Regarding MOE, the highest was that of V2 (4651.4 N mm ), and the lowest was that of V10
(4085.0 N mm−2 ). V2 and V5 had accordingly 12% and 2% (4177.3 N mm−2 ) higher modulus of
elasticity values compared to V0 (4097.7 N mm−2 ). These values could be explained by the density of
those boards, but on the other hand, within the same range of densities, there is a drop of MOE for
V5 compared to V2 of more than 10%. Increasing the amount of HDF-r reduces the fiber coverage
with the resin and consequently affects the mechanical properties [18]. Another factor affecting the
mechanical properties is bulk density [47]. According to statistical analysis, it should be pointed out
that there are no statistically significant differences between the mean values of the MOE results.
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 9 of 14
Results for the internal bond (IB) of the HDF are presented in Figure 7. As it can be seen, not all
the panels met the requirements for HDF stated at EN 622-5 (grey line level on Figure 7a), which
Polymers IB12,
2020, toxbe above
FOR PEER0.65 N mm−2 . While V0 had an IB of 1.15 N mm−2 , the mean IB of panels9 with
REVIEW of 14
HDF-r was significantly lower. The lowest IB was obtained for V10 (0.61 N mm−2 ), and it was nearly
50%oflower compared ≈25% −2 ). Based on fiber bulk density
that V10 (1.02 N mmto V0,
−2), and was
which lower
≈32%, thanthan
lower V5 (0.80 N mmthere
V2. While is a direct relation between
the fiberdensity
fibers 2andandthe
3), mechanical
such fibers may have aof
properties smaller
the MDFparticle
[49],size compared
there to HDF
is an inversely
fibers from V0.
proportional The larger
influence of theamount
fines on
SS. Thatthemight
be area
causedof the
by fibers,
a worse which results
quality of thein
recovered the resin
as acoverage
consequence per unit surface
of their area [48].
decrease Hence,
in length the strength
(above 1711 µm)of the
alsopanel is lower.
a significant
V2 obtained 15% lower −2 ) compared to V5, this might be caused by a difference in the
increase in smaller fibersIB(with
N mm200–956 µm) compared to virgin pine fibers [24]. There are no
density distribution
statistically confirmed ondifferences
the profile. between
In V2, thethe
average difference
mean values between
of the surfaceASD and ACD
soundness of on the density
tested panels
profile4). −3
was about 295 kg m , while in V5, it was: 249 kg m . −3
Figure 7. (a)
Figure 7. Internalbond
a) Internal bond(IB)
panels with HDF-r might be caused by their rougher structure and their smaller dimensions compared
to virgin fibers [21,24]. The highest TS2 and TS24 were measured for V10, being 11.71% and 34.54%,
respectively, which was ≈15% and ≈10% higher than V0. As can be seen, all the panels met the
requirements for HDF stated at EN 622-5 (grey line level on Figure 8a). The only statistically significant
differences between the achieved mean values of thickness swelling, both TS2 and TS24, have been
Polymers 2020, between V0 and
12, x FOR PEER V10 (Table 4).
REVIEW 10 of 14
Figure HDFThickness
top and bottom sides.
top and bottom sides.
The surface water absorption (WA) was also examined. Although thickness swelling after 24 h
The surface water absorption (WA) was also examined. Although thickness swelling after 24 h
was increasing with HDF-r share, reaching the highest value for V10 and the lowest for V0, the WA
was increasing with HDF-r share, reaching the highest value for V10 and the lowest for V0, the WA
had the opposite trend. As can be seen in Figure 8, the highest WA for top and bottom HDF side was
had the opposite trend. As can be seen−2 in Figure 8, the highest WA for top and bottom HDF side was
obtained for V0, accordingly, 255 g m−2 and 273 g m−2−2 , while the lowest was for V10, with results of
obtained for V0, accordingly, 255 g m and 273 g m , while the lowest was for V10, with results of
top side WA of 175 g m−2 and bottom side WA of 185 g m−2 . All panels with HDF-r had ≈30% lower
top side WA of 175−2 g m−2 and bottom side WA of 185 g m−2. All panels with HDF-r −2 had ≈30% lower
top (V2 = 187 g −2m ; V5 = 186−2g m ) and bottom (V2 = 191
−2 g m−2 V5 −2 = 187 g m ) surface water
top (V2 = 187 g m ; V5 = 186 g m ) and bottom (V2 = 191 g m V5 = 187 g m ) surface water absorption
absorption compared to V0, which is consistent with other works [21]. Moreover, in all panels, higher
compared to V0, which is consistent with other works [21]. Moreover, in all panels, higher WA could
WA could be observed for the bottom side compared to the top side. For V0, it was 7% higher, for V10,
be observed for the bottom side compared to the top side. For V0, it was 7% higher, for V10, 5%
5% higher, and V2 and V5, 1.5% higher as an average.
higher, and V2 and V5, 1.5% higher as an average.
The surface roughness was examined since one of the factors influencing the consumption of
The surface roughness was examined since one of the factors influencing the consumption of
sealing materials during lacquering is the roughness of the HDF surface, increasing together with
sealing materials during lacquering is the roughness of the HDF surface, increasing together with the
the increase of the roughness [53]. Based on the results shown in Figure 8, the higher WA of HDF
increase of the roughness [53]. Based on the results shown in Figure 8, the higher WA of HDF bottom
side side
might bemight
caused beby
a more byclosed
a moresurface
closed (14%)
surface of(14%)
the top ofside
the top sidethe
for all forpanels,
all the which
had an average roughness of 3.09 µm, compared to an average roughness
average roughness of 3.09 µm, compared to an average roughness of the bottom side of 3.69 µm. Thisof the bottom side of 3.69 µm.
can be connected
connected to a higher
to a higher density
density of the
of the toptopsideside layer,
layer, which
which was
was confirmed
confirmed ininthe
Moreover, the lower surface roughness of panels produced with HDF-r could be caused by aahigher
Moreover, the lower surface roughness of panels produced with HDF-r could be caused by higher
fiber densitycompared
comparedto to V0,
V0, which
which isis easier
easier toto compress
compress during
during the the pressing
pressing process.
As it was mentioned, the panels were produced in compliance with CARB 22standard.
As it was mentioned, the panels were produced in compliance with CARB standard.Therefore,
the required formaldehyde content should be below 5.0 mg 100 g −1 (grey line level on Figure 9b). In this
the required formaldehyde content should be below 5.0 mg 100 g−1 (grey line level on Figure 9b). In
this not all
sense, notthe
all boards met that
the boards met requirement
that requirement beingbeing
V2 and V2V5 andoutV5 ofout
the of
CARB 2 specifications.
the CARB As can
2 specifications.
be seen in Figure 9b, V0 had the lowest formaldehyde content (3.76 mg 100 g−1 ), while the highest was
As can be seen in Figure 9b, V0 had the lowest formaldehyde content (3.76 mg 100 g−1), while the
highest was forobtained
V2 (5.37 for
mgV2 g−1 ),mg
100(5.37 100 gis−1≈43%
which ), which more. Further
is ≈43% more.addition
HDF-r caused
of HDF-r a decrease
in formaldehyde content in V5 to 5.21 mg 100 g −1 but still out of specification. However, V10 had the
a decrease in formaldehyde content in V5 to 5.21 mg 100 g−1 but still out of specification. However,
lowest −1 ) from all the tested boards produced with
V10 hadresult of formaldehyde
the lowest content (4.98 mg
result of formaldehyde 100 g(4.98
content mg 100 g−1) from all the tested boards
produced with HDF-r, which allowed meeting CARB 2 requirements.ofThis
HDF-r, which allowed meeting CARB 2 requirements. This decrease formaldehyde
decrease ofcontent with an
increase in the recycled share of fibers was also observed for MDF
content with an increase in the recycled share of fibers was also observed for MDF [21]. [21].
Polymers 2020, 12, 1327 11 of 14
Polymers 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 14
Figure 9. HDF surface
9. HDF surface roughness
roughness of
of top
top and
and bottom
bottom sides
sides (a)
(a) and
and formaldehyde
formaldehyde content
content of
of the
elaborated HDF (b).
elaborated HDF (b).
4. Conclusions
Table 4. Statistical analyses results (p-values).
Recovered HDF is a suitable raw material substitute as a complement to virgin pine chips for
MOR V2 V5 V10 MOE V2 V5 V10
industrial HDF production. It may be possible to produce industrial HDF with up to 10% HDF-r
V0 0.287 0.067 0.078 V0 0.052 0.115 0.287
addition and meet EN 622-5 standard selected requirements. The surface of HDF produced with 2%
V2 0.286 0.081 V2 0.064 0.073
HDF-r is significantly darker compared to those made of virgin pine wood. The addition of HDF-r
V5 0.242 V5 0.279
caused an increase in fiber bulk density, which has an impact on the performance of HDF. Increasing
IB from 0%
the HDF-r share V2to 10% caused
V5 V10
a decrease of MORSS for about V29% while V5addingV10
2% of HDF-r
V0 0.004 * 0.046 0.003 V0 0.056
caused an increase of MOE of ≈12%, and further addition of HDF-r caused a slight decline0.119 0.268 of MOE.
Increasing HDF-r share from 0% to0.282
10% caused 0.276
a decreaseV2 0.054 47%,0.051
of internal bond for about though these
boards did V5not meet EN standard requirements. 0.084 Implementation
V5 0.243in higher
of 2% of HDF-r resulted
TS 2 h for about
surface soundness V2 28%, while
V5 a further
V10 increase TS 24of h
HDF-r to V210% caused
V5 a decrease
V10 of MOE
of ≈6%. TheV0 addition of0.254 0.058
HDF-r represented a0.046 V0
30% lower surface 0.057
water 0.061
absorption 0.029
and about 12% lower
V2 0.069 0.064 V2 0.124
surface roughness. An increase in the share of HDF-r represented an increase in the thickness 0.138 swelling
V5 addition of HDF-r represented
after 24 h. The 0.199
an increase V5of formaldehyde content, which 0.035
might imply
* enhanced values indicate statistically significant
a reformulation of the bonding agent to meet with the CARB 2 standard. differences.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions: C.M.S. took part in designing the experiments and performed the experiments, analyzed
the data, wrote theHDF
Recovered first is
draft of the paper,
a suitable raw E.R. analyzed
material data statistically,
substitute wrote the to
as a complement final version
virgin of the
pine paper,
chips for
and G.K. designed the experiments, analyzed the data. All the authors assisted in writing and improving the
paper. HDF production.
All authors have read andItagreed
may be possible
to the to produce
published version ofindustrial HDF with up to 10% HDF-r
the manuscript.
addition and meet EN 622-5 standard selected requirements. The surface of HDF produced with 2%
Funding: Some of the mentioned tests have been completed within the activity of Student Furniture Research
Group is significantly darker compared
Naukowe Meblarstwa), Faculty to those Technology,
of Wood made of virgin
Warsawpine wood. The
University addition
of Life of HDF-r
E.R. antoincrease
wants inE2S
thank the fiber bulkResearch
UPPA density,Chair
which has an impact
Partnership (BOIS) on the performance
supported of HDF.
by the Excellence Increasing
Initiative of the
the HDF-rofshare
Pau and
0%detol’Adour and the
10% caused I-Site E2S. of MOR for about 9% while adding 2% of HDF-r
a decrease
caused an increaseThe
Acknowledgments: authors
of MOE ofwould
andto further
thank toaddition
IKEA Company,
of HDF-rIKEA Industry
caused Polanddecline
a slight sp. z o.of
o. MOE.
Orla, Koszki 90, 17-106 Orla, for ability to perform the tests in industrial scale.
Increasing HDF-r share from 0% to 10% caused a decrease of internal bond for about 47%, though
Conflicts of Interest:
these boards did notThemeet
ENdeclare no conflict
standard of interest.
requirements. Implementation of 2% of HDF-r resulted in
higher surface soundness for about 28%, while a further increase of HDF-r to 10% caused a decrease
of MOE of ≈6%. The addition of HDF-r represented a 30% lower surface water absorption and about
12% Food
1. lowerand
surface roughness.
Agriculture An increase
Organization. Annual in the share
Population. of HDF-r
Available represented
online: an increase in the
thickness swelling
data/OA after
(accessed on24 h. The2020).
1 April addition of HDF-r represented an increase of formaldehyde content,
2. might
Food and imply a reformulation
Agriculture Organization.ofForestry
the bonding agent
Production toTrade.
and meet Available
with the online:
CARB http://www.fao.org/fa
2 standard.
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C.M.S. tookonpart
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paper. All authors(accessed
have readonand1 April 2020).
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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Group (Koło Naukowe Meblarstwa), Faculty of Wood Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW.
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